{% hint style="danger" %} Due to the number of files changed, the developer highly recommends that you perform a full reinstall of the script to ensure everything works smoothly! {% endhint %}
- Players are instanced on test drives by default (can be disabled)
- Salesman's name is shown in the "Sales" tab of the dealer management UI (when using direct sale)
- Spawn codes are validated when adding a new vehicle to /dealeradmin
- Option to hide JG Scripts watermark
- Update checker
- Vehicle spawning updated to match Advanced Garages
- Fail-safes to prevent getting stuck on the dreaded "Purchasing..." black screen
- VehicleGeneratePlate will time out if no plate is found + improved code with new options
- Fix multiple possible exploits where buttons could be spam-clicked or unauthorised events accessed
- Vehicles with no seats can be purchased with crashing (trailers, etc.)
- Vehicle sell prices are no longer based off the global price, and instead the dealer price
- Refresh blips & text UI when job/gang changes
- Prevent game crashing/memory leaks when spam clicking vehicles in showroom
- Prevent players from becoming trapped in showroom (while server is online)
- Fix /directsale breaking when vector4 is used for
now containsDeleteVehicle()
so you can run custom code before the vehicle entity is deleted- Purchase vehicle events re-written and now open source
- Fixed webhook incorrectly displaying all vehicles were purchased on finance
- Fixed bug when setting immediate deliveries [
Config.VehicleOrderTime = 0
] - Keys are now removed when selling a vehicle
- Remove a significant number of unnecessary SQL queries
- Players are now instanced when entering the showroom
- Fix minor UI bug where tables would have slightly jagged lines
Config.DisplayVehiclesHidePurchasePrompt = false
Config.DisplayVehiclesPurchasePromptDistance = 1
Config.TestDriveNotInBucket = false
You MUST run the following SQL when you update:
ALTER TABLE dealership_sales ADD COLUMN seller varchar(255);
spawnCodeInvalid = "Spawn code invalid"
- client/cl-admin.lua
- client/cl-blips.lua
- client/cl-display-vehicles.lua
- client/cl-main.lua
- client/cl-purchase.lua
- client/cl-sell-vehicle.lua
- client/cl-showroom.lua
- client/cl-test-drive.lua
- config-cl.lua
- framework/cl-functions.lua
- framework/esx/cl-esx.lua
- framework/main.lua
- framework/qb/cl-qb.lua
- framework/sv-functions.lua
- fxmanifest.lua
- run-esx.sql
- run-qb.sql
- server/sv-admin.lua
- server/sv-direct-sales.lua
- server/sv-employees.lua
- server/sv-finance.lua
- server/sv-main.lua
- server/sv-management.lua
- server/sv-purchase.lua
- server/sv-sell-vehicle.lua
- server/sv-showroom.lua
- server/sv-test-drive.lua
- server/sv-version-check.lua
- web (entire folder)
- locales (translations modified)