description |
A template to help configure a job dealership |
Example is for Police Job!
-- Recommended specifying vehicles category as job name
Config.Categories = {
police = "Police",
["Police"] = {
type = "self-service", -- or "owned", "self-service"
openShowroom = {
coords = vector3(459.33, -1103.84, 29.2),
size = 5
openManagement = {
coords = vector3(1184.45, -3179.27, 7.1),
size = 5
sellVehicle = {
coords = vector3(1196.75, -3205.31, 6.0),
size = 5
purchaseSpawn = vector4(478.43, -1093.1, 29.2, 357.26),
testDriveSpawn = vector4(478.43, -1093.1, 29.2, 357.26),
camera = {
name = "Car",
coords = vector4(445.81, -1097.49, 43.07, 170.91),
positions = {7.5, 12.0, 15.0, 12.0}
categories = {"police"},
enableSellVehicle = false, -- Allow players to sell vehicles back to dealer
sellVehiclePercent = 0.6, -- 60% of current sale price
enableTestDrive = true,
enableFinance = true,
hideBlip = false,
blip = {
id = 477,
color = 2,
scale = 0.6
hideMarkers = false,
markers = { id = 21, size = { x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3 }, color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 120 }, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0 },
showroomJobWhitelist = {
-- Job Name & Rank that can open the dealership
police = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
showroomGangWhitelist = {},
societyPurchaseJobWhitelist = {
-- Job Name & Rank that use job society funds to purchase vehicles
police = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
paymentOptions = {"cash", "bank", "societyFund"}, -- this is needed inorder to purchase using a society fund
societyPurchaseGangWhitelist = {},