{% hint style="danger" %} Due to the number of files changed, the developer highly recommends that you perform a full reinstall of the script to ensure everything works smoothly! {% endhint %}
- There is a new database table you need to add:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mechanic_vehicledata` (
`plate` varchar(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
`data` text NOT NULL
- You are no longer required to use the jg-mechanic get/setVehicleProperties exports. You can use your own. I guess ours is recommended, but I would also recommend ox_lib's.
- If another script changes your vehicle's plate, you NEED to run this export (server-side) or you will lose your vehicle's data:
exports["jg-mechanic"]:vehiclePlateUpdated(currentPlate, newPlate)
- Rewritten the storage of custom vehicle properties to a new data layer separate from the vehicle props JSON.
- Fix scenario where vehicle tuning, servicing, stancing would disappear in de-sync scenarios.
- Fix free upgrades exploit (due to previous preview data cache not being cleared)
- Unencrypted vehicle repair code
- Fix where wheels would be installed immediately when placing an order for them
- Switch xenons to colour IDs so they sync
- Add vehicle blacklist for servicing
- Add vehicle & engine type blacklist for config.tuning parts
- Add audio streaming timeout
- Fix repeatable refunds exploit (when deleting orders)
- client/cl-admin.lua
- client/cl-carlift.lua
- client/cl-dyno.lua
- client/cl-employees.lua
- client/cl-handling.lua
- client/cl-invoice.lua
- client/cl-lightcontroller.lua
- client/cl-locations.lua
- client/cl-main.lua
- client/cl-management.lua
- client/cl-minigames.lua
- client/cl-mods.lua
- client/cl-nitrous.lua
- client/cl-orders.lua
- client/cl-servicing.lua
- client/cl-stancer.lua
- client/cl-tablet.lua
- client/cl-tuning.lua
- client/cl-vehicleprops.lua
- framework/cl-functions.lua
- framework/sv-functions.lua
- fxmanifest.lua
- install/database/run.sql
- server/sv-main.lua
- server/sv-mods.lua
- server/sv-nitrous.lua
- server/sv-orders.lua
- server/sv-servicing.lua
- server/sv-tablet.lua
- server/sv-tuning.lua
- server/sv-vehicleprops.lua
- shared/main.lua
- web (entire folder)
- locales (translations modified)