tar -zxvf go-ipfs_v0.4.10_linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd go-ipfs
sudo ./install.sh
ipfs init
initialize ipfs local configuration
ipfs add -r .
add a file to IPFS
ipfs cat QmZne3Uwu2urGCg84BsnwmX4CuyM6cFwka15ppdG1xCq1m > image.jpg
show IPFS object data
ipfs get
download IPFS objects
ipfs ls
list links from an object
ipfs refs
list hashes of links from an object
ipfs block
interact with raw blocks in the datastore
ipfs object
interact with raw dag nodes
ipfs files
interact with objects as if they were a unix filesystem
ipfs dag
interact with IPLD documents
ipfs daemon
start a long-running daemon process
ipfs mount
mount an IPFS read-only mountpoint
ipfs resolve
resolve any type of name
ipfs name
publish and resolve IPNS names
ipfs key
create and list IPNS name keypairs
ipfs dns
resolve DNS links
ipfs pin
pin objects to local storage
ipfs repo
manipulate the IPFS repository
ipfs stats
various operational stats
ipfs p2p
libp2p stream mounting
ipfs filestore
manage the filestore
ipfs id
show info about IPFS peers
ipfs bootstrap
add or remove bootstrap peers
ipfs swarm
manage connections to the p2p network
ipfs dht
query the DHT for values or peers
ipfs ping
measure the latency of a connection
ipfs diag
print diagnostics
ipfs add命令来创建一个Merkle DAG。其会遵循'unixfs data format',将数据切分成一个个blocks,按照一棵树的结构用'link nodes'将blocks重新组织起来。一个文件的hash值实际上在DAG上根节点的hash值。对于一个DAG,能够通过命令ipfs ls来轻易查看其sub-blocks。
ipfs add exampledir
ipfs ls thathash
ipfs block get someblockhash :to see just the data of a given block and not its children
ipfs block stat someblockhash :will tell you the exact size of a given block(without its children)
ipfs refs someblockhash :will tell you all the children of that block
ipfs ls someblockhash / ipfs object links someblock hash : will show you all children and their sizes
######## blocks 和 objects的区别
In IPFS, a block refers to a single unit of data, identified by its key (hash). A block can be any sort of data, and does not necessarily have any sort of format associated with it. An object, on the other hand, refers to a block that follows the Merkle DAG protobuf data format.
'ipfs swarm' 就是一个操作网络群的工具,网络群是一个什么概念呢?The swarm is the componet that opens,listens for, and maintains connections to other ipfs peers in the internet.
ipfs swarm addrs:list known addresses.Useful for debugging
ipfs swarm connect
...:open connection to a given address -
ipfs swarm disconnect
...:close connection to a given address -
ipfs swarm filters:manipulate address filters
- ipfs swarm filters add ...:add an address filter
- ipfs swarm filters rm ...:remove an address filter
ipfs swarm peers:list peers with open connections
- ipfs swarm peers -v: --verbose:display all extra information
- ipfs swarm peers --also streams:list information about open streams for each peer
- ipfs swarm peers --also latency:list information about latency to each peer
pinning是IPFS一个重要的概念,IPFS尽量尝试让文件存储在本地一样,不需要从远处服务端拉取过来。IPFS有一个相当激进的缓存机制来使得对象在一个非常短的时间内本地化,不管你对这个对象实行何种操作。但是需要定时的不断来收集这些对象垃圾。为了阻止垃圾回收简单的定位成你管关注的hash,对象通过ipfs add添加的时候是默认通过pinned recursively的方式。
- direct pins:which pin just a single block
- recursive pins:which pin a given block and all of its children
- indirect pins:the result of a given blocks parent being pinned recursively
a pinned object cannnot be garbage collected
ipfs add foo
ipfs repo gc
ipfs cat <foo hash>
but if foo were to somehow become unpinned
ipfs pin rm <foo hash>
ipfs repo gc
ipfs cat <foo hash>
IPFS有一些默认跑的服务,比如dht,bitswap和diagnostics service。每一个读都会在IPFS PeerHost简单注册一个handler,并且监听新的连接。
- you dial a specific peerID,no matter what their IP address happens to be at the moment
- you take advantage of the NAT traversal built into our net package
- instead of a 'port' number,you get a much more meaningful protocol ID string
ipfs add -r .
echo $hash `date` >> snapshots
// or all at once
echo `ipfs add -q -r . | tail -n1` `date` >> snapshots
make sure to have the placeholders for the mount points
sudo mkdir /ipfs /ipns
sudo chown `whoami` /ipfs /ipns
you will need to have Fuse installed in order to be able to mount directories from the ipfs.
ipfs mount
ls /ipfs/$hash
cd /ipfs/$hash
updating an ipns entry can "break links" because anything referencing an ipns entry might no longer point to the content it expected.
ipns links should be used carefully if you want to ensure permanence.