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Jiphyeonjeon Season 2 - Intermediate Group
01: Google's Neural Machine Translation
Video , Presentation
Keywords: NMT, Seq2seq, Wordpiece Model, Parallelism
Team: 진명훈(발표), 송지현, 지우석
02: BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
Paper , Video , Slides , Demo Code(tokenizer & mlm)
Keywords: BERT, trasnformer, MLM, NSP, Pre-training, Fine-tuning
Team: 김유빈, 이승미, 이정섭 - 다같이 발표 :)
03: Google's Multilingual Neural Machine Translation System: Enabling Zero-Shot Translation
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Multilingual, Zeroshot Translation
Team: 최석웅(발표), 주완, 진승정
04: Task-oriented Dialogue System에 대한 넓고 얕은 지식들
Video , Slides
Keywords: Task-oriented Dialogue System, NLU, Dialogue Manager, NLG, Knowledge Graph
Team: 김도은(발표), 금빛나(발표), 김종우
05: Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Cross-lingual, Pretraining, TLM, XNLI, Fine-tuning
Team: 서덕진(발표), 정환석 , 최원석
06: Semi-Supervised Sequence Modeling With Cross-View Training
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Cross-view training, CVT, semi-supervised, Sequence Modeling
Team: 김태형(발표), 양재우, 이다영
07: What You Can Cram Into a Single $&!#* Vector: Probing Sentence Embeddings For Linguistc Properties
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Probing Tasks, Sentence Embeddings
Team: 이성인(발표), 박석종, 소현지
08: Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training & Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners
09: A Persona-Based Neural Conversation Model
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Persona, Open domain conversation
Team: 이예진(발표), 구영은(발표), 전하훈
10: ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: ELECTRA, small MLM, Generator, Discriminator
Team: 고현지, 김병진, 차지윤 (모두 발표)
11: Neural document summarization by jointly learning to score and select sentences
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: NEUSUM, Extractive Summarization, document encoder, sentence extractor
Team: 김사무엘(발표), 박새란, 이승언
12: Adversarial Examples for Evaluating Reading Comprehension Systems
14: Unsupervised Machine Translation Using Monolingual Corpora Only
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Adversarial Training, Unsupervised Machine Trainslation, AutoEncoding, Seq2Seq
Team: 이원호(발표), 김택현, 양수영
15: RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: BERT, RoBERTa, transformer, Pre-training, Fine-tuning
Team: 김영재, 김재희, 왕대성 - 전원 발표
16: A Survey on Deep Learning for Named Entity Recognition
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: NER, CRF, LSTM, Neural Network, Encoder, Decoder
Team: 류명현(발표), 이수민(발표), 이아름
18: Graph Attention Networks(GAT)
19: Universal Sentence Encoder
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Sentence Embedding, Transfer Learning
Team: 김진환(발표), 우연수(발표), 하상천(발표), 하성진(발표)
20: Text Summarization with Pretrained Encoders
Paper , Video , Slides
Keywords: Text summarization, Bertsum, Bert
Team: 강민지(발표), 강민구(발표)
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