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79 lines (64 loc) · 4.94 KB

Differential gene expression

Getting the numbers of mapped reads, sequenced reads, etc:

for i in `ls *.dedup.gene.counts.txt | sed s/\.dedup.*//g`
    sequenced=`cat $i.flagstat.bam | grep QC | awk '{print $1}'`
    mapped=`cat $i.flagstat.bam | grep properly | grep paired | grep nan | awk '{print $1}'`
    nodup=`cat $i.flagstat.nodup.bam | grep properly | grep paired | grep nan | awk '{print $1}'`
    togenes=`cat $i.dedup.gene.counts.txt | grep ENSG | awk '{sum += $2} END {print sum}'`
    echo -e "$i\t$sequenced\t$mapped\t$nodup\t$togenes"
done | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" ($3*100)/$2 "\t" $4 "\t" ($4*100)/$2 "\t" $5 "\t" ($5*100)/$2 "\t" ($5*100)/$3 "\t" ($5*100)/$4}'
sample_name #sequenced #mapped %mapped #nodup %nodup #to_genes %to genes (of sequenced) % to genes (of mapped) % to genes (of nodup)
KNI1766A269 77,384,495 68,589,338 88.6345 36,762,508 47.5063 15,124,594 19.5447 22.0509 41.1414
KNI1766A270 78,393,511 68,992,988 88.0085 34,702,600 44.2672 14,737,099 18.7989 21.3603 42.4668
KNI1766A271 70,522,903 62,017,526 87.9396 38,567,234 54.6875 16,089,732 22.8149 25.9438 41.7187
KNI1766A272 58,098,730 51,781,252 89.1263 32,145,574 55.3292 13,698,577 23.5781 26.4547 42.6142
KNI1766A273 62,934,736 54,994,558 87.3835 35,017,566 55.6411 14,444,459 22.9515 26.2653 41.2492
KNI1766A274 62,684,598 54,763,016 87.3628 34,740,170 55.4206 13,931,958 22.2255 25.4405 40.1033
KNI1766A275 62,310,684 55,454,766 88.9972 15,185,274 24.3703 6,036,136 9.68716 10.8848 39.7499
KNI1766A276 61,592,829 54,616,810 88.674 25,000,494 40.5899 10,183,233 16.5331 18.6449 40.7321
KNI1766A277 47,033,855 41,582,474 88.4097 11,243,396 23.9049 4,559,628 9.69435 10.9653 40.5538
KNI1766A278 70,826,768 61,907,534 87.407 37,633,502 53.1346 15,135,376 21.3696 24.4484 40.2178
KNI1766A279 69,670,672 61,124,116 87.7329 34,200,938 49.0894 14,335,152 20.5756 23.4525 41.9145
KNI1766A280 67,455,873 59,183,454 87.7365 34,195,690 50.6934 14,296,307 21.1936 24.1559 41.8073
KNI1766A281 47,909,489 42,749,000 89.2287 9,637,426 20.1159 3,836,552 8.00792 8.9746 39.8089
KNI1766A282 75,221,322 65,974,608 87.7073 37,069,606 49.2807 15,421,122 20.501 23.3743 41.6004
KNI1766A283 68,602,461 59,885,416 87.2934 39,839,932 58.0736 16,705,726 24.3515 27.8962 41.9321
KNI1766A284 70,221,073 61,069,882 86.968 34,349,526 48.9163 14,419,124 20.5339 23.6109 41.9777
KNI1766A285 33,478,324 29,799,156 89.0103 6,193,486 18.5 2,516,499 7.5168 8.44487 40.6314
KNI1766A286 59,019,384 52,220,528 88.4803 20,629,422 34.9536 8,405,998 14.2428 16.0971 40.7476
KNI1766A287 18,584,017 16,637,880 89.5279 7,456,076 40.1209 3,103,098 16.6977 18.6508 41.6184
KNI1766A288 68,135,862 59,552,750 87.4029 35,526,346 52.1405 14,774,379 21.6837 24.8089 41.5871

Plots with general statistics:

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R code to create the plots:

par(mar = c(9,4,4,2))
barplot(data$sequenced_reads/1000000, names.arg=data$sample_name, las=2, col="darkslateblue", ylab="sequenced reads, mln", main="Number of sequenced reads", ylim=c(0,82))

par(mar = c(9,4,4,2))
barplot(data$mapped_reads/1000000, names.arg=data$sample_name, las=2, col="darkslateblue", ylab="mapped reads, mln", main="Number of mapped reads", ylim=c(0,82))

par(mar = c(9,4,4,2))
barplot(data$mapped_reads_nodup/1000000, names.arg=data$sample_name, las=2, col="darkslateblue", ylab="mapped reads, mln", main="Number of mapped reads without duplicates", ylim=c(0,40))
abline(h=10, col="red")
abline(h=20, col="red")

par(mar = c(9,4,4,2))
barplot(data$reads_mapped_to_exons/1000000, names.arg=data$sample_name, las=2, col="darkslateblue", ylab="mapped reads, mln", main="Number of reads mapped to known genes", ylim=c(0,40))
abline(h=10, col="red")

HTSeq-count output -- distribution of mapped/non-uniquely mapped/unmapped reads

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