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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
348 lines (247 loc) · 12.6 KB

HDRFS file format specification

The HDRFS volume file format consists of a sequence of variable-length blocks.

Every volume begins with a BlockHeader. Every volume except the first then includes a BlockLinkTable. Every volume then contains zero or more blocks of the following types: BlockNull, BlockInode, BlockLink, BlockUnlink, BlockXattr, BlockRemovedXattr, BlockData, BlockRename.

In the definitions below, the tables list the length and order of fields in the blocks.

Common elements


Timestamps are stored as an integer number of microseconds since the epoch. Blocks in an HDRFS volume should have monotonically increasing timestamp values. Epoch timestamps are independent of timezone and DST so should never go backwards. Timestamps are always stored as 64-bit little-endian unsigned integers.


The CRC is a 32-bit little-endian unsigned integer as returned from the CRC function. It defines the CRC value of all bytes in the block up to but not including the CRC value.

Inode numbers

The inode number is a 64-bit little-endian unsigned integer.


The header is a fixed-length prefix for every volume file.

Length Field
17 Magic bytes
1 Version
16 Filesystem ID
1 CRC algorithm
1 Hash algorithm
8 Volume sequence number
32 Previous volume hash

The file format magic bytes are:

D3 48 44 52 46 53 0D 0A 1A 0A 00 48 44 52 46 53 00

Magic bytes may be used to identify files as being in HDRFS format.

Version is 00 for the current version of the HDRFS file format.

Filesystem ID is a 16-byte random UUID. This must be consistent across all volume files in a filesystem.

CRC algorithm values are as follows:

Value Meaning
00 CRC-32 (polynomial 0x04C11DB7)

(Only one CRC algorithm is defined in the current version of HDRFS)

Hash algorithm values are as follows:

Value Meaning
00 SHA256

(Only one value is defined in the current version of HDRFS)

The volume sequence number is a 64-bit little-endian unsigned integer. It must be sequential from one volume to the next, starting from zero.

The previous volume hash is a 32-byte value as returned from the hash algorithm. In the first volume, this position is occupied by 32 null bytes. In all other volumes, it is the hash of the previous volume file.

Note that the size of the volume is not defined anywhere within the volume.


The inode block stores stat fields, and a list of extents mapping the logical structure of the file to the physical structure of HDRFS volumes. If the inode is a symlink, it stores the link target. For any given inode number, the most recent BlockInode represents the current version.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Inode number
8 Log timestamp
2 st_mode
2 st_uid
2 st_gid
8 st_atime
8 st_mtime
8 st_ctime
8 st_btime
8 st_size
8 Variable Length Size
n Variable Length Portion

Block ID is 1

The Log timestamp records the moment the block was written.

st_mode, st_uid, and st_gid are 16-bit little-endian unsigned integers recording the file mode bits, user ID and group ID respectively.

st_atime, st_mtime, st_ctime, and st_btime are 64-bit little-endian unsigned integers recording the number of microseconds between the epoch and the file's latest access time, modification time, metadata change time, and file creation time respectively.

st_size is a 64-bit little-endian unsigned integer recording the size of the file. The size of a regular file is its conventional size in bytes. The size of a symbolic link is 70 bytes plus the length of the link target. The size of all other file types is 70 bytes.

Variable Length Size is a 64-bit little-endian unsigned integer recording the length n of the next part of the block.

If the file is a regular file, then the Variable Length Portion is a List of Extent Structures. If the file is a symbolic link, then the Variable Length Portion is the UTF-8 encoded link target. If the file is anything else, the Variable Length Portion will have zero length.

A List of Extent Structures is:

Length Field
8 Volume
8 Physical Start Offset
8 Block Size
1 Block Multiplicity
8 Block Count
8 Pre Truncate
8 Post Truncate
8 Logical Start Offset

Each extent structure has a fixed length (57) so the number of extent structures will be the Variable Length Size divided by 57.

Extents define a logical segment of the file, of length (Block Size) * (Block Count), starting at Logical Start Offset.

These logical segments are mapped to physical segments on Volume, starting at Physical Start Offset.

Pre Truncate and Post Truncate are used to modify the logical and physical segments.

Block Multiplicity is either 82 or 67 (hex for 'R' and 'C' respectively, meaning Repeat and Count). Repeat extents repeat the block at Physical Start Offset (Block Count times). Count extents return a number of sequential blocks (again starting at Physical Start Offset) equal to Block Count.

All values in the extent structure except Block Multiplicity are 64-bit little-endian unsigned integers.


A link associates an inode with a parent inode and gives that association a name.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Log timestamp
8 Child Inode
8 Parent Inode
2 Length of link name
n Link name

Block ID is 2

The Log timestamp records the moment the block was written.

Child Inode is associated with Parent Inode, with the name Name.

Length of link name is a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer n defining the length of the name field that follows.

Link name is the UTF-8 encoded name of the link.


An unlink disassociates a named inode from a parent inode. This represents the deletion of a file.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Log Timestamp
8 Child Inode
8 Parent Inode
2 Length of Link Name
n Link Name

Block ID is 3.

All other fields are the same as in BlockLink.


An extended attribute is a name-value pair associated with an inode.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Log Timestamp
8 Inode Number
1 Length of Attribute Name
2 Length of Attribute Value
n Attribute Name
m Attribute Value

Block ID is 4.

Length of attribute name is an 8-bit unsigned integer n defining the length of the Attribute Name field.

Length of attribute value is a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer m defining the length of the Attribute Value field.

Attribute Name is the UTF-8 encoded name of the attribute.

Attribute Value is a sequence of m raw bytes.


A removed extended attribute represents the deletion of an extended attribute from an inode.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Log Timestamp
8 Inode Number
1 Length of Attribute Name
n Attribute Name

Block ID is 5.

All other fields are the same as in BlockXattr.


This block stores file data.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Log Timestamp
8 Payload length
n Payload

Block ID is 6

Payload length is a 64-bit little-endian unsigned integer n defining the length of the block of data that follows.

Payload is a sequence of n raw bytes.


Renaming is an atomic operation, hence is not simply a pair of link/unlink events.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Log Timestamp
2 Length of Previous Path
2 Length of New Path
n Previous Path
m New Path

Block ID is 7

Length of Previous Path is a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer n defining the length of the Previous Path field.

Length of New Path is a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer m defining the length of the New Path field.

Previous Path and New Path are UTF-8 encoded full path names relative to the root of the HDRFS filesystem.


The link table is a representation of the filesystem tree. It maps inodes to parent inodes, with a name for each relationship. An inode may be mapped to the same parent inode multiple times under different names. The link table is included in every volume. Strictly speaking this table is redundant, as all this information is already recorded in BlockLink blocks. But its purpose is to aid disaster recovery: with this table, it becomes possible to extract files to their correct location in the filesystem tree - without needing access to previous volumes.

Length Field
1 Block ID
8 Number of links
n List of link structures

Block ID is 8

Number of links is a 64-bit little-endian unsigned integer n. It defines the number of link structures to follow.

The CRC is a 32-bit little-endian unsigned integer as returned from the CRC function.

List of link structures is:

Length Field
8 Child inode number
8 Parent inode number
2 Length of link name
m Link name

Child and parent inode numbers are 64-bit little-endian unsigned integers defining an is-in relationship.

Length of link name is a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer m defining the length of the name to follow.

Link name is the UTF-8 encoded name of the link.