All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Version 3.1.0 of the IDS Information model
properties with rangexsd:dateTimeStamp
property forids:Connector
with rangeids:Endpoint
) changed range tordfs:Resource
. Even though both properties allow similar values, their inteded usage differs (cf. the specification of the underlying ODRL ontology).ids:rightOperand
values should be interpreted directly, whileids:rightOperandReference
values must be dereferenced beforehand. -
is only valid, if eitherids:rightOperandReference
is used. Using both properties is not permitted by the corresponding SHACL shape. This behaviour is once more suggested by ODRL. -
Dynamic Attribute Token (DAT) aligned to current specification in the IDS Communication Guide. DAT is now represented by the
classes. Whileids:DatRequestPayload
represents the content of the token (a.k.a. claims) a clients sends to the DAPS, theids:DatPayload
represents the content of the token a DAPS issues after validation. -
SHACL shapes for properties with IRI ranges. Property values written as defined by the RDF serialisations should now be correctly validated.
Version 3.0.0 of the IDS Information model
Request- and ResponseMessages for the ParIS service.
Revised Usage Control model based on the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL)
Templates for Usage Control using the SPARQL Inferencing Notation (SPIN)
New Connector property
. A Connector can now publish its agents as part of the self-description. -
RDF validation with SHACL documentation with examples using CLI tools and the Apache Jena Framework for Java.
Perl script as an example for extracting metadata from RDF data resources using the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) ontology.
Redesign of the DynamicAttributeToken (DAT) based on the new Dynamic Attribute Provisioning Service (DAPS) version. Check the corresponding Token class as well as the DAT payload example for more information.
not abstract any more. These messages can now be used directly for non-core IDS communication. -
(previously calledids:SelfDescriptionRequest
) now accepts an optional URI. This can be used to either retrieve a component's self-description (by providing its own URI or nothing) or to retrieve metadata about a specific element by providing the element's URI. -
Renamed some existing
s. Check the Documentation Table of the ids:Message taxonomy for the current naming.
now correctly labelled as abstract since it is not intended to be used directly.
Version 2.1.0 of the IDS Information model
New class ids:VocabularyData. Partial mapping of the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) in the IDS Information Model. It can be used to reference domain-specific vocabularies and terminologies.
New class ids:DescribedSemantically. Superclass of ids:Resource and ids:Representation. ids:DescribedSemantically introduces two new properties:
- ids:domainVocabulary with range ids:VocabularyData. Allows using instances of class ids:VocabularyData to reference domain-specific terminologies used in ids:Resource / ids:Representation .
- ids:shapesGraph (an import of sh:shapesGraph) with range xsd:anyURI. URI should refer to an RDF graph containing SHACL shapes, which describes the domain-specific semantics of a Resource / Representation.
Travis CI script for validating correctness of Turtle files in Pull Requests.
SHACL Shapes for the new RDF classes and properties.
Example of ids:Resource (in JSON-LD and RDF/TTL) and corresponding SHACL shapes to describe (temperature) sensor data with domain-specific semantics. Example and README can be found in the /examples/domain-specific semantics using SHACL directory.
Version 2.0.1 of the IDS Information model
- Removed property ids:baseContractOffer from class ids:ContractRequestMessage due to redundancy. By definition ids:ContractRequestMessage already requires a contract in its payload. The property is therefore not needed.
Changed ids:referingConnector (class ids:Token) from owl:ObjectProperty to owl:DatatypeProperty with rdfs:range xsd:anyURI. Allows to reference the connector via an URI.
Removed idsm:abstract true property from ids:variant (class ids:Resource). Property is invalid, since it is intended to be used by classes only.
Minor typo fixes.
Version 2.0 of the IDS Information model
- ids:DynamicAttributeToken, subclass of ids:Token
- ids:ParIS
- Additional SHACL Shapes for schema validation
- ids:contentVersion property. Version identifier for ids:Message payload, indicates the version of the description of the information in the payload.
Connector is now subClass of InfrastructureComponent (Broker, ParIS, DAPS, IP, AppStore)
ids:SecurityProfile is now used for pre-defined security profiles. Removed ids:CustomSecurityProfile.
Messages: Additional classes / properties for the ids:Message taxonomy to further specify and distinguish different message types
- Update of notification messages related to (un-)availability and changes of a component or its certification
- ids:QueryMessage now uses codes for message targets (e.g., BROKER, APPSTORE, ANY) and scopes (ALL, ACTIVE_ONLY, INACTIVE_ONLY)
- New class ids:ContractSupplementMessage to exchange information to access a resource of a contract
- New class ids:LogNotification, which is intended for logging messages
Policies: LeftOperand, Operator more restrictive. Additional operands and operators for different constraint types.
Reduced namespace: ids_ for core model classes / properties, idsc_ for codes and idsm_ for metamodel classes / properties
- Removing plural forms for properties: A catalog can have can have several “ids:offer” triples but must not have any with “ids:offers”