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File metadata and controls

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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[3.1.0] 2020-04-30

Version 3.1.0 of the IDS Information model


  • ids:created and ids:modified properties with range xsd:dateTimeStamp for ids:Resource and ids:Representation
  • ids:hasEndpoint property for ids:Connector with range ids:Endpoint


  • ids:rightOperand and ids:rightOperandReference (class ids:Constraint) changed range to rdfs:Resource. Even though both properties allow similar values, their inteded usage differs (cf. the specification of the underlying ODRL ontology). ids:rightOperand values should be interpreted directly, while ids:rightOperandReference values must be dereferenced beforehand.

  • An ids:Constraint is only valid, if either ids:rightOperandReference or ids:rightOperand is used. Using both properties is not permitted by the corresponding SHACL shape. This behaviour is once more suggested by ODRL.

  • Dynamic Attribute Token (DAT) aligned to current specification in the IDS Communication Guide. DAT is now represented by the ids:DatRequestPayload and ids:DatPayload classes. While ids:DatRequestPayload represents the content of the token (a.k.a. claims) a clients sends to the DAPS, the ids:DatPayload represents the content of the token a DAPS issues after validation.

  • SHACL shapes for properties with IRI ranges. Property values written as defined by the RDF serialisations should now be correctly validated.

[3.0.0] 2020-03-04

Version 3.0.0 of the IDS Information model



  • Redesign of the DynamicAttributeToken (DAT) based on the new Dynamic Attribute Provisioning Service (DAPS) version. Check the corresponding Token class as well as the DAT payload example for more information.

  • ids:RequestMessage, ids:ResponseMessage, ids:NotificationMessage not abstract any more. These messages can now be used directly for non-core IDS communication.

  • ids:DescriptionRequestMessage(previously called ids:SelfDescriptionRequest) now accepts an optional URI. This can be used to either retrieve a component's self-description (by providing its own URI or nothing) or to retrieve metadata about a specific element by providing the element's URI.

  • Renamed some existing ids:Messages. Check the Documentation Table of the ids:Message taxonomy for the current naming.


  • ids:Message now correctly labelled as abstract since it is not intended to be used directly.

[2.1.0] 2019-12-02

Version 2.1.0 of the IDS Information model


  • New class ids:VocabularyData. Partial mapping of the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) in the IDS Information Model. It can be used to reference domain-specific vocabularies and terminologies.

  • New class ids:DescribedSemantically. Superclass of ids:Resource and ids:Representation. ids:DescribedSemantically introduces two new properties:

    • ids:domainVocabulary with range ids:VocabularyData. Allows using instances of class ids:VocabularyData to reference domain-specific terminologies used in ids:Resource / ids:Representation .
    • ids:shapesGraph (an import of sh:shapesGraph) with range xsd:anyURI. URI should refer to an RDF graph containing SHACL shapes, which describes the domain-specific semantics of a Resource / Representation.
  • Travis CI script for validating correctness of Turtle files in Pull Requests.

  • SHACL Shapes for the new RDF classes and properties.

  • Example of ids:Resource (in JSON-LD and RDF/TTL) and corresponding SHACL shapes to describe (temperature) sensor data with domain-specific semantics. Example and README can be found in the /examples/domain-specific semantics using SHACL directory.

[2.0.1] 2019-11-19

Version 2.0.1 of the IDS Information model


  • Removed property ids:baseContractOffer from class ids:ContractRequestMessage due to redundancy. By definition ids:ContractRequestMessage already requires a contract in its payload. The property is therefore not needed.


  • Changed ids:referingConnector (class ids:Token) from owl:ObjectProperty to owl:DatatypeProperty with rdfs:range xsd:anyURI. Allows to reference the connector via an URI.

  • Removed idsm:abstract true property from ids:variant (class ids:Resource). Property is invalid, since it is intended to be used by classes only.

  • Minor typo fixes.

[2.0.0] 2019-10-14

Version 2.0 of the IDS Information model


  • ids:DynamicAttributeToken, subclass of ids:Token
  • ids:ParIS
  • Additional SHACL Shapes for schema validation
  • ids:contentVersion property. Version identifier for ids:Message payload, indicates the version of the description of the information in the payload.


  • Connector is now subClass of InfrastructureComponent (Broker, ParIS, DAPS, IP, AppStore)

  • ids:SecurityProfile is now used for pre-defined security profiles. Removed ids:CustomSecurityProfile.

  • Messages: Additional classes / properties for the ids:Message taxonomy to further specify and distinguish different message types

    • Update of notification messages related to (un-)availability and changes of a component or its certification
    • ids:QueryMessage now uses codes for message targets (e.g., BROKER, APPSTORE, ANY) and scopes (ALL, ACTIVE_ONLY, INACTIVE_ONLY)
    • New class ids:ContractSupplementMessage to exchange information to access a resource of a contract
    • New class ids:LogNotification, which is intended for logging messages
  • Policies: LeftOperand, Operator more restrictive. Additional operands and operators for different constraint types.

  • Reduced namespace: ids_ for core model classes / properties, idsc_ for codes and idsm_ for metamodel classes / properties


  • Removing plural forms for properties: A catalog can have can have several “ids:offer” triples but must not have any with “ids:offers