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Method Containers, Namespaces, Inline and Friendship

This example shows how to use method containers to grant friendship to method definitions, and access method defintions across translation units and namespaces.

Header geometries.hpp defines a class hierarchy in namespace geometries, representing 1D and 2D geometrical entities. Its structure is as follows:

header geometries.hpp
  namespace geometries
    class Geometry
      class Line
        class Arc
        class Segment
      class Shape
        class Square
        class Circle

Header painter.hpp defines a mechanism for geometry objects. It consists of a Painter class, a paintObject open method, two container declarations inside two nested namespaces, respectively for 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional entities.

Its structure is as follows:

  namespace painter
    namespace paint1d
      method container painters
    namespace paint2d
      method container painters
    class Painter
      friend declaration for all methods defined in paint1d::painters
      friend declaration for the method defined in paint2d::painters taking a Shape
    declaration of open method paintObject

Note that we are using two distinct containers, both called painters, but one is in namespace paint1d and the other in namespace paint2d.

line_painter.hpp defines an inline implementation of paintObject for Line:

header line_painter.hpp
  namespace painter
    namespace paint1d
      define paintObject for `Line`, making it inline

segment_painter.hpp implements paintObject for Segment, calling the base method for Line in the process:

translation unit segment_painter.cpp
  namespace painter
    namespace paint1d
      define paintObject for `Segment`
        call inline `paintObject` for `Line` from container `paint1d::painters`

arc_painter.cpp does the same for Arc.

Note that all three method definitions (for Line, Segment and Arc) can access the private parts of Painter, because they are defined inside a container that was granted friendship as a whole.

Also note that the next mechanism is not used, instead the method definition for Line is always used.

shape_painter.hpp declares (but does not define) that container paint2d::painters contains a paintObject method for Shape:

header shape_painter.hpp
  namespace painter
    namespace paint2d
      declare method container `painters` and inside it, `paintObject(Painter, Shape)`

shape_painter.cpp defines the said method:

translation unit shape_painter.cpp
  namespace painter
    namespace paint2d
      define `paintObject(Painter, Shape)` inside method container `painters`

Note that this method definition is a friend of Painter, and thus can access its private parts.

Finally, concrete_shape_painters.cpp defines paintObject for Square and Circle:

translation unit shape_painter.cpp
  namespace painter
    namespace paint2d
      define `paintObject(Painter, Square)` inside method container `painters`
      define `paintObject(Painter, Circle)` inside method container `painters`

Both call base method paintObject(Painter, Shape) declared in shape_painter.hpp and defined in shape_painter.cpp.