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Other sequence/iterable packages:

To do

Miscellaneous notes

Terminology for concat

  • F# concat is flatten and append is just 1
  • OCaml concat is flatten and append is just 1
  • Haskell concat is flatten and + is just 1
  • JavaScript arrays concat is one or more, and separate flat function
  • .net Enumerable concat is just one
  • Rust is flatten for many and chain for just one

Ok, sticking with concat for JavaScript familiarity, even though it conflicts with sequences in other functional languages. But adding synonym of append for since it goes nicely with prepend.

Indexed versions of functions like mapi

Sometimes it is useful to have the index of an item when performing a computation. This can be accomplished by calling the indexed function before calling the function that needs the index. This is how it is done in F#. Rust has an enumerate function. So indexed versions aren't as important as they would be with non-lazy array functions where adding the index regenerates the entire array. Indexed versions are useful in a couple cases: (1) where developers expect it from experience with JavaScript array functions, (2) when the user is likely going to NOT want the index after they have performed some kind of transformation, because then they have to first call indexed, and then after the transformation, do a map to get rid of it. This is the case with filter.

DistinctBy, other set operations

There are many useful "set-based" functions like union, intersect, distinct, except, countBy that could be built if we had a...

  type set<'a, 'b> = {
    empty: unit => 'b,
    has: ('b, 'a) => bool,
    add: ('b, 'a) => 'b,

Also it is useful to summarize the entire data set with a groupBy, do join, etc.

I got a lazy distinctBy working where the user provides a comparison function ('a,'a)=>int. The code relies on Belt.Set under-the-hood. Belt.Set relies on a hardcoded module for each type you want to put in the set, so I made it a type unknown and did some Obj.magic to make it work. My implementation was hardcoded to a specific set and equality test. Better performance might be possible using hash equality or the built-in JavaScript Set. Also if the function is meant to be lazy, an immutable set is helpful.

TC39 Proposal

Iterator helpers


map, filter, take, drop, flatMap, reduce, toArray, forEach, some, every, find

Not supported

from (iterator)


oCaml Module Seq Source code


isEmpty, uncons, length, iter, fold_left, iteri, fold_lefti, for_all, exists, find, find_map, compare, empty, return, cons, init, unfold, equal, repeat, forever, iterate, cycle, map, mapi, filter, filter_map, take, drop, take_while, drop_while, memoize, append, concat, flat_map, zip, sorted_merge, scan, product, concat_map, interleave, map2, once, onceWith

Not supported

iter2, fold_left2, for_all2, exists2, group, map_product, unzip, partition_map, partition, ints


F# Seq module Code


allPairs, append, cache, choose, chunkBySize, collect, compareWith, concat, delay, empty, exists, filter, fold, forAll, head, indexed, init, initInfinite, isEmpty, iter, iteri, last, length, map, map2, map3, mapFold, mapi, maxBy, minBy, ofArray, ofList, pairwise, pick, replicate, reduce, rev, scan, singleton, skip, skipWhile, sortWith, tail, takeWhile, toArray, toList, truncate, tryExactlyOne, tryFind, tryHead, tryLast, tryPick, unfold, where, windowed, zip, zip3

Not supported

average, averageBy, cast, contains, countBy, distinctBy, exactlyOne, except, exists2, findBack, findIndex, fold2, foldBack, foldBack2, forAll2, groupBy, insertAt, insertManyAt, item (nth), iter2, iteri2, mapFoldBack, mapi2, max, min, permute, readonly, reduceBack, removeAt, removeManyAt, scanBack, sort, sortBy, sortByDescending, sortDescending, sortWith, splitInto, sum, sumBy, transpose, take (throws like takeExactly), tryFindBack, tryFindIndex, tryFindIndexBack, tryItem, updateAt

.net Enumerable

.net Enumerable

Interesting that take is really takeAtMost and skip is really skipAtMost while for F# these throw exceptions if there aren't enough elements.


Rust std::iter and more docs

More tools need to look!


all, any, array_chunks, chain, cmp_by, count, cycle, enumerate, eq_by, filter, filter_map, find, find_map, flat_map, flatten, fold, for_each, inspect, intersperse, intersperseWith, is_sorted_by, last, map, max_by, min_by, partial_cmp_by, product, reduce, rev, scan, skip, skip_while, take, take_while, zip

Not supported

advance_by, cloned, cmp, collect, collect_into, copied, eq, fuse, ge, gt, partitioned, try_fold, is_sorted, is_sorted_by_key, le, lt, map_while, max, min, ne, next_chunk, nth, partial_cmp, partition, partition_in_place, peekable, position, rPosition, size_hint, step_by, sum, try_collect, try_find, try_fold, try_for_each, try_reduce, unzip, some kind of remainder ability

Itertools (Python)



cycle, repeat, accumulate, chain, dropwhile, filterfalse, pairwise, takewhile, zip_longest, product, permutations, combinations

Not supported

count, compress, groupby, islice, starmap, tee, combinations_with_replacement, recipes: all_equal, subslices

Itertools (Javascript)

Reference for JS itertools


range, drop, dropWhile, enumerate, filter, flat, flatMap, interpose, map, prepend, take, takeWhile, tap, window, batch, collate, concat, join, zip, deepEqual, every, find, findBest, first, isEmpty, reduce, size, some, takeLast, fork, arrayFrom, forEach, toString, toArray, firstHighest, firstLowest, repeat, reverse, roundRobin, isSorted

Not supported

range (with step), objectEntries, objectKeys, objectValues, append (one value), distinct, interposeSeq, slice, takeSorted, bisect, split, splitGroups, splitOn, splitWhen, compress, joinWith, firstOr, includes, includesAny, many async flavors, startsWith, startsWithAny, str, takeLastOr, objectFrom, toObject, lastHighest, lastLowest, zipAll, windowAhead, windowBehind


MoreLINQ on Github

Video series on many of these Not investigated everything yet


takeUntil, dropUntil, consume, fallbackIfEmpty

Not supported

endsWith, flatten (recursive), tagFirstLast, toMap, toObject

Immutable.js Seq

Not investigated everything yet


prefix and drop do not throw.

append, head, last, tail, init (all elements except for the last), uncons, length, map, reverse, intersperse, intercalate, transpose, subsequences (combinations), permutations, foldl, foldll (no initial value), foldr, foldrl, concat, concatMap, and, or, any, all, sum, product, maximum, minimum, scanl, scanr, mapAccumL (is this like the F# one?), iterate, repeat, replicate, cycle, unfold, take, drop, splitAt, takeWhile, dropWhile, dropWhileEnd, span, break, stripPrefix, group, inits, tails, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, isInfixOf, isSubsequenceOf, find, filter, partition, elemIndex, elemIndices, findIndex, findIndices, zip, zip3, etc. zipWith, zipWith3, etc. unzip, lines, union, intersect, sortOn, insertBy,

Racket deduplicate generates a list not a sequence

by (every nth element), rest, init (all but the last)