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CS50 - Week 7 - SQL

SQL: Structured Query Language - relational database

lambda just an annonomous function

How to run SQLite3 in the command line:

  • sqlite3 <name of database you want to work with.db> lets you turn the command line into SQLite3 command prompt to work with the file. If the file does not already exist this command will also create it.
  • .mode csv turns on the csv functionallity
  • .import "<csv file you want to run>" <name of table to import to> imports the csv file you want to use into file name you specify
  • Now you are ready to start working with that file and table in SQLite3 mode.
  • .quit exit out of that sqllite3 command prompt

SQLite3 commands

  • SELECT <column> FROM <table>;
    • will print out all the titles in the favorites table
  • SELECT <column> FROM <table> ORDER BY <column>;
    • will sort the column in alphabetical order from a-z
  • SELECT <column>, COUNT(<column>) FROM <table> GROUP BY <column>;
    • gives you the value in the column and how many times it appears in the column
  • SELECT <column>, COUNT(<column>) FROM <table> GROUP BY <column> LIMIT <num of values>;
    • limits it to the number of values you specify
  • SELECT <column>, COUNT(<column>) AS <alias> FROM <table> GROUP BY <column> ORDER BY <alias of count> DESC LIMIT <num of values>;
    • Shows the top based on count, starting with greatest to least
  • .schema outputs the CREATE TABLE statments that was used to generate each table in the database. Shows the types of data in the database.

4 Fundimental Operations for Dealing with Data (CRUD):

  • Create = SQL: INSERT
  • Read = SQL: SELECT
  • Update = SQL: UPDATE
  • Delete = SQL: DELETE

Create a new table in SQL: CREATE TABLE <table name> (<column> <type>, ...); can create multiple columns at once

SQL(PostgreSQL) Data Types:

  • BLOB = Binary Large Object - for storing binary data only (not commonly used)
  • INTEGER = integer (whole number)
    • smallint = < 32 bits
    • integer = 32 bits
    • bigint = 64 bits
  • NUMERIC = Catch all for numerical numbers
    • boolean = true / false numerical values
    • date = shows in date format only
    • datetime = shows date and time only
    • numeric(scale, precision) = specify exactly how many numbers before and after decimal
    • time = time only
    • timestamp = timestamp pre-defined format
  • REAL = similar to a float number
    • real = 32 bits
    • double precision = 64 bits
  • TEXT = alphanumerical characters
    • char(n) = specify the number of characters that every column cell will accept (all have to be exactly n in length)
    • varchar(n) = specify the max number of characters for each cell in that column
    • text = Unspecified number of characters

Insert Values in a Table: INSERT INTO <table> (<column>, ...) VALUES (<value>, ...); can insert multiple columns and values at one time

Select Data from a Database: SELECT <column> FROM <table>;

Updating a Value: UPDATE <table> SET <column>=<value> WHERE <condition>;

  • example: UPDATE favorites SET title = "The Office" WHERE title LIKE "%office%";

Delete a Value: DELETE FROM <table> WHERE <condition>;

Delete an Entire Column or Table:

  • DELETE <column> FROM <table>; deletes the column from the table
  • DELETE FROM <table>; deletes everything in the table
  • DROP <table>; deletes the whole table

Common Functions in SQL:

  • AVG <column> = gives you the average of a column
  • COUNT <column> = gives you a count of how many times something appears in a column
  • DISTINCT <column> = gives you the unique values
  • MAX <column> = gives you the max value in a column
  • MIN <column> = gives you the min value in a column
  • WHERE <condition> = creates a conditional statement - Always goes at the end of a query
  • % = wild card for characters
  • LIKE "%<value>%" = will return anything that has that value within the value (i.e. ... WHERE title LIKE "%office%"; returns any values with "office" anywhere within the value) - NOT case sensitive (will return upper and lower case)
  • LIMIT <number of values to return> = limits the number of values returned based on the number you specify
  • GROUP BY <value or column> = groups results by a specified value or column
  • ORDER BY <value or column> = orders results by a specified value or column (default = ASC (ascending), or specify DESC (descending (greatest - least)))
  • JOIN = joins tables together into one table or view
  • ? can use as a placeholder
  • * wild card to select all columns
  • IN lets you search through another table and match it to values in starting table based on a condition

Using cs50 Library to run SQL Commands in a Python Program:

  • db = cs50.SQL("sqlite:///<database>") need to make sure the file already exist
  • db.execute("<SQL query>)" gives you the ability to run SQL queries in python


  • One to One = There will be only one unique value that matches in both tables
  • One to Many = There will only be one unique value in one table but can have multiples of that same value in another table that it is connected to.
  • Many to Many = There can be multiplies of the matching values in both tables

SQL Keywords Reference

Other Command Line Arguements that can be Helpful:

  • vim <file name> shows the file contents in the terminal window
  • wc -l <file name> or <file> | wc -l returns a word count
  • cp <file> . makes a copy of the file
  • cp <directory> makes a copy of the whole directory
  • touch <file name> creates an empty file with the name specified