A text label string control that can be edited. The label can be double
clicked to enter editint mode (similar to a text field). This behavior can
also be suppressed to make the text static. The contorl is a <span>
element surrounding text.
import {Label} from 'gadgets';
text="label text"
- Invoked when the focus moves away from the labelonChange(React.FormEvent<HTMLSpanElement>)
- Invoked when a label is changed. This happens when editing the control and pressing enter or losing focus (blur). It returns a reference to the HTML SPAN element.onClick
- Invoked when the label is clicked.onDoubleClick
- Invoked when the user double clicks on the control. This will cause the control to enter an editing mode.onKeyDown
- Invoked when a key is initially pressed. This captures the "escape" key and reverts the text to its previous state if in edit mode.- `onKeyPress' - Invoked when a key is pressed. This captures the "Enter" key to commit a user edit to the text of the control if editing.
- onUpdate(previous: string, text: string)` - Invoked when the label is changed from one value to another. The previous text and new text are passed to the callback.
- Applied to the surrounding<span>
element for all labels
defaultText="default" {string}
- If the text is fully deleted from the label, then this text is put in as a placeholder.focus=false: {boolean}
- If true, then this control is given the focusnoedit=false {boolean}
- If true, then the control can't be editedtext="" {string}
- the text value associated with the label.useedit=false {boolean}
- If true, then the control is initially placed in edit mode.