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55 lines (45 loc) · 2.08 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (45 loc) · 2.08 KB


Represents a single Tab entry within a TabContainer. This component would generally be used only with the TabContainer. The tab acts as a wrapper for some other content (the children within the control can be any other object).



import {Tab, TabContainer} from 'gadgets';

<TabContainer maxTabs={3} location={Location.bottom} nonavigation>
    <Tab title="tab #1">#1<br/><br/>{randomText}</Tab>
    <Tab title="tab #2">#2<br/><br/>{randomText}</Tab>
    <Tab title="tab #3">#3<br/><br/>{randomText}</Tab>
    <Tab title="tab #4">#4<br/><br/>{randomText}</Tab>

This example will create a tab container with four tabs drawn on the bottom of the control. It will suppress the navigation buttons. This example sets the max number of tabs to 3, so the fourth would be suppressed.

The tab contents in this example hold a string, but could hold any other valid HTML objects.



  • onClick - Invoked when a tab is selected from the Container
  • onClose(tab: any) - Invoked when the close button is selected on the tab. A reference to the closed tab is passed to the callback.


  • ui-tab - The global CSS class applied to the top level div of the Tab component.


  • href {any} - This is a general object used to pass references from the parent to the child. It includes the following attributes:
    • selectHandler - a function reference back to the container that is invoked to tell the container that this tab was selected.
  • noclose=false {boolean} - when set to true the close button is disabled and this tab cannot be hidden. This is generally passed to the component by the TabContainer.
  • {Location} - the location in the container component where the tab will be drawn (top, bottom, left, right)
  • selected=false {boolean} - if this is set to true, then the tab will show as selected.
  • title='' {string} - the text that will be shown on the tab.