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File metadata and controls

124 lines (107 loc) · 4.62 KB


The TextField is a wrapper component for the built in <input> tag. This control allows the user to add validation routines to the input control beyond the builtin routines.

Validations are used by creating an instance of the Validator class and implementing a validation funtion, failure message, and success message.

Validation is NOT used by default. It must be declared with a prop named `usevalidation. The control has five built in validation routines (defined in validator.ts):

  • max length (when used with the "max" parameter)
  • min length (when used with the "min" parameter)
  • email
  • url
  • regex



import {TextField} from 'gadgets';

<TextField placeholder="simple" />

This will create a standard input text box with no validation.

Max/Min validator
import {TextField, TextFieldType} from 'gadgets';

    placeholder="min/max validation"

This will create an input control that uses validation. It will check the width of the string to fall within the min/max range. When the string is outside of the validation range the red error message value will be used too display a message below the control. When it is within range a green success message will be printed below.

Custom validator
import {TextField, TextFieldType, Validator} from 'gadgets';

        new Validator(
            (value: string) => {
                return /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/.test(value);
            'Not alphanumeric only',
            'Contains only alphanumeric'

This will create a control with a custom alphanumeric validation routine.



  • onBlur - Invoked when focus on control is lost.
  • onChange - Invoked each time a key is pressed. The validation routine is also called with each key.
  • onClear - Invoked when the clear button is pressed in a search text control
  • onKeyDown - Invoked when a key is pressed. The escape key is checked and if pressed the input is reverted to its previous setting.
  • onKeyPress - Invoked when a key pressed. When the "Enter" key is pressed validation is performed and the onValidation routine is invoked and the results of the validation are sent to the callback.
  • onValidation(flag: boolean) - When enter is pressed this routine is called. If validation passes, then true is given to the callback.


  • ui-textfield - Placed on the <div> used to wrap the <input> field.
  • ui-textfield-validation-message - Placed on the <div> used to wrap the validation message when the input contains validation code.


  • disabled=false {boolean} - When true, the control is disabled
  • id='' {string} - The CSS id for this control
  • initialValue='' {string} - The first value set within the control. This is only done one time when the compoment is constructued.
  • max='any' {string} - the maxium number for a spinner text box. When set to "any" there is no size.
  • min='any' {string} - the minimum number for a spinner text box. When set to "any" there is no size.
  • noborder=false {boolean} - Turns off the border around the component
  • sizing=Sizing.normal {Sizing} - The font size for the control (see the Sizing class in shared).
  • `step='any' {string} - the increment number for a spinner text box. When this is set to "any" the step is 1 by default.
  • type=TextFieldType.text {TextFieldtype} - The type of input control. This is the type defined by the HTML input tag. The value is an enum that maps to these valid types.
  • useclear=false {boolean} - When used it presents a circle "x" button that will clear the current input from the control and set the focus to the input.
  • usevalidation=false {boolean} - If this is true then the validation routines are exectued.
  • validators=[] {Validator[]} - A list of Validator classes. Each of the classes in this list are used against the input to check if it passes the rules set in that validator function.
  • value=undefined {any} - This is will override whatever is currently in the control. It should only be used if the parent is going to control the contents of the control.
  • visible=true {boolean} - If set to false this control is hidden (set to a display of none).