Use Commander-CLI options in Gulp for passing Command line flags
Gulp Command is currently working, However it does not provide all the necessary options quite yet.
Install the module with: npm install gulp-command
Her is an example of how to use gulp-command
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gulpCommand = require('gulp-command')(gulp);
.option('<related-task>', '-f, --flag', 'Description', 'callback')
Related-Task: optional
-f, --flag: required (both short and long flag are required comma Separated);
description: required
Callback: optional
If No Related task is specified, the commands can apply to all tasks
However, You still need to pass null
If you are not using a task
.option(null, '-f, --flag', 'Description', 'callback')
##How to access the flags! As an example, If I used the following flags.
gulp build --thing=awesome -s soo -s totally -s cool
After passing an option property, within then gulp task, you can simply
.option('build', '-t, --thing', 'Awesome Thing')
.option('build', '-s, --sweetness', 'So Totally Cool')
.task('build', function(){
=> {t:'awesome', sweetness: ['so', 'totally', 'awesome']};
If we were to run the same command, but under the default task, we would get the following;
gulp default --thing=awesome -s soo -s totally -s cool
.task('default', function(){
=> {}
.option('build', '-t, --thing', 'Awesome Thing')
.option('build', '-s, --sweetness', 'So Totally Cool')
.task('build', function(){
- documentation - Comming Soon.
- support - open an issue here.
MIT © 2014, joelcoxokc