Writing functions in C
- C files are written according to the C90 standard
- Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
All of the following files are programs written in C:
Filename | Description |
0-isupper.c |
Chekcs for uppercase character |
1-isdigit.c |
Checks for a digit (0 through 9 ) |
2-mul.c |
Multiplies two integers |
3-print_numbers.c |
Prints the numbers, from 0 to 9 |
4-print_most_numbers.c |
Prints the numbers, from 0 to 9 , except 2 and 4 |
5-more_numbers.c |
Prints 10 times the numbers, from 0 to 14 |
6-print_line.c |
Draws a straight line in the terminal |
7-print_diagonal.c |
Draws a diagonal line in the terminal |
8-print_square.c |
Prints a sqaure |
9-fizz_buzz.c |
Prints Fizz-Buzz test |
10-print_triangle.c |
Prints a triangle |
100-prime_factor.c |
Finds and prints the largest prime factor of the number 612852475143 |
101-print_number.c |
Prints an integer |