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Chapter 4. Kubernetes Architecture

A Kubernetes cluster is made of by 2 type of nodes: Masters and Workers

There are many agents in the master nodes, the primary one and central to the cluster is the kube-apiserver. The cluster is all driven by API calls to controllers (internal and external). All other agents send the requests to the API server which authenticate and authorize, and sends them where they need to go. It's also responsible for the persisten state of the DB (etcd). Only kube-apiserver talks to etcd.

Kubernetes Architecture

The kube-scheduler uses an algorithm to determine which node will host a pod, then try to deploy the pod bsed on availability and success. Here is the code of the scheduler on Github for more information.

The etcd database is a b+tree key-value store used to persist the cluster state. A new value does not replace the previous one, it's marked for future removal. It works with curl through and API. The etcd cluster is made of a master and follower nodes, there is an algorithm to identify which node takes the master role.

The kube-controller-manager is a loop that interacts with the API server to determine the state of the cluster. If the state does not match, it contacts the controller to match the required state. Some of these controllers are: endpoints, namespaces and replicaSet. Kubernetes ship some controllers and you can create your own.

Agent kubelet is the primary agent on the worker nodes. It does all local configuration that it gets from the kube-apiserver such as deploy controllers, pods and download images. It sends back status to the API server which save it to the DB. It also interacts with Docker or other container engine such as rtk to make sure the containers are running. The Pods specifications, a PodSpec, is a JSON or YAML that describes the pod.

The kube-proxy is in charge of manage the network connectivity to the containers using iptable entries. It also uses the userspace mode to monitor Services and Endpoints using a random port to proxy traffic and ipvs.

Supervisord is used to monitor kubelet and docker containers. So it will restart them if they fail.

There isn't a centralized logging for Kubernetes but Fluentd can be used/implemented to provide centralized logging.

A Pod is the smallest unit in a cluster. A Pod is contain one or more containers but Kubernetes does not interact with them, just with the Pod. The Pod follows the architectural design of having one process per container.


The picture have 2 containers (A & B) and 2 volumes (1 & 2). There is a 3rd container named Pause container used to get the IP address of the Pod.

The containers in a Pod starts in parallel. There is only one IP address per Pod, and it's shared among all the containers in the pod. So the communication between containers can be done thru IPC, loopback interface or shared filesystem.

When there is second (or more) container in a Pod serving the main container, this secondary containers are call sidecars. Examples of sidecars are those used for logging or proxying.

Two detailed explanaition about Kubernetes Networking can be found here and here. From a network perspective a Pod is like a VM of a physical host. Besides assign an IP to the Pod, there are also traffic routes between all Pods on any node.

There are 3 network challenges to solve:

  1. Container to container communication: Solved by the Pod concept
  2. Pod to pod communication: Solved by the Kubernetes user (admin or developer) has to do
  3. External to pod communication: Solved by the Service concept



(1) Container to container communication**

Kubernetes containers networking is standardized by the Container Network Interface (CNI). CNI is a framework to write plugins to configure container networking and remove resources when the container is deleted. There are many plugins for different platforms. CNI is the default network interface mechanism if you install Kubernetes with kubeadm.

This is an example of a network configuration file to define a standard Linux bridge (cni0) with an IP in the subnet in the right namespace.

    "cniVersion": "0.2.0",
    "name": "mynet",
    "type": "bridge",
    "bridge": "cni0",
    "isGateway": true,
    "ipMasq": true,
    "ipam": {
        "type": "host-local",
        "subnet": "",
        "routes": [
            { "dst": "" }

(2) Pod to pod communication:

The pod to pod communication is not solved by Kubernetes and it's requirements are:

  1. All pods can communicate with each pod across nodes.
  2. All nodes can communicate will all pods
  3. No Network Address Translation (NAT)

All IP's are routable without NAT using the physical network infrastructure (if you have access) or with a software such as:

A complete list can be found here or here.

Other clustering systems such as Mesos are very simmilar to Kubernetes, using different tools for the same purpose, for example ZooKeeper vs etcd, but the difference is that Kubernetes is fault-tolerant, self-discovery and scaling, all API-driven. (Mesos Architecture)

In the resource section of the PodSpec you can pass parameters to the container, for example:

    cpu: "1"
    memory: "4Gi"
    cpu: "0.5"
    memory: "500Mi"

This can also be done using a ResourceQuota object set in the namespace.

(3) External to pod communication:

A Service is a scalable and flexible agent that connects decoupled resources, it will reconnect if something die and is replaced. The Service also handle traffic, such as NodePort or LoadBalance to distrubute inbound requests among the pods. It also handles access policies, useful for resource control and security.

Using the Vagrantfile from previous Lab, startup a Kubernetes cluster to deploy an application with custom memory limits:

mkdir -p Lab04/shared_folder
cp Lab03/Vagrantfile Lab04/Vagrantfile
cd Lab04
vagrant up
export KUBECONFIG=shared_folder/remote_config
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

When the cluster is up and running create a deployment for the application and remove any creationTimestamp and status settings:

kubectl run hog --image=vish/stress --dry-run -o yaml | sed \
    -e '/creationTimestamp/d' \
    -e '/status/d' > hog.yaml

Add the memory limits and requirements replacing the line resources: {} by the following 4 lines:

            memory: "4Gi"
            memory: "2500Mi"

Deploy the application and view the container stdio (logs) to see how much memory has been allocated:

kubectl apply -f hog.yaml
pod=$(kubectl describe pod hog | grep ^Name: | cut -f2 -d: | tr -d ' ')
kubectl logs $pod


I1022 01:11:01.755693       1 main.go:26] Allocating "0" memory, in "4Ki" chunks, with a 1ms sleep between allocations
I1022 01:11:01.755775       1 main.go:29] Allocated "0" memory

Open 2 extra terminals to watch the resources of the master and worker node with command top:

# On terminal (2)
vagrant ssh master -c 'top'
# On terminal (3)
vagrant ssh worker -c 'top'

Edit the hog.yaml deployment file to consume CPU and Memory:

            cpu: "1"
            memory: "4Gi"
            cpu: "0.5"
            memory: "500Mi"
        - -cpus
        - "2"
        - -mem-total
        - "950Mi"
        - -mem-alloc-size
        - "100Mi"
        - -mem-alloc-sleep
        - "1s"

Apply the changes, see the logs and the output of top command:

kubectl apply -f hog.yaml
pod=$(kubectl get pods | grep hog- | grep 'ContainerCreating' | cut -f1 -d' ')
sleep 10s
kubectl logs $pod


I1022 01:38:27.943769       1 main.go:26] Allocating "950Mi" memory, in "100Mi" chunks, with a 1s sleep between allocations
I1022 01:38:27.943809       1 main.go:39] Spawning a thread to consume CPU
I1022 01:38:27.943819       1 main.go:39] Spawning a thread to consume CPU
I1022 01:38:40.382556       1 main.go:29] Allocated "950Mi" memory

If you don't see something similar, execute kubectl logs $pod again or review the deployment manifest. Also, the stress process should go to the top at the top output at the worker node.

The final solution of this Lab is in the hog.yaml file.

It's also possible to set limits to an entire namespace.

Create a namespace:

kubectl create namespace low-usage-limits
kubectl get namespace

Create the following manifest file low-resource-range.yaml with the object LimitRange:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: low-resource-range
  - default:
      cpu: 1
      memory: 500Mi
      cpu: 0.5
      memory: 100Mi
    type: Container

And assign it to the created namespace. Remember every command requires a namespace, if it is not specified the default one is default. The kubectl command does not (won't ever) allow to use multiple namespaces in a query: it's one (-n NAME) or all (--all-namespaces).

kubectl apply -f low-resource-range.yaml -n low-usage-limits
kubectl get LimitRange --all-namespaces
kubectl get LimitRange

Deploy the original hog, the one without any limitations, and view the deployment manifest:

kubectl run limited-hog --image vish/stress -n low-usage-limits
kubectl get deployment 
kubectl get deployment --namespace low-usage-limits
kubectl get pods -n low-usage-limits
pod=$(kubectl get pods -n low-usage-limits | grep hog- | cut -f1 -d' ')
kubectl get pod $pod -n low-usage-limits
kubectl get pod $pod -n low-usage-limits -o yaml | grep  resources: -A7 -B5

There you'll see the following lines:

  - image: vish/stress
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: limited-hog
        cpu: "1"
        memory: 500Mi
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 100Mi
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log

The original deployment, deployed into default namespace, is not limited but if it's deployed into the limited namespace, it will inherit the limits.

Let's duplicate the deployment hog from default into the new and limited namespace. Create a copy of hog.yaml adding the line namespace: low-usage-limit in the metadata section.

awk '/^  name:/ && !n { print "  namespace: low-usage-limits"; n=1} 1' hog.yaml > hog-low-usage-limits.yaml
head hog-low-usage-limits.yaml


apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    run: hog
  namespace: low-usage-limits
  name: hog
  replicas: 1

And deploy it:

kubectl apply -f hog-low-usage-limits.yaml
kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces

Checking the resource limits of the latest deployed pod, it didn't inherited the namespace limitations. This is because the depoyment defined it's own limitations.

pod=$(kubectl get pods -n low-usage-limits | grep '^hog-' | cut -f1 -d' ')
kubectl get pod $pod -n low-usage-limits -o yaml | grep resources: -A7 -B3


    image: vish/stress
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: hog
        cpu: "1"
        memory: 4Gi
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 500Mi
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log

Compared with the hog pod at default it has the same resources. Compared with the resources of limited-hog at low-usage-limits it has different resources.

If you have more than one worker, the latest deployed pod will be assigned to the non-stressed worker but if you have just one, you'll see several errors and restarts between both hog pods as they race for the same pool of resources. When the one in default is restarted, the other in low-usage-limits does not have enough resources available in the system so it fail and it's restarted, then the one in default fail and the story is repeated forever.

To watch this, execute:

watch -n 0.2 kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide

Cleanup the cluster deleting all the deployments:

kubectl delete deployment hog
kubectl delete deployment hog -n low-usage-limits
kubectl delete deployment limited-hog -n low-usage-limits
kubectl delete namespace low-usage-limits

This example deploy a microservice application demo, a sock shopping site, from

The deployment manifest URL is:, so you either download it or apply it from GitHub but first ...

Identify the application namespace and creates them:

curl -sSL | grep namespace: | sort | uniq

namespace=$(curl -sSL | grep namespace: | sort | uniq | cut -f2 -d: | tr -d ' ')

kubectl create namespace $namespace
kubectl get namespaces

It should create the namespace sock-shop, now deploy it.

kubectl apply -f -n sock-shop

In a second terminal, execute:

watch -n 0.2 kubectl get pods -n sock-shop -o wide

Verify the services are been exposed:

kubectl get service -n sock-shop

To access the application follow the instructions from Lab 03 to forward the port 8080 to the front-end service:

port=$(kubectl get service front-end -n sock-shop -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
PORTS="8080>${port}" vagrant reload
curl http://localhost:8080

It may take some time, and maybe several tries of the curl command but when it's ready, go to http://localhost:8080.

To know which node is running the containers (not pods) let's execute docker ps on every node: masters and workers.

vagrant ssh master -c 'sudo docker ps'
vagrant ssh worker -c 'sudo docker ps'

To destroy the application you have to list all the deployments and delete them all, when no resources are found, use the docker ps command to identify the alive containers. If there are a huge list, use the command wc -l to get the count, so you'll know if they number of containers is decreasing.

Deleting the pods won't cause any termination. If a pod is deleted the scheduler identify that the current state does not match with the expected and will re-create the missing pods.

A more efective way to delete the container is to use the same manifest used to create it. Just execute:

kubectl delete -f