1 | 1 | {
2 |
| - "root": true, |
3 |
| - "env": { |
4 |
| - "browser": true, |
5 |
| - "node": true, |
6 |
| - "es2021": true |
7 |
| - }, |
8 |
| - "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", |
9 |
| - "plugins": ["react-prefer-function-component"], |
10 |
| - "extends": [ |
11 |
| - "eslint:all", |
12 |
| - "plugin:@typescript-eslint/all", |
13 |
| - "plugin:import/recommended", |
14 |
| - "plugin:import/typescript", |
15 |
| - "plugin:react/all", |
16 |
| - "plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended", |
17 |
| - "airbnb", |
18 |
| - "airbnb-typescript", |
19 |
| - "airbnb/hooks", |
20 |
| - "plugin:react/jsx-runtime", |
21 |
| - "plugin:unicorn/all", |
22 |
| - "plugin:react-prefer-function-component/recommended", |
23 |
| - "prettier" |
24 |
| - ], |
25 |
| - "rules": { |
26 |
| - "no-dupe-else-if": "error", |
27 |
| - "no-promise-executor-return": "error", |
28 |
| - "no-unreachable-loop": "error", |
29 |
| - "no-useless-backreference": "error", |
30 |
| - "require-atomic-updates": "error", |
31 |
| - "default-case-last": "error", |
32 |
| - "grouped-accessor-pairs": "error", |
33 |
| - "no-constructor-return": "error", |
34 |
| - "no-implicit-coercion": "error", |
35 |
| - "prefer-regex-literals": "error", |
36 |
| - "capitalized-comments": "error", |
37 |
| - "no-restricted-syntax": [ |
38 |
| - "error", |
39 |
| - { |
40 |
| - "selector": "ForInStatement", |
41 |
| - "message": "for..in loops iterate over the entire prototype chain, which is virtually never what you want. Use Object.{keys,values,entries}, and iterate over the resulting array." |
42 |
| - }, |
43 |
| - { |
44 |
| - "selector": "LabeledStatement", |
45 |
| - "message": "Labels are a form of GOTO; using them makes code confusing and hard to maintain and understand." |
46 |
| - }, |
47 |
| - { |
48 |
| - "selector": "WithStatement", |
49 |
| - "message": "`with` is disallowed in strict mode because it makes code impossible to predict and optimize." |
50 |
| - } |
51 |
| - ], |
52 |
| - "no-void": "off", |
| 2 | + "root": true, |
| 3 | + "env": { |
| 4 | + "browser": true, |
| 5 | + "node": true, |
| 6 | + "es2021": true |
| 7 | + }, |
| 8 | + "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", |
| 9 | + "plugins": ["react-prefer-function-component"], |
| 10 | + "extends": [ |
| 11 | + "eslint:all", |
| 12 | + "plugin:@typescript-eslint/all", |
| 13 | + "plugin:import/recommended", |
| 14 | + "plugin:import/typescript", |
| 15 | + "plugin:react/all", |
| 16 | + "plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended", |
| 17 | + "airbnb", |
| 18 | + "airbnb-typescript", |
| 19 | + "airbnb/hooks", |
| 20 | + "plugin:react/jsx-runtime", |
| 21 | + "plugin:unicorn/all", |
| 22 | + "plugin:react-prefer-function-component/recommended", |
| 23 | + "prettier" |
| 24 | + ], |
| 25 | + "rules": { |
| 26 | + "no-dupe-else-if": "error", |
| 27 | + "no-promise-executor-return": "error", |
| 28 | + "no-unreachable-loop": "error", |
| 29 | + "no-useless-backreference": "error", |
| 30 | + "require-atomic-updates": "error", |
| 31 | + "default-case-last": "error", |
| 32 | + "grouped-accessor-pairs": "error", |
| 33 | + "no-constructor-return": "error", |
| 34 | + "no-implicit-coercion": "error", |
| 35 | + "prefer-regex-literals": "error", |
| 36 | + "capitalized-comments": "error", |
| 37 | + "no-restricted-syntax": [ |
| 38 | + "error", |
| 39 | + { |
| 40 | + "selector": "ForInStatement", |
| 41 | + "message": "for..in loops iterate over the entire prototype chain, which is virtually never what you want. Use Object.{keys,values,entries}, and iterate over the resulting array." |
| 42 | + }, |
| 43 | + { |
| 44 | + "selector": "LabeledStatement", |
| 45 | + "message": "Labels are a form of GOTO; using them makes code confusing and hard to maintain and understand." |
| 46 | + }, |
| 47 | + { |
| 48 | + "selector": "WithStatement", |
| 49 | + "message": "`with` is disallowed in strict mode because it makes code impossible to predict and optimize." |
| 50 | + } |
| 51 | + ], |
| 52 | + "no-void": "off", |
53 | 53 |
54 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/padding-line-between-statements": "off", |
55 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-enum-initializers": "off", |
56 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly-parameter-types": "off", |
57 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-regexp-exec": "off", |
58 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers": "off", |
59 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "off", |
60 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/init-declarations": "off", |
61 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression": [ |
62 |
| - "error", |
63 |
| - { "ignoreArrowShorthand": true } |
64 |
| - ], |
65 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style": "off", |
66 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions": "off", |
67 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-implicit-any-catch": "off", |
68 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/member-ordering": "off", |
69 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes": "off", |
70 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-restricted-imports": "off", |
71 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": "off", |
72 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": [ |
73 |
| - "error", |
74 |
| - { |
75 |
| - "ts-nocheck": "allow-with-description" |
76 |
| - } |
77 |
| - ], |
78 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "off", |
| 54 | + "@typescript-eslint/padding-line-between-statements": "off", |
| 55 | + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-enum-initializers": "off", |
| 56 | + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly-parameter-types": "off", |
| 57 | + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-regexp-exec": "off", |
| 58 | + "@typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers": "off", |
| 59 | + "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "off", |
| 60 | + "@typescript-eslint/init-declarations": "off", |
| 61 | + "@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression": [ |
| 62 | + "error", |
| 63 | + { "ignoreArrowShorthand": true } |
| 64 | + ], |
| 65 | + "@typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style": "off", |
| 66 | + "@typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions": "off", |
| 67 | + "@typescript-eslint/no-implicit-any-catch": "off", |
| 68 | + "@typescript-eslint/member-ordering": "off", |
| 69 | + "@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes": "off", |
| 70 | + "@typescript-eslint/no-restricted-imports": "off", |
| 71 | + "@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": "off", |
| 72 | + "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": [ |
| 73 | + "error", |
| 74 | + { |
| 75 | + "ts-nocheck": "allow-with-description" |
| 76 | + } |
| 77 | + ], |
| 78 | + "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "off", |
| 79 | + "@typescript-eslint/no-type-alias": "off", |
79 | 80 |
80 |
| - "import/no-deprecated": "error", |
81 |
| - "import/order": "off", |
82 |
| - "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": [ |
83 |
| - "error", |
84 |
| - { |
85 |
| - "devDependencies": [ |
86 |
| - "vite.config.ts", |
87 |
| - "src/setupTests.ts", |
88 |
| - "src/testUtils.tsx", |
89 |
| - "src/mocks/**", |
90 |
| - "**/__tests__/*.{ts,tsx}" |
91 |
| - ] |
92 |
| - } |
93 |
| - ], |
94 |
| - "import/prefer-default-export": "off", |
| 81 | + "import/no-deprecated": "error", |
| 82 | + "import/order": "off", |
| 83 | + "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": [ |
| 84 | + "error", |
| 85 | + { |
| 86 | + "devDependencies": [ |
| 87 | + "vite.config.ts", |
| 88 | + "src/setupTests.ts", |
| 89 | + "src/testUtils.tsx", |
| 90 | + "src/mocks/**", |
| 91 | + "**/__tests__/*.{ts,tsx}" |
| 92 | + ] |
| 93 | + } |
| 94 | + ], |
| 95 | + "import/prefer-default-export": "off", |
95 | 96 |
96 |
| - "react/no-did-update-set-state": "off", |
97 |
| - "react/no-find-dom-node": "off", |
98 |
| - "react/no-is-mounted": "off", |
99 |
| - "react/no-redundant-should-component-update": "off", |
100 |
| - "react/no-render-return-value": "off", |
101 |
| - "react/no-string-refs": "off", |
102 |
| - "react/no-this-in-sfc": "off", |
103 |
| - "react/no-will-update-set-state": "off", |
104 |
| - "react/prefer-es6-class": "off", |
105 |
| - "react/no-unused-state": "off", |
106 |
| - "react/prefer-stateless-function": "off", |
107 |
| - "react/require-render-return": "off", |
108 |
| - "react/sort-comp": "off", |
109 |
| - "react/state-in-constructor": "off", |
110 |
| - "react/static-property-placement": "off", |
| 97 | + "react/no-did-update-set-state": "off", |
| 98 | + "react/no-find-dom-node": "off", |
| 99 | + "react/no-is-mounted": "off", |
| 100 | + "react/no-redundant-should-component-update": "off", |
| 101 | + "react/no-render-return-value": "off", |
| 102 | + "react/no-string-refs": "off", |
| 103 | + "react/no-this-in-sfc": "off", |
| 104 | + "react/no-will-update-set-state": "off", |
| 105 | + "react/prefer-es6-class": "off", |
| 106 | + "react/no-unused-state": "off", |
| 107 | + "react/prefer-stateless-function": "off", |
| 108 | + "react/require-render-return": "off", |
| 109 | + "react/sort-comp": "off", |
| 110 | + "react/state-in-constructor": "off", |
| 111 | + "react/static-property-placement": "off", |
111 | 112 |
112 |
| - "react/boolean-prop-naming": [ |
113 |
| - "error", |
114 |
| - { |
115 |
| - "validateNested": true |
116 |
| - } |
117 |
| - ], |
118 |
| - "react/function-component-definition": "off", |
119 |
| - "react/no-unstable-nested-components": "error", |
120 |
| - "react/jsx-handler-names": "off", |
121 |
| - "react/jsx-key": "error", |
122 |
| - "react/jsx-no-bind": [ |
123 |
| - "error", |
124 |
| - { |
125 |
| - "ignoreRefs": false, |
126 |
| - "allowArrowFunctions": true, |
127 |
| - "allowFunctions": true, |
128 |
| - "allowBind": false, |
129 |
| - "ignoreDOMComponents": false |
130 |
| - } |
131 |
| - ], |
132 |
| - "react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values": "error", |
133 |
| - "react/jsx-no-script-url": "error", |
134 |
| - "react/jsx-no-useless-fragment": "error", |
135 |
| - "react/require-default-props": "off", |
136 |
| - "react/jsx-props-no-spreading": "off", |
| 113 | + "react/boolean-prop-naming": [ |
| 114 | + "error", |
| 115 | + { |
| 116 | + "validateNested": true |
| 117 | + } |
| 118 | + ], |
| 119 | + "react/function-component-definition": "off", |
| 120 | + "react/no-unstable-nested-components": "error", |
| 121 | + "react/jsx-handler-names": "off", |
| 122 | + "react/jsx-key": "error", |
| 123 | + "react/jsx-no-bind": [ |
| 124 | + "error", |
| 125 | + { |
| 126 | + "ignoreRefs": false, |
| 127 | + "allowArrowFunctions": true, |
| 128 | + "allowFunctions": true, |
| 129 | + "allowBind": false, |
| 130 | + "ignoreDOMComponents": false |
| 131 | + } |
| 132 | + ], |
| 133 | + "react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values": "error", |
| 134 | + "react/jsx-no-script-url": "error", |
| 135 | + "react/jsx-no-useless-fragment": "error", |
| 136 | + "react/require-default-props": "off", |
| 137 | + "react/jsx-props-no-spreading": "off", |
137 | 138 |
138 |
| - "unicorn/filename-case": [ |
139 |
| - "error", |
140 |
| - { |
141 |
| - "cases": { |
142 |
| - "camelCase": true, |
143 |
| - "pascalCase": true |
144 |
| - } |
145 |
| - } |
146 |
| - ], |
147 |
| - "unicorn/no-nested-ternary": ["error"], |
148 |
| - "unicorn/prevent-abbreviations": "off", |
149 |
| - "unicorn/no-useless-undefined": "off", |
150 |
| - "unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable": "off", |
151 |
| - "unicorn/no-null": "off", |
152 |
| - "unicorn/prefer-export-from": "off", |
153 |
| - "unicorn/no-keyword-prefix": "off" |
154 |
| - }, |
155 |
| - "settings": { |
156 |
| - "react": { |
157 |
| - "version": "detect" |
158 |
| - } |
159 |
| - }, |
160 |
| - "overrides": [ |
161 |
| - { |
162 |
| - "files": ["src/**/*.ts?(x)"], |
163 |
| - "parserOptions": { |
164 |
| - "project": ["./tsconfig.json"] |
165 |
| - } |
166 |
| - }, |
167 |
| - { |
168 |
| - "files": ["vite.config.ts"], |
169 |
| - "parserOptions": { |
170 |
| - "project": ["./tsconfig.node.json"] |
171 |
| - } |
172 |
| - }, |
173 |
| - { |
174 |
| - "files": ["**/__tests__/**/*.ts?(x)"], |
175 |
| - "extends": ["plugin:testing-library/react"], |
176 |
| - "rules": { |
177 |
| - "testing-library/no-await-sync-events": "error", |
178 |
| - "testing-library/no-manual-cleanup": "error", |
179 |
| - "testing-library/prefer-explicit-assert": "error", |
180 |
| - "testing-library/prefer-user-event": "error", |
181 |
| - "testing-library/prefer-wait-for": "error" |
182 |
| - } |
183 |
| - } |
184 |
| - ] |
| 139 | + "unicorn/filename-case": [ |
| 140 | + "error", |
| 141 | + { |
| 142 | + "cases": { |
| 143 | + "camelCase": true, |
| 144 | + "pascalCase": true |
| 145 | + } |
| 146 | + } |
| 147 | + ], |
| 148 | + "unicorn/no-nested-ternary": ["error"], |
| 149 | + "unicorn/prevent-abbreviations": "off", |
| 150 | + "unicorn/no-useless-undefined": "off", |
| 151 | + "unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable": "off", |
| 152 | + "unicorn/no-null": "off", |
| 153 | + "unicorn/prefer-export-from": "off", |
| 154 | + "unicorn/no-keyword-prefix": "off" |
| 155 | + }, |
| 156 | + "settings": { |
| 157 | + "react": { |
| 158 | + "version": "detect" |
| 159 | + } |
| 160 | + }, |
| 161 | + "overrides": [ |
| 162 | + { |
| 163 | + "files": ["src/**/*.ts?(x)"], |
| 164 | + "parserOptions": { |
| 165 | + "project": ["./tsconfig.json"] |
| 166 | + } |
| 167 | + }, |
| 168 | + { |
| 169 | + "files": ["vite.config.ts"], |
| 170 | + "parserOptions": { |
| 171 | + "project": ["./tsconfig.node.json"] |
| 172 | + } |
| 173 | + }, |
| 174 | + { |
| 175 | + "files": ["**/__tests__/**/*.ts?(x)"], |
| 176 | + "extends": ["plugin:testing-library/react"], |
| 177 | + "rules": { |
| 178 | + "testing-library/no-await-sync-events": "error", |
| 179 | + "testing-library/no-manual-cleanup": "error", |
| 180 | + "testing-library/prefer-explicit-assert": "error", |
| 181 | + "testing-library/prefer-user-event": "error", |
| 182 | + "testing-library/prefer-wait-for": "error" |
| 183 | + } |
| 184 | + } |
| 185 | + ] |
185 | 186 | }
0 commit comments