Releases: jokedst/ATray
Releases · jokedst/ATray
v1.2.9 Less crashes
.NET Framework update to 4.7.2
This only updates the .NET version to 4.7.2 since I can't be bothered to install the 4.7.1 targeting pack on my machine.
Web server for history works
The web server can now answer "what times did I work on the 12th of december?"
Bugfix for blur
v1.2.6 Official v1.2.5
Check master branch status
Previously, when working on a feature branch, the status was basically disabled.
Now we check the master branch status always, even when on another temporarily
Test release for Squirrel experiment
Added full URL's to all the releases in the RELEASES file
This should make updates over gaps (e.g. 2.0 -> 2.2 without 2.1) work
Work/Play filter added to activity history dialog
v1.2.2 Work/Play filter added to activity history dialog
Lock laptop on lid close
v1.2.1 Lock computer on lid close
Colored icon
Icon canges color depending on repo status! Magic!!