{%= description %}
{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
var plugin = require('load-plugins')('gulp-*');
gulp.task('default', function () {
var plugin = require('load-plugins')('assemble-*');
assemble.task('default', function () {
var plugin = require('load-plugins')('verb-*');
verb.task('default', function () {
See resolve-dep for additional options.
Pass a custom function for require
ing files.
plugins('gulp-*', {
require: function(filepath) {
// do stuff to filepath
Make plugin names camelcased. By default this is true
Pass a rename function to change how plugins are named.
plugins('my-plugins-*', {
rename: function (filepath) {
return path.basename(filepath);
Omit strings from plugin names. This is a complement to the .rename()
option, it's easiest to understand by way of example:
plugins('gulp-*', {strip: 'gulp'});
Returns {mocha: [Function]}
instead of {'gulp-mocha': [Function]}
, and so on.
You may also pass an array of strings to strip, e.g.:
// note that the `strip` option doesn't work with full glob patterns, just braces
plugins('{foo,bar}-*', {strip: ['foo', 'bar']});
{%= related(['plugins', 'load-templates']) %}
{%= include("tests") %}
{%= include("contributing") %}
{%= include("author") %}
{%= copyright({start: 2014, linkify: true}) %} {%= license({linkify: true}) %}
{%= include("footer") %}