#NOTE: It doesn't work anymore. The API has changed.It must be reviewed.
This python script will find vulnerabilities in Vulners and NVD databases of the SW provided in a XLS file. Then, it creates a XLS and DOCX report.
- Sign up in Vulners service https://vulners.com/ . Discover your public IP address and gerenate a new API KEY.
- Python 3.7. (Probably it works with python 2.7 but I didn't test it)
- Install all dependencies from requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage ./find_vulns.py <input_file.xls> <output_file_name> <VULNERS_API_KEY>
Demo NOTE: Notice that it uses CPE format for searching in NVD database so you need to maintain the CPE names. See https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe for more information.