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iFUB algorithm

Presenting linear O(M) Diamter finding algorithm with worst case O(m * n). This is simply a C++ implementation of this iFUB algorithm.

iFUB Algorithm Psedocode

Input: A graph G, a node u, a lower bound l for the diameter, and an integer k
Output: A value M such that D − M ≤ k
i ← ecc(u);
lb ← max{ecc(u), l};
ub ← 2ecc(u);
while ub − lb > k do
  if max{lb, Bi(u)} > 2(i − 1) then
    return max{lb, Bi(u)};
    lb ← max{lb, Bi(u)};
    ub ← 2(i − 1);
i ← i − 1;
return lb;

4-SWEEP Algorithm Psedocode

Input: A graph G
Output: A lower bound for the diameter of G and a node with (hopefully) low eccentricity
r1 ← random node of G or node with the highest degree;
a1 ← argmaxv∈V d(r1, v);
b1 ← argmaxv∈V d(a1, v);
r2 ← the node in the middle of the path between a1 and b1;
a2 ← argmaxv∈V d(r2, v);
b2 ← argmaxv∈V d(a2, v);
u ← the node in the middle of the path between a2 and b2;
lowerb ← max{ecc(a1), ecc(a2)};
return lowerb and u;

iFUB Termination Theorem.

For any 1 ≤ i < ecc(u) and 1 ≤ k < i, and for any x ∈ Fi−k(u) such that ecc(x) > 2(i − 1), there exists yx ∈ Fj(u) such that d(x, yx) = ecc(x) with j ≥ i.

Observation 1.

for any x and y in V such that x ∈ Fi(u) or y ∈ Fi(u), we have that d(x, y) ≤ Bi(u): indeed, d(x, y) ≤ min{ecc(x), ecc(y)} ≤ Bi(u).

Observation 2.

for any 1 ≤ i, j ≤ ecc(u) and for any x ∈ Fi(u) and y ∈ Fj(u), we have d(x, y) ≤ i + j ≤ 2 max{i, j}.


Since ecc(x) > 2(i − 1), then there exists yx whose distance from x is equal to ecc(x) and, hence, greater than 2(i − 1). If yx was in Fj(u) with j < i, then from the previous observation it would follow that d(x, yx) ≤ 2 max{i − k, j} ≤ 2 max{i − k, i − 1} = 2(i − 1), which is a contradiction. Hence, yx must be in Fj(u) with j ≥ i. �


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Pilu Crescenzi, Roberto Grossi, Michel Habib, Leonardo Lanzi, Andrea Marino, On computing the diameter of real-world undirected graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 514, 2013, Pages 84-95, ISSN 0304-3975, ( Abstract: We propose a new algorithm for the classical problem of computing the diameter of undirected unweighted graphs, namely, the maximum distance among all the pairs of nodes, where the distance of a pair of nodes is the number of edges contained in the shortest path connecting these two nodes. Although its worst-case complexity is O(nm) time, where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges of the graph, we experimentally show that our algorithm works in O(m) time in practice, requiring few breadth-first searches to complete its task on almost 200 real-world graphs. Keywords: Breadth-first search; Diameter; Complex network; Experimental analysis