Where do these files go, and why?
Assume this repository is layed out like your home folder. ~/
The root directories (Aenami, Circela, Cocoon) contain some of the folders shown below.
is the directory on unix based systems for config(uration) files-
- config file for compton (X compositor)~/.config/i3/config
- i3 (window manager) config file~/.config/dunst/dunstrc
- dunst (notification daemon) config file~/.config/polybar/x
- polybar config file (x can be any filename you like)~/.config/cava/config
- config file for cava
is one of the locations where user (manually) installed fonts are stored. -
is one of the locations where themes (GTK, XFWM4, openbox, QT) can be stored -
is one of the locations where icon sets can be stored (one of my favorites is Papirus)
- a shell script i use to start polybar. (dont launch this from a terminal, use xinit or your window manager's startup config)
- my config for ZSH (z-shell) (Requires antigen to load properly
- where all the wallpapers used in my screenshots are located