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MLPF focuses on developing full event reconstruction based on computationally scalable and flexible end-to-end ML models.

High-level overview

Dataset compatibility table

The following table specifies which version of the jpata/particleflow software should be used with which version of the tensorflow datasets.

Code CMS dataset CLIC dataset CLD dataset
1.9.0 2.4.0 2.2.0 NA
2.0.0 2.4.0 2.3.0 NA
2.1.0 2.5.0 2.5.0 NA
2.2.0 2.5.0 2.5.0 2.5.0
2.3.0 2.5.0 2.5.0 2.5.0

MLPF on open datasets

PF reconstruction

Open datasets:

The following datasets are available to reproduce the studies. They include full Geant4 simulation and reconstruction based on the CLIC detector. We have no affiliation with the CLIC collaboration, therefore these datasets are to be used only for computational studies and come with no warranty.

MLPF development in CMS

PF reconstruction MLPF reconstruction

PUPPI jets in ttbar

Initial development with Delphes

Number of reconstructed particles Scaling of the inference time

Citations and reuse

You are welcome to reuse the code in your work in accordance with the license.

For academic work, please consider citing the following papers:

If you use the code in a significant way for research purposes, please consider citing the tagged version that you used, for example:

If you use the datasets prepared by the MLPF team for academic work, please cite the appropriate dataset via the zenodo link, as well as the corresponding paper.

At the moment, we are unable to release work-in-progress datasets before the corresponding academic publication is out. If you have a collaboration idea that does not fit into the above categories, please get in touch!