The Filter object is an object designed to encode a single set of filter frequencies that may or may not be part of the filter list in the Pick Format. Filter uses the JSON standard .
The Filter object is intended for use as part of the Pick Format in seismic data messaging between seismic applications and organizations.
"Type" : String,
"HighPass" : Number,
"LowPass" : Number,
"Units" : String
Optional Values:
The following are values that may or may not be provided as part of a filter.
- Type - A string containing the type of filter
- HighPass - A decimal number containing the high pass frequency in Hz.
- LowPass - A decimal number containing the low pass frequency in Hz.
- Units - A string containing the filter frequency units.
Note: The Type of filter is assumed to be "BandPass", and the Units are assumed to be "Hertz"