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File metadata and controls

261 lines (206 loc) · 11.4 KB

Developer Guide

For specific API documentation, see:

Pull Request Process

To make code changes to LIT, please work off of the "dev" branch and create pull requests against that branch. The "main" branch is for stable releases, not for active development. The "dev" branch will always be ahead of the "main" branch in terms of commits.

Design Overview

LIT system design

LIT consists of a Python backend and a TypeScript frontend. The backend serves models, data, and interpretation components, each of which is a Python class implementing a minimal API and relying on the spec system to detect fields and verify compatibility. The server is stateless, but implements a caching layer for model predictions - this simplifies component design and allows interactive use of large models like BERT. The backend is easily extensible by adding new components; see the Python API guide for more details.

The frontend is a stateful single-page app, built using lit-element1 for modularity and MobX for state management. It consists of a core UI framework, a set of shared "services" which manage persistent state, and a set of independent modules which render visualizations and support user interaction. For more details, see the frontend client guide.

Typically, a user will load LIT as a Python library, pass their models and data to the server, and start the web app which they can then interact with via a browser:

models = {'foo': FooModel(...),
          'bar': BarModel(...)}
datasets = {'baz': BazDataset(...)}
server = lit_nlp.dev_server.Server(models, datasets, port=4321)

For more, see adding models and data or the examples.

Type System

Input examples and model outputs in LIT are flat records (i.e. Python dict and JavaScript object). Field names (keys) are user-specified strings, and we use a system of "specs" to describe the types of the values. This spec system is semantic: in addition to defining the datatype (string, float, etc.), spec types define how a field should be interpreted by LIT components and frontend modules.

For example, the MultiNLI dataset might define the following spec:

# dataset.spec()
  "premise": lit_types.TextSegment(),
  "hypothesis": lit_types.TextSegment(),
  "label": lit_types.CategoryLabel(vocab=["entailment", "neutral", "contradiction"]),
  "genre": lit_types.CategoryLabel(),

for which an example record might be

# dataset.examples[0]
  "premise": "Buffet and a la carte available.",
  "hypothesis": "It has a buffet."
  "label": "entailment",
  "genre": "travel",

A classifier for this task might have the following input spec, matching a subset of the dataset fields:

# model.input_spec()
  "premise": lit_types.TextSegment(),
  "hypothesis": lit_types.TextSegment(),

And the output spec:

# model.output_spec()
  "probas": lit_types.MulticlassPreds(
        vocab=["entailment", "neutral", "contradiction"]),

for which example predictions might be:

# model.predict([dataset.examples[0]])[0]
  "probas": [0.967, 0.024, 0.009],

For a more detailed example, see the examples.

LIT components use this spec to find and operate on relevant fields, as well as to access metadata like label vocabularies. For example, the multiclass metrics module will recognize the MulticlassPreds field in the output, use the vocab annotation to decode to string labels, and evaluate these against the input field described by the parent annotation.

This spec system allows LIT to be flexible and extensible in model support. Multiple input segments - such as for NLI or QA - are easily supported by defining multiple TextSegment fields as in the above example, while multi-headed models can simply define multiple output fields. Furthermore, new types can easily be added to support custom input modalities, output types, or to provide access to model internals. For a more detailed example, see the Model documentation.

The actual spec types, such as MulticlassLabel, are simple dataclasses (built using attr.s. They are defined in Python, but are available in the TypeScript client as well.

utils.find_spec_keys() (Python) and findSpecKeys() (TypeScript) are commonly used to interact with a full spec and identify fields of interest. These recognize subclasses: for example, utils.find_spec_keys(spec, Scalar) will also match any RegressionScore fields.

Available types

The full set of spec types is defined in, and summarized in the table below.

Note: bracket syntax like <float>[num_tokens] refers to the shapes of NumPy arrays.

Name Description Data type
TextSegment Untokenized (raw) text. string
GeneratedText Generated text (untokenized). string
Tokens Tokenized text. List[string]
TokenTopKPreds Predicted tokens and their scores, as from a language model or seq2seq model. List[List[Tuple[string, float]]]
Scalar Scalar numeric value. float
RegressionScore Scalar value, treated as a regression target or prediction. float
CategoryLabel Categorical label, from open or fixed vocabulary. string
MulticlassPreds Multiclass predicted probabilities. <float>[num_labels]
SequenceTags Sequence tags, aligned to tokens. List[string]
SpanLabels Span labels, aligned to tokens. Each label is (i,j,label). List[SpanLabel]
EdgeLabels Edge labels, aligned to tokens. This is a general way to represent many structured prediction tasks, such as coreference or SRL. See List[EdgeLabel]
Embeddings Fixed-length embeddings or model activations. <float>[emb_dim]
TokenGradients Gradients with respect to input token embeddings. <float>[num_tokens, emb_dim]
AttentionHeads Attention heads, grouped by layer. <float>[num_heads, num_tokens, num_tokens]

Values can be plain data, NumPy arrays, or custom dataclasses - see and for further detail.

Development Tips

If you're modifying any TypeScript code, you'll need to re-build the frontend. You can have yarn do this automatically. In one terminal, run:

cd ~/lit/lit_nlp
yarn build --watch

And in the second, run the LIT server:

cd ~/lit
python -m lit_nlp.examples.<example_name> --port=5432 [optional --args]

You can then access the LIT UI at http://localhost:5432.

If you only change frontend files, you can use Ctrl+Shift+R to do a hard refresh in your browser, and it should automatically pick up the updated source from the build output.

If you're modifying the Python backend, there is experimental support for hot-reloading the LIT application logic ( and some dependencies without needing to re-load models or datasets. See for details.

You can use the --data_dir flag (see to save the predictions cache to disk, and automatically re-load it on a subsequent run. In conjunction with --warm_start, you can use this to avoid re-running inference during development - though if you modify the model at all, you should be sure to remove any stale cache files.

Custom Client / Modules

An example of a custom LIT client application, including a custom (potato-themed) module can be found in lit_nlp/examples/custom_module. In short, to build and serve a custom LIT client application, create a new directory containing a main.ts entrypoint. This should import any custom modules, define a layout that includes them, and call app.initialize. For example:

import {PotatoModule} from './potato';

LAYOUTS = {};  // or import existing set from client/default/layout.ts
LAYOUTS['potato'] = {
  components: {
    'Main': [DatapointEditorModule, ClassificationModule],
    'Data': [DataTableModule, PotatoModule],

Then, build the app, specifying the directory to build with the flag. For example, to build the custom_module demo app:

yarn build

This builds the client app and moves all static assets to a build directory in the specified directory containing the main.ts file (examples/custom_module/build).

Finally, to serve the bundle, set the client_root flag in your python code to point to this build directory. For this example we specify the build directory in examples/custom_module/

# Here, client build/ is in the same directory as this file
parent_dir = os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
FLAGS.set_default("client_root", parent_dir, "build"))


  1. Naming is just a happy coincidence; the Language Interpretability Tool is not related to the lit-html or lit-element projects.