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This module integrates language servers into Doom Emacs. They provide features you’d expect from IDEs, like code completion, realtime linting, language-aware imenu/xref integration, jump-to-definition/references support, and more.

To get LSP working, you’ll need to do three things:

  1. Enable this module,
  2. Install a language server appropriate for your targeted language(s) (you’ll find a table mapping languages to available servers in the lsp-mode project README).
  3. Enable the +lsp flag on the :lang modules you want to enable LSP support for. If your language’s module doesn’t have LSP support, and you know it can (or should), please let us know! In the meantime, you must configure it yourself (described in the Configuration section).

As of this writing, this is the state of LSP support in Doom Emacs:

ModuleMajor modesDefault language server
:lang ccc-mode, c++-mode, objc-modeccls
:lang csharpcsharp-modeomnisharp
:lang elixirelixir-modeelixir-ls
:lang fsharpfsharp-modeMono, .NET core
:lang gogo-modego-langserver
:lang haskellhaskell-modehaskell-ide-engine
:lang javajava-modelsp-java
:lang javascriptjs2-mode, rjsx-mode, typescript-modetypescript-language-server
:lang ocamltuareg-modeocaml-language-server
:lang phpphp-modephp-language-server
:lang pythonpython-modelsp-python-ms
:lang rubyruby-modesolargraph
:lang rustrust-moderls
:lang scalascala-modemetals
:lang shsh-modebash-language-server
:lang swiftswift-modesourcekit
:lang webweb-mode, css-mode, scss-mode, sass-mode, less-css-modevscode-css-languageserver-bin, vscode-html-languageserver-bin

Module Flags

  • +peek Use lsp-ui-peek when looking up definitions and references with functionality from the :tools lookup module.



This module has no direct prerequisites, but major-modes require you to install language servers.

You’ll find a table that lists available language servers and how to install them in the lsp-mode project README. The documentation of the module for your targeted language will contain brief instructions as well.


LSP-powered project search

When :completion ivy or :completion helm is active, LSP is used to search a symbol indexed by the LSP server :

SPC c jJump to symbol in current workspace
SPC c JJump to symbol in any workspace

