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Imagine the following JavaScript would translate into SQL and fetch the respective data - while even being type safe when using TypeScript:

    var result = fetch(query(() => {
        var o = from(orders);
        var i = join(invoices).on(i => o.orderNo.eq(i.orderNo));

        return { o, i };

    if (result.length)`first order is: ${result[0].o.orderNo}`)

Under TypeScript, the type of result is indeed inferred from the query's selection { o, i } as this is obviously not some predefined model type.

This repo contains a proof of concept that this is possible.


I currently do server-side work with .NET and so I'm used to using LINQ to query databases. In case you don't know what that is: It's a combination of language and library constructs on .NET that allow you to write compact, expressive and type-safe queries against various data sources, the most important of which are of course SQL databases. For those, LINQ is translated to SQL at runtime.

There's more than one ORM that can be used with LINQ to query SQL databases, but I'm mostly familiar with Microsoft's Entity Framework.

.NET is a damn good platform, but like most people, I've come to make my peace with the fact that there's no way around doing a lot of JavaScript, too. And when clients are written in JavaScript anyway, it stands to reason to consider ditching .NET altogether and go with Node.js in order to benefit from shared code and a shared data model.

The one thing that keeps me from going this route for new applications is the fact that there is really nothing in JavaScript (or any non-.NET language for that matter) that plays in LINQ/Entity Frameworks league.

I want at least:

  • Type-safety when using TypeScript (on the data model when building queries, not just the ORM's API).
  • Queries should look elegant and be easily comprehensible (especially joins and infix operators make our lives difficult without special language support).
  • Arbitrary result set types, not just sets of predefined model types (sometimes called "projections") as shown in the teaser; we can live with not being able to write back rows fetched that way.
  • The resulting SQL should be readable for the sake of the debugging that will be necessary on occasion. For the same reason, it is beneficial when the structure of the original query is still recognizable in the resulting SQL.

I've written the beginning of a query builder that could be used as research for something more serious in the future. It's not usable yet in any way, but I think I got most of the tricky stuff working to prove that the type inference and runtime query building really works the way as I describe in this readme. I will call this Sqlizer to have a name for it that isn't again LINQ, which would be confusing in the context of this research.

Query building in JavaScript and TypeScript

Fluent expressions

"Fluent" is a popular API paradigm often used for set comprehensions, among other things. Underscore/Lodash uses it, so JavaScript folk are used to it as much as anyone.

const newSet = someSet
    .where(p =>
    .map(p => p.age)

Whereas Underscore/Lodash transforms arrays in each step, Sqlizer builds an expression tree from which later the SQL can be rendered.


The type of someSet would be something like SqlSet<Person>, where Person is a user-defined entity type. The resulting newSet is correctly inferred to have the type SqlSet<number>.

Such SqlSets have an expression property that contains the expression it represents. For example, someSet could have a NamedSetExpression that represents a table/entity in the database. Then someSet.Where(p =>'s expression would be a QueriedSetExpression which refers to the former NamedSetExpression.


The expression trees for the arguments of where and map are build by Sqlizer by executing the respective lambdas with p being a SqlElement<Person>. That, again, has an expression property and is build in an analogous manner.

A key difference between SqlSets and SqlElements is that the latter need to have properties coming from the user-defined entity models, such as p.age - both as a TypeScript type and at as a JavaScript object at runtime.

Note that obviously p can't just be a simple instance of Person as we need p.age to represent something containing an expression property.

To make this work at runtime, the lambdas of map and where are called with mock objects that have all the properties of the user's model; but instead of returning actual values, they return again SqlElements with the expression property containing a MemberExpression which then ultimately becomes part of the query's whole expression tree.

The mock object also contains a number of methods for fluently writing operator calls such as gt (greater than).

To make this work at compile time in TypeScript, the user model types are recursively mapped to SqlElements. So for example, if you have a SqlSet<Person> then the p in the lambdas becomes SqlElement<Person> and p.age becomes SqlElement<number>.

The element types being SqlElements is also an important safeguard against the user accidentally calling a function that, for example, expects a real Person entity rather than meaning to contribute to an expression.

Pseudo-monadic expressions

There's one thing where a pure fluent approach becomes very awkward: Joins.

LINQ offers a special so-called "query syntax" as a way to express them conveniently like this:

from o in Orders
from i in o.Invoices
select new { o, i }

This is semantically equivalent to the following in LINQ's so-called "method syntax":

Orders.SelectMany(o => o.Invoices, (o, i) => new { o, i })

That's certainly something that could be done in JavaScript, but it's very confusing - which is of course why the LINQ query syntax was created.

The problem here is that we want an expression syntax that allows us to introduce new symbols (o and i) within the expression. Some functional languages such as Haskell allow that with support for something call a monad.

JavaScript has neither monads nor a LINQ query syntax, but I would like to suggest a workaround that would work in any language: the pseudo-monadic expression:

query(() => {
    const o = from(orders);
    const i = from(o.invoices)


    return { o, i };

It's certainly very readable.

The way this works is that the query function sets up a context in which to evaluate the given lambda. That context contains a mutable structure representing the subquery that is going to be build. The lambda is then called and certain functions such as from register a new join factor on the query in the context and returns a SqlElement with a FromExpression or JoinExpression.

Each pseudo-monadic expression becomes a SQL query

I believe it's good to make these building blocks reflect exactly the somewhat arbitrary SQL statement form:

query(() => {
    const i = from(invoices)





    return { orderNo: i.orderNo, count: count() }

It makes for a strong relationship between the original query and the resulting SQL.

The case against compile-time safety fanaticism

An obvious objection against this construct is that a number of programming errors will only be caught at query build time.

TypeScript can't check the order of from/join, where, groupBy, having and orderBy calls. If it's wrong, you will only learn about it at runtime from an exception.

More subtly, it can also not be checked at compile time whether the selection only contains group key values or aggregates in cases where a groupBy is present.

Still, I think it's an ideological argument. Let's remember what compile-time safety is for: We want to catch those programming errors that we wouldn't catch anyway.

This falls mostly in the latter category because

  • on writing the query, we clearly test it manually once and
  • after renamings or other model modifications, we haven't changed the order of above statements or changed anything regarding grouping semantics.

Those should cover most cases. Bugs will happen of course - but a different, more safe design would have other disadvantages that outweigh the safety benefits I believe.

And there's one more advantage: Runtime exceptions can explain what the problem is (eg. "all joins must come before a where").

Fluent combinators in terms of pseudo-monadic expression

The fluent methods shown earlier (.where, .take) can be implemented in terms of the pseudo-monadic expression. That makes for some pretty deeply nested queries though.

I still think the first proper implementation should do just that and this could be improved on later, possibly by merging expressions in the resulting expression tree.

Elements can be sets

One tricky bit regarding elements is that sometimes they are themselves sets. In the last code snippet, o.invoices can be used as an argument to from, although it is really a SqlElement and not a SqlSet. It can still be used with proper type inference as long as the type is an array type.

On proper SqlSets, however, we have the fluent methods mentioned earlier, which are of course missing in SqlElement. It would be possible to insert them at runtime for only those SqlElements that are in fact sets, but there's no way to express that in TypeScript's type system (yet).

We certainly don't want all the fluent methods on all elements: normal, non-set elements have all the user-defined model properties the fluent methods could collide with.

LINQ gets around this with extension methods, which aren't available in JavaScript.

The best I can think of is to put one fluent method in all elements that gives us the SqlElement as a SqlSet:

.where(o => i.invoices.asSet().any())

Query building would throw an exception on calling this method on non-array elements:

.where(o => i.asSet().any())   // compiles but throws at query build time

The right level of abstraction

Nobody wants to write SQL itself, even if it was type-safe and would integrate nicely into a host language like JavaScript. One wants at least some abstraction on top of that, the most common for ORMs being implicit joins through navigational properties.

On the other hand, it shouldn't be entirely mystical how the SQL is being generated and the resulting SQL should resemble the original query to make diagnostics easier: Analyzing an SQL statement's query plan is certainly not something unusual, and for that we want to understand the SQL that led to it.

We want to query graphs, not tables

ORM query results are technically graphs (with relationships being the edges), whereas SQL results are usually flat tables. SQL Server can indeed return subgraphs (or rather subtrees, but that's close enough) by returning XML or JSON, but I don't know to what extent that's common in other database servers.

Named elements

One annoying limitation of SQL is the lack of element variables. This forces one to repeat the same expression twice:

SELECT TRIM(untrimmed)
FROM someTable
ORDERBY TRIM(untrimmed)

If the expression was more complex than TRIM(untrimmed) you can see how that's cumbersome. You can work around that by doing a subquery, but that's argueably even more convoluted. In LINQ it's just

from r in someTable
let trimmed = r.untrimmed.Trim()
orderby trimmed
select trimmed

In Sqlizer this would also be possible:

query(() => {
    const r = from(someTable);
    const trimmed = trim(r.untrimmed);


    return { trimmed };

Named subqueries

In LINQ you can write

var orders = Orders.Where(o => !o.IsDeleted);
var result = orders.Select(o => o.CreatedBy)
    .Union(orders.Select(o => o.LastModifiedBy));

giving you all people involved with non-deleted orders. The "non-deleted" set of orders is factored out here, something that in SQL is called a common table expression (CTE):

WITH orders AS (
    SELECT o.* FROM Orders o WHERE o.IsDeleted = 0
SELECT o.CreatedBy FROM orders o
SELECT o.LastModifiedBy FROM orders o

Entity Framework doesn't actually seem to translate into CTEs but rather puts in multiple copies of the same query.

I think it really should use CTEs though, because

  • it makes the resulting SQL more readable and
  • it makes the resulting SQL reflect the structure of the original query.

LINQ does too much

I will go into two abstractions I believe are a bad idea as

  • it makes the resulting SQL look different from the original query and/or
  • raises a wall between the query author and SQL concepts that are beneficial to know about.

CROSS- AND OUTER APPLYs: Cleaning up annoying join restrictions in SQL

Consider this LINQ query:

from o in Orders
from i in (from i2 in Invoices where i2.OrderNo == o.OrderNo select i2).Take(1)
select new { o, i }

A second "from" is normally simply a cross join, but in this case the subquery from depends itself on o, the "alias" of the first join factor.

That's not possible in SQL: Joined subqueries can't reference aliases of sibling joins - that's why there is the separate on-clause where you are allowed to reference the aliases of preceding join factors. This is a somewhat surprising restriction that is motivated by the fact that in general such arbitrary dependencies would force a join order.

Frequently, however, they are necessary and a forced join order is acceptable. Above LINQ query gets translated to this in SQL Server:

    FROM  [dbo].[Orders] AS [Extent1]
        FROM [dbo].[Invoices] AS [Extent2]
        WHERE [Extent2].[OrderNo] = [Extent1].[OrderNo] ) AS [Limit1]

The CROSS APPLY is a rather young join type that allows the joined set to be arbitrarily dependent on aliases of sibling joins. If the set isn't, the cross apply behaves like a cross join.

There also is an OUTER APPLY that behaves analogously to an outer join.

(The example only selects the first invoice for every order as when one would select all invoices, the query could be simplified to a simple join by moving the subquery's where clause predicate into an on-clause - and Entity Framework does this kind of optimization.)

I could imaging that the cross apply was introduced precisely to make it possible to have a nicer query language such as LINQ that does away with this subtle bit of SQL weirdness - CROSS APPLY debuted in SQL Server 2005, LINQ in Visual Studio 2008. It's now part of the SQL standard.

This important feature is also supported by at least Oracle and PostgreSQL (for the latter under the name lateral join).

As for the abstraction, however, I would suggest staying closer to SQL with this syntax:

query(() => {
    const o = from(orders);
    const i = outerApply(query(() => {
        const i2 = from(o.invoices)
        return i2

    return { o, i };

I think it makes more sense to get programmers to learn more about SQL than to try and abstract away too much - in case of weird query execution problems, they need to understand the SQL anyway.

GroupBy and GroupJoin

LINQ's grouping operator selects not only the grouping keys for each group but also the group sets themselves - you can write something like this:

from i in invoices
group i by i.OrderNo into invoicesForOrder
select new {
    OrderNo = invoicesForOrder.Key,
    LatestInvoiceNo = (
        from i2 in invoicesForOrder
        order by i.CreatedAt
        select i.InvoiceNo

The way this gets translated is by getting all the distinct order numbers in one subquery and then going over the result and selecting each group of invoices explicitly with a where-clause:

        (SELECT -- The number of invoices in each order
            COUNT(1) AS [A1]
            FROM [dbo].[Invoices] AS [Extent3]
            WHERE ([Distinct1].[OrderNo] = [Extent3].[OrderNo])) AS [C1]
        FROM   (SELECT DISTINCT -- All the order numbers we go over
            [Extent1].[OrderNo] AS [OrderNo]
            FROM [dbo].[Invoices] AS [Extent1] ) AS [Distinct1]
        OUTER APPLY  ( -- The latest invoice in each order
            SELECT TOP (1) [Project2].[InvoiceNo] AS [InvoiceNo]
            FROM ( SELECT 
                [Extent2].[InvoiceNo] AS [InvoiceNo], 
                [Extent2].[CreatedAt] AS [CreatedAt]
                FROM [dbo].[Invoices] AS [Extent2]
                WHERE ([Distinct1].[OrderNo] = [Extent2].[OrderNo])
            )  AS [Project2]
            ORDER BY [Project2].[CreatedAt] DESC ) AS [Limit1]
    )  AS [Project3]

That query isn't optimal: The counting could be build into the subquery selecting the order numbers:

        FROM   (SELECT -- All the order numbers we go over
            [Extent1].[OrderNo] AS [OrderNo],
            COUNT(1) AS [A1]
            FROM [dbo].[Invoices] AS [Extent1]
            GROUP BY [Extent1].[OrderNo]
        ) AS [Distinct1]
        OUTER APPLY  (...) AS [Limit1]
    )  AS [Project3]

It's possible that there's an efficiency difference between the two. So in cases where it matters, the query author could write the latter in JavaScript specifically like this:

processQuery(query(() => {
    const orderNoWithInvoiceCount = query(() => {
        const i = from(invoices);
        return { orderNo: i.orderNo, numberOfInvoices: count() }
    const { orderNo, numberOfInvoices } = from(orderNoWithInvoiceCount)
    const latestInvoice = outerApply(query(() => {
        const i2 = from(invoices)
        return i2

    return { orderNo, numberOfInvoices, latestInvoice };

It's more verbose than the LINQ version, but since it follows SQL's concepts more closely

  • it expresses better what the resulting SQL will be like,
  • it gives the query author more control and
  • it's much (really, a lot) simpler to implement.

I feel strongly that this is the route to go.

Making a Pit Stop

So this is about what I have so far and I wanted to share.

All queries using build with query() in this readme can be found in app.ts and will render correctly, except that the selections are not flattened and implicit joins from navigational properties not expanded. So when you look at the rendered SQL it looks like this:

SELECT { x: x1, y: { nested: n1 } } FROM ...

There is more that is considered in this readme and not yet implemented, but all that should be straight-forward: I don't expect any more surprises. However, I do expect it to be a lot of work to be a usable ORM.

It may be possible to integrate this way of building queries into existing ORMs as there are no restrictions placed on the entity types.

Since I don't see myself using JavaScript/TypeScript for database access right away, this is the point where my curiosity is satisfied for the time being.

If you want to chat about this, feel free to drop a ticket in this repo.