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ACE Direct Installation/Configuration Checklist

ACE Direct

This checklist describes the installation and configuration procedures for the ACE Direct software. It is the product of the lessons learned from several successful ACE Direct deployments. This document refers to other repos and online sources for some of the low-level installation instructions.


Warning: Some prerequisites may take days or even weeks to complete. Factor in this lead time when planning an ACE Direct deployment.

This section describes the important prerequisites to complete before proceeding with an ACE Direct installation.

  • This document assumes the installation account to be /home/acedirect. Note that this is the same name as the /home/acedirect/acedirect Node servers repo.
  • Acquire domain and subdomain names. Work with a domain name registrar to register the desired domain and subdomain names. It may take up to three days to activate the domain after registration. Domain names must be three-level domain names; this is a requirement by OpenAM. Do not use special characters in the domain names. The suggested domain names for ACE Direct are:,,, and Once domain names are available, proceed with the remaining prerequisites below.
  • Create A records. Connect your IP addresses to host names with A records (link).
  • Update provider peering lists. Make requests to the phone providers to update their peering lists. It may take up to two weeks to fulfill this request.
  • Create website certificates. Create website certificates for the registered domain name:
    • The certificates should be wildcard certs to have flexibility with domain names.
    • Name the certificates cert.pem and key.pem.
    • The certificates must have 644 permissions.
    • Place certificates in the expected folders on all the servers, for example: /home/acedirect/.ssl
    • If the cert is new, you may have to execute restorecon on it, for example: restorecon -R -v cert.pem
    • For local testing only, you may want to create self-signed certs: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out cert.pem
  • Create the AWS instances for the ACE Direct servers:
    • Acquire and provision AWS servers for:,,, and If putting NGINX on its own server, acquire too.
    • On nodeace, modify SE Linux: sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 . You will need to do this after any reboot.
    • Set all servers to the UTC timezone.
    • The installation and configuration instructions assume CentOS or RHEL Linux servers. However, other Linux flavors may work with little or no changes to these instructions.
  • Database access. Secure and test an admin username and password for a MySQL database. This may be either a standard MySQL server or an AWS RDS MySQL service.
  • Internet access. The installation and configuration require Internet access to download software and other external dependencies on the ACE Direct servers.
  • Install Git. The nodeace server must have Git. Install it if needed: yum install git.

Installation and configuration

After completing the prerequisites above, continue to ACE Direct installation and configuration. The autoinstall repo automates much of the installation and configuration process.

Sample Installation

Here is a sample installation example for the v3.2.0 release on the nodeace server:

$  # installing ACE Direct...
$  # It is recommended to install Redis, NGINX, MongoDB, and the Node servers on the nodeace server
$  # however, using a separate serer for NGINX is fine
$  cd /home/acedirect  # your installation folder
$  git clone
$  python autoinstall/ -s '' -b 'v3.2.0' -u '/home/acedirect'
Do you want to install Redis? (y/n): y
Do you want to install Nginx? (y/n): y
Do you want to install MongoDB? (y/n):y
Please select one of the following options for installation. When finished, choose option 0 for configuration:
1. Quick installation & configuration (all servers)
2. Install Agent and Consumer Portals
3. Install ACR-CDR
4. Install Management Portal
5. Install Aserver
6. Install Userver
7. Install Fendesk
8. Install Virtual Agent
9. Disable SE Linux
10. Exit script without configuration

0. Finish installation, begin configuration
 >>  1
Virtualagent installation complete.
Disabling SE Linux...
SE Linux has been disabled.
Beginning configuration...
Do you want to go through the configuration process? (y/n):y
Enter the full path to a configuration template file, or press enter to use the
default template:/home/acedirect/dat/config.json_TEMPLATE
Do you want the configuration file config.json to be base64 encoded? (y/n):n
prompt: common,cleartext:  (true) 
prompt: common,version:  (3.2) 
prompt: common,year:  (2019) 
Writing process.json and starting servers of the installed components...
$  pm2 update # if needed
$  # done, services are up
$  # here's how to manager Node servers with pm2...
$  pm2 stop all  # stop all Node servers
$  pm2 start all  # start all Node servers
$  pm2 status # check status of all Node servers
$  pm2 delete all  # delete Node server processes
$  pm2 start process.json  # add all Node server processes and start them up

The following paragraphs describe a manual installation and configuration of ACE Direct.


The nodeace server is the main application server for ACE Direct. Complete these instructions on nodeace:

  • Create a user account named acedirect.

  • Install and configure NGINX. See the file in the nginx repo for complete instructions. This repo provides a template for the nginx.conf file.

  • Install and configure Redis. See the Redis Quick Start instructions.

  • Install and configure MongoDB. See the MongoDB installation instructions.

  • Update the /etc/hosts file with the openamace and nodeace information. Here is a sample template: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
    ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
    <OPENAMACE PRIVATE IP> openamace
    <NODEACE PRIVATE IP> nodeace
  • Create the /home/acedirect/scripts folder and install the script. To manually install this script, copy it from the asterisk repo:

    cd /home/acedirect
    git clone
    cd asterisk
    # git checkout to the latest/desired version
    cd /home/acedirect/scripts
    cp /home/acedirect/asterisk/scripts/ .
    chmod 755
    cd /home/acedirect
    rm -rf asterisk  # you don't need this repo on the node server
  • Test the script. For example, to test the 1112223333 VRS number, execute the command below and verify that the IP address and port are shown in the last line of output:

$ ./ 1112223333 full
  • Install Node.js, git, wget, bower, pm2, and apidoc.
  • Install and configure the Node.js application servers. Run the automated installer script. Note that the automated installer script also downloads and installs third-party software mentioned above:
cd /home/acedirect  # your installation folder
git clone
python autoinstall/ -s '' -b 'v3.2.0' -u '/home/acedirect'
  • When prompted by the script:

    • Select Option 1 for a quick installation.
    • Specify the path to the configuration file template: /home/acedirect/dat/config.json_TEMPLATE
    • Enter appropriate values for each configuration parameter. See the parameter_desc.json file in the dat repo for descriptions of each parameter. In many cases, the default value is sufficient.
    • Decide if you want the configuration file to be encoded. If so, set the cleartext parameter to "". Otherwise, set the cleartext parameter to a non-empty string (e.g., "not encoded").
  • Verify that the Node.js application servers are running on nodeace: pm2 status


The openamace server is the identity and access management server, implemented with OpenAM. To install and configure openamace:

  • See the file in the iam repo for detailed installation and configuration instructions.
  • Install Java v1.8. or later. Please be mindful of the new Java licensing model. According to Oracle, "Java SE 8 remains free of charge for general purpose desktop and server use" link. You may optionally install OpenJDK instead. See the iam repo for details.


Some ACE Direct components require database access. The database may be a separate server, or it may be a service like Amazon RDS. Here are full instructions to install and configure the ACE Direct databases:

  • See the dat/ file for additional instructions for installing the database.

  • Install a MySQL client on nodeace and sipace, for example, sudo yum install mysql.

  • Install and configure MySQL on a server accessible by nodeace and sipace. You may install MySQL as an AWS RDS service instead. Note the admin user and password.

  • Modify the dat/acedirectdefault.sql script. This script prepares the ACE Direct database:

    • Globally replace _EXTENSION_PASSWORD_ with the actual extension password from Asterisk.
    • Modify _ACEDIRECT_PASSWORD_ with a desired password for the acedirect database user.
    • Modify _ASTERISK_PASSWORD_ with a desired password for the asterisk database user.
  • Execute the dat/acedirectdefault.sql script from nodeace, with the admin user and password. Sample execution assuming the username admin and a sample AWS RDS domain name:

    sudo yum install mysql  # install a MySQL client if it's not there
    mysql -u admin -p -h < acedirectdefault.sql

Additional installation instructions

  • Install and configure the stun server on stunace.
  • Install and configure Asterisk on sipace. See the asterisk/ file for detailed instructions.
  • Install and connect the BusyLight to the agent computer:
    • Connect the USB BusyLight to the agent computer.
    • Download the busylightapi/exe/lightserver.jar Java program from the busylightapi repo. Run it locally on the Agent's client computer.

ACE Direct Reboot Checklist

After rebooting servers, ACE Direct requires starting services in a specific order. Some services start automatically on reboot. Here is this required order:

  • stunace - STUN server
  • sipace - Asterisk server
  • openamace - Start OpenAM: sudo service tomcat start
  • nodeace or nginxace - NGINX server: sudo service nginx start
  • nodeace - Node servers
    • Set SE Linux variable: sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
    • Start NGINX: sudo service nginx start
    • Start Redis: sudo service redis start
    • Start MongoDB: sudo service mongod start
    • Restart ACE Direct servers: pm2 restart all

ACE Direct Troubleshooting Checklist

  • Manage Node services with pm2:

    • Run pm2 status to check the status of all Node servers:

      • Are all status fields online (OK)? If not, errors are present.
      • Are any restart counts periodically increasing? If so, errors are present.
    • Stop all Node services: pm2 stop all

    • Start all Node services: pm2 start all

    • Restart all Node services: pm2 restart all

    • Delete all Node services from pm2 management: pm2 delete all

    • Add and start all Node services to pm2: pm2 start process.json

  • Set the common:debug_level parameter in /home/acedirect/dat/config.json to ALL to receive all messages in the log files.

  • Check the logs folder in each application folder for errors or warnings: ls /home/acedirect/*/logs/*.log

  • Verify that OpenAM, Redis, MongoDB, NGINX, and MySQL are running.

  • Does the BusyLight device respond? Try the self-test mode on the lightserver.jar UI.

  • Verify that the /etc/hosts file is configured correctly.

  • Verify that the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file is configured correctly.

  • Verify that /home/acedirect/dat/config.json is configured correctly.

  • Check if asterisk is publicly accessible: Visit https://ASTERISK_FQDN/ws. The page should display Upgrade Required.

  • Management Portal installation - for any lodash errors, try installing the lodash library globally as root: sudo npm install lodash -g.

  • NGINX cannot proxy to the NODE server - when using FQDNs for ACEDirect in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, the FQDNs may force traffic through a proxy. To resolve this, map the FQDN to the private IP instead using a private host zone. Or, simply use private IP addresses in place of FQDN in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for the ACEDirect, ManagementPortal, and ace (OpenAM) paths.

  • Install MongoDB on RHEL - if the script fails to install MongoDB on RHEL, try sudo yum install -y mongodb-org .

  • No CDR records in the Management Portal - Make sure Asterisk is configured to have the MySQL database credentials, CDR database name, and CDR table name. Also make sure that the ODBC C library is installed on the Asterisk server; this library is normally installed by the automated installation script.

  • Consumer portal cannot reach Asterisk; ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED - make sure Asterisk is configured to use valid certificates.

  • Cannot connect to portals - possibly remap the elastic IPs or try running nslookup on the NGINX FQDN and verify its FQDN and public IP.

  • NGINX errors when trying to connect to portals, but all servers are up and running - make sure all servers have the correct time, synced with each other.