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307 lines (243 loc) · 16.8 KB

File metadata and controls

307 lines (243 loc) · 16.8 KB

DISCLAIMER: commands given to upgrade are purely informative, make sure to understand them and to do a backup of your project and database before running any of it, especially if your project is not (yet) versionned. (of course any improvement or rectification is welcome)

?.?.? (????-??-??)

  • :gettext updated to 0.26
  • fixed various depreciations:
    • Mix.Config => Config
    • collecting into a non-empty list
    • [LiveViewPlugin] Phoenix.LiveView.get_connect_info/1 => Phoenix.LiveView.get_connect_info/2
  • [Rememberable] fixed wrong cookie max-age value (expiration)
  • fixed missing SQL negation in Haytni.Token.purge_expired_tokens/1, removing valid tokens instead of expired
  • [Authenticable] added sign_in_return_path and sign_out_return_path options
  • added Haytni.send_email/2 to centralize emails sending
  • experimental features:
    • added a module Haytni.Callbacks which defines the optional callbacks that a Haytni stack can define (override). Its only callback (for now) is user_query/1 to compose the different Ecto queries loading users, a convenient way to (pre)load intimately related user data needed nearly everywhere (eg: roles - see guides for an example)
  • fields last_sign_in_at/current_sign_in_at moved from Trackable to a new plugin called LastSeen
  • added Anonymization plugin to modify configured fields on account deletion (automated soft deletion)
  • added EncryptedEmail plugin to keep a hashed version of email address to avoid abuses without keeping the original address (RGPD compliant?)
  • added Rolable plugin to import entire group/role support

Haytni doesn't directly rely on Bamboo anymore. Consequently, you'll need to add it as a dependency to your project (add {:bamboo, "~> 2.2"} to the deps/0 function of your mix.exs file) and modify your mailer from use Bamboo.Mailer, otp_app: :my_app to use Haytni.Mailer, otp_app: :my_app, adapter: Haytni.Mailer.BambooAdapter. If you prefer, you can replace Bamboo in the same way (for Swoosh or whatever).

Commands to upgrade to comply with gettext 0.26:

# Phoenix < 1.7.0
find lib/my_app_web/views/ -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/require Haytni.Gettext/use Gettext, backend: Haytni.Gettext/g' {} \;
find lib/my_app_web/templates/ -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/Haytni.Gettext.dgettext("haytni",/dgettext("haytni",/g' {} \;
# Phoenix >= 1.7.0
find lib/my_app_web/controllers/haytni/ -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/require Haytni.Gettext/use Gettext, backend: Haytni.Gettext/g' {} \;
find lib/my_app_web/controllers/haytni/ -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/Haytni.Gettext.dgettext("haytni",/dgettext("haytni",/g' {} \;

0.7.0 (2022-04-10)


  • unified tokens handling (inspired from phx_gen_auth)
    • add (authentication) support to channels (and, by extension, live view) if the _csrf_token cookie is not available
    • removal of:
      • fields
        • [Lockable] unlock_token
        • [Confirmable] confirmation_sent_at, confirmation_token, unconfirmed_email
        • [Rememberable] remember_token, remember_created_at
        • [Recoverable] reset_password_token, reset_password_sent_at
      • config
        • [Lockable] unlock_token_length
        • [Confirmable] confirmation_token_length
        • [Rememberable] remember_salt, remember_token_length
        • [Recoverable] reset_token_length
    • added:
      • config
        • [Lockable] unlock_within
  • several Haytni modules cannot be stacked (raises if so)
  • templates moved from EEx to HEEx (you can still use EEx)
  • replaced :bcrypt_elixir with :expassword(_bcrypt)
  • Haytni.update_registration/4 has been changed to not handle email nor password changes at the same time: the single form and changeset used to edit its profile has been splitted in 3 separated changesets/forms. See priv/templates/registration/edit.html.heex on how to update this template. Consequently, the fields :current_password, :email and :password are no longer required to be whitelisted (Ecto.Changeset.cast/4) by your update_registration_changeset/2 functions
  • added new plugin [ClearSiteData] to set the HTTP header Clear-Site-Data as (and if) you want
  • added support for LiveView 0.17: a Haytni stack (module) can be defined as a on_mount/4 callback in Phoenix.LiveView.Router.live_session/3 to set the current user from session
  • [callbacks] added c:Haytni.Plugin.on_delete_user/4
  • [callbacks] changed c:Haytni.Plugin.routes/2 to c:Haytni.Plugin.routes/3 (its arity) to get configuration datas of the plugin back

Upgrade procedure

In mix.exs, replace the :bcrypt_elixir dependency by {:expassword_bcrypt, "~> 0.2"} and/or {:expassword_argon2, "~> 0.2"} (to support bcrypt and/or argon2). If you can't build a NIF on dev and/or test environment, you can instead use :expassword_external_bcrypt/:expassword_external_argon2.

Then the lines stack Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin need to be updated to specify, as options, how to hash passwords (new registrations or password changes) with stack Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin, hashing_method: ExPassword.Bcrypt, hashing_options: %{cost: (if Mix.env() == :test, do: 4, else: 10)} for bcrypt.

The following commands should handle the changes about reconfirmation:

find lib/your_app_web/templates/haytni/ -type f -name "*.eex" -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi \
    -e 'BEGIN {undef $/}' \
    -e 's/<%= if \@config\.reconfirmable, do: \@user\.unconfirmed_email, else: \@user\.email %>/<%= \ %>/g;' \
    -e 's/<%= if Haytni\.plugin_enabled\?\(\@module, Haytni\.ConfirmablePlugin\) && \@changeset\.data\.unconfirmed_email do %>.+?<% end %>//gs;'

find lib/your_app_web/templates/haytni/ -type f -name "reconfirmation_instructions.*.eex" -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/_confirmation_url/_reconfirmation_url/g;'

The following migration should take care of new tokens handling (removing old individual fields and creating the new table):

# priv/repo/migrations/<current timestamp or custom version number>_haytni_upgrade_from_0_6_3_to_0_7_0.exs
defmodule YourRepo.Migrations.HaytniUpgradeFrom063To070 do
  @stacks [HaytniTestWeb.Haytni] # a list of your Haytni stacks (module names) related to the current Repo

  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    for stack <- @stacks do
      source = stack.schema().__schema__(:source)
      if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.RememberablePlugin) do
        drop_if_exists index(source, [:remember_token])
        alter table(source) do
          remove_if_exists :remember_token, :string, default: nil
          remove_if_exists :remember_created_at, :utc_datetime, default: nil

      if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.LockablePlugin) do
        drop_if_exists index(source, [:unlock_token])
        alter table(source) do
          remove_if_exists :unlock_token, :string, default: nil

      if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.RecoverablePlugin) do
        drop_if_exists index(source, [:reset_password_token])
        alter table(source) do
          remove_if_exists :reset_password_token, :string, default: nil
          remove_if_exists :reset_password_sent_at, :utc_datetime, default: nil

      if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.ConfirmablePlugin) do
        drop_if_exists index(source, [:confirmation_token])
        alter table(source) do
          remove_if_exists :unconfirmed_email, :string, default: nil
          remove_if_exists :confirmation_token, :string, default: nil
          remove_if_exists :confirmation_sent_at, :utc_datetime, null: false

      cistring = Haytni.Migration.case_insensitive_string_type()
      tokens_table = "#{source}_tokens"
      create table(tokens_table) do
        add :token, :binary, null: false
        add :user_id, references(source, on_delete: :delete_all, on_update: :update_all), null: false
        add :context, :string, null: false
        add :sent_to, cistring
        timestamps(updated_at: false, type: :utc_datetime)

      create index(tokens_table, ~W[user_id]a)
      create unique_index(tokens_table, ~W[token context]a)

0.6.3 (2021-03-09)


  • [Authenticable] added inserted_at field (Ecto.Schema.timestamps/1 + Ecto.Migration.timestamps/1) to user schemas
  • the X-Suspicious-Activity header is also set by HaytniWeb.Registerable.RegistrationController.create
  • fixed ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE options in migrations on foreign keys (Trackable + Invitable)
  • Bamboo updated to 2.0
  • [callbacks] on_logout/2 becomes on_logout/3 to add module (Haytni stack's module)

Upgrade procedure

The following migration should take care of the upgrade (except fixing the foreign keys options):

# priv/repo/migrations/<current timestamp or custom version number>_haytni_upgrade_from_0_6_2_to_0_6_3.exs

defmodule YourRepo.Migrations.HaytniUpgradeFrom062To063 do
  @stacks [HaytniTestWeb.Haytni] # a list of your Haytni stacks (module names) related to the current Repo

  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    for stack <- @stacks do
      source = stack.schema().__schema__(:source)
      if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin) do
        alter table(source) do
          timestamps(updated_at: false, type: :utc_datetime, default: fragment("NOW()"))

The following command should handle the replacement of @user.(unlock_token|reset_password_token|confirmation_token|unconfirmed_email) to @\1 in email templates:

find lib/your_app_web/templates/haytni/ -type f -name "*.eex" -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi \
    -e 's/\@user\.(unlock_token|reset_password_token|confirmation_token|unconfirmed_email)/\@\1/g;'

0.6.2 (2020-09-19)

  • [Rememberable] fixed wrong checkbox's name in template session/new.html.eex
  • fixed session was not created except if Rememberable was involved

0.6.1 (2020-09-05)


  • introduced new Invitable plugin
  • fix wrong extension for migrations (.ex => .exs)
  • [Trackable] fixed table name (singular => plural, eg: user_connections becomes users_connections)
  • [Trackable] Ecto.Schema.timestamps/1 type was changed from :naive_datetime to :utc_datetime
  • [Trackable] no longer PostgreSQL specific but a "dummy" VARCHAR(39) will be used for storage for others RDBMS
  • [Authenticable] DELETE method can be overriden for logout by giving the option logout_method: :get to your YourApp.Haytni.routes/1 call
  • paths used to generate the routes created by plugins can be customized at your YourApp.Haytni.routes/1 call, see their respective documentation for further details
  • [Lockable] Incrementation of failed_attempts has been moved into the multi to make the UPDATE atomic and makes this counter reliable
  • routes created for Haytni are now prefixed by haytni_<scope>_ to avoid conflicts and permit the use of several Haytni stacks (note that prefixes herited from Phoenix.Router.scope or outer Phoenix.Router.resources still apply)
  • [callbacks] files_to_install/0 becomes files_to_install/4 to receive (in that order):
    1. the base_path (the lib/your_app directory)
    2. the web_path (the lib/your_app_web directory)
    3. the scope
    4. a timestamp (included in migration filenames)
  • [Registerable] fix installation of edit.html.eex template, it was simply copied as is instead being evaluated as an EEx template like the others
  • replaced :string for PostgreSQL by :citext on email addresses in migrations

Upgrade procedure

  • to keep your Haytni templates (both html and mail), you have to apply the following replacements: \b(session|registration|unlock|confirmation|password)_(url|path) to haytni_<scope>_\1_\2 (<scope> has to match the scope defined in your config/*.exs files, default is user). You can use a command like this one to make the changes:
find lib/your_app_web/ test/ -type f \( -name "*.ex" -o -name "*.eex" -o -name "*.exs" \) -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/\b(session|registration|unlock|confirmation|password)_(url|path)/haytni_user_\1_\2/g;'
  • name of views (modules) have also be renamed to incorporate the scope in it: (YourAppWeb\.Haytni\.)(\S*)View becomes \1<Scope>.\2View but you can keep your old one if you want to share the exact same views and templates between several Haytni stacks. To perform the migration, if needed, you can also do it with some commands:
find lib/your_app_web/views/haytni -type f -name "*.ex" -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/\b(YourAppWeb\.Haytni\.)(\S*)View/\1User.\2View/g;'
(git) mv lib/your_app_web/views/haytni lib/your_app_web/views/temporary
mkdir lib/your_app_web/views/haytni
(git) mv lib/your_app_web/views/temporary lib/your_app_web/views/haytni/user

The following migration should take care of the upgrade of:

  • email addresses to citext (PostgreSQL)
  • rename your _connections tables (Trackable)
# priv/repo/migrations/<current timestamp or custom version number>_haytni_upgrade_from_0_6_0_to_0_6_1.exs

defmodule YourRepo.Migrations.HaytniUpgradeFrom060To061 do
  @stacks [HaytniTestWeb.Haytni] # a list of your Haytni stacks (module names) related to the current Repo

  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    if repo().__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do
      # DROP EXTENSION citext
      execute("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext", "")

    for stack <- @stacks do
      source = stack.schema().__schema__(:source)

      if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.TrackablePlugin) do
        rename table("#{stack.scope()}_connections"), to: table("#{source}_connections")

      if repo().__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres and (Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin) or Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.ConfirmablePlugin)) do
        alter table(source) do
          if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin) do
            modify :email, :citext, from: :string
          if Haytni.plugin_enabled?(stack, Haytni.ConfirmablePlugin) do
            modify :unconfirmed_email, :citext, from: :string

        reindex_stmt = "REINDEX INDEX #{source}_email_index"
        execute(reindex_stmt, reindex_stmt)

0.6.0 (2020-05-17)

  • fix Mix.Project unavailable at runtime (application deployed without being recompiled)
  • fix compatibility with ecto 3.0.0:
    • utc_datetime (Ecto type) fails with microseconds
    • now passes Repo as first argument to the callback
  • introduced new Trackable plugin (PostgreSQL specific)
  • [Rememberable] fix pattern match on params, "remember me" feature was ignored
  • [Rememberable] fix wrong cookie expiration (cookie was created expired)
  • [Rememberable] fix error in on_successful_authentication when remember_token is nil
  • [Authenticable] add password_hash_fun and password_check_fun options to use something else than bcrypt for passwords
  • moved necessary calls to Ecto.Changeset.validate_required/2 to [Registerable] instead of User schema create_registration_changeset/2 and update_registration_changeset/2 (this is its responsability)
  • fix Haytni.update_registration trying to use an %Ecto.Changeset{} as second argument to Ecto.Changeset.change/2
  • fix some Ecto.Changeset errors were not shown because no action was applied to them
  • fix misspelled authenticat(e|ion)
  • introduced new callback validate_password/2 for custom/advanced password validation
  • introduced new plugin PasswordPolicyPlugin to replace Haytni.RegisterablePlugin handling of password_length and to constrain password to contain at least password_classes_to_match among digit, upper/lower case letter and other
  • [Recoverable] fix absence of validation on the newly defined password (no check on its length)
  • unlock_keys, reset_password_keys, authentication_keys, confirmation_keys are not used at compile anymore (as defstruct)
  • different Haytni stacks can be used (this is partial, views and templates are still shared between those stacks for the moment, just make sure to call only one of them with pipe_through instead of plug in your router)
  • removed (unused) scope parameter of routes callback
  • session management (creation|removal) is moved from Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin.find_user/3 and HaytniWeb.Authenticable.SessionController.(create|delete) to Haytni.(find_user|logout)
  • per plugin configuration to avoid conflicts and testing
  • [Registerable] added registration_disabled? parameter to disallow any new user registration
  • set an HTTP header X-Suspicious-Activity: 1 (401 neither 403 status code are suitable for this) on authentication failure in order to offer the ability to a proxy to take action

0.0.2 (2019-05-14)

  • phoenix 1.4/ecto 3.0 compatibility
  • fix missing and untranslated strings in priv/templates/*
  • [Rememberable] set SameSite=Strict option on cookie
  • [Lockable] fix FunctionClauseError due to missing call to HaytniWeb.Shared.add_referer_to_changeset