- Select "File / Open File or Project..." (Ctrl+O)
- Open the "vogl/qtcreator/CMakeLists.txt" file
- Select a location for the cmake build files. I just the choose vogl/qtcreator directory.
- Hit "Next >" button.
- Change Generator to "Ninja (Desktop)" if you're going to build with Ninja.
- Hit "Run CMake" button.
- ... Wait a few seconds to parse and add files. ...
- ... You should see something like "2358 files added." ...
- Hit "Finish" button.
You should now be able to click in bottom left "Type to locate" control (or hit Ctrl+K), type in names of vogl files (ie vogl_intercept.cpp), search for symbols, etc.
Click on "Projects" icon on the left.
Under Build Steps:
Mouse over the "Make: make" step and click the 'x' to delete it.
Click , and select "Custom Process Step".
Command: %{buildDir}/../bin/mkvogl.sh
Arguments: --amd64 --debug 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 -
Now select "Choose Build / Build Project..." or (Ctrl+B)
(Alt+4) will flip QtCreator to show the compile output
Under Clean Steps:
Mouse over the "Make: make clean" step and click the 'x' to delete it.
Click "Add Clean Step", select "Custom Process Step".
Command: %{buildDir}/../bin/mkvogl.sh
Arguments: --amd64 --debug --cleanonly
Within the tab, next to "Edit build configurations"
Click "Rename..."; change the text from "all" to "amd64_debug"
Click "Add"; select "Clone selected"; follow steps below
Repeat the steps above for the remaining build configurations:
"amd64_release": Arguments: --amd64 --release --verbose 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3
"i386_debug": Arguments: --i386 --debug --verbose 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3
"i386_release": Arguments: --i386 --release --verbose 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3
Note that you can use the "--usemake" flag with mkvolg.sh if you don't want to use Ninja. If you do this, remove the "3>&1 1>&2 2>&3" redirections also.
The default 'Run configuration' called "VoglProj" that QtCreator adds will not be associated with any binary and therefore cannot be executed. The directions below show how to launch the 64-bit vogleditor.
Within the tab, switch to the "Run" settings
Under "Run", "Run configuration:" click "Add", select "Custom Executable"
Click "Rename..." and customize this run configuration with an appropriate name (eg, "vogleditor64")
For the Executable:, enter: %{buildDir}/../vogl_build/bin/vogleditor64
For the Arguments:, you may optionally enter a path to a trace file
Run in terminal does not need to be enabled for vogleditor, but is useful (required?) for other binaries
Hit [F5] to start debugging
This approach allows you to configure mutliple run configurations that (for example) each launch the vogleditor64 with a different trace file as a parameter, or you can have another configuration that launches vogleditor32, or voglreplay64 with parameters to debug why a replay or trim is not working properly.