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kahnivore edited this page May 14, 2023 · 12 revisions


Campanelli, Vito. Web Aesthetics: How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society. Translated by Francesco Bardo. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2010.

This book was a large inspiration for this project - particularly with regards to talking about how a lot of websites follow certain conventions despite that there are infinite ways webpages could look and be interacted with. Also with regards to the hyperlinked nature of the web being synonymous with an associative way of thinking.

Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong. Programmed Visions: Software and Memory. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 2011.

Wendy Chun’s writing has really influenced my thinking around computers as metaphor, code as magic. Her book really re-enlivened my own relationship with code, and thinking about what lies beyond it, underneath it. I’d like to read more of this book and her other writing.

DeKoven, Bernard. The Well-Played Game: A Player’s Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 2013.

One of the game design classics, I’ve been trying to assimilate the ideas around game design theory, in order to make better design decisions for my games. Generally my games deviate from ‘classic’ games - and I often find myself wanting to rebel against basic principles. But in order to do this correctly it’s important to understand what exactly it is I’m deviating from.

Middlehurst, David. “ASCII ART”. The Home of All Things Ascii. Last accessed May 13, 2023.

Used for ASCII art reference, as well as used a few pieces of the art (credited here). Ideally if this were going to be shown anywhere I would ask the artists for permission to use their images - not actually sure how to contact them. I feel like this is a bit of a gray area, but so long as I’m not getting money from this I feel like it’s ok.

“Resources for Developers by Developers”. MDN Web Docs. 2005.

The most useful resource for actually creating this game on a technical level. It contains a multitude of documentation and resources for creating a website. This is one of the reasons I chose Firefox browser - their commitment to teaching and sharing of knowledge.


Much of the 'research' here involved chatting to people about this idea, about the web, technology etc. Special thanks to Violet, Lindsay, Jon, Jane, Gabriel, Luca, Jonny, Ally, Rui and Jason for your input, as well as my classmates and whomever else I may have ambiently spoken to about this.

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