All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- FEC-14080: Accessibility fix for the top bar and the bottom bar (cb40886)
- FEC-14080: Accessibility fix for the top bar and the bottom bar (ea4e2d6)
- FEC-13421: Future slides thumbnail are not shown on timline when hovering on timeline (#121) (ed0fafb)
3.1.5 (2023-05-15)
- FEC-13121: add configuration that allow control if settings component should be removed from player (#104) (0bddc2f)
- FEC-13145: upgrade dependancies for common and ui-managers etc (#105) (780c36d)
3.1.4 (2023-04-19)
- FEC-13084: add translations folder (225c4b2)
3.1.3 (2023-03-22)
- FEC-12921: [V7-Acc] [Dual Screen] Narrator Screen reader for windows (51aca48)
- FEC-12968: use live plugin for child media (#98) (4e357ed)
- FEC-12990: sync media for live entries (#99) (4effcd2)
- FEV-1377: render side-by-side view in the video interactive area (df62cac)
- FEV-1386: Navigation panel is rendered 'alongSide' when set to 'over' when dual-screen plugin is active (24210db)
- FEV-1537: specify plugin styles for KMC page (#95) (ecff68c)
3.1.2 (2023-01-23)
3.1.1 (2023-01-18)
3.1.0 (2023-01-18)
- FEV-1575: migrate style of plugin dual screen (#81) (57bca61)
- FEV-1612: the ratio of the floating screen should fit the video itself (#85) (83f8e9f)
- FEV-1125: when clicking on first slide in navigation the dual screen blinks (#84) (6ffe4ac)
- FEV-1602: image player is displaying chapters (#83) (9886283)
- FEV-1612: fix safari issue (#87) (fccd764)
- FEV-1612: the ratio of the dualscreen should adjust to its content (#89) (3e4734f)
- FEV-1616: filter out chapter cues on timedMetadataChanged (#91) (8d38a45)
- FEV-1638: dualscreen plugin is causing the player to stuck on loading spinner (#88) (1e6a782)
- FEV-1645: for vertical or bad ratio slides in side by side and in parent, the content is cut (#92) (04f5eca)
- FEV-1646: minimized dual screen with bad ratio content doesn't fill the entire container (#90) (ec94fd1)
- FEV-1647: remove plugin listeners if media doesn't have dual-screen (#93) (6e88020)
3.0.2 (2022-12-12)
- FEV-1439: a11y fixes (#79) (96f11bd)
- FEV-1590: Mac voice over issues (#82) (962af42)
- FEV-956: while dragging, the mouse cursor should be changed to 'hand' icon (#80) (c381265)
3.0.1 (2022-10-26)
- FEc-12359: prepend video element in order to keep the original HTML nodes layout (20bd283)
- FEV-1119: better css performances for thumb loading (#62) (93320b4)
- FEV-1158: show/hide buttons focus issue fixed when narrator is turned on (#77) (a8d437f)
- FEV-1296: fixed issue with dual screen plugin overlap (#60) (dda6578)
- FEV-1322: slides that were broadcasted prior to the archive will appear in the navigation (#70) (65bae58)
- FEV-1327: handle slide only on entire screen layout change (62d035b)
- FEV-1329: add live type of media to getSecondaryMedia API call (24268a4)
- FEV-1387: prevent apply SbS buttons over side-panels (#75) (f22398f)
- FEV-1418: add plugin dependencies (dc77335)
- FEV-1519: simplify dual-screen config (#73) (819171d)
- FEV-963: set round corners on Safari for child player (minimized) (759e968)
1.9.2 (2022-07-20)
- FEV-1267: put player in original element on layout change (#58) (63e7ec1)
- FEV-1287: Slides doesn't appears in dual screen plugin if the user jumps to the entry containing the slides (#57) (1237dda)
- FEV-1295: check if original Video Element exist (#59) (8338629)
- FEV-963: fix border-radius of div containing video on Safari (#61) (465bf31)
1.9.1 (2022-05-26)
- FEV-1172: reset active slide on locked-view state (#55) (e5ef1ac)
- FEV-1204: remove Settings only when dual is loaded (#56) (efcd2e9)
- set prerelease false (d965d65)
1.9.0 (2022-01-19)
1.8.0 (2021-12-29)
1.7.6 (2021-11-22)
- FEV-1132: Player breaks when there is no KS and dual plugin is configured (#48) (ddc5681)
- FEV-1142: Returning to a wrong layout when using DVR for getting back to a "non-slides" point (#47) (2d2ac16)
1.7.5 (2021-11-05)
- FEV-1103: incorrect live indicator color (state) appear when changing states between DVR to live (#43) (b020a2b)
- FEV-1120: parent and child screens cannot be switched on SBS layout (#45) (a7c1f95)
- FEV-1127: slide appear in child container when changing slides in webcast application while producer set "hide slides" mode (#44) (914225e)
- FEV-1130: Captions disappear when child video is in hidden mode (#46) (3108788)
1.7.4 (2021-11-04)
- FEV-1130: add z-index to subtitles on single-view layout (9483adc)
1.7.3 (2021-10-28)
- FEV-1122: Slides switching breaks the current layout and changes it back to the default one (#42) (b1f816c)
1.7.2 (2021-10-26)
- FEV-1100: when seeking more than one slide ahead it, slide loading is noticeable (#40) (fcfe92c)
- FEV-1107: changing layouts via player does not work (#38) (bf4cf62)
- FEV-1109: deleted slides leave black screen (#39) (aaf32df)
- FEV-1115: portrait slides are shown landscape (#41) (6207cd5)
1.7.0 (2021-10-12)
- FEV-1011: handle view-change cue-points (#37) (53e2e57)
- FEV-993: getting thumb cue points using cue point service (#36) (dcc8051)
1.6.2 (2021-09-20)
1.6.1 (2021-09-20)
1.6.0 (2021-09-15)
- FEV-1016: CuePoint Manager - Push data to native tracks API (#33) (a7bd2b1)
- FEV-1016: CuePoint Manager - QA scripts (#34) (9619a1b)
- FEV-1024: image-sync-manager and image player unit tests (#31) (a6df8e4)
1.5.0 (2021-08-18)
- FEV-1046: IE11 - Dual-screen plugin's layouts are broken (#25) (03b4550)
- FEV-1065: resolve ready promise for non-dual medias (#28) (116e6c1)
- FEC-11399: allow ignoring server config (#29) (f405cb3), closes kaltura-player-js#480 playkit-js-providers#153
- FEV-1020: [P2] Image player - Create image player component (#26) (e4572a0)
1.4.0 (2021-07-27)
- FEC-1007: configuring the default layout to be a single layout of the secondary doesn't work (#21) (adba57d)
- FEV-1005: side by side inverse (#23) (ab6e36e)
- FEV-1006: primary player wait for secondary player (#24) (3623547)
- FEV-962: responsiveness - handle small size of player (#20) (726aeb9)
1.3.2 (2021-07-13)
- FEV-921: video sync on pause (#19) (17a2b69)
- FEV-974: use draggable target to define draggable area (#18) (63fb546)
1.3.1 (2021-07-06)
- FEC-969: an error is displayed on the player console (#17) (c41a68d)
- FEC-970: changing a dual-screen entry to be Unlisted triggers an error on the player (#16) (9fc2ce4)
1.3.0 (2021-07-05)
- FEC-10835: update icon component in ui (#13) (21c6f9b)
- FEC-922: mute secondary media (#15) (477f746)
- FEV-923: add tooltips (#11) (8c6ec14)
- FEV-926: reset layout on replay (#12) (0bf6515)
- FEV-933: fix "Hide button" location (#10) (1ef8c0b)
- FEV-958: prevent handle of pointer events for draggable area (#9) (0c931df)