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Polymorphic JSON with Go

In this article and examples we look at the problem of handling polymorphic JSON structures in the Golang programming language.

Deal with polymorphic serialized JSON data is a problem discussed in the Go community. Polymorhpisn can be found in existing APIs and is sometimes needed for new APIs. Unfortunately the default Go JSON code does not handle polymorphism out of the box and hence the motivation for this work.

Let us first understand what polymorphism is and how it maps to Go language.

As per Wikipedia Polymorphism is

In programming languages and type theory, polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types

In the JSON serialization format Polymorphism is used to select among one of multiple data structure types. Those data types may be a flat enumeration or represent a hierarchical system such as the classification of living things or exception hierarchy.

In this work we would detail the more complex case of deep hierarchical structure. The same approach is applicable to a flat enumeration of data structure types.

One example of polymorphic JSON API is RFC 7946 Geo JSON.

    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]
// OR
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
            [100.0, 0.0],
            [101.0, 0.0],
            [101.0, 1.0],
            [100.0, 1.0],
            [100.0, 0.0]

In this specification we would look into a simple error model that would be a common chore for API authors and consumers.

    "errors": [
            "Kind" : "Fault",
            "Message": "Something went wrong.",
            "Cause": {  "Kind": "Fault", "Message": "Missing file" }
            "Kind" : "RuntimeFault",
            "Message": "Unexpected error"
            "Kind" : "Not Found",
            "Message": "The cat Lucie is missing.",
            "Obj": "Lucie",
            "ObjKind": "Cat"

Data Model in Go

The first task is to define the data objects in Go. This is rather straightforward job:

type FaultStruct struct {
	Message string
	Cause   *Fault
type RuntimeFaultStruct struct {
type NotFoundStruct struct {
	ObjKind string
	Obj     string

Note how embedding can be used to construct more complex types without repeating the definitions. This is similar to the allOf construct in JSON schema.

We have now defined a schema of three objects that extend each other. However we do not get Polymorphic behavior. In other words the following results in error

func printFault(f *Fault) {
	fmt.Println("The fault message is:", f.Message);

func main() {
	printFault(&RuntimeFault{ Fault { Message: "test" } })

We cannot use RuntimeFault or NotFound in place where Fault is needed. Let's see how to solve this.

Polymorphism in Go

The Go language provides us with the concept of interfaces implemented through methods on various types. It is with interfaces that different data structures can be used interchangably and exhibit polymorphic behavior.

We can apply interfaces in several ways to our example to get the desired polymorphic behavour. The first way we look at involves getters and setters. This is simpler to understand while not idiomatic for Go. The second apporach defines interfaces that provide access to the underlying data structure. It is not as obvious yet produces cleaner and more concise go code.

Using Interfaces with Accessors

Applying interfaces to our example above produces working code

type FaultInterface interface {
	GetMessage() string

func (f *Fault) GetMessage() string {
	return f.Message
func printFault(f FaultInterface) {
	fmt.Println("The fault message is:", f.GetMessage())
func main() {
	printFault(&RuntimeFault{Fault{Message: "test"}})

In similar way an interface can be used as return type, member of another structure or element type of a slice.

In addition to data model we would need to define interfaces for each type to have polymorphic behavior.

I prefer to keep things tidy and kept the models and their implementations in the models package. While the interface definitions reside in the interfaces package. Thus we get the following definitions:

type Fault interface {
	GetMessage() string
	GetCause() Fault
type RuntimeFault interface {
type NotFound interface {
	GetObjKind() string
	GetObj() string

The code is still DRY. There is no need to include members of generic abstractions into specialized ones. Instead Go provides us with embedding to reuse existing code.

Of course we will need to implement the methods in the models package at least once on the most generic type they appear on. We could also implement some methods more than once on more specific types if there is specific business logic to include at that level of abstraction.

No Accessors

Rendering JSON

Rendering JSON from Go structure even referred through an interface is a straightforward task. In our case we want to add the class name or discriminator in the JSON payload for the recipients to know what type of fault they are receiving. The following simple pattern works in Go:

func (nfo *NotFound) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	type marshalable NotFound
	return json.Marshal(struct {
		Kind string
		Kind:        "NotFound",
		marshalable: marshalable(*nfo),

Here is what this method does:

  1. It declares a method for marshalling NotFound objects. Go discovers it dynamically by checking if the object implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler.
  2. A new type is declared that has no marshaling logic - marshalable this is needed to evade recursion
  3. An anonymous struct type is declared that provides additional field for the discriminator.
  4. An object of the new type is created that embeds the current NotFound instance data and adds the NotFound value for the Kind field.

It is good idea to have the field Kind on top. This way Go will render it first on the wire and clients will consume the output more efficiently.

After we add these methods to our error types the serialization starts to work.

func main() {
	var fi FaultInterface = &RuntimeFault{Fault{Message: "test"}}
	data, err := json.Marshal(fi)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Cannot write JSON", err)
	fmt.Println("JSON:", string(data))



Here is the evolving example.

Reading JSON

Reading back the JSON values is slightly more convoluted. The biggest obstacle is that Go has no easy way to associate functionality to an interface type. Thus it is not possible to implement unmarshal method on our interface types. Instead we need to take care of unmarshaling interface one layer above them. There are several scenarios where we can see the need to unmarshal interfaces:

  1. Read an top level JSON object into an interface
  2. Read member field of an object into an interface
  3. Read array member into an interface

Reading a JSON document like the one we have above into na interface is simplest. We need a function that receives a []byte and returns interface.Fault. Let us call this UnmarshalFault:

func UnmarshalFault(in []byte) (Fault, error) {
	d := &struct {
		Kind string
	// Double pointer detects null values
	err := json.Unmarshal(in, &d)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if d == nil {
		return nil, nil
	kind := d.Kind

	var res Fault
	switch kind {
	case "NotFound":
		res = &NotFound{}
	case "RuntimeFault":
		res = &RuntimeFault{}
	default: // Error on default or try to use base type?
		res = &Fault{}
	json.Unmarshal(in, res)

	return res, nil

The basic operation of the function is as follows:

  1. Scan the incoming JSON bytes for the discriminator field Kind
  2. Depending on the type the proper struct type is initialized and read from the wire

This pretty much does the trick for basic interface unmarshaling.

Here is the sample getting bigger

Reading JSON fields

The last challenge is reading interfaces when they are members of an object or an array.

To achieve this each object that has field of polymorphic type will need custom unmarshaling logic that reads into a type with placeholder fields that can be unmarshaled into temporary object and later converted into the proper type.

For example

var _ json.Unmarshaler = &Container{}

func (c *Container) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
	// Deserialize into temp object
	temp := struct {
		FaultField json.RawMessage
	err := json.Unmarshal(in, &temp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	c.FaultField = nil
	if temp.FaultField != nil {
		c.FaultField, err = UnmarshalFault(temp.FaultField)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

Our goal in the code above is to unmarshal Container structure. To achieve it we first unmarshal into spacial structure that has json.RawMessage field instead of the Fault interface type. We use the UnmarshalFault function to convert the json.RawMessage to Fault,

In this way we can now easily read our Container object from a JSON file and get the correct Fault instance.

	c := Container{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(b, &c)

Reading JSON arrays

Working with arrays is similar to object fields. We need to first read into special slice of json.RawMEssage elements and then build the proper slice of Fault interface implementations.

You can see the code in array_test.go

type ArrayContainer struct {
	Faults []Fault

var _ json.Unmarshaler = &ArrayContainer{}

func (c *ArrayContainer) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
	// Deserialize into temp object of utility class
	temp := struct {
		Faults []json.RawMessage
	err := json.Unmarshal(in, &temp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	c.Faults = nil
	if temp.Faults != nil {
		c.Faults = []Fault{}
		for _, rawFault := range temp.Faults {
			if rawFault == nil {
				c.Faults = append(c.Faults, nil)
			fault, err := UnmarshalFault(rawFault)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			c.Faults = append(c.Faults, fault)
	return nil

What about the Fault cause

The Fault object contains a Cause field that links to a related Fault object. We need to change the field from pointer to struct type to interface as to allow polymorphic behavior. Further we need to add UnmarshalJSON operations to all types in the hierarchy as to correctly deserialize. The methods on every type need to care about all fields and cannot delegate to the embedded types.

func (nfo *NotFound) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
	pxy := &struct {
		Message string
		Cause   json.RawMessage
		ObjKind string
		Obj     string
	err := json.Unmarshal(in, pxy)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	var cause Fault
	if pxy.Cause != nil {
		cause, err = UnmarshalFault(pxy.Cause)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	nfo.Message = pxy.Message
	nfo.Cause = cause
	nfo.Obj = pxy.Obj
	nfo.ObjKind = pxy.ObjKind
	return nil

How about type safety

Using deep hierarchies in Go may be problematic as Go interface conversions are based on the presence methods. In our example any Fault object works well as RuntimeFault. This is different from the behavior of C++ and Java where objects with no members are used to provide type safety and classification. This functionality can be emulated by adding synthetic member functions for each interface type in a hierarchy. For example the following prevents a Fault to be converted to RuntimeFault

type RuntimeFault interface {

// ZzRuntimeFault is a marker
func (rf *RuntimeFault) ZzRuntimeFault() {

How is unmarshaling working in the hierarchy?

RuntimeFault fields are polymorphic and are not root of a hierarchy. One option is to have UnmarshalRuntimeFault bank on the root objects like Fault and invoke UnmarshalFault function. This will save code size as in a large hierarchy the unmashal methods may become too big.

 func UnmarshalRuntimeFault(in []byte) (RuntimeFault, error) {
	fault, err := UnmarshalFault(in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if runtimeFault, ok := fault.(RuntimeFault); ok {
		return runtimeFault, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal RuntimeFault %v", fault)

Conclusion and next steps

This article and sample code illustrate the basic handling of polymorphic JSON in Go. We see that out of the box support is lacking. Yet a little bit of creativity helps us get near native experience with polymorphic unmarshaling in Go.

The article and sample code leave out some details.

One area to discuss is how this work can be mapped onto polymorphic OpenAPI schema. The combination of allOf and discriminator constructs used in OpenAPI generator with Java provides good base.

The performance of the switch statement in UnmarshalFault on a string when thousands of classes exist in a hierarchy may require optimized implementation. For example use of state machine that iterates the characters to discern different options and assert valid sequences.


This article builds on a number of previous implementations. Some of those are listed below: