Tracks progress of my learning from the Deepmind RL course by UCL.
An RL system consists of the following parts.
- Policy: maps states to actions
- Model: predicts next reward/next state given certain state/action
- Value Function: Gives how good being in a state is or expected reward at the end out of being in this state.
- Rewards: The signals that the RL system gives to signify it's pleasure/displeasure of being in the current state.
An RL system generally has a single or multiple agents interacting in an environment. The Agent takes an action depending on the state it is in and the environment responds with an observation of what happened and/or a reward depending on how good/bad the action was. The RL system can incorporate reward into it's observations.
The agent can be of two types.
- Fully observable agent: An agent that has the full view of the environment.
If knowing the state is enough to get a fully judge of the agent's position in the environment. eg: Go board, Chess board
For a fully observed environment, we can use Markov Decision Processes.
- Partially Observable Agent: hen an agent has a partial view of the enviroment.
eg: A first person view of a agent in a maze.
We cannot use a MDP in a partially observed environent as the state is not enough to judge an agent's progress. Some form of history is needed to augment this state to provide a unique view.
The problem is this history can grow unbounded, however we can use a fixed size of history. One solution that is being used are RNN's to maintain the concept of state in partially observable environments.
Note: Add small fixed history to make agent fully observable.
Value functions give the expected total reward for an agent in a given state with a given policy. They can be calcuated by the belmaan equation like this
V = Expected_Reward(State,policy)
Now, we formally state like this
Vt = (Rt + Vt+1) for State S and Policy Pi
Q Values are only value functions but taking action as a parameter too along with the State. Optimal Value functions are value functions that gve the optimal route.
We use a discount factor to tell the agent to get on with it and get to it's goal fast.
Value Based Agents: Only value function used, policy is implicit.
Policy Based Agents: Only policy is used.
Actor Critic Agents: both policies and value functions are used, learning both.
Model Free Agent: No Model and value and/or value function.
Mode Based: Model and optionally value and/or value function.
Two fundamental problems:
- Learning: The environment is initially unknown. Thee agent interacts with environment
- Planning: A model of environment is given, the agent plans in this model aka reasoning, thought, search etc.
Prediction: Evaluate the future. Control: Optimize the future.
Sometimes supervised techniques are really good for Prediction!
These are strongly related, good policy if we have good prediction.
Each RL component can be represented as functions:
- POlcy maps states to actions
- Value Functoins map states to values
- Model maps states to set of states/ reward
- State updates maps states to observations to new states.
We can represent these functions as neural networks, however we violate some assumptions of supervised learning. Eg: Stationarity
Also, current neural networks not always the best tool.