This post talks about how tensorflow executes your machine learning models. We shall briefly overview the components of the tf graph , and then dvelve into how this graph is executed across single and multiple devices.
The tensorflow graph has the following properties. Each node has zero or more inputs , and represents the instantiation of an operation.
Values that flow from egdes of the graph are known as tensors. These tensors undergo various transformations when they go through these nodes.
Tensors are arbitrary dimensionality arrays , where the underlying element type is inferred during graph construction time. This ii what allows Tensorflow to be very fast , as it knows what operations ocuur in the future via this graph. Hence this knowldge allows for various compile time optimisations.
Special edges knows as Control Dependencies - No data flows through these edges, but they indicate that the source node for control dependence must finish executing before destination node can execute
This property allows clients to enforce happens before relationships. This is quite helpful in controlling peak memory usage for example.
An operation defines a computation: Examples could be -
- add
- matrix multiply
An operation can have attributes. One use case of attributes is to make operations polymorphic (perform operations betwene elements of same data type)
A kernel is defined as: An implementation of an operation that can be run on a particular type of device (CPU,GPU,TPU) etc.
Clients interact with the Tensorflow system by creating a Session.
The session interface has a method called Extend. This allows us to modify the computation graph with additional nodes and edges.
The session interface has another method Run.
This function computes the transitive closure of all nodes that must be executed in order to compute the outputs that were requested.
It then arranges the nodes in such an order which respects their dependencies
Generally , uses for Tensorflow are
- Setting up a session with a graph once.
- Running graph or distinct subgraphs thousands or millions of times via run
Note: The transitive closure of a graph is a matrix that defines reachibility between every node in a graph. This matix will be filled with 0 and 1. 0 defining not reachable and 1 defining reachable
A variable is a persistent tensor. Most tensors do not survive after a run operation. Variables survive after run operations. The use case for variables is in storing the parameters of the neural network. These variables are updated whene Run is called on the graph.
Workers handle one or more devices. These devices can be CPU cores, GPU's etc. They are identified by device name and device type. Eg of device name could be
In a distributed setting, the job name refers to the job the device is performing. Each device object has two functions:
- Allocating/Deallocating memory
- Arranging for execution of kernels requested by higher level layers.
Typed Multi Dimensional Arrays , these tensors are the base data type of Tensorflow. Tensors can be of various types ranging from:
- 8 bits to 64 bits
- IEEE float and double types
- Complex number data type
- String type (arbitrary byte array)
The main entitiy in Tensorflow in the client. the client contacts the master and one or more worker processes.
Worker processes handle comptation with devices such as GPUs or CPU cores.
There are tow setting in Tensorflow:
Local Setting - The client, master and workers are all in the same computer.
Distributed Setting - The client, master and workers can all be in different devices. In a distributed setting, we run these different components in containers. These containers are scheduled via a cluster scheduling system like Kubernetes.
The simplest scenario for running Tensorflow.
- A single worker process
- Single device
Nodes are processed in a way that respects dependencies between nodes. More specifically
- Each node keeps a count of how many dependent nodes need to be processed. This count is decremented everytime a dependency is executed.
- When count is 0 , the node is put into ready queue , where is processed subsequently.
Please note: How the ready queue processes the nodes is not specified
Once we have multiple devices. We have two things to worry about:
- Deciding which device to put the computation for each node
- Managing communication between these devices.
The node placement algorithm figures out what node to given to what device. The algorithm uses a cost model to make decisions. As per the white paper, the node placement algorithm uses greedy heuristics , via the cost model among other parameters to decide which device to place the node in. This greedy heuristsc takes into account
- Cost of executing the computation.
- Cost of communicating inputs to this node from other devices.
The device where this computation will finish soonest is selected as the device. This process of placement is followed till the ndoes are placed.
This algorithm might have changed by now, since the paper was written in 2016.
Once nodes are placed in the device, a communication protocol needs to be put in place between these devices.
Tensorflow removes the edges betwwen nodes in different devices and replaces them with a send and recieve call. At runtime, the send and recieve calls coordinate to transfer data across devices.
This method has the following benefits:
Data is only sent once through the recieve call and memory is only allocated once for a single tensor. So all users of a tensor , will not need their seperate recieve/ send calls.
By handling communication is this manner, we let the scheduling of different nodes in a device to be decentralised into the workers. The master doesn't need to track this, since the send and recieve calls handle synchronisation between different workers and devices.
A distributed setting is very similiar to the multi-device setting. In that the send and recieve calls are implemented via TCP or RDMA calls to move data across machine boundaries. Execution in distributed settings require fault tolerance.Failures are detected through two things:
Error in communication between send and recieve call.
Periodic health checks from master process to every worker process.
When a failure is detected, the entire graph execution is aborted and started from scratch.
The tensorflow systems however, supports checkpointing and recovery after restart.
The Variable values are checkpointed via something called Save nodes
These save nodes are connected with variables. These nodes can be configured to be executed periodically. Say after every N iterations, or once after never N seconds. Similiarly , these Variables are also connected with a restore Node, so that their value is restored after a restart.
This SGD relies on a master server which keeps track fo the parameters of the model , and several worker threads which execute some computation. These workers will then send data back to the master to update parameters. Once master recieves all the parameters from the workers, it accumulates these gradients and then sends each worker the copy of the fresh gradients so that the workers can process the next batch
The above methodology is good, but we can do better. Asynchronous SGD simply means that the master upon recieving some paramters, performs the update and pushes gradients to all the workers. It doesn't wait for all the workers to complete the task.
Used to train Deep LSTMS. This type of training is where different portions of the model computation are done on different computational devices simultaneously for the same batch of examples.
Another common way to get better utilisation for training deep neural networks is to pipeline the computation of the model within the same device. It is the exact same as ASGD, but instad of multiple devices, the same model is execiuted in the same device to better use the device ability to parallelise operations.
In conclusion, Tensorflow is a system that supports
- Training and inference on multiple devices, great for usage in a distributed setting.
- Is designed in a manner that would make it great for future optimisations via the data flow graph structure.
- Makes communication between devices simpler by suing compression techniques.
- The placement algorithm is particularly intriguing, the authors have said that it could potentially be replaced by a deep learning algorithm.