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Manual Installation

1. Requirements

For help with configuring mysql, rabbitmq, and (optionally) nginx see sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

1.1. Debian/Ubuntu

  1. sudo apt-get install npm python2.7-dev python-pip python-virtualenv rabbitmq-server ffmpeg. Also install an SQL server of your choice (mysql and sqlite3 tested). A proper SQL server (like MySQL) is absolutely preferred! For help with RabbitMQ configuration, see below.
  2. Install bower, eg. sudo npm install -g bower. Please see Bower installation instructions for details
  3. Create a virtualenv virtualenv /path/to/virtualenv/utuputki2 and activate it source /path/to/virtualenv/utuputki2/bin/activate. See virtualenv documentation for details.
  4. Install python requirements: pip install --upgrade -r deploy/requirements.txt. If you want to use MySQL, you need to also install mysql-python (pip install mysql-python).
  5. Install JS requirements bower install. Run this in the Utuputki2 project directory!

1.2. Windows

  1. Get Python 2.7 and install it. You'll get pip preinstalled, but you'll have to install virtualenv yourself. Remember to add python27/ and python27/Scripts to your PATH to make things easier.
  2. Install Node.js and npm. Also add nodejs/ directory to your PATH. Install bower with npm install -g bower.
  3. Download and Install OTP, and then install RabbitMQ-server. You'll want to add rabbitmq_server-3.5.6/sbin to your PATH.
  4. Download and install your SQL server of choice. MySQL is tested & works. Other than that, no guidance here, google will help :)
  5. Hop to the linux guide above for the rest of the steps. Make sure to replace paths with windows alternatives etc.

2. Configuration

Run all commands in utuputki-webui directory.

2.1. Setting up the servers

  1. Create utuputki.conf in project root (or ~/.utuputki.conf or /etc/utuputki.conf) and edit it as necessary. See utuputki.conf.dist for help.
  2. Run database migrations with alembic: alembic upgrade head.
  3. Create an admin user: python -m create_admin. Admin user can upload any length videos and manage playback, while normal users will be limited in video duration and management options.
  4. Create a new event: python -m create_event. There can be multiple events, eg. "My Lanparty 2015", "New lan party 2016", etc.
  5. Create a new player for the event python -m create_player. A single event can have multiple players, for example if there are multiple screens.
  6. Run the apps (see below). Enjoy!

2.2. Setting up RabbitMQ

A quick example below (edit as necessary). See rabbitmqctl man page and RabbitMQ manual for more instructions.

  1. Create a new user with a password: sudo rabbitmqctl add_user utuputki utuputki
  2. Create a new virtual host: sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost utuputki
  3. Grant all rights to user on vhost: sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p utuputki utuputki ".*" ".*" ".*"

2.3. Setting up MySQL

After installing mysql, this is how you set up a database:

  1. On commandline, run mysql -u root -p. This will take you to MySQL command prompt.
  2. On mysql commandline, run CREATE DATABASE utuputki2;.
  3. On mysql commandline, run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON utuputki2.* To '<username>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';. Pick a good username and a secure password. Database name may be switched if you wish to do so. Remember to update the DATABASE_CONFIG setting in your utuputki.conf accordingly!.

2.4. Nginx

It is generally a good idea to let a web server like Nginx serve all your video files and static content, freeing tornado to handle only the sockjs connections. An example nginx configuration can be found at deploy/utuputki-nginx.conf.

Short guide to set up:

  1. Copy deploy/utuputki-nginx.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-available/utuputki.conf
  2. Make a link to the new conf file from sites-enabled: ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/utuputki.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/utuputki
  3. Make changed to the /etc/nginx/sites-available/utuputki.conf. See the comments for explanations.
  4. Reload nginx (mechanism depends on your distribution).

3. Running

Run all commands in utuputki-webui directory.

To start the apps:

  • python -m utuputki.webui.webui_main to run the main www-ui
  • python -m utuputki.downloader.downloader_main to start the downloader daemon.

To run the tools (for creating the event and a player)

  • python -m <command>