+ return $(
+ div(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__item`,
+ },
+ object.text
+ )
+ );
const objectInfo = model.availableValues[object.id];
return $(
- span({ style: 'word-wrap: break-word' }, [bold(objectInfo.name)]),
- ' (v' + objectInfo.version + ')
- div({ style: 'margin-left: 7px' }, [
- '
' + objectInfo.typeName + ' ',
- 'Narrative id: ' + objectInfo.wsid + '
- 'updated ' +
- TimeFormat.getTimeStampStr(objectInfo.save_date) +
- ' by ' +
- objectInfo.saved_by,
- ]),
+ span(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__object`,
+ },
+ [
+ span(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__object_name`,
+ },
+ objectInfo.name
+ ),
+ ` (v${objectInfo.version})`,
+ ]
+ ),
+ div(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__object_details`,
+ },
+ [
+ span(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__object_type`,
+ },
+ objectInfo.typeName
+ ),
+ span(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__object_narrative`,
+ },
+ `Narrative ${objectInfo.wsid}`
+ ),
+ span(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__object_updated`,
+ },
+ 'updated ' +
+ TimeFormat.getTimeStampStr(objectInfo.save_date) +
+ ' by ' +
+ objectInfo.saved_by
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
@@ -363,7 +402,7 @@ define([
function doWorkspaceUpdated(data) {
// compare to availableData.
- if (!utils.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
+ if (!_.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
model.availableValues = data;
model.availableValuesMap = {};
// our map is a little strange.
@@ -431,7 +470,10 @@ define([
function stop() {
return Promise.try(() => {
if (container) {
- parent.removeChild(container);
+ $(ui.getElement('input-container.input')).off('change');
+ $(ui.getElement('input-container.input')).off('advanced-shown.kbase');
+ $(ui.getElement('input-container.input')).select2('destroy');
+ container.remove();
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/selectInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/selectInput.js
index 5bd5e94b17..6515c86194 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/selectInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/selectInput.js
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
+ 'jquery',
- 'common/events',
+ 'select2',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Events, UI, Runtime, Validation, inputUtils) => {
+], ($, Promise, html, UI, Runtime, Validation, inputUtils) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -18,51 +18,54 @@ define([
select = t('select'),
option = t('option');
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {object} config has fields:
+ * - parameterSpec - object - the spec object with parameter info as built by the Spec object
+ * - availableValues - optional Array of objects - if given, this supercedes the list of values given in the parameterSpec.
+ * as in the parameterSpec.data.constraints.options, each should be an object with structure:
+ * {
+ * display: string - the string to display as an option
+ * value: string - the value to set when selected
+ * }
+ * - initialValue - string - the value that should be selected when started
+ * - disabledValues - array - the values that should be disabled at start (if initialValue is here, it's ignored)
+ * - channelName - string - the bus channel to use
+ * - showOwnMessages - boolean - if true, this widget shows its own messages (better description to come)
+ * @returns
+ */
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
busConnection = runtime.bus().connect(),
channel = busConnection.channel(config.channelName),
- parent,
- ui,
- container,
+ invalidError = config.invalidError,
model = {
- availableValues: null,
- value: null,
+ availableValues: config.availableValues || spec.data.constraints.options || [],
+ value: config.initialValue,
+ disabledValues: new Set(config.disabledValues || []),
+ invalidValues: new Set(config.invalidValues || []),
- model.availableValues = spec.data.constraints.options;
- model.availableValuesMap = {};
- model.availableValues.forEach((item, index) => {
- item.index = index;
- model.availableValuesMap[item.value] = item;
- });
+ let parent, ui, container;
+ model.availableValuesSet = new Set(model.availableValues.map((valueObj) => valueObj.value));
function getControlValue() {
const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input'),
- selected = control.selectedOptions;
+ selected = $(control).val();
- if (selected.length === 0) {
- return spec.data.nullValue;
- }
- // we are modeling a single string value, so we always just get the
- // first selected element, which is all there should be!
- return selected.item(0).value;
+ return selected;
function importControlValue() {
- return Promise.try(() => {
- return Validation.importString(getControlValue());
- });
+ return Validation.importString(getControlValue());
function validate(value) {
- return Promise.try(() => {
- return Validation.validate(value, spec);
+ return Validation.validate(value, spec, {
+ invalidValues: model.invalidValues,
+ invalidError,
@@ -75,115 +78,99 @@ define([
function handleChanged() {
- return {
- type: 'change',
- handler: function () {
- importControlValue()
- .then((value) => {
- model.value = value;
- channel.emit('changed', {
- newValue: value,
- });
- return validate(value);
- })
- .then((result) => {
- if (result.isValid) {
- if (config.showOwnMessages) {
- ui.setContent('input-container.message', '');
- }
- } else if (result.diagnosis === 'required-missing') {
- // nothing??
- } else {
- if (config.showOwnMessages) {
- // show error message -- new!
- const message = inputUtils.buildMessageAlert({
- title: 'ERROR',
- type: 'danger',
- id: result.messageId,
- message: result.errorMessage,
- });
- ui.setContent('input-container.message', message.content);
- message.events.attachEvents();
- }
- }
- channel.emit('validation', result);
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- channel.emit('validation', {
- isValid: false,
- diagnosis: 'invalid',
- errorMessage: err.message,
+ const value = importControlValue();
+ setModelValue(value);
+ channel.emit('changed', {
+ newValue: value,
+ });
+ return validate(value)
+ .then((result) => {
+ if (config.showOwnMessages) {
+ if (result.isValid) {
+ ui.setContent('input-container.message', '');
+ } else {
+ const message = inputUtils.buildMessageAlert({
+ title: 'ERROR',
+ type: 'danger',
+ id: result.messageId,
+ message: result.errorMessage,
- });
- },
- };
- }
- function makeInputControl(events) {
- let selected,
- selectOptions = model.availableValues.map((item) => {
- selected = false;
- if (item.value === model.value) {
- selected = true;
+ ui.setContent('input-container.message', message.content);
+ message.events.attachEvents();
+ }
- return option(
- {
- value: item.value,
- selected: selected,
- },
- item.display
- );
+ channel.emit('validation', result);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ channel.emit('validation', {
+ isValid: false,
+ diagnosis: 'invalid',
+ errorMessage: err.message,
+ });
+ }
+ function makeInputControl() {
+ const selectOptions = model.availableValues.map((item) => {
+ const attribs = {
+ value: item.value,
+ };
+ if (model.disabledValues.has(item.value)) {
+ attribs.disabled = true;
+ }
+ return option(attribs, item.display);
+ });
return select(
- id: events.addEvents({ events: [handleChanged()] }),
class: 'form-control',
dataElement: 'input',
- [option({ value: '' }, '')].concat(selectOptions)
+ selectOptions
- function syncModelToControl() {
- // assuming the model has been modified...
- const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input');
- // loop through the options, selecting the one with the value.
- // unselect
- if (control.selectedIndex >= 0) {
- control.options.item(control.selectedIndex).selected = false;
- }
- const selectedItem = model.availableValuesMap[model.value];
- if (selectedItem) {
- control.options.item(selectedItem.index + 1).selected = true;
- }
- }
- function layout(events) {
- const content = div(
+ function layout() {
+ return div(
dataElement: 'main-panel',
- [div({ dataElement: 'input-container' }, makeInputControl(events))]
+ [div({ dataElement: 'input-container' }, makeInputControl())]
- return {
- content: content,
- events: events,
- };
function setModelValue(value) {
- if (model.value !== value) {
+ const oldValue = model.value;
+ if (oldValue !== value) {
model.value = value;
+ setDisabledValuesFromModel();
function resetModelValue() {
+ /**
+ * Sets which options should be disabled based on the set of values currently
+ * in the model.disabledValues set.
+ *
+ * Any options not in that set are enabled, all others set disabled. This doesn't
+ * include the currently selected option, which is always enabled.
+ */
+ function setDisabledValuesFromModel() {
+ const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input');
+ model.availableValuesSet.forEach((value) => {
+ const option = control.querySelector(`option[value="${value}"]`);
+ if (model.disabledValues.has(value) && value !== model.value) {
+ option.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ option.removeAttribute('disabled');
+ }
+ });
+ }
function start(arg) {
@@ -192,23 +179,38 @@ define([
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
ui = UI.make({ node: container });
- const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- theLayout = layout(events);
- container.innerHTML = theLayout.content;
- events.attachEvents();
+ container.innerHTML = layout();
+ $(ui.getElement('input-container.input'))
+ .select2({
+ allowClear: true,
+ placeholder: 'select an option',
+ width: '100%',
+ })
+ .val(model.value)
+ .trigger('change') // this goes first so we don't trigger extra unnecessary bus messages
+ .on('change', () => {
+ handleChanged();
+ })
+ .on('select2:clear', () => {
+ handleChanged();
+ });
channel.on('reset-to-defaults', () => {
channel.on('update', (message) => {
- // bus.emit('sync');
- setModelValue(config.initialValue);
+ // this replaces the disabledValues set in the model
+ // and updates the view to match
+ channel.on('set-disabled-values', (message) => {
+ model.disabledValues = new Set(message.values);
+ setDisabledValuesFromModel();
+ });
- syncModelToControl();
@@ -222,8 +224,8 @@ define([
return {
- start: start,
- stop: stop,
+ start,
+ stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/sequenceInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/sequenceInput.js
index 5c14281dfd..6f41a46495 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/sequenceInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/sequenceInput.js
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ define([
- 'common/lang',
+ 'util/util',
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ define([
- lang,
+ Util,
@@ -31,18 +30,15 @@ define([
// Constants
const t = html.tag,
div = t('div'),
- span = t('span'),
button = t('button');
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ let container, parent, ui;
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
itemSpec = spec.parameters.specs.item,
- container,
- parent,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
busConnection = runtime.bus().connect(),
channel = busConnection.channel(config.channelName),
- ui,
model = {
value: [],
@@ -156,9 +152,7 @@ define([
function makeSingleInputControl(control, events) {
return resolver.loadInputControl(itemSpec).then((widgetFactory) => {
- let preButton,
- postButton,
- widgetId = html.genId(),
+ const widgetId = html.genId(),
inputBus = runtime.bus().makeChannelBus({
description: 'Array input control',
@@ -208,18 +202,7 @@ define([
- preButton = div(
- {
- class: 'input-group-addon kb-input-group-addon',
- dataElement: 'index-label',
- style: {
- width: '5ex',
- padding: '0',
- },
- },
- [span({ dataElement: 'index' }, String(control.index + 1)), '.']
- );
- postButton = div(
+ const postButton = div(
class: 'input-group-addon kb-app-row-close-btn-addon',
style: {
@@ -328,7 +311,7 @@ define([
function addNewControl(initialValue) {
if (initialValue === undefined) {
- initialValue = lang.copy(itemSpec.data.defaultValue);
+ initialValue = Util.copy(itemSpec.data.defaultValue);
return Promise.try(() => {
const events = Events.make({ node: container });
@@ -424,7 +407,7 @@ define([
ui = UI.make({ node: container });
return render(config.initialValue).then(() => {
- channel.on('reset-to-defaults', (message) => {
+ channel.on('reset-to-defaults', () => {
channel.on('update', (message) => {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/structInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/structInput.js
index fc2b7fdd72..5227a64f39 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/structInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/structInput.js
@@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ define([
- 'common/lang',
+ 'util/util',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, lang, Resolver, FieldWidget) => {
+], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Util, Resolver, FieldWidget) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -21,18 +20,19 @@ define([
resolver = Resolver.make();
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
- bus = config.bus,
- container,
+ let container,
+ structFields = {};
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ bus = config.bus,
viewModel = {
data: {},
state: {
enabled: null,
- structFields = {},
fieldLayout = spec.ui.layout,
struct = spec.parameters,
places = {};
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ define([
function resetModelValue() {
if (spec.defaultValue) {
- setModelValue(lang.copy(spec.defaultValue));
+ setModelValue(Util.copy(spec.defaultValue));
} else {
@@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ define([
p('If enabled again, the values will be set to their defaults.'),
p('Continue to disable this parameter group?'),
- yesLabel: 'Yes',
- noLabel: 'No',
}).then((confirmed) => {
if (!confirmed) {
@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ define([
state: viewModel.state,
bus.emit('changed', {
- newValue: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ newValue: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
@@ -113,13 +111,13 @@ define([
// Enable it
viewModel.state.enabled = true;
button.innerHTML = 'Disable';
- viewModel.data = lang.copy(spec.data.defaultValue);
+ viewModel.data = Util.copy(spec.data.defaultValue);
bus.emit('set-param-state', {
state: viewModel.state,
bus.emit('changed', {
- newValue: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ newValue: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
@@ -194,9 +192,9 @@ define([
function doChanged(id, newValue) {
// Absorb and propagate the new value...
- viewModel.data[id] = lang.copy(newValue);
+ viewModel.data[id] = Util.copy(newValue);
bus.emit('changed', {
- newValue: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ newValue: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
// Validate and propagate.
@@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ define([
* The single input control wraps a field widget, which provides the
* wrapper around the input widget itself.
- function makeSingleInputControl(value, fieldSpec, events) {
+ function makeSingleInputControl(value, fieldSpec) {
return resolver.loadInputControl(fieldSpec).then((widgetFactory) => {
const id = html.genId(),
fieldWidget = FieldWidget.make({
@@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ define([
fieldWidget.bus.on('validation', (message) => {
if (message.diagnosis === 'optional-empty') {
bus.emit('changed', {
- newValue: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ newValue: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
@@ -302,7 +300,7 @@ define([
const layout = div(
style: {
- 'border-left': '5px silver solid',
+ 'border-left': '5px solid silver',
padding: '2px',
margin: '6px',
@@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ define([
container = hostNode.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
ui = UI.make({ node: container });
events = Events.make({ node: container });
- viewModel.data = lang.copy(config.initialValue);
+ viewModel.data = Util.copy(config.initialValue);
return init
.then(() => {
@@ -373,7 +371,7 @@ define([
// TODO: container environment should know about enable/disabled state?
// FORNOW: just ignore
if (viewModel.state.enabled) {
- viewModel.data = lang.copy(message.value);
+ viewModel.data = Util.copy(message.value);
Object.keys(message.value).forEach((id) => {
structFields[id].instance.bus.emit('update', {
value: message.value[id],
@@ -384,7 +382,7 @@ define([
bus.on('submit', () => {
bus.emit('submitted', {
- value: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ value: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/subdataInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/subdataInput.js
index 61ae6562e0..77061ab66c 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/subdataInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/subdataInput.js
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], ($, Promise, html, Validation, Events, Runtime, UI, Props, Jupyter, SubdataMethods) => {
'use strict';
@@ -39,22 +38,36 @@ define([
button = t('button');
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
workspaceId = runtime.getEnv('workspaceId'),
busConnection = runtime.bus().connect(),
channel = busConnection.channel(config.channelName),
paramsChannel = busConnection.channel(config.paramsChannelName),
- parent,
+ subdataMethods = SubdataMethods.make(),
+ model = Props.make({
+ data: {
+ referenceObjectName: null,
+ availableValues: [],
+ selectedItems: [],
+ value: null,
+ showFrom: 0,
+ showTo: 5,
+ },
+ onUpdate: function () {
+ renderStats();
+ renderToolbar();
+ renderAvailableItems();
+ renderSelectedItems();
+ },
+ });
+ let parent,
- model,
- subdataMethods,
- isAvailableValuesInitialized = false,
minimumFilterLength = 0,
+ isAvailableValuesInitialized = false,
- subdataMethods = SubdataMethods.make();
function buildOptions() {
const availableValues = model.getItem('availableValues'),
value = model.getItem('value') || [],
@@ -64,8 +77,8 @@ define([
return selectOptions.concat(
availableValues.map((availableValue) => {
- let selected = false,
- optionLabel = availableValue.id,
+ let selected = false;
+ const optionLabel = availableValue.id,
optionValue = availableValue.id;
// TODO: pull the value out of the object
if (value.indexOf(availableValue.id) >= 0) {
@@ -114,13 +127,7 @@ define([
function didChange() {
validate().then((result) => {
- if (result.isValid) {
- model.setItem('value', result.value);
- updateInputControl('value');
- channel.emit('changed', {
- newValue: result.value,
- });
- } else if (result.diagnosis === 'required-missing') {
+ if (result.isValid || result.diagnosis === 'required-missing') {
model.setItem('value', result.value);
channel.emit('changed', {
@@ -176,14 +183,14 @@ define([
function renderAvailableItems() {
- let selected = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
+ const selected = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
allowSelection = spec.ui.multiSelection || selected.length === 0,
items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
to = model.getItem('showTo'),
itemsToShow = items.slice(from, to),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (!isAvailableValuesInitialized) {
content = div({ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }, html.loading('Loading data...'));
@@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ define([
return item.id === id;
disabled = isSelected;
- return div({ class: 'row', style: { border: '1px #CCC solid' } }, [
+ return div({ class: 'row', style: { border: '1px solid #CCC' } }, [
class: 'col-md-2',
@@ -250,11 +257,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-minus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-minus-circle text-danger',
@@ -279,11 +282,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-plus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'green',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-plus-circle text-success',
@@ -297,8 +296,7 @@ define([
dataItemId: item.id,
- class: 'fa fa-ban',
- style: { color: 'silver', fontSize: '200%' },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-ban text-silver',
@@ -315,10 +313,10 @@ define([
function renderSelectedItems() {
- let selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
+ const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
valuesMap = model.getItem('availableValuesMap', {}),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (selectedItems.length === 0) {
content = div({ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }, 'no selected values');
@@ -336,7 +334,7 @@ define([
class: 'row',
style: {
- border: '1px #CCC solid',
+ border: '1px solid #CCC',
borderCollapse: 'collapse',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
@@ -391,11 +389,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-minus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-minus-circle text-danger',
@@ -411,44 +405,34 @@ define([
function renderSearchBox() {
- let events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
- content = input({
- class: 'form-contol',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
- placeholder: 'search',
- value: model.getItem('filter') || '',
- id: events.addEvents({
- events: [
- {
- type: 'keyup',
- handler: function (e) {
- doSearchKeyUp(e);
- },
- },
- {
- type: 'focus',
- handler: function () {
- Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
+ content = input({
+ class: 'form-contol',
+ placeholder: 'search',
+ value: model.getItem('filter') || '',
+ id: events.addEvents({
+ events: [
+ {
+ type: 'keyup',
+ handler: function (e) {
+ doSearchKeyUp(e);
+ },
- },
- {
- type: 'blur',
- handler: function () {
- // console.log('SingleSubData Search BLUR');
- // Jupyter.narrative.enableKeyboardManager();
+ {
+ type: 'focus',
+ handler: function () {
+ Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ },
- },
- {
- type: 'click',
- handler: function () {
- Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ {
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: function () {
+ Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ },
- },
- ],
- }),
- });
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
ui.setContent('search-box', content);
@@ -467,9 +451,9 @@ define([
function renderStats() {
- let availableItems = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
- filteredItems = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
- content;
+ const availableItems = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
+ filteredItems = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []);
+ let content;
if (!isAvailableValuesInitialized) {
content = span({ style: { fontStyle: 'italic' } }, [
' - ' + html.loading('Loading data...'),
@@ -492,19 +476,16 @@ define([
function renderToolbar() {
- let items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ const items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content = '';
- if (items.length === 0) {
- content = '';
- } else {
+ if (items.length) {
content = div([
type: 'button',
class: 'btn btn-default',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -518,7 +499,6 @@ define([
class: 'btn btn-default',
type: 'button',
- style: { xwidth: '50%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -532,7 +512,6 @@ define([
class: 'btn btn-default',
type: 'button',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -546,7 +525,6 @@ define([
type: 'button',
class: 'btn btn-default',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -564,11 +542,11 @@ define([
function setPageStart(newFrom) {
- let from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
+ const from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
to = model.getItem('to'),
- newTo,
total = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []).length,
pageSize = 5;
+ let newTo;
if (newFrom <= 0) {
newFrom = 0;
@@ -648,7 +626,7 @@ define([
fontStyle: 'italic',
whiteSpace: 'normal',
padding: '3px',
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
'Items will be available after selecting a value for ' +
@@ -690,7 +668,7 @@ define([
{ class: 'col-md-12' },
style: {
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
dataElement: 'available-items',
@@ -704,7 +682,7 @@ define([
classes: ['kb-panel-light'],
body: div({
style: {
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
dataElement: 'selected-items',
@@ -724,17 +702,18 @@ define([
function updateInputControl(changedProperty) {
+ let count, options;
switch (changedProperty) {
case 'value':
// just change the selections.
- var count = buildCount();
+ count = buildCount();
ui.setContent('input-control.count', count);
case 'availableValues':
// rebuild the options
// re-apply the selections from the value
- var options = buildOptions();
+ options = buildOptions();
ui.setContent('input-control.input', options);
ui.setContent('input-control.count', count);
@@ -776,8 +755,8 @@ define([
function fetchData() {
- let referenceObjectName = model.getItem('referenceObjectName'),
- referenceObjectRef = spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref;
+ const referenceObjectName = model.getItem('referenceObjectName');
+ let referenceObjectRef = spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref;
if (!referenceObjectName) {
return [false, null];
@@ -878,7 +857,7 @@ define([
return Promise.try(() => {
// check to see if we have to render inputControl.
const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- inputControl = makeInputControl(events),
+ inputControl = makeInputControl(),
content = div(
class: 'input-group',
@@ -929,6 +908,24 @@ define([
+ function resetModelAvailableValues(message, preserveSelected = false) {
+ const newValue = message.newValue === '' ? null : message.newValue;
+ const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems');
+ // reset the entire model.
+ model.reset();
+ if (preserveSelected) {
+ model.setItem('selectedItems', selectedItems);
+ }
+ model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
+ syncAvailableValues()
+ .then(() => {
+ updateInputControl('availableValues');
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
+ });
+ }
function registerEvents() {
* Issued when thre is a need to have all params reset to their
@@ -963,21 +960,8 @@ define([
type: 'parameter-changed',
parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref,
- handle: function (message) {
- let newValue = message.newValue;
- if (message.newValue === '') {
- newValue = null;
- }
- // reset the entire model.
- model.reset();
- model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- syncAvailableValues()
- .then(() => {
- updateInputControl('availableValues');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- });
+ handle: (message) => {
+ return resetModelAvailableValues(message);
@@ -985,50 +969,21 @@ define([
if (spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id) {
key: {
- type: 'parameter-changed',
+ type: 'parameter-value',
parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id,
- handle: function (message) {
- let newValue = message.newValue;
- if (message.newValue === '') {
- newValue = null;
- }
- // reset the entire model.
- const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems');
- model.reset();
- model.setItem('selectedItems', selectedItems);
- model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- syncAvailableValues()
- .then(() => {
- updateInputControl('availableValues');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- });
+ handle: (message) => {
+ return resetModelAvailableValues(message);
- }
- if (spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id) {
key: {
- type: 'parameter-value',
+ type: 'parameter-changed',
parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id,
- handle: function (message) {
- let newValue = message.newValue;
- if (message.newValue === '') {
- newValue = null;
- }
- model.reset();
- model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- syncAvailableValues()
- .then(() => {
- updateInputControl('availableValues');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- });
+ handle: (message) => {
+ return resetModelAvailableValues(message, true);
@@ -1152,28 +1107,9 @@ define([
- // MAIN
- model = Props.make({
- data: {
- referenceObjectName: null,
- availableValues: [],
- selectedItems: [],
- value: null,
- showFrom: 0,
- showTo: 5,
- },
- onUpdate: function () {
- renderStats();
- renderToolbar();
- renderAvailableItems();
- renderSelectedItems();
- },
- });
return {
- start: start,
- stop: stop,
+ start,
+ stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/taxonomyRefInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/taxonomyRefInput.js
index 4a331f63bd..b997aa1cba 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/taxonomyRefInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/taxonomyRefInput.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 'kb_common/html',
+ 'common/html',
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
@@ -37,7 +36,8 @@ define([
const t = html.tag,
div = t('div'),
select = t('select'),
- option = t('option');
+ option = t('option'),
+ cssBaseClass = 'kb-select2-taxonomy-ref';
function factory(config) {
const spec = config.parameterSpec,
@@ -50,16 +50,13 @@ define([
let parent, container, ui;
function makeInputControl() {
- let selectOptions;
- const selectElem = select(
+ return select(
class: 'form-control',
dataElement: 'input',
- [option({ value: '' }, '')].concat(selectOptions)
+ [option({ value: '' }, '')]
- return selectElem;
@@ -130,27 +127,12 @@ define([
function doTemplateResult(item) {
- if (!item.id) {
- return $(
- div(
- {
- style: {
- display: 'block',
- height: '20px',
- },
- },
- item.label || ''
- )
- );
- }
return $(
- style: {
- display: 'block',
- },
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__item`,
- item.label
+ item.label || ''
@@ -159,9 +141,7 @@ define([
return $(
- style: {
- display: 'block',
- },
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__item`,
@@ -262,9 +242,6 @@ define([
- formatMoreResults: function () {
- return 'more???';
- },
language: {
loadingMore: function () {
return html.loading('Loading more scientific names');
@@ -373,7 +350,9 @@ define([
function stop() {
return Promise.try(() => {
if (container) {
- parent.removeChild(container);
+ $(ui.getElement('input-container.input')).off('change');
+ $(ui.getElement('input-container.input')).select2('destroy');
+ container.remove();
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textInput.js
index e204e88ced..c6ff267f88 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textInput.js
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props, Runtime, inputUtils) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textareaInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textareaInput.js
index 5a523ccf6c..0c62f1d53a 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textareaInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/textareaInput.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props, inputUtils) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/toggleButtonInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/toggleButtonInput.js
index 44cad840e0..f070cbe7df 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/toggleButtonInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/toggleButtonInput.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/dataAttachmentInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/dataAttachmentInput.js
index 10c87820b8..95baf2543a 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/dataAttachmentInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/dataAttachmentInput.js
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
- 'kb_common/html',
+ 'common/html',
- 'common/dom',
+ 'common/ui',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, Dom, Runtime) => {
+], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Runtime) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ define([
bus = config.bus,
- dom,
+ ui,
model = {
value: {},
@@ -448,7 +447,7 @@ define([
const events = Events.make(),
control = makeInputControl(events, bus);
- dom.setContent('input-container', control);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', control);
widgets.forEach((widget) => {
widget.instance.start().then(() => {
widget.bus.emit('run', {
@@ -509,12 +508,10 @@ define([
function start() {
return Promise.try(() => {
- // runtime.bus().logMessages(true);
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = UI.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/multiCustomSelect.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/multiCustomSelect.js
index 2a646a4cb2..ed671085e1 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/multiCustomSelect.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/multiCustomSelect.js
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ define([
- 'common/dom',
+ 'common/ui',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events, Dom, Runtime, SingleSelectInputWidget) => {
+], (Promise, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events, UI, Runtime, SingleSelectInputWidget) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ define([
bus = config.bus,
- dom,
+ ui,
model = {
value: [],
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ define([
function getInputValue() {
- return dom.getElement('input-container.input').value;
+ return ui.getElement('input-container.input').value;
@@ -345,7 +343,7 @@ define([
const events = Events.make(),
control = makeInputControl(events, bus);
- dom.setContent('input-container', control);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', control);
widgets.forEach((widget) => {
widget.instance.start().then(() => {
widget.bus.emit('run', {
@@ -410,7 +408,7 @@ define([
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = UI.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleBooleanInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleBooleanInput.js
index 246e45b297..eab4d487ae 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleBooleanInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleBooleanInput.js
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, $, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleCustomSelect.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleCustomSelect.js
index f72bc83563..9fa3076da3 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleCustomSelect.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/input/unused/singleCustomSelect.js
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
- 'bluebird',
- 'kb_common/html',
- '../validation',
- 'common/events',
- 'common/dom',
- 'bootstrap',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, Dom) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'kb_common/html', '../validation', 'common/events', 'common/ui', 'bootstrap'], (
+ Promise,
+ html,
+ Validation,
+ Events,
+ UI
+) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ define([
let options = {},
spec = config.parameterSpec,
- dom,
+ ui,
bus = config.bus,
model = {
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ define([
function getInputValue() {
- const control = dom.getElement('input-container.input'),
+ const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input'),
selected = control.selectedOptions;
if (selected.length === 0) {
@@ -133,7 +131,7 @@ define([
const events = Events.make(),
inputControl = makeInputControl(events);
- dom.setContent('input-container', inputControl);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', inputControl);
}).then(() => {
@@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ define([
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = UI.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/paramResolver.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/paramResolver.js
index 960651e5e2..ac78d80813 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/paramResolver.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/paramResolver.js
@@ -1,172 +1,245 @@
-define(['bluebird', 'require'], (Promise, require) => {
+ 'bluebird',
+ 'require',
+ './input/checkboxInput',
+ './input/customInput',
+ './input/customSubdataInput',
+ './input/dynamicDropdownInput',
+ './input/fileInput',
+ './input/floatInput',
+ './input/intInput',
+ './input/newObjectInput',
+ './input/select2ObjectInput',
+ './input/selectInput',
+ './input/subdataInput',
+ './input/taxonomyRefInput',
+ './input/textareaInput',
+ './input/textInput',
+ './input/toggleButtonInput',
+ './input/undefinedInput',
+ './view/checkboxView',
+ './view/customView',
+ './view/customSubdataView',
+ './view/dynamicDropdownView',
+ './view/fileView',
+ './view/floatView',
+ './view/intView',
+ './view/newObjectView',
+ './view/select2ObjectView',
+ './view/selectView',
+ './view/subdataView',
+ './view/taxonomyRefView',
+ './view/textareaView',
+ './view/textView',
+ './view/toggleButtonView',
+ './view/undefinedView',
+], (
+ Promise,
+ require,
+ checkboxInput,
+ customInput,
+ customSubdataInput,
+ dynamicDropdownInput,
+ fileInput,
+ floatInput,
+ intInput,
+ newObjectInput,
+ select2ObjectInput,
+ selectInput,
+ subdataInput,
+ taxonomyRefInput,
+ textareaInput,
+ textInput,
+ toggleButtonInput,
+ undefinedInput,
+ checkboxView,
+ customView,
+ customSubdataView,
+ dynamicDropdownView,
+ fileView,
+ floatView,
+ intView,
+ newObjectView,
+ select2ObjectView,
+ selectView,
+ subdataView,
+ taxonomyRefView,
+ textareaView,
+ textView,
+ toggleButtonView,
+ undefinedView
+) => {
'use strict';
- function factory(config) {
+ const inputModules = {
+ './input/checkboxInput': checkboxInput,
+ './input/customInput': customInput,
+ './input/customSubdataInput': customSubdataInput,
+ './input/dynamicDropdownInput': dynamicDropdownInput,
+ './input/fileInput': fileInput,
+ './input/floatInput': floatInput,
+ './input/intInput': intInput,
+ './input/newObjectInput': newObjectInput,
+ './input/select2ObjectInput': select2ObjectInput,
+ './input/selectInput': selectInput,
+ './input/subdataInput': subdataInput,
+ './input/taxonomyRefInput': taxonomyRefInput,
+ './input/textareaInput': textareaInput,
+ './input/textInput': textInput,
+ './input/toggleButtonInput': toggleButtonInput,
+ './input/undefinedInput': undefinedInput,
+ './view/checkboxView': checkboxView,
+ './view/customView': customView,
+ './view/customSubdataView': customSubdataView,
+ './view/dynamicDropdownView': dynamicDropdownView,
+ './view/fileView': fileView,
+ './view/floatView': floatView,
+ './view/intView': intView,
+ './view/newObjectView': newObjectView,
+ './view/select2ObjectView': select2ObjectView,
+ './view/selectView': selectView,
+ './view/subdataView': subdataView,
+ './view/taxonomyRefView': taxonomyRefView,
+ './view/textareaView': textareaView,
+ './view/textView': textView,
+ './view/toggleButtonView': toggleButtonView,
+ './view/undefinedView': undefinedView,
+ };
+ function factory() {
function getWidgetModule(spec) {
- const dataType = spec.data.type,
+ let dataType = null,
+ controlType = null;
+ try {
+ dataType = spec.data.type;
controlType = spec.ui.control;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ }
switch (dataType) {
+ case 'boolean':
+ return 'toggleButton';
+ case 'custom':
+ case 'customSubdata':
+ case 'float':
+ case 'sequence':
+ case 'struct':
+ case 'subdata':
+ return dataType;
+ case 'int':
+ return controlType === 'checkbox' ? controlType : dataType;
case 'string':
switch (controlType) {
- case 'dropdown':
- return {
- input: 'selectInput',
- view: 'selectView',
- };
- case 'textarea':
- return {
- input: 'textareaInput',
- view: 'textareaView',
- };
- case 'file':
- return {
- input: 'fileInput',
- view: 'fileView',
- };
- case 'custom_textsubdata':
- return {
- input: 'customSubdataInput',
- view: 'customSubdataView',
- };
case 'autocomplete':
- // TODO: refactor this from the sdk on up.
- return {
- input: 'taxonomyRefInput',
- view: 'taxonomyRefView',
- };
+ return 'taxonomyRef';
+ case 'custom_textsubdata':
+ return 'customSubdata';
+ case 'dropdown':
+ return 'select';
case 'dynamic_dropdown':
- return {
- input: 'dynamicDropdownInput',
- view: 'dynamicDropdownView',
- };
- case 'text':
- default:
- // A string type is normally entered as a
- // simple text input.
- return {
- input: 'textInput',
- view: 'textView',
- };
- }
- case 'sequence':
- return {
- input: 'sequenceInput',
- view: 'sequenceView',
- };
- case 'int':
- switch (controlType) {
- case 'checkbox':
- return {
- input: 'checkboxInput',
- view: 'checkboxView',
- };
+ return 'dynamicDropdown';
+ case 'file':
+ case 'textarea':
+ return controlType;
case 'text':
- return {
- input: 'intInput',
- view: 'intView',
- };
+ return 'text';
- case 'float':
- return {
- input: 'floatInput',
- view: 'floatView',
- };
case 'workspaceObjectRef':
switch (spec.ui.class) {
case 'input':
- //return 'singleObjectInput';
- return {
- input: 'select2ObjectInput',
- view: 'select2ObjectView',
- };
case 'parameter':
- // return 'singleObjectInput';
- return {
- input: 'select2ObjectInput',
- view: 'select2ObjectView',
- };
+ return 'select2Object';
- return {
- input: 'undefinedInput',
- view: 'undefinedView',
- };
+ return 'undefined';
// IS THIS used anywhere other than in output areas??
case 'workspaceObjectName':
switch (spec.ui.class) {
case 'parameter':
case 'output':
- return {
- input: 'newObjectInput',
- view: 'newObjectView',
- };
+ return 'newObject';
- return {
- input: 'undefinedInput',
- view: 'undefinedView',
- };
+ return 'undefined';
- case 'subdata':
- return {
- input: 'subdataInput',
- view: 'subdataView',
- };
- case 'customSubdata':
- return {
- input: 'customSubdataInput',
- view: 'customSubdataView',
- };
- case 'boolean':
- return {
- input: 'toggleButtonInput',
- view: 'toggleButtonView',
- };
- case 'struct':
- return {
- input: 'structInput',
- view: 'structView',
- };
- case 'custom':
- return {
- input: 'customInput',
- view: 'customView',
- };
- console.error('ERROR could not detremine control modules for this spec', spec);
+ console.error('ERROR could not determine control modules for this spec', spec);
throw new Error('Could not determine control modules for this spec');
- function loadModule(type, name) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- require(['./' + type + '/' + name], (Module) => {
- resolve(Module);
- }, (err) => {
- reject(err);
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {string} module - the widget module, as returned by getWidgetModule
+ * @param {string} typeString - module type, either 'input' or 'view'
+ * @param {boolean} includeMetadata - whether to return the loaded module or the loaded
+ * module and some metadata
+ */
+ function _loadModule(module, typeString, includeMetadata = false) {
+ const type = typeString.toLowerCase();
+ if (type !== 'input' && type !== 'view') {
+ throw new Error(`invalid input to ParamResolver: ${typeString}`);
+ }
+ const typeTitle = type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.substr(1).toLowerCase(),
+ moduleName = module + typeTitle,
+ path = `./${type}/${moduleName}`;
+ // the sequence(Input|View) and struct(Input|View) modules
+ // require ParamResolver, so have to be loaded dynamically
+ if (module === 'sequence' || module === 'struct') {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ require([path], (Module) => {
+ resolve(
+ includeMetadata
+ ? {
+ module: Module,
+ path: path,
+ moduleName: moduleName,
+ }
+ : Module
+ );
+ }, (err) => {
+ reject(err);
+ });
- });
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(
+ includeMetadata
+ ? {
+ module: inputModules[path],
+ path: path,
+ moduleName: moduleName,
+ }
+ : inputModules[path]
+ );
function loadInputControl(parameterSpec) {
- const module = getWidgetModule(parameterSpec);
- return loadModule('input', module.input);
+ return _loadModule(getWidgetModule(parameterSpec), 'input');
function loadViewControl(parameterSpec) {
- const module = getWidgetModule(parameterSpec);
- return loadModule('view', module.view);
+ return _loadModule(getWidgetModule(parameterSpec), 'view');
+ }
+ function getControlData(parameterSpec, type) {
+ return _loadModule(getWidgetModule(parameterSpec), type, true);
return {
- loadInputControl: loadInputControl,
- loadViewControl: loadViewControl,
+ loadInputControl,
+ loadViewControl,
+ getControlData,
return {
- make: function (config) {
- return factory(config);
+ make: function () {
+ return factory();
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validation.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validation.js
index 818185bfd5..e300acc12a 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validation.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validation.js
@@ -1,38 +1,13 @@
-define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
- Promise,
- Workspace,
- serviceUtils
-) => {
+ 'bluebird',
+ 'kb_service/client/workspace',
+ 'kb_service/utils',
+ 'util/util',
+ 'util/string',
+], (Promise, Workspace, serviceUtils, Util, StringUtil) => {
'use strict';
function Validators() {
- function toInteger(value) {
- switch (typeof value) {
- case 'number':
- if (value !== Math.floor(value)) {
- throw new Error('Integer is a non-integer number');
- }
- return value;
- case 'string':
- if (value.match(/^[-+]?[\d]+$/)) {
- return parseInt(value, 10);
- }
- throw new Error('Invalid integer format');
- default:
- throw new Error('Type ' + typeof value + ' cannot be converted to integer');
- }
- }
- function isEmptyString(value) {
- if (value === null) {
- return true;
- }
- if (typeof value === 'string' && value.trim() === '') {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
function validateSet(value, options) {
let errorMessage, diagnosis;
// values are raw, no parsing.
@@ -60,82 +35,13 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
+ errorMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
parsedValue: value,
- /*
- * A workspace ref, but using names ...
- */
- function validateWorkspaceObjectNameRef(value, options) {
- let parsedValue, errorMessage, diagnosis;
- if (typeof value !== 'string') {
- diagnosis = 'invalid';
- errorMessage = 'value must be a string in workspace object name format';
- } else {
- parsedValue = value.trim();
- if (!parsedValue) {
- if (options.required) {
- diagnosis = 'required-missing';
- errorMessage = 'value is required';
- } else {
- diagnosis = 'optional-empty';
- }
- } else if (!/^\d+\/\d+\/\d+/.test(value)) {
- diagnosis = 'invalid';
- errorMessage = 'Invalid object reference format (#/#/#)';
- } else {
- diagnosis = 'valid';
- }
- }
- return {
- isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
- };
- }
- function validateWorkspaceDataPaletteRef(value, options) {
- let parsedValue, errorMessage, diagnosis;
- if (typeof value !== 'string') {
- diagnosis = 'invalid';
- errorMessage = 'value must be a string in data reference format';
- } else {
- parsedValue = value.trim();
- if (parsedValue.length === 0) {
- parsedValue = null;
- }
- if (!parsedValue) {
- if (options.required) {
- diagnosis = 'required-missing';
- errorMessage = 'value is required';
- } else {
- diagnosis = 'optional-empty';
- }
- } else if (!/^\d+\/\d+(\/\d+)?(;\d+\/\d+(\/\d+)?)*/.test(value)) {
- diagnosis = 'invalid';
- errorMessage = 'Invalid object reference path - ( should be #/#/#;#/#/#;...)';
- } else {
- diagnosis = 'valid';
- }
- }
- return {
- isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
- };
- }
function validateWorkspaceObjectRef(value, options) {
let parsedValue, errorMessage, diagnosis;
@@ -163,10 +69,10 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ errorMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -187,39 +93,6 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
- function workspaceObjectExists(workspaceId, objectName, authToken, serviceUrl) {
- const workspace = new Workspace(serviceUrl, {
- token: authToken,
- });
- /*
- * Crude to ignore errors, but we are checking for existence, which under
- * normal conditions in a narrative will be the only condition under
- * which the requested object info will be null.
- * However, it is certainly possible that this will mask other errors.
- * One solution is to let the failure trigger an exception, but then
- * the user's browser log will contain scary red error messages.
- */
- return workspace
- .get_object_info_new({
- objects: [{ wsid: workspaceId, name: objectName }],
- ignoreErrors: 1,
- })
- .then((data) => {
- if (data[0]) {
- return true;
- }
- // but should never get here
- return false;
- });
- // .catch(function (err) {
- // if (err.error.error.match(/us\.kbase\.workspace\.database\.exceptions\.NoSuchObjectException/)) {
- // return false;
- // }
- // throw err;
- // });
- }
function validateWorkspaceObjectName(value, options) {
let parsedValue,
@@ -250,11 +123,11 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
messageId = 'obj-name-no-spaces';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not contain a space';
- } else if (/^[\+\-]*\d+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
+ } else if (/^[+-]*\d+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
messageId = 'obj-name-not-integer';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not be in the form of an integer';
- } else if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9|\.|\||_\-]+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
+ } else if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9|._-]+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
messageId = 'obj-name-invalid-characters';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage =
@@ -295,12 +168,12 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
}).then(() => {
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- messageId: messageId,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- shortMessage: shortMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ messageId,
+ errorMessage,
+ shortMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -333,12 +206,12 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
}).then(() => {
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- messageId: messageId,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- shortMessage: shortMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ messageId,
+ errorMessage,
+ shortMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -364,11 +237,11 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
- diagnosis = 'valid',
- min = constraints.min,
+ diagnosis = 'valid';
+ const min = constraints.min,
max = constraints.max;
- if (isEmptyString(value)) {
+ if (StringUtil.isEmptyString(value)) {
if (constraints.required) {
diagnosis = 'required-missing';
messageId = 'required-missing';
@@ -383,7 +256,7 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
} else {
plainValue = value.trim();
try {
- parsedValue = toInteger(plainValue);
+ parsedValue = Util.toInteger(plainValue);
errorObject = validateInteger(parsedValue, min, max);
if (errorObject) {
messageId = errorObject.id;
@@ -402,13 +275,13 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- messageId: messageId,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
+ messageId,
+ errorMessage,
message: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- plainValue: plainValue,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ plainValue,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -428,14 +301,11 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
function validateFloatString(value, constraints) {
- let normalizedValue,
- parsedValue,
- errorMessage,
- diagnosis,
- min = constraints.min,
+ let normalizedValue, parsedValue, errorMessage, diagnosis;
+ const min = constraints.min,
max = constraints.max;
- if (isEmptyString(value)) {
+ if (StringUtil.isEmptyString(value)) {
if (constraints.required) {
diagnosis = 'required-missing';
errorMessage = 'value is required';
@@ -462,11 +332,11 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- normalizedValue: normalizedValue,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ errorMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ normalizedValue,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -494,11 +364,11 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
messageId = 'obj-name-no-spaces';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not contain a space';
- } else if (/^[\+\-]*\d+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
+ } else if (/^[+-]*\d+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
messageId = 'obj-name-not-integer';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not be in the form of an integer';
- } else if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9|\.|\||_\-]+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
+ } else if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9|.|_-]+$/.test(parsedValue)) {
messageId = 'obj-name-invalid-characters';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage =
@@ -511,20 +381,20 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- messageId: messageId,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- shortMessage: shortMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ messageId,
+ errorMessage,
+ shortMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ parsedValue,
function validateText(value, constraints) {
let parsedValue,
- diagnosis = 'valid',
- minLength = constraints.min_length,
+ diagnosis = 'valid';
+ const minLength = constraints.min_length,
maxLength = constraints.max_length,
regexp = constraints.regexp ? new RegExp(constraints.regexp) : false;
@@ -535,7 +405,7 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
- if (isEmptyString(value)) {
+ if (StringUtil.isEmptyString(value)) {
parsedValue = '';
if (constraints.required) {
diagnosis = 'required-missing';
@@ -567,10 +437,10 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ errorMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -587,7 +457,7 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
} else {
parsedSet = set.filter((setValue) => {
- return !isEmptyString(setValue);
+ return !StringUtil.isEmptyString(setValue);
if (parsedSet.length === 0) {
if (options.required) {
@@ -614,8 +484,8 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
+ errorMessage,
+ diagnosis,
value: set,
parsedValue: parsedSet,
@@ -648,7 +518,7 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
diagnosis = 'valid';
- if (isEmptyString(value)) {
+ if (StringUtil.isEmptyString(value)) {
if (options.required) {
diagnosis = 'required-missing';
errorMessage = 'value is required';
@@ -669,10 +539,10 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
- value: value,
- parsedValue: parsedValue,
+ errorMessage,
+ diagnosis,
+ value,
+ parsedValue,
@@ -681,27 +551,27 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/client/workspace', 'kb_service/utils'], (
isValid: true,
errorMessage: null,
diagnosis: 'valid',
- value: value,
+ value,
parsedValue: value,
return {
- validateWorkspaceObjectName: validateWorkspaceObjectName,
- validateWorkspaceObjectRef: validateWorkspaceObjectRef,
- validateWorkspaceObjectRefSet: validateWorkspaceObjectRefSet,
- validateInteger: validateInteger,
- validateIntString: validateIntString,
+ validateWorkspaceObjectName,
+ validateWorkspaceObjectRef,
+ validateWorkspaceObjectRefSet,
+ validateInteger,
+ validateIntString,
validateIntegerField: validateIntString,
- validateFloat: validateFloat,
- validateFloatString: validateFloatString,
+ validateFloat,
+ validateFloatString,
+ validateText,
validateTextString: validateText,
- validateText: validateText,
- validateSet: validateSet,
+ validateSet,
+ validateTextSet,
validateStringSet: validateTextSet,
- validateTextSet: validateTextSet,
- validateBoolean: validateBoolean,
- validateTrue: validateTrue,
+ validateBoolean,
+ validateTrue,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/common.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/common.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8550519710..0000000000
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/common.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-define([], () => {
- function isEmptyString(value) {
- if (value === null) {
- return true;
- }
- if (typeof value === 'string' && value.trim() === '') {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return {
- isEmptyString: isEmptyString,
- };
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/int.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/int.js
index 2c1c7e31be..84a784303a 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/int.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/int.js
@@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
-define(['bluebird'], (Promise) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'util/util'], (Promise, Util) => {
'use strict';
- function toInteger(value) {
- switch (typeof value) {
- case 'number':
- if (value !== Math.floor(value)) {
- throw new Error('Integer is a non-integer number');
- }
- return value;
- case 'string':
- if (value.match(/^[-+]?[\d]+$/)) {
- return parseInt(value, 10);
- }
- throw new Error('Invalid integer format');
- default:
- throw new Error('Type ' + typeof value + ' cannot be converted to integer');
- }
- }
function importString(value) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
return null;
@@ -31,13 +14,13 @@ define(['bluebird'], (Promise) => {
if (plainValue === '') {
return null;
- return toInteger(plainValue);
+ return Util.toInteger(plainValue);
function validateInt(value, min, max) {
if (typeof value !== 'number') {
try {
- value = toInteger(value);
+ value = Util.toInteger(value);
} catch (error) {
return {
id: 'non-numeric',
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/resolver.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/resolver.js
index daff5f3387..38e8979851 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/resolver.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/resolver.js
@@ -15,23 +15,14 @@ define(['require', 'bluebird'], (require, Promise) => {
dynamicDropdown: 'dynamicDropdown',
- function getValidatorModule(fieldSpec) {
- const moduleName = typeToValidatorModule[fieldSpec.data.type];
- if (!moduleName) {
- throw new Error('No validator for type: ' + fieldSpec.data.type);
- }
- return moduleName;
- }
- function validate(fieldValue, fieldSpec) {
+ function validate(fieldValue, fieldSpec, options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- var validatorModule = getValidatorModule(fieldSpec);
- } catch (ex) {
- reject(ex);
+ const fieldType = fieldSpec.data.type;
+ if (!(fieldType in typeToValidatorModule)) {
+ reject(new Error(`No validator for type: ${fieldType}`));
- require(['./' + validatorModule], (validator) => {
- resolve(validator.validate(fieldValue, fieldSpec));
+ require(['./' + typeToValidatorModule[fieldType]], (validator) => {
+ resolve(validator.validate(fieldValue, fieldSpec, options));
}, (err) => {
@@ -39,6 +30,6 @@ define(['require', 'bluebird'], (require, Promise) => {
return {
- validate: validate,
+ validate,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/text.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/text.js
index be7a1f7cf3..85bc64ff41 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/text.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/text.js
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-define(['bluebird', './common'], (Promise, common) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'util/string'], (Promise, StringUtil) => {
+ 'use strict';
function importString(value) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
return null;
@@ -6,14 +8,15 @@ define(['bluebird', './common'], (Promise, common) => {
return value;
- function applyConstraints(value, constraints) {
+ function applyConstraints(value, constraints, options) {
let parsedValue,
diagnosis = 'valid',
- minLength = constraints.min_length,
- maxLength = constraints.max_length,
+ const minLength = constraints.min_length,
+ maxLength = constraints.max_length;
if (constraints.regexp) {
regexps = constraints.regexp.map((item) => {
return {
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ define(['bluebird', './common'], (Promise, common) => {
- if (common.isEmptyString(value)) {
+ if (StringUtil.isEmptyString(value)) {
parsedValue = '';
if (constraints.required) {
diagnosis = 'required-missing';
@@ -36,6 +39,9 @@ define(['bluebird', './common'], (Promise, common) => {
} else if (typeof value !== 'string') {
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'value must be a string (it is of type "' + typeof value + '")';
+ } else if (options.invalidValues && options.invalidValues.has(value)) {
+ diagnosis = 'invalid';
+ errorMessage = options.invalidError ? options.invalidError : 'value is invalid';
} else {
parsedValue = value;
if (parsedValue.length < minLength) {
@@ -75,19 +81,15 @@ define(['bluebird', './common'], (Promise, common) => {
- function validate(value, spec) {
+ function validate(value, spec, options) {
return Promise.try(() => {
- return applyConstraints(value, spec.data.constraints);
+ return applyConstraints(value, spec.data.constraints, options || {});
- /*
- Each validator must supply:
- validateText - validate a
- */
return {
- importString: importString,
- validate: validate,
- applyConstraints: applyConstraints,
+ importString,
+ validate,
+ applyConstraints,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/workspaceObjectName.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/workspaceObjectName.js
index eab21633f8..d3251af3ab 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/workspaceObjectName.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/validators/workspaceObjectName.js
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/utils', 'kb_service/client/workspace'], (
messageId = 'obj-name-no-spaces';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not contain a space';
- } else if (/^[\+\-]*\d+$/.test(value)) {
+ } else if (/^[+-]*\d+$/.test(value)) {
messageId = 'obj-name-not-integer';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not be in the form of an integer';
- } else if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9|\.|\||_\-]+$/.test(value)) {
+ } else if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9|._-]+$/.test(value)) {
messageId = 'obj-name-invalid-characters';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage =
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/utils', 'kb_service/client/workspace'], (
messageId = 'obj-name-too-long';
diagnosis = 'invalid';
errorMessage = 'an object name may not exceed 255 characters in length';
- } else if (constraints.shouldNotExist) {
+ } else if (constraints.shouldNotExist || options.shouldNotExist) {
return getObjectInfo(
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/utils', 'kb_service/client/workspace'], (
}).then(() => {
return {
isValid: errorMessage ? false : true,
- messageId: messageId,
- errorMessage: errorMessage,
- shortMessage: shortMessage,
- diagnosis: diagnosis,
+ messageId,
+ errorMessage,
+ shortMessage,
+ diagnosis,
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ define(['bluebird', 'kb_service/utils', 'kb_service/client/workspace'], (
return {
- importString: importString,
- validate: validate,
+ importString,
+ validate,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/autocompleteView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/autocompleteView.js
index 7a0d84e2a1..2ddf12b6d7 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/autocompleteView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/autocompleteView.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/checkboxView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/checkboxView.js
index 040ccbba04..613039b753 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/checkboxView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/checkboxView.js
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events, UI) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSelectView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSelectView.js
index f72bc83563..178484d266 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSelectView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSelectView.js
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
- 'bluebird',
- 'kb_common/html',
- '../validation',
- 'common/events',
- 'common/dom',
- 'bootstrap',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, Dom) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'common/html', '../validation', 'common/events', 'common/ui', 'bootstrap'], (
+ Promise,
+ html,
+ Validation,
+ Events,
+ Ui
+) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ define([
let options = {},
spec = config.parameterSpec,
- dom,
+ ui,
bus = config.bus,
model = {
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ define([
function getInputValue() {
- const control = dom.getElement('input-container.input'),
+ const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input'),
selected = control.selectedOptions;
if (selected.length === 0) {
@@ -133,7 +131,7 @@ define([
const events = Events.make(),
inputControl = makeInputControl(events);
- dom.setContent('input-container', inputControl);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', inputControl);
}).then(() => {
@@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ define([
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = Ui.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSubdataView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSubdataView.js
index af3c545cfa..b20e092b66 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSubdataView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customSubdataView.js
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], ($, Promise, html, Validation, Events, Runtime, UI, Props, Jupyter, SubdataMethods) => {
'use strict';
@@ -39,23 +38,31 @@ define([
button = t('button');
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
appSpec = config.appSpec,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
workspaceId = runtime.getEnv('workspaceId'),
busConnection = runtime.bus().connect(),
channel = busConnection.channel(config.channelName),
- parent,
- container,
- model,
- subdataMethods,
- isAvailableValuesInitialized = false,
- options = {
- objectSelectionPageSize: 20,
- },
- ui;
- subdataMethods = SubdataMethods.make();
+ subdataMethods = SubdataMethods.make(),
+ model = Props.make({
+ data: {
+ referenceObjectName: null,
+ availableValues: [],
+ selectedItems: [],
+ value: null,
+ showFrom: 0,
+ showTo: 5,
+ },
+ onUpdate: () => {
+ renderStats();
+ renderToolbar();
+ renderAvailableItems();
+ renderSelectedItems();
+ },
+ });
+ let parent, container, ui;
function buildOptions() {
const availableValues = model.getItem('availableValues'),
@@ -66,9 +73,9 @@ define([
return selectOptions.concat(
availableValues.map((availableValue) => {
- let selected = false,
- optionLabel = availableValue.id,
+ const optionLabel = availableValue.id,
optionValue = availableValue.id;
+ let selected = false;
// TODO: pull the value out of the object
if (value.indexOf(availableValue.id) >= 0) {
selected = true;
@@ -116,13 +123,7 @@ define([
function didChange() {
validate().then((result) => {
- if (result.isValid) {
- model.setItem('value', result.value);
- updateInputControl('value');
- channel.emit('changed', {
- newValue: result.value,
- });
- } else if (result.diagnosis === 'required-missing') {
+ if (result.isValid || result.diagnosis === 'required-missing') {
model.setItem('value', result.value);
channel.emit('changed', {
@@ -143,25 +144,6 @@ define([
- function doRemoveSelectedItem(indexOfitemToRemove) {
- const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
- prevAllowSelection = spec.ui.multiSelection || selectedItems.length === 0;
- selectedItems.splice(indexOfitemToRemove, 1);
- const newAllowSelection = spec.ui.multiSelection || selectedItems.length === 0;
- if (newAllowSelection && !prevAllowSelection) {
- // update text areas to have md-col-7 (from md-col-10)
- $(ui.getElement('input-container'))
- .find('.row > .col-md-10')
- .switchClass('col-md-10', 'col-md-7');
- $(ui.getElement('input-container')).find('.col-md-3.hidden').removeClass('hidden');
- // update button areas to remove hidden class
- }
- model.setItem('selectedItems', selectedItems);
- didChange();
- }
function doRemoveSelectedAvailableItem(idToRemove) {
const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []);
@@ -178,14 +160,14 @@ define([
function renderAvailableItems() {
- let selected = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
+ const selected = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
allowSelection = spec.ui.multiSelection || selected.length === 0,
items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
to = model.getItem('showTo'),
itemsToShow = items.slice(from, to),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (itemsToShow.length === 0) {
content = div({ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }, 'no available values');
@@ -196,7 +178,7 @@ define([
return item.id === id;
disabled = isSelected;
- return div({ class: 'row', style: { border: '1px #CCC solid' } }, [
+ return div({ class: 'row', style: { border: '1px solid #CCC' } }, [
class: 'col-md-2',
@@ -249,11 +231,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-minus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-minus-circle text-danger',
@@ -275,11 +253,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-plus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'green',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-plus-circle text-success',
@@ -293,8 +267,7 @@ define([
dataItemId: item.id,
- class: 'fa fa-ban',
- style: { color: 'silver', fontSize: '200%' },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x a-ban text-silver',
@@ -311,10 +284,10 @@ define([
function renderSelectedItems() {
- let selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
+ const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
valuesMap = model.getItem('availableValuesMap', {}),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (selectedItems.length === 0) {
content = div({ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }, 'no selected values');
@@ -332,7 +305,7 @@ define([
class: 'row',
style: {
- border: '1px #CCC solid',
+ border: '1px solid #CCC',
borderCollapse: 'collapse',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
@@ -358,8 +331,6 @@ define([
class: 'col-md-8',
style: {
- xdisplay: 'inline-block',
- xwidth: '90%',
padding: '2px',
@@ -383,8 +354,7 @@ define([
title: 'Remove from selected',
- class: 'fa fa-minus-circle',
- style: { color: 'red', fontSize: '200%' },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-minus-circle text-danger',
@@ -400,58 +370,43 @@ define([
function renderSearchBox() {
- let items = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
- //if (items.length === 0) {
- // content = '';
- //} else {
- content = input({
- class: 'form-contol',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
- placeholder: 'search',
- value: model.getItem('filter') || '',
- id: events.addEvents({
- events: [
- {
- type: 'keyup',
- handler: function (e) {
- doSearchKeyUp(e);
- },
- },
- {
- type: 'focus',
- handler: function () {
- Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
+ content = input({
+ class: 'form-contol',
+ placeholder: 'search',
+ value: model.getItem('filter') || '',
+ id: events.addEvents({
+ events: [
+ {
+ type: 'keyup',
+ handler: function (e) {
+ doSearchKeyUp(e);
+ },
- },
- {
- type: 'blur',
- handler: function () {
- console.log('SingleSubData Search BLUR');
- // Jupyter.narrative.enableKeyboardManager();
+ {
+ type: 'focus',
+ handler: function () {
+ Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ },
- },
- {
- type: 'click',
- handler: function () {
- Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ {
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: function () {
+ Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ },
- },
- ],
- }),
- });
- //}
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
ui.setContent('search-box', content);
function renderStats() {
- let availableItems = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
- filteredItems = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
- content;
+ const availableItems = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
+ filteredItems = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []);
+ let content;
if (availableItems.length === 0) {
content = span({ style: { fontStyle: 'italic' } }, [' - no available items']);
@@ -466,9 +421,9 @@ define([
function renderToolbar() {
- let items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ const items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (items.length === 0) {
content = '';
@@ -478,7 +433,6 @@ define([
type: 'button',
class: 'btn btn-default',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -492,7 +446,6 @@ define([
class: 'btn btn-default',
type: 'button',
- style: { xwidth: '50%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -506,7 +459,6 @@ define([
class: 'btn btn-default',
type: 'button',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -520,7 +472,6 @@ define([
type: 'button',
class: 'btn btn-default',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -538,11 +489,11 @@ define([
function setPageStart(newFrom) {
- let from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
+ const from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
to = model.getItem('to'),
- newTo,
total = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []).length,
pageSize = 5;
+ let newTo;
if (newFrom <= 0) {
newFrom = 0;
@@ -598,7 +549,7 @@ define([
- function makeInputControl(events) {
+ function makeInputControl() {
// There is an input control, and a dropdown,
// TODO select2 after we get a handle on this...
const availableValues = model.getItem('availableValues');
@@ -611,7 +562,7 @@ define([
fontStyle: 'italic',
whiteSpace: 'normal',
padding: '3px',
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
'Items will be available after selecting a value for ' +
@@ -644,7 +595,7 @@ define([
{ class: 'col-md-12' },
style: {
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
dataElement: 'available-items',
@@ -658,7 +609,7 @@ define([
classes: ['kb-panel-light'],
body: div({
style: {
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
dataElement: 'selected-items',
@@ -678,17 +629,18 @@ define([
function updateInputControl(changedProperty) {
+ let count, options;
switch (changedProperty) {
case 'value':
// just change the selections.
- var count = buildCount();
+ count = buildCount();
ui.setContent('input-control.count', count);
case 'availableValues':
// rebuild the options
// re-apply the selections from the value
- var options = buildOptions();
+ options = buildOptions();
ui.setContent('input-control.input', options);
ui.setContent('input-control.count', count);
@@ -710,17 +662,6 @@ define([
* values.
function getInputValue() {
- // var control = ui.getElement('input-container.input');
- // if (!control) {
- // return null;
- // }
- // var input = control.selectedOptions,
- // i, values = [];
- // for (i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1) {
- // values.push(input.item(i).value);
- // }
- // // cute ... allows selecting multiple values but does not expect a sequence...
- // return values;
return model.getItem('selectedItems');
@@ -760,23 +701,6 @@ define([
- function fetchDatax() {
- let referenceObjectName = model.getItem('referenceObjectName'),
- referenceObjectRef = spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref;
- if (!referenceObjectRef) {
- if (!referenceObjectName) {
- return [];
- }
- referenceObjectRef = workspaceId + '/' + referenceObjectName;
- }
- return subdataMethods.fetchData({
- referenceObjectRef: referenceObjectRef,
- spec: spec,
- });
- }
function syncAvailableValues() {
return Promise.try(() => {
return fetchData();
@@ -810,7 +734,6 @@ define([
// - a set of selected ids
// - a set of filtered ids
model.setItem('availableValues', data);
- isAvailableValuesInitialized = true;
// TODO: generate all of this in the fetchData -- it will be a bit faster.
const map = {};
@@ -818,12 +741,7 @@ define([
map[datum.id] = datum;
- //var availableIds = data.map(function (datum) {
- // return datum.id;
- //});
model.setItem('availableValuesMap', map);
@@ -846,7 +764,7 @@ define([
return Promise.try(() => {
// check to see if we have to render inputControl.
const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- inputControl = makeInputControl(events),
+ inputControl = makeInputControl(),
content = div(
class: 'input-group',
@@ -915,8 +833,8 @@ define([
// primary value.
// TODO: we need to get this via the message bus!!!
if (
- subdataInfo.params.dependencies.some((paramId) => {
- return model.getItem(['required-params', paramId], null) === null;
+ subdataInfo.params.dependencies.some((_paramId) => {
+ return model.getItem(['required-params', _paramId], null) === null;
) {
@@ -935,7 +853,7 @@ define([
* Issued when thre is a need to have all params reset to their
* default value.
- channel.on('reset-to-defaults', (message) => {
+ channel.on('reset-to-defaults', () => {
// model.reset();
// TODO: this should really be set when the linked field is reset...
@@ -948,9 +866,6 @@ define([
- // updateInputControl('availableValues');
- // updateInputControl('value');
@@ -967,29 +882,6 @@ define([
- // channel.listen({
- // key: {
- // type: 'parameter-changed',
- // parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref
- // },
- // handle: function(message) {
- // var newValue = message.newValue;
- // if (message.newValue === '') {
- // newValue = null;
- // }
- // // reset the entire model.
- // model.reset();
- // model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- // syncAvailableValues()
- // .then(function() {
- // updateInputControl('availableValues');
- // })
- // .catch(function(err) {
- // console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- // });
- // }
- // });
if (subdataInfo.params.dependencies) {
subdataInfo.params.dependencies.forEach((paramId) => {
@@ -1031,51 +923,6 @@ define([
- // channel.listen({
- // key: {
- // type: 'parameter-changed',
- // parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id
- // },
- // handle: function(message) {
- // var newValue = message.newValue;
- // if (message.newValue === '') {
- // newValue = null;
- // }
- // // reset the entire model.
- // model.reset();
- // model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- // syncAvailableValues()
- // .then(function() {
- // updateInputControl('availableValues');
- // })
- // .catch(function(err) {
- // console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- // });
- // }
- // });
- // channel.listen({
- // key: {
- // type: 'parameter-value',
- // parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id
- // },
- // handle: function(message) {
- // var newValue = message.newValue;
- // if (message.newValue === '') {
- // newValue = null;
- // }
- // model.reset();
- // model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- // syncAvailableValues()
- // .then(function() {
- // updateInputControl('availableValues');
- // })
- // .catch(function(err) {
- // console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- // });
- // }
- // });
// This control has a dependency relationship in that its
// selection of available values is dependent upon a sub-property
// of an object referenced by another parameter.
@@ -1099,7 +946,7 @@ define([
- .then((message) => {
+ .then(() => {
// console.log('Now i got it again', message);
@@ -1161,25 +1008,6 @@ define([
- // MAIN
- model = Props.make({
- data: {
- referenceObjectName: null,
- availableValues: [],
- selectedItems: [],
- value: null,
- showFrom: 0,
- showTo: 5,
- },
- onUpdate: function (props) {
- renderStats();
- renderToolbar();
- renderAvailableItems();
- renderSelectedItems();
- },
- });
return {
start: start,
stop: stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customView.js
index b52b97ceeb..9efafc349f 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/customView.js
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props, inputUtils) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/dynamicDropdownView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/dynamicDropdownView.js
index a49bde9446..0ced649f4e 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/dynamicDropdownView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/dynamicDropdownView.js
@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
- 'bluebird',
- 'kb_common/html',
- '../validators/text',
- 'common/events',
- 'common/ui',
- 'common/props',
- '../inputUtils',
- 'bootstrap',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props, inputUtils) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'common/html', 'common/ui', 'common/props', 'bootstrap'], (
+ Promise,
+ html,
+ UI,
+ Props
+) => {
'use strict';
const t = html.tag,
@@ -18,12 +12,15 @@ define([
option = t('option');
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
bus = config.bus,
- parent,
- container,
- ui,
- model;
+ model = Props.make({
+ data: {
+ value: null,
+ },
+ onUpdate: () => {},
+ });
+ let parent, container, ui;
@@ -41,10 +38,12 @@ define([
model.setItem('value', value);
+ syncModelToControl();
function resetModelValue() {
+ syncModelToControl();
// sync the dom to the model.
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ define([
- function makeViewControl(events) {
+ function makeViewControl() {
return select(
class: 'form-control',
@@ -66,27 +65,15 @@ define([
- function render(events) {
+ function render() {
return div(
dataElement: 'input-container',
- [makeViewControl(events)]
+ [makeViewControl()]
- /*
- Focus the input control.
- */
- function doFocus() {
- const node = ui.getElement('input-container.input');
- if (node) {
- node.focus();
- }
- }
function start(arg) {
@@ -95,19 +82,16 @@ define([
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
ui = UI.make({ node: container });
- const events = Events.make();
- container.innerHTML = render(events);
- events.attachEvents(container);
- // model.setItem('value', config.initialValue);
+ container.innerHTML = render();
+ setModelValue(config.initialValue);
bus.on('reset-to-defaults', () => {
- bus.on('focus', () => {
- doFocus();
+ bus.on('update', (message) => {
+ setModelValue(message.value);
- // bus.emit('sync');
@@ -119,20 +103,9 @@ define([
- // INIT
- model = Props.make({
- data: {
- value: null,
- },
- onUpdate: function () {},
- });
- setModelValue(config.initialValue);
return {
- start: start,
- stop: stop,
+ start,
+ stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/fileView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/fileView.js
index d533cbfc72..41d0581704 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/fileView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/fileView.js
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, $, Jupyter, html, Events, UI, Runtime, Props, UJS, Shock, Validation) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/floatView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/floatView.js
index 39cb312e21..8b267345e5 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/floatView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/floatView.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, Jupyter, html, Events, UI, Props) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/intView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/intView.js
index 448c5d68db..9219c38cfb 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/intView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/intView.js
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/newObjectView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/newObjectView.js
index 3d75a0575a..4e25e65959 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/newObjectView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/newObjectView.js
@@ -1,96 +1,48 @@
- 'bluebird',
- 'kb_common/html',
- '../validation',
- 'common/events',
- 'common/runtime',
- 'common/dom',
- 'bootstrap',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, Runtime, Dom) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'common/html', 'common/ui', 'bootstrap'], (Promise, html, UI) => {
'use strict';
- const t = html.tag,
- div = t('div'),
- input = t('input');
+ const div = html.tag('div'),
+ input = html.tag('input');
function factory(config) {
- let options = {},
- spec = config.parameterSpec,
- parent,
- container,
- bus = config.bus,
- model = {
- value: undefined,
- },
- dom;
- options.enabled = true;
- function setModelValue(value) {
- return Promise.try(() => {
- if (model.value !== value) {
- model.value = value;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }).then((changed) => {
- render();
- });
- }
- function unsetModelValue() {
- return Promise.try(() => {
- model.value = undefined;
- }).then((changed) => {
- render();
- });
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ bus = config.bus;
+ let container,
+ ui,
+ value = config.initialValue;
+ function setModelValue(newValue) {
+ value = newValue;
+ const inputField = ui.getElement('input');
+ if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ inputField.removeAttribute('value');
+ } else {
+ inputField.setAttribute('value', newValue);
+ }
function resetModelValue() {
- if (spec.data.defaultValue) {
- setModelValue(spec.data.defaultValue);
- } else {
- unsetModelValue();
- }
+ setModelValue(spec.data.defaultValue);
- /*
- * Creates the markup
- * Places it into the dom node
- * Hooks up event listeners
- */
- function makeInputControl(currentValue, events, bus) {
- return input({
+ function render() {
+ const inputControl = input({
class: 'form-control',
dataElement: 'input',
- value: currentValue,
+ value,
readonly: true,
disabled: true,
+ ui.setContent('input-container', inputControl);
- function render() {
- Promise.try(() => {
- const events = Events.make(),
- inputControl = makeInputControl(model.value, events, bus);
- dom.setContent('input-container', inputControl);
- events.attachEvents(container);
- });
- }
- function layout(events) {
- const content = div(
+ function layout() {
+ return div(
dataElement: 'main-panel',
[div({ dataElement: 'input-container' })]
- return {
- content: content,
- events: events,
- };
@@ -98,17 +50,12 @@ define([
function start() {
return Promise.try(() => {
bus.on('run', (message) => {
- parent = message.node;
- container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ container = message.node;
+ ui = UI.make({ node: container });
- const events = Events.make(),
- theLayout = layout(events);
+ container.innerHTML = layout();
- container.innerHTML = theLayout.content;
- events.attachEvents(container);
- bus.on('reset-to-defaults', (message) => {
+ bus.on('reset-to-defaults', () => {
bus.on('update', (message) => {
@@ -116,13 +63,21 @@ define([
bus.on('refresh', () => {});
+ render();
+ function stop() {
+ return Promise.try(() => {
+ container.innerHTML = '';
+ });
+ }
return {
- start: start,
+ start,
+ stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectRefView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectRefView.js
index c85f166dcb..9c68733631 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectRefView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectRefView.js
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
+ 'underscore',
- 'kb_common/utils',
- 'common/dom',
+ 'common/ui',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, $, html, utils, Workspace, serviceUtils, Validation, Events, Runtime, Dom) => {
+], (Promise, $, _, html, Workspace, serviceUtils, Validation, Events, Runtime, UI) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ define([
bus = config.bus,
- dom,
+ ui,
model = {
blacklistValues: undefined,
availableValues: undefined,
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ define([
* values.
function getInputValue() {
- const control = dom.getElement('input-container.input'),
+ const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input'),
selected = control.selectedOptions;
if (selected.length === 0) {
@@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ define([
inputControl = makeInputControl(events, bus),
content = div({ class: 'input-group', style: { width: '100%' } }, inputControl);
- dom.setContent('input-container', content);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', content);
@@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ define([
// there are a few thin
fetchData().then((data) => {
// compare to availableData.
- if (!utils.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
+ if (!_.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
model.availableValues = data;
const matching = model.availableValues.filter((value) => {
if (value.name === getObjectRef(value)) {
@@ -341,7 +340,7 @@ define([
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = UI.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectView.js
index d59d9671c8..ddb442b268 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/objectView.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ 'underscore',
- 'kb_common/utils',
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
+ _,
- utils,
@@ -408,7 +407,7 @@ define([
function doWorkspaceChanged(data) {
// compare to availableData.
- if (!utils.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
+ if (!_.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
model.availableValues = data;
const matching = model.availableValues.filter((value) => {
if (model.value && model.value === getObjectRef(value, model.value)) {
@@ -429,7 +428,7 @@ define([
// there are a few thin
fetchData().then((data) => {
// compare to availableData.
- if (!utils.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
+ if (!_.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
model.availableValues = data;
const matching = model.availableValues.filter((value) => {
if (model.value && model.value === getObjectRef(value, model.value)) {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/select2ObjectView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/select2ObjectView.js
index b45bcfb0e7..50f8cc69e2 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/select2ObjectView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/select2ObjectView.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ 'underscore',
- 'kb_common/utils',
@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
+ _,
- utils,
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ define([
function doWorkspaceUpdated(data) {
// compare to availableData.
- if (!utils.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
+ if (!_.isEqual(data, model.availableValues)) {
model.availableValues = data;
model.availableValuesMap = {};
// our map is a little strange.
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/selectView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/selectView.js
index 825bf0f9ee..dba894ef48 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/selectView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/selectView.js
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
- 'bluebird',
- 'kb_common/html',
- '../validators/text',
- 'common/events',
- 'common/ui',
- 'bootstrap',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI) => {
+define(['bluebird', 'common/html', 'common/ui', 'bootstrap'], (Promise, html, UI) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -17,44 +8,25 @@ define([
option = t('option');
function factory(config) {
- let options = {},
- spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
bus = config.bus,
- parent,
- ui,
- container,
model = {
- availableValues: null,
- value: null,
+ availableValues: config.availableValues || spec.data.constraints.options || [],
+ value: config.initialValue || null,
- options.enabled = true;
- model.availableValues = spec.data.constraints.options;
- model.availableValuesMap = {};
- model.availableValues.forEach((item, index) => {
- item.index = index;
- model.availableValuesMap[item.value] = item;
- });
- function makeViewControl(events) {
- let selected,
- selectOptions = model.availableValues.map((item) => {
- selected = false;
- if (item.value === model.value) {
- selected = true;
- }
- return option(
- {
- value: item.value,
- selected: selected,
- disabled: true,
- },
- item.display
- );
- });
+ let parent, ui, container;
+ function makeViewControl() {
+ const selectOptions = model.availableValues.map((item) => {
+ return option(
+ {
+ value: item.value,
+ selected: item.value === model.value,
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ item.display
+ );
+ });
return select(
@@ -69,41 +41,29 @@ define([
function syncModelToControl() {
// assuming the model has been modified...
- const control = ui.getElement('input-control.input');
- // loop through the options, selecting the one with the value.
- // unselect
- if (control.selectedIndex >= 0) {
- control.options.item(control.selectedIndex).selected = false;
- }
- const selectedItem = model.availableValuesMap[model.value];
- if (selectedItem) {
- control.options.item(selectedItem.index + 1).selected = true;
- }
+ const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input');
+ [...control.querySelectorAll(`option`)].forEach((option) => {
+ option.removeAttribute('selected');
+ });
+ control.querySelector(`option[value="${model.value}"]`).setAttribute('selected', true);
- function layout(events) {
- const content = div(
+ function layout() {
+ return div(
dataElement: 'main-panel',
- [div({ dataElement: 'input-container' }, makeViewControl(events))]
+ [div({ dataElement: 'input-container' }, makeViewControl())]
- return {
- content: content,
- events: events,
- };
function setModelValue(value) {
if (model.value !== value) {
model.value = value;
+ syncModelToControl();
- function resetModelValue() {
- setModelValue(spec.data.defaultValue);
- }
function start(arg) {
@@ -112,22 +72,14 @@ define([
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
ui = UI.make({ node: container });
- const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- theLayout = layout(events);
- container.innerHTML = theLayout.content;
- events.attachEvents();
+ container.innerHTML = layout();
bus.on('reset-to-defaults', () => {
- resetModelValue();
+ setModelValue(spec.data.defaultValue);
bus.on('update', (message) => {
- // bus.emit('sync');
- setModelValue(config.initialValue);
- syncModelToControl();
@@ -140,8 +92,8 @@ define([
return {
- start: start,
- stop: stop,
+ start,
+ stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/sequenceView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/sequenceView.js
index 7685e910a0..f3676b39af 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/sequenceView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/sequenceView.js
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ define([
- 'common/lang',
+ 'util/util',
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ define([
- lang,
+ Util,
@@ -34,14 +33,12 @@ define([
button = t('button');
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ let container, parent, ui;
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
itemSpec = spec.parameters.specs.item,
- container,
- parent,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
busConnection = runtime.bus().connect(),
channel = busConnection.channel(config.channelName),
- ui,
model = {
value: [],
@@ -110,8 +107,7 @@ define([
function makeSingleViewControl(control) {
return resolver.loadViewControl(itemSpec).then((widgetFactory) => {
- let postButton,
- widgetId = html.genId(),
+ const widgetId = html.genId(),
inputBus = runtime.bus().makeChannelBus({
description: 'Array input control',
@@ -154,7 +150,7 @@ define([
- postButton = div(
+ const postButton = div(
class: 'input-group-addon kb-input-group-addon',
style: {
@@ -205,7 +201,7 @@ define([
function addNewControl(initialValue) {
if (initialValue === undefined) {
- initialValue = lang.copy(itemSpec.data.defaultValue);
+ initialValue = Util.copy(itemSpec.data.defaultValue);
return Promise.try(() => {
const events = Events.make({ node: container });
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/structView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/structView.js
index 0b2f58f3f3..9604660336 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/structView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/structView.js
@@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ define([
- 'common/lang',
+ 'util/util',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, lang, Resolver, FieldWidget) => {
+], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Util, Resolver, FieldWidget) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -19,23 +18,18 @@ define([
resolver = Resolver.make();
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
- bus = config.bus,
- container,
+ let container,
+ structFields = {};
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
+ bus = config.bus,
viewModel = {
data: {},
state: {
enabled: null,
- structFields = {},
- // model = {
- // value: {},
- // enabled: null
- // },
- // structFields,
fieldLayout = spec.ui.layout,
struct = spec.parameters;
@@ -67,7 +61,7 @@ define([
function resetModelValue() {
if (spec.defaultValue) {
- setModelValue(lang.copy(spec.defaultValue));
+ setModelValue(Util.copy(spec.defaultValue));
} else {
@@ -116,9 +110,9 @@ define([
function doChanged(id, newValue) {
// Absorb and propagate the new value...
- viewModel.data[id] = lang.copy(newValue);
+ viewModel.data[id] = Util.copy(newValue);
bus.emit('changed', {
- newValue: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ newValue: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
// Validate and propagate.
@@ -162,7 +156,7 @@ define([
fieldWidget.bus.on('validation', (message) => {
if (message.diagnosis === 'optional-empty') {
bus.emit('changed', {
- newValue: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ newValue: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
@@ -226,7 +220,7 @@ define([
const layout = div(
style: {
- 'border-left': '5px silver solid',
+ 'border-left': '5px solid silver',
padding: '2px',
margin: '6px',
@@ -259,7 +253,7 @@ define([
ui = UI.make({ node: container });
events = Events.make({ node: container });
- viewModel.data = lang.copy(config.initialValue);
+ viewModel.data = Util.copy(config.initialValue);
// return bus.request({}, {
// key: 'get-param-state'
@@ -285,7 +279,7 @@ define([
// TODO: container environment should know about enable/disabled state?
// FORNOW: just ignore
if (viewModel.state.enabled) {
- viewModel.data = lang.copy(message.value);
+ viewModel.data = Util.copy(message.value);
Object.keys(message.value).forEach((id) => {
structFields[id].instance.bus.emit('update', {
value: message.value[id],
@@ -297,7 +291,7 @@ define([
// A fake submit.
bus.on('submit', () => {
bus.emit('submitted', {
- value: lang.copy(viewModel.data),
+ value: Util.copy(viewModel.data),
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/subdataView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/subdataView.js
index 1d9f87b54a..3d6eae6fb1 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/subdataView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/subdataView.js
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
@@ -52,21 +51,34 @@ define([
button = t('button');
function factory(config) {
- let spec = config.parameterSpec,
- parent,
- container,
+ const spec = config.parameterSpec,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
workspaceId = runtime.getEnv('workspaceId'),
// bus = config.bus,
busConnection = runtime.bus().connect(),
channel = busConnection.channel(config.channelName),
paramsChannel = busConnection.channel(config.paramsChannelName),
- model,
- subdataMethods,
+ model = Props.make({
+ data: {
+ referenceObjectName: null,
+ availableValues: [],
+ selectedItems: [],
+ value: null,
+ showFrom: 0,
+ showTo: 5,
+ },
+ onUpdate: function () {
+ renderStats();
+ renderToolbar();
+ renderAvailableItems();
+ renderSelectedItems();
+ },
+ }),
+ subdataMethods = SubdataMethods.make();
+ let parent,
+ container,
isAvailableValuesInitialized = false,
- options = {
- objectSelectionPageSize: 20,
- },
minimumFilterLength = 0,
@@ -75,10 +87,6 @@ define([
throw new Error('Workspace id required for the object widget');
- options.enabled = true;
- subdataMethods = SubdataMethods.make();
function buildOptions() {
const availableValues = model.getItem('availableValues'),
value = model.getItem('value') || [],
@@ -88,8 +96,8 @@ define([
return selectOptions.concat(
availableValues.map((availableValue) => {
- let selected = false,
- optionLabel = availableValue.id,
+ let selected = false;
+ const optionLabel = availableValue.id,
optionValue = availableValue.id;
// TODO: pull the value out of the object
if (value.indexOf(availableValue.id) >= 0) {
@@ -98,7 +106,7 @@ define([
return option(
value: optionValue,
- selected: selected,
+ selected,
@@ -140,14 +148,14 @@ define([
function renderAvailableItems() {
- let selected = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
+ const selected = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
allowSelection = spec.ui.multiSelection || selected.length === 0,
items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
to = model.getItem('showTo'),
itemsToShow = items.slice(from, to),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (!isAvailableValuesInitialized) {
content = div({ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }, html.loading('Loading data...'));
@@ -160,7 +168,7 @@ define([
return item.id === id;
disabled = isSelected;
- return div({ class: 'row', style: { border: '1px #CCC solid' } }, [
+ return div({ class: 'row', style: { border: '1px solid #CCC' } }, [
class: 'col-md-2',
@@ -207,11 +215,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-minus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-minus-circle text-danger',
@@ -227,11 +231,7 @@ define([
- class: 'fa fa-plus-circle',
- style: {
- color: 'green',
- fontSize: '200%',
- },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-plus-circle text-success',
@@ -245,8 +245,7 @@ define([
dataItemId: item.id,
- class: 'fa fa-ban',
- style: { color: 'silver', fontSize: '200%' },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-ban text-silver',
@@ -263,10 +262,10 @@ define([
function renderSelectedItems() {
- let selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
+ const selectedItems = model.getItem('selectedItems', []),
valuesMap = model.getItem('availableValuesMap', {}),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content;
if (selectedItems.length === 0) {
content = div({ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }, 'no selected values');
@@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ define([
class: 'row',
style: {
- border: '1px #CCC solid',
+ border: '1px solid #CCC',
borderCollapse: 'collapse',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
@@ -294,8 +293,6 @@ define([
class: 'col-md-2',
style: {
- xdisplay: 'inline-block',
- xwidth: '20%',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
borderRadius: '3px',
padding: '2px',
@@ -312,8 +309,6 @@ define([
class: 'col-md-8',
style: {
- xdisplay: 'inline-block',
- xwidth: '90%',
padding: '2px',
@@ -323,8 +318,6 @@ define([
class: 'col-md-2',
style: {
- xdisplay: 'inline-block',
- xwidth: '10%',
padding: '2px',
textAlign: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'top',
@@ -339,8 +332,7 @@ define([
title: 'Remove from selected',
- class: 'fa fa-minus-circle',
- style: { color: 'red', fontSize: '200%' },
+ class: 'fa fa-2x fa-minus-circle text-danger',
@@ -356,43 +348,34 @@ define([
function renderSearchBox() {
- let events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
- content = input({
- class: 'form-contol',
- placeholder: 'search',
- value: model.getItem('filter') || '',
- id: events.addEvents({
- events: [
- {
- type: 'keyup',
- handler: function (e) {
- doSearchKeyUp(e);
- },
- },
- {
- type: 'focus',
- handler: function () {
- Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
+ content = input({
+ class: 'form-contol',
+ placeholder: 'search',
+ value: model.getItem('filter') || '',
+ id: events.addEvents({
+ events: [
+ {
+ type: 'keyup',
+ handler: function (e) {
+ doSearchKeyUp(e);
+ },
- },
- {
- type: 'blur',
- handler: function () {
- // console.log('SingleSubData Search BLUR');
- // Jupyter.narrative.enableKeyboardManager();
+ {
+ type: 'focus',
+ handler: function () {
+ Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ },
- },
- {
- type: 'click',
- handler: function () {
- Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ {
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: function () {
+ Jupyter.narrative.disableKeyboardManager();
+ },
- },
- ],
- }),
- });
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
ui.setContent('search-box', content);
@@ -411,9 +394,9 @@ define([
function renderStats() {
- let availableItems = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
- filteredItems = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
- content;
+ const availableItems = model.getItem('availableValues', []),
+ filteredItems = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []);
+ let content;
if (!isAvailableValuesInitialized) {
content = span({ style: { fontStyle: 'italic' } }, [
' - ' + html.loading('Loading data...'),
@@ -436,19 +419,16 @@ define([
function renderToolbar() {
- let items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
- events = Events.make({ node: container }),
- content;
+ const items = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []),
+ events = Events.make({ node: container });
+ let content = '';
- if (items.length === 0) {
- content = '';
- } else {
+ if (items.length) {
content = div([
type: 'button',
class: 'btn btn-default',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -462,7 +442,6 @@ define([
class: 'btn btn-default',
type: 'button',
- style: { xwidth: '50%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -476,7 +455,6 @@ define([
class: 'btn btn-default',
type: 'button',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -490,7 +468,6 @@ define([
type: 'button',
class: 'btn btn-default',
- style: { xwidth: '100%' },
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: function () {
@@ -508,11 +485,11 @@ define([
function setPageStart(newFrom) {
- let from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
+ const from = model.getItem('showFrom'),
to = model.getItem('to'),
- newTo,
total = model.getItem('filteredAvailableItems', []).length,
pageSize = 5;
+ let newTo;
if (newFrom <= 0) {
newFrom = 0;
@@ -592,7 +569,7 @@ define([
fontStyle: 'italic',
whiteSpace: 'normal',
padding: '3px',
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
'Items will be available after selecting a value for ' +
@@ -635,7 +612,7 @@ define([
{ class: 'col-md-12' },
style: {
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
dataElement: 'available-items',
@@ -649,7 +626,7 @@ define([
classes: ['kb-panel-light'],
body: div({
style: {
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
dataElement: 'selected-items',
@@ -706,8 +683,8 @@ define([
// safe, but ugly.
function fetchData() {
- let referenceObjectName = model.getItem('referenceObjectName'),
- referenceObjectRef = spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref;
+ const referenceObjectName = model.getItem('referenceObjectName');
+ let referenceObjectRef = spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref;
if (!referenceObjectRef) {
if (!referenceObjectName) {
@@ -831,6 +808,20 @@ define([
+ function resetModelAvailableValues(message) {
+ const newValue = message.newValue === '' ? null : message.newValue;
+ // reset the entire model.
+ model.reset();
+ model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
+ syncAvailableValues()
+ .then(() => {
+ updateInputControl('availableValues');
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
+ });
+ }
function registerEvents() {
* Issued when thre is a need to have all params reset to their
@@ -864,22 +855,7 @@ define([
type: 'parameter-changed',
parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.constant_ref,
- handle: function (message) {
- let newValue = message.newValue;
- if (message.newValue === '') {
- newValue = null;
- }
- // reset the entire model.
- model.reset();
- model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- syncAvailableValues()
- .then(() => {
- updateInputControl('availableValues');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- });
- },
+ handle: resetModelAvailableValues,
@@ -887,22 +863,7 @@ define([
type: 'parameter-changed',
parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id,
- handle: function (message) {
- let newValue = message.newValue;
- if (message.newValue === '') {
- newValue = null;
- }
- // reset the entire model.
- model.reset();
- model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- syncAvailableValues()
- .then(() => {
- updateInputControl('availableValues');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- });
- },
+ handle: resetModelAvailableValues,
@@ -910,21 +871,7 @@ define([
type: 'parameter-value',
parameter: spec.data.constraints.subdataSelection.parameter_id,
- handle: function (message) {
- let newValue = message.newValue;
- if (message.newValue === '') {
- newValue = null;
- }
- model.reset();
- model.setItem('referenceObjectName', newValue);
- syncAvailableValues()
- .then(() => {
- updateInputControl('availableValues');
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR syncing available values', err);
- });
- },
+ handle: resetModelAvailableValues,
// This control has a dependency relationship in that its
@@ -1043,28 +990,9 @@ define([
- // MAIN
- model = Props.make({
- data: {
- referenceObjectName: null,
- availableValues: [],
- selectedItems: [],
- value: null,
- showFrom: 0,
- showTo: 5,
- },
- onUpdate: function () {
- renderStats();
- renderToolbar();
- renderAvailableItems();
- renderSelectedItems();
- },
- });
return {
- start: start,
- stop: stop,
+ start,
+ stop,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/taxonomyRefView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/taxonomyRefView.js
index 5b31390dc9..22eb725b4e 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/taxonomyRefView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/taxonomyRefView.js
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textView.js
index 5f0da92173..00d565bcc9 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textView.js
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props, inputUtils) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textareaView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textareaView.js
index c6acd2923e..8c7392a072 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textareaView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/textareaView.js
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/toggleButtonView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/toggleButtonView.js
index 4582863700..e5aec24440 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/toggleButtonView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/toggleButtonView.js
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, $, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events, UI, Props) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/dataAttachmentView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/dataAttachmentView.js
index e8c04184f9..b24317ee68 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/dataAttachmentView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/dataAttachmentView.js
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ define([
- 'common/dom',
+ 'common/ui',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, Dom, Runtime) => {
+], (Promise, html, Validation, Events, Ui, Runtime) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ define([
bus = config.bus,
- dom,
+ ui,
model = {
value: {},
@@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ define([
const events = Events.make(),
control = makeInputControl(events, bus);
- dom.setContent('input-container', control);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', control);
widgets.forEach((widget) => {
widget.instance.start().then(() => {
widget.bus.emit('run', {
@@ -503,12 +502,10 @@ define([
function start() {
return Promise.try(() => {
- // runtime.bus().logMessages(true);
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = Ui.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/multiCustomSelect.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/multiCustomSelect.js
index 2a646a4cb2..5b250881a5 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/multiCustomSelect.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/multiCustomSelect.js
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ define([
- 'common/dom',
+ 'common/ui',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], (Promise, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events, Dom, Runtime, SingleSelectInputWidget) => {
+], (Promise, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events, Ui, Runtime, SingleSelectInputWidget) => {
'use strict';
// Constants
@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ define([
bus = config.bus,
- dom,
+ ui,
model = {
value: [],
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ define([
function getInputValue() {
- return dom.getElement('input-container.input').value;
+ return ui.getElement('input-container.input').value;
@@ -345,7 +343,7 @@ define([
const events = Events.make(),
control = makeInputControl(events, bus);
- dom.setContent('input-container', control);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', control);
widgets.forEach((widget) => {
widget.instance.start().then(() => {
widget.bus.emit('run', {
@@ -410,7 +408,7 @@ define([
bus.on('run', (message) => {
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
- dom = Dom.make({ node: container });
+ ui = Ui.make({ node: container });
const events = Events.make(),
theLayout = layout(events);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleBooleanInput.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleBooleanInput.js
index 246e45b297..eab4d487ae 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleBooleanInput.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleBooleanInput.js
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ define([
- 'css!font-awesome',
], (Promise, $, Jupyter, html, Validation, Events) => {
'use strict';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleCustomSubdata_1.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleCustomSubdata_1.js
index 177b24917a..4469924af5 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleCustomSubdata_1.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/appWidgets2/view/unused/singleCustomSubdata_1.js
@@ -2,16 +2,15 @@ define([
- 'kb_common/html',
+ 'common/html',
- 'common/dom',
+ 'common/ui',
- 'css!font-awesome',
-], ($, Promise, Handlebars, html, Workspace, Validation, Events, Runtime, Dom, Props) => {
+], ($, Promise, Handlebars, html, Workspace, Validation, Events, Runtime, Ui, Props) => {
'use strict';
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ define([
objectSelectionPageSize: 20,
runtime = Runtime.make(),
- dom;
+ ui;
// Validate configuration.
if (!workspaceId) {
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ define([
fontStyle: 'italic',
whiteSpace: 'normal',
padding: '3px',
- border: '1px silver solid',
+ border: '1px solid silver',
'Items will be available after selecting a value for ' +
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ define([
selectOptions = buildOptions();
- return div({ style: { border: '1px silver solid' } }, [
+ return div({ style: { border: '1px solid silver' } }, [
div({ style: { fontStyle: 'italic' }, dataElement: 'count' }, buildCount()),
@@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ define([
case 'value':
// just change the selections.
var count = buildCount();
- dom.setContent('input-control.count', count);
+ ui.setContent('input-control.count', count);
case 'availableValues':
@@ -203,8 +202,8 @@ define([
// re-apply the selections from the value
var options = buildOptions(),
count = buildCount();
- dom.setContent('input-control.input', options);
- dom.setContent('input-control.count', count);
+ ui.setContent('input-control.input', options);
+ ui.setContent('input-control.count', count);
case 'referenceObjectName':
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ define([
* values.
function getInputValue() {
- const control = dom.getElement('input-container.input');
+ const control = ui.getElement('input-container.input');
if (!control) {
return null;
@@ -340,7 +339,7 @@ define([
- dom.setContent('input-container', content);
+ ui.setContent('input-container', content);
.then(() => {
@@ -437,7 +436,7 @@ define([
parent = message.node;
container = parent.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
$container = $(container);
- dom = Dom.make({
+ ui = Ui.make({
node: container,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/custom/advancedViewerOutputWrapper.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/custom/advancedViewerOutputWrapper.js
index 49286a5413..a0dc8860e3 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/custom/advancedViewerOutputWrapper.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/custom/advancedViewerOutputWrapper.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-define(['require', 'common/jupyter', 'common/utils', 'common/runtime'], (
+define(['require', 'common/jupyter', 'common/cellUtils', 'common/runtime'], (
) => {
+ 'use strict';
id: '{{input_id}}',
data: {{input_data}},
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/codeCellLauncher.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/codeCellLauncher.js
index 166c2fdb93..0d77861527 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/codeCellLauncher.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/codeCellLauncher.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ define([
- 'common/utils',
+ 'common/cellUtils',
// For effect
], (Uuid, $, KBWidget, Config, Jupyter, utils) => {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseAttributeMapping.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseAttributeMapping.js
index 8e920cec9c..b978ea3551 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseAttributeMapping.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseAttributeMapping.js
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ define([
- 'kbaseAuthenticatedWidget',
+ 'kb_service/client/workspace',
+ 'common/runtime',
@@ -14,11 +15,10 @@ define([
-], (KBWidget, $, Config, kbaseAuthenticatedWidget) => {
+], (KBWidget, $, Config, Workspace, Runtime) => {
'use strict';
return KBWidget({
name: 'kbaseAttributeMapping',
- parent: kbaseAuthenticatedWidget,
version: '0.0.1',
options: {
obj_ref: null,
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ define([
if (!this.options.obj_ref) {
this.renderError('No object to render!');
} else {
- this.token = this.authToken();
@@ -48,28 +47,24 @@ define([
renderAndLoad: function () {
- this.ws = new Workspace(this.options.wsURL, { token: this.token });
+ this.ws = new Workspace(this.options.wsURL, { token: Runtime.make().authToken() });
- this.loadData();
+ return this.loadData()
+ .then((ret) => {
+ this.parseObj(ret.data[0].data);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ this.loading(true);
+ this.renderError(error);
+ });
loadData: function () {
- const self = this;
- self.ws.get_objects2(
- { objects: [{ ref: self.options.obj_ref }] },
- (ret) => {
- self.parseObj(ret.data[0].data);
- },
- (error) => {
- self.loading(true);
- self.renderError(error);
- }
- );
+ return this.ws.get_objects2({ objects: [{ ref: this.options.obj_ref }] });
parseObj: function (ws_obj) {
- const self = this;
const cols = [{ title: 'ID' }];
let rows;
// Back compatible with ConditionSets
@@ -93,24 +88,22 @@ define([
return [_id].concat(ws_obj.instances[_id]);
- self.$mainPanel.show();
- self.renderTable(rows, cols);
- self.loading(true);
+ this.$mainPanel.show();
+ this.renderTable(rows, cols);
+ this.loading(true);
$tableDiv: null,
renderTable: function (rows, cols) {
- const self = this;
- if (!self.$tableDiv) {
- self.$tableDiv = $('
').css({ margin: '5px' });
- self.$mainPanel.append(self.$tableDiv);
+ if (!this.$tableDiv) {
+ this.$tableDiv = $('
').css({ margin: '5px' });
+ this.$mainPanel.append(this.$tableDiv);
- self.$tableDiv.empty();
+ this.$tableDiv.empty();
const $tbl = $('
').addClass('table table-bordered table-striped');
- self.$tableDiv.append($tbl);
+ this.$tableDiv.append($tbl);
const tblSettings = {
scrollX: true,
@@ -122,14 +115,16 @@ define([
columns: cols,
data: rows,
- const ConditionsTable = $tbl.DataTable(tblSettings);
- //ConditionsTable.draw();
+ this.conditionsTable = $tbl.DataTable(tblSettings);
renderError: function (error) {
let errString = 'Sorry, an unknown error occurred';
- if (typeof error === 'string') errString = error;
- else if (error.error && error.error.message) errString = error.error.message;
+ if (typeof error === 'string') {
+ errString = error;
+ } else if (error.error && error.error.message) {
+ errString = error.error.message;
+ }
const $errorDiv = $('')
.addClass('alert alert-danger')
@@ -137,11 +132,15 @@ define([
' + errString);
+ console.error(error);
loading: function (doneLoading) {
- if (doneLoading) this.hideMessage();
- else this.showMessage('
+ if (doneLoading) {
+ this.hideMessage();
+ } else {
+ this.showMessage('
+ }
showMessage: function (message) {
@@ -152,16 +151,13 @@ define([
hideMessage: function () {
- this.$messagePane.hide();
- loggedInCallback: function (event, auth) {
- if (this.token == null) {
- this.token = auth.token;
- this.renderAndLoad();
+ destroy: function () {
+ if (this.conditionsTable) {
+ this.conditionsTable.destroy();
- return this;
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionFeatureClusters.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionFeatureClusters.js
index e3f1dd2d86..63c2630391 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionFeatureClusters.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionFeatureClusters.js
@@ -430,7 +430,8 @@ define([
const methodMap = {
view_expression_profile: kbaseExpressionSparkline,
- view_expression_pairwise_correlation: kbaseExpressionPairwiseCorrelation,
+ view_expression_pairwise_correlation:
+ kbaseExpressionPairwiseCorrelation,
view_expression_heatmap: kbaseExpressionHeatmap,
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionVolcanoPlot.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionVolcanoPlot.js
index 93c2c6c896..ab28de367b 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionVolcanoPlot.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseExpressionVolcanoPlot.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ define([
// For effect
- 'css!ext_components/jquery.tipsy/css/jquery.tipsy.css',
+ 'css!ext_components/jquery.tipsy/src/jquery.tipsy.css',
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ define([
const $plot = this.$renderPlot();
const $geneTable = this.$renderGeneTable();
- // this.$volcanoPlotTab =
+ // this.$volcanoPlotTab =
const $tabs = $el('div');
new KBaseTabs($tabs, {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparison.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparison.js
index 3ff2086011..beba3bccb8 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparison.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparison.js
@@ -495,8 +495,7 @@ define([
aoColumns: [
{ sTitle: 'Reaction', mData: 'model1rxn.dispid' },
- sTitle:
- 'Equation   ',
+ sTitle: 'Equation   ',
mData: 'model1rxn.equation',
@@ -548,8 +547,7 @@ define([
aoColumns: [
{ sTitle: 'Reaction', mData: 'dispid' },
- sTitle:
- 'Equation   ',
+ sTitle: 'Equation   ',
mData: 'equation',
@@ -590,8 +588,7 @@ define([
aoColumns: [
{ sTitle: 'Reaction', mData: 'dispid' },
- sTitle:
- 'Equation   ',
+ sTitle: 'Equation   ',
mData: 'equation',
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparisonNew.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparisonNew.js
index 4432967874..4c29111fd0 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparisonNew.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFbaModelComparisonNew.js
@@ -168,8 +168,7 @@ define([
let aoColumns = [
{ sTitle: 'Reaction', mData: 'id' },
- sTitle:
- 'Equation   ',
+ sTitle: 'Equation   ',
mData: 'equation',
{ sTitle: 'Number Models', mData: 'number_models' },
@@ -232,8 +231,7 @@ define([
aoColumns = [
{ sTitle: 'Compound', mData: 'id' },
- sTitle:
- 'Name   ',
+ sTitle: 'Name   ',
mData: 'name',
{ sTitle: 'Number Models', mData: 'number_models' },
@@ -296,8 +294,7 @@ define([
aoColumns = [
{ sTitle: 'Compound', mData: 'id' },
- sTitle:
- 'Name   ',
+ sTitle: 'Name   ',
mData: 'name',
{ sTitle: 'Number Models', mData: 'number_models' },
@@ -353,8 +350,7 @@ define([
aoColumns = [
{ sTitle: 'Family', mData: 'family_id' },
- sTitle:
- 'Function   ',
+ sTitle: 'Function   ',
mData: 'function',
{ sTitle: 'Number Models', mData: 'number_models' },
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFeatureSet.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFeatureSet.js
index 48a2367241..2d7c3e5a07 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFeatureSet.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseFeatureSet.js
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ define([
const $tbl = $(
- '
+ ''
).addClass('table table-bordered table-striped');
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeAnnotationViewer.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeAnnotationViewer.js
index b266a89476..c2a87b8739 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeAnnotationViewer.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeAnnotationViewer.js
@@ -465,9 +465,8 @@ define([
let dataArray = $self.genomeAnnotationData[feature.feature_type];
if (dataArray == undefined) {
- dataArray = $self.genomeAnnotationData[
- feature.feature_type
- ] = [];
+ dataArray = $self.genomeAnnotationData[feature.feature_type] =
+ [];
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeSetBuilder.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeSetBuilder.js
index 36d2a5e95a..b723237f6b 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeSetBuilder.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGenomeSetBuilder.js
@@ -77,9 +77,8 @@ define([
if (!data.elements.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
let newKey = key;
if (regenerate) newKey = 'param' + i;
- state[newKey] = refhash[data.elements[key]['ref']].split(
- '/'
- )[1];
+ state[newKey] =
+ refhash[data.elements[key]['ref']].split('/')[1];
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGrowthParametersAbstract.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGrowthParametersAbstract.js
index a7e38eb1af..724360b914 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGrowthParametersAbstract.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseGrowthParametersAbstract.js
@@ -182,28 +182,34 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'jquery', 'kbaseGrowthMatrixAbstract'], (
series.avg_lag_phase = (n > 0 ? s1_lag_phase / n : 0).toFixed(3);
series.avg_max_growth = (n > 0 ? s1_max_growth / n : 0).toFixed(3);
- series.se_area_under_curve = (n > 1
- ? Math.sqrt(
- (s2_area_under_curve * n - s1_area_under_curve * s1_area_under_curve) /
- (n - 1) /
- n /
- n
- )
- : 0
+ series.se_area_under_curve = (
+ n > 1
+ ? Math.sqrt(
+ (s2_area_under_curve * n - s1_area_under_curve * s1_area_under_curve) /
+ (n - 1) /
+ n /
+ n
+ )
+ : 0
- series.se_growth_rate = (n > 1
- ? Math.sqrt(
- (s2_growth_rate * n - s1_growth_rate * s1_growth_rate) / (n - 1) / n / n
- )
- : 0
+ series.se_growth_rate = (
+ n > 1
+ ? Math.sqrt(
+ (s2_growth_rate * n - s1_growth_rate * s1_growth_rate) / (n - 1) / n / n
+ )
+ : 0
- series.se_lag_phase = (n > 1
- ? Math.sqrt((s2_lag_phase * n - s1_lag_phase * s1_lag_phase) / (n - 1) / n / n)
- : 0
+ series.se_lag_phase = (
+ n > 1
+ ? Math.sqrt((s2_lag_phase * n - s1_lag_phase * s1_lag_phase) / (n - 1) / n / n)
+ : 0
- series.se_max_growth = (n > 1
- ? Math.sqrt((s2_max_growth * n - s1_max_growth * s1_max_growth) / (n - 1) / n / n)
- : 0
+ series.se_max_growth = (
+ n > 1
+ ? Math.sqrt(
+ (s2_max_growth * n - s1_max_growth * s1_max_growth) / (n - 1) / n / n
+ )
+ : 0
series.samplesCountTotal = samples.length;
series.samplesCountGood = n;
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseKeggMap.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseKeggMap.js
index f181520601..46789fa182 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseKeggMap.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseKeggMap.js
@@ -142,46 +142,9 @@
K01698: [
[3140, 939, 3140, 861, 3144, 861, 3144, 939],
- 3140,
- 861,
- 3140,
- 857,
- 3141,
- 853,
- 3143,
- 850,
- 3145,
- 847,
- 3148,
- 844,
- 3151,
- 842,
- 3154,
- 840,
- 3158,
- 839,
- 3162,
- 839,
- 3162,
- 843,
- 3159,
- 843,
- 3157,
- 844,
- 3154,
- 846,
- 3151,
- 848,
- 3149,
- 850,
- 3147,
- 853,
- 3145,
- 856,
- 3144,
- 858,
- 3144,
- 861,
+ 3140, 861, 3140, 857, 3141, 853, 3143, 850, 3145, 847, 3148, 844, 3151, 842,
+ 3154, 840, 3158, 839, 3162, 839, 3162, 843, 3159, 843, 3157, 844, 3154, 846,
+ 3151, 848, 3149, 850, 3147, 853, 3145, 856, 3144, 858, 3144, 861,
[3162, 839, 3227, 839, 3227, 843, 3162, 843],
@@ -195,92 +158,18 @@
K04120: [
[171, 1602, 171, 1574, 175, 1574, 175, 1602],
- 171,
- 1574,
- 171,
- 1570,
- 172,
- 1566,
- 174,
- 1563,
- 176,
- 1560,
- 179,
- 1557,
- 182,
- 1555,
- 185,
- 1553,
- 189,
- 1552,
- 193,
- 1552,
- 193,
- 1556,
- 190,
- 1556,
- 188,
- 1557,
- 185,
- 1559,
- 182,
- 1561,
- 180,
- 1563,
- 178,
- 1566,
- 176,
- 1569,
- 175,
- 1571,
- 175,
- 1574,
+ 171, 1574, 171, 1570, 172, 1566, 174, 1563, 176, 1560, 179, 1557, 182, 1555,
+ 185, 1553, 189, 1552, 193, 1552, 193, 1556, 190, 1556, 188, 1557, 185, 1559,
+ 182, 1561, 180, 1563, 178, 1566, 176, 1569, 175, 1571, 175, 1574,
[193, 1552, 310, 1552, 310, 1556, 193, 1556],
K12730: [
[2931, 232, 2970, 232, 2970, 236, 2931, 236],
- 2970,
- 236,
- 2974,
- 235,
- 2978,
- 235,
- 2981,
- 236,
- 2984,
- 238,
- 2986,
- 240,
- 2988,
- 243,
- 2989,
- 246,
- 2989,
- 250,
- 2988,
- 254,
- 2992,
- 254,
- 2990,
- 251,
- 2989,
- 248,
- 2986,
- 246,
- 2984,
- 243,
- 2981,
- 240,
- 2978,
- 238,
- 2976,
- 235,
- 2973,
- 234,
- 2970,
- 232,
+ 2970, 236, 2974, 235, 2978, 235, 2981, 236, 2984, 238, 2986, 240, 2988, 243,
+ 2989, 246, 2989, 250, 2988, 254, 2992, 254, 2990, 251, 2989, 248, 2986, 246,
+ 2984, 243, 2981, 240, 2978, 238, 2976, 235, 2973, 234, 2970, 232,
[2988, 254, 2988, 288, 2992, 288, 2992, 254],
@@ -294,176 +183,32 @@
K11204: [
[2590, 1828, 2590, 1880, 2594, 1880, 2594, 1828],
- 2594,
- 1880,
- 2594,
- 1882,
- 2595,
- 1884,
- 2596,
- 1886,
- 2598,
- 1888,
- 2600,
- 1890,
- 2602,
- 1892,
- 2604,
- 1893,
- 2606,
- 1894,
- 2608,
- 1894,
- 2608,
- 1898,
- 2605,
- 1898,
- 2602,
- 1897,
- 2599,
- 1896,
- 2596,
- 1894,
- 2594,
- 1892,
- 2592,
- 1889,
- 2591,
- 1886,
- 2590,
- 1883,
- 2590,
+ 2594, 1880, 2594, 1882, 2595, 1884, 2596, 1886, 2598, 1888, 2600, 1890, 2602,
+ 1892, 2604, 1893, 2606, 1894, 2608, 1894, 2608, 1898, 2605, 1898, 2602, 1897,
+ 2599, 1896, 2596, 1894, 2594, 1892, 2592, 1889, 2591, 1886, 2590, 1883, 2590,
[2608, 1894, 2637, 1894, 2637, 1898, 2608, 1898],
- 2637,
- 1898,
- 2640,
- 1897,
- 2643,
- 1897,
- 2646,
- 1898,
- 2648,
- 1899,
- 2650,
- 1901,
- 2651,
- 1903,
- 2652,
- 1906,
- 2652,
- 1909,
- 2651,
- 1912,
- 2655,
- 1912,
- 2654,
- 1910,
- 2652,
- 1908,
- 2650,
- 1906,
- 2648,
- 1903,
- 2646,
- 1901,
- 2643,
- 1899,
- 2641,
- 1897,
- 2639,
- 1895,
- 2637,
+ 2637, 1898, 2640, 1897, 2643, 1897, 2646, 1898, 2648, 1899, 2650, 1901, 2651,
+ 1903, 2652, 1906, 2652, 1909, 2651, 1912, 2655, 1912, 2654, 1910, 2652, 1908,
+ 2650, 1906, 2648, 1903, 2646, 1901, 2643, 1899, 2641, 1897, 2639, 1895, 2637,
[2651, 1912, 2651, 1979, 2655, 1979, 2655, 1912],
[2651, 1855, 2651, 1980, 2655, 1980, 2655, 1855],
[2590, 1828, 2590, 1880, 2594, 1880, 2594, 1828],
- 2594,
- 1880,
- 2594,
- 1882,
- 2595,
- 1884,
- 2596,
- 1886,
- 2598,
- 1888,
- 2600,
- 1890,
- 2602,
- 1892,
- 2604,
- 1893,
- 2606,
- 1894,
- 2608,
- 1894,
- 2608,
- 1898,
- 2605,
- 1898,
- 2602,
- 1897,
- 2599,
- 1896,
- 2596,
- 1894,
- 2594,
- 1892,
- 2592,
- 1889,
- 2591,
- 1886,
- 2590,
- 1883,
- 2590,
+ 2594, 1880, 2594, 1882, 2595, 1884, 2596, 1886, 2598, 1888, 2600, 1890, 2602,
+ 1892, 2604, 1893, 2606, 1894, 2608, 1894, 2608, 1898, 2605, 1898, 2602, 1897,
+ 2599, 1896, 2596, 1894, 2594, 1892, 2592, 1889, 2591, 1886, 2590, 1883, 2590,
[2608, 1894, 2637, 1894, 2637, 1898, 2608, 1898],
- 2637,
- 1898,
- 2640,
- 1897,
- 2643,
- 1897,
- 2646,
- 1898,
- 2648,
- 1899,
- 2650,
- 1901,
- 2651,
- 1903,
- 2652,
- 1906,
- 2652,
- 1909,
- 2651,
- 1912,
- 2655,
- 1912,
- 2654,
- 1910,
- 2652,
- 1908,
- 2650,
- 1906,
- 2648,
- 1903,
- 2646,
- 1901,
- 2643,
- 1899,
- 2641,
- 1897,
- 2639,
- 1895,
- 2637,
+ 2637, 1898, 2640, 1897, 2643, 1897, 2646, 1898, 2648, 1899, 2650, 1901, 2651,
+ 1903, 2652, 1906, 2652, 1909, 2651, 1912, 2655, 1912, 2654, 1910, 2652, 1908,
+ 2650, 1906, 2648, 1903, 2646, 1901, 2643, 1899, 2641, 1897, 2639, 1895, 2637,
[2651, 1912, 2651, 1979, 2655, 1979, 2655, 1912],
@@ -472,89 +217,15 @@
K00514: [
[234, 1073, 234, 1070, 238, 1070, 238, 1073],
- 234,
- 1070,
- 234,
- 1066,
- 235,
- 1063,
- 237,
- 1060,
- 239,
- 1057,
- 241,
- 1055,
- 244,
- 1053,
- 247,
- 1051,
- 250,
- 1050,
- 254,
- 1050,
- 254,
- 1054,
- 252,
- 1054,
- 249,
- 1055,
- 247,
- 1057,
- 244,
- 1058,
- 242,
- 1060,
- 241,
- 1063,
- 239,
- 1065,
- 238,
- 1068,
- 238,
- 1070,
+ 234, 1070, 234, 1066, 235, 1063, 237, 1060, 239, 1057, 241, 1055, 244, 1053,
+ 247, 1051, 250, 1050, 254, 1050, 254, 1054, 252, 1054, 249, 1055, 247, 1057,
+ 244, 1058, 242, 1060, 241, 1063, 239, 1065, 238, 1068, 238, 1070,
[254, 1050, 263, 1050, 263, 1054, 254, 1054],
- 263,
- 1054,
- 267,
- 1053,
- 270,
- 1053,
- 273,
- 1054,
- 276,
- 1055,
- 278,
- 1057,
- 279,
- 1060,
- 280,
- 1063,
- 280,
- 1066,
- 279,
- 1070,
- 283,
- 1070,
- 281,
- 1068,
- 280,
- 1065,
- 278,
- 1063,
- 275,
- 1060,
- 273,
- 1058,
- 270,
- 1055,
- 268,
- 1053,
- 265,
- 1052,
- 263,
- 1050,
+ 263, 1054, 267, 1053, 270, 1053, 273, 1054, 276, 1055, 278, 1057, 279, 1060,
+ 280, 1063, 280, 1066, 279, 1070, 283, 1070, 281, 1068, 280, 1065, 278, 1063,
+ 275, 1060, 273, 1058, 270, 1055, 268, 1053, 265, 1052, 263, 1050,
[279, 1070, 279, 1072, 283, 1072, 283, 1070],
[279, 1072, 279, 1122, 283, 1122, 283, 1072],
@@ -575,308 +246,55 @@
K00643: [
[2480, 1207, 2528, 1207, 2528, 1211, 2480, 1211],
- 2528,
- 1207,
- 2531,
- 1207,
- 2533,
- 1206,
- 2536,
- 1204,
- 2539,
- 1202,
- 2541,
- 1200,
- 2543,
- 1197,
- 2545,
- 1194,
- 2546,
- 1192,
- 2546,
- 1189,
- 2550,
- 1189,
- 2550,
- 1193,
- 2549,
- 1197,
- 2547,
- 1200,
- 2545,
- 1203,
- 2542,
- 1206,
- 2539,
- 1208,
- 2536,
- 1210,
- 2532,
- 1211,
- 2528,
+ 2528, 1207, 2531, 1207, 2533, 1206, 2536, 1204, 2539, 1202, 2541, 1200, 2543,
+ 1197, 2545, 1194, 2546, 1192, 2546, 1189, 2550, 1189, 2550, 1193, 2549, 1197,
+ 2547, 1200, 2545, 1203, 2542, 1206, 2539, 1208, 2536, 1210, 2532, 1211, 2528,
[2546, 1189, 2545, 958, 2549, 958, 2550, 1189],
- 2545,
- 958,
- 2545,
- 954,
- 2546,
- 950,
- 2548,
- 947,
- 2550,
- 944,
- 2553,
- 941,
- 2556,
- 939,
- 2559,
- 937,
- 2563,
- 936,
- 2567,
- 936,
- 2567,
- 940,
- 2564,
- 940,
- 2562,
- 941,
- 2559,
- 943,
- 2556,
- 945,
- 2554,
- 947,
- 2552,
- 950,
- 2550,
- 953,
- 2549,
- 955,
- 2549,
- 958,
+ 2545, 958, 2545, 954, 2546, 950, 2548, 947, 2550, 944, 2553, 941, 2556, 939,
+ 2559, 937, 2563, 936, 2567, 936, 2567, 940, 2564, 940, 2562, 941, 2559, 943,
+ 2556, 945, 2554, 947, 2552, 950, 2550, 953, 2549, 955, 2549, 958,
[2567, 936, 3143, 936, 3143, 940, 2567, 940],
K00031: [
[1915, 1657, 1919, 1657, 1919, 1661, 1915, 1661],
- 1919,
- 1661,
- 1921,
- 1660,
- 1923,
- 1660,
- 1925,
- 1660,
- 1927,
- 1660,
- 1928,
- 1661,
- 1928,
- 1663,
- 1928,
- 1665,
- 1928,
- 1667,
- 1927,
- 1669,
- 1931,
- 1669,
- 1930,
- 1668,
- 1928,
- 1667,
- 1927,
- 1665,
- 1925,
- 1664,
- 1924,
- 1663,
- 1923,
- 1661,
- 1921,
- 1660,
- 1920,
- 1658,
- 1919,
+ 1919, 1661, 1921, 1660, 1923, 1660, 1925, 1660, 1927, 1660, 1928, 1661, 1928,
+ 1663, 1928, 1665, 1928, 1667, 1927, 1669, 1931, 1669, 1930, 1668, 1928, 1667,
+ 1927, 1665, 1925, 1664, 1924, 1663, 1923, 1661, 1921, 1660, 1920, 1658, 1919,
[1927, 1669, 1927, 1762, 1931, 1762, 1931, 1669],
[1825, 1827, 1845, 1811, 1845, 1815, 1825, 1831],
- 1845,
- 1811,
- 1847,
- 1809,
- 1850,
- 1806,
- 1853,
- 1803,
- 1856,
- 1799,
- 1860,
- 1796,
- 1863,
- 1792,
- 1866,
- 1789,
- 1869,
- 1786,
- 1871,
- 1784,
- 1875,
- 1784,
- 1873,
- 1787,
- 1870,
- 1791,
- 1867,
- 1795,
- 1863,
- 1799,
- 1860,
- 1803,
- 1856,
- 1807,
- 1852,
- 1810,
- 1848,
- 1813,
- 1845,
+ 1845, 1811, 1847, 1809, 1850, 1806, 1853, 1803, 1856, 1799, 1860, 1796, 1863,
+ 1792, 1866, 1789, 1869, 1786, 1871, 1784, 1875, 1784, 1873, 1787, 1870, 1791,
+ 1867, 1795, 1863, 1799, 1860, 1803, 1856, 1807, 1852, 1810, 1848, 1813, 1845,
[1871, 1784, 1880, 1771, 1884, 1771, 1875, 1784],
- 1880,
- 1771,
- 1882,
- 1767,
- 1884,
- 1763,
- 1887,
- 1759,
- 1889,
- 1755,
- 1891,
- 1750,
- 1894,
- 1746,
- 1896,
- 1742,
- 1897,
- 1738,
- 1899,
- 1735,
- 1903,
- 1735,
- 1901,
- 1739,
- 1900,
- 1744,
- 1898,
- 1748,
- 1895,
- 1753,
- 1893,
- 1757,
- 1891,
- 1762,
- 1888,
- 1765,
- 1886,
- 1769,
- 1884,
+ 1880, 1771, 1882, 1767, 1884, 1763, 1887, 1759, 1889, 1755, 1891, 1750, 1894,
+ 1746, 1896, 1742, 1897, 1738, 1899, 1735, 1903, 1735, 1901, 1739, 1900, 1744,
+ 1898, 1748, 1895, 1753, 1893, 1757, 1891, 1762, 1888, 1765, 1886, 1769, 1884,
[1899, 1735, 1905, 1715, 1909, 1715, 1903, 1735],
- 1905,
- 1715,
- 1906,
- 1711,
- 1908,
- 1706,
- 1909,
- 1701,
- 1910,
- 1696,
- 1911,
- 1691,
- 1911,
- 1686,
- 1912,
- 1682,
- 1913,
- 1678,
- 1913,
- 1675,
- 1917,
- 1675,
- 1917,
- 1679,
- 1916,
- 1684,
- 1915,
- 1689,
- 1915,
- 1694,
- 1914,
- 1699,
- 1913,
- 1704,
- 1912,
- 1708,
- 1910,
- 1712,
- 1909,
+ 1905, 1715, 1906, 1711, 1908, 1706, 1909, 1701, 1910, 1696, 1911, 1691, 1911,
+ 1686, 1912, 1682, 1913, 1678, 1913, 1675, 1917, 1675, 1917, 1679, 1916, 1684,
+ 1915, 1689, 1915, 1694, 1914, 1699, 1913, 1704, 1912, 1708, 1910, 1712, 1909,
[1913, 1675, 1913, 1657, 1917, 1657, 1917, 1675],
[1823, 1827, 1909, 1827, 1909, 1831, 1823, 1831],
- 1909,
- 1827,
- 1912,
- 1827,
- 1914,
- 1826,
- 1917,
- 1824,
- 1920,
- 1822,
- 1922,
- 1820,
- 1924,
- 1817,
- 1926,
- 1814,
- 1927,
- 1812,
- 1927,
- 1809,
- 1931,
- 1809,
- 1931,
- 1813,
- 1930,
- 1817,
- 1928,
- 1820,
- 1926,
- 1823,
- 1923,
- 1826,
- 1920,
- 1828,
- 1917,
- 1830,
- 1913,
- 1831,
- 1909,
+ 1909, 1827, 1912, 1827, 1914, 1826, 1917, 1824, 1920, 1822, 1922, 1820, 1924,
+ 1817, 1926, 1814, 1927, 1812, 1927, 1809, 1931, 1809, 1931, 1813, 1930, 1817,
+ 1928, 1820, 1926, 1823, 1923, 1826, 1920, 1828, 1917, 1830, 1913, 1831, 1909,
[1927, 1809, 1927, 1761, 1931, 1761, 1931, 1809],
@@ -886,45 +304,9 @@
K01846: [
[2419, 1646, 2572, 1646, 2572, 1650, 2419, 1650],
- 2572,
- 1650,
- 2576,
- 1649,
- 2580,
- 1649,
- 2583,
- 1650,
- 2586,
- 1652,
- 2588,
- 1654,
- 2590,
- 1657,
- 2591,
- 1660,
- 2591,
- 1664,
- 2590,
- 1668,
- 2594,
- 1668,
- 2592,
- 1665,
- 2591,
- 1662,
- 2588,
- 1660,
- 2586,
- 1657,
- 2583,
- 1654,
- 2580,
- 1652,
- 2578,
- 1649,
- 2575,
- 1648,
- 2572,
+ 2572, 1650, 2576, 1649, 2580, 1649, 2583, 1650, 2586, 1652, 2588, 1654, 2590,
+ 1657, 2591, 1660, 2591, 1664, 2590, 1668, 2594, 1668, 2592, 1665, 2591, 1662,
+ 2588, 1660, 2586, 1657, 2583, 1654, 2580, 1652, 2578, 1649, 2575, 1648, 2572,
[2590, 1668, 2590, 1830, 2594, 1830, 2594, 1668],
@@ -942,45 +324,9 @@
K01744: [
[1518, 1703, 2010, 1703, 2010, 1707, 1518, 1707],
- 2010,
- 1703,
- 2013,
- 1703,
- 2015,
- 1702,
- 2018,
- 1700,
- 2021,
- 1698,
- 2023,
- 1696,
- 2025,
- 1693,
- 2027,
- 1690,
- 2028,
- 1688,
- 2028,
- 1685,
- 2032,
- 1685,
- 2032,
- 1689,
- 2031,
- 1693,
- 2029,
- 1696,
- 2027,
- 1699,
- 2024,
- 1702,
- 2021,
- 1704,
- 2018,
- 1706,
- 2014,
- 1707,
- 2010,
+ 2010, 1703, 2013, 1703, 2015, 1702, 2018, 1700, 2021, 1698, 2023, 1696, 2025,
+ 1693, 2027, 1690, 2028, 1688, 2028, 1685, 2032, 1685, 2032, 1689, 2031, 1693,
+ 2029, 1696, 2027, 1699, 2024, 1702, 2021, 1704, 2018, 1706, 2014, 1707, 2010,
[2028, 1685, 2028, 1508, 2032, 1508, 2032, 1685],
@@ -988,91 +334,18 @@
K05308: [
[2062, 303, 2062, 233, 2066, 233, 2066, 303],
- 2062,
- 233,
- 2062,
- 229,
- 2063,
- 225,
- 2065,
- 222,
- 2067,
- 219,
- 2070,
- 216,
- 2073,
- 214,
- 2076,
- 212,
- 2080,
- 211,
- 2084,
- 211,
- 2084,
- 215,
- 2081,
- 215,
- 2079,
- 216,
- 2076,
- 218,
- 2073,
- 220,
- 2071,
- 222,
- 2069,
- 225,
- 2067,
- 228,
- 2066,
- 230,
- 2066,
- 233,
+ 2062, 233, 2062, 229, 2063, 225, 2065, 222, 2067, 219, 2070, 216, 2073, 214,
+ 2076, 212, 2080, 211, 2084, 211, 2084, 215, 2081, 215, 2079, 216, 2076, 218,
+ 2073, 220, 2071, 222, 2069, 225, 2067, 228, 2066, 230, 2066, 233,
[2084, 211, 2124, 211, 2124, 215, 2084, 215],
',': [
[1719, 1207, 1895, 1207, 1895, 1211, 1719, 1211],
- 1895,
- 1211,
- 1899,
- 1210,
- 1903,
- 1210,
- 1906,
- 1211,
- 1909,
- 1213,
- 1911,
- 1215,
- 1913,
- 1218,
- 1914,
- 1221,
- 1914,
- 1225,
- 1913,
- 1229,
- 1917,
- 1229,
- 1915,
- 1226,
- 1914,
- 1223,
- 1911,
- 1221,
- 1909,
- 1218,
- 1906,
- 1215,
- 1903,
- 1213,
- 1901,
- 1210,
- 1898,
- 1209,
- 1895,
+ 1895, 1211, 1899, 1210, 1903, 1210, 1906, 1211, 1909, 1213, 1911, 1215, 1913,
+ 1218, 1914, 1221, 1914, 1225, 1913, 1229, 1917, 1229, 1915, 1226, 1914, 1223,
+ 1911, 1221, 1909, 1218, 1906, 1215, 1903, 1213, 1901, 1210, 1898, 1209, 1895,
[1913, 1229, 1913, 1474, 1917, 1474, 1917, 1229],
@@ -1084,45 +357,9 @@
K02492: [
[3140, 1087, 3140, 1220, 3144, 1220, 3144, 1087],
- 3140,
- 1220,
- 3140,
- 1223,
- 3139,
- 1225,
- 3137,
- 1228,
- 3135,
- 1231,
- 3133,
- 1233,
- 3130,
- 1235,
- 3127,
- 1237,
- 3125,
- 1238,
- 3122,
- 1238,
- 3122,
- 1242,
- 3126,
- 1242,
- 3130,
- 1241,
- 3133,
- 1239,
- 3136,
- 1237,
- 3139,
- 1234,
- 3141,
- 1231,
- 3143,
- 1228,
- 3144,
- 1224,
- 3144,
+ 3140, 1220, 3140, 1223, 3139, 1225, 3137, 1228, 3135, 1231, 3133, 1233, 3130,
+ 1235, 3127, 1237, 3125, 1238, 3122, 1238, 3122, 1242, 3126, 1242, 3130, 1241,
+ 3133, 1239, 3136, 1237, 3139, 1234, 3141, 1231, 3143, 1228, 3144, 1224, 3144,
[3122, 1238, 3079, 1238, 3079, 1242, 3122, 1242],
@@ -1148,89 +385,15 @@
[1814, 565, 1814, 683, 1818, 683, 1818, 565],
[1676, 524, 1806, 586, 1806, 590, 1676, 528],
- 1806,
- 590,
- 1808,
- 590,
- 1810,
- 591,
- 1812,
- 592,
- 1814,
- 593,
- 1815,
- 595,
- 1815,
- 597,
- 1815,
- 599,
- 1815,
- 602,
- 1814,
- 604,
- 1818,
- 604,
- 1817,
- 603,
- 1815,
- 601,
- 1814,
- 600,
- 1812,
- 598,
- 1811,
- 595,
- 1810,
- 593,
- 1808,
- 591,
- 1807,
- 588,
- 1806,
- 586,
+ 1806, 590, 1808, 590, 1810, 591, 1812, 592, 1814, 593, 1815, 595, 1815, 597,
+ 1815, 599, 1815, 602, 1814, 604, 1818, 604, 1817, 603, 1815, 601, 1814, 600,
+ 1812, 598, 1811, 595, 1810, 593, 1808, 591, 1807, 588, 1806, 586,
[1814, 604, 1814, 639, 1818, 639, 1818, 604],
- 1814,
- 639,
- 1814,
- 640,
- 1813,
- 642,
- 1813,
- 644,
- 1812,
- 646,
- 1811,
- 647,
- 1810,
- 649,
- 1809,
- 651,
- 1808,
- 653,
- 1807,
- 654,
- 1807,
- 658,
- 1809,
- 657,
- 1811,
- 655,
- 1813,
- 653,
- 1814,
- 651,
- 1815,
- 649,
- 1816,
- 646,
- 1817,
- 644,
- 1818,
- 641,
- 1818,
- 639,
+ 1814, 639, 1814, 640, 1813, 642, 1813, 644, 1812, 646, 1811, 647, 1810, 649,
+ 1809, 651, 1808, 653, 1807, 654, 1807, 658, 1809, 657, 1811, 655, 1813, 653,
+ 1814, 651, 1815, 649, 1816, 646, 1817, 644, 1818, 641, 1818, 639,
[1807, 654, 1720, 714, 1720, 718, 1807, 658],
[1814, 565, 1814, 683, 1818, 683, 1818, 565],
@@ -1239,311 +402,52 @@
[1905, 87, 1965, 87, 1965, 91, 1905, 91],
[1953, 87, 1934, 87, 1934, 91, 1953, 91],
- 1934,
- 87,
- 1931,
- 87,
- 1928,
- 88,
- 1926,
- 89,
- 1924,
- 91,
- 1922,
- 93,
- 1920,
- 95,
- 1919,
- 97,
- 1918,
- 100,
- 1918,
- 103,
- 1922,
- 103,
- 1922,
- 101,
- 1923,
- 99,
- 1924,
- 98,
- 1925,
- 96,
- 1927,
- 94,
- 1929,
- 93,
- 1930,
- 92,
- 1932,
- 91,
- 1934,
- 91,
+ 1934, 87, 1931, 87, 1928, 88, 1926, 89, 1924, 91, 1922, 93, 1920, 95, 1919, 97,
+ 1918, 100, 1918, 103, 1922, 103, 1922, 101, 1923, 99, 1924, 98, 1925, 96, 1927,
+ 94, 1929, 93, 1930, 92, 1932, 91, 1934, 91,
[1918, 103, 1918, 125, 1922, 125, 1922, 103],
- 1918,
- 125,
- 1918,
- 127,
- 1917,
- 129,
- 1916,
- 130,
- 1915,
- 132,
- 1913,
- 134,
- 1911,
- 135,
- 1910,
- 136,
- 1908,
- 137,
- 1906,
- 137,
- 1906,
- 141,
- 1909,
- 141,
- 1912,
- 140,
- 1914,
- 139,
- 1916,
- 137,
- 1918,
- 135,
- 1920,
- 133,
- 1921,
- 131,
- 1922,
- 128,
- 1922,
- 125,
+ 1918, 125, 1918, 127, 1917, 129, 1916, 130, 1915, 132, 1913, 134, 1911, 135,
+ 1910, 136, 1908, 137, 1906, 137, 1906, 141, 1909, 141, 1912, 140, 1914, 139,
+ 1916, 137, 1918, 135, 1920, 133, 1921, 131, 1922, 128, 1922, 125,
[1906, 137, 1872, 137, 1872, 141, 1906, 141],
[1905, 87, 1965, 87, 1965, 91, 1905, 91],
[2101, 121, 2101, 109, 2105, 109, 2105, 121],
- 2101,
- 109,
- 2101,
- 105,
- 2102,
- 101,
- 2104,
- 98,
- 2106,
- 95,
- 2109,
- 92,
- 2112,
- 90,
- 2115,
- 88,
- 2119,
- 87,
- 2123,
- 87,
- 2123,
- 91,
- 2120,
- 91,
- 2118,
- 92,
- 2115,
- 94,
- 2112,
- 96,
- 2110,
- 98,
- 2108,
- 101,
- 2106,
- 104,
- 2105,
- 106,
- 2105,
- 109,
+ 2101, 109, 2101, 105, 2102, 101, 2104, 98, 2106, 95, 2109, 92, 2112, 90, 2115,
+ 88, 2119, 87, 2123, 87, 2123, 91, 2120, 91, 2118, 92, 2115, 94, 2112, 96, 2110,
+ 98, 2108, 101, 2106, 104, 2105, 106, 2105, 109,
[2123, 87, 2134, 87, 2134, 91, 2123, 91],
[2075, 87, 2083, 87, 2083, 91, 2075, 91],
- 2083,
- 91,
- 2087,
- 90,
- 2091,
- 90,
- 2094,
- 91,
- 2097,
- 93,
- 2099,
- 95,
- 2101,
- 98,
- 2102,
- 101,
- 2102,
- 105,
- 2101,
- 109,
- 2105,
- 109,
- 2103,
- 106,
- 2102,
- 103,
- 2099,
- 101,
- 2097,
- 98,
- 2094,
- 95,
- 2091,
- 93,
- 2089,
- 90,
- 2086,
- 89,
- 2083,
- 87,
+ 2083, 91, 2087, 90, 2091, 90, 2094, 91, 2097, 93, 2099, 95, 2101, 98, 2102, 101,
+ 2102, 105, 2101, 109, 2105, 109, 2103, 106, 2102, 103, 2099, 101, 2097, 98,
+ 2094, 95, 2091, 93, 2089, 90, 2086, 89, 2083, 87,
[2101, 109, 2101, 122, 2105, 122, 2105, 109],
[2101, 121, 2101, 109, 2105, 109, 2105, 121],
- 2101,
- 109,
- 2101,
- 105,
- 2102,
- 101,
- 2104,
- 98,
- 2106,
- 95,
- 2109,
- 92,
- 2112,
- 90,
- 2115,
- 88,
- 2119,
- 87,
- 2123,
- 87,
- 2123,
- 91,
- 2120,
- 91,
- 2118,
- 92,
- 2115,
- 94,
- 2112,
- 96,
- 2110,
- 98,
- 2108,
- 101,
- 2106,
- 104,
- 2105,
- 106,
- 2105,
- 109,
+ 2101, 109, 2101, 105, 2102, 101, 2104, 98, 2106, 95, 2109, 92, 2112, 90, 2115,
+ 88, 2119, 87, 2123, 87, 2123, 91, 2120, 91, 2118, 92, 2115, 94, 2112, 96, 2110,
+ 98, 2108, 101, 2106, 104, 2105, 106, 2105, 109,
[2123, 87, 2134, 87, 2134, 91, 2123, 91],
[1899, 87, 1887, 87, 1887, 91, 1899, 91],
- 1887,
- 87,
- 1884,
- 87,
- 1881,
- 88,
- 1879,
- 89,
- 1877,
- 91,
- 1875,
- 93,
- 1873,
- 95,
- 1872,
- 97,
- 1871,
- 100,
- 1871,
- 103,
- 1875,
- 103,
- 1875,
- 101,
- 1876,
- 99,
- 1877,
- 98,
- 1878,
- 96,
- 1880,
- 94,
- 1882,
- 93,
- 1883,
- 92,
- 1885,
- 91,
- 1887,
- 91,
+ 1887, 87, 1884, 87, 1881, 88, 1879, 89, 1877, 91, 1875, 93, 1873, 95, 1872, 97,
+ 1871, 100, 1871, 103, 1875, 103, 1875, 101, 1876, 99, 1877, 98, 1878, 96, 1880,
+ 94, 1882, 93, 1883, 92, 1885, 91, 1887, 91,
[1871, 103, 1871, 140, 1875, 140, 1875, 103],
[1847, 87, 1907, 87, 1907, 91, 1847, 91],
[1899, 87, 1887, 87, 1887, 91, 1899, 91],
- 1887,
- 87,
- 1884,
- 87,
- 1881,
- 88,
- 1879,
- 89,
- 1877,
- 91,
- 1875,
- 93,
- 1873,
- 95,
- 1872,
- 97,
- 1871,
- 100,
- 1871,
- 103,
- 1875,
- 103,
- 1875,
- 101,
- 1876,
- 99,
- 1877,
- 98,
- 1878,
- 96,
- 1880,
- 94,
- 1882,
- 93,
- 1883,
- 92,
- 1885,
- 91,
- 1887,
- 91,
+ 1887, 87, 1884, 87, 1881, 88, 1879, 89, 1877, 91, 1875, 93, 1873, 95, 1872, 97,
+ 1871, 100, 1871, 103, 1875, 103, 1875, 101, 1876, 99, 1877, 98, 1878, 96, 1880,
+ 94, 1882, 93, 1883, 92, 1885, 91, 1887, 91,
[1871, 103, 1871, 140, 1875, 140, 1875, 103],
@@ -1551,219 +455,39 @@
K12743: [
[2174, 1705, 2174, 1688, 2178, 1688, 2178, 1705],
- 2174,
- 1688,
- 2174,
- 1684,
- 2175,
- 1680,
- 2177,
- 1677,
- 2179,
- 1674,
- 2182,
- 1671,
- 2185,
- 1669,
- 2188,
- 1667,
- 2192,
- 1666,
- 2196,
- 1666,
- 2196,
- 1670,
- 2193,
- 1670,
- 2191,
- 1671,
- 2188,
- 1673,
- 2185,
- 1675,
- 2183,
- 1677,
- 2181,
- 1680,
- 2179,
- 1683,
- 2178,
- 1685,
- 2178,
+ 2174, 1688, 2174, 1684, 2175, 1680, 2177, 1677, 2179, 1674, 2182, 1671, 2185,
+ 1669, 2188, 1667, 2192, 1666, 2196, 1666, 2196, 1670, 2193, 1670, 2191, 1671,
+ 2188, 1673, 2185, 1675, 2183, 1677, 2181, 1680, 2179, 1683, 2178, 1685, 2178,
[2196, 1666, 2818, 1666, 2818, 1670, 2196, 1670],
- 2818,
- 1666,
- 2821,
- 1666,
- 2823,
- 1665,
- 2826,
- 1663,
- 2829,
- 1661,
- 2831,
- 1659,
- 2833,
- 1656,
- 2835,
- 1653,
- 2836,
- 1651,
- 2836,
- 1648,
- 2840,
- 1648,
- 2840,
- 1652,
- 2839,
- 1656,
- 2837,
- 1659,
- 2835,
- 1662,
- 2832,
- 1665,
- 2829,
- 1667,
- 2826,
- 1669,
- 2822,
- 1670,
- 2818,
+ 2818, 1666, 2821, 1666, 2823, 1665, 2826, 1663, 2829, 1661, 2831, 1659, 2833,
+ 1656, 2835, 1653, 2836, 1651, 2836, 1648, 2840, 1648, 2840, 1652, 2839, 1656,
+ 2837, 1659, 2835, 1662, 2832, 1665, 2829, 1667, 2826, 1669, 2822, 1670, 2818,
[2836, 1648, 2836, 1360, 2840, 1360, 2840, 1648],
[2174, 1709, 2174, 1463, 2178, 1463, 2178, 1709],
- 2178,
- 1463,
- 2178,
- 1459,
- 2177,
- 1455,
- 2175,
- 1452,
- 2173,
- 1449,
- 2170,
- 1446,
- 2167,
- 1444,
- 2164,
- 1442,
- 2160,
- 1441,
- 2156,
- 1441,
- 2156,
- 1445,
- 2159,
- 1445,
- 2161,
- 1446,
- 2164,
- 1448,
- 2167,
- 1450,
- 2169,
- 1452,
- 2171,
- 1455,
- 2173,
- 1458,
- 2174,
- 1460,
- 2174,
+ 2178, 1463, 2178, 1459, 2177, 1455, 2175, 1452, 2173, 1449, 2170, 1446, 2167,
+ 1444, 2164, 1442, 2160, 1441, 2156, 1441, 2156, 1445, 2159, 1445, 2161, 1446,
+ 2164, 1448, 2167, 1450, 2169, 1452, 2171, 1455, 2173, 1458, 2174, 1460, 2174,
[2156, 1441, 2101, 1441, 2101, 1445, 2156, 1445],
[2174, 1705, 2174, 1688, 2178, 1688, 2178, 1705],
- 2174,
- 1688,
- 2174,
- 1684,
- 2175,
- 1680,
- 2177,
- 1677,
- 2179,
- 1674,
- 2182,
- 1671,
- 2185,
- 1669,
- 2188,
- 1667,
- 2192,
- 1666,
- 2196,
- 1666,
- 2196,
- 1670,
- 2193,
- 1670,
- 2191,
- 1671,
- 2188,
- 1673,
- 2185,
- 1675,
- 2183,
- 1677,
- 2181,
- 1680,
- 2179,
- 1683,
- 2178,
- 1685,
- 2178,
+ 2174, 1688, 2174, 1684, 2175, 1680, 2177, 1677, 2179, 1674, 2182, 1671, 2185,
+ 1669, 2188, 1667, 2192, 1666, 2196, 1666, 2196, 1670, 2193, 1670, 2191, 1671,
+ 2188, 1673, 2185, 1675, 2183, 1677, 2181, 1680, 2179, 1683, 2178, 1685, 2178,
[2196, 1666, 2818, 1666, 2818, 1670, 2196, 1670],
- 2818,
- 1666,
- 2821,
- 1666,
- 2823,
- 1665,
- 2826,
- 1663,
- 2829,
- 1661,
- 2831,
- 1659,
- 2833,
- 1656,
- 2835,
- 1653,
- 2836,
- 1651,
- 2836,
- 1648,
- 2840,
- 1648,
- 2840,
- 1652,
- 2839,
- 1656,
- 2837,
- 1659,
- 2835,
- 1662,
- 2832,
- 1665,
- 2829,
- 1667,
- 2826,
- 1669,
- 2822,
- 1670,
- 2818,
+ 2818, 1666, 2821, 1666, 2823, 1665, 2826, 1663, 2829, 1661, 2831, 1659, 2833,
+ 1656, 2835, 1653, 2836, 1651, 2836, 1648, 2840, 1648, 2840, 1652, 2839, 1656,
+ 2837, 1659, 2835, 1662, 2832, 1665, 2829, 1667, 2826, 1669, 2822, 1670, 2818,
[2836, 1648, 2836, 1360, 2840, 1360, 2840, 1648],
@@ -1771,176 +495,30 @@
K01662: [
[1387, 1377, 1387, 1229, 1391, 1229, 1391, 1377],
- 1387,
- 1229,
- 1387,
- 1225,
- 1388,
- 1221,
- 1390,
- 1218,
- 1392,
- 1215,
- 1395,
- 1212,
- 1398,
- 1210,
- 1401,
- 1208,
- 1405,
- 1207,
- 1409,
- 1207,
- 1409,
- 1211,
- 1406,
- 1211,
- 1404,
- 1212,
- 1401,
- 1214,
- 1398,
- 1216,
- 1396,
- 1218,
- 1394,
- 1221,
- 1392,
- 1224,
- 1391,
- 1226,
- 1391,
+ 1387, 1229, 1387, 1225, 1388, 1221, 1390, 1218, 1392, 1215, 1395, 1212, 1398,
+ 1210, 1401, 1208, 1405, 1207, 1409, 1207, 1409, 1211, 1406, 1211, 1404, 1212,
+ 1401, 1214, 1398, 1216, 1396, 1218, 1394, 1221, 1392, 1224, 1391, 1226, 1391,
[1409, 1207, 1721, 1207, 1721, 1211, 1409, 1211],
[1387, 1375, 1387, 754, 1391, 754, 1391, 1375],
- 1387,
- 754,
- 1387,
- 750,
- 1388,
- 746,
- 1390,
- 743,
- 1392,
- 740,
- 1395,
- 737,
- 1398,
- 735,
- 1401,
- 733,
- 1405,
- 732,
- 1409,
- 732,
- 1409,
- 736,
- 1406,
- 736,
- 1404,
- 737,
- 1401,
- 739,
- 1398,
- 741,
- 1396,
- 743,
- 1394,
- 746,
- 1392,
- 749,
- 1391,
- 751,
- 1391,
- 754,
+ 1387, 754, 1387, 750, 1388, 746, 1390, 743, 1392, 740, 1395, 737, 1398, 735,
+ 1401, 733, 1405, 732, 1409, 732, 1409, 736, 1406, 736, 1404, 737, 1401, 739,
+ 1398, 741, 1396, 743, 1394, 746, 1392, 749, 1391, 751, 1391, 754,
[1409, 732, 1700, 732, 1700, 736, 1409, 736],
- 1700,
- 732,
- 1703,
- 732,
- 1705,
- 731,
- 1708,
- 729,
- 1711,
- 727,
- 1713,
- 725,
- 1715,
- 723,
- 1717,
- 720,
- 1718,
- 717,
- 1718,
- 715,
- 1722,
- 715,
- 1722,
- 719,
- 1721,
- 722,
- 1719,
- 725,
- 1717,
- 728,
- 1714,
- 731,
- 1711,
- 733,
- 1708,
- 735,
- 1704,
- 736,
- 1700,
- 736,
+ 1700, 732, 1703, 732, 1705, 731, 1708, 729, 1711, 727, 1713, 725, 1715, 723,
+ 1717, 720, 1718, 717, 1718, 715, 1722, 715, 1722, 719, 1721, 722, 1719, 725,
+ 1717, 728, 1714, 731, 1711, 733, 1708, 735, 1704, 736, 1700, 736,
[1718, 715, 1718, 715, 1722, 715, 1722, 715],
[1387, 1377, 1387, 1229, 1391, 1229, 1391, 1377],
- 1387,
- 1229,
- 1387,
- 1225,
- 1388,
- 1221,
- 1390,
- 1218,
- 1392,
- 1215,
- 1395,
- 1212,
- 1398,
- 1210,
- 1401,
- 1208,
- 1405,
- 1207,
- 1409,
- 1207,
- 1409,
- 1211,
- 1406,
- 1211,
- 1404,
- 1212,
- 1401,
- 1214,
- 1398,
- 1216,
- 1396,
- 1218,
- 1394,
- 1221,
- 1392,
- 1224,
- 1391,
- 1226,
- 1391,
+ 1387, 1229, 1387, 1225, 1388, 1221, 1390, 1218, 1392, 1215, 1395, 1212, 1398,
+ 1210, 1401, 1208, 1405, 1207, 1409, 1207, 1409, 1211, 1406, 1211, 1404, 1212,
+ 1401, 1214, 1398, 1216, 1396, 1218, 1394, 1221, 1392, 1224, 1391, 1226, 1391,
[1409, 1207, 1721, 1207, 1721, 1211, 1409, 1211],
@@ -1954,88 +532,16 @@
K00163: [
[1718, 1210, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1210],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2672, 1170, 2672, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2672,
- 1174,
- 2677,
- 1173,
- 2682,
- 1174,
- 2687,
- 1175,
- 2691,
- 1178,
- 2694,
- 1181,
- 2697,
- 1185,
- 2698,
- 1190,
- 2699,
- 1195,
- 2698,
- 1200,
- 2702,
- 1200,
- 2700,
- 1196,
- 2698,
- 1192,
- 2695,
- 1188,
- 2692,
- 1184,
- 2688,
- 1180,
- 2684,
- 1177,
- 2680,
- 1174,
- 2676,
- 1172,
- 2672,
+ 2672, 1174, 2677, 1173, 2682, 1174, 2687, 1175, 2691, 1178, 2694, 1181, 2697,
+ 1185, 2698, 1190, 2699, 1195, 2698, 1200, 2702, 1200, 2700, 1196, 2698, 1192,
+ 2695, 1188, 2692, 1184, 2688, 1180, 2684, 1177, 2680, 1174, 2676, 1172, 2672,
[2698, 1200, 2698, 1224, 2702, 1224, 2702, 1200],
@@ -2044,349 +550,57 @@
K11395: [
[1718, 1209, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1209],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 1908, 1170, 1908, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 1908,
- 1170,
- 1912,
- 1170,
- 1916,
- 1168,
- 1920,
- 1166,
- 1924,
- 1163,
- 1927,
- 1160,
- 1930,
- 1156,
- 1932,
- 1152,
- 1934,
- 1148,
- 1934,
- 1144,
- 1938,
- 1144,
- 1937,
- 1149,
- 1936,
- 1154,
- 1934,
- 1159,
- 1931,
- 1163,
- 1927,
- 1167,
- 1923,
- 1170,
- 1918,
- 1172,
- 1913,
- 1173,
- 1908,
+ 1908, 1170, 1912, 1170, 1916, 1168, 1920, 1166, 1924, 1163, 1927, 1160, 1930,
+ 1156, 1932, 1152, 1934, 1148, 1934, 1144, 1938, 1144, 1937, 1149, 1936, 1154,
+ 1934, 1159, 1931, 1163, 1927, 1167, 1923, 1170, 1918, 1172, 1913, 1173, 1908,
[1934, 1144, 1934, 572, 1938, 572, 1938, 1144],
- 1934,
- 572,
- 1935,
- 567,
- 1936,
- 562,
- 1938,
- 557,
- 1941,
- 553,
- 1945,
- 549,
- 1949,
- 546,
- 1954,
- 544,
- 1959,
- 543,
- 1964,
- 542,
- 1964,
- 546,
- 1960,
- 546,
- 1956,
- 548,
- 1952,
- 550,
- 1948,
- 553,
- 1945,
- 556,
- 1942,
- 560,
- 1940,
- 564,
- 1938,
- 568,
- 1938,
- 572,
+ 1934, 572, 1935, 567, 1936, 562, 1938, 557, 1941, 553, 1945, 549, 1949, 546,
+ 1954, 544, 1959, 543, 1964, 542, 1964, 546, 1960, 546, 1956, 548, 1952, 550,
+ 1948, 553, 1945, 556, 1942, 560, 1940, 564, 1938, 568, 1938, 572,
[1964, 542, 2095, 542, 2095, 546, 1964, 546],
- 2095,
- 542,
- 2099,
- 542,
- 2103,
- 540,
- 2107,
- 538,
- 2111,
- 535,
- 2114,
- 532,
- 2117,
- 528,
- 2119,
- 524,
- 2121,
- 520,
- 2121,
- 516,
- 2125,
- 516,
- 2124,
- 521,
- 2123,
- 526,
- 2121,
- 531,
- 2118,
- 535,
- 2114,
- 539,
- 2110,
- 542,
- 2105,
- 544,
- 2100,
- 545,
- 2095,
- 546,
+ 2095, 542, 2099, 542, 2103, 540, 2107, 538, 2111, 535, 2114, 532, 2117, 528,
+ 2119, 524, 2121, 520, 2121, 516, 2125, 516, 2124, 521, 2123, 526, 2121, 531,
+ 2118, 535, 2114, 539, 2110, 542, 2105, 544, 2100, 545, 2095, 546,
[2121, 516, 2121, 359, 2125, 359, 2125, 516],
[2121, 212, 2121, 592, 2125, 592, 2125, 212],
[1718, 1209, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1209],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 1908, 1170, 1908, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 1908,
- 1170,
- 1912,
- 1170,
- 1916,
- 1168,
- 1920,
- 1166,
- 1924,
- 1163,
- 1927,
- 1160,
- 1930,
- 1156,
- 1932,
- 1152,
- 1934,
- 1148,
- 1934,
- 1144,
- 1938,
- 1144,
- 1937,
- 1149,
- 1936,
- 1154,
- 1934,
- 1159,
- 1931,
- 1163,
- 1927,
- 1167,
- 1923,
- 1170,
- 1918,
- 1172,
- 1913,
- 1173,
- 1908,
+ 1908, 1170, 1912, 1170, 1916, 1168, 1920, 1166, 1924, 1163, 1927, 1160, 1930,
+ 1156, 1932, 1152, 1934, 1148, 1934, 1144, 1938, 1144, 1937, 1149, 1936, 1154,
+ 1934, 1159, 1931, 1163, 1927, 1167, 1923, 1170, 1918, 1172, 1913, 1173, 1908,
[1934, 1144, 1934, 572, 1938, 572, 1938, 1144],
- 1934,
- 572,
- 1935,
- 567,
- 1936,
- 562,
- 1938,
- 557,
- 1941,
- 553,
- 1945,
- 549,
- 1949,
- 546,
- 1954,
- 544,
- 1959,
- 543,
- 1964,
- 542,
- 1964,
- 546,
- 1960,
- 546,
- 1956,
- 548,
- 1952,
- 550,
- 1948,
- 553,
- 1945,
- 556,
- 1942,
- 560,
- 1940,
- 564,
- 1938,
- 568,
- 1938,
- 572,
+ 1934, 572, 1935, 567, 1936, 562, 1938, 557, 1941, 553, 1945, 549, 1949, 546,
+ 1954, 544, 1959, 543, 1964, 542, 1964, 546, 1960, 546, 1956, 548, 1952, 550,
+ 1948, 553, 1945, 556, 1942, 560, 1940, 564, 1938, 568, 1938, 572,
[1964, 542, 2095, 542, 2095, 546, 1964, 546],
- 2095,
- 542,
- 2099,
- 542,
- 2103,
- 540,
- 2107,
- 538,
- 2111,
- 535,
- 2114,
- 532,
- 2117,
- 528,
- 2119,
- 524,
- 2121,
- 520,
- 2121,
- 516,
- 2125,
- 516,
- 2124,
- 521,
- 2123,
- 526,
- 2121,
- 531,
- 2118,
- 535,
- 2114,
- 539,
- 2110,
- 542,
- 2105,
- 544,
- 2100,
- 545,
- 2095,
- 546,
+ 2095, 542, 2099, 542, 2103, 540, 2107, 538, 2111, 535, 2114, 532, 2117, 528,
+ 2119, 524, 2121, 520, 2121, 516, 2125, 516, 2124, 521, 2123, 526, 2121, 531,
+ 2118, 535, 2114, 539, 2110, 542, 2105, 544, 2100, 545, 2095, 546,
[2121, 516, 2121, 359, 2125, 359, 2125, 516],
@@ -2397,46 +611,9 @@
K10187: [
[212, 1467, 212, 1486, 216, 1486, 216, 1467],
- 216,
- 1486,
- 216,
- 1489,
- 217,
- 1491,
- 219,
- 1494,
- 221,
- 1497,
- 223,
- 1499,
- 226,
- 1501,
- 229,
- 1503,
- 231,
- 1504,
- 234,
- 1504,
- 234,
- 1508,
- 230,
- 1508,
- 226,
- 1507,
- 223,
- 1505,
- 220,
- 1503,
- 217,
- 1500,
- 215,
- 1497,
- 213,
- 1494,
- 212,
- 1490,
- 212,
- 1486,
+ 216, 1486, 216, 1489, 217, 1491, 219, 1494, 221, 1497, 223, 1499, 226, 1501,
+ 229, 1503, 231, 1504, 234, 1504, 234, 1508, 230, 1508, 226, 1507, 223, 1505,
+ 220, 1503, 217, 1500, 215, 1497, 213, 1494, 212, 1490, 212, 1486,
[234, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 234, 1508],
@@ -2453,91 +630,18 @@
[1147, 102, 1222, 102, 1222, 106, 1147, 106],
[1294, 105, 1294, 57, 1298, 57, 1298, 105],
- 1294,
- 57,
- 1294,
- 53,
- 1295,
- 49,
- 1297,
- 46,
- 1299,
- 43,
- 1302,
- 40,
- 1305,
- 38,
- 1308,
- 36,
- 1312,
- 35,
- 1316,
- 35,
- 1316,
- 39,
- 1313,
- 39,
- 1311,
- 40,
- 1308,
- 42,
- 1305,
- 44,
- 1303,
- 46,
- 1301,
- 49,
- 1299,
- 52,
- 1298,
- 54,
- 1298,
- 57,
+ 1294, 57, 1294, 53, 1295, 49, 1297, 46, 1299, 43, 1302, 40, 1305, 38, 1308, 36,
+ 1312, 35, 1316, 35, 1316, 39, 1313, 39, 1311, 40, 1308, 42, 1305, 44, 1303, 46,
+ 1301, 49, 1299, 52, 1298, 54, 1298, 57,
[1316, 35, 1371, 35, 1371, 39, 1316, 39],
K01480: [
[3277, 1515, 3277, 1563, 3281, 1563, 3281, 1515],
- 3277,
- 1563,
- 3277,
- 1565,
- 3276,
- 1567,
- 3275,
- 1569,
- 3273,
- 1571,
- 3271,
- 1573,
- 3269,
- 1575,
- 3267,
- 1576,
- 3265,
- 1577,
- 3263,
- 1577,
- 3263,
- 1581,
- 3266,
- 1581,
- 3269,
- 1580,
- 3272,
- 1579,
- 3275,
- 1577,
- 3277,
- 1575,
- 3279,
- 1572,
- 3280,
- 1569,
- 3281,
- 1566,
- 3281,
+ 3277, 1563, 3277, 1565, 3276, 1567, 3275, 1569, 3273, 1571, 3271, 1573, 3269,
+ 1575, 3267, 1576, 3265, 1577, 3263, 1577, 3263, 1581, 3266, 1581, 3269, 1580,
+ 3272, 1579, 3275, 1577, 3277, 1575, 3279, 1572, 3280, 1569, 3281, 1566, 3281,
[3263, 1577, 3232, 1577, 3232, 1581, 3263, 1581],
@@ -2548,134 +652,23 @@
K01623: [
[1675, 616, 1675, 671, 1679, 671, 1679, 616],
- 1679,
- 671,
- 1679,
- 673,
- 1680,
- 676,
- 1681,
- 679,
- 1682,
- 681,
- 1684,
- 684,
- 1685,
- 687,
- 1687,
- 690,
- 1689,
- 692,
- 1690,
- 694,
- 1690,
- 698,
- 1687,
- 696,
- 1685,
- 694,
- 1683,
- 691,
- 1680,
- 688,
- 1679,
- 685,
- 1677,
- 681,
- 1676,
- 678,
- 1675,
- 674,
- 1675,
- 671,
+ 1679, 671, 1679, 673, 1680, 676, 1681, 679, 1682, 681, 1684, 684, 1685, 687,
+ 1687, 690, 1689, 692, 1690, 694, 1690, 698, 1687, 696, 1685, 694, 1683, 691,
+ 1680, 688, 1679, 685, 1677, 681, 1676, 678, 1675, 674, 1675, 671,
[1690, 694, 1721, 714, 1721, 718, 1690, 698],
[1628, 715, 1663, 694, 1663, 698, 1628, 719],
- 1663,
- 694,
- 1665,
- 692,
- 1667,
- 690,
- 1668,
- 688,
- 1670,
- 685,
- 1672,
- 682,
- 1673,
- 679,
- 1674,
- 677,
- 1675,
- 674,
- 1675,
- 672,
- 1679,
- 672,
- 1679,
- 675,
- 1678,
- 679,
- 1677,
- 682,
- 1675,
- 686,
- 1673,
- 689,
- 1671,
- 692,
- 1669,
- 694,
- 1666,
- 696,
- 1663,
- 698,
+ 1663, 694, 1665, 692, 1667, 690, 1668, 688, 1670, 685, 1672, 682, 1673, 679,
+ 1674, 677, 1675, 674, 1675, 672, 1679, 672, 1679, 675, 1678, 679, 1677, 682,
+ 1675, 686, 1673, 689, 1671, 692, 1669, 694, 1666, 696, 1663, 698,
[1675, 672, 1675, 616, 1679, 616, 1679, 672],
[1675, 616, 1675, 671, 1679, 671, 1679, 616],
- 1679,
- 671,
- 1679,
- 673,
- 1680,
- 676,
- 1681,
- 679,
- 1682,
- 681,
- 1684,
- 684,
- 1685,
- 687,
- 1687,
- 690,
- 1689,
- 692,
- 1690,
- 694,
- 1690,
- 698,
- 1687,
- 696,
- 1685,
- 694,
- 1683,
- 691,
- 1680,
- 688,
- 1679,
- 685,
- 1677,
- 681,
- 1676,
- 678,
- 1675,
- 674,
- 1675,
- 671,
+ 1679, 671, 1679, 673, 1680, 676, 1681, 679, 1682, 681, 1684, 684, 1685, 687,
+ 1687, 690, 1689, 692, 1690, 694, 1690, 698, 1687, 696, 1685, 694, 1683, 691,
+ 1680, 688, 1679, 685, 1677, 681, 1676, 678, 1675, 674, 1675, 671,
[1690, 694, 1721, 714, 1721, 718, 1690, 698],
[1454, 1493, 1396, 1493, 1396, 1497, 1454, 1497],
@@ -2691,46 +684,9 @@
[1295, 102, 1390, 102, 1390, 106, 1295, 106],
[1353, 138, 1353, 124, 1357, 124, 1357, 138],
- 1357,
- 124,
- 1357,
- 120,
- 1356,
- 116,
- 1354,
- 113,
- 1352,
- 110,
- 1349,
- 107,
- 1346,
- 105,
- 1343,
- 103,
- 1339,
- 102,
- 1335,
- 102,
- 1335,
- 106,
- 1338,
- 106,
- 1340,
- 107,
- 1343,
- 109,
- 1346,
- 111,
- 1348,
- 113,
- 1350,
- 116,
- 1352,
- 119,
- 1353,
- 121,
- 1353,
- 124,
+ 1357, 124, 1357, 120, 1356, 116, 1354, 113, 1352, 110, 1349, 107, 1346, 105,
+ 1343, 103, 1339, 102, 1335, 102, 1335, 106, 1338, 106, 1340, 107, 1343, 109,
+ 1346, 111, 1348, 113, 1350, 116, 1352, 119, 1353, 121, 1353, 124,
[1335, 102, 1296, 102, 1296, 106, 1335, 106],
[1295, 102, 1390, 102, 1390, 106, 1295, 106],
@@ -2742,46 +698,9 @@
K01607: [
[874, 1813, 874, 1797, 878, 1797, 878, 1813],
- 874,
- 1797,
- 874,
- 1793,
- 875,
- 1789,
- 877,
- 1786,
- 879,
- 1783,
- 882,
- 1780,
- 885,
- 1778,
- 888,
- 1776,
- 892,
- 1775,
- 896,
- 1775,
- 896,
- 1779,
- 893,
- 1779,
- 891,
- 1780,
- 888,
- 1782,
- 885,
- 1784,
- 883,
- 1786,
- 881,
- 1789,
- 879,
- 1792,
- 878,
- 1794,
- 878,
- 1797,
+ 874, 1797, 874, 1793, 875, 1789, 877, 1786, 879, 1783, 882, 1780, 885, 1778,
+ 888, 1776, 892, 1775, 896, 1775, 896, 1779, 893, 1779, 891, 1780, 888, 1782,
+ 885, 1784, 883, 1786, 881, 1789, 879, 1792, 878, 1794, 878, 1797,
[896, 1775, 918, 1775, 918, 1779, 896, 1779],
@@ -2795,45 +714,9 @@
K01423: [
[2976, 2012, 2976, 1984, 2980, 1984, 2980, 2012],
- 2980,
- 1984,
- 2980,
- 1980,
- 2979,
- 1976,
- 2977,
- 1973,
- 2975,
- 1970,
- 2972,
- 1967,
- 2969,
- 1965,
- 2966,
- 1963,
- 2962,
- 1962,
- 2958,
- 1962,
- 2958,
- 1966,
- 2961,
- 1966,
- 2963,
- 1967,
- 2966,
- 1969,
- 2969,
- 1971,
- 2971,
- 1973,
- 2973,
- 1976,
- 2975,
- 1979,
- 2976,
- 1981,
- 2976,
+ 2980, 1984, 2980, 1980, 2979, 1976, 2977, 1973, 2975, 1970, 2972, 1967, 2969,
+ 1965, 2966, 1963, 2962, 1962, 2958, 1962, 2958, 1966, 2961, 1966, 2963, 1967,
+ 2966, 1969, 2969, 1971, 2971, 1973, 2973, 1976, 2975, 1979, 2976, 1981, 2976,
[2958, 1962, 2907, 1962, 2907, 1966, 2958, 1966],
@@ -2848,46 +731,9 @@
[3320, 112, 3398, 112, 3398, 116, 3320, 116],
[3388, 112, 3361, 112, 3361, 116, 3388, 116],
- 3361,
- 112,
- 3357,
- 112,
- 3353,
- 113,
- 3350,
- 115,
- 3347,
- 117,
- 3344,
- 120,
- 3342,
- 123,
- 3340,
- 126,
- 3339,
- 130,
- 3339,
- 134,
- 3343,
- 134,
- 3343,
- 131,
- 3344,
- 129,
- 3346,
- 126,
- 3348,
- 123,
- 3350,
- 121,
- 3353,
- 119,
- 3356,
- 117,
- 3358,
- 116,
- 3361,
- 116,
+ 3361, 112, 3357, 112, 3353, 113, 3350, 115, 3347, 117, 3344, 120, 3342, 123,
+ 3340, 126, 3339, 130, 3339, 134, 3343, 134, 3343, 131, 3344, 129, 3346, 126,
+ 3348, 123, 3350, 121, 3353, 119, 3356, 117, 3358, 116, 3361, 116,
[3339, 134, 3339, 204, 3343, 204, 3343, 134],
[3320, 112, 3398, 112, 3398, 116, 3320, 116],
@@ -2905,46 +751,9 @@
[410, 554, 502, 554, 502, 558, 410, 558],
[502, 554, 553, 554, 553, 558, 502, 558],
- 553,
- 558,
- 557,
- 557,
- 561,
- 557,
- 564,
- 558,
- 567,
- 560,
- 569,
- 562,
- 571,
- 565,
- 572,
- 568,
- 572,
- 572,
- 571,
- 576,
- 575,
- 576,
- 573,
- 573,
- 572,
- 570,
- 569,
- 568,
- 567,
- 565,
- 564,
- 562,
- 561,
- 560,
- 559,
- 557,
- 556,
- 556,
- 553,
- 554,
+ 553, 558, 557, 557, 561, 557, 564, 558, 567, 560, 569, 562, 571, 565, 572, 568,
+ 572, 572, 571, 576, 575, 576, 573, 573, 572, 570, 569, 568, 567, 565, 564, 562,
+ 561, 560, 559, 557, 556, 556, 553, 554,
[571, 576, 571, 593, 575, 593, 575, 576],
@@ -2955,131 +764,23 @@
[3239, 1527, 3239, 1562, 3243, 1562, 3243, 1527],
[1727, 1616, 1727, 1608, 1731, 1608, 1731, 1616],
- 1727,
- 1608,
- 1727,
- 1604,
- 1728,
- 1600,
- 1730,
- 1597,
- 1732,
- 1594,
- 1735,
- 1591,
- 1738,
- 1589,
- 1741,
- 1587,
- 1745,
- 1586,
- 1749,
- 1586,
- 1749,
- 1590,
- 1746,
- 1590,
- 1744,
- 1591,
- 1741,
- 1593,
- 1738,
- 1595,
- 1736,
- 1597,
- 1734,
- 1600,
- 1732,
- 1603,
- 1731,
- 1605,
- 1731,
+ 1727, 1608, 1727, 1604, 1728, 1600, 1730, 1597, 1732, 1594, 1735, 1591, 1738,
+ 1589, 1741, 1587, 1745, 1586, 1749, 1586, 1749, 1590, 1746, 1590, 1744, 1591,
+ 1741, 1593, 1738, 1595, 1736, 1597, 1734, 1600, 1732, 1603, 1731, 1605, 1731,
[1749, 1586, 2391, 1586, 2391, 1590, 1749, 1590],
- 2391,
- 1586,
- 2394,
- 1586,
- 2396,
- 1585,
- 2399,
- 1583,
- 2402,
- 1581,
- 2404,
- 1579,
- 2406,
- 1576,
- 2408,
- 1573,
- 2409,
- 1571,
- 2409,
- 1568,
- 2413,
- 1568,
- 2413,
- 1572,
- 2412,
- 1576,
- 2410,
- 1579,
- 2408,
- 1582,
- 2405,
- 1585,
- 2402,
- 1587,
- 2399,
- 1589,
- 2395,
- 1590,
- 2391,
+ 2391, 1586, 2394, 1586, 2396, 1585, 2399, 1583, 2402, 1581, 2404, 1579, 2406,
+ 1576, 2408, 1573, 2409, 1571, 2409, 1568, 2413, 1568, 2413, 1572, 2412, 1576,
+ 2410, 1579, 2408, 1582, 2405, 1585, 2402, 1587, 2399, 1589, 2395, 1590, 2391,
[2409, 1568, 2409, 1229, 2413, 1229, 2413, 1568],
- 2409,
- 1229,
- 2409,
- 1225,
- 2410,
- 1221,
- 2412,
- 1218,
- 2414,
- 1215,
- 2417,
- 1212,
- 2420,
- 1210,
- 2423,
- 1208,
- 2427,
- 1207,
- 2431,
- 1207,
- 2431,
- 1211,
- 2428,
- 1211,
- 2426,
- 1212,
- 2423,
- 1214,
- 2420,
- 1216,
- 2418,
- 1218,
- 2416,
- 1221,
- 2414,
- 1224,
- 2413,
- 1226,
- 2413,
+ 2409, 1229, 2409, 1225, 2410, 1221, 2412, 1218, 2414, 1215, 2417, 1212, 2420,
+ 1210, 2423, 1208, 2427, 1207, 2431, 1207, 2431, 1211, 2428, 1211, 2426, 1212,
+ 2423, 1214, 2420, 1216, 2418, 1218, 2416, 1221, 2414, 1224, 2413, 1226, 2413,
[2431, 1207, 2482, 1207, 2482, 1211, 2431, 1211],
@@ -3087,45 +788,9 @@
K12255: [
[2590, 2032, 2590, 2089, 2594, 2089, 2594, 2032],
- 2594,
- 2089,
- 2594,
- 2092,
- 2595,
- 2094,
- 2597,
- 2097,
- 2599,
- 2100,
- 2601,
- 2102,
- 2604,
- 2104,
- 2607,
- 2106,
- 2609,
- 2107,
- 2612,
- 2107,
- 2612,
- 2111,
- 2608,
- 2111,
- 2604,
- 2110,
- 2601,
- 2108,
- 2598,
- 2106,
- 2595,
- 2103,
- 2593,
- 2100,
- 2591,
- 2097,
- 2590,
- 2093,
- 2590,
+ 2594, 2089, 2594, 2092, 2595, 2094, 2597, 2097, 2599, 2100, 2601, 2102, 2604,
+ 2104, 2607, 2106, 2609, 2107, 2612, 2107, 2612, 2111, 2608, 2111, 2604, 2110,
+ 2601, 2108, 2598, 2106, 2595, 2103, 2593, 2100, 2591, 2097, 2590, 2093, 2590,
[2612, 2107, 3075, 2107, 3075, 2111, 2612, 2111],
@@ -3133,45 +798,9 @@
K01775: [
[1889, 1237, 1889, 1245, 1893, 1245, 1893, 1237],
- 1893,
- 1245,
- 1893,
- 1246,
- 1894,
- 1248,
- 1895,
- 1249,
- 1896,
- 1251,
- 1897,
- 1252,
- 1899,
- 1253,
- 1900,
- 1254,
- 1902,
- 1255,
- 1903,
- 1255,
- 1903,
- 1259,
- 1900,
- 1259,
- 1898,
- 1258,
- 1896,
- 1257,
- 1894,
- 1256,
- 1892,
- 1254,
- 1891,
- 1252,
- 1890,
- 1250,
- 1889,
- 1248,
- 1889,
+ 1893, 1245, 1893, 1246, 1894, 1248, 1895, 1249, 1896, 1251, 1897, 1252, 1899,
+ 1253, 1900, 1254, 1902, 1255, 1903, 1255, 1903, 1259, 1900, 1259, 1898, 1258,
+ 1896, 1257, 1894, 1256, 1892, 1254, 1891, 1252, 1890, 1250, 1889, 1248, 1889,
[1903, 1255, 2032, 1255, 2032, 1259, 1903, 1259],
@@ -3179,177 +808,29 @@
K02641: [
[1838, 831, 1869, 831, 1869, 835, 1838, 835],
- 1869,
- 831,
- 1871,
- 831,
- 1872,
- 830,
- 1874,
- 829,
- 1876,
- 828,
- 1877,
- 827,
- 1878,
- 825,
- 1879,
- 823,
- 1880,
- 822,
- 1880,
- 820,
- 1884,
- 820,
- 1884,
- 823,
- 1883,
- 826,
- 1882,
- 828,
- 1881,
- 830,
- 1879,
- 832,
- 1877,
- 833,
- 1875,
- 834,
- 1872,
- 835,
- 1869,
- 835,
+ 1869, 831, 1871, 831, 1872, 830, 1874, 829, 1876, 828, 1877, 827, 1878, 825,
+ 1879, 823, 1880, 822, 1880, 820, 1884, 820, 1884, 823, 1883, 826, 1882, 828,
+ 1881, 830, 1879, 832, 1877, 833, 1875, 834, 1872, 835, 1869, 835,
[1880, 820, 1880, 816, 1884, 816, 1884, 820],
- 1884,
- 816,
- 1884,
- 813,
- 1883,
- 810,
- 1882,
- 808,
- 1881,
- 806,
- 1879,
- 804,
- 1877,
- 803,
- 1875,
- 802,
- 1872,
- 801,
- 1869,
- 801,
- 1869,
- 805,
- 1871,
- 805,
- 1872,
- 806,
- 1874,
- 807,
- 1876,
- 808,
- 1877,
- 809,
- 1878,
- 811,
- 1879,
- 813,
- 1880,
- 814,
- 1880,
- 816,
+ 1884, 816, 1884, 813, 1883, 810, 1882, 808, 1881, 806, 1879, 804, 1877, 803,
+ 1875, 802, 1872, 801, 1869, 801, 1869, 805, 1871, 805, 1872, 806, 1874, 807,
+ 1876, 808, 1877, 809, 1878, 811, 1879, 813, 1880, 814, 1880, 816,
[1869, 801, 1849, 801, 1849, 805, 1869, 805],
[1827, 831, 1893, 831, 1893, 835, 1827, 835],
[1838, 831, 1869, 831, 1869, 835, 1838, 835],
- 1869,
- 831,
- 1871,
- 831,
- 1872,
- 830,
- 1874,
- 829,
- 1876,
- 828,
- 1877,
- 827,
- 1878,
- 825,
- 1879,
- 823,
- 1880,
- 822,
- 1880,
- 820,
- 1884,
- 820,
- 1884,
- 823,
- 1883,
- 826,
- 1882,
- 828,
- 1881,
- 830,
- 1879,
- 832,
- 1877,
- 833,
- 1875,
- 834,
- 1872,
- 835,
- 1869,
- 835,
+ 1869, 831, 1871, 831, 1872, 830, 1874, 829, 1876, 828, 1877, 827, 1878, 825,
+ 1879, 823, 1880, 822, 1880, 820, 1884, 820, 1884, 823, 1883, 826, 1882, 828,
+ 1881, 830, 1879, 832, 1877, 833, 1875, 834, 1872, 835, 1869, 835,
[1880, 820, 1880, 816, 1884, 816, 1884, 820],
- 1884,
- 816,
- 1884,
- 813,
- 1883,
- 810,
- 1882,
- 808,
- 1881,
- 806,
- 1879,
- 804,
- 1877,
- 803,
- 1875,
- 802,
- 1872,
- 801,
- 1869,
- 801,
- 1869,
- 805,
- 1871,
- 805,
- 1872,
- 806,
- 1874,
- 807,
- 1876,
- 808,
- 1877,
- 809,
- 1878,
- 811,
- 1879,
- 813,
- 1880,
- 814,
- 1880,
- 816,
+ 1884, 816, 1884, 813, 1883, 810, 1882, 808, 1881, 806, 1879, 804, 1877, 803,
+ 1875, 802, 1872, 801, 1869, 801, 1869, 805, 1871, 805, 1872, 806, 1874, 807,
+ 1876, 808, 1877, 809, 1878, 811, 1879, 813, 1880, 814, 1880, 816,
[1869, 801, 1849, 801, 1849, 805, 1869, 805],
@@ -3371,89 +852,16 @@
K04098: [
[1035, 1811, 1035, 1952, 1039, 1952, 1039, 1811],
- 1035,
- 1952,
- 1035,
- 1955,
- 1034,
- 1957,
- 1032,
- 1960,
- 1030,
- 1963,
- 1028,
- 1965,
- 1025,
- 1967,
- 1022,
- 1969,
- 1020,
- 1970,
- 1017,
- 1970,
- 1017,
- 1974,
- 1021,
- 1974,
- 1025,
- 1973,
- 1028,
- 1971,
- 1031,
- 1969,
- 1034,
- 1966,
- 1036,
- 1963,
- 1038,
- 1960,
- 1039,
- 1956,
- 1039,
+ 1035, 1952, 1035, 1955, 1034, 1957, 1032, 1960, 1030, 1963, 1028, 1965, 1025,
+ 1967, 1022, 1969, 1020, 1970, 1017, 1970, 1017, 1974, 1021, 1974, 1025, 1973,
+ 1028, 1971, 1031, 1969, 1034, 1966, 1036, 1963, 1038, 1960, 1039, 1956, 1039,
[1017, 1970, 954, 1969, 954, 1973, 1017, 1974],
- 954,
- 1969,
- 950,
- 1969,
- 946,
- 1971,
- 943,
- 1972,
- 940,
- 1975,
- 937,
- 1977,
- 935,
- 1981,
- 933,
- 1984,
- 932,
- 1988,
- 932,
- 1992,
- 936,
- 1992,
- 936,
- 1989,
- 937,
- 1986,
- 939,
- 1984,
- 941,
- 1981,
- 943,
- 1978,
- 946,
- 1976,
- 949,
- 1974,
- 951,
- 1973,
- 954,
- 1973,
+ 954, 1969, 950, 1969, 946, 1971, 943, 1972, 940, 1975, 937, 1977, 935, 1981,
+ 933, 1984, 932, 1988, 932, 1992, 936, 1992, 936, 1989, 937, 1986, 939, 1984,
+ 941, 1981, 943, 1978, 946, 1976, 949, 1974, 951, 1973, 954, 1973,
[932, 1992, 932, 2093, 936, 2093, 936, 1992],
[933, 2090, 1001, 2090, 1001, 2094, 933, 2094],
@@ -3466,135 +874,24 @@
K12729: [
[2818, 269, 2818, 254, 2822, 254, 2822, 269],
- 2818,
- 254,
- 2818,
- 250,
- 2819,
- 246,
- 2821,
- 243,
- 2823,
- 240,
- 2826,
- 237,
- 2829,
- 235,
- 2832,
- 233,
- 2836,
- 232,
- 2840,
- 232,
- 2840,
- 236,
- 2837,
- 236,
- 2835,
- 237,
- 2832,
- 239,
- 2829,
- 241,
- 2827,
- 243,
- 2825,
- 246,
- 2823,
- 249,
- 2822,
- 251,
- 2822,
- 254,
+ 2818, 254, 2818, 250, 2819, 246, 2821, 243, 2823, 240, 2826, 237, 2829, 235,
+ 2832, 233, 2836, 232, 2840, 232, 2840, 236, 2837, 236, 2835, 237, 2832, 239,
+ 2829, 241, 2827, 243, 2825, 246, 2823, 249, 2822, 251, 2822, 254,
[2840, 232, 2863, 232, 2863, 236, 2840, 236],
K01520: [
[2268, 654, 2268, 664, 2272, 664, 2272, 654],
- 2272,
- 664,
- 2272,
- 667,
- 2273,
- 669,
- 2275,
- 672,
- 2277,
- 675,
- 2279,
- 677,
- 2282,
- 679,
- 2285,
- 681,
- 2287,
- 682,
- 2290,
- 682,
- 2290,
- 686,
- 2286,
- 686,
- 2282,
- 685,
- 2279,
- 683,
- 2276,
- 681,
- 2273,
- 678,
- 2271,
- 675,
- 2269,
- 672,
- 2268,
- 668,
- 2268,
- 664,
+ 2272, 664, 2272, 667, 2273, 669, 2275, 672, 2277, 675, 2279, 677, 2282, 679,
+ 2285, 681, 2287, 682, 2290, 682, 2290, 686, 2286, 686, 2282, 685, 2279, 683,
+ 2276, 681, 2273, 678, 2271, 675, 2269, 672, 2268, 668, 2268, 664,
[2290, 682, 2408, 682, 2408, 686, 2290, 686],
- 2408,
- 682,
- 2411,
- 682,
- 2413,
- 681,
- 2416,
- 679,
- 2419,
- 677,
- 2421,
- 675,
- 2423,
- 672,
- 2425,
- 669,
- 2426,
- 667,
- 2426,
- 664,
- 2430,
- 664,
- 2430,
- 668,
- 2429,
- 672,
- 2427,
- 675,
- 2425,
- 678,
- 2422,
- 681,
- 2419,
- 683,
- 2416,
- 685,
- 2412,
- 686,
- 2408,
- 686,
+ 2408, 682, 2411, 682, 2413, 681, 2416, 679, 2419, 677, 2421, 675, 2423, 672,
+ 2425, 669, 2426, 667, 2426, 664, 2430, 664, 2430, 668, 2429, 672, 2427, 675,
+ 2425, 678, 2422, 681, 2419, 683, 2416, 685, 2412, 686, 2408, 686,
[2426, 664, 2426, 654, 2430, 654, 2430, 664],
@@ -3608,45 +905,9 @@
K01079: [
[2202, 911, 2202, 1189, 2206, 1189, 2206, 911],
- 2206,
- 1189,
- 2206,
- 1192,
- 2207,
- 1194,
- 2209,
- 1197,
- 2211,
- 1200,
- 2213,
- 1202,
- 2216,
- 1204,
- 2219,
- 1206,
- 2221,
- 1207,
- 2224,
- 1207,
- 2224,
- 1211,
- 2220,
- 1211,
- 2216,
- 1210,
- 2213,
- 1208,
- 2210,
- 1206,
- 2207,
- 1203,
- 2205,
- 1200,
- 2203,
- 1197,
- 2202,
- 1193,
- 2202,
+ 2206, 1189, 2206, 1192, 2207, 1194, 2209, 1197, 2211, 1200, 2213, 1202, 2216,
+ 1204, 2219, 1206, 2221, 1207, 2224, 1207, 2224, 1211, 2220, 1211, 2216, 1210,
+ 2213, 1208, 2210, 1206, 2207, 1203, 2205, 1200, 2203, 1197, 2202, 1193, 2202,
[2224, 1207, 2288, 1207, 2288, 1211, 2224, 1211],
@@ -3655,46 +916,9 @@
K00660: [
[252, 887, 223, 887, 223, 891, 252, 891],
- 223,
- 887,
- 219,
- 887,
- 215,
- 888,
- 212,
- 890,
- 209,
- 892,
- 206,
- 895,
- 204,
- 898,
- 202,
- 901,
- 201,
- 905,
- 201,
- 909,
- 205,
- 909,
- 205,
- 906,
- 206,
- 904,
- 208,
- 901,
- 210,
- 898,
- 212,
- 896,
- 215,
- 894,
- 218,
- 892,
- 220,
- 891,
- 223,
- 891,
+ 223, 887, 219, 887, 215, 888, 212, 890, 209, 892, 206, 895, 204, 898, 202, 901,
+ 201, 905, 201, 909, 205, 909, 205, 906, 206, 904, 208, 901, 210, 898, 212, 896,
+ 215, 894, 218, 892, 220, 891, 223, 891,
[201, 909, 201, 967, 205, 967, 205, 909],
@@ -3702,46 +926,9 @@
K01830: [
[221, 628, 221, 612, 225, 612, 225, 628],
- 221,
- 612,
- 221,
- 608,
- 222,
- 604,
- 224,
- 601,
- 226,
- 598,
- 229,
- 595,
- 232,
- 593,
- 235,
- 591,
- 239,
- 590,
- 243,
- 590,
- 243,
- 594,
- 240,
- 594,
- 238,
- 595,
- 235,
- 597,
- 232,
- 599,
- 230,
- 601,
- 228,
- 604,
- 226,
- 607,
- 225,
- 609,
- 225,
- 612,
+ 221, 612, 221, 608, 222, 604, 224, 601, 226, 598, 229, 595, 232, 593, 235, 591,
+ 239, 590, 243, 590, 243, 594, 240, 594, 238, 595, 235, 597, 232, 599, 230, 601,
+ 228, 604, 226, 607, 225, 609, 225, 612,
[243, 590, 303, 590, 303, 594, 243, 594],
@@ -3749,46 +936,9 @@
',': [
[1974, 268, 1974, 260, 1978, 260, 1978, 268],
- 1978,
- 260,
- 1978,
- 256,
- 1977,
- 252,
- 1975,
- 249,
- 1973,
- 246,
- 1970,
- 243,
- 1967,
- 241,
- 1964,
- 239,
- 1960,
- 238,
- 1956,
- 238,
- 1956,
- 242,
- 1959,
- 242,
- 1961,
- 243,
- 1964,
- 245,
- 1967,
- 247,
- 1969,
- 249,
- 1971,
- 252,
- 1973,
- 255,
- 1974,
- 257,
- 1974,
- 260,
+ 1978, 260, 1978, 256, 1977, 252, 1975, 249, 1973, 246, 1970, 243, 1967, 241,
+ 1964, 239, 1960, 238, 1956, 238, 1956, 242, 1959, 242, 1961, 243, 1964, 245,
+ 1967, 247, 1969, 249, 1971, 252, 1973, 255, 1974, 257, 1974, 260,
[1956, 238, 1898, 238, 1898, 242, 1956, 242],
@@ -3805,220 +955,35 @@
K00965: [
[1675, 331, 1675, 292, 1679, 292, 1679, 331],
- 1679,
- 292,
- 1679,
- 287,
- 1677,
- 283,
- 1675,
- 279,
- 1672,
- 275,
- 1669,
- 272,
- 1665,
- 269,
- 1661,
- 267,
- 1657,
- 265,
- 1652,
- 265,
- 1652,
- 269,
- 1655,
- 269,
- 1659,
- 271,
- 1662,
- 273,
- 1666,
- 275,
- 1669,
- 278,
- 1671,
- 282,
- 1673,
- 285,
- 1675,
- 289,
- 1675,
- 292,
+ 1679, 292, 1679, 287, 1677, 283, 1675, 279, 1672, 275, 1669, 272, 1665, 269,
+ 1661, 267, 1657, 265, 1652, 265, 1652, 269, 1655, 269, 1659, 271, 1662, 273,
+ 1666, 275, 1669, 278, 1671, 282, 1673, 285, 1675, 289, 1675, 292,
[1652, 265, 1523, 265, 1523, 269, 1652, 269],
- 1523,
- 265,
- 1518,
- 265,
- 1514,
- 267,
- 1509,
- 269,
- 1506,
- 272,
- 1502,
- 275,
- 1500,
- 279,
- 1498,
- 283,
- 1496,
- 287,
- 1496,
- 292,
- 1500,
- 292,
- 1500,
- 289,
- 1502,
- 285,
- 1504,
- 282,
- 1506,
- 278,
- 1509,
- 275,
- 1512,
- 273,
- 1516,
- 271,
- 1519,
- 269,
- 1523,
- 269,
+ 1523, 265, 1518, 265, 1514, 267, 1509, 269, 1506, 272, 1502, 275, 1500, 279,
+ 1498, 283, 1496, 287, 1496, 292, 1500, 292, 1500, 289, 1502, 285, 1504, 282,
+ 1506, 278, 1509, 275, 1512, 273, 1516, 271, 1519, 269, 1523, 269,
[1496, 292, 1496, 314, 1500, 314, 1500, 292],
[1772, 265, 1463, 265, 1463, 269, 1772, 269],
- 1463,
- 265,
- 1458,
- 265,
- 1454,
- 267,
- 1449,
- 269,
- 1446,
- 271,
- 1442,
- 274,
- 1440,
- 278,
- 1438,
- 282,
- 1436,
- 286,
- 1436,
- 291,
- 1440,
- 291,
- 1440,
- 288,
- 1442,
- 284,
- 1444,
- 281,
- 1446,
- 278,
- 1449,
- 275,
- 1452,
- 272,
- 1456,
- 271,
- 1459,
- 269,
- 1463,
- 269,
+ 1463, 265, 1458, 265, 1454, 267, 1449, 269, 1446, 271, 1442, 274, 1440, 278,
+ 1438, 282, 1436, 286, 1436, 291, 1440, 291, 1440, 288, 1442, 284, 1444, 281,
+ 1446, 278, 1449, 275, 1452, 272, 1456, 271, 1459, 269, 1463, 269,
[1436, 291, 1436, 291, 1440, 291, 1440, 291],
[1675, 331, 1675, 292, 1679, 292, 1679, 331],
- 1679,
- 292,
- 1679,
- 287,
- 1677,
- 283,
- 1675,
- 279,
- 1672,
- 275,
- 1669,
- 272,
- 1665,
- 269,
- 1661,
- 267,
- 1657,
- 265,
- 1652,
- 265,
- 1652,
- 269,
- 1655,
- 269,
- 1659,
- 271,
- 1662,
- 273,
- 1666,
- 275,
- 1669,
- 278,
- 1671,
- 282,
- 1673,
- 285,
- 1675,
- 289,
- 1675,
- 292,
+ 1679, 292, 1679, 287, 1677, 283, 1675, 279, 1672, 275, 1669, 272, 1665, 269,
+ 1661, 267, 1657, 265, 1652, 265, 1652, 269, 1655, 269, 1659, 271, 1662, 273,
+ 1666, 275, 1669, 278, 1671, 282, 1673, 285, 1675, 289, 1675, 292,
[1652, 265, 1523, 265, 1523, 269, 1652, 269],
- 1523,
- 265,
- 1518,
- 265,
- 1514,
- 267,
- 1509,
- 269,
- 1506,
- 272,
- 1502,
- 275,
- 1500,
- 279,
- 1498,
- 283,
- 1496,
- 287,
- 1496,
- 292,
- 1500,
- 292,
- 1500,
- 289,
- 1502,
- 285,
- 1504,
- 282,
- 1506,
- 278,
- 1509,
- 275,
- 1512,
- 273,
- 1516,
- 271,
- 1519,
- 269,
- 1523,
- 269,
+ 1523, 265, 1518, 265, 1514, 267, 1509, 269, 1506, 272, 1502, 275, 1500, 279,
+ 1498, 283, 1496, 287, 1496, 292, 1500, 292, 1500, 289, 1502, 285, 1504, 282,
+ 1506, 278, 1509, 275, 1512, 273, 1516, 271, 1519, 269, 1523, 269,
[1496, 292, 1496, 314, 1500, 314, 1500, 292],
@@ -4028,91 +993,18 @@
R03311: [
[677, 1601, 677, 1614, 681, 1614, 681, 1601],
- 681,
- 1614,
- 681,
- 1617,
- 682,
- 1619,
- 684,
- 1622,
- 686,
- 1625,
- 688,
- 1627,
- 691,
- 1629,
- 694,
- 1631,
- 696,
- 1632,
- 699,
- 1632,
- 699,
- 1636,
- 695,
- 1636,
- 691,
- 1635,
- 688,
- 1633,
- 685,
- 1631,
- 682,
- 1628,
- 680,
- 1625,
- 678,
- 1622,
- 677,
- 1618,
- 677,
- 1614,
+ 681, 1614, 681, 1617, 682, 1619, 684, 1622, 686, 1625, 688, 1627, 691, 1629,
+ 694, 1631, 696, 1632, 699, 1632, 699, 1636, 695, 1636, 691, 1635, 688, 1633,
+ 685, 1631, 682, 1628, 680, 1625, 678, 1622, 677, 1618, 677, 1614,
[699, 1632, 743, 1632, 743, 1636, 699, 1636],
'TODF_PSEP1,': [
[1366, 1823, 1366, 1867, 1370, 1867, 1370, 1823],
- 1366,
- 1867,
- 1366,
- 1871,
- 1364,
- 1874,
- 1362,
- 1878,
- 1360,
- 1881,
- 1357,
- 1884,
- 1354,
- 1886,
- 1350,
- 1888,
- 1347,
- 1890,
- 1343,
- 1890,
- 1343,
- 1894,
- 1348,
- 1894,
- 1352,
- 1892,
- 1357,
- 1890,
- 1360,
- 1888,
- 1364,
- 1884,
- 1366,
- 1881,
- 1368,
- 1876,
- 1370,
- 1872,
- 1370,
+ 1366, 1867, 1366, 1871, 1364, 1874, 1362, 1878, 1360, 1881, 1357, 1884, 1354,
+ 1886, 1350, 1888, 1347, 1890, 1343, 1890, 1343, 1894, 1348, 1894, 1352, 1892,
+ 1357, 1890, 1360, 1888, 1364, 1884, 1366, 1881, 1368, 1876, 1370, 1872, 1370,
[1343, 1890, 1282, 1890, 1282, 1894, 1343, 1894],
@@ -4122,46 +1014,9 @@
K01055: [
[998, 1743, 937, 1743, 937, 1747, 998, 1747],
- 937,
- 1743,
- 933,
- 1743,
- 929,
- 1744,
- 926,
- 1746,
- 923,
- 1748,
- 920,
- 1751,
- 918,
- 1754,
- 916,
- 1757,
- 915,
- 1761,
- 915,
- 1765,
- 919,
- 1765,
- 919,
- 1762,
- 920,
- 1760,
- 922,
- 1757,
- 924,
- 1754,
- 926,
- 1752,
- 929,
- 1750,
- 932,
- 1748,
- 934,
- 1747,
- 937,
- 1747,
+ 937, 1743, 933, 1743, 929, 1744, 926, 1746, 923, 1748, 920, 1751, 918, 1754,
+ 916, 1757, 915, 1761, 915, 1765, 919, 1765, 919, 1762, 920, 1760, 922, 1757,
+ 924, 1754, 926, 1752, 929, 1750, 932, 1748, 934, 1747, 937, 1747,
[915, 1765, 915, 1778, 919, 1778, 919, 1765],
@@ -4172,176 +1027,32 @@
R06855: [
[2059, 1759, 2022, 1759, 2022, 1763, 2059, 1763],
- 2022,
- 1759,
- 2019,
- 1759,
- 2016,
- 1760,
- 2013,
- 1761,
- 2010,
- 1763,
- 2008,
- 1765,
- 2006,
- 1768,
- 2005,
- 1771,
- 2004,
- 1774,
- 2004,
- 1777,
- 2008,
- 1777,
- 2008,
- 1775,
- 2009,
- 1773,
- 2010,
- 1771,
- 2012,
- 1769,
- 2014,
- 1767,
- 2016,
- 1765,
- 2018,
- 1764,
- 2020,
- 1763,
- 2022,
+ 2022, 1759, 2019, 1759, 2016, 1760, 2013, 1761, 2010, 1763, 2008, 1765, 2006,
+ 1768, 2005, 1771, 2004, 1774, 2004, 1777, 2008, 1777, 2008, 1775, 2009, 1773,
+ 2010, 1771, 2012, 1769, 2014, 1767, 2016, 1765, 2018, 1764, 2020, 1763, 2022,
[2004, 1777, 2004, 1784, 2008, 1784, 2008, 1777],
- 2004,
- 1784,
- 2004,
- 1786,
- 2003,
- 1788,
- 2002,
- 1790,
- 2000,
- 1792,
- 1998,
- 1794,
- 1996,
- 1796,
- 1994,
- 1797,
- 1992,
- 1798,
- 1990,
- 1798,
- 1990,
- 1802,
- 1993,
- 1802,
- 1996,
- 1801,
- 1999,
- 1800,
- 2002,
- 1798,
- 2004,
- 1796,
- 2006,
- 1793,
- 2007,
- 1790,
- 2008,
- 1787,
- 2008,
+ 2004, 1784, 2004, 1786, 2003, 1788, 2002, 1790, 2000, 1792, 1998, 1794, 1996,
+ 1796, 1994, 1797, 1992, 1798, 1990, 1798, 1990, 1802, 1993, 1802, 1996, 1801,
+ 1999, 1800, 2002, 1798, 2004, 1796, 2006, 1793, 2007, 1790, 2008, 1787, 2008,
[1990, 1798, 1570, 1798, 1570, 1802, 1990, 1802],
[1975, 1759, 2058, 1759, 2058, 1763, 1975, 1763],
[2059, 1759, 2022, 1759, 2022, 1763, 2059, 1763],
- 2022,
- 1759,
- 2019,
- 1759,
- 2016,
- 1760,
- 2013,
- 1761,
- 2010,
- 1763,
- 2008,
- 1765,
- 2006,
- 1768,
- 2005,
- 1771,
- 2004,
- 1774,
- 2004,
- 1777,
- 2008,
- 1777,
- 2008,
- 1775,
- 2009,
- 1773,
- 2010,
- 1771,
- 2012,
- 1769,
- 2014,
- 1767,
- 2016,
- 1765,
- 2018,
- 1764,
- 2020,
- 1763,
- 2022,
+ 2022, 1759, 2019, 1759, 2016, 1760, 2013, 1761, 2010, 1763, 2008, 1765, 2006,
+ 1768, 2005, 1771, 2004, 1774, 2004, 1777, 2008, 1777, 2008, 1775, 2009, 1773,
+ 2010, 1771, 2012, 1769, 2014, 1767, 2016, 1765, 2018, 1764, 2020, 1763, 2022,
[2004, 1777, 2004, 1784, 2008, 1784, 2008, 1777],
- 2004,
- 1784,
- 2004,
- 1786,
- 2003,
- 1788,
- 2002,
- 1790,
- 2000,
- 1792,
- 1998,
- 1794,
- 1996,
- 1796,
- 1994,
- 1797,
- 1992,
- 1798,
- 1990,
- 1798,
- 1990,
- 1802,
- 1993,
- 1802,
- 1996,
- 1801,
- 1999,
- 1800,
- 2002,
- 1798,
- 2004,
- 1796,
- 2006,
- 1793,
- 2007,
- 1790,
- 2008,
- 1787,
- 2008,
+ 2004, 1784, 2004, 1786, 2003, 1788, 2002, 1790, 2000, 1792, 1998, 1794, 1996,
+ 1796, 1994, 1797, 1992, 1798, 1990, 1798, 1990, 1802, 1993, 1802, 1996, 1801,
+ 1999, 1800, 2002, 1798, 2004, 1796, 2006, 1793, 2007, 1790, 2008, 1787, 2008,
[1990, 1798, 1570, 1798, 1570, 1802, 1990, 1802],
@@ -4349,46 +1060,9 @@
',': [
[1132, 255, 1132, 245, 1136, 245, 1136, 255],
- 1136,
- 245,
- 1136,
- 241,
- 1135,
- 237,
- 1133,
- 234,
- 1131,
- 231,
- 1128,
- 228,
- 1125,
- 226,
- 1122,
- 224,
- 1118,
- 223,
- 1114,
- 223,
- 1114,
- 227,
- 1117,
- 227,
- 1119,
- 228,
- 1122,
- 230,
- 1125,
- 232,
- 1127,
- 234,
- 1129,
- 237,
- 1131,
- 240,
- 1132,
- 242,
- 1132,
- 245,
+ 1136, 245, 1136, 241, 1135, 237, 1133, 234, 1131, 231, 1128, 228, 1125, 226,
+ 1122, 224, 1118, 223, 1114, 223, 1114, 227, 1117, 227, 1119, 228, 1122, 230,
+ 1125, 232, 1127, 234, 1129, 237, 1131, 240, 1132, 242, 1132, 245,
[1114, 223, 1093, 223, 1093, 227, 1114, 227],
@@ -4397,45 +1071,9 @@
[1719, 1328, 1899, 1328, 1899, 1332, 1719, 1332],
[1822, 1830, 1822, 1350, 1826, 1350, 1826, 1830],
- 1822,
- 1350,
- 1822,
- 1346,
- 1823,
- 1342,
- 1825,
- 1339,
- 1827,
- 1336,
- 1830,
- 1333,
- 1833,
- 1331,
- 1836,
- 1329,
- 1840,
- 1328,
- 1844,
- 1328,
- 1844,
- 1332,
- 1841,
- 1332,
- 1839,
- 1333,
- 1836,
- 1335,
- 1833,
- 1337,
- 1831,
- 1339,
- 1829,
- 1342,
- 1827,
- 1345,
- 1826,
- 1347,
- 1826,
+ 1822, 1350, 1822, 1346, 1823, 1342, 1825, 1339, 1827, 1336, 1830, 1333, 1833,
+ 1331, 1836, 1329, 1840, 1328, 1844, 1328, 1844, 1332, 1841, 1332, 1839, 1333,
+ 1836, 1335, 1833, 1337, 1831, 1339, 1829, 1342, 1827, 1345, 1826, 1347, 1826,
[1844, 1328, 1901, 1328, 1901, 1332, 1844, 1332],
@@ -4444,392 +1082,61 @@
K01641: [
[1719, 1328, 1753, 1328, 1753, 1332, 1719, 1332],
- 1753,
- 1328,
- 1755,
- 1328,
- 1758,
- 1327,
- 1760,
- 1325,
- 1763,
- 1324,
- 1765,
- 1322,
- 1766,
- 1319,
- 1768,
- 1317,
- 1769,
- 1314,
- 1769,
- 1312,
- 1773,
- 1312,
- 1773,
- 1316,
- 1772,
- 1319,
- 1770,
- 1322,
- 1768,
- 1325,
- 1766,
- 1327,
- 1763,
- 1329,
- 1760,
- 1331,
- 1757,
- 1332,
- 1753,
+ 1753, 1328, 1755, 1328, 1758, 1327, 1760, 1325, 1763, 1324, 1765, 1322, 1766,
+ 1319, 1768, 1317, 1769, 1314, 1769, 1312, 1773, 1312, 1773, 1316, 1772, 1319,
+ 1770, 1322, 1768, 1325, 1766, 1327, 1763, 1329, 1760, 1331, 1757, 1332, 1753,
[1769, 1312, 1769, 965, 1773, 965, 1773, 1312],
- 1769,
- 965,
- 1769,
- 961,
- 1770,
- 958,
- 1772,
- 955,
- 1774,
- 952,
- 1776,
- 950,
- 1779,
- 948,
- 1782,
- 946,
- 1785,
- 945,
- 1789,
- 945,
- 1789,
- 949,
- 1787,
- 949,
- 1784,
- 950,
- 1782,
- 952,
- 1779,
- 953,
- 1777,
- 955,
- 1776,
- 958,
- 1774,
- 960,
- 1773,
- 963,
- 1773,
- 965,
+ 1769, 965, 1769, 961, 1770, 958, 1772, 955, 1774, 952, 1776, 950, 1779, 948,
+ 1782, 946, 1785, 945, 1789, 945, 1789, 949, 1787, 949, 1784, 950, 1782, 952,
+ 1779, 953, 1777, 955, 1776, 958, 1774, 960, 1773, 963, 1773, 965,
[1789, 945, 2232, 945, 2232, 949, 1789, 949],
- 2232,
- 949,
- 2236,
- 948,
- 2239,
- 948,
- 2242,
- 949,
- 2245,
- 950,
- 2247,
- 952,
- 2248,
- 955,
- 2249,
- 958,
- 2249,
- 961,
- 2248,
- 965,
- 2252,
- 965,
- 2250,
- 963,
- 2249,
- 960,
- 2247,
- 958,
- 2244,
- 955,
- 2242,
- 953,
- 2239,
- 950,
- 2237,
- 948,
- 2234,
- 947,
- 2232,
- 945,
+ 2232, 949, 2236, 948, 2239, 948, 2242, 949, 2245, 950, 2247, 952, 2248, 955,
+ 2249, 958, 2249, 961, 2248, 965, 2252, 965, 2250, 963, 2249, 960, 2247, 958,
+ 2244, 955, 2242, 953, 2239, 950, 2237, 948, 2234, 947, 2232, 945,
[2248, 965, 2248, 1359, 2252, 1359, 2252, 965],
[2248, 1360, 2248, 965, 2252, 965, 2252, 1360],
- 2252,
- 965,
- 2252,
- 961,
- 2251,
- 958,
- 2249,
- 955,
- 2247,
- 952,
- 2245,
- 950,
- 2242,
- 948,
- 2239,
- 946,
- 2236,
- 945,
- 2232,
- 945,
- 2232,
- 949,
- 2234,
- 949,
- 2237,
- 950,
- 2239,
- 952,
- 2242,
- 953,
- 2244,
- 955,
- 2245,
- 958,
- 2247,
- 960,
- 2248,
- 963,
- 2248,
- 965,
+ 2252, 965, 2252, 961, 2251, 958, 2249, 955, 2247, 952, 2245, 950, 2242, 948,
+ 2239, 946, 2236, 945, 2232, 945, 2232, 949, 2234, 949, 2237, 950, 2239, 952,
+ 2242, 953, 2244, 955, 2245, 958, 2247, 960, 2248, 963, 2248, 965,
[2232, 945, 981, 945, 981, 949, 2232, 949],
- 981,
- 945,
- 977,
- 945,
- 974,
- 946,
- 971,
- 948,
- 968,
- 950,
- 966,
- 952,
- 964,
- 955,
- 962,
- 958,
- 961,
- 961,
- 961,
- 965,
- 965,
- 965,
- 965,
- 963,
- 966,
- 960,
- 968,
- 958,
- 969,
- 955,
- 971,
- 953,
- 974,
- 952,
- 976,
- 950,
- 979,
- 949,
- 981,
- 949,
+ 981, 945, 977, 945, 974, 946, 971, 948, 968, 950, 966, 952, 964, 955, 962, 958,
+ 961, 961, 961, 965, 965, 965, 965, 963, 966, 960, 968, 958, 969, 955, 971, 953,
+ 974, 952, 976, 950, 979, 949, 981, 949,
[961, 965, 961, 1002, 965, 1002, 965, 965],
- 965,
- 1002,
- 965,
- 1004,
- 966,
- 1007,
- 968,
- 1009,
- 969,
- 1012,
- 971,
- 1014,
- 974,
- 1015,
- 976,
- 1017,
- 979,
- 1018,
- 981,
- 1018,
- 981,
- 1022,
- 977,
- 1022,
- 974,
- 1021,
- 971,
- 1019,
- 968,
- 1017,
- 966,
- 1015,
- 964,
- 1012,
- 962,
- 1009,
- 961,
- 1006,
- 961,
- 1002,
+ 965, 1002, 965, 1004, 966, 1007, 968, 1009, 969, 1012, 971, 1014, 974, 1015,
+ 976, 1017, 979, 1018, 981, 1018, 981, 1022, 977, 1022, 974, 1021, 971, 1019,
+ 968, 1017, 966, 1015, 964, 1012, 962, 1009, 961, 1006, 961, 1002,
[981, 1018, 992, 1018, 992, 1022, 981, 1022],
[1719, 1328, 1753, 1328, 1753, 1332, 1719, 1332],
- 1753,
- 1328,
- 1755,
- 1328,
- 1758,
- 1327,
- 1760,
- 1325,
- 1763,
- 1324,
- 1765,
- 1322,
- 1766,
- 1319,
- 1768,
- 1317,
- 1769,
- 1314,
- 1769,
- 1312,
- 1773,
- 1312,
- 1773,
- 1316,
- 1772,
- 1319,
- 1770,
- 1322,
- 1768,
- 1325,
- 1766,
- 1327,
- 1763,
- 1329,
- 1760,
- 1331,
- 1757,
- 1332,
- 1753,
+ 1753, 1328, 1755, 1328, 1758, 1327, 1760, 1325, 1763, 1324, 1765, 1322, 1766,
+ 1319, 1768, 1317, 1769, 1314, 1769, 1312, 1773, 1312, 1773, 1316, 1772, 1319,
+ 1770, 1322, 1768, 1325, 1766, 1327, 1763, 1329, 1760, 1331, 1757, 1332, 1753,
[1769, 1312, 1769, 965, 1773, 965, 1773, 1312],
- 1769,
- 965,
- 1769,
- 961,
- 1770,
- 958,
- 1772,
- 955,
- 1774,
- 952,
- 1776,
- 950,
- 1779,
- 948,
- 1782,
- 946,
- 1785,
- 945,
- 1789,
- 945,
- 1789,
- 949,
- 1787,
- 949,
- 1784,
- 950,
- 1782,
- 952,
- 1779,
- 953,
- 1777,
- 955,
- 1776,
- 958,
- 1774,
- 960,
- 1773,
- 963,
- 1773,
- 965,
+ 1769, 965, 1769, 961, 1770, 958, 1772, 955, 1774, 952, 1776, 950, 1779, 948,
+ 1782, 946, 1785, 945, 1789, 945, 1789, 949, 1787, 949, 1784, 950, 1782, 952,
+ 1779, 953, 1777, 955, 1776, 958, 1774, 960, 1773, 963, 1773, 965,
[1789, 945, 2232, 945, 2232, 949, 1789, 949],
- 2232,
- 949,
- 2236,
- 948,
- 2239,
- 948,
- 2242,
- 949,
- 2245,
- 950,
- 2247,
- 952,
- 2248,
- 955,
- 2249,
- 958,
- 2249,
- 961,
- 2248,
- 965,
- 2252,
- 965,
- 2250,
- 963,
- 2249,
- 960,
- 2247,
- 958,
- 2244,
- 955,
- 2242,
- 953,
- 2239,
- 950,
- 2237,
- 948,
- 2234,
- 947,
- 2232,
- 945,
+ 2232, 949, 2236, 948, 2239, 948, 2242, 949, 2245, 950, 2247, 952, 2248, 955,
+ 2249, 958, 2249, 961, 2248, 965, 2252, 965, 2250, 963, 2249, 960, 2247, 958,
+ 2244, 955, 2242, 953, 2239, 950, 2237, 948, 2234, 947, 2232, 945,
[2248, 965, 2248, 1359, 2252, 1359, 2252, 965],
@@ -4843,46 +1150,9 @@
K01791: [
[1559, 667, 1630, 667, 1630, 671, 1559, 671],
- 1630,
- 671,
- 1635,
- 670,
- 1640,
- 671,
- 1644,
- 672,
- 1647,
- 674,
- 1651,
- 678,
- 1653,
- 681,
- 1654,
- 685,
- 1655,
- 690,
- 1654,
- 695,
- 1658,
- 695,
- 1656,
- 691,
- 1654,
- 687,
- 1651,
- 684,
- 1648,
- 680,
- 1645,
- 677,
- 1641,
- 674,
- 1638,
- 671,
- 1634,
- 669,
- 1630,
- 667,
+ 1630, 671, 1635, 670, 1640, 671, 1644, 672, 1647, 674, 1651, 678, 1653, 681,
+ 1654, 685, 1655, 690, 1654, 695, 1658, 695, 1656, 691, 1654, 687, 1651, 684,
+ 1648, 680, 1645, 677, 1641, 674, 1638, 671, 1634, 669, 1630, 667,
[1654, 695, 1654, 800, 1658, 800, 1658, 695],
[1654, 798, 1654, 862, 1658, 862, 1658, 798],
@@ -4891,89 +1161,15 @@
[1625, 715, 1625, 775, 1629, 775, 1629, 715],
[1769, 1426, 1769, 766, 1773, 766, 1773, 1426],
- 1773,
- 766,
- 1773,
- 762,
- 1772,
- 758,
- 1770,
- 755,
- 1768,
- 752,
- 1765,
- 749,
- 1762,
- 747,
- 1759,
- 745,
- 1755,
- 744,
- 1751,
- 744,
- 1751,
- 748,
- 1754,
- 748,
- 1756,
- 749,
- 1759,
- 751,
- 1762,
- 753,
- 1764,
- 755,
- 1766,
- 758,
- 1768,
- 761,
- 1769,
- 763,
- 1769,
- 766,
+ 1773, 766, 1773, 762, 1772, 758, 1770, 755, 1768, 752, 1765, 749, 1762, 747,
+ 1759, 745, 1755, 744, 1751, 744, 1751, 748, 1754, 748, 1756, 749, 1759, 751,
+ 1762, 753, 1764, 755, 1766, 758, 1768, 761, 1769, 763, 1769, 766,
[1751, 744, 1647, 744, 1647, 748, 1751, 748],
- 1647,
- 744,
- 1643,
- 744,
- 1639,
- 745,
- 1636,
- 747,
- 1633,
- 749,
- 1630,
- 752,
- 1628,
- 755,
- 1626,
- 758,
- 1625,
- 762,
- 1625,
- 766,
- 1629,
- 766,
- 1629,
- 763,
- 1630,
- 761,
- 1632,
- 758,
- 1634,
- 755,
- 1636,
- 753,
- 1639,
- 751,
- 1642,
- 749,
- 1644,
- 748,
- 1647,
- 748,
+ 1647, 744, 1643, 744, 1639, 745, 1636, 747, 1633, 749, 1630, 752, 1628, 755,
+ 1626, 758, 1625, 762, 1625, 766, 1629, 766, 1629, 763, 1630, 761, 1632, 758,
+ 1634, 755, 1636, 753, 1639, 751, 1642, 749, 1644, 748, 1647, 748,
[1625, 766, 1625, 774, 1629, 774, 1629, 766],
@@ -4997,46 +1193,9 @@
K12448: [
[1862, 309, 1862, 352, 1866, 352, 1866, 309],
- 1866,
- 352,
- 1866,
- 355,
- 1867,
- 357,
- 1869,
- 360,
- 1871,
- 363,
- 1873,
- 365,
- 1876,
- 367,
- 1879,
- 369,
- 1881,
- 370,
- 1884,
- 370,
- 1884,
- 374,
- 1880,
- 374,
- 1876,
- 373,
- 1873,
- 371,
- 1870,
- 369,
- 1867,
- 366,
- 1865,
- 363,
- 1863,
- 360,
- 1862,
- 356,
- 1862,
- 352,
+ 1866, 352, 1866, 355, 1867, 357, 1869, 360, 1871, 363, 1873, 365, 1876, 367,
+ 1879, 369, 1881, 370, 1884, 370, 1884, 374, 1880, 374, 1876, 373, 1873, 371,
+ 1870, 369, 1867, 366, 1865, 363, 1863, 360, 1862, 356, 1862, 352,
[1884, 370, 1977, 370, 1977, 374, 1884, 374],
@@ -5044,45 +1203,9 @@
K10702: [
[1366, 1823, 1366, 1979, 1370, 1979, 1370, 1823],
- 1370,
- 1979,
- 1370,
- 1982,
- 1371,
- 1984,
- 1373,
- 1987,
- 1375,
- 1990,
- 1377,
- 1992,
- 1380,
- 1994,
- 1383,
- 1996,
- 1385,
- 1997,
- 1388,
- 1997,
- 1388,
- 2001,
- 1384,
- 2001,
- 1380,
- 2000,
- 1377,
- 1998,
- 1374,
- 1996,
- 1371,
- 1993,
- 1369,
- 1990,
- 1367,
- 1987,
- 1366,
- 1983,
- 1366,
+ 1370, 1979, 1370, 1982, 1371, 1984, 1373, 1987, 1375, 1990, 1377, 1992, 1380,
+ 1994, 1383, 1996, 1385, 1997, 1388, 1997, 1388, 2001, 1384, 2001, 1380, 2000,
+ 1377, 1998, 1374, 1996, 1371, 1993, 1369, 1990, 1367, 1987, 1366, 1983, 1366,
[1388, 1997, 1435, 1997, 1435, 2001, 1388, 2001],
@@ -5091,307 +1214,48 @@
K01738: [
[2391, 948, 2391, 989, 2395, 989, 2395, 948],
- 2395,
- 989,
- 2395,
- 992,
- 2396,
- 994,
- 2398,
- 997,
- 2400,
- 1000,
- 2402,
- 1002,
- 2405,
- 1004,
- 2408,
- 1006,
- 2410,
- 1007,
- 2413,
- 1007,
- 2413,
- 1011,
- 2409,
- 1011,
- 2405,
- 1010,
- 2402,
- 1008,
- 2399,
- 1006,
- 2396,
- 1003,
- 2394,
- 1000,
- 2392,
- 997,
- 2391,
- 993,
- 2391,
- 989,
+ 2395, 989, 2395, 992, 2396, 994, 2398, 997, 2400, 1000, 2402, 1002, 2405, 1004,
+ 2408, 1006, 2410, 1007, 2413, 1007, 2413, 1011, 2409, 1011, 2405, 1010, 2402,
+ 1008, 2399, 1006, 2396, 1003, 2394, 1000, 2392, 997, 2391, 993, 2391, 989,
[2413, 1007, 2541, 1007, 2541, 1011, 2413, 1011],
- 2541,
- 1007,
- 2544,
- 1007,
- 2546,
- 1006,
- 2549,
- 1004,
- 2552,
- 1002,
- 2554,
- 1000,
- 2556,
- 997,
- 2558,
- 994,
- 2559,
- 992,
- 2559,
- 989,
- 2563,
- 989,
- 2563,
- 993,
- 2562,
- 997,
- 2560,
- 1000,
- 2558,
- 1003,
- 2555,
- 1006,
- 2552,
- 1008,
- 2549,
- 1010,
- 2545,
- 1011,
- 2541,
- 1011,
+ 2541, 1007, 2544, 1007, 2546, 1006, 2549, 1004, 2552, 1002, 2554, 1000, 2556,
+ 997, 2558, 994, 2559, 992, 2559, 989, 2563, 989, 2563, 993, 2562, 997, 2560,
+ 1000, 2558, 1003, 2555, 1006, 2552, 1008, 2549, 1010, 2545, 1011, 2541, 1011,
[2559, 989, 2559, 924, 2563, 924, 2563, 989],
[2559, 924, 2559, 989, 2563, 989, 2563, 924],
- 2559,
- 989,
- 2559,
- 992,
- 2558,
- 994,
- 2556,
- 997,
- 2554,
- 1000,
- 2552,
- 1002,
- 2549,
- 1004,
- 2546,
- 1006,
- 2544,
- 1007,
- 2541,
- 1007,
- 2541,
- 1011,
- 2545,
- 1011,
- 2549,
- 1010,
- 2552,
- 1008,
- 2555,
- 1006,
- 2558,
- 1003,
- 2560,
- 1000,
- 2562,
- 997,
- 2563,
- 993,
- 2563,
- 989,
+ 2559, 989, 2559, 992, 2558, 994, 2556, 997, 2554, 1000, 2552, 1002, 2549, 1004,
+ 2546, 1006, 2544, 1007, 2541, 1007, 2541, 1011, 2545, 1011, 2549, 1010, 2552,
+ 1008, 2555, 1006, 2558, 1003, 2560, 1000, 2562, 997, 2563, 993, 2563, 989,
[2541, 1007, 2285, 1007, 2285, 1011, 2541, 1011],
[2391, 948, 2391, 989, 2395, 989, 2395, 948],
- 2395,
- 989,
- 2395,
- 992,
- 2396,
- 994,
- 2398,
- 997,
- 2400,
- 1000,
- 2402,
- 1002,
- 2405,
- 1004,
- 2408,
- 1006,
- 2410,
- 1007,
- 2413,
- 1007,
- 2413,
- 1011,
- 2409,
- 1011,
- 2405,
- 1010,
- 2402,
- 1008,
- 2399,
- 1006,
- 2396,
- 1003,
- 2394,
- 1000,
- 2392,
- 997,
- 2391,
- 993,
- 2391,
- 989,
+ 2395, 989, 2395, 992, 2396, 994, 2398, 997, 2400, 1000, 2402, 1002, 2405, 1004,
+ 2408, 1006, 2410, 1007, 2413, 1007, 2413, 1011, 2409, 1011, 2405, 1010, 2402,
+ 1008, 2399, 1006, 2396, 1003, 2394, 1000, 2392, 997, 2391, 993, 2391, 989,
[2413, 1007, 2541, 1007, 2541, 1011, 2413, 1011],
- 2541,
- 1007,
- 2544,
- 1007,
- 2546,
- 1006,
- 2549,
- 1004,
- 2552,
- 1002,
- 2554,
- 1000,
- 2556,
- 997,
- 2558,
- 994,
- 2559,
- 992,
- 2559,
- 989,
- 2563,
- 989,
- 2563,
- 993,
- 2562,
- 997,
- 2560,
- 1000,
- 2558,
- 1003,
- 2555,
- 1006,
- 2552,
- 1008,
- 2549,
- 1010,
- 2545,
- 1011,
- 2541,
- 1011,
+ 2541, 1007, 2544, 1007, 2546, 1006, 2549, 1004, 2552, 1002, 2554, 1000, 2556,
+ 997, 2558, 994, 2559, 992, 2559, 989, 2563, 989, 2563, 993, 2562, 997, 2560,
+ 1000, 2558, 1003, 2555, 1006, 2552, 1008, 2549, 1010, 2545, 1011, 2541, 1011,
[2559, 989, 2559, 924, 2563, 924, 2563, 989],
[2559, 924, 2559, 948, 2563, 948, 2563, 924],
- 2559,
- 948,
- 2559,
- 951,
- 2558,
- 953,
- 2556,
- 956,
- 2554,
- 959,
- 2552,
- 961,
- 2549,
- 963,
- 2546,
- 965,
- 2544,
- 966,
- 2541,
- 966,
- 2541,
- 970,
- 2545,
- 970,
- 2549,
- 969,
- 2552,
- 967,
- 2555,
- 965,
- 2558,
- 962,
- 2560,
- 959,
- 2562,
- 956,
- 2563,
- 952,
- 2563,
- 948,
+ 2559, 948, 2559, 951, 2558, 953, 2556, 956, 2554, 959, 2552, 961, 2549, 963,
+ 2546, 965, 2544, 966, 2541, 966, 2541, 970, 2545, 970, 2549, 969, 2552, 967,
+ 2555, 965, 2558, 962, 2560, 959, 2562, 956, 2563, 952, 2563, 948,
[2541, 966, 2306, 966, 2306, 970, 2541, 970],
- 2306,
- 966,
- 2302,
- 966,
- 2298,
- 967,
- 2295,
- 969,
- 2292,
- 971,
- 2289,
- 974,
- 2287,
- 977,
- 2285,
- 980,
- 2284,
- 984,
- 2284,
- 988,
- 2288,
- 988,
- 2288,
- 985,
- 2289,
- 983,
- 2291,
- 980,
- 2293,
- 977,
- 2295,
- 975,
- 2298,
- 973,
- 2301,
- 971,
- 2303,
- 970,
- 2306,
- 970,
+ 2306, 966, 2302, 966, 2298, 967, 2295, 969, 2292, 971, 2289, 974, 2287, 977,
+ 2285, 980, 2284, 984, 2284, 988, 2288, 988, 2288, 985, 2289, 983, 2291, 980,
+ 2293, 977, 2295, 975, 2298, 973, 2301, 971, 2303, 970, 2306, 970,
[2284, 988, 2284, 1010, 2288, 1010, 2288, 988],
@@ -5400,263 +1264,47 @@
K02257: [
[1665, 1926, 1667, 1926, 1667, 1930, 1665, 1930],
- 1667,
- 1930,
- 1673,
- 1929,
- 1679,
- 1930,
- 1684,
- 1932,
- 1689,
- 1935,
- 1693,
- 1939,
- 1696,
- 1944,
- 1698,
- 1949,
- 1699,
- 1955,
- 1698,
- 1961,
- 1702,
- 1961,
- 1700,
- 1956,
- 1698,
- 1951,
- 1694,
- 1947,
- 1690,
- 1942,
- 1686,
- 1938,
- 1681,
- 1934,
- 1677,
- 1930,
- 1672,
- 1928,
- 1667,
+ 1667, 1930, 1673, 1929, 1679, 1930, 1684, 1932, 1689, 1935, 1693, 1939, 1696,
+ 1944, 1698, 1949, 1699, 1955, 1698, 1961, 1702, 1961, 1700, 1956, 1698, 1951,
+ 1694, 1947, 1690, 1942, 1686, 1938, 1681, 1934, 1677, 1930, 1672, 1928, 1667,
[1698, 1961, 1698, 1965, 1702, 1965, 1702, 1961],
- 1698,
- 1965,
- 1697,
- 1970,
- 1696,
- 1975,
- 1693,
- 1979,
- 1690,
- 1984,
- 1686,
- 1988,
- 1681,
- 1991,
- 1677,
- 1994,
- 1672,
- 1995,
- 1667,
- 1996,
- 1667,
- 2000,
- 1673,
- 1999,
- 1679,
- 1998,
- 1684,
- 1995,
- 1689,
- 1991,
- 1693,
- 1987,
- 1697,
- 1982,
- 1700,
- 1977,
- 1701,
- 1971,
- 1702,
+ 1698, 1965, 1697, 1970, 1696, 1975, 1693, 1979, 1690, 1984, 1686, 1988, 1681,
+ 1991, 1677, 1994, 1672, 1995, 1667, 1996, 1667, 2000, 1673, 1999, 1679, 1998,
+ 1684, 1995, 1689, 1991, 1693, 1987, 1697, 1982, 1700, 1977, 1701, 1971, 1702,
[1667, 1996, 1665, 1996, 1665, 2000, 1667, 2000],
[1698, 1908, 1698, 2014, 1702, 2014, 1702, 1908],
[1665, 1926, 1667, 1926, 1667, 1930, 1665, 1930],
- 1667,
- 1930,
- 1673,
- 1929,
- 1679,
- 1930,
- 1684,
- 1932,
- 1689,
- 1935,
- 1693,
- 1939,
- 1696,
- 1944,
- 1698,
- 1949,
- 1699,
- 1955,
- 1698,
- 1961,
- 1702,
- 1961,
- 1700,
- 1956,
- 1698,
- 1951,
- 1694,
- 1947,
- 1690,
- 1942,
- 1686,
- 1938,
- 1681,
- 1934,
- 1677,
- 1930,
- 1672,
- 1928,
- 1667,
+ 1667, 1930, 1673, 1929, 1679, 1930, 1684, 1932, 1689, 1935, 1693, 1939, 1696,
+ 1944, 1698, 1949, 1699, 1955, 1698, 1961, 1702, 1961, 1700, 1956, 1698, 1951,
+ 1694, 1947, 1690, 1942, 1686, 1938, 1681, 1934, 1677, 1930, 1672, 1928, 1667,
[1698, 1961, 1698, 1965, 1702, 1965, 1702, 1961],
- 1698,
- 1965,
- 1697,
- 1970,
- 1696,
- 1975,
- 1693,
- 1979,
- 1690,
- 1984,
- 1686,
- 1988,
- 1681,
- 1991,
- 1677,
- 1994,
- 1672,
- 1995,
- 1667,
- 1996,
- 1667,
- 2000,
- 1673,
- 1999,
- 1679,
- 1998,
- 1684,
- 1995,
- 1689,
- 1991,
- 1693,
- 1987,
- 1697,
- 1982,
- 1700,
- 1977,
- 1701,
- 1971,
- 1702,
+ 1698, 1965, 1697, 1970, 1696, 1975, 1693, 1979, 1690, 1984, 1686, 1988, 1681,
+ 1991, 1677, 1994, 1672, 1995, 1667, 1996, 1667, 2000, 1673, 1999, 1679, 1998,
+ 1684, 1995, 1689, 1991, 1693, 1987, 1697, 1982, 1700, 1977, 1701, 1971, 1702,
[1667, 1996, 1665, 1996, 1665, 2000, 1667, 2000],
[1735, 1996, 1733, 1996, 1733, 2000, 1735, 2000],
- 1733,
- 2000,
- 1728,
- 1998,
- 1723,
- 1996,
- 1719,
- 1992,
- 1714,
- 1988,
- 1710,
- 1984,
- 1706,
- 1979,
- 1702,
- 1975,
- 1700,
- 1970,
- 1698,
- 1965,
- 1702,
- 1965,
- 1701,
- 1971,
- 1702,
- 1977,
- 1704,
- 1982,
- 1707,
- 1987,
- 1711,
- 1991,
- 1716,
- 1994,
- 1721,
- 1996,
- 1727,
- 1997,
- 1733,
+ 1733, 2000, 1728, 1998, 1723, 1996, 1719, 1992, 1714, 1988, 1710, 1984, 1706,
+ 1979, 1702, 1975, 1700, 1970, 1698, 1965, 1702, 1965, 1701, 1971, 1702, 1977,
+ 1704, 1982, 1707, 1987, 1711, 1991, 1716, 1994, 1721, 1996, 1727, 1997, 1733,
[1698, 1965, 1698, 1961, 1702, 1961, 1702, 1965],
- 1698,
- 1961,
- 1699,
- 1955,
- 1700,
- 1949,
- 1703,
- 1944,
- 1707,
- 1939,
- 1711,
- 1935,
- 1716,
- 1931,
- 1721,
- 1928,
- 1727,
- 1927,
- 1733,
- 1926,
- 1733,
- 1930,
- 1728,
- 1931,
- 1723,
- 1932,
- 1719,
- 1935,
- 1714,
- 1938,
- 1710,
- 1942,
- 1707,
- 1947,
- 1704,
- 1951,
- 1703,
- 1956,
- 1702,
+ 1698, 1961, 1699, 1955, 1700, 1949, 1703, 1944, 1707, 1939, 1711, 1935, 1716,
+ 1931, 1721, 1928, 1727, 1927, 1733, 1926, 1733, 1930, 1728, 1931, 1723, 1932,
+ 1719, 1935, 1714, 1938, 1710, 1942, 1707, 1947, 1704, 1951, 1703, 1956, 1702,
[1733, 1926, 1735, 1926, 1735, 1930, 1733, 1930],
@@ -5673,92 +1321,18 @@
'5.1.2.-,': [
[713, 1915, 713, 1927, 717, 1927, 717, 1915],
- 717,
- 1927,
- 717,
- 1930,
- 718,
- 1932,
- 720,
- 1935,
- 722,
- 1938,
- 724,
- 1940,
- 727,
- 1942,
- 730,
- 1944,
- 732,
- 1945,
- 735,
- 1945,
- 735,
- 1949,
- 731,
- 1949,
- 727,
- 1948,
- 724,
- 1946,
- 721,
- 1944,
- 718,
- 1941,
- 716,
- 1938,
- 714,
- 1935,
- 713,
- 1931,
- 713,
- 1927,
+ 717, 1927, 717, 1930, 718, 1932, 720, 1935, 722, 1938, 724, 1940, 727, 1942,
+ 730, 1944, 732, 1945, 735, 1945, 735, 1949, 731, 1949, 727, 1948, 724, 1946,
+ 721, 1944, 718, 1941, 716, 1938, 714, 1935, 713, 1931, 713, 1927,
[735, 1945, 758, 1945, 758, 1949, 735, 1949],
R04701: [
[3096, 711, 3066, 711, 3066, 715, 3096, 715],
- 3066,
- 711,
- 3062,
- 711,
- 3058,
- 712,
- 3055,
- 714,
- 3052,
- 716,
- 3049,
- 719,
- 3047,
- 722,
- 3045,
- 725,
- 3044,
- 729,
- 3044,
- 733,
- 3048,
- 733,
- 3048,
- 730,
- 3049,
- 728,
- 3051,
- 725,
- 3053,
- 722,
- 3055,
- 720,
- 3058,
- 718,
- 3061,
- 716,
- 3063,
- 715,
- 3066,
- 715,
+ 3066, 711, 3062, 711, 3058, 712, 3055, 714, 3052, 716, 3049, 719, 3047, 722,
+ 3045, 725, 3044, 729, 3044, 733, 3048, 733, 3048, 730, 3049, 728, 3051, 725,
+ 3053, 722, 3055, 720, 3058, 718, 3061, 716, 3063, 715, 3066, 715,
[3044, 733, 3044, 736, 3048, 736, 3048, 733],
@@ -5779,46 +1353,9 @@
K00568: [
[3104, 992, 3144, 992, 3144, 996, 3104, 996],
- 3144,
- 992,
- 3147,
- 992,
- 3149,
- 991,
- 3152,
- 989,
- 3155,
- 987,
- 3157,
- 985,
- 3159,
- 982,
- 3161,
- 979,
- 3162,
- 977,
- 3162,
- 974,
- 3166,
- 974,
- 3166,
- 978,
- 3165,
- 982,
- 3163,
- 985,
- 3161,
- 988,
- 3158,
- 991,
- 3155,
- 993,
- 3152,
- 995,
- 3148,
- 996,
- 3144,
- 996,
+ 3144, 992, 3147, 992, 3149, 991, 3152, 989, 3155, 987, 3157, 985, 3159, 982,
+ 3161, 979, 3162, 977, 3162, 974, 3166, 974, 3166, 978, 3165, 982, 3163, 985,
+ 3161, 988, 3158, 991, 3155, 993, 3152, 995, 3148, 996, 3144, 996,
[3162, 974, 3162, 956, 3166, 956, 3166, 974],
@@ -5827,227 +1364,42 @@
[958, 424, 958, 526, 962, 526, 962, 424],
[522, 741, 755, 741, 755, 745, 522, 745],
- 755,
- 741,
- 758,
- 741,
- 760,
- 740,
- 763,
- 738,
- 766,
- 736,
- 768,
- 734,
- 770,
- 731,
- 772,
- 728,
- 773,
- 726,
- 773,
- 723,
- 777,
- 723,
- 777,
- 727,
- 776,
- 731,
- 774,
- 734,
- 772,
- 737,
- 769,
- 740,
- 766,
- 742,
- 763,
- 744,
- 759,
- 745,
- 755,
- 745,
+ 755, 741, 758, 741, 760, 740, 763, 738, 766, 736, 768, 734, 770, 731, 772, 728,
+ 773, 726, 773, 723, 777, 723, 777, 727, 776, 731, 774, 734, 772, 737, 769, 740,
+ 766, 742, 763, 744, 759, 745, 755, 745,
[773, 723, 773, 546, 777, 546, 777, 723],
- 773,
- 546,
- 773,
- 542,
- 774,
- 538,
- 776,
- 535,
- 778,
- 532,
- 781,
- 529,
- 784,
- 527,
- 787,
- 525,
- 791,
- 524,
- 795,
- 524,
- 795,
- 528,
- 792,
- 528,
- 790,
- 529,
- 787,
- 531,
- 784,
- 533,
- 782,
- 535,
- 780,
- 538,
- 778,
- 541,
- 777,
- 543,
- 777,
- 546,
+ 773, 546, 773, 542, 774, 538, 776, 535, 778, 532, 781, 529, 784, 527, 787, 525,
+ 791, 524, 795, 524, 795, 528, 792, 528, 790, 529, 787, 531, 784, 533, 782, 535,
+ 780, 538, 778, 541, 777, 543, 777, 546,
[795, 524, 960, 524, 960, 528, 795, 528],
[1241, 926, 1282, 926, 1282, 930, 1241, 930],
[1029, 927, 1079, 927, 1079, 931, 1029, 931],
[571, 593, 571, 546, 575, 546, 575, 593],
- 571,
- 546,
- 571,
- 542,
- 572,
- 538,
- 574,
- 535,
- 576,
- 532,
- 579,
- 529,
- 582,
- 527,
- 585,
- 525,
- 589,
- 524,
- 593,
- 524,
- 593,
- 528,
- 590,
- 528,
- 588,
- 529,
- 585,
- 531,
- 582,
- 533,
- 580,
- 535,
- 578,
- 538,
- 576,
- 541,
- 575,
- 543,
- 575,
- 546,
+ 571, 546, 571, 542, 572, 538, 574, 535, 576, 532, 579, 529, 582, 527, 585, 525,
+ 589, 524, 593, 524, 593, 528, 590, 528, 588, 529, 585, 531, 582, 533, 580, 535,
+ 578, 538, 576, 541, 575, 543, 575, 546,
[593, 524, 961, 524, 961, 528, 593, 528],
K01784: [
[1497, 311, 1751, 311, 1751, 315, 1497, 315],
- 1751,
- 311,
- 1754,
- 311,
- 1756,
- 310,
- 1759,
- 308,
- 1762,
- 306,
- 1764,
- 304,
- 1766,
- 301,
- 1768,
- 298,
- 1769,
- 296,
- 1769,
- 293,
- 1773,
- 293,
- 1773,
- 297,
- 1772,
- 301,
- 1770,
- 304,
- 1768,
- 307,
- 1765,
- 310,
- 1762,
- 312,
- 1759,
- 314,
- 1755,
- 315,
- 1751,
- 315,
+ 1751, 311, 1754, 311, 1756, 310, 1759, 308, 1762, 306, 1764, 304, 1766, 301,
+ 1768, 298, 1769, 296, 1769, 293, 1773, 293, 1773, 297, 1772, 301, 1770, 304,
+ 1768, 307, 1765, 310, 1762, 312, 1759, 314, 1755, 315, 1751, 315,
[1769, 293, 1769, 266, 1773, 266, 1773, 293],
K00634: [
[933, 1351, 933, 1320, 937, 1320, 937, 1351],
- 933,
- 1320,
- 933,
- 1316,
- 934,
- 1312,
- 936,
- 1309,
- 938,
- 1306,
- 941,
- 1303,
- 944,
- 1301,
- 947,
- 1299,
- 951,
- 1298,
- 955,
- 1298,
- 955,
- 1302,
- 952,
- 1302,
- 950,
- 1303,
- 947,
- 1305,
- 944,
- 1307,
- 942,
- 1309,
- 940,
- 1312,
- 938,
- 1315,
- 937,
- 1317,
- 937,
- 1320,
+ 933, 1320, 933, 1316, 934, 1312, 936, 1309, 938, 1306, 941, 1303, 944, 1301,
+ 947, 1299, 951, 1298, 955, 1298, 955, 1302, 952, 1302, 950, 1303, 947, 1305,
+ 944, 1307, 942, 1309, 940, 1312, 938, 1315, 937, 1317, 937, 1320,
[955, 1298, 992, 1298, 992, 1302, 955, 1302],
@@ -6056,132 +1408,24 @@
K00164: [
[1898, 1357, 2073, 1357, 2073, 1361, 1898, 1361],
- 2073,
- 1357,
- 2077,
- 1357,
- 2081,
- 1355,
- 2085,
- 1353,
- 2089,
- 1350,
- 2092,
- 1347,
- 2095,
- 1343,
- 2097,
- 1339,
- 2099,
- 1335,
- 2099,
- 1331,
- 2103,
- 1331,
- 2102,
- 1336,
- 2101,
- 1341,
- 2099,
- 1346,
- 2096,
- 1350,
- 2092,
- 1354,
- 2088,
- 1357,
- 2083,
- 1359,
- 2078,
- 1360,
- 2073,
+ 2073, 1357, 2077, 1357, 2081, 1355, 2085, 1353, 2089, 1350, 2092, 1347, 2095,
+ 1343, 2097, 1339, 2099, 1335, 2099, 1331, 2103, 1331, 2102, 1336, 2101, 1341,
+ 2099, 1346, 2096, 1350, 2092, 1354, 2088, 1357, 2083, 1359, 2078, 1360, 2073,
[2099, 1331, 2099, 1330, 2103, 1330, 2103, 1331],
[1702, 1861, 1712, 1862, 1712, 1866, 1702, 1865],
- 1712,
- 1862,
- 1716,
- 1862,
- 1721,
- 1862,
- 1726,
- 1861,
- 1732,
- 1861,
- 1738,
- 1860,
- 1745,
- 1859,
- 1750,
- 1858,
- 1756,
- 1857,
- 1761,
- 1856,
- 1761,
- 1860,
- 1757,
- 1861,
- 1753,
- 1862,
- 1747,
- 1863,
- 1741,
- 1864,
- 1735,
- 1865,
- 1729,
- 1865,
- 1723,
- 1866,
- 1717,
- 1866,
- 1712,
+ 1712, 1862, 1716, 1862, 1721, 1862, 1726, 1861, 1732, 1861, 1738, 1860, 1745,
+ 1859, 1750, 1858, 1756, 1857, 1761, 1856, 1761, 1860, 1757, 1861, 1753, 1862,
+ 1747, 1863, 1741, 1864, 1735, 1865, 1729, 1865, 1723, 1866, 1717, 1866, 1712,
[1761, 1856, 1770, 1853, 1770, 1857, 1761, 1860],
- 1770,
- 1853,
- 1774,
- 1852,
- 1778,
- 1850,
- 1783,
- 1848,
- 1789,
- 1846,
- 1795,
- 1843,
- 1800,
- 1841,
- 1806,
- 1838,
- 1811,
- 1835,
- 1815,
- 1833,
- 1815,
- 1837,
- 1812,
- 1839,
- 1808,
- 1842,
- 1803,
- 1845,
- 1798,
- 1847,
- 1792,
- 1850,
- 1786,
- 1852,
- 1780,
- 1854,
- 1775,
- 1856,
- 1770,
+ 1770, 1853, 1774, 1852, 1778, 1850, 1783, 1848, 1789, 1846, 1795, 1843, 1800,
+ 1841, 1806, 1838, 1811, 1835, 1815, 1833, 1815, 1837, 1812, 1839, 1808, 1842,
+ 1803, 1845, 1798, 1847, 1792, 1850, 1786, 1852, 1780, 1854, 1775, 1856, 1770,
[1815, 1833, 1826, 1827, 1826, 1831, 1815, 1837],
@@ -6189,92 +1433,18 @@
K14184: [
[95, 1467, 95, 1486, 99, 1486, 99, 1467],
- 99,
- 1486,
- 99,
- 1489,
- 100,
- 1491,
- 102,
- 1494,
- 104,
- 1497,
- 106,
- 1499,
- 109,
- 1501,
- 112,
- 1503,
- 114,
- 1504,
- 117,
- 1504,
- 117,
- 1508,
- 113,
- 1508,
- 109,
- 1507,
- 106,
- 1505,
- 103,
- 1503,
- 100,
- 1500,
- 98,
- 1497,
- 96,
- 1494,
- 95,
- 1490,
- 95,
- 1486,
+ 99, 1486, 99, 1489, 100, 1491, 102, 1494, 104, 1497, 106, 1499, 109, 1501, 112,
+ 1503, 114, 1504, 117, 1504, 117, 1508, 113, 1508, 109, 1507, 106, 1505, 103,
+ 1503, 100, 1500, 98, 1497, 96, 1494, 95, 1490, 95, 1486,
[117, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 117, 1508],
K00949: [
[3396, 161, 3445, 161, 3445, 165, 3396, 165],
- 3445,
- 161,
- 3448,
- 161,
- 3450,
- 160,
- 3453,
- 158,
- 3456,
- 156,
- 3458,
- 154,
- 3460,
- 151,
- 3462,
- 148,
- 3463,
- 146,
- 3463,
- 143,
- 3467,
- 143,
- 3467,
- 147,
- 3466,
- 151,
- 3464,
- 154,
- 3462,
- 157,
- 3459,
- 160,
- 3456,
- 162,
- 3453,
- 164,
- 3449,
- 165,
- 3445,
- 165,
+ 3445, 161, 3448, 161, 3450, 160, 3453, 158, 3456, 156, 3458, 154, 3460, 151,
+ 3462, 148, 3463, 146, 3463, 143, 3467, 143, 3467, 147, 3466, 151, 3464, 154,
+ 3462, 157, 3459, 160, 3456, 162, 3453, 164, 3449, 165, 3445, 165,
[3463, 143, 3463, 113, 3467, 113, 3467, 143],
[3395, 162, 3395, 213, 3399, 213, 3399, 162],
@@ -6285,89 +1455,16 @@
[1021, 2019, 1104, 2019, 1104, 2023, 1021, 2023],
[2183, 2009, 2183, 2100, 2187, 2100, 2187, 2009],
- 2183,
- 2100,
- 2183,
- 2103,
- 2182,
- 2105,
- 2180,
- 2108,
- 2178,
- 2111,
- 2176,
- 2113,
- 2173,
- 2115,
- 2170,
- 2117,
- 2168,
- 2118,
- 2165,
- 2118,
- 2165,
- 2122,
- 2169,
- 2122,
- 2173,
- 2121,
- 2176,
- 2119,
- 2179,
- 2117,
- 2182,
- 2114,
- 2184,
- 2111,
- 2186,
- 2108,
- 2187,
- 2104,
- 2187,
+ 2183, 2100, 2183, 2103, 2182, 2105, 2180, 2108, 2178, 2111, 2176, 2113, 2173,
+ 2115, 2170, 2117, 2168, 2118, 2165, 2118, 2165, 2122, 2169, 2122, 2173, 2121,
+ 2176, 2119, 2179, 2117, 2182, 2114, 2184, 2111, 2186, 2108, 2187, 2104, 2187,
[2165, 2118, 954, 2118, 954, 2122, 2165, 2122],
- 954,
- 2122,
- 951,
- 2120,
- 948,
- 2119,
- 946,
- 2116,
- 943,
- 2114,
- 940,
- 2111,
- 938,
- 2108,
- 935,
- 2106,
- 934,
- 2103,
- 932,
- 2100,
- 936,
- 2100,
- 935,
- 2104,
- 935,
- 2108,
- 936,
- 2111,
- 938,
- 2114,
- 940,
- 2116,
- 943,
- 2118,
- 946,
- 2119,
- 950,
- 2119,
- 954,
- 2118,
+ 954, 2122, 951, 2120, 948, 2119, 946, 2116, 943, 2114, 940, 2111, 938, 2108,
+ 935, 2106, 934, 2103, 932, 2100, 936, 2100, 935, 2104, 935, 2108, 936, 2111,
+ 938, 2114, 940, 2116, 943, 2118, 946, 2119, 950, 2119, 954, 2118,
[932, 2100, 932, 2091, 936, 2091, 936, 2100],
@@ -6376,134 +1473,26 @@
K01595: [
[1294, 1730, 1320, 1730, 1320, 1734, 1294, 1734],
- 1320,
- 1734,
- 1324,
- 1733,
- 1328,
- 1733,
- 1331,
- 1734,
- 1334,
- 1736,
- 1336,
- 1738,
- 1338,
- 1741,
- 1339,
- 1744,
- 1339,
- 1748,
- 1338,
- 1752,
- 1342,
- 1752,
- 1340,
- 1749,
- 1339,
- 1746,
- 1336,
- 1744,
- 1334,
- 1741,
- 1331,
- 1738,
- 1328,
- 1736,
- 1326,
- 1733,
- 1323,
- 1732,
- 1320,
+ 1320, 1734, 1324, 1733, 1328, 1733, 1331, 1734, 1334, 1736, 1336, 1738, 1338,
+ 1741, 1339, 1744, 1339, 1748, 1338, 1752, 1342, 1752, 1340, 1749, 1339, 1746,
+ 1336, 1744, 1334, 1741, 1331, 1738, 1328, 1736, 1326, 1733, 1323, 1732, 1320,
[1338, 1752, 1338, 1756, 1342, 1756, 1342, 1752],
[1338, 1686, 1338, 1754, 1342, 1754, 1342, 1686],
[1294, 1730, 1320, 1730, 1320, 1734, 1294, 1734],
- 1320,
- 1734,
- 1324,
- 1733,
- 1328,
- 1733,
- 1331,
- 1734,
- 1334,
- 1736,
- 1336,
- 1738,
- 1338,
- 1741,
- 1339,
- 1744,
- 1339,
- 1748,
- 1338,
- 1752,
- 1342,
- 1752,
- 1340,
- 1749,
- 1339,
- 1746,
- 1336,
- 1744,
- 1334,
- 1741,
- 1331,
- 1738,
- 1328,
- 1736,
- 1326,
- 1733,
- 1323,
- 1732,
- 1320,
+ 1320, 1734, 1324, 1733, 1328, 1733, 1331, 1734, 1334, 1736, 1336, 1738, 1338,
+ 1741, 1339, 1744, 1339, 1748, 1338, 1752, 1342, 1752, 1340, 1749, 1339, 1746,
+ 1336, 1744, 1334, 1741, 1331, 1738, 1328, 1736, 1326, 1733, 1323, 1732, 1320,
[1338, 1752, 1338, 1756, 1342, 1756, 1342, 1752],
[1640, 1475, 1640, 1130, 1644, 1130, 1644, 1475],
- 1640,
- 1130,
- 1640,
- 1126,
- 1641,
- 1122,
- 1643,
- 1119,
- 1645,
- 1116,
- 1648,
- 1113,
- 1651,
- 1111,
- 1654,
- 1109,
- 1658,
- 1108,
- 1662,
- 1108,
- 1662,
- 1112,
- 1659,
- 1112,
- 1657,
- 1113,
- 1654,
- 1115,
- 1651,
- 1117,
- 1649,
- 1119,
- 1647,
- 1122,
- 1645,
- 1125,
- 1644,
- 1127,
- 1644,
+ 1640, 1130, 1640, 1126, 1641, 1122, 1643, 1119, 1645, 1116, 1648, 1113, 1651,
+ 1111, 1654, 1109, 1658, 1108, 1662, 1108, 1662, 1112, 1659, 1112, 1657, 1113,
+ 1654, 1115, 1651, 1117, 1649, 1119, 1647, 1122, 1645, 1125, 1644, 1127, 1644,
[1662, 1108, 1721, 1108, 1721, 1112, 1662, 1112],
@@ -6523,45 +1512,9 @@
K04020: [
[1720, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1720, 1332],
- 1721,
- 1328,
- 1725,
- 1328,
- 1729,
- 1326,
- 1733,
- 1324,
- 1737,
- 1321,
- 1740,
- 1318,
- 1743,
- 1314,
- 1745,
- 1310,
- 1747,
- 1306,
- 1747,
- 1302,
- 1751,
- 1302,
- 1750,
- 1307,
- 1749,
- 1312,
- 1747,
- 1317,
- 1744,
- 1321,
- 1740,
- 1325,
- 1736,
- 1328,
- 1731,
- 1330,
- 1726,
- 1331,
- 1721,
+ 1721, 1328, 1725, 1328, 1729, 1326, 1733, 1324, 1737, 1321, 1740, 1318, 1743,
+ 1314, 1745, 1310, 1747, 1306, 1747, 1302, 1751, 1302, 1750, 1307, 1749, 1312,
+ 1747, 1317, 1744, 1321, 1740, 1325, 1736, 1328, 1731, 1330, 1726, 1331, 1721,
[1747, 1302, 1747, 1280, 1751, 1280, 1751, 1302],
@@ -6571,46 +1524,9 @@
K14185: [
[55, 1467, 55, 1486, 59, 1486, 59, 1467],
- 59,
- 1486,
- 59,
- 1489,
- 60,
- 1491,
- 62,
- 1494,
- 64,
- 1497,
- 66,
- 1499,
- 69,
- 1501,
- 72,
- 1503,
- 74,
- 1504,
- 77,
- 1504,
- 77,
- 1508,
- 73,
- 1508,
- 69,
- 1507,
- 66,
- 1505,
- 63,
- 1503,
- 60,
- 1500,
- 58,
- 1497,
- 56,
- 1494,
- 55,
- 1490,
- 55,
- 1486,
+ 59, 1486, 59, 1489, 60, 1491, 62, 1494, 64, 1497, 66, 1499, 69, 1501, 72, 1503,
+ 74, 1504, 77, 1504, 77, 1508, 73, 1508, 69, 1507, 66, 1505, 63, 1503, 60, 1500,
+ 58, 1497, 56, 1494, 55, 1490, 55, 1486,
[77, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 77, 1508],
@@ -6618,88 +1534,16 @@
[1059, 1603, 1059, 1688, 1063, 1688, 1063, 1603],
[1091, 1617, 1081, 1617, 1081, 1621, 1091, 1621],
- 1081,
- 1617,
- 1077,
- 1617,
- 1073,
- 1618,
- 1070,
- 1620,
- 1067,
- 1622,
- 1064,
- 1625,
- 1062,
- 1628,
- 1060,
- 1631,
- 1059,
- 1635,
- 1059,
- 1639,
- 1063,
- 1639,
- 1063,
- 1636,
- 1064,
- 1634,
- 1066,
- 1631,
- 1068,
- 1628,
- 1070,
- 1626,
- 1073,
- 1624,
- 1076,
- 1622,
- 1078,
- 1621,
- 1081,
+ 1081, 1617, 1077, 1617, 1073, 1618, 1070, 1620, 1067, 1622, 1064, 1625, 1062,
+ 1628, 1060, 1631, 1059, 1635, 1059, 1639, 1063, 1639, 1063, 1636, 1064, 1634,
+ 1066, 1631, 1068, 1628, 1070, 1626, 1073, 1624, 1076, 1622, 1078, 1621, 1081,
[1059, 1639, 1059, 1649, 1063, 1649, 1063, 1639],
- 1063,
- 1649,
- 1063,
- 1652,
- 1064,
- 1654,
- 1066,
- 1657,
- 1068,
- 1660,
- 1070,
- 1662,
- 1073,
- 1664,
- 1076,
- 1666,
- 1078,
- 1667,
- 1081,
- 1667,
- 1081,
- 1671,
- 1077,
- 1671,
- 1073,
- 1670,
- 1070,
- 1668,
- 1067,
- 1666,
- 1064,
- 1663,
- 1062,
- 1660,
- 1060,
- 1657,
- 1059,
- 1653,
- 1059,
+ 1063, 1649, 1063, 1652, 1064, 1654, 1066, 1657, 1068, 1660, 1070, 1662, 1073,
+ 1664, 1076, 1666, 1078, 1667, 1081, 1667, 1081, 1671, 1077, 1671, 1073, 1670,
+ 1070, 1668, 1067, 1666, 1064, 1663, 1062, 1660, 1060, 1657, 1059, 1653, 1059,
[1081, 1667, 1091, 1667, 1091, 1671, 1081, 1671],
@@ -6721,45 +1565,9 @@
K00641: [
[2537, 1476, 2509, 1476, 2509, 1480, 2537, 1480],
- 2509,
- 1480,
- 2505,
- 1478,
- 2501,
- 1476,
- 2497,
- 1473,
- 2493,
- 1470,
- 2489,
- 1466,
- 2486,
- 1463,
- 2483,
- 1459,
- 2481,
- 1455,
- 2479,
- 1451,
- 2483,
- 1451,
- 2482,
- 1456,
- 2483,
- 1461,
- 2484,
- 1465,
- 2487,
- 1469,
- 2490,
- 1472,
- 2494,
- 1475,
- 2499,
- 1476,
- 2504,
- 1477,
- 2509,
+ 2509, 1480, 2505, 1478, 2501, 1476, 2497, 1473, 2493, 1470, 2489, 1466, 2486,
+ 1463, 2483, 1459, 2481, 1455, 2479, 1451, 2483, 1451, 2482, 1456, 2483, 1461,
+ 2484, 1465, 2487, 1469, 2490, 1472, 2494, 1475, 2499, 1476, 2504, 1477, 2509,
[2479, 1451, 2479, 1451, 2483, 1451, 2483, 1451],
@@ -6768,134 +1576,23 @@
K00505: [
[2590, 580, 2590, 541, 2594, 541, 2594, 580],
- 2590,
- 541,
- 2590,
- 537,
- 2591,
- 533,
- 2593,
- 530,
- 2595,
- 527,
- 2598,
- 524,
- 2601,
- 522,
- 2604,
- 520,
- 2608,
- 519,
- 2612,
- 519,
- 2612,
- 523,
- 2609,
- 523,
- 2607,
- 524,
- 2604,
- 526,
- 2601,
- 528,
- 2599,
- 530,
- 2597,
- 533,
- 2595,
- 536,
- 2594,
- 538,
- 2594,
- 541,
+ 2590, 541, 2590, 537, 2591, 533, 2593, 530, 2595, 527, 2598, 524, 2601, 522,
+ 2604, 520, 2608, 519, 2612, 519, 2612, 523, 2609, 523, 2607, 524, 2604, 526,
+ 2601, 528, 2599, 530, 2597, 533, 2595, 536, 2594, 538, 2594, 541,
[2612, 519, 2766, 519, 2766, 523, 2612, 523],
[2703, 580, 2703, 541, 2707, 541, 2707, 580],
- 2703,
- 541,
- 2703,
- 537,
- 2704,
- 533,
- 2706,
- 530,
- 2708,
- 527,
- 2711,
- 524,
- 2714,
- 522,
- 2717,
- 520,
- 2721,
- 519,
- 2725,
- 519,
- 2725,
- 523,
- 2722,
- 523,
- 2720,
- 524,
- 2717,
- 526,
- 2714,
- 528,
- 2712,
- 530,
- 2710,
- 533,
- 2708,
- 536,
- 2707,
- 538,
- 2707,
- 541,
+ 2703, 541, 2703, 537, 2704, 533, 2706, 530, 2708, 527, 2711, 524, 2714, 522,
+ 2717, 520, 2721, 519, 2725, 519, 2725, 523, 2722, 523, 2720, 524, 2717, 526,
+ 2714, 528, 2712, 530, 2710, 533, 2708, 536, 2707, 538, 2707, 541,
[2725, 519, 2766, 519, 2766, 523, 2725, 523],
[2590, 580, 2590, 541, 2594, 541, 2594, 580],
- 2590,
- 541,
- 2590,
- 537,
- 2591,
- 533,
- 2593,
- 530,
- 2595,
- 527,
- 2598,
- 524,
- 2601,
- 522,
- 2604,
- 520,
- 2608,
- 519,
- 2612,
- 519,
- 2612,
- 523,
- 2609,
- 523,
- 2607,
- 524,
- 2604,
- 526,
- 2601,
- 528,
- 2599,
- 530,
- 2597,
- 533,
- 2595,
- 536,
- 2594,
- 538,
- 2594,
- 541,
+ 2590, 541, 2590, 537, 2591, 533, 2593, 530, 2595, 527, 2598, 524, 2601, 522,
+ 2604, 520, 2608, 519, 2612, 519, 2612, 523, 2609, 523, 2607, 524, 2604, 526,
+ 2601, 528, 2599, 530, 2597, 533, 2595, 536, 2594, 538, 2594, 541,
[2612, 519, 2766, 519, 2766, 523, 2612, 523],
[2904, 488, 2969, 488, 2969, 492, 2904, 492],
@@ -6904,45 +1601,9 @@
K00051: [
[1341, 1753, 1314, 1753, 1314, 1757, 1341, 1757],
- 1314,
- 1753,
- 1310,
- 1753,
- 1306,
- 1754,
- 1303,
- 1756,
- 1300,
- 1758,
- 1297,
- 1761,
- 1295,
- 1764,
- 1293,
- 1767,
- 1292,
- 1771,
- 1292,
- 1775,
- 1296,
- 1775,
- 1296,
- 1772,
- 1297,
- 1770,
- 1299,
- 1767,
- 1301,
- 1764,
- 1303,
- 1762,
- 1306,
- 1760,
- 1309,
- 1758,
- 1311,
- 1757,
- 1314,
+ 1314, 1753, 1310, 1753, 1306, 1754, 1303, 1756, 1300, 1758, 1297, 1761, 1295,
+ 1764, 1293, 1767, 1292, 1771, 1292, 1775, 1296, 1775, 1296, 1772, 1297, 1770,
+ 1299, 1767, 1301, 1764, 1303, 1762, 1306, 1760, 1309, 1758, 1311, 1757, 1314,
[1292, 1775, 1292, 1781, 1296, 1781, 1296, 1775],
@@ -6951,90 +1612,16 @@
K05278: [
[152, 1113, 152, 1093, 156, 1093, 156, 1113],
- 152,
- 1093,
- 152,
- 1089,
- 153,
- 1085,
- 155,
- 1082,
- 157,
- 1079,
- 160,
- 1076,
- 163,
- 1074,
- 166,
- 1072,
- 170,
- 1071,
- 174,
- 1071,
- 174,
- 1075,
- 171,
- 1075,
- 169,
- 1076,
- 166,
- 1078,
- 163,
- 1080,
- 161,
- 1082,
- 159,
- 1085,
- 157,
- 1088,
- 156,
- 1090,
- 156,
- 1093,
+ 152, 1093, 152, 1089, 153, 1085, 155, 1082, 157, 1079, 160, 1076, 163, 1074,
+ 166, 1072, 170, 1071, 174, 1071, 174, 1075, 171, 1075, 169, 1076, 166, 1078,
+ 163, 1080, 161, 1082, 159, 1085, 157, 1088, 156, 1090, 156, 1093,
[174, 1071, 204, 1071, 204, 1075, 174, 1075],
[102, 1072, 102, 1131, 106, 1131, 106, 1072],
- 106,
- 1131,
- 106,
- 1134,
- 107,
- 1136,
- 109,
- 1139,
- 111,
- 1142,
- 113,
- 1144,
- 116,
- 1146,
- 119,
- 1148,
- 121,
- 1149,
- 124,
- 1149,
- 124,
- 1153,
- 120,
- 1153,
- 116,
- 1152,
- 113,
- 1150,
- 110,
- 1148,
- 107,
- 1145,
- 105,
- 1142,
- 103,
- 1139,
- 102,
- 1135,
- 102,
- 1131,
+ 106, 1131, 106, 1134, 107, 1136, 109, 1139, 111, 1142, 113, 1144, 116, 1146,
+ 119, 1148, 121, 1149, 124, 1149, 124, 1153, 120, 1153, 116, 1152, 113, 1150,
+ 110, 1148, 107, 1145, 105, 1142, 103, 1139, 102, 1135, 102, 1131,
[124, 1149, 155, 1149, 155, 1153, 124, 1153],
@@ -7043,132 +1630,21 @@
[846, 142, 846, 182, 850, 182, 850, 142],
[1348, 601, 1296, 601, 1296, 605, 1348, 605],
- 1296,
- 605,
- 1293,
- 603,
- 1290,
- 602,
- 1288,
- 599,
- 1285,
- 597,
- 1282,
- 594,
- 1280,
- 591,
- 1277,
- 589,
- 1276,
- 586,
- 1274,
- 583,
- 1278,
- 583,
- 1277,
- 587,
- 1277,
- 591,
- 1278,
- 594,
- 1280,
- 597,
- 1282,
- 599,
- 1285,
- 601,
- 1288,
- 602,
- 1292,
- 602,
- 1296,
- 601,
+ 1296, 605, 1293, 603, 1290, 602, 1288, 599, 1285, 597, 1282, 594, 1280, 591,
+ 1277, 589, 1276, 586, 1274, 583, 1278, 583, 1277, 587, 1277, 591, 1278, 594,
+ 1280, 597, 1282, 599, 1285, 601, 1288, 602, 1292, 602, 1296, 601,
[1274, 583, 1274, 176, 1278, 176, 1278, 583],
- 1278,
- 176,
- 1278,
- 172,
- 1277,
- 168,
- 1275,
- 165,
- 1273,
- 162,
- 1270,
- 159,
- 1267,
- 157,
- 1264,
- 155,
- 1260,
- 154,
- 1256,
- 154,
- 1256,
- 158,
- 1259,
- 158,
- 1261,
- 159,
- 1264,
- 161,
- 1267,
- 163,
- 1269,
- 165,
- 1271,
- 168,
- 1273,
- 171,
- 1274,
- 173,
- 1274,
- 176,
+ 1278, 176, 1278, 172, 1277, 168, 1275, 165, 1273, 162, 1270, 159, 1267, 157,
+ 1264, 155, 1260, 154, 1256, 154, 1256, 158, 1259, 158, 1261, 159, 1264, 161,
+ 1267, 163, 1269, 165, 1271, 168, 1273, 171, 1274, 173, 1274, 176,
[1256, 154, 868, 154, 868, 158, 1256, 158],
- 868,
- 154,
- 864,
- 154,
- 860,
- 155,
- 857,
- 157,
- 854,
- 159,
- 851,
- 162,
- 849,
- 165,
- 847,
- 168,
- 846,
- 172,
- 846,
- 176,
- 850,
- 176,
- 850,
- 173,
- 851,
- 171,
- 853,
- 168,
- 855,
- 165,
- 857,
- 163,
- 860,
- 161,
- 863,
- 159,
- 865,
- 158,
- 868,
- 158,
+ 868, 154, 864, 154, 860, 155, 857, 157, 854, 159, 851, 162, 849, 165, 847, 168,
+ 846, 172, 846, 176, 850, 176, 850, 173, 851, 171, 853, 168, 855, 165, 857, 163,
+ 860, 161, 863, 159, 865, 158, 868, 158,
[846, 176, 846, 183, 850, 183, 850, 176],
[846, 142, 846, 182, 850, 182, 850, 142],
@@ -7176,45 +1652,9 @@
K08710: [
[1180, 1581, 1180, 1556, 1184, 1556, 1184, 1581],
- 1180,
- 1556,
- 1180,
- 1552,
- 1181,
- 1548,
- 1183,
- 1545,
- 1185,
- 1542,
- 1188,
- 1539,
- 1191,
- 1537,
- 1194,
- 1535,
- 1198,
- 1534,
- 1202,
- 1534,
- 1202,
- 1538,
- 1199,
- 1538,
- 1197,
- 1539,
- 1194,
- 1541,
- 1191,
- 1543,
- 1189,
- 1545,
- 1187,
- 1548,
- 1185,
- 1551,
- 1184,
- 1553,
- 1184,
+ 1180, 1556, 1180, 1552, 1181, 1548, 1183, 1545, 1185, 1542, 1188, 1539, 1191,
+ 1537, 1194, 1535, 1198, 1534, 1202, 1534, 1202, 1538, 1199, 1538, 1197, 1539,
+ 1194, 1541, 1191, 1543, 1189, 1545, 1187, 1548, 1185, 1551, 1184, 1553, 1184,
[1202, 1534, 1224, 1534, 1224, 1538, 1202, 1538],
@@ -7240,46 +1680,9 @@
K04107: [
[592, 1994, 826, 1994, 826, 1998, 592, 1998],
- 826,
- 1998,
- 830,
- 1997,
- 834,
- 1997,
- 837,
- 1998,
- 840,
- 2000,
- 842,
- 2002,
- 844,
- 2005,
- 845,
- 2008,
- 845,
- 2012,
- 844,
- 2016,
- 848,
- 2016,
- 846,
- 2013,
- 845,
- 2010,
- 842,
- 2008,
- 840,
- 2005,
- 837,
- 2002,
- 834,
- 2000,
- 832,
- 1997,
- 829,
- 1996,
- 826,
- 1994,
+ 826, 1998, 830, 1997, 834, 1997, 837, 1998, 840, 2000, 842, 2002, 844, 2005,
+ 845, 2008, 845, 2012, 844, 2016, 848, 2016, 846, 2013, 845, 2010, 842, 2008,
+ 840, 2005, 837, 2002, 834, 2000, 832, 1997, 829, 1996, 826, 1994,
[844, 2016, 844, 2022, 848, 2022, 848, 2016],
@@ -7290,46 +1693,9 @@
K02858: [
[3084, 470, 2039, 470, 2039, 474, 3084, 474],
- 2039,
- 470,
- 2035,
- 470,
- 2031,
- 471,
- 2028,
- 473,
- 2025,
- 475,
- 2022,
- 478,
- 2020,
- 481,
- 2018,
- 484,
- 2017,
- 488,
- 2017,
- 492,
- 2021,
- 492,
- 2021,
- 489,
- 2022,
- 487,
- 2024,
- 484,
- 2026,
- 481,
- 2028,
- 479,
- 2031,
- 477,
- 2034,
- 475,
- 2036,
- 474,
- 2039,
- 474,
+ 2039, 470, 2035, 470, 2031, 471, 2028, 473, 2025, 475, 2022, 478, 2020, 481,
+ 2018, 484, 2017, 488, 2017, 492, 2021, 492, 2021, 489, 2022, 487, 2024, 484,
+ 2026, 481, 2028, 479, 2031, 477, 2034, 475, 2036, 474, 2039, 474,
[2017, 492, 2017, 527, 2021, 527, 2021, 492],
@@ -7359,46 +1725,9 @@
K00041: [
[2122, 160, 2162, 160, 2162, 164, 2122, 164],
- 2162,
- 164,
- 2167,
- 163,
- 2171,
- 164,
- 2175,
- 165,
- 2179,
- 167,
- 2182,
- 170,
- 2184,
- 173,
- 2185,
- 178,
- 2186,
- 182,
- 2185,
- 187,
- 2189,
- 187,
- 2187,
- 183,
- 2185,
- 180,
- 2182,
- 176,
- 2179,
- 173,
- 2176,
- 169,
- 2173,
- 166,
- 2169,
- 164,
- 2165,
- 162,
- 2162,
- 160,
+ 2162, 164, 2167, 163, 2171, 164, 2175, 165, 2179, 167, 2182, 170, 2184, 173,
+ 2185, 178, 2186, 182, 2185, 187, 2189, 187, 2187, 183, 2185, 180, 2182, 176,
+ 2179, 173, 2176, 169, 2173, 166, 2169, 164, 2165, 162, 2162, 160,
[2185, 187, 2185, 214, 2189, 214, 2189, 187],
@@ -7413,45 +1742,9 @@
[2041, 238, 2160, 238, 2160, 242, 2041, 242],
[1868, 1152, 1839, 1152, 1839, 1156, 1868, 1156],
- 1839,
- 1152,
- 1835,
- 1152,
- 1831,
- 1153,
- 1828,
- 1155,
- 1825,
- 1157,
- 1822,
- 1160,
- 1820,
- 1163,
- 1818,
- 1166,
- 1817,
- 1170,
- 1817,
- 1174,
- 1821,
- 1174,
- 1821,
- 1171,
- 1822,
- 1169,
- 1824,
- 1166,
- 1826,
- 1163,
- 1828,
- 1161,
- 1831,
- 1159,
- 1834,
- 1157,
- 1836,
- 1156,
- 1839,
+ 1839, 1152, 1835, 1152, 1831, 1153, 1828, 1155, 1825, 1157, 1822, 1160, 1820,
+ 1163, 1818, 1166, 1817, 1170, 1817, 1174, 1821, 1174, 1821, 1171, 1822, 1169,
+ 1824, 1166, 1826, 1163, 1828, 1161, 1831, 1159, 1834, 1157, 1836, 1156, 1839,
[1817, 1174, 1817, 1283, 1821, 1283, 1821, 1174],
@@ -7459,46 +1752,9 @@
K00847: [
[1314, 487, 1657, 487, 1657, 491, 1314, 491],
- 1657,
- 491,
- 1661,
- 490,
- 1665,
- 490,
- 1668,
- 491,
- 1671,
- 493,
- 1673,
- 495,
- 1675,
- 498,
- 1676,
- 501,
- 1676,
- 505,
- 1675,
- 509,
- 1679,
- 509,
- 1677,
- 506,
- 1676,
- 503,
- 1673,
- 501,
- 1671,
- 498,
- 1668,
- 495,
- 1665,
- 493,
- 1663,
- 490,
- 1660,
- 489,
- 1657,
- 487,
+ 1657, 491, 1661, 490, 1665, 490, 1668, 491, 1671, 493, 1673, 495, 1675, 498,
+ 1676, 501, 1676, 505, 1675, 509, 1679, 509, 1677, 506, 1676, 503, 1673, 501,
+ 1671, 498, 1668, 495, 1665, 493, 1663, 490, 1660, 489, 1657, 487,
[1675, 509, 1675, 528, 1679, 528, 1679, 509],
@@ -7506,45 +1762,9 @@
[3329, 1924, 3329, 1993, 3333, 1993, 3333, 1924],
[3330, 1923, 3374, 1923, 3374, 1927, 3330, 1927],
- 3374,
- 1927,
- 3378,
- 1926,
- 3382,
- 1926,
- 3385,
- 1927,
- 3388,
- 1929,
- 3390,
- 1931,
- 3392,
- 1934,
- 3393,
- 1937,
- 3393,
- 1941,
- 3392,
- 1945,
- 3396,
- 1945,
- 3394,
- 1942,
- 3393,
- 1939,
- 3390,
- 1937,
- 3388,
- 1934,
- 3385,
- 1931,
- 3382,
- 1929,
- 3380,
- 1926,
- 3377,
- 1925,
- 3374,
+ 3374, 1927, 3378, 1926, 3382, 1926, 3385, 1927, 3388, 1929, 3390, 1931, 3392,
+ 1934, 3393, 1937, 3393, 1941, 3392, 1945, 3396, 1945, 3394, 1942, 3393, 1939,
+ 3390, 1937, 3388, 1934, 3385, 1931, 3382, 1929, 3380, 1926, 3377, 1925, 3374,
[3392, 1945, 3392, 1993, 3396, 1993, 3396, 1945],
@@ -7555,263 +1775,41 @@
K07151: [
[911, 383, 911, 338, 915, 338, 915, 383],
- 911,
- 338,
- 911,
- 335,
- 912,
- 332,
- 913,
- 329,
- 915,
- 326,
- 917,
- 324,
- 920,
- 322,
- 923,
- 321,
- 926,
- 320,
- 929,
- 320,
- 929,
- 324,
- 927,
- 324,
- 925,
- 325,
- 923,
- 326,
- 921,
- 328,
- 919,
- 330,
- 917,
- 332,
- 916,
- 334,
- 915,
- 336,
- 915,
- 338,
+ 911, 338, 911, 335, 912, 332, 913, 329, 915, 326, 917, 324, 920, 322, 923, 321,
+ 926, 320, 929, 320, 929, 324, 927, 324, 925, 325, 923, 326, 921, 328, 919, 330,
+ 917, 332, 916, 334, 915, 336, 915, 338,
[929, 320, 937, 320, 937, 324, 929, 324],
- 937,
- 324,
- 940,
- 323,
- 943,
- 323,
- 946,
- 324,
- 948,
- 325,
- 950,
- 327,
- 951,
- 329,
- 952,
- 332,
- 952,
- 335,
- 951,
- 338,
- 955,
- 338,
- 954,
- 336,
- 952,
- 334,
- 950,
- 332,
- 948,
- 329,
- 946,
- 327,
- 943,
- 325,
- 941,
- 323,
- 939,
- 321,
- 937,
- 320,
+ 937, 324, 940, 323, 943, 323, 946, 324, 948, 325, 950, 327, 951, 329, 952, 332,
+ 952, 335, 951, 338, 955, 338, 954, 336, 952, 334, 950, 332, 948, 329, 946, 327,
+ 943, 325, 941, 323, 939, 321, 937, 320,
[951, 338, 951, 367, 955, 367, 955, 338],
[951, 223, 951, 306, 955, 306, 955, 223],
- 951,
- 306,
- 951,
- 308,
- 950,
- 310,
- 949,
- 312,
- 947,
- 314,
- 945,
- 316,
- 943,
- 318,
- 941,
- 319,
- 939,
- 320,
- 937,
- 320,
- 937,
- 324,
- 940,
- 324,
- 943,
- 323,
- 946,
- 322,
- 949,
- 320,
- 951,
- 318,
- 953,
- 315,
- 954,
- 312,
- 955,
- 309,
- 955,
- 306,
+ 951, 306, 951, 308, 950, 310, 949, 312, 947, 314, 945, 316, 943, 318, 941, 319,
+ 939, 320, 937, 320, 937, 324, 940, 324, 943, 323, 946, 322, 949, 320, 951, 318,
+ 953, 315, 954, 312, 955, 309, 955, 306,
[937, 320, 929, 320, 929, 324, 937, 324],
- 929,
- 324,
- 927,
- 323,
- 925,
- 321,
- 923,
- 319,
- 920,
- 317,
- 918,
- 315,
- 916,
- 312,
- 914,
- 310,
- 912,
- 308,
- 911,
- 306,
- 915,
- 306,
- 914,
- 309,
- 914,
- 312,
- 915,
- 315,
- 916,
- 317,
- 918,
- 319,
- 920,
- 320,
- 923,
- 321,
- 926,
- 321,
- 929,
- 320,
+ 929, 324, 927, 323, 925, 321, 923, 319, 920, 317, 918, 315, 916, 312, 914, 310,
+ 912, 308, 911, 306, 915, 306, 914, 309, 914, 312, 915, 315, 916, 317, 918, 319,
+ 920, 320, 923, 321, 926, 321, 929, 320,
[911, 306, 911, 277, 915, 277, 915, 306],
[911, 383, 911, 338, 915, 338, 915, 383],
- 911,
- 338,
- 911,
- 335,
- 912,
- 332,
- 913,
- 329,
- 915,
- 326,
- 917,
- 324,
- 920,
- 322,
- 923,
- 321,
- 926,
- 320,
- 929,
- 320,
- 929,
- 324,
- 927,
- 324,
- 925,
- 325,
- 923,
- 326,
- 921,
- 328,
- 919,
- 330,
- 917,
- 332,
- 916,
- 334,
- 915,
- 336,
- 915,
- 338,
+ 911, 338, 911, 335, 912, 332, 913, 329, 915, 326, 917, 324, 920, 322, 923, 321,
+ 926, 320, 929, 320, 929, 324, 927, 324, 925, 325, 923, 326, 921, 328, 919, 330,
+ 917, 332, 916, 334, 915, 336, 915, 338,
[929, 320, 937, 320, 937, 324, 929, 324],
- 937,
- 324,
- 940,
- 323,
- 943,
- 323,
- 946,
- 324,
- 948,
- 325,
- 950,
- 327,
- 951,
- 329,
- 952,
- 332,
- 952,
- 335,
- 951,
- 338,
- 955,
- 338,
- 954,
- 336,
- 952,
- 334,
- 950,
- 332,
- 948,
- 329,
- 946,
- 327,
- 943,
- 325,
- 941,
- 323,
- 939,
- 321,
- 937,
- 320,
+ 937, 324, 940, 323, 943, 323, 946, 324, 948, 325, 950, 327, 951, 329, 952, 332,
+ 952, 335, 951, 338, 955, 338, 954, 336, 952, 334, 950, 332, 948, 329, 946, 327,
+ 943, 325, 941, 323, 939, 321, 937, 320,
[951, 338, 951, 367, 955, 367, 955, 338],
@@ -7830,46 +1828,9 @@
',': [
[1822, 268, 1822, 260, 1826, 260, 1826, 268],
- 1822,
- 260,
- 1822,
- 256,
- 1823,
- 252,
- 1825,
- 249,
- 1827,
- 246,
- 1830,
- 243,
- 1833,
- 241,
- 1836,
- 239,
- 1840,
- 238,
- 1844,
- 238,
- 1844,
- 242,
- 1841,
- 242,
- 1839,
- 243,
- 1836,
- 245,
- 1833,
- 247,
- 1831,
- 249,
- 1829,
- 252,
- 1827,
- 255,
- 1826,
- 257,
- 1826,
- 260,
+ 1822, 260, 1822, 256, 1823, 252, 1825, 249, 1827, 246, 1830, 243, 1833, 241,
+ 1836, 239, 1840, 238, 1844, 238, 1844, 242, 1841, 242, 1839, 243, 1836, 245,
+ 1833, 247, 1831, 249, 1829, 252, 1827, 255, 1826, 257, 1826, 260,
[1844, 238, 1899, 238, 1899, 242, 1844, 242],
@@ -7878,46 +1839,9 @@
[3003, 974, 3003, 1022, 3007, 1022, 3007, 974],
[2916, 986, 2985, 986, 2985, 990, 2916, 990],
- 2985,
- 990,
- 2989,
- 989,
- 2993,
- 989,
- 2996,
- 990,
- 2999,
- 992,
- 3001,
- 994,
- 3003,
- 997,
- 3004,
- 1000,
- 3004,
- 1004,
- 3003,
- 1008,
- 3007,
- 1008,
- 3005,
- 1005,
- 3004,
- 1002,
- 3001,
- 1000,
- 2999,
- 997,
- 2996,
- 994,
- 2993,
- 992,
- 2991,
- 989,
- 2988,
- 988,
- 2985,
- 986,
+ 2985, 990, 2989, 989, 2993, 989, 2996, 990, 2999, 992, 3001, 994, 3003, 997,
+ 3004, 1000, 3004, 1004, 3003, 1008, 3007, 1008, 3005, 1005, 3004, 1002, 3001,
+ 1000, 2999, 997, 2996, 994, 2993, 992, 2991, 989, 2988, 988, 2985, 986,
[3003, 1008, 3003, 1031, 3007, 1031, 3007, 1008],
[3003, 974, 3003, 1022, 3007, 1022, 3007, 974],
@@ -7929,133 +1853,25 @@
K01483: [
[2809, 1325, 2809, 1595, 2813, 1595, 2813, 1325],
- 2809,
- 1595,
- 2809,
- 1598,
- 2808,
- 1600,
- 2806,
- 1603,
- 2804,
- 1606,
- 2802,
- 1608,
- 2799,
- 1610,
- 2796,
- 1612,
- 2794,
- 1613,
- 2791,
- 1613,
- 2791,
- 1617,
- 2795,
- 1617,
- 2799,
- 1616,
- 2802,
- 1614,
- 2805,
- 1612,
- 2808,
- 1609,
- 2810,
- 1606,
- 2812,
- 1603,
- 2813,
- 1599,
- 2813,
+ 2809, 1595, 2809, 1598, 2808, 1600, 2806, 1603, 2804, 1606, 2802, 1608, 2799,
+ 1610, 2796, 1612, 2794, 1613, 2791, 1613, 2791, 1617, 2795, 1617, 2799, 1616,
+ 2802, 1614, 2805, 1612, 2808, 1609, 2810, 1606, 2812, 1603, 2813, 1599, 2813,
[2791, 1613, 1728, 1613, 1728, 1617, 2791, 1617],
[2809, 1316, 2809, 1464, 2813, 1464, 2813, 1316],
- 2813,
- 1464,
- 2813,
- 1467,
- 2814,
- 1469,
- 2816,
- 1472,
- 2818,
- 1475,
- 2820,
- 1477,
- 2823,
- 1479,
- 2826,
- 1481,
- 2828,
- 1482,
- 2831,
- 1482,
- 2831,
- 1486,
- 2827,
- 1486,
- 2823,
- 1485,
- 2820,
- 1483,
- 2817,
- 1481,
- 2814,
- 1478,
- 2812,
- 1475,
- 2810,
- 1472,
- 2809,
- 1468,
- 2809,
+ 2813, 1464, 2813, 1467, 2814, 1469, 2816, 1472, 2818, 1475, 2820, 1477, 2823,
+ 1479, 2826, 1481, 2828, 1482, 2831, 1482, 2831, 1486, 2827, 1486, 2823, 1485,
+ 2820, 1483, 2817, 1481, 2814, 1478, 2812, 1475, 2810, 1472, 2809, 1468, 2809,
[2831, 1482, 2919, 1482, 2919, 1486, 2831, 1486],
[2809, 1325, 2809, 1595, 2813, 1595, 2813, 1325],
- 2809,
- 1595,
- 2809,
- 1598,
- 2808,
- 1600,
- 2806,
- 1603,
- 2804,
- 1606,
- 2802,
- 1608,
- 2799,
- 1610,
- 2796,
- 1612,
- 2794,
- 1613,
- 2791,
- 1613,
- 2791,
- 1617,
- 2795,
- 1617,
- 2799,
- 1616,
- 2802,
- 1614,
- 2805,
- 1612,
- 2808,
- 1609,
- 2810,
- 1606,
- 2812,
- 1603,
- 2813,
- 1599,
- 2813,
+ 2809, 1595, 2809, 1598, 2808, 1600, 2806, 1603, 2804, 1606, 2802, 1608, 2799,
+ 1610, 2796, 1612, 2794, 1613, 2791, 1613, 2791, 1617, 2795, 1617, 2799, 1616,
+ 2802, 1614, 2805, 1612, 2808, 1609, 2810, 1606, 2812, 1603, 2813, 1599, 2813,
[2791, 1613, 1728, 1613, 1728, 1617, 2791, 1617],
@@ -8064,46 +1880,9 @@
[1916, 402, 1916, 469, 1920, 469, 1920, 402],
[1585, 438, 1585, 469, 1589, 469, 1589, 438],
- 1585,
- 469,
- 1585,
- 472,
- 1584,
- 474,
- 1582,
- 477,
- 1580,
- 480,
- 1578,
- 482,
- 1575,
- 484,
- 1572,
- 486,
- 1570,
- 487,
- 1567,
- 487,
- 1567,
- 491,
- 1571,
- 491,
- 1575,
- 490,
- 1578,
- 488,
- 1581,
- 486,
- 1584,
- 483,
- 1586,
- 480,
- 1588,
- 477,
- 1589,
- 473,
- 1589,
- 469,
+ 1585, 469, 1585, 472, 1584, 474, 1582, 477, 1580, 480, 1578, 482, 1575, 484,
+ 1572, 486, 1570, 487, 1567, 487, 1567, 491, 1571, 491, 1575, 490, 1578, 488,
+ 1581, 486, 1584, 483, 1586, 480, 1588, 477, 1589, 473, 1589, 469,
[1567, 487, 1314, 487, 1314, 491, 1567, 491],
@@ -8111,46 +1890,9 @@
K00487: [
[249, 852, 249, 784, 253, 784, 253, 852],
- 249,
- 784,
- 249,
- 780,
- 250,
- 776,
- 252,
- 773,
- 254,
- 770,
- 257,
- 767,
- 260,
- 765,
- 263,
- 763,
- 267,
- 762,
- 271,
- 762,
- 271,
- 766,
- 268,
- 766,
- 266,
- 767,
- 263,
- 769,
- 260,
- 771,
- 258,
- 773,
- 256,
- 776,
- 254,
- 779,
- 253,
- 781,
- 253,
- 784,
+ 249, 784, 249, 780, 250, 776, 252, 773, 254, 770, 257, 767, 260, 765, 263, 763,
+ 267, 762, 271, 762, 271, 766, 268, 766, 266, 767, 263, 769, 260, 771, 258, 773,
+ 256, 776, 254, 779, 253, 781, 253, 784,
[271, 762, 2323, 762, 2323, 766, 271, 766],
@@ -8160,89 +1902,15 @@
[1057, 387, 1109, 387, 1109, 391, 1057, 391],
[1056, 390, 1056, 382, 1060, 382, 1060, 390],
- 1056,
- 382,
- 1056,
- 379,
- 1057,
- 376,
- 1058,
- 374,
- 1060,
- 372,
- 1062,
- 370,
- 1064,
- 368,
- 1066,
- 367,
- 1069,
- 366,
- 1072,
- 366,
- 1072,
- 370,
- 1070,
- 370,
- 1068,
- 371,
- 1067,
- 372,
- 1065,
- 373,
- 1063,
- 375,
- 1062,
- 377,
- 1061,
- 378,
- 1060,
- 380,
- 1060,
- 382,
+ 1056, 382, 1056, 379, 1057, 376, 1058, 374, 1060, 372, 1062, 370, 1064, 368,
+ 1066, 367, 1069, 366, 1072, 366, 1072, 370, 1070, 370, 1068, 371, 1067, 372,
+ 1065, 373, 1063, 375, 1062, 377, 1061, 378, 1060, 380, 1060, 382,
[1072, 366, 1144, 366, 1144, 370, 1072, 370],
- 1144,
- 370,
- 1147,
- 369,
- 1150,
- 369,
- 1152,
- 369,
- 1154,
- 370,
- 1156,
- 372,
- 1157,
- 374,
- 1157,
- 376,
- 1157,
- 379,
- 1156,
- 382,
- 1160,
- 382,
- 1159,
- 380,
- 1157,
- 378,
- 1155,
- 377,
- 1153,
- 375,
- 1151,
- 373,
- 1149,
- 371,
- 1148,
- 369,
- 1146,
- 367,
- 1144,
- 366,
+ 1144, 370, 1147, 369, 1150, 369, 1152, 369, 1154, 370, 1156, 372, 1157, 374,
+ 1157, 376, 1157, 379, 1156, 382, 1160, 382, 1159, 380, 1157, 378, 1155, 377,
+ 1153, 375, 1151, 373, 1149, 371, 1148, 369, 1146, 367, 1144, 366,
[1156, 382, 1156, 390, 1160, 390, 1160, 382],
@@ -8261,45 +1929,9 @@
[1338, 1688, 1338, 1518, 1342, 1518, 1342, 1688],
[1338, 1520, 1338, 1564, 1342, 1564, 1342, 1520],
- 1338,
- 1564,
- 1338,
- 1566,
- 1337,
- 1568,
- 1336,
- 1570,
- 1334,
- 1572,
- 1332,
- 1574,
- 1330,
- 1576,
- 1328,
- 1577,
- 1326,
- 1578,
- 1324,
- 1578,
- 1324,
- 1582,
- 1327,
- 1582,
- 1330,
- 1581,
- 1333,
- 1580,
- 1336,
- 1578,
- 1338,
- 1576,
- 1340,
- 1573,
- 1341,
- 1570,
- 1342,
- 1567,
- 1342,
+ 1338, 1564, 1338, 1566, 1337, 1568, 1336, 1570, 1334, 1572, 1332, 1574, 1330,
+ 1576, 1328, 1577, 1326, 1578, 1324, 1578, 1324, 1582, 1327, 1582, 1330, 1581,
+ 1333, 1580, 1336, 1578, 1338, 1576, 1340, 1573, 1341, 1570, 1342, 1567, 1342,
[1324, 1578, 1294, 1578, 1294, 1582, 1324, 1582],
@@ -8313,46 +1945,9 @@
K13386: [
[2779, 786, 2779, 794, 2783, 794, 2783, 786],
- 2783,
- 794,
- 2783,
- 797,
- 2784,
- 799,
- 2786,
- 802,
- 2788,
- 805,
- 2790,
- 807,
- 2793,
- 809,
- 2796,
- 811,
- 2798,
- 812,
- 2801,
- 812,
- 2801,
- 816,
- 2797,
- 816,
- 2793,
- 815,
- 2790,
- 813,
- 2787,
- 811,
- 2784,
- 808,
- 2782,
- 805,
- 2780,
- 802,
- 2779,
- 798,
- 2779,
- 794,
+ 2783, 794, 2783, 797, 2784, 799, 2786, 802, 2788, 805, 2790, 807, 2793, 809,
+ 2796, 811, 2798, 812, 2801, 812, 2801, 816, 2797, 816, 2793, 815, 2790, 813,
+ 2787, 811, 2784, 808, 2782, 805, 2780, 802, 2779, 798, 2779, 794,
[2801, 812, 2915, 812, 2915, 816, 2801, 816],
@@ -8363,45 +1958,9 @@
',': [
[2590, 2031, 3355, 2031, 3355, 2035, 2590, 2035],
- 3355,
- 2031,
- 3358,
- 2031,
- 3360,
- 2030,
- 3363,
- 2028,
- 3366,
- 2026,
- 3368,
- 2024,
- 3370,
- 2021,
- 3372,
- 2018,
- 3373,
- 2016,
- 3373,
- 2013,
- 3377,
- 2013,
- 3377,
- 2017,
- 3376,
- 2021,
- 3374,
- 2024,
- 3372,
- 2027,
- 3369,
- 2030,
- 3366,
- 2032,
- 3363,
- 2034,
- 3359,
- 2035,
- 3355,
+ 3355, 2031, 3358, 2031, 3360, 2030, 3363, 2028, 3366, 2026, 3368, 2024, 3370,
+ 2021, 3372, 2018, 3373, 2016, 3373, 2013, 3377, 2013, 3377, 2017, 3376, 2021,
+ 3374, 2024, 3372, 2027, 3369, 2030, 3366, 2032, 3363, 2034, 3359, 2035, 3355,
[3373, 2013, 3373, 1828, 3377, 1828, 3377, 2013],
@@ -8409,45 +1968,9 @@
K00301: [
[2480, 1207, 2508, 1207, 2508, 1211, 2480, 1211],
- 2508,
- 1211,
- 2512,
- 1210,
- 2516,
- 1210,
- 2519,
- 1211,
- 2522,
- 1213,
- 2524,
- 1215,
- 2526,
- 1218,
- 2527,
- 1221,
- 2527,
- 1225,
- 2526,
- 1229,
- 2530,
- 1229,
- 2528,
- 1226,
- 2527,
- 1223,
- 2524,
- 1221,
- 2522,
- 1218,
- 2519,
- 1215,
- 2516,
- 1213,
- 2514,
- 1210,
- 2511,
- 1209,
- 2508,
+ 2508, 1211, 2512, 1210, 2516, 1210, 2519, 1211, 2522, 1213, 2524, 1215, 2526,
+ 1218, 2527, 1221, 2527, 1225, 2526, 1229, 2530, 1229, 2528, 1226, 2527, 1223,
+ 2524, 1221, 2522, 1218, 2519, 1215, 2516, 1213, 2514, 1210, 2511, 1209, 2508,
[2526, 1229, 2526, 1263, 2530, 1263, 2530, 1229],
@@ -8457,46 +1980,9 @@
K13395: [
[2998, 711, 2968, 711, 2968, 715, 2998, 715],
- 2968,
- 711,
- 2964,
- 711,
- 2960,
- 712,
- 2957,
- 714,
- 2954,
- 716,
- 2951,
- 719,
- 2949,
- 722,
- 2947,
- 725,
- 2946,
- 729,
- 2946,
- 733,
- 2950,
- 733,
- 2950,
- 730,
- 2951,
- 728,
- 2953,
- 725,
- 2955,
- 722,
- 2957,
- 720,
- 2960,
- 718,
- 2963,
- 716,
- 2965,
- 715,
- 2968,
- 715,
+ 2968, 711, 2964, 711, 2960, 712, 2957, 714, 2954, 716, 2951, 719, 2949, 722,
+ 2947, 725, 2946, 729, 2946, 733, 2950, 733, 2950, 730, 2951, 728, 2953, 725,
+ 2955, 722, 2957, 720, 2960, 718, 2963, 716, 2965, 715, 2968, 715,
[2946, 733, 2946, 736, 2950, 736, 2950, 733],
@@ -8504,262 +1990,42 @@
K01918: [
[2738, 501, 2738, 821, 2742, 821, 2742, 501],
- 2742,
- 821,
- 2742,
- 824,
- 2743,
- 826,
- 2745,
- 829,
- 2747,
- 832,
- 2749,
- 834,
- 2752,
- 836,
- 2755,
- 838,
- 2757,
- 839,
- 2760,
- 839,
- 2760,
- 843,
- 2756,
- 843,
- 2752,
- 842,
- 2749,
- 840,
- 2746,
- 838,
- 2743,
- 835,
- 2741,
- 832,
- 2739,
- 829,
- 2738,
- 825,
- 2738,
- 821,
+ 2742, 821, 2742, 824, 2743, 826, 2745, 829, 2747, 832, 2749, 834, 2752, 836,
+ 2755, 838, 2757, 839, 2760, 839, 2760, 843, 2756, 843, 2752, 842, 2749, 840,
+ 2746, 838, 2743, 835, 2741, 832, 2739, 829, 2738, 825, 2738, 821,
[2760, 839, 2959, 839, 2959, 843, 2760, 843],
- 2959,
- 843,
- 2963,
- 842,
- 2967,
- 842,
- 2970,
- 843,
- 2973,
- 845,
- 2975,
- 847,
- 2977,
- 850,
- 2978,
- 853,
- 2978,
- 857,
- 2977,
- 861,
- 2981,
- 861,
- 2979,
- 858,
- 2978,
- 855,
- 2975,
- 853,
- 2973,
- 850,
- 2970,
- 847,
- 2967,
- 845,
- 2965,
- 842,
- 2962,
- 841,
- 2959,
- 839,
+ 2959, 843, 2963, 842, 2967, 842, 2970, 843, 2973, 845, 2975, 847, 2977, 850,
+ 2978, 853, 2978, 857, 2977, 861, 2981, 861, 2979, 858, 2978, 855, 2975, 853,
+ 2973, 850, 2970, 847, 2967, 845, 2965, 842, 2962, 841, 2959, 839,
[2977, 861, 2977, 1242, 2981, 1242, 2981, 861],
- 2981,
- 1242,
- 2981,
- 1245,
- 2982,
- 1247,
- 2984,
- 1250,
- 2986,
- 1253,
- 2988,
- 1255,
- 2991,
- 1257,
- 2994,
- 1259,
- 2996,
- 1260,
- 2999,
- 1260,
- 2999,
- 1264,
- 2995,
- 1264,
- 2991,
- 1263,
- 2988,
- 1261,
- 2985,
- 1259,
- 2982,
- 1256,
- 2980,
- 1253,
- 2978,
- 1250,
- 2977,
- 1246,
- 2977,
+ 2981, 1242, 2981, 1245, 2982, 1247, 2984, 1250, 2986, 1253, 2988, 1255, 2991,
+ 1257, 2994, 1259, 2996, 1260, 2999, 1260, 2999, 1264, 2995, 1264, 2991, 1263,
+ 2988, 1261, 2985, 1259, 2982, 1256, 2980, 1253, 2978, 1250, 2977, 1246, 2977,
[2999, 1260, 3023, 1260, 3023, 1264, 2999, 1264],
[2952, 1260, 3025, 1260, 3025, 1264, 2952, 1264],
[2738, 501, 2738, 821, 2742, 821, 2742, 501],
- 2742,
- 821,
- 2742,
- 824,
- 2743,
- 826,
- 2745,
- 829,
- 2747,
- 832,
- 2749,
- 834,
- 2752,
- 836,
- 2755,
- 838,
- 2757,
- 839,
- 2760,
- 839,
- 2760,
- 843,
- 2756,
- 843,
- 2752,
- 842,
- 2749,
- 840,
- 2746,
- 838,
- 2743,
- 835,
- 2741,
- 832,
- 2739,
- 829,
- 2738,
- 825,
- 2738,
- 821,
+ 2742, 821, 2742, 824, 2743, 826, 2745, 829, 2747, 832, 2749, 834, 2752, 836,
+ 2755, 838, 2757, 839, 2760, 839, 2760, 843, 2756, 843, 2752, 842, 2749, 840,
+ 2746, 838, 2743, 835, 2741, 832, 2739, 829, 2738, 825, 2738, 821,
[2760, 839, 2959, 839, 2959, 843, 2760, 843],
- 2959,
- 843,
- 2963,
- 842,
- 2967,
- 842,
- 2970,
- 843,
- 2973,
- 845,
- 2975,
- 847,
- 2977,
- 850,
- 2978,
- 853,
- 2978,
- 857,
- 2977,
- 861,
- 2981,
- 861,
- 2979,
- 858,
- 2978,
- 855,
- 2975,
- 853,
- 2973,
- 850,
- 2970,
- 847,
- 2967,
- 845,
- 2965,
- 842,
- 2962,
- 841,
- 2959,
- 839,
+ 2959, 843, 2963, 842, 2967, 842, 2970, 843, 2973, 845, 2975, 847, 2977, 850,
+ 2978, 853, 2978, 857, 2977, 861, 2981, 861, 2979, 858, 2978, 855, 2975, 853,
+ 2973, 850, 2970, 847, 2967, 845, 2965, 842, 2962, 841, 2959, 839,
[2977, 861, 2977, 1242, 2981, 1242, 2981, 861],
- 2981,
- 1242,
- 2981,
- 1245,
- 2982,
- 1247,
- 2984,
- 1250,
- 2986,
- 1253,
- 2988,
- 1255,
- 2991,
- 1257,
- 2994,
- 1259,
- 2996,
- 1260,
- 2999,
- 1260,
- 2999,
- 1264,
- 2995,
- 1264,
- 2991,
- 1263,
- 2988,
- 1261,
- 2985,
- 1259,
- 2982,
- 1256,
- 2980,
- 1253,
- 2978,
- 1250,
- 2977,
- 1246,
- 2977,
+ 2981, 1242, 2981, 1245, 2982, 1247, 2984, 1250, 2986, 1253, 2988, 1255, 2991,
+ 1257, 2994, 1259, 2996, 1260, 2999, 1260, 2999, 1264, 2995, 1264, 2991, 1263,
+ 2988, 1261, 2985, 1259, 2982, 1256, 2980, 1253, 2978, 1250, 2977, 1246, 2977,
[2999, 1260, 3023, 1260, 3023, 1264, 2999, 1264],
@@ -8772,133 +2038,25 @@
K00166: [
[2563, 1238, 2818, 1238, 2818, 1242, 2563, 1242],
- 2818,
- 1242,
- 2822,
- 1241,
- 2826,
- 1241,
- 2829,
- 1242,
- 2832,
- 1244,
- 2834,
- 1246,
- 2836,
- 1249,
- 2837,
- 1252,
- 2837,
- 1256,
- 2836,
- 1260,
- 2840,
- 1260,
- 2838,
- 1257,
- 2837,
- 1254,
- 2834,
- 1252,
- 2832,
- 1249,
- 2829,
- 1246,
- 2826,
- 1244,
- 2824,
- 1241,
- 2821,
- 1240,
- 2818,
+ 2818, 1242, 2822, 1241, 2826, 1241, 2829, 1242, 2832, 1244, 2834, 1246, 2836,
+ 1249, 2837, 1252, 2837, 1256, 2836, 1260, 2840, 1260, 2838, 1257, 2837, 1254,
+ 2834, 1252, 2832, 1249, 2829, 1246, 2826, 1244, 2824, 1241, 2821, 1240, 2818,
[2836, 1260, 2836, 1263, 2840, 1263, 2840, 1260],
[2613, 1393, 2680, 1393, 2680, 1397, 2613, 1397],
- 2680,
- 1397,
- 2684,
- 1396,
- 2688,
- 1396,
- 2691,
- 1397,
- 2694,
- 1399,
- 2696,
- 1401,
- 2698,
- 1404,
- 2699,
- 1407,
- 2699,
- 1411,
- 2698,
- 1415,
- 2702,
- 1415,
- 2700,
- 1412,
- 2699,
- 1409,
- 2696,
- 1407,
- 2694,
- 1404,
- 2691,
- 1401,
- 2688,
- 1399,
- 2686,
- 1396,
- 2683,
- 1395,
- 2680,
+ 2680, 1397, 2684, 1396, 2688, 1396, 2691, 1397, 2694, 1399, 2696, 1401, 2698,
+ 1404, 2699, 1407, 2699, 1411, 2698, 1415, 2702, 1415, 2700, 1412, 2699, 1409,
+ 2696, 1407, 2694, 1404, 2691, 1401, 2688, 1399, 2686, 1396, 2683, 1395, 2680,
[2698, 1415, 2698, 1429, 2702, 1429, 2702, 1415],
[2613, 1357, 2750, 1357, 2750, 1361, 2613, 1361],
- 2750,
- 1361,
- 2754,
- 1360,
- 2758,
- 1360,
- 2761,
- 1361,
- 2764,
- 1363,
- 2766,
- 1365,
- 2768,
- 1368,
- 2769,
- 1371,
- 2769,
- 1375,
- 2768,
- 1379,
- 2772,
- 1379,
- 2770,
- 1376,
- 2769,
- 1373,
- 2766,
- 1371,
- 2764,
- 1368,
- 2761,
- 1365,
- 2758,
- 1363,
- 2756,
- 1360,
- 2753,
- 1359,
- 2750,
+ 2750, 1361, 2754, 1360, 2758, 1360, 2761, 1361, 2764, 1363, 2766, 1365, 2768,
+ 1368, 2769, 1371, 2769, 1375, 2768, 1379, 2772, 1379, 2770, 1376, 2769, 1373,
+ 2766, 1371, 2764, 1368, 2761, 1365, 2758, 1363, 2756, 1360, 2753, 1359, 2750,
[2768, 1379, 2768, 1407, 2772, 1407, 2772, 1379],
@@ -8906,92 +2064,18 @@
K03181: [
[2590, 866, 2590, 861, 2594, 861, 2594, 866],
- 2590,
- 861,
- 2590,
- 857,
- 2591,
- 853,
- 2593,
- 850,
- 2595,
- 847,
- 2598,
- 844,
- 2601,
- 842,
- 2604,
- 840,
- 2608,
- 839,
- 2612,
- 839,
- 2612,
- 843,
- 2609,
- 843,
- 2607,
- 844,
- 2604,
- 846,
- 2601,
- 848,
- 2599,
- 850,
- 2597,
- 853,
- 2595,
- 856,
- 2594,
- 858,
- 2594,
- 861,
+ 2590, 861, 2590, 857, 2591, 853, 2593, 850, 2595, 847, 2598, 844, 2601, 842,
+ 2604, 840, 2608, 839, 2612, 839, 2612, 843, 2609, 843, 2607, 844, 2604, 846,
+ 2601, 848, 2599, 850, 2597, 853, 2595, 856, 2594, 858, 2594, 861,
[2612, 839, 3106, 839, 3106, 843, 2612, 843],
K00832: [
[2593, 762, 2590, 762, 2590, 766, 2593, 766],
- 2590,
- 766,
- 2586,
- 764,
- 2582,
- 762,
- 2578,
- 759,
- 2574,
- 756,
- 2570,
- 752,
- 2567,
- 748,
- 2564,
- 744,
- 2562,
- 740,
- 2560,
- 736,
- 2564,
- 736,
- 2563,
- 741,
- 2564,
- 746,
- 2565,
- 751,
- 2568,
- 755,
- 2571,
- 758,
- 2575,
- 761,
- 2580,
- 762,
- 2585,
- 763,
- 2590,
- 762,
+ 2590, 766, 2586, 764, 2582, 762, 2578, 759, 2574, 756, 2570, 752, 2567, 748,
+ 2564, 744, 2562, 740, 2560, 736, 2564, 736, 2563, 741, 2564, 746, 2565, 751,
+ 2568, 755, 2571, 758, 2575, 761, 2580, 762, 2585, 763, 2590, 762,
[2560, 736, 2560, 677, 2564, 677, 2564, 736],
@@ -9000,88 +2084,16 @@
[1252, 1754, 1192, 1754, 1192, 1758, 1252, 1758],
[1718, 1210, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1210],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2002, 1170, 2002, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2002,
- 1174,
- 2007,
- 1173,
- 2012,
- 1174,
- 2017,
- 1175,
- 2021,
- 1178,
- 2024,
- 1181,
- 2027,
- 1185,
- 2028,
- 1190,
- 2029,
- 1195,
- 2028,
- 1200,
- 2032,
- 1200,
- 2030,
- 1196,
- 2028,
- 1192,
- 2025,
- 1188,
- 2022,
- 1184,
- 2018,
- 1180,
- 2014,
- 1177,
- 2010,
- 1174,
- 2006,
- 1172,
- 2002,
+ 2002, 1174, 2007, 1173, 2012, 1174, 2017, 1175, 2021, 1178, 2024, 1181, 2027,
+ 1185, 2028, 1190, 2029, 1195, 2028, 1200, 2032, 1200, 2030, 1196, 2028, 1192,
+ 2025, 1188, 2022, 1184, 2018, 1180, 2014, 1177, 2010, 1174, 2006, 1172, 2002,
[2028, 1200, 2028, 1258, 2032, 1258, 2032, 1200],
@@ -9109,46 +2121,9 @@
K00874: [
[2121, 212, 2121, 419, 2125, 419, 2125, 212],
- 2121,
- 419,
- 2121,
- 422,
- 2120,
- 424,
- 2118,
- 427,
- 2116,
- 430,
- 2114,
- 432,
- 2111,
- 434,
- 2108,
- 436,
- 2106,
- 437,
- 2103,
- 437,
- 2103,
- 441,
- 2107,
- 441,
- 2111,
- 440,
- 2114,
- 438,
- 2117,
- 436,
- 2120,
- 433,
- 2122,
- 430,
- 2124,
- 427,
- 2125,
- 423,
- 2125,
- 419,
+ 2121, 419, 2121, 422, 2120, 424, 2118, 427, 2116, 430, 2114, 432, 2111, 434,
+ 2108, 436, 2106, 437, 2103, 437, 2103, 441, 2107, 441, 2111, 440, 2114, 438,
+ 2117, 436, 2120, 433, 2122, 430, 2124, 427, 2125, 423, 2125, 419,
[2103, 437, 2084, 437, 2084, 441, 2103, 441],
@@ -9158,398 +2133,65 @@
K00721: [
[779, 333, 779, 176, 783, 176, 783, 333],
- 779,
- 176,
- 779,
- 172,
- 780,
- 168,
- 782,
- 165,
- 784,
- 162,
- 787,
- 159,
- 790,
- 157,
- 793,
- 155,
- 797,
- 154,
- 801,
- 154,
- 801,
- 158,
- 798,
- 158,
- 796,
- 159,
- 793,
- 161,
- 790,
- 163,
- 788,
- 165,
- 786,
- 168,
- 784,
- 171,
- 783,
- 173,
- 783,
- 176,
+ 779, 176, 779, 172, 780, 168, 782, 165, 784, 162, 787, 159, 790, 157, 793, 155,
+ 797, 154, 801, 154, 801, 158, 798, 158, 796, 159, 793, 161, 790, 163, 788, 165,
+ 786, 168, 784, 171, 783, 173, 783, 176,
[801, 154, 1256, 154, 1256, 158, 801, 158],
- 1256,
- 158,
- 1260,
- 157,
- 1264,
- 157,
- 1267,
- 158,
- 1270,
- 160,
- 1272,
- 162,
- 1274,
- 165,
- 1275,
- 168,
- 1275,
- 172,
- 1274,
- 176,
- 1278,
- 176,
- 1276,
- 173,
- 1275,
- 170,
- 1272,
- 168,
- 1270,
- 165,
- 1267,
- 162,
- 1264,
- 160,
- 1262,
- 157,
- 1259,
- 156,
- 1256,
- 154,
+ 1256, 158, 1260, 157, 1264, 157, 1267, 158, 1270, 160, 1272, 162, 1274, 165,
+ 1275, 168, 1275, 172, 1274, 176, 1278, 176, 1276, 173, 1275, 170, 1272, 168,
+ 1270, 165, 1267, 162, 1264, 160, 1262, 157, 1259, 156, 1256, 154,
[1274, 176, 1274, 583, 1278, 583, 1278, 176],
- 1278,
- 583,
- 1278,
- 586,
- 1279,
- 588,
- 1281,
- 591,
- 1283,
- 594,
- 1285,
- 596,
- 1288,
- 598,
- 1291,
- 600,
- 1293,
- 601,
- 1296,
- 601,
- 1296,
- 605,
- 1292,
- 605,
- 1288,
- 604,
- 1285,
- 602,
- 1282,
- 600,
- 1279,
- 597,
- 1277,
- 594,
- 1275,
- 591,
- 1274,
- 587,
- 1274,
- 583,
+ 1278, 583, 1278, 586, 1279, 588, 1281, 591, 1283, 594, 1285, 596, 1288, 598,
+ 1291, 600, 1293, 601, 1296, 601, 1296, 605, 1292, 605, 1288, 604, 1285, 602,
+ 1282, 600, 1279, 597, 1277, 594, 1275, 591, 1274, 587, 1274, 583,
[1296, 601, 1348, 601, 1348, 605, 1296, 605],
[727, 97, 761, 97, 761, 101, 727, 101],
- 761,
- 101,
- 765,
- 100,
- 769,
- 100,
- 772,
- 101,
- 775,
- 103,
- 777,
- 105,
- 779,
- 108,
- 780,
- 111,
- 780,
- 115,
- 779,
- 119,
- 783,
- 119,
- 781,
- 116,
- 780,
- 113,
- 777,
- 111,
- 775,
- 108,
- 772,
- 105,
- 769,
- 103,
- 767,
- 100,
- 764,
- 99,
- 761,
- 97,
+ 761, 101, 765, 100, 769, 100, 772, 101, 775, 103, 777, 105, 779, 108, 780, 111,
+ 780, 115, 779, 119, 783, 119, 781, 116, 780, 113, 777, 111, 775, 108, 772, 105,
+ 769, 103, 767, 100, 764, 99, 761, 97,
[779, 119, 779, 380, 783, 380, 783, 119],
[779, 333, 779, 176, 783, 176, 783, 333],
- 779,
- 176,
- 779,
- 172,
- 780,
- 168,
- 782,
- 165,
- 784,
- 162,
- 787,
- 159,
- 790,
- 157,
- 793,
- 155,
- 797,
- 154,
- 801,
- 154,
- 801,
- 158,
- 798,
- 158,
- 796,
- 159,
- 793,
- 161,
- 790,
- 163,
- 788,
- 165,
- 786,
- 168,
- 784,
- 171,
- 783,
- 173,
- 783,
- 176,
+ 779, 176, 779, 172, 780, 168, 782, 165, 784, 162, 787, 159, 790, 157, 793, 155,
+ 797, 154, 801, 154, 801, 158, 798, 158, 796, 159, 793, 161, 790, 163, 788, 165,
+ 786, 168, 784, 171, 783, 173, 783, 176,
[801, 154, 1256, 154, 1256, 158, 801, 158],
- 1256,
- 158,
- 1260,
- 157,
- 1264,
- 157,
- 1267,
- 158,
- 1270,
- 160,
- 1272,
- 162,
- 1274,
- 165,
- 1275,
- 168,
- 1275,
- 172,
- 1274,
- 176,
- 1278,
- 176,
- 1276,
- 173,
- 1275,
- 170,
- 1272,
- 168,
- 1270,
- 165,
- 1267,
- 162,
- 1264,
- 160,
- 1262,
- 157,
- 1259,
- 156,
- 1256,
- 154,
+ 1256, 158, 1260, 157, 1264, 157, 1267, 158, 1270, 160, 1272, 162, 1274, 165,
+ 1275, 168, 1275, 172, 1274, 176, 1278, 176, 1276, 173, 1275, 170, 1272, 168,
+ 1270, 165, 1267, 162, 1264, 160, 1262, 157, 1259, 156, 1256, 154,
[1274, 176, 1274, 583, 1278, 583, 1278, 176],
- 1278,
- 583,
- 1278,
- 586,
- 1279,
- 588,
- 1281,
- 591,
- 1283,
- 594,
- 1285,
- 596,
- 1288,
- 598,
- 1291,
- 600,
- 1293,
- 601,
- 1296,
- 601,
- 1296,
- 605,
- 1292,
- 605,
- 1288,
- 604,
- 1285,
- 602,
- 1282,
- 600,
- 1279,
- 597,
- 1277,
- 594,
- 1275,
- 591,
- 1274,
- 587,
- 1274,
- 583,
+ 1278, 583, 1278, 586, 1279, 588, 1281, 591, 1283, 594, 1285, 596, 1288, 598,
+ 1291, 600, 1293, 601, 1296, 601, 1296, 605, 1292, 605, 1288, 604, 1285, 602,
+ 1282, 600, 1279, 597, 1277, 594, 1275, 591, 1274, 587, 1274, 583,
[1296, 601, 1348, 601, 1348, 605, 1296, 605],
K00545: [
[2868, 684, 2896, 684, 2896, 688, 2868, 688],
- 2896,
- 684,
- 2899,
- 684,
- 2901,
- 683,
- 2904,
- 681,
- 2907,
- 679,
- 2909,
- 677,
- 2911,
- 674,
- 2913,
- 671,
- 2914,
- 669,
- 2914,
- 666,
- 2918,
- 666,
- 2918,
- 670,
- 2917,
- 674,
- 2915,
- 677,
- 2913,
- 680,
- 2910,
- 683,
- 2907,
- 685,
- 2904,
- 687,
- 2900,
- 688,
- 2896,
- 688,
+ 2896, 684, 2899, 684, 2901, 683, 2904, 681, 2907, 679, 2909, 677, 2911, 674,
+ 2913, 671, 2914, 669, 2914, 666, 2918, 666, 2918, 670, 2917, 674, 2915, 677,
+ 2913, 680, 2910, 683, 2907, 685, 2904, 687, 2900, 688, 2896, 688,
[2914, 666, 2914, 656, 2918, 656, 2918, 666],
[3033, 646, 3115, 646, 3115, 650, 3033, 650],
[3035, 694, 3122, 694, 3122, 698, 3035, 698],
[2941, 580, 2941, 574, 2945, 574, 2945, 580],
- 2941,
- 574,
- 2942,
- 569,
- 2943,
- 564,
- 2945,
- 559,
- 2948,
- 555,
- 2952,
- 551,
- 2956,
- 548,
- 2961,
- 546,
- 2966,
- 545,
- 2971,
- 544,
- 2971,
- 548,
- 2967,
- 548,
- 2963,
- 550,
- 2959,
- 552,
- 2955,
- 555,
- 2952,
- 558,
- 2949,
- 562,
- 2947,
- 566,
- 2945,
- 570,
- 2945,
- 574,
+ 2941, 574, 2942, 569, 2943, 564, 2945, 559, 2948, 555, 2952, 551, 2956, 548,
+ 2961, 546, 2966, 545, 2971, 544, 2971, 548, 2967, 548, 2963, 550, 2959, 552,
+ 2955, 555, 2952, 558, 2949, 562, 2947, 566, 2945, 570, 2945, 574,
[2971, 544, 3035, 544, 3035, 548, 2971, 548],
[2820, 578, 2820, 618, 2824, 618, 2824, 578],
@@ -9559,45 +2201,9 @@
K00136: [
[1772, 1422, 1627, 1422, 1627, 1426, 1772, 1426],
- 1627,
- 1426,
- 1624,
- 1424,
- 1621,
- 1423,
- 1619,
- 1420,
- 1616,
- 1418,
- 1613,
- 1415,
- 1611,
- 1412,
- 1608,
- 1410,
- 1607,
- 1407,
- 1605,
- 1404,
- 1609,
- 1404,
- 1608,
- 1408,
- 1608,
- 1412,
- 1609,
- 1415,
- 1611,
- 1418,
- 1613,
- 1420,
- 1616,
- 1422,
- 1619,
- 1423,
- 1623,
- 1423,
- 1627,
+ 1627, 1426, 1624, 1424, 1621, 1423, 1619, 1420, 1616, 1418, 1613, 1415, 1611,
+ 1412, 1608, 1410, 1607, 1407, 1605, 1404, 1609, 1404, 1608, 1408, 1608, 1412,
+ 1609, 1415, 1611, 1418, 1613, 1420, 1616, 1422, 1619, 1423, 1623, 1423, 1627,
[1605, 1404, 1605, 1391, 1609, 1391, 1609, 1404],
@@ -9608,45 +2214,9 @@
K04110: [
[592, 1994, 1314, 1994, 1314, 1998, 592, 1998],
- 1314,
- 1994,
- 1317,
- 1994,
- 1319,
- 1993,
- 1322,
- 1991,
- 1325,
- 1989,
- 1327,
- 1987,
- 1329,
- 1984,
- 1331,
- 1981,
- 1332,
- 1979,
- 1332,
- 1976,
- 1336,
- 1976,
- 1336,
- 1980,
- 1335,
- 1984,
- 1333,
- 1987,
- 1331,
- 1990,
- 1328,
- 1993,
- 1325,
- 1995,
- 1322,
- 1997,
- 1318,
- 1998,
- 1314,
+ 1314, 1994, 1317, 1994, 1319, 1993, 1322, 1991, 1325, 1989, 1327, 1987, 1329,
+ 1984, 1331, 1981, 1332, 1979, 1332, 1976, 1336, 1976, 1336, 1980, 1335, 1984,
+ 1333, 1987, 1331, 1990, 1328, 1993, 1325, 1995, 1322, 1997, 1318, 1998, 1314,
[1332, 1976, 1332, 1945, 1336, 1945, 1336, 1976],
@@ -9655,46 +2225,9 @@
[1293, 191, 1293, 228, 1297, 228, 1297, 191],
[1244, 191, 1244, 206, 1248, 206, 1248, 191],
- 1248,
- 206,
- 1248,
- 209,
- 1249,
- 211,
- 1251,
- 214,
- 1253,
- 217,
- 1255,
- 219,
- 1258,
- 221,
- 1261,
- 223,
- 1263,
- 224,
- 1266,
- 224,
- 1266,
- 228,
- 1262,
- 228,
- 1258,
- 227,
- 1255,
- 225,
- 1252,
- 223,
- 1249,
- 220,
- 1247,
- 217,
- 1245,
- 214,
- 1244,
- 210,
- 1244,
- 206,
+ 1248, 206, 1248, 209, 1249, 211, 1251, 214, 1253, 217, 1255, 219, 1258, 221,
+ 1261, 223, 1263, 224, 1266, 224, 1266, 228, 1262, 228, 1258, 227, 1255, 225,
+ 1252, 223, 1249, 220, 1247, 217, 1245, 214, 1244, 210, 1244, 206,
[1266, 224, 1296, 224, 1296, 228, 1266, 228],
@@ -9702,91 +2235,18 @@
K01497: [
[3044, 189, 3137, 189, 3137, 193, 3044, 193],
- 3137,
- 193,
- 3141,
- 192,
- 3145,
- 192,
- 3148,
- 193,
- 3151,
- 195,
- 3153,
- 197,
- 3155,
- 200,
- 3156,
- 203,
- 3156,
- 207,
- 3155,
- 211,
- 3159,
- 211,
- 3157,
- 208,
- 3156,
- 205,
- 3153,
- 203,
- 3151,
- 200,
- 3148,
- 197,
- 3145,
- 195,
- 3143,
- 192,
- 3140,
- 191,
- 3137,
- 189,
+ 3137, 193, 3141, 192, 3145, 192, 3148, 193, 3151, 195, 3153, 197, 3155, 200,
+ 3156, 203, 3156, 207, 3155, 211, 3159, 211, 3157, 208, 3156, 205, 3153, 203,
+ 3151, 200, 3148, 197, 3145, 195, 3143, 192, 3140, 191, 3137, 189,
[3155, 211, 3155, 233, 3159, 233, 3159, 211],
K03380: [
[1021, 2132, 1216, 2132, 1216, 2136, 1021, 2136],
- 1216,
- 2132,
- 1219,
- 2132,
- 1221,
- 2131,
- 1224,
- 2129,
- 1227,
- 2127,
- 1229,
- 2125,
- 1231,
- 2122,
- 1233,
- 2119,
- 1234,
- 2117,
- 1234,
- 2114,
- 1238,
- 2114,
- 1238,
- 2118,
- 1237,
- 2122,
- 1235,
- 2125,
- 1233,
- 2128,
- 1230,
- 2131,
- 1227,
- 2133,
- 1224,
- 2135,
- 1220,
- 2136,
- 1216,
+ 1216, 2132, 1219, 2132, 1221, 2131, 1224, 2129, 1227, 2127, 1229, 2125, 1231,
+ 2122, 1233, 2119, 1234, 2117, 1234, 2114, 1238, 2114, 1238, 2118, 1237, 2122,
+ 1235, 2125, 1233, 2128, 1230, 2131, 1227, 2133, 1224, 2135, 1220, 2136, 1216,
[1234, 2114, 1234, 2020, 1238, 2020, 1238, 2114],
@@ -9798,264 +2258,42 @@
K02703: [
[1829, 957, 1827, 957, 1827, 961, 1829, 961],
- 1827,
- 961,
- 1822,
- 959,
- 1817,
- 957,
- 1813,
- 953,
- 1808,
- 949,
- 1804,
- 945,
- 1800,
- 940,
- 1796,
- 936,
- 1794,
- 931,
- 1792,
- 926,
- 1796,
- 926,
- 1795,
- 932,
- 1796,
- 938,
- 1798,
- 943,
- 1801,
- 948,
- 1805,
- 952,
- 1810,
- 955,
- 1815,
- 957,
- 1821,
- 958,
- 1827,
- 957,
+ 1827, 961, 1822, 959, 1817, 957, 1813, 953, 1808, 949, 1804, 945, 1800, 940,
+ 1796, 936, 1794, 931, 1792, 926, 1796, 926, 1795, 932, 1796, 938, 1798, 943,
+ 1801, 948, 1805, 952, 1810, 955, 1815, 957, 1821, 958, 1827, 957,
[1792, 926, 1792, 922, 1796, 922, 1796, 926],
- 1792,
- 922,
- 1793,
- 916,
- 1794,
- 910,
- 1797,
- 905,
- 1801,
- 900,
- 1805,
- 896,
- 1810,
- 892,
- 1815,
- 889,
- 1821,
- 888,
- 1827,
- 887,
- 1827,
- 891,
- 1822,
- 892,
- 1817,
- 893,
- 1813,
- 896,
- 1808,
- 899,
- 1804,
- 903,
- 1801,
- 908,
- 1798,
- 912,
- 1797,
- 917,
- 1796,
- 922,
+ 1792, 922, 1793, 916, 1794, 910, 1797, 905, 1801, 900, 1805, 896, 1810, 892,
+ 1815, 889, 1821, 888, 1827, 887, 1827, 891, 1822, 892, 1817, 893, 1813, 896,
+ 1808, 899, 1804, 903, 1801, 908, 1798, 912, 1797, 917, 1796, 922,
[1827, 887, 1829, 887, 1829, 891, 1827, 891],
[1791, 870, 1791, 976, 1795, 976, 1795, 870],
[1829, 957, 1827, 957, 1827, 961, 1829, 961],
- 1827,
- 961,
- 1822,
- 959,
- 1817,
- 957,
- 1813,
- 953,
- 1808,
- 949,
- 1804,
- 945,
- 1800,
- 940,
- 1796,
- 936,
- 1794,
- 931,
- 1792,
- 926,
- 1796,
- 926,
- 1795,
- 932,
- 1796,
- 938,
- 1798,
- 943,
- 1801,
- 948,
- 1805,
- 952,
- 1810,
- 955,
- 1815,
- 957,
- 1821,
- 958,
- 1827,
- 957,
+ 1827, 961, 1822, 959, 1817, 957, 1813, 953, 1808, 949, 1804, 945, 1800, 940,
+ 1796, 936, 1794, 931, 1792, 926, 1796, 926, 1795, 932, 1796, 938, 1798, 943,
+ 1801, 948, 1805, 952, 1810, 955, 1815, 957, 1821, 958, 1827, 957,
[1792, 926, 1792, 922, 1796, 922, 1796, 926],
- 1792,
- 922,
- 1793,
- 916,
- 1794,
- 910,
- 1797,
- 905,
- 1801,
- 900,
- 1805,
- 896,
- 1810,
- 892,
- 1815,
- 889,
- 1821,
- 888,
- 1827,
- 887,
- 1827,
- 891,
- 1822,
- 892,
- 1817,
- 893,
- 1813,
- 896,
- 1808,
- 899,
- 1804,
- 903,
- 1801,
- 908,
- 1798,
- 912,
- 1797,
- 917,
- 1796,
- 922,
+ 1792, 922, 1793, 916, 1794, 910, 1797, 905, 1801, 900, 1805, 896, 1810, 892,
+ 1815, 889, 1821, 888, 1827, 887, 1827, 891, 1822, 892, 1817, 893, 1813, 896,
+ 1808, 899, 1804, 903, 1801, 908, 1798, 912, 1797, 917, 1796, 922,
[1827, 887, 1829, 887, 1829, 891, 1827, 891],
[1757, 888, 1759, 888, 1759, 892, 1757, 892],
- 1759,
- 892,
- 1765,
- 891,
- 1771,
- 892,
- 1776,
- 894,
- 1781,
- 897,
- 1785,
- 901,
- 1788,
- 906,
- 1790,
- 911,
- 1791,
- 917,
- 1790,
- 923,
- 1794,
- 923,
- 1792,
- 918,
- 1790,
- 913,
- 1786,
- 909,
- 1782,
- 904,
- 1778,
- 900,
- 1773,
- 896,
- 1769,
- 892,
- 1764,
- 890,
- 1759,
- 888,
+ 1759, 892, 1765, 891, 1771, 892, 1776, 894, 1781, 897, 1785, 901, 1788, 906,
+ 1790, 911, 1791, 917, 1790, 923, 1794, 923, 1792, 918, 1790, 913, 1786, 909,
+ 1782, 904, 1778, 900, 1773, 896, 1769, 892, 1764, 890, 1759, 888,
[1790, 923, 1790, 926, 1794, 926, 1794, 923],
- 1790,
- 926,
- 1789,
- 931,
- 1788,
- 936,
- 1785,
- 940,
- 1782,
- 945,
- 1778,
- 949,
- 1773,
- 952,
- 1769,
- 955,
- 1764,
- 956,
- 1759,
- 957,
- 1759,
- 961,
- 1765,
- 960,
- 1771,
- 959,
- 1776,
- 956,
- 1781,
- 952,
- 1785,
- 948,
- 1789,
- 943,
- 1792,
- 938,
- 1793,
- 932,
- 1794,
- 926,
+ 1790, 926, 1789, 931, 1788, 936, 1785, 940, 1782, 945, 1778, 949, 1773, 952,
+ 1769, 955, 1764, 956, 1759, 957, 1759, 961, 1765, 960, 1771, 959, 1776, 956,
+ 1781, 952, 1785, 948, 1789, 943, 1792, 938, 1793, 932, 1794, 926,
[1759, 957, 1757, 957, 1757, 961, 1759, 961],
@@ -10069,46 +2307,9 @@
K03147: [
[2461, 140, 2461, 134, 2465, 134, 2465, 140],
- 2461,
- 134,
- 2461,
- 130,
- 2462,
- 126,
- 2464,
- 123,
- 2466,
- 120,
- 2469,
- 117,
- 2472,
- 115,
- 2475,
- 113,
- 2479,
- 112,
- 2483,
- 112,
- 2483,
- 116,
- 2480,
- 116,
- 2478,
- 117,
- 2475,
- 119,
- 2472,
- 121,
- 2470,
- 123,
- 2468,
- 126,
- 2466,
- 129,
- 2465,
- 131,
- 2465,
- 134,
+ 2461, 134, 2461, 130, 2462, 126, 2464, 123, 2466, 120, 2469, 117, 2472, 115,
+ 2475, 113, 2479, 112, 2483, 112, 2483, 116, 2480, 116, 2478, 117, 2475, 119,
+ 2472, 121, 2470, 123, 2468, 126, 2466, 129, 2465, 131, 2465, 134,
[2483, 112, 3176, 112, 3176, 116, 2483, 116],
@@ -10116,88 +2317,15 @@
K07824: [
[893, 2022, 893, 2016, 897, 2016, 897, 2022],
- 893,
- 2016,
- 893,
- 2012,
- 894,
- 2008,
- 896,
- 2005,
- 898,
- 2002,
- 901,
- 1999,
- 904,
- 1997,
- 907,
- 1995,
- 911,
- 1994,
- 915,
- 1994,
- 915,
- 1998,
- 912,
- 1998,
- 910,
- 1999,
- 907,
- 2001,
- 904,
- 2003,
- 902,
- 2005,
- 900,
- 2008,
- 898,
- 2011,
- 897,
- 2013,
- 897,
- 2016,
+ 893, 2016, 893, 2012, 894, 2008, 896, 2005, 898, 2002, 901, 1999, 904, 1997,
+ 907, 1995, 911, 1994, 915, 1994, 915, 1998, 912, 1998, 910, 1999, 907, 2001,
+ 904, 2003, 902, 2005, 900, 2008, 898, 2011, 897, 2013, 897, 2016,
[915, 1994, 1314, 1994, 1314, 1998, 915, 1998],
- 1314,
- 1994,
- 1317,
- 1994,
- 1319,
- 1993,
- 1322,
- 1991,
- 1325,
- 1989,
- 1327,
- 1987,
- 1329,
- 1984,
- 1331,
- 1981,
- 1332,
- 1979,
- 1332,
- 1976,
- 1336,
- 1976,
- 1336,
- 1980,
- 1335,
- 1984,
- 1333,
- 1987,
- 1331,
- 1990,
- 1328,
- 1993,
- 1325,
- 1995,
- 1322,
- 1997,
- 1318,
- 1998,
- 1314,
+ 1314, 1994, 1317, 1994, 1319, 1993, 1322, 1991, 1325, 1989, 1327, 1987, 1329,
+ 1984, 1331, 1981, 1332, 1979, 1332, 1976, 1336, 1976, 1336, 1980, 1335, 1984,
+ 1333, 1987, 1331, 1990, 1328, 1993, 1325, 1995, 1322, 1997, 1318, 1998, 1314,
[1332, 1976, 1332, 1946, 1336, 1946, 1336, 1976],
@@ -10205,46 +2333,9 @@
R02264: [
[204, 548, 282, 548, 282, 552, 204, 552],
- 282,
- 552,
- 286,
- 551,
- 290,
- 551,
- 293,
- 552,
- 296,
- 554,
- 298,
- 556,
- 300,
- 559,
- 301,
- 562,
- 301,
- 566,
- 300,
- 570,
- 304,
- 570,
- 302,
- 567,
- 301,
- 564,
- 298,
- 562,
- 296,
- 559,
- 293,
- 556,
- 290,
- 554,
- 288,
- 551,
- 285,
- 550,
- 282,
- 548,
+ 282, 552, 286, 551, 290, 551, 293, 552, 296, 554, 298, 556, 300, 559, 301, 562,
+ 301, 566, 300, 570, 304, 570, 302, 567, 301, 564, 298, 562, 296, 559, 293, 556,
+ 290, 554, 288, 551, 285, 550, 282, 548,
[300, 570, 300, 593, 304, 593, 304, 570],
@@ -10256,46 +2347,9 @@
K10527: [
[1208, 467, 1237, 467, 1237, 471, 1208, 471],
- 1237,
- 467,
- 1240,
- 467,
- 1242,
- 466,
- 1245,
- 464,
- 1248,
- 462,
- 1250,
- 460,
- 1252,
- 457,
- 1254,
- 454,
- 1255,
- 452,
- 1255,
- 449,
- 1259,
- 449,
- 1259,
- 453,
- 1258,
- 457,
- 1256,
- 460,
- 1254,
- 463,
- 1251,
- 466,
- 1248,
- 468,
- 1245,
- 470,
- 1241,
- 471,
- 1237,
- 471,
+ 1237, 467, 1240, 467, 1242, 466, 1245, 464, 1248, 462, 1250, 460, 1252, 457,
+ 1254, 454, 1255, 452, 1255, 449, 1259, 449, 1259, 453, 1258, 457, 1256, 460,
+ 1254, 463, 1251, 466, 1248, 468, 1245, 470, 1241, 471, 1237, 471,
[1255, 449, 1255, 424, 1259, 424, 1259, 449],
[1058, 467, 1108, 467, 1108, 471, 1058, 471],
@@ -10306,138 +2360,27 @@
K01786: [
[1916, 525, 1916, 537, 1920, 537, 1920, 525],
- 1920,
- 537,
- 1920,
- 540,
- 1921,
- 542,
- 1923,
- 545,
- 1925,
- 548,
- 1927,
- 550,
- 1930,
- 552,
- 1933,
- 554,
- 1935,
- 555,
- 1938,
- 555,
- 1938,
- 559,
- 1934,
- 559,
- 1930,
- 558,
- 1927,
- 556,
- 1924,
- 554,
- 1921,
- 551,
- 1919,
- 548,
- 1917,
- 545,
- 1916,
- 541,
- 1916,
- 537,
+ 1920, 537, 1920, 540, 1921, 542, 1923, 545, 1925, 548, 1927, 550, 1930, 552,
+ 1933, 554, 1935, 555, 1938, 555, 1938, 559, 1934, 559, 1930, 558, 1927, 556,
+ 1924, 554, 1921, 551, 1919, 548, 1917, 545, 1916, 541, 1916, 537,
[1938, 555, 2165, 555, 2165, 559, 1938, 559],
K03182: [
[3104, 881, 3144, 881, 3144, 885, 3104, 885],
- 3144,
- 885,
- 3148,
- 884,
- 3152,
- 884,
- 3155,
- 885,
- 3158,
- 887,
- 3160,
- 889,
- 3162,
- 892,
- 3163,
- 895,
- 3163,
- 899,
- 3162,
- 903,
- 3166,
- 903,
- 3164,
- 900,
- 3163,
- 897,
- 3160,
- 895,
- 3158,
- 892,
- 3155,
- 889,
- 3152,
- 887,
- 3150,
- 884,
- 3147,
- 883,
- 3144,
- 881,
+ 3144, 885, 3148, 884, 3152, 884, 3155, 885, 3158, 887, 3160, 889, 3162, 892,
+ 3163, 895, 3163, 899, 3162, 903, 3166, 903, 3164, 900, 3163, 897, 3160, 895,
+ 3158, 892, 3155, 889, 3152, 887, 3150, 884, 3147, 883, 3144, 881,
[3162, 903, 3162, 917, 3166, 917, 3166, 903],
K01589: [
[2461, 140, 2461, 105, 2465, 105, 2465, 140],
- 2461,
- 105,
- 2461,
- 102,
- 2462,
- 99,
- 2463,
- 96,
- 2465,
- 93,
- 2467,
- 91,
- 2470,
- 89,
- 2473,
- 88,
- 2476,
- 87,
- 2479,
- 87,
- 2479,
- 91,
- 2477,
- 91,
- 2475,
- 92,
- 2473,
- 93,
- 2471,
- 95,
- 2469,
- 97,
- 2467,
- 99,
- 2466,
- 101,
- 2465,
- 103,
- 2465,
- 105,
+ 2461, 105, 2461, 102, 2462, 99, 2463, 96, 2465, 93, 2467, 91, 2470, 89, 2473,
+ 88, 2476, 87, 2479, 87, 2479, 91, 2477, 91, 2475, 92, 2473, 93, 2471, 95, 2469,
+ 97, 2467, 99, 2466, 101, 2465, 103, 2465, 105,
[2479, 87, 2500, 87, 2500, 91, 2479, 91],
@@ -10462,90 +2405,18 @@
K00122: [
[1263, 1685, 1275, 1685, 1275, 1689, 1263, 1689],
- 1275,
- 1685,
- 1278,
- 1685,
- 1280,
- 1684,
- 1283,
- 1682,
- 1286,
- 1680,
- 1288,
- 1678,
- 1290,
- 1675,
- 1292,
- 1672,
- 1293,
- 1670,
- 1293,
- 1667,
- 1297,
- 1667,
- 1297,
- 1671,
- 1296,
- 1675,
- 1294,
- 1678,
- 1292,
- 1681,
- 1289,
- 1684,
- 1286,
- 1686,
- 1283,
- 1688,
- 1279,
- 1689,
- 1275,
+ 1275, 1685, 1278, 1685, 1280, 1684, 1283, 1682, 1286, 1680, 1288, 1678, 1290,
+ 1675, 1292, 1672, 1293, 1670, 1293, 1667, 1297, 1667, 1297, 1671, 1296, 1675,
+ 1294, 1678, 1292, 1681, 1289, 1684, 1286, 1686, 1283, 1688, 1279, 1689, 1275,
[1293, 1667, 1293, 1623, 1297, 1623, 1297, 1667],
[1257, 1685, 1341, 1685, 1341, 1689, 1257, 1689],
[1263, 1685, 1275, 1685, 1275, 1689, 1263, 1689],
- 1275,
- 1685,
- 1278,
- 1685,
- 1280,
- 1684,
- 1283,
- 1682,
- 1286,
- 1680,
- 1288,
- 1678,
- 1290,
- 1675,
- 1292,
- 1672,
- 1293,
- 1670,
- 1293,
- 1667,
- 1297,
- 1667,
- 1297,
- 1671,
- 1296,
- 1675,
- 1294,
- 1678,
- 1292,
- 1681,
- 1289,
- 1684,
- 1286,
- 1686,
- 1283,
- 1688,
- 1279,
- 1689,
- 1275,
+ 1275, 1685, 1278, 1685, 1280, 1684, 1283, 1682, 1286, 1680, 1288, 1678, 1290,
+ 1675, 1292, 1672, 1293, 1670, 1293, 1667, 1297, 1667, 1297, 1671, 1296, 1675,
+ 1294, 1678, 1292, 1681, 1289, 1684, 1286, 1686, 1283, 1688, 1279, 1689, 1275,
[1293, 1667, 1293, 1623, 1297, 1623, 1297, 1667],
@@ -10563,88 +2434,16 @@
K01457: [
[1338, 1685, 1338, 1698, 1342, 1698, 1342, 1685],
- 1338,
- 1698,
- 1338,
- 1701,
- 1337,
- 1703,
- 1335,
- 1706,
- 1333,
- 1709,
- 1331,
- 1711,
- 1328,
- 1713,
- 1325,
- 1715,
- 1323,
- 1716,
- 1320,
- 1716,
- 1320,
- 1720,
- 1324,
- 1720,
- 1328,
- 1719,
- 1331,
- 1717,
- 1334,
- 1715,
- 1337,
- 1712,
- 1339,
- 1709,
- 1341,
- 1706,
- 1342,
- 1702,
- 1342,
+ 1338, 1698, 1338, 1701, 1337, 1703, 1335, 1706, 1333, 1709, 1331, 1711, 1328,
+ 1713, 1325, 1715, 1323, 1716, 1320, 1716, 1320, 1720, 1324, 1720, 1328, 1719,
+ 1331, 1717, 1334, 1715, 1337, 1712, 1339, 1709, 1341, 1706, 1342, 1702, 1342,
[1320, 1716, 1243, 1716, 1243, 1720, 1320, 1720],
- 1243,
- 1720,
- 1240,
- 1718,
- 1237,
- 1717,
- 1235,
- 1714,
- 1232,
- 1712,
- 1229,
- 1709,
- 1227,
- 1706,
- 1224,
- 1704,
- 1223,
- 1701,
- 1221,
- 1698,
- 1225,
- 1698,
- 1224,
- 1702,
- 1224,
- 1706,
- 1225,
- 1709,
- 1227,
- 1712,
- 1229,
- 1714,
- 1232,
- 1716,
- 1235,
- 1717,
- 1239,
- 1717,
- 1243,
+ 1243, 1720, 1240, 1718, 1237, 1717, 1235, 1714, 1232, 1712, 1229, 1709, 1227,
+ 1706, 1224, 1704, 1223, 1701, 1221, 1698, 1225, 1698, 1224, 1702, 1224, 1706,
+ 1225, 1709, 1227, 1712, 1229, 1714, 1232, 1716, 1235, 1717, 1239, 1717, 1243,
[1221, 1698, 1221, 1623, 1225, 1623, 1225, 1698],
@@ -10656,313 +2455,54 @@
K01193: [
[1772, 384, 1607, 384, 1607, 388, 1772, 388],
- 1607,
- 384,
- 1603,
- 384,
- 1599,
- 385,
- 1596,
- 387,
- 1593,
- 389,
- 1590,
- 392,
- 1588,
- 395,
- 1586,
- 398,
- 1585,
- 402,
- 1585,
- 406,
- 1589,
- 406,
- 1589,
- 403,
- 1590,
- 401,
- 1592,
- 398,
- 1594,
- 395,
- 1596,
- 393,
- 1599,
- 391,
- 1602,
- 389,
- 1604,
- 388,
- 1607,
- 388,
+ 1607, 384, 1603, 384, 1599, 385, 1596, 387, 1593, 389, 1590, 392, 1588, 395,
+ 1586, 398, 1585, 402, 1585, 406, 1589, 406, 1589, 403, 1590, 401, 1592, 398,
+ 1594, 395, 1596, 393, 1599, 391, 1602, 389, 1604, 388, 1607, 388,
[1585, 406, 1585, 440, 1589, 440, 1589, 406],
[1771, 384, 1741, 384, 1741, 388, 1771, 388],
- 1741,
- 384,
- 1737,
- 384,
- 1733,
- 385,
- 1730,
- 387,
- 1727,
- 389,
- 1724,
- 392,
- 1722,
- 395,
- 1720,
- 398,
- 1719,
- 402,
- 1719,
- 406,
- 1723,
- 406,
- 1723,
- 403,
- 1724,
- 401,
- 1726,
- 398,
- 1728,
- 395,
- 1730,
- 393,
- 1733,
- 391,
- 1736,
- 389,
- 1738,
- 388,
- 1741,
- 388,
+ 1741, 384, 1737, 384, 1733, 385, 1730, 387, 1727, 389, 1724, 392, 1722, 395,
+ 1720, 398, 1719, 402, 1719, 406, 1723, 406, 1723, 403, 1724, 401, 1726, 398,
+ 1728, 395, 1730, 393, 1733, 391, 1736, 389, 1738, 388, 1741, 388,
[1719, 406, 1719, 417, 1723, 417, 1723, 406],
[1772, 384, 1607, 384, 1607, 388, 1772, 388],
- 1607,
- 384,
- 1603,
- 384,
- 1599,
- 385,
- 1596,
- 387,
- 1593,
- 389,
- 1590,
- 392,
- 1588,
- 395,
- 1586,
- 398,
- 1585,
- 402,
- 1585,
- 406,
- 1589,
- 406,
- 1589,
- 403,
- 1590,
- 401,
- 1592,
- 398,
- 1594,
- 395,
- 1596,
- 393,
- 1599,
- 391,
- 1602,
- 389,
- 1604,
- 388,
- 1607,
- 388,
+ 1607, 384, 1603, 384, 1599, 385, 1596, 387, 1593, 389, 1590, 392, 1588, 395,
+ 1586, 398, 1585, 402, 1585, 406, 1589, 406, 1589, 403, 1590, 401, 1592, 398,
+ 1594, 395, 1596, 393, 1599, 391, 1602, 389, 1604, 388, 1607, 388,
[1585, 406, 1585, 440, 1589, 440, 1589, 406],
K00498: [
[612, 1601, 612, 1625, 616, 1625, 616, 1601],
- 612,
- 1625,
- 612,
- 1628,
- 611,
- 1630,
- 609,
- 1633,
- 607,
- 1636,
- 605,
- 1638,
- 602,
- 1640,
- 599,
- 1642,
- 597,
- 1643,
- 594,
- 1643,
- 594,
- 1647,
- 598,
- 1647,
- 602,
- 1646,
- 605,
- 1644,
- 608,
- 1642,
- 611,
- 1639,
- 613,
- 1636,
- 615,
- 1633,
- 616,
- 1629,
- 616,
- 1625,
+ 612, 1625, 612, 1628, 611, 1630, 609, 1633, 607, 1636, 605, 1638, 602, 1640,
+ 599, 1642, 597, 1643, 594, 1643, 594, 1647, 598, 1647, 602, 1646, 605, 1644,
+ 608, 1642, 611, 1639, 613, 1636, 615, 1633, 616, 1629, 616, 1625,
[594, 1643, 557, 1643, 557, 1647, 594, 1647],
[556, 1644, 556, 1670, 560, 1670, 560, 1644],
- 560,
- 1670,
- 560,
- 1673,
- 561,
- 1675,
- 563,
- 1678,
- 565,
- 1681,
- 567,
- 1683,
- 570,
- 1685,
- 573,
- 1687,
- 575,
- 1688,
- 578,
- 1688,
- 578,
- 1692,
- 574,
- 1692,
- 570,
- 1691,
- 567,
- 1689,
- 564,
- 1687,
- 561,
- 1684,
- 559,
- 1681,
- 557,
- 1678,
- 556,
- 1674,
- 556,
- 1670,
+ 560, 1670, 560, 1673, 561, 1675, 563, 1678, 565, 1681, 567, 1683, 570, 1685,
+ 573, 1687, 575, 1688, 578, 1688, 578, 1692, 574, 1692, 570, 1691, 567, 1689,
+ 564, 1687, 561, 1684, 559, 1681, 557, 1678, 556, 1674, 556, 1670,
[578, 1688, 615, 1688, 615, 1692, 578, 1692],
[612, 1689, 612, 1731, 616, 1731, 616, 1689],
[612, 1601, 612, 1629, 616, 1629, 616, 1601],
- 616,
- 1629,
- 616,
- 1631,
- 617,
- 1633,
- 618,
- 1635,
- 620,
- 1637,
- 622,
- 1639,
- 624,
- 1641,
- 626,
- 1642,
- 628,
- 1643,
- 630,
- 1643,
- 630,
- 1647,
- 627,
- 1647,
- 624,
- 1646,
- 621,
- 1645,
- 618,
- 1643,
- 616,
- 1641,
- 614,
- 1638,
- 613,
- 1635,
- 612,
- 1632,
- 612,
- 1629,
+ 616, 1629, 616, 1631, 617, 1633, 618, 1635, 620, 1637, 622, 1639, 624, 1641,
+ 626, 1642, 628, 1643, 630, 1643, 630, 1647, 627, 1647, 624, 1646, 621, 1645,
+ 618, 1643, 616, 1641, 614, 1638, 613, 1635, 612, 1632, 612, 1629,
[630, 1643, 672, 1643, 672, 1647, 630, 1647],
[669, 1644, 669, 1670, 673, 1670, 673, 1644],
- 669,
- 1670,
- 669,
- 1673,
- 668,
- 1675,
- 666,
- 1678,
- 664,
- 1681,
- 662,
- 1683,
- 659,
- 1685,
- 656,
- 1687,
- 654,
- 1688,
- 651,
- 1688,
- 651,
- 1692,
- 655,
- 1692,
- 659,
- 1691,
- 662,
- 1689,
- 665,
- 1687,
- 668,
- 1684,
- 670,
- 1681,
- 672,
- 1678,
- 673,
- 1674,
- 673,
- 1670,
+ 669, 1670, 669, 1673, 668, 1675, 666, 1678, 664, 1681, 662, 1683, 659, 1685,
+ 656, 1687, 654, 1688, 651, 1688, 651, 1692, 655, 1692, 659, 1691, 662, 1689,
+ 665, 1687, 668, 1684, 670, 1681, 672, 1678, 673, 1674, 673, 1670,
[651, 1688, 613, 1688, 613, 1692, 651, 1692],
@@ -10977,90 +2517,16 @@
K00659: [
[439, 2039, 439, 2029, 443, 2029, 443, 2039],
- 443,
- 2029,
- 443,
- 2025,
- 442,
- 2021,
- 440,
- 2018,
- 438,
- 2015,
- 435,
- 2012,
- 432,
- 2010,
- 429,
- 2008,
- 425,
- 2007,
- 421,
- 2007,
- 421,
- 2011,
- 424,
- 2011,
- 426,
- 2012,
- 429,
- 2014,
- 432,
- 2016,
- 434,
- 2018,
- 436,
- 2021,
- 438,
- 2024,
- 439,
- 2026,
- 439,
- 2029,
+ 443, 2029, 443, 2025, 442, 2021, 440, 2018, 438, 2015, 435, 2012, 432, 2010,
+ 429, 2008, 425, 2007, 421, 2007, 421, 2011, 424, 2011, 426, 2012, 429, 2014,
+ 432, 2016, 434, 2018, 436, 2021, 438, 2024, 439, 2026, 439, 2029,
[421, 2007, 401, 2007, 401, 2011, 421, 2011],
[439, 2037, 439, 2047, 443, 2047, 443, 2037],
- 439,
- 2047,
- 439,
- 2050,
- 438,
- 2052,
- 436,
- 2055,
- 434,
- 2058,
- 432,
- 2060,
- 429,
- 2062,
- 426,
- 2064,
- 424,
- 2065,
- 421,
- 2065,
- 421,
- 2069,
- 425,
- 2069,
- 429,
- 2068,
- 432,
- 2066,
- 435,
- 2064,
- 438,
- 2061,
- 440,
- 2058,
- 442,
- 2055,
- 443,
- 2051,
- 443,
- 2047,
+ 439, 2047, 439, 2050, 438, 2052, 436, 2055, 434, 2058, 432, 2060, 429, 2062,
+ 426, 2064, 424, 2065, 421, 2065, 421, 2069, 425, 2069, 429, 2068, 432, 2066,
+ 435, 2064, 438, 2061, 440, 2058, 442, 2055, 443, 2051, 443, 2047,
[421, 2065, 401, 2065, 401, 2069, 421, 2069],
[2667, 816, 2727, 816, 2727, 820, 2667, 820],
@@ -11076,46 +2542,9 @@
[959, 423, 1009, 423, 1009, 427, 959, 427],
[477, 804, 477, 763, 481, 763, 481, 804],
- 477,
- 763,
- 477,
- 759,
- 478,
- 755,
- 480,
- 752,
- 482,
- 749,
- 485,
- 746,
- 488,
- 744,
- 491,
- 742,
- 495,
- 741,
- 499,
- 741,
- 499,
- 745,
- 496,
- 745,
- 494,
- 746,
- 491,
- 748,
- 488,
- 750,
- 486,
- 752,
- 484,
- 755,
- 482,
- 758,
- 481,
- 760,
- 481,
- 763,
+ 477, 763, 477, 759, 478, 755, 480, 752, 482, 749, 485, 746, 488, 744, 491, 742,
+ 495, 741, 499, 741, 499, 745, 496, 745, 494, 746, 491, 748, 488, 750, 486, 752,
+ 484, 755, 482, 758, 481, 760, 481, 763,
[499, 741, 524, 741, 524, 745, 499, 745],
@@ -11123,133 +2552,25 @@
K01917: [
[3225, 2066, 2533, 2066, 2533, 2070, 3225, 2070],
- 2533,
- 2070,
- 2530,
- 2068,
- 2527,
- 2067,
- 2525,
- 2064,
- 2522,
- 2062,
- 2519,
- 2059,
- 2517,
- 2056,
- 2514,
- 2054,
- 2513,
- 2051,
- 2511,
- 2048,
- 2515,
- 2048,
- 2514,
- 2052,
- 2514,
- 2056,
- 2515,
- 2059,
- 2517,
- 2062,
- 2519,
- 2064,
- 2522,
- 2066,
- 2525,
- 2067,
- 2529,
- 2067,
- 2533,
+ 2533, 2070, 2530, 2068, 2527, 2067, 2525, 2064, 2522, 2062, 2519, 2059, 2517,
+ 2056, 2514, 2054, 2513, 2051, 2511, 2048, 2515, 2048, 2514, 2052, 2514, 2056,
+ 2515, 2059, 2517, 2062, 2519, 2064, 2522, 2066, 2525, 2067, 2529, 2067, 2533,
[2511, 2048, 2511, 1978, 2515, 1978, 2515, 2048],
[3224, 2066, 3207, 2066, 3207, 2070, 3224, 2070],
- 3207,
- 2070,
- 3205,
- 2069,
- 3203,
- 2067,
- 3201,
- 2065,
- 3198,
- 2063,
- 3196,
- 2061,
- 3194,
- 2058,
- 3192,
- 2056,
- 3190,
- 2054,
- 3189,
- 2052,
- 3193,
- 2052,
- 3192,
- 2055,
- 3192,
- 2058,
- 3193,
- 2061,
- 3194,
- 2063,
- 3196,
- 2065,
- 3198,
- 2066,
- 3201,
- 2067,
- 3204,
- 2067,
- 3207,
+ 3207, 2070, 3205, 2069, 3203, 2067, 3201, 2065, 3198, 2063, 3196, 2061, 3194,
+ 2058, 3192, 2056, 3190, 2054, 3189, 2052, 3193, 2052, 3192, 2055, 3192, 2058,
+ 3193, 2061, 3194, 2063, 3196, 2065, 3198, 2066, 3201, 2067, 3204, 2067, 3207,
[3189, 2052, 3189, 1942, 3193, 1942, 3193, 2052],
[3225, 2066, 2533, 2066, 2533, 2070, 3225, 2070],
- 2533,
- 2070,
- 2530,
- 2068,
- 2527,
- 2067,
- 2525,
- 2064,
- 2522,
- 2062,
- 2519,
- 2059,
- 2517,
- 2056,
- 2514,
- 2054,
- 2513,
- 2051,
- 2511,
- 2048,
- 2515,
- 2048,
- 2514,
- 2052,
- 2514,
- 2056,
- 2515,
- 2059,
- 2517,
- 2062,
- 2519,
- 2064,
- 2522,
- 2066,
- 2525,
- 2067,
- 2529,
- 2067,
- 2533,
+ 2533, 2070, 2530, 2068, 2527, 2067, 2525, 2064, 2522, 2062, 2519, 2059, 2517,
+ 2056, 2514, 2054, 2513, 2051, 2511, 2048, 2515, 2048, 2514, 2052, 2514, 2056,
+ 2515, 2059, 2517, 2062, 2519, 2064, 2522, 2066, 2525, 2067, 2529, 2067, 2533,
[2511, 2048, 2511, 1978, 2515, 1978, 2515, 2048],
@@ -11262,45 +2583,9 @@
[1035, 1740, 1035, 1777, 1039, 1777, 1039, 1740],
[976, 1856, 1017, 1856, 1017, 1860, 976, 1860],
- 1017,
- 1856,
- 1020,
- 1856,
- 1022,
- 1855,
- 1025,
- 1853,
- 1028,
- 1851,
- 1030,
- 1849,
- 1032,
- 1846,
- 1034,
- 1843,
- 1035,
- 1841,
- 1035,
- 1838,
- 1039,
- 1838,
- 1039,
- 1842,
- 1038,
- 1846,
- 1036,
- 1849,
- 1034,
- 1852,
- 1031,
- 1855,
- 1028,
- 1857,
- 1025,
- 1859,
- 1021,
- 1860,
- 1017,
+ 1017, 1856, 1020, 1856, 1022, 1855, 1025, 1853, 1028, 1851, 1030, 1849, 1032,
+ 1846, 1034, 1843, 1035, 1841, 1035, 1838, 1039, 1838, 1039, 1842, 1038, 1846,
+ 1036, 1849, 1034, 1852, 1031, 1855, 1028, 1857, 1025, 1859, 1021, 1860, 1017,
[1035, 1838, 1035, 1811, 1039, 1811, 1039, 1838],
@@ -11316,45 +2601,9 @@
K01886: [
[2798, 1839, 2697, 1839, 2697, 1843, 2798, 1843],
- 2697,
- 1839,
- 2693,
- 1839,
- 2689,
- 1840,
- 2686,
- 1842,
- 2683,
- 1844,
- 2680,
- 1847,
- 2678,
- 1850,
- 2676,
- 1853,
- 2675,
- 1857,
- 2675,
- 1861,
- 2679,
- 1861,
- 2679,
- 1858,
- 2680,
- 1856,
- 2682,
- 1853,
- 2684,
- 1850,
- 2686,
- 1848,
- 2689,
- 1846,
- 2692,
- 1844,
- 2694,
- 1843,
- 2697,
+ 2697, 1839, 2693, 1839, 2689, 1840, 2686, 1842, 2683, 1844, 2680, 1847, 2678,
+ 1850, 2676, 1853, 2675, 1857, 2675, 1861, 2679, 1861, 2679, 1858, 2680, 1856,
+ 2682, 1853, 2684, 1850, 2686, 1848, 2689, 1846, 2692, 1844, 2694, 1843, 2697,
[2675, 1861, 2675, 1932, 2679, 1932, 2679, 1861],
@@ -11363,178 +2612,30 @@
K13421: [
[2205, 628, 2205, 382, 2209, 382, 2209, 628],
- 2205,
- 382,
- 2205,
- 378,
- 2206,
- 374,
- 2208,
- 371,
- 2210,
- 368,
- 2213,
- 365,
- 2216,
- 363,
- 2219,
- 361,
- 2223,
- 360,
- 2227,
- 360,
- 2227,
- 364,
- 2224,
- 364,
- 2222,
- 365,
- 2219,
- 367,
- 2216,
- 369,
- 2214,
- 371,
- 2212,
- 374,
- 2210,
- 377,
- 2209,
- 379,
- 2209,
- 382,
+ 2205, 382, 2205, 378, 2206, 374, 2208, 371, 2210, 368, 2213, 365, 2216, 363,
+ 2219, 361, 2223, 360, 2227, 360, 2227, 364, 2224, 364, 2222, 365, 2219, 367,
+ 2216, 369, 2214, 371, 2212, 374, 2210, 377, 2209, 379, 2209, 382,
[2227, 360, 2314, 360, 2314, 364, 2227, 364],
[2142, 607, 2187, 607, 2187, 611, 2142, 611],
- 2187,
- 607,
- 2190,
- 607,
- 2192,
- 606,
- 2195,
- 604,
- 2198,
- 602,
- 2200,
- 600,
- 2202,
- 597,
- 2204,
- 594,
- 2205,
- 592,
- 2205,
- 589,
- 2209,
- 589,
- 2209,
- 593,
- 2208,
- 597,
- 2206,
- 600,
- 2204,
- 603,
- 2201,
- 606,
- 2198,
- 608,
- 2195,
- 610,
- 2191,
- 611,
- 2187,
- 611,
+ 2187, 607, 2190, 607, 2192, 606, 2195, 604, 2198, 602, 2200, 600, 2202, 597,
+ 2204, 594, 2205, 592, 2205, 589, 2209, 589, 2209, 593, 2208, 597, 2206, 600,
+ 2204, 603, 2201, 606, 2198, 608, 2195, 610, 2191, 611, 2187, 611,
[2205, 589, 2205, 518, 2209, 518, 2209, 589],
[2205, 628, 2205, 382, 2209, 382, 2209, 628],
- 2205,
- 382,
- 2205,
- 378,
- 2206,
- 374,
- 2208,
- 371,
- 2210,
- 368,
- 2213,
- 365,
- 2216,
- 363,
- 2219,
- 361,
- 2223,
- 360,
- 2227,
- 360,
- 2227,
- 364,
- 2224,
- 364,
- 2222,
- 365,
- 2219,
- 367,
- 2216,
- 369,
- 2214,
- 371,
- 2212,
- 374,
- 2210,
- 377,
- 2209,
- 379,
- 2209,
- 382,
+ 2205, 382, 2205, 378, 2206, 374, 2208, 371, 2210, 368, 2213, 365, 2216, 363,
+ 2219, 361, 2223, 360, 2227, 360, 2227, 364, 2224, 364, 2222, 365, 2219, 367,
+ 2216, 369, 2214, 371, 2212, 374, 2210, 377, 2209, 379, 2209, 382,
[2227, 360, 2314, 360, 2314, 364, 2227, 364],
[2314, 360, 2407, 360, 2407, 364, 2314, 364],
- 2407,
- 364,
- 2411,
- 363,
- 2415,
- 363,
- 2418,
- 364,
- 2421,
- 366,
- 2423,
- 368,
- 2425,
- 371,
- 2426,
- 374,
- 2426,
- 378,
- 2425,
- 382,
- 2429,
- 382,
- 2427,
- 379,
- 2426,
- 376,
- 2423,
- 374,
- 2421,
- 371,
- 2418,
- 368,
- 2415,
- 366,
- 2413,
- 363,
- 2410,
- 362,
- 2407,
- 360,
+ 2407, 364, 2411, 363, 2415, 363, 2418, 364, 2421, 366, 2423, 368, 2425, 371,
+ 2426, 374, 2426, 378, 2425, 382, 2429, 382, 2427, 379, 2426, 376, 2423, 374,
+ 2421, 371, 2418, 368, 2415, 366, 2413, 363, 2410, 362, 2407, 360,
[2425, 382, 2425, 403, 2429, 403, 2429, 382],
@@ -11548,46 +2649,9 @@
[3479, 444, 3479, 505, 3483, 505, 3483, 444],
[3479, 442, 3479, 458, 3483, 458, 3483, 442],
- 3483,
- 458,
- 3483,
- 461,
- 3484,
- 463,
- 3486,
- 466,
- 3488,
- 469,
- 3490,
- 471,
- 3493,
- 473,
- 3496,
- 475,
- 3498,
- 476,
- 3501,
- 476,
- 3501,
- 480,
- 3497,
- 480,
- 3493,
- 479,
- 3490,
- 477,
- 3487,
- 475,
- 3484,
- 472,
- 3482,
- 469,
- 3480,
- 466,
- 3479,
- 462,
- 3479,
- 458,
+ 3483, 458, 3483, 461, 3484, 463, 3486, 466, 3488, 469, 3490, 471, 3493, 473,
+ 3496, 475, 3498, 476, 3501, 476, 3501, 480, 3497, 480, 3493, 479, 3490, 477,
+ 3487, 475, 3484, 472, 3482, 469, 3480, 466, 3479, 462, 3479, 458,
[3501, 476, 3522, 476, 3522, 480, 3501, 480],
[3479, 444, 3479, 505, 3483, 505, 3483, 444],
@@ -11605,88 +2669,16 @@
',': [
[2314, 1759, 2318, 1759, 2318, 1763, 2314, 1763],
- 2318,
- 1763,
- 2322,
- 1762,
- 2326,
- 1762,
- 2329,
- 1763,
- 2332,
- 1765,
- 2334,
- 1767,
- 2336,
- 1770,
- 2337,
- 1773,
- 2337,
- 1777,
- 2336,
- 1781,
- 2340,
- 1781,
- 2338,
- 1778,
- 2337,
- 1775,
- 2334,
- 1773,
- 2332,
- 1770,
- 2329,
- 1767,
- 2326,
- 1765,
- 2324,
- 1762,
- 2321,
- 1761,
- 2318,
+ 2318, 1763, 2322, 1762, 2326, 1762, 2329, 1763, 2332, 1765, 2334, 1767, 2336,
+ 1770, 2337, 1773, 2337, 1777, 2336, 1781, 2340, 1781, 2338, 1778, 2337, 1775,
+ 2334, 1773, 2332, 1770, 2329, 1767, 2326, 1765, 2324, 1762, 2321, 1761, 2318,
[2336, 1781, 2336, 1795, 2340, 1795, 2340, 1781],
- 2336,
- 1795,
- 2336,
- 1798,
- 2335,
- 1800,
- 2333,
- 1803,
- 2331,
- 1806,
- 2329,
- 1808,
- 2326,
- 1810,
- 2323,
- 1812,
- 2321,
- 1813,
- 2318,
- 1813,
- 2318,
- 1817,
- 2322,
- 1817,
- 2326,
- 1816,
- 2329,
- 1814,
- 2332,
- 1812,
- 2335,
- 1809,
- 2337,
- 1806,
- 2339,
- 1803,
- 2340,
- 1799,
- 2340,
+ 2336, 1795, 2336, 1798, 2335, 1800, 2333, 1803, 2331, 1806, 2329, 1808, 2326,
+ 1810, 2323, 1812, 2321, 1813, 2318, 1813, 2318, 1817, 2322, 1817, 2326, 1816,
+ 2329, 1814, 2332, 1812, 2335, 1809, 2337, 1806, 2339, 1803, 2340, 1799, 2340,
[2318, 1813, 2314, 1813, 2314, 1817, 2318, 1817],
@@ -11701,45 +2693,9 @@
K01776: [
[2591, 1827, 2694, 1827, 2694, 1831, 2591, 1831],
- 2694,
- 1831,
- 2697,
- 1830,
- 2700,
- 1830,
- 2703,
- 1831,
- 2705,
- 1832,
- 2707,
- 1834,
- 2708,
- 1836,
- 2709,
- 1839,
- 2709,
- 1842,
- 2708,
- 1845,
- 2712,
- 1845,
- 2711,
- 1843,
- 2709,
- 1841,
- 2707,
- 1839,
- 2705,
- 1836,
- 2703,
- 1834,
- 2700,
- 1832,
- 2698,
- 1830,
- 2696,
- 1828,
- 2694,
+ 2694, 1831, 2697, 1830, 2700, 1830, 2703, 1831, 2705, 1832, 2707, 1834, 2708,
+ 1836, 2709, 1839, 2709, 1842, 2708, 1845, 2712, 1845, 2711, 1843, 2709, 1841,
+ 2707, 1839, 2705, 1836, 2703, 1834, 2700, 1832, 2698, 1830, 2696, 1828, 2694,
[2708, 1845, 2708, 1857, 2712, 1857, 2712, 1845],
@@ -11747,306 +2703,54 @@
K01666: [
[1500, 2061, 1656, 2061, 1656, 2065, 1500, 2065],
- 1656,
- 2061,
- 1659,
- 2061,
- 1661,
- 2060,
- 1664,
- 2058,
- 1667,
- 2056,
- 1669,
- 2054,
- 1671,
- 2051,
- 1673,
- 2048,
- 1674,
- 2046,
- 1674,
- 2043,
- 1678,
- 2043,
- 1678,
- 2047,
- 1677,
- 2051,
- 1675,
- 2054,
- 1673,
- 2057,
- 1670,
- 2060,
- 1667,
- 2062,
- 1664,
- 2064,
- 1660,
- 2065,
- 1656,
+ 1656, 2061, 1659, 2061, 1661, 2060, 1664, 2058, 1667, 2056, 1669, 2054, 1671,
+ 2051, 1673, 2048, 1674, 2046, 1674, 2043, 1678, 2043, 1678, 2047, 1677, 2051,
+ 1675, 2054, 1673, 2057, 1670, 2060, 1667, 2062, 1664, 2064, 1660, 2065, 1656,
[1674, 2043, 1674, 1229, 1678, 1229, 1678, 2043],
- 1674,
- 1229,
- 1674,
- 1225,
- 1675,
- 1221,
- 1677,
- 1218,
- 1679,
- 1215,
- 1682,
- 1212,
- 1685,
- 1210,
- 1688,
- 1208,
- 1692,
- 1207,
- 1696,
- 1207,
- 1696,
- 1211,
- 1693,
- 1211,
- 1691,
- 1212,
- 1688,
- 1214,
- 1685,
- 1216,
- 1683,
- 1218,
- 1681,
- 1221,
- 1679,
- 1224,
- 1678,
- 1226,
- 1678,
+ 1674, 1229, 1674, 1225, 1675, 1221, 1677, 1218, 1679, 1215, 1682, 1212, 1685,
+ 1210, 1688, 1208, 1692, 1207, 1696, 1207, 1696, 1211, 1693, 1211, 1691, 1212,
+ 1688, 1214, 1685, 1216, 1683, 1218, 1681, 1221, 1679, 1224, 1678, 1226, 1678,
[1696, 1207, 1721, 1207, 1721, 1211, 1696, 1211],
[1462, 1825, 1462, 1790, 1466, 1790, 1466, 1825],
- 1462,
- 1790,
- 1462,
- 1786,
- 1463,
- 1782,
- 1465,
- 1779,
- 1467,
- 1776,
- 1470,
- 1773,
- 1473,
- 1771,
- 1476,
- 1769,
- 1480,
- 1768,
- 1484,
- 1768,
- 1484,
- 1772,
- 1481,
- 1772,
- 1479,
- 1773,
- 1476,
- 1775,
- 1473,
- 1777,
- 1471,
- 1779,
- 1469,
- 1782,
- 1467,
- 1785,
- 1466,
- 1787,
- 1466,
+ 1462, 1790, 1462, 1786, 1463, 1782, 1465, 1779, 1467, 1776, 1470, 1773, 1473,
+ 1771, 1476, 1769, 1480, 1768, 1484, 1768, 1484, 1772, 1481, 1772, 1479, 1773,
+ 1476, 1775, 1473, 1777, 1471, 1779, 1469, 1782, 1467, 1785, 1466, 1787, 1466,
[1484, 1768, 1847, 1768, 1847, 1772, 1484, 1772],
- 1847,
- 1768,
- 1850,
- 1768,
- 1852,
- 1767,
- 1855,
- 1765,
- 1858,
- 1763,
- 1860,
- 1761,
- 1862,
- 1758,
- 1864,
- 1755,
- 1865,
- 1753,
- 1865,
- 1750,
- 1869,
- 1750,
- 1869,
- 1754,
- 1868,
- 1758,
- 1866,
- 1761,
- 1864,
- 1764,
- 1861,
- 1767,
- 1858,
- 1769,
- 1855,
- 1771,
- 1851,
- 1772,
- 1847,
+ 1847, 1768, 1850, 1768, 1852, 1767, 1855, 1765, 1858, 1763, 1860, 1761, 1862,
+ 1758, 1864, 1755, 1865, 1753, 1865, 1750, 1869, 1750, 1869, 1754, 1868, 1758,
+ 1866, 1761, 1864, 1764, 1861, 1767, 1858, 1769, 1855, 1771, 1851, 1772, 1847,
[1865, 1750, 1865, 1153, 1869, 1153, 1869, 1750],
[1865, 1458, 1865, 1229, 1869, 1229, 1869, 1458],
- 1869,
- 1229,
- 1869,
- 1225,
- 1868,
- 1221,
- 1866,
- 1218,
- 1864,
- 1215,
- 1861,
- 1212,
- 1858,
- 1210,
- 1855,
- 1208,
- 1851,
- 1207,
- 1847,
- 1207,
- 1847,
- 1211,
- 1850,
- 1211,
- 1852,
- 1212,
- 1855,
- 1214,
- 1858,
- 1216,
- 1860,
- 1218,
- 1862,
- 1221,
- 1864,
- 1224,
- 1865,
- 1226,
- 1865,
+ 1869, 1229, 1869, 1225, 1868, 1221, 1866, 1218, 1864, 1215, 1861, 1212, 1858,
+ 1210, 1855, 1208, 1851, 1207, 1847, 1207, 1847, 1211, 1850, 1211, 1852, 1212,
+ 1855, 1214, 1858, 1216, 1860, 1218, 1862, 1221, 1864, 1224, 1865, 1226, 1865,
[1847, 1207, 1719, 1207, 1719, 1211, 1847, 1211],
[1462, 1825, 1462, 1790, 1466, 1790, 1466, 1825],
- 1462,
- 1790,
- 1462,
- 1786,
- 1463,
- 1782,
- 1465,
- 1779,
- 1467,
- 1776,
- 1470,
- 1773,
- 1473,
- 1771,
- 1476,
- 1769,
- 1480,
- 1768,
- 1484,
- 1768,
- 1484,
- 1772,
- 1481,
- 1772,
- 1479,
- 1773,
- 1476,
- 1775,
- 1473,
- 1777,
- 1471,
- 1779,
- 1469,
- 1782,
- 1467,
- 1785,
- 1466,
- 1787,
- 1466,
+ 1462, 1790, 1462, 1786, 1463, 1782, 1465, 1779, 1467, 1776, 1470, 1773, 1473,
+ 1771, 1476, 1769, 1480, 1768, 1484, 1768, 1484, 1772, 1481, 1772, 1479, 1773,
+ 1476, 1775, 1473, 1777, 1471, 1779, 1469, 1782, 1467, 1785, 1466, 1787, 1466,
[1484, 1768, 1847, 1768, 1847, 1772, 1484, 1772],
- 1847,
- 1768,
- 1850,
- 1768,
- 1852,
- 1767,
- 1855,
- 1765,
- 1858,
- 1763,
- 1860,
- 1761,
- 1862,
- 1758,
- 1864,
- 1755,
- 1865,
- 1753,
- 1865,
- 1750,
- 1869,
- 1750,
- 1869,
- 1754,
- 1868,
- 1758,
- 1866,
- 1761,
- 1864,
- 1764,
- 1861,
- 1767,
- 1858,
- 1769,
- 1855,
- 1771,
- 1851,
- 1772,
- 1847,
+ 1847, 1768, 1850, 1768, 1852, 1767, 1855, 1765, 1858, 1763, 1860, 1761, 1862,
+ 1758, 1864, 1755, 1865, 1753, 1865, 1750, 1869, 1750, 1869, 1754, 1868, 1758,
+ 1866, 1761, 1864, 1764, 1861, 1767, 1858, 1769, 1855, 1771, 1851, 1772, 1847,
[1865, 1750, 1865, 1153, 1869, 1153, 1869, 1750],
@@ -12066,443 +2770,73 @@
[1841, 1422, 1899, 1422, 1899, 1426, 1841, 1426],
[901, 1627, 928, 1627, 928, 1631, 901, 1631],
- 928,
- 1627,
- 931,
- 1627,
- 934,
- 1626,
- 936,
- 1624,
- 939,
- 1622,
- 942,
- 1620,
- 944,
- 1617,
- 946,
- 1614,
- 947,
- 1612,
- 947,
- 1609,
- 951,
- 1609,
- 951,
- 1613,
- 949,
- 1617,
- 948,
- 1620,
- 945,
- 1623,
- 943,
- 1626,
- 939,
- 1628,
- 936,
- 1630,
- 932,
- 1631,
- 928,
- 1631,
+ 928, 1627, 931, 1627, 934, 1626, 936, 1624, 939, 1622, 942, 1620, 944, 1617,
+ 946, 1614, 947, 1612, 947, 1609, 951, 1609, 951, 1613, 949, 1617, 948, 1620,
+ 945, 1623, 943, 1626, 939, 1628, 936, 1630, 932, 1631, 928, 1631,
[947, 1609, 947, 1555, 951, 1555, 951, 1609],
- 947,
- 1555,
- 947,
- 1551,
- 948,
- 1547,
- 950,
- 1544,
- 952,
- 1541,
- 954,
- 1538,
- 957,
- 1536,
- 961,
- 1534,
- 964,
- 1533,
- 968,
- 1533,
- 968,
- 1537,
- 965,
- 1537,
- 963,
- 1538,
- 960,
- 1540,
- 958,
- 1542,
- 955,
- 1544,
- 954,
- 1547,
- 952,
- 1550,
- 951,
- 1552,
- 951,
- 1555,
+ 947, 1555, 947, 1551, 948, 1547, 950, 1544, 952, 1541, 954, 1538, 957, 1536,
+ 961, 1534, 964, 1533, 968, 1533, 968, 1537, 965, 1537, 963, 1538, 960, 1540,
+ 958, 1542, 955, 1544, 954, 1547, 952, 1550, 951, 1552, 951, 1555,
[968, 1533, 998, 1533, 998, 1537, 968, 1537],
K13939: [
[3211, 606, 3211, 560, 3215, 560, 3215, 606],
- 3211,
- 560,
- 3211,
- 556,
- 3212,
- 552,
- 3214,
- 549,
- 3216,
- 546,
- 3219,
- 543,
- 3222,
- 541,
- 3225,
- 539,
- 3229,
- 538,
- 3233,
- 538,
- 3233,
- 542,
- 3230,
- 542,
- 3228,
- 543,
- 3225,
- 545,
- 3222,
- 547,
- 3220,
- 549,
- 3218,
- 552,
- 3216,
- 555,
- 3215,
- 557,
- 3215,
- 560,
+ 3211, 560, 3211, 556, 3212, 552, 3214, 549, 3216, 546, 3219, 543, 3222, 541,
+ 3225, 539, 3229, 538, 3233, 538, 3233, 542, 3230, 542, 3228, 543, 3225, 545,
+ 3222, 547, 3220, 549, 3218, 552, 3216, 555, 3215, 557, 3215, 560,
[3233, 538, 3251, 538, 3251, 542, 3233, 542],
[3211, 527, 3211, 606, 3215, 606, 3215, 527],
[3211, 606, 3211, 560, 3215, 560, 3215, 606],
- 3211,
- 560,
- 3211,
- 556,
- 3212,
- 552,
- 3214,
- 549,
- 3216,
- 546,
- 3219,
- 543,
- 3222,
- 541,
- 3225,
- 539,
- 3229,
- 538,
- 3233,
- 538,
- 3233,
- 542,
- 3230,
- 542,
- 3228,
- 543,
- 3225,
- 545,
- 3222,
- 547,
- 3220,
- 549,
- 3218,
- 552,
- 3216,
- 555,
- 3215,
- 557,
- 3215,
- 560,
+ 3211, 560, 3211, 556, 3212, 552, 3214, 549, 3216, 546, 3219, 543, 3222, 541,
+ 3225, 539, 3229, 538, 3233, 538, 3233, 542, 3230, 542, 3228, 543, 3225, 545,
+ 3222, 547, 3220, 549, 3218, 552, 3216, 555, 3215, 557, 3215, 560,
[3233, 538, 3251, 538, 3251, 542, 3233, 542],
[3211, 411, 3211, 461, 3215, 461, 3215, 411],
[3211, 460, 3211, 528, 3215, 528, 3215, 460],
[3212, 458, 3268, 458, 3268, 462, 3212, 462],
- 3268,
- 462,
- 3272,
- 461,
- 3276,
- 461,
- 3279,
- 462,
- 3282,
- 464,
- 3284,
- 466,
- 3286,
- 469,
- 3287,
- 472,
- 3287,
- 476,
- 3286,
- 480,
- 3290,
- 480,
- 3288,
- 477,
- 3287,
- 474,
- 3284,
- 472,
- 3282,
- 469,
- 3279,
- 466,
- 3276,
- 464,
- 3274,
- 461,
- 3271,
- 460,
- 3268,
- 458,
+ 3268, 462, 3272, 461, 3276, 461, 3279, 462, 3282, 464, 3284, 466, 3286, 469,
+ 3287, 472, 3287, 476, 3286, 480, 3290, 480, 3288, 477, 3287, 474, 3284, 472,
+ 3282, 469, 3279, 466, 3276, 464, 3274, 461, 3271, 460, 3268, 458,
[3286, 480, 3286, 585, 3290, 585, 3290, 480],
- 3286,
- 585,
- 3286,
- 588,
- 3285,
- 590,
- 3283,
- 593,
- 3281,
- 596,
- 3279,
- 598,
- 3276,
- 600,
- 3273,
- 602,
- 3271,
- 603,
- 3268,
- 603,
- 3268,
- 607,
- 3272,
- 607,
- 3276,
- 606,
- 3279,
- 604,
- 3282,
- 602,
- 3285,
- 599,
- 3287,
- 596,
- 3289,
- 593,
- 3290,
- 589,
- 3290,
- 585,
+ 3286, 585, 3286, 588, 3285, 590, 3283, 593, 3281, 596, 3279, 598, 3276, 600,
+ 3273, 602, 3271, 603, 3268, 603, 3268, 607, 3272, 607, 3276, 606, 3279, 604,
+ 3282, 602, 3285, 599, 3287, 596, 3289, 593, 3290, 589, 3290, 585,
[3268, 603, 3212, 603, 3212, 607, 3268, 607],
[3212, 603, 3268, 603, 3268, 607, 3212, 607],
- 3268,
- 603,
- 3271,
- 603,
- 3273,
- 602,
- 3276,
- 600,
- 3279,
- 598,
- 3281,
- 596,
- 3283,
- 593,
- 3285,
- 590,
- 3286,
- 588,
- 3286,
- 585,
- 3290,
- 585,
- 3290,
- 589,
- 3289,
- 593,
- 3287,
- 596,
- 3285,
- 599,
- 3282,
- 602,
- 3279,
- 604,
- 3276,
- 606,
- 3272,
- 607,
- 3268,
- 607,
+ 3268, 603, 3271, 603, 3273, 602, 3276, 600, 3279, 598, 3281, 596, 3283, 593,
+ 3285, 590, 3286, 588, 3286, 585, 3290, 585, 3290, 589, 3289, 593, 3287, 596,
+ 3285, 599, 3282, 602, 3279, 604, 3276, 606, 3272, 607, 3268, 607,
[3286, 585, 3286, 560, 3290, 560, 3290, 585],
- 3290,
- 560,
- 3290,
- 556,
- 3289,
- 552,
- 3287,
- 549,
- 3285,
- 546,
- 3282,
- 543,
- 3279,
- 541,
- 3276,
- 539,
- 3272,
- 538,
- 3268,
- 538,
- 3268,
- 542,
- 3271,
- 542,
- 3273,
- 543,
- 3276,
- 545,
- 3279,
- 547,
- 3281,
- 549,
- 3283,
- 552,
- 3285,
- 555,
- 3286,
- 557,
- 3286,
- 560,
+ 3290, 560, 3290, 556, 3289, 552, 3287, 549, 3285, 546, 3282, 543, 3279, 541,
+ 3276, 539, 3272, 538, 3268, 538, 3268, 542, 3271, 542, 3273, 543, 3276, 545,
+ 3279, 547, 3281, 549, 3283, 552, 3285, 555, 3286, 557, 3286, 560,
[3268, 538, 3251, 538, 3251, 542, 3268, 542],
[3212, 458, 3268, 458, 3268, 462, 3212, 462],
- 3268,
- 462,
- 3272,
- 461,
- 3276,
- 461,
- 3279,
- 462,
- 3282,
- 464,
- 3284,
- 466,
- 3286,
- 469,
- 3287,
- 472,
- 3287,
- 476,
- 3286,
- 480,
- 3290,
- 480,
- 3288,
- 477,
- 3287,
- 474,
- 3284,
- 472,
- 3282,
- 469,
- 3279,
- 466,
- 3276,
- 464,
- 3274,
- 461,
- 3271,
- 460,
- 3268,
- 458,
+ 3268, 462, 3272, 461, 3276, 461, 3279, 462, 3282, 464, 3284, 466, 3286, 469,
+ 3287, 472, 3287, 476, 3286, 480, 3290, 480, 3288, 477, 3287, 474, 3284, 472,
+ 3282, 469, 3279, 466, 3276, 464, 3274, 461, 3271, 460, 3268, 458,
[3286, 480, 3286, 585, 3290, 585, 3290, 480],
- 3286,
- 585,
- 3286,
- 588,
- 3285,
- 590,
- 3283,
- 593,
- 3281,
- 596,
- 3279,
- 598,
- 3276,
- 600,
- 3273,
- 602,
- 3271,
- 603,
- 3268,
- 603,
- 3268,
- 607,
- 3272,
- 607,
- 3276,
- 606,
- 3279,
- 604,
- 3282,
- 602,
- 3285,
- 599,
- 3287,
- 596,
- 3289,
- 593,
- 3290,
- 589,
- 3290,
- 585,
+ 3286, 585, 3286, 588, 3285, 590, 3283, 593, 3281, 596, 3279, 598, 3276, 600,
+ 3273, 602, 3271, 603, 3268, 603, 3268, 607, 3272, 607, 3276, 606, 3279, 604,
+ 3282, 602, 3285, 599, 3287, 596, 3289, 593, 3290, 589, 3290, 585,
[3268, 603, 3212, 603, 3212, 607, 3268, 607],
@@ -12510,46 +2844,9 @@
K00655: [
[1155, 590, 1181, 590, 1181, 594, 1155, 594],
- 1181,
- 590,
- 1184,
- 590,
- 1186,
- 589,
- 1189,
- 587,
- 1192,
- 585,
- 1194,
- 583,
- 1196,
- 580,
- 1198,
- 577,
- 1199,
- 575,
- 1199,
- 572,
- 1203,
- 572,
- 1203,
- 576,
- 1202,
- 580,
- 1200,
- 583,
- 1198,
- 586,
- 1195,
- 589,
- 1192,
- 591,
- 1189,
- 593,
- 1185,
- 594,
- 1181,
- 594,
+ 1181, 590, 1184, 590, 1186, 589, 1189, 587, 1192, 585, 1194, 583, 1196, 580,
+ 1198, 577, 1199, 575, 1199, 572, 1203, 572, 1203, 576, 1202, 580, 1200, 583,
+ 1198, 586, 1195, 589, 1192, 591, 1189, 593, 1185, 594, 1181, 594,
[1199, 572, 1199, 554, 1203, 554, 1203, 572],
@@ -12559,91 +2856,17 @@
R09091: [
[278, 1017, 294, 1017, 294, 1021, 278, 1021],
- 294,
- 1021,
- 297,
- 1020,
- 300,
- 1020,
- 302,
- 1020,
- 304,
- 1021,
- 306,
- 1023,
- 307,
- 1025,
- 307,
- 1027,
- 307,
- 1030,
- 306,
- 1033,
- 310,
- 1033,
- 309,
- 1031,
- 307,
- 1029,
- 305,
- 1028,
- 303,
- 1026,
- 301,
- 1024,
- 299,
- 1022,
- 298,
- 1020,
- 296,
- 1018,
- 294,
- 1017,
+ 294, 1021, 297, 1020, 300, 1020, 302, 1020, 304, 1021, 306, 1023, 307, 1025,
+ 307, 1027, 307, 1030, 306, 1033, 310, 1033, 309, 1031, 307, 1029, 305, 1028,
+ 303, 1026, 301, 1024, 299, 1022, 298, 1020, 296, 1018, 294, 1017,
[306, 1033, 306, 1049, 310, 1049, 310, 1033],
[306, 1005, 306, 1049, 310, 1049, 310, 1005],
[278, 1017, 294, 1017, 294, 1021, 278, 1021],
- 294,
- 1021,
- 297,
- 1020,
- 300,
- 1020,
- 302,
- 1020,
- 304,
- 1021,
- 306,
- 1023,
- 307,
- 1025,
- 307,
- 1027,
- 307,
- 1030,
- 306,
- 1033,
- 310,
- 1033,
- 309,
- 1031,
- 307,
- 1029,
- 305,
- 1028,
- 303,
- 1026,
- 301,
- 1024,
- 299,
- 1022,
- 298,
- 1020,
- 296,
- 1018,
- 294,
- 1017,
+ 294, 1021, 297, 1020, 300, 1020, 302, 1020, 304, 1021, 306, 1023, 307, 1025,
+ 307, 1027, 307, 1030, 306, 1033, 310, 1033, 309, 1031, 307, 1029, 305, 1028,
+ 303, 1026, 301, 1024, 299, 1022, 298, 1020, 296, 1018, 294, 1017,
[306, 1033, 306, 1049, 310, 1049, 310, 1033],
@@ -12670,135 +2893,24 @@
K00761: [
[2582, 399, 2582, 409, 2586, 409, 2586, 399],
- 2582,
- 409,
- 2582,
- 412,
- 2581,
- 414,
- 2579,
- 417,
- 2577,
- 420,
- 2575,
- 422,
- 2572,
- 424,
- 2569,
- 426,
- 2567,
- 427,
- 2564,
- 427,
- 2564,
- 431,
- 2568,
- 431,
- 2572,
- 430,
- 2575,
- 428,
- 2578,
- 426,
- 2581,
- 423,
- 2583,
- 420,
- 2585,
- 417,
- 2586,
- 413,
- 2586,
- 409,
+ 2582, 409, 2582, 412, 2581, 414, 2579, 417, 2577, 420, 2575, 422, 2572, 424,
+ 2569, 426, 2567, 427, 2564, 427, 2564, 431, 2568, 431, 2572, 430, 2575, 428,
+ 2578, 426, 2581, 423, 2583, 420, 2585, 417, 2586, 413, 2586, 409,
[2564, 427, 2447, 427, 2447, 431, 2564, 431],
- 2447,
- 431,
- 2444,
- 429,
- 2441,
- 428,
- 2439,
- 425,
- 2436,
- 423,
- 2433,
- 420,
- 2431,
- 417,
- 2428,
- 415,
- 2427,
- 412,
- 2425,
- 409,
- 2429,
- 409,
- 2428,
- 413,
- 2428,
- 417,
- 2429,
- 420,
- 2431,
- 423,
- 2433,
- 425,
- 2436,
- 427,
- 2439,
- 428,
- 2443,
- 428,
- 2447,
- 427,
+ 2447, 431, 2444, 429, 2441, 428, 2439, 425, 2436, 423, 2433, 420, 2431, 417,
+ 2428, 415, 2427, 412, 2425, 409, 2429, 409, 2428, 413, 2428, 417, 2429, 420,
+ 2431, 423, 2433, 425, 2436, 427, 2439, 428, 2443, 428, 2447, 427,
[2425, 409, 2425, 399, 2429, 399, 2429, 409],
K01054: [
[1106, 556, 1106, 546, 1110, 546, 1110, 556],
- 1106,
- 546,
- 1106,
- 542,
- 1107,
- 538,
- 1109,
- 535,
- 1111,
- 532,
- 1114,
- 529,
- 1117,
- 527,
- 1120,
- 525,
- 1124,
- 524,
- 1128,
- 524,
- 1128,
- 528,
- 1125,
- 528,
- 1123,
- 529,
- 1120,
- 531,
- 1117,
- 533,
- 1115,
- 535,
- 1113,
- 538,
- 1111,
- 541,
- 1110,
- 543,
- 1110,
- 546,
+ 1106, 546, 1106, 542, 1107, 538, 1109, 535, 1111, 532, 1114, 529, 1117, 527,
+ 1120, 525, 1124, 524, 1128, 524, 1128, 528, 1125, 528, 1123, 529, 1120, 531,
+ 1117, 533, 1115, 535, 1113, 538, 1111, 541, 1110, 543, 1110, 546,
[1128, 524, 1202, 524, 1202, 528, 1128, 528],
@@ -12818,2426 +2930,380 @@
K00632: [
[2074, 1425, 2074, 1415, 2078, 1415, 2078, 1425],
- 2074,
- 1415,
- 2074,
- 1411,
- 2075,
- 1407,
- 2077,
- 1404,
- 2079,
- 1401,
- 2082,
- 1398,
- 2085,
- 1396,
- 2088,
- 1394,
- 2092,
- 1393,
- 2096,
- 1393,
- 2096,
- 1397,
- 2093,
- 1397,
- 2091,
- 1398,
- 2088,
- 1400,
- 2085,
- 1402,
- 2083,
- 1404,
- 2081,
- 1407,
- 2079,
- 1410,
- 2078,
- 1412,
- 2078,
+ 2074, 1415, 2074, 1411, 2075, 1407, 2077, 1404, 2079, 1401, 2082, 1398, 2085,
+ 1396, 2088, 1394, 2092, 1393, 2096, 1393, 2096, 1397, 2093, 1397, 2091, 1398,
+ 2088, 1400, 2085, 1402, 2083, 1404, 2081, 1407, 2079, 1410, 2078, 1412, 2078,
[2096, 1393, 2213, 1393, 2213, 1397, 2096, 1397],
[1294, 1300, 1294, 1309, 1298, 1309, 1298, 1300],
- 1298,
- 1309,
- 1298,
- 1311,
- 1299,
- 1313,
- 1300,
- 1314,
- 1301,
- 1316,
- 1303,
- 1318,
- 1305,
- 1319,
- 1306,
- 1320,
- 1308,
- 1321,
- 1310,
- 1321,
- 1310,
- 1325,
- 1307,
- 1325,
- 1304,
- 1324,
- 1302,
- 1323,
- 1300,
- 1321,
- 1298,
- 1319,
- 1296,
- 1317,
- 1295,
- 1315,
- 1294,
- 1312,
- 1294,
+ 1298, 1309, 1298, 1311, 1299, 1313, 1300, 1314, 1301, 1316, 1303, 1318, 1305,
+ 1319, 1306, 1320, 1308, 1321, 1310, 1321, 1310, 1325, 1307, 1325, 1304, 1324,
+ 1302, 1323, 1300, 1321, 1298, 1319, 1296, 1317, 1295, 1315, 1294, 1312, 1294,
[1310, 1321, 1312, 1321, 1312, 1325, 1310, 1325],
- 1312,
- 1321,
- 1314,
- 1321,
- 1316,
- 1320,
- 1318,
- 1319,
- 1320,
- 1318,
- 1322,
- 1316,
- 1323,
- 1314,
- 1324,
- 1313,
- 1325,
- 1311,
- 1325,
- 1309,
- 1329,
- 1309,
- 1329,
- 1312,
- 1328,
- 1315,
- 1327,
- 1317,
- 1325,
- 1319,
- 1323,
- 1321,
- 1321,
- 1323,
- 1318,
- 1324,
- 1315,
- 1325,
- 1312,
+ 1312, 1321, 1314, 1321, 1316, 1320, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1318, 1322, 1316, 1323,
+ 1314, 1324, 1313, 1325, 1311, 1325, 1309, 1329, 1309, 1329, 1312, 1328, 1315,
+ 1327, 1317, 1325, 1319, 1323, 1321, 1321, 1323, 1318, 1324, 1315, 1325, 1312,
[1325, 1309, 1325, 1007, 1329, 1007, 1329, 1309],
- 1325,
- 1007,
- 1325,
- 1004,
- 1326,
- 1001,
- 1327,
- 999,
- 1329,
- 997,
- 1330,
- 995,
- 1333,
- 993,
- 1335,
- 992,
- 1337,
- 991,
- 1340,
- 991,
- 1340,
- 995,
- 1339,
- 995,
- 1337,
- 996,
- 1335,
- 997,
- 1334,
- 998,
- 1332,
- 1000,
- 1331,
- 1002,
- 1330,
- 1003,
- 1329,
- 1005,
- 1329,
- 1007,
+ 1325, 1007, 1325, 1004, 1326, 1001, 1327, 999, 1329, 997, 1330, 995, 1333, 993,
+ 1335, 992, 1337, 991, 1340, 991, 1340, 995, 1339, 995, 1337, 996, 1335, 997,
+ 1334, 998, 1332, 1000, 1331, 1002, 1330, 1003, 1329, 1005, 1329, 1007,
[1340, 991, 1343, 991, 1343, 995, 1340, 995],
- 1343,
- 995,
- 1346,
- 994,
- 1349,
- 994,
- 1351,
- 994,
- 1353,
- 995,
- 1355,
- 997,
- 1356,
- 999,
- 1356,
- 1001,
- 1356,
- 1004,
- 1355,
- 1007,
- 1359,
- 1007,
- 1358,
- 1005,
- 1356,
- 1003,
- 1354,
- 1002,
- 1352,
- 1000,
- 1350,
- 998,
- 1348,
- 996,
- 1347,
- 994,
- 1345,
- 992,
- 1343,
- 991,
+ 1343, 995, 1346, 994, 1349, 994, 1351, 994, 1353, 995, 1355, 997, 1356, 999,
+ 1356, 1001, 1356, 1004, 1355, 1007, 1359, 1007, 1358, 1005, 1356, 1003, 1354,
+ 1002, 1352, 1000, 1350, 998, 1348, 996, 1347, 994, 1345, 992, 1343, 991,
[1355, 1007, 1355, 1019, 1359, 1019, 1359, 1007],
[1355, 1022, 1355, 986, 1359, 986, 1359, 1022],
- 1355,
- 986,
- 1355,
- 982,
- 1356,
- 978,
- 1358,
- 975,
- 1360,
- 972,
- 1363,
- 969,
- 1366,
- 967,
- 1369,
- 965,
- 1373,
- 964,
- 1377,
- 964,
- 1377,
- 968,
- 1374,
- 968,
- 1372,
- 969,
- 1369,
- 971,
- 1366,
- 973,
- 1364,
- 975,
- 1362,
- 978,
- 1360,
- 981,
- 1359,
- 983,
- 1359,
- 986,
+ 1355, 986, 1355, 982, 1356, 978, 1358, 975, 1360, 972, 1363, 969, 1366, 967,
+ 1369, 965, 1373, 964, 1377, 964, 1377, 968, 1374, 968, 1372, 969, 1369, 971,
+ 1366, 973, 1364, 975, 1362, 978, 1360, 981, 1359, 983, 1359, 986,
[1377, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1377, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1625, 1310, 1629, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1629,
- 1310,
- 1629,
- 1313,
- 1630,
- 1315,
- 1632,
- 1318,
- 1634,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1639,
- 1325,
- 1642,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1332,
- 1643,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1636,
- 1329,
- 1633,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1628,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1625,
- 1314,
- 1625,
+ 1629, 1310, 1629, 1313, 1630, 1315, 1632, 1318, 1634, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1639,
+ 1325, 1642, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1647, 1328, 1647, 1332, 1643, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1636, 1329, 1633, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1628, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1625, 1314, 1625,
[1647, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1647, 1332],
[1294, 1300, 1294, 1309, 1298, 1309, 1298, 1300],
- 1298,
- 1309,
- 1298,
- 1311,
- 1299,
- 1313,
- 1300,
- 1314,
- 1301,
- 1316,
- 1303,
- 1318,
- 1305,
- 1319,
- 1306,
- 1320,
- 1308,
- 1321,
- 1310,
- 1321,
- 1310,
- 1325,
- 1307,
- 1325,
- 1304,
- 1324,
- 1302,
- 1323,
- 1300,
- 1321,
- 1298,
- 1319,
- 1296,
- 1317,
- 1295,
- 1315,
- 1294,
- 1312,
- 1294,
+ 1298, 1309, 1298, 1311, 1299, 1313, 1300, 1314, 1301, 1316, 1303, 1318, 1305,
+ 1319, 1306, 1320, 1308, 1321, 1310, 1321, 1310, 1325, 1307, 1325, 1304, 1324,
+ 1302, 1323, 1300, 1321, 1298, 1319, 1296, 1317, 1295, 1315, 1294, 1312, 1294,
[1310, 1321, 1312, 1321, 1312, 1325, 1310, 1325],
- 1312,
- 1321,
- 1314,
- 1321,
- 1316,
- 1320,
- 1318,
- 1319,
- 1320,
- 1318,
- 1322,
- 1316,
- 1323,
- 1314,
- 1324,
- 1313,
- 1325,
- 1311,
- 1325,
- 1309,
- 1329,
- 1309,
- 1329,
- 1312,
- 1328,
- 1315,
- 1327,
- 1317,
- 1325,
- 1319,
- 1323,
- 1321,
- 1321,
- 1323,
- 1318,
- 1324,
- 1315,
- 1325,
- 1312,
+ 1312, 1321, 1314, 1321, 1316, 1320, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1318, 1322, 1316, 1323,
+ 1314, 1324, 1313, 1325, 1311, 1325, 1309, 1329, 1309, 1329, 1312, 1328, 1315,
+ 1327, 1317, 1325, 1319, 1323, 1321, 1321, 1323, 1318, 1324, 1315, 1325, 1312,
[1325, 1309, 1325, 1007, 1329, 1007, 1329, 1309],
- 1325,
- 1007,
- 1325,
- 1004,
- 1326,
- 1001,
- 1327,
- 999,
- 1329,
- 997,
- 1330,
- 995,
- 1333,
- 993,
- 1335,
- 992,
- 1337,
- 991,
- 1340,
- 991,
- 1340,
- 995,
- 1339,
- 995,
- 1337,
- 996,
- 1335,
- 997,
- 1334,
- 998,
- 1332,
- 1000,
- 1331,
- 1002,
- 1330,
- 1003,
- 1329,
- 1005,
- 1329,
- 1007,
+ 1325, 1007, 1325, 1004, 1326, 1001, 1327, 999, 1329, 997, 1330, 995, 1333, 993,
+ 1335, 992, 1337, 991, 1340, 991, 1340, 995, 1339, 995, 1337, 996, 1335, 997,
+ 1334, 998, 1332, 1000, 1331, 1002, 1330, 1003, 1329, 1005, 1329, 1007,
[1340, 991, 1343, 991, 1343, 995, 1340, 995],
- 1343,
- 995,
- 1346,
- 994,
- 1349,
- 994,
- 1351,
- 994,
- 1353,
- 995,
- 1355,
- 997,
- 1356,
- 999,
- 1356,
- 1001,
- 1356,
- 1004,
- 1355,
- 1007,
- 1359,
- 1007,
- 1358,
- 1005,
- 1356,
- 1003,
- 1354,
- 1002,
- 1352,
- 1000,
- 1350,
- 998,
- 1348,
- 996,
- 1347,
- 994,
- 1345,
- 992,
- 1343,
- 991,
+ 1343, 995, 1346, 994, 1349, 994, 1351, 994, 1353, 995, 1355, 997, 1356, 999,
+ 1356, 1001, 1356, 1004, 1355, 1007, 1359, 1007, 1358, 1005, 1356, 1003, 1354,
+ 1002, 1352, 1000, 1350, 998, 1348, 996, 1347, 994, 1345, 992, 1343, 991,
[1355, 1007, 1355, 1019, 1359, 1019, 1359, 1007],
[1233, 1300, 1233, 1309, 1237, 1309, 1237, 1300],
- 1237,
- 1309,
- 1237,
- 1311,
- 1238,
- 1313,
- 1239,
- 1314,
- 1240,
- 1316,
- 1242,
- 1318,
- 1244,
- 1319,
- 1245,
- 1320,
- 1247,
- 1321,
- 1249,
- 1321,
- 1249,
- 1325,
- 1246,
- 1325,
- 1243,
- 1324,
- 1241,
- 1323,
- 1239,
- 1321,
- 1237,
- 1319,
- 1235,
- 1317,
- 1234,
- 1315,
- 1233,
- 1312,
- 1233,
+ 1237, 1309, 1237, 1311, 1238, 1313, 1239, 1314, 1240, 1316, 1242, 1318, 1244,
+ 1319, 1245, 1320, 1247, 1321, 1249, 1321, 1249, 1325, 1246, 1325, 1243, 1324,
+ 1241, 1323, 1239, 1321, 1237, 1319, 1235, 1317, 1234, 1315, 1233, 1312, 1233,
[1249, 1321, 1252, 1321, 1252, 1325, 1249, 1325],
- 1252,
- 1321,
- 1253,
- 1321,
- 1255,
- 1320,
- 1257,
- 1319,
- 1259,
- 1318,
- 1260,
- 1316,
- 1262,
- 1314,
- 1263,
- 1313,
- 1264,
- 1311,
- 1264,
- 1309,
- 1268,
- 1309,
- 1268,
- 1312,
- 1267,
- 1315,
- 1266,
- 1317,
- 1264,
- 1319,
- 1262,
- 1321,
- 1260,
- 1323,
- 1257,
- 1324,
- 1255,
- 1325,
- 1252,
+ 1252, 1321, 1253, 1321, 1255, 1320, 1257, 1319, 1259, 1318, 1260, 1316, 1262,
+ 1314, 1263, 1313, 1264, 1311, 1264, 1309, 1268, 1309, 1268, 1312, 1267, 1315,
+ 1266, 1317, 1264, 1319, 1262, 1321, 1260, 1323, 1257, 1324, 1255, 1325, 1252,
[1264, 1309, 1264, 1007, 1268, 1007, 1268, 1309],
- 1264,
- 1007,
- 1264,
- 1004,
- 1265,
- 1001,
- 1266,
- 999,
- 1267,
- 997,
- 1269,
- 995,
- 1271,
- 993,
- 1273,
- 992,
- 1276,
- 991,
- 1279,
- 991,
- 1279,
- 995,
- 1277,
- 995,
- 1276,
- 996,
- 1274,
- 997,
- 1272,
- 998,
- 1271,
- 1000,
- 1270,
- 1002,
- 1269,
- 1003,
- 1268,
- 1005,
- 1268,
- 1007,
+ 1264, 1007, 1264, 1004, 1265, 1001, 1266, 999, 1267, 997, 1269, 995, 1271, 993,
+ 1273, 992, 1276, 991, 1279, 991, 1279, 995, 1277, 995, 1276, 996, 1274, 997,
+ 1272, 998, 1271, 1000, 1270, 1002, 1269, 1003, 1268, 1005, 1268, 1007,
[1279, 991, 1282, 991, 1282, 995, 1279, 995],
- 1282,
- 995,
- 1285,
- 994,
- 1288,
- 994,
- 1290,
- 994,
- 1292,
- 995,
- 1294,
- 997,
- 1295,
- 999,
- 1295,
- 1001,
- 1295,
- 1004,
- 1294,
- 1007,
- 1298,
- 1007,
- 1297,
- 1005,
- 1295,
- 1003,
- 1293,
- 1002,
- 1291,
- 1000,
- 1289,
- 998,
- 1287,
- 996,
- 1286,
- 994,
- 1284,
- 992,
- 1282,
- 991,
+ 1282, 995, 1285, 994, 1288, 994, 1290, 994, 1292, 995, 1294, 997, 1295, 999,
+ 1295, 1001, 1295, 1004, 1294, 1007, 1298, 1007, 1297, 1005, 1295, 1003, 1293,
+ 1002, 1291, 1000, 1289, 998, 1287, 996, 1286, 994, 1284, 992, 1282, 991,
[1294, 1007, 1294, 1020, 1298, 1020, 1298, 1007],
[1294, 1013, 1293, 986, 1297, 986, 1298, 1013],
- 1293,
- 986,
- 1293,
- 982,
- 1294,
- 978,
- 1296,
- 975,
- 1298,
- 972,
- 1301,
- 969,
- 1304,
- 967,
- 1307,
- 965,
- 1311,
- 964,
- 1315,
- 964,
- 1315,
- 968,
- 1312,
- 968,
- 1310,
- 969,
- 1307,
- 971,
- 1304,
- 973,
- 1302,
- 975,
- 1300,
- 978,
- 1298,
- 981,
- 1297,
- 983,
- 1297,
- 986,
+ 1293, 986, 1293, 982, 1294, 978, 1296, 975, 1298, 972, 1301, 969, 1304, 967,
+ 1307, 965, 1311, 964, 1315, 964, 1315, 968, 1312, 968, 1310, 969, 1307, 971,
+ 1304, 973, 1302, 975, 1300, 978, 1298, 981, 1297, 983, 1297, 986,
[1315, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1315, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1625, 1310, 1629, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1629,
- 1310,
- 1629,
- 1313,
- 1630,
- 1315,
- 1632,
- 1318,
- 1634,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1639,
- 1325,
- 1642,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1332,
- 1643,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1636,
- 1329,
- 1633,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1628,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1625,
- 1314,
- 1625,
+ 1629, 1310, 1629, 1313, 1630, 1315, 1632, 1318, 1634, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1639,
+ 1325, 1642, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1647, 1328, 1647, 1332, 1643, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1636, 1329, 1633, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1628, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1625, 1314, 1625,
[1647, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1647, 1332],
[1233, 1300, 1233, 1309, 1237, 1309, 1237, 1300],
- 1237,
- 1309,
- 1237,
- 1311,
- 1238,
- 1313,
- 1239,
- 1314,
- 1240,
- 1316,
- 1242,
- 1318,
- 1244,
- 1319,
- 1245,
- 1320,
- 1247,
- 1321,
- 1249,
- 1321,
- 1249,
- 1325,
- 1246,
- 1325,
- 1243,
- 1324,
- 1241,
- 1323,
- 1239,
- 1321,
- 1237,
- 1319,
- 1235,
- 1317,
- 1234,
- 1315,
- 1233,
- 1312,
- 1233,
+ 1237, 1309, 1237, 1311, 1238, 1313, 1239, 1314, 1240, 1316, 1242, 1318, 1244,
+ 1319, 1245, 1320, 1247, 1321, 1249, 1321, 1249, 1325, 1246, 1325, 1243, 1324,
+ 1241, 1323, 1239, 1321, 1237, 1319, 1235, 1317, 1234, 1315, 1233, 1312, 1233,
[1249, 1321, 1252, 1321, 1252, 1325, 1249, 1325],
- 1252,
- 1321,
- 1253,
- 1321,
- 1255,
- 1320,
- 1257,
- 1319,
- 1259,
- 1318,
- 1260,
- 1316,
- 1262,
- 1314,
- 1263,
- 1313,
- 1264,
- 1311,
- 1264,
- 1309,
- 1268,
- 1309,
- 1268,
- 1312,
- 1267,
- 1315,
- 1266,
- 1317,
- 1264,
- 1319,
- 1262,
- 1321,
- 1260,
- 1323,
- 1257,
- 1324,
- 1255,
- 1325,
- 1252,
+ 1252, 1321, 1253, 1321, 1255, 1320, 1257, 1319, 1259, 1318, 1260, 1316, 1262,
+ 1314, 1263, 1313, 1264, 1311, 1264, 1309, 1268, 1309, 1268, 1312, 1267, 1315,
+ 1266, 1317, 1264, 1319, 1262, 1321, 1260, 1323, 1257, 1324, 1255, 1325, 1252,
[1264, 1309, 1264, 1007, 1268, 1007, 1268, 1309],
- 1264,
- 1007,
- 1264,
- 1004,
- 1265,
- 1001,
- 1266,
- 999,
- 1267,
- 997,
- 1269,
- 995,
- 1271,
- 993,
- 1273,
- 992,
- 1276,
- 991,
- 1279,
- 991,
- 1279,
- 995,
- 1277,
- 995,
- 1276,
- 996,
- 1274,
- 997,
- 1272,
- 998,
- 1271,
- 1000,
- 1270,
- 1002,
- 1269,
- 1003,
- 1268,
- 1005,
- 1268,
- 1007,
+ 1264, 1007, 1264, 1004, 1265, 1001, 1266, 999, 1267, 997, 1269, 995, 1271, 993,
+ 1273, 992, 1276, 991, 1279, 991, 1279, 995, 1277, 995, 1276, 996, 1274, 997,
+ 1272, 998, 1271, 1000, 1270, 1002, 1269, 1003, 1268, 1005, 1268, 1007,
[1279, 991, 1282, 991, 1282, 995, 1279, 995],
- 1282,
- 995,
- 1285,
- 994,
- 1288,
- 994,
- 1290,
- 994,
- 1292,
- 995,
- 1294,
- 997,
- 1295,
- 999,
- 1295,
- 1001,
- 1295,
- 1004,
- 1294,
- 1007,
- 1298,
- 1007,
- 1297,
- 1005,
- 1295,
- 1003,
- 1293,
- 1002,
- 1291,
- 1000,
- 1289,
- 998,
- 1287,
- 996,
- 1286,
- 994,
- 1284,
- 992,
- 1282,
- 991,
+ 1282, 995, 1285, 994, 1288, 994, 1290, 994, 1292, 995, 1294, 997, 1295, 999,
+ 1295, 1001, 1295, 1004, 1294, 1007, 1298, 1007, 1297, 1005, 1295, 1003, 1293,
+ 1002, 1291, 1000, 1289, 998, 1287, 996, 1286, 994, 1284, 992, 1282, 991,
[1294, 1007, 1294, 1020, 1298, 1020, 1298, 1007],
[1172, 1300, 1172, 1309, 1176, 1309, 1176, 1300],
- 1176,
- 1309,
- 1176,
- 1311,
- 1177,
- 1313,
- 1178,
- 1314,
- 1179,
- 1316,
- 1181,
- 1318,
- 1183,
- 1319,
- 1184,
- 1320,
- 1186,
- 1321,
- 1188,
- 1321,
- 1188,
- 1325,
- 1185,
- 1325,
- 1182,
- 1324,
- 1180,
- 1323,
- 1178,
- 1321,
- 1176,
- 1319,
- 1174,
- 1317,
- 1173,
- 1315,
- 1172,
- 1312,
- 1172,
+ 1176, 1309, 1176, 1311, 1177, 1313, 1178, 1314, 1179, 1316, 1181, 1318, 1183,
+ 1319, 1184, 1320, 1186, 1321, 1188, 1321, 1188, 1325, 1185, 1325, 1182, 1324,
+ 1180, 1323, 1178, 1321, 1176, 1319, 1174, 1317, 1173, 1315, 1172, 1312, 1172,
[1188, 1321, 1190, 1321, 1190, 1325, 1188, 1325],
- 1190,
- 1321,
- 1192,
- 1321,
- 1194,
- 1320,
- 1196,
- 1319,
- 1198,
- 1318,
- 1200,
- 1316,
- 1201,
- 1314,
- 1202,
- 1313,
- 1203,
- 1311,
- 1203,
- 1309,
- 1207,
- 1309,
- 1207,
- 1312,
- 1206,
- 1315,
- 1205,
- 1317,
- 1203,
- 1319,
- 1201,
- 1321,
- 1199,
- 1323,
- 1196,
- 1324,
- 1193,
- 1325,
- 1190,
+ 1190, 1321, 1192, 1321, 1194, 1320, 1196, 1319, 1198, 1318, 1200, 1316, 1201,
+ 1314, 1202, 1313, 1203, 1311, 1203, 1309, 1207, 1309, 1207, 1312, 1206, 1315,
+ 1205, 1317, 1203, 1319, 1201, 1321, 1199, 1323, 1196, 1324, 1193, 1325, 1190,
[1203, 1309, 1203, 1007, 1207, 1007, 1207, 1309],
- 1203,
- 1007,
- 1203,
- 1004,
- 1204,
- 1001,
- 1205,
- 999,
- 1207,
- 997,
- 1208,
- 995,
- 1211,
- 993,
- 1213,
- 992,
- 1215,
- 991,
- 1218,
- 991,
- 1218,
- 995,
- 1217,
- 995,
- 1215,
- 996,
- 1213,
- 997,
- 1212,
- 998,
- 1210,
- 1000,
- 1209,
- 1002,
- 1208,
- 1003,
- 1207,
- 1005,
- 1207,
- 1007,
+ 1203, 1007, 1203, 1004, 1204, 1001, 1205, 999, 1207, 997, 1208, 995, 1211, 993,
+ 1213, 992, 1215, 991, 1218, 991, 1218, 995, 1217, 995, 1215, 996, 1213, 997,
+ 1212, 998, 1210, 1000, 1209, 1002, 1208, 1003, 1207, 1005, 1207, 1007,
[1218, 991, 1221, 991, 1221, 995, 1218, 995],
- 1221,
- 995,
- 1224,
- 994,
- 1227,
- 994,
- 1229,
- 994,
- 1231,
- 995,
- 1233,
- 997,
- 1234,
- 999,
- 1234,
- 1001,
- 1234,
- 1004,
- 1233,
- 1007,
- 1237,
- 1007,
- 1236,
- 1005,
- 1234,
- 1003,
- 1232,
- 1002,
- 1230,
- 1000,
- 1228,
- 998,
- 1226,
- 996,
- 1225,
- 994,
- 1223,
- 992,
- 1221,
- 991,
+ 1221, 995, 1224, 994, 1227, 994, 1229, 994, 1231, 995, 1233, 997, 1234, 999,
+ 1234, 1001, 1234, 1004, 1233, 1007, 1237, 1007, 1236, 1005, 1234, 1003, 1232,
+ 1002, 1230, 1000, 1228, 998, 1226, 996, 1225, 994, 1223, 992, 1221, 991,
[1233, 1007, 1233, 1020, 1237, 1020, 1237, 1007],
[1233, 1016, 1233, 986, 1237, 986, 1237, 1016],
- 1233,
- 986,
- 1233,
- 982,
- 1234,
- 978,
- 1236,
- 975,
- 1238,
- 972,
- 1241,
- 969,
- 1244,
- 967,
- 1247,
- 965,
- 1251,
- 964,
- 1255,
- 964,
- 1255,
- 968,
- 1252,
- 968,
- 1250,
- 969,
- 1247,
- 971,
- 1244,
- 973,
- 1242,
- 975,
- 1240,
- 978,
- 1238,
- 981,
- 1237,
- 983,
- 1237,
- 986,
+ 1233, 986, 1233, 982, 1234, 978, 1236, 975, 1238, 972, 1241, 969, 1244, 967,
+ 1247, 965, 1251, 964, 1255, 964, 1255, 968, 1252, 968, 1250, 969, 1247, 971,
+ 1244, 973, 1242, 975, 1240, 978, 1238, 981, 1237, 983, 1237, 986,
[1255, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1255, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1625, 1310, 1629, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1629,
- 1310,
- 1629,
- 1313,
- 1630,
- 1315,
- 1632,
- 1318,
- 1634,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1639,
- 1325,
- 1642,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1332,
- 1643,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1636,
- 1329,
- 1633,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1628,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1625,
- 1314,
- 1625,
+ 1629, 1310, 1629, 1313, 1630, 1315, 1632, 1318, 1634, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1639,
+ 1325, 1642, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1647, 1328, 1647, 1332, 1643, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1636, 1329, 1633, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1628, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1625, 1314, 1625,
[1647, 1328, 1720, 1328, 1720, 1332, 1647, 1332],
[1172, 1300, 1172, 1309, 1176, 1309, 1176, 1300],
- 1176,
- 1309,
- 1176,
- 1311,
- 1177,
- 1313,
- 1178,
- 1314,
- 1179,
- 1316,
- 1181,
- 1318,
- 1183,
- 1319,
- 1184,
- 1320,
- 1186,
- 1321,
- 1188,
- 1321,
- 1188,
- 1325,
- 1185,
- 1325,
- 1182,
- 1324,
- 1180,
- 1323,
- 1178,
- 1321,
- 1176,
- 1319,
- 1174,
- 1317,
- 1173,
- 1315,
- 1172,
- 1312,
- 1172,
+ 1176, 1309, 1176, 1311, 1177, 1313, 1178, 1314, 1179, 1316, 1181, 1318, 1183,
+ 1319, 1184, 1320, 1186, 1321, 1188, 1321, 1188, 1325, 1185, 1325, 1182, 1324,
+ 1180, 1323, 1178, 1321, 1176, 1319, 1174, 1317, 1173, 1315, 1172, 1312, 1172,
[1188, 1321, 1190, 1321, 1190, 1325, 1188, 1325],
- 1190,
- 1321,
- 1192,
- 1321,
- 1194,
- 1320,
- 1196,
- 1319,
- 1198,
- 1318,
- 1200,
- 1316,
- 1201,
- 1314,
- 1202,
- 1313,
- 1203,
- 1311,
- 1203,
- 1309,
- 1207,
- 1309,
- 1207,
- 1312,
- 1206,
- 1315,
- 1205,
- 1317,
- 1203,
- 1319,
- 1201,
- 1321,
- 1199,
- 1323,
- 1196,
- 1324,
- 1193,
- 1325,
- 1190,
+ 1190, 1321, 1192, 1321, 1194, 1320, 1196, 1319, 1198, 1318, 1200, 1316, 1201,
+ 1314, 1202, 1313, 1203, 1311, 1203, 1309, 1207, 1309, 1207, 1312, 1206, 1315,
+ 1205, 1317, 1203, 1319, 1201, 1321, 1199, 1323, 1196, 1324, 1193, 1325, 1190,
[1203, 1309, 1203, 1007, 1207, 1007, 1207, 1309],
- 1203,
- 1007,
- 1203,
- 1004,
- 1204,
- 1001,
- 1205,
- 999,
- 1207,
- 997,
- 1208,
- 995,
- 1211,
- 993,
- 1213,
- 992,
- 1215,
- 991,
- 1218,
- 991,
- 1218,
- 995,
- 1217,
- 995,
- 1215,
- 996,
- 1213,
- 997,
- 1212,
- 998,
- 1210,
- 1000,
- 1209,
- 1002,
- 1208,
- 1003,
- 1207,
- 1005,
- 1207,
- 1007,
+ 1203, 1007, 1203, 1004, 1204, 1001, 1205, 999, 1207, 997, 1208, 995, 1211, 993,
+ 1213, 992, 1215, 991, 1218, 991, 1218, 995, 1217, 995, 1215, 996, 1213, 997,
+ 1212, 998, 1210, 1000, 1209, 1002, 1208, 1003, 1207, 1005, 1207, 1007,
[1218, 991, 1221, 991, 1221, 995, 1218, 995],
- 1221,
- 995,
- 1224,
- 994,
- 1227,
- 994,
- 1229,
- 994,
- 1231,
- 995,
- 1233,
- 997,
- 1234,
- 999,
- 1234,
- 1001,
- 1234,
- 1004,
- 1233,
- 1007,
- 1237,
- 1007,
- 1236,
- 1005,
- 1234,
- 1003,
- 1232,
- 1002,
- 1230,
- 1000,
- 1228,
- 998,
- 1226,
- 996,
- 1225,
- 994,
- 1223,
- 992,
- 1221,
- 991,
+ 1221, 995, 1224, 994, 1227, 994, 1229, 994, 1231, 995, 1233, 997, 1234, 999,
+ 1234, 1001, 1234, 1004, 1233, 1007, 1237, 1007, 1236, 1005, 1234, 1003, 1232,
+ 1002, 1230, 1000, 1228, 998, 1226, 996, 1225, 994, 1223, 992, 1221, 991,
[1233, 1007, 1233, 1020, 1237, 1020, 1237, 1007],
[1111, 1300, 1111, 1309, 1115, 1309, 1115, 1300],
- 1115,
- 1309,
- 1115,
- 1311,
- 1116,
- 1313,
- 1117,
- 1314,
- 1118,
- 1316,
- 1120,
- 1318,
- 1122,
- 1319,
- 1123,
- 1320,
- 1125,
- 1321,
- 1127,
- 1321,
- 1127,
- 1325,
- 1124,
- 1325,
- 1121,
- 1324,
- 1119,
- 1323,
- 1117,
- 1321,
- 1115,
- 1319,
- 1113,
- 1317,
- 1112,
- 1315,
- 1111,
- 1312,
- 1111,
+ 1115, 1309, 1115, 1311, 1116, 1313, 1117, 1314, 1118, 1316, 1120, 1318, 1122,
+ 1319, 1123, 1320, 1125, 1321, 1127, 1321, 1127, 1325, 1124, 1325, 1121, 1324,
+ 1119, 1323, 1117, 1321, 1115, 1319, 1113, 1317, 1112, 1315, 1111, 1312, 1111,
[1127, 1321, 1130, 1321, 1130, 1325, 1127, 1325],
- 1130,
- 1321,
- 1131,
- 1321,
- 1133,
- 1320,
- 1135,
- 1319,
- 1137,
- 1318,
- 1138,
- 1316,
- 1140,
- 1314,
- 1141,
- 1313,
- 1142,
- 1311,
- 1142,
- 1309,
- 1146,
- 1309,
- 1146,
- 1312,
- 1145,
- 1315,
- 1144,
- 1317,
- 1142,
- 1319,
- 1140,
- 1321,
- 1138,
- 1323,
- 1135,
- 1324,
- 1133,
- 1325,
- 1130,
+ 1130, 1321, 1131, 1321, 1133, 1320, 1135, 1319, 1137, 1318, 1138, 1316, 1140,
+ 1314, 1141, 1313, 1142, 1311, 1142, 1309, 1146, 1309, 1146, 1312, 1145, 1315,
+ 1144, 1317, 1142, 1319, 1140, 1321, 1138, 1323, 1135, 1324, 1133, 1325, 1130,
[1142, 1309, 1142, 1007, 1146, 1007, 1146, 1309],
- 1142,
- 1007,
- 1142,
- 1004,
- 1143,
- 1001,
- 1144,
- 999,
- 1145,
- 997,
- 1147,
- 995,
- 1149,
- 993,
- 1151,
- 992,
- 1154,
- 991,
- 1157,
- 991,
- 1157,
- 995,
- 1155,
- 995,
- 1154,
- 996,
- 1152,
- 997,
- 1150,
- 998,
- 1149,
- 1000,
- 1148,
- 1002,
- 1147,
- 1003,
- 1146,
- 1005,
- 1146,
- 1007,
+ 1142, 1007, 1142, 1004, 1143, 1001, 1144, 999, 1145, 997, 1147, 995, 1149, 993,
+ 1151, 992, 1154, 991, 1157, 991, 1157, 995, 1155, 995, 1154, 996, 1152, 997,
+ 1150, 998, 1149, 1000, 1148, 1002, 1147, 1003, 1146, 1005, 1146, 1007,
[1157, 991, 1160, 991, 1160, 995, 1157, 995],
- 1160,
- 995,
- 1163,
- 994,
- 1166,
- 994,
- 1168,
- 994,
- 1170,
- 995,
- 1172,
- 997,
- 1173,
- 999,
- 1173,
- 1001,
- 1173,
- 1004,
- 1172,
- 1007,
- 1176,
- 1007,
- 1175,
- 1005,
- 1173,
- 1003,
- 1171,
- 1002,
- 1169,
- 1000,
- 1167,
- 998,
- 1165,
- 996,
- 1164,
- 994,
- 1162,
- 992,
- 1160,
- 991,
+ 1160, 995, 1163, 994, 1166, 994, 1168, 994, 1170, 995, 1172, 997, 1173, 999,
+ 1173, 1001, 1173, 1004, 1172, 1007, 1176, 1007, 1175, 1005, 1173, 1003, 1171,
+ 1002, 1169, 1000, 1167, 998, 1165, 996, 1164, 994, 1162, 992, 1160, 991,
[1172, 1007, 1172, 1021, 1176, 1021, 1176, 1007],
[1172, 1013, 1172, 986, 1176, 986, 1176, 1013],
- 1172,
- 986,
- 1172,
- 982,
- 1173,
- 978,
- 1175,
- 975,
- 1177,
- 972,
- 1180,
- 969,
- 1183,
- 967,
- 1186,
- 965,
- 1190,
- 964,
- 1194,
- 964,
- 1194,
- 968,
- 1191,
- 968,
- 1189,
- 969,
- 1186,
- 971,
- 1183,
- 973,
- 1181,
- 975,
- 1179,
- 978,
- 1177,
- 981,
- 1176,
- 983,
- 1176,
- 986,
+ 1172, 986, 1172, 982, 1173, 978, 1175, 975, 1177, 972, 1180, 969, 1183, 967,
+ 1186, 965, 1190, 964, 1194, 964, 1194, 968, 1191, 968, 1189, 969, 1186, 971,
+ 1183, 973, 1181, 975, 1179, 978, 1177, 981, 1176, 983, 1176, 986,
[1194, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1194, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1625, 1310, 1629, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1629,
- 1310,
- 1629,
- 1313,
- 1630,
- 1315,
- 1632,
- 1318,
- 1634,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1639,
- 1325,
- 1642,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1328,
- 1647,
- 1332,
- 1643,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1636,
- 1329,
- 1633,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1628,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1625,
- 1314,
- 1625,
+ 1629, 1310, 1629, 1313, 1630, 1315, 1632, 1318, 1634, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1639,
+ 1325, 1642, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1647, 1328, 1647, 1332, 1643, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1636, 1329, 1633, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1628, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1625, 1314, 1625,
[1647, 1328, 1720, 1328, 1720, 1332, 1647, 1332],
[1111, 1300, 1111, 1309, 1115, 1309, 1115, 1300],
- 1115,
- 1309,
- 1115,
- 1311,
- 1116,
- 1313,
- 1117,
- 1314,
- 1118,
- 1316,
- 1120,
- 1318,
- 1122,
- 1319,
- 1123,
- 1320,
- 1125,
- 1321,
- 1127,
- 1321,
- 1127,
- 1325,
- 1124,
- 1325,
- 1121,
- 1324,
- 1119,
- 1323,
- 1117,
- 1321,
- 1115,
- 1319,
- 1113,
- 1317,
- 1112,
- 1315,
- 1111,
- 1312,
- 1111,
+ 1115, 1309, 1115, 1311, 1116, 1313, 1117, 1314, 1118, 1316, 1120, 1318, 1122,
+ 1319, 1123, 1320, 1125, 1321, 1127, 1321, 1127, 1325, 1124, 1325, 1121, 1324,
+ 1119, 1323, 1117, 1321, 1115, 1319, 1113, 1317, 1112, 1315, 1111, 1312, 1111,
[1127, 1321, 1130, 1321, 1130, 1325, 1127, 1325],
- 1130,
- 1321,
- 1131,
- 1321,
- 1133,
- 1320,
- 1135,
- 1319,
- 1137,
- 1318,
- 1138,
- 1316,
- 1140,
- 1314,
- 1141,
- 1313,
- 1142,
- 1311,
- 1142,
- 1309,
- 1146,
- 1309,
- 1146,
- 1312,
- 1145,
- 1315,
- 1144,
- 1317,
- 1142,
- 1319,
- 1140,
- 1321,
- 1138,
- 1323,
- 1135,
- 1324,
- 1133,
- 1325,
- 1130,
+ 1130, 1321, 1131, 1321, 1133, 1320, 1135, 1319, 1137, 1318, 1138, 1316, 1140,
+ 1314, 1141, 1313, 1142, 1311, 1142, 1309, 1146, 1309, 1146, 1312, 1145, 1315,
+ 1144, 1317, 1142, 1319, 1140, 1321, 1138, 1323, 1135, 1324, 1133, 1325, 1130,
[1142, 1309, 1142, 1007, 1146, 1007, 1146, 1309],
- 1142,
- 1007,
- 1142,
- 1004,
- 1143,
- 1001,
- 1144,
- 999,
- 1145,
- 997,
- 1147,
- 995,
- 1149,
- 993,
- 1151,
- 992,
- 1154,
- 991,
- 1157,
- 991,
- 1157,
- 995,
- 1155,
- 995,
- 1154,
- 996,
- 1152,
- 997,
- 1150,
- 998,
- 1149,
- 1000,
- 1148,
- 1002,
- 1147,
- 1003,
- 1146,
- 1005,
- 1146,
- 1007,
+ 1142, 1007, 1142, 1004, 1143, 1001, 1144, 999, 1145, 997, 1147, 995, 1149, 993,
+ 1151, 992, 1154, 991, 1157, 991, 1157, 995, 1155, 995, 1154, 996, 1152, 997,
+ 1150, 998, 1149, 1000, 1148, 1002, 1147, 1003, 1146, 1005, 1146, 1007,
[1157, 991, 1160, 991, 1160, 995, 1157, 995],
- 1160,
- 995,
- 1163,
- 994,
- 1166,
- 994,
- 1168,
- 994,
- 1170,
- 995,
- 1172,
- 997,
- 1173,
- 999,
- 1173,
- 1001,
- 1173,
- 1004,
- 1172,
- 1007,
- 1176,
- 1007,
- 1175,
- 1005,
- 1173,
- 1003,
- 1171,
- 1002,
- 1169,
- 1000,
- 1167,
- 998,
- 1165,
- 996,
- 1164,
- 994,
- 1162,
- 992,
- 1160,
- 991,
+ 1160, 995, 1163, 994, 1166, 994, 1168, 994, 1170, 995, 1172, 997, 1173, 999,
+ 1173, 1001, 1173, 1004, 1172, 1007, 1176, 1007, 1175, 1005, 1173, 1003, 1171,
+ 1002, 1169, 1000, 1167, 998, 1165, 996, 1164, 994, 1162, 992, 1160, 991,
[1172, 1007, 1172, 1021, 1176, 1021, 1176, 1007],
[1050, 1300, 1050, 1309, 1054, 1309, 1054, 1300],
- 1054,
- 1309,
- 1054,
- 1311,
- 1055,
- 1313,
- 1056,
- 1314,
- 1057,
- 1316,
- 1059,
- 1318,
- 1061,
- 1319,
- 1062,
- 1320,
- 1064,
- 1321,
- 1066,
- 1321,
- 1066,
- 1325,
- 1063,
- 1325,
- 1060,
- 1324,
- 1058,
- 1323,
- 1056,
- 1321,
- 1054,
- 1319,
- 1052,
- 1317,
- 1051,
- 1315,
- 1050,
- 1312,
- 1050,
+ 1054, 1309, 1054, 1311, 1055, 1313, 1056, 1314, 1057, 1316, 1059, 1318, 1061,
+ 1319, 1062, 1320, 1064, 1321, 1066, 1321, 1066, 1325, 1063, 1325, 1060, 1324,
+ 1058, 1323, 1056, 1321, 1054, 1319, 1052, 1317, 1051, 1315, 1050, 1312, 1050,
[1066, 1321, 1068, 1321, 1068, 1325, 1066, 1325],
- 1068,
- 1321,
- 1070,
- 1321,
- 1072,
- 1320,
- 1074,
- 1319,
- 1076,
- 1318,
- 1078,
- 1316,
- 1079,
- 1314,
- 1080,
- 1313,
- 1081,
- 1311,
- 1081,
- 1309,
- 1085,
- 1309,
- 1085,
- 1312,
- 1084,
- 1315,
- 1083,
- 1317,
- 1081,
- 1319,
- 1079,
- 1321,
- 1077,
- 1323,
- 1074,
- 1324,
- 1071,
- 1325,
- 1068,
+ 1068, 1321, 1070, 1321, 1072, 1320, 1074, 1319, 1076, 1318, 1078, 1316, 1079,
+ 1314, 1080, 1313, 1081, 1311, 1081, 1309, 1085, 1309, 1085, 1312, 1084, 1315,
+ 1083, 1317, 1081, 1319, 1079, 1321, 1077, 1323, 1074, 1324, 1071, 1325, 1068,
[1081, 1309, 1081, 1007, 1085, 1007, 1085, 1309],
- 1081,
- 1007,
- 1081,
- 1004,
- 1082,
- 1001,
- 1083,
- 999,
- 1085,
- 997,
- 1086,
- 995,
- 1089,
- 993,
- 1091,
- 992,
- 1093,
- 991,
- 1096,
- 991,
- 1096,
- 995,
- 1095,
- 995,
- 1093,
- 996,
- 1091,
- 997,
- 1090,
- 998,
- 1088,
- 1000,
- 1087,
- 1002,
- 1086,
- 1003,
- 1085,
- 1005,
- 1085,
- 1007,
+ 1081, 1007, 1081, 1004, 1082, 1001, 1083, 999, 1085, 997, 1086, 995, 1089, 993,
+ 1091, 992, 1093, 991, 1096, 991, 1096, 995, 1095, 995, 1093, 996, 1091, 997,
+ 1090, 998, 1088, 1000, 1087, 1002, 1086, 1003, 1085, 1005, 1085, 1007,
[1096, 991, 1099, 991, 1099, 995, 1096, 995],
- 1099,
- 995,
- 1102,
- 994,
- 1105,
- 994,
- 1107,
- 994,
- 1109,
- 995,
- 1111,
- 997,
- 1112,
- 999,
- 1112,
- 1001,
- 1112,
- 1004,
- 1111,
- 1007,
- 1115,
- 1007,
- 1114,
- 1005,
- 1112,
- 1003,
- 1110,
- 1002,
- 1108,
- 1000,
- 1106,
- 998,
- 1104,
- 996,
- 1103,
- 994,
- 1101,
- 992,
- 1099,
- 991,
+ 1099, 995, 1102, 994, 1105, 994, 1107, 994, 1109, 995, 1111, 997, 1112, 999,
+ 1112, 1001, 1112, 1004, 1111, 1007, 1115, 1007, 1114, 1005, 1112, 1003, 1110,
+ 1002, 1108, 1000, 1106, 998, 1104, 996, 1103, 994, 1101, 992, 1099, 991,
[1111, 1007, 1111, 1021, 1115, 1021, 1115, 1007],
[1111, 1013, 1111, 986, 1115, 986, 1115, 1013],
- 1111,
- 986,
- 1111,
- 982,
- 1112,
- 978,
- 1114,
- 975,
- 1116,
- 972,
- 1119,
- 969,
- 1122,
- 967,
- 1125,
- 965,
- 1129,
- 964,
- 1133,
- 964,
- 1133,
- 968,
- 1130,
- 968,
- 1128,
- 969,
- 1125,
- 971,
- 1122,
- 973,
- 1120,
- 975,
- 1118,
- 978,
- 1116,
- 981,
- 1115,
- 983,
- 1115,
- 986,
+ 1111, 986, 1111, 982, 1112, 978, 1114, 975, 1116, 972, 1119, 969, 1122, 967,
+ 1125, 965, 1129, 964, 1133, 964, 1133, 968, 1130, 968, 1128, 969, 1125, 971,
+ 1122, 973, 1120, 975, 1118, 978, 1116, 981, 1115, 983, 1115, 986,
[1133, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1133, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1626, 1310, 1630, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1630,
- 1310,
- 1630,
- 1313,
- 1631,
- 1315,
- 1633,
- 1318,
- 1635,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1640,
- 1325,
- 1643,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1648,
- 1328,
- 1648,
- 1332,
- 1644,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1637,
- 1329,
- 1634,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1629,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1626,
- 1314,
- 1626,
+ 1630, 1310, 1630, 1313, 1631, 1315, 1633, 1318, 1635, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1640,
+ 1325, 1643, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1648, 1328, 1648, 1332, 1644, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1637, 1329, 1634, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1629, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1626, 1314, 1626,
[1648, 1328, 1720, 1328, 1720, 1332, 1648, 1332],
[1050, 1300, 1050, 1309, 1054, 1309, 1054, 1300],
- 1054,
- 1309,
- 1054,
- 1311,
- 1055,
- 1313,
- 1056,
- 1314,
- 1057,
- 1316,
- 1059,
- 1318,
- 1061,
- 1319,
- 1062,
- 1320,
- 1064,
- 1321,
- 1066,
- 1321,
- 1066,
- 1325,
- 1063,
- 1325,
- 1060,
- 1324,
- 1058,
- 1323,
- 1056,
- 1321,
- 1054,
- 1319,
- 1052,
- 1317,
- 1051,
- 1315,
- 1050,
- 1312,
- 1050,
+ 1054, 1309, 1054, 1311, 1055, 1313, 1056, 1314, 1057, 1316, 1059, 1318, 1061,
+ 1319, 1062, 1320, 1064, 1321, 1066, 1321, 1066, 1325, 1063, 1325, 1060, 1324,
+ 1058, 1323, 1056, 1321, 1054, 1319, 1052, 1317, 1051, 1315, 1050, 1312, 1050,
[1066, 1321, 1068, 1321, 1068, 1325, 1066, 1325],
- 1068,
- 1321,
- 1070,
- 1321,
- 1072,
- 1320,
- 1074,
- 1319,
- 1076,
- 1318,
- 1078,
- 1316,
- 1079,
- 1314,
- 1080,
- 1313,
- 1081,
- 1311,
- 1081,
- 1309,
- 1085,
- 1309,
- 1085,
- 1312,
- 1084,
- 1315,
- 1083,
- 1317,
- 1081,
- 1319,
- 1079,
- 1321,
- 1077,
- 1323,
- 1074,
- 1324,
- 1071,
- 1325,
- 1068,
+ 1068, 1321, 1070, 1321, 1072, 1320, 1074, 1319, 1076, 1318, 1078, 1316, 1079,
+ 1314, 1080, 1313, 1081, 1311, 1081, 1309, 1085, 1309, 1085, 1312, 1084, 1315,
+ 1083, 1317, 1081, 1319, 1079, 1321, 1077, 1323, 1074, 1324, 1071, 1325, 1068,
[1081, 1309, 1081, 1007, 1085, 1007, 1085, 1309],
- 1081,
- 1007,
- 1081,
- 1004,
- 1082,
- 1001,
- 1083,
- 999,
- 1085,
- 997,
- 1086,
- 995,
- 1089,
- 993,
- 1091,
- 992,
- 1093,
- 991,
- 1096,
- 991,
- 1096,
- 995,
- 1095,
- 995,
- 1093,
- 996,
- 1091,
- 997,
- 1090,
- 998,
- 1088,
- 1000,
- 1087,
- 1002,
- 1086,
- 1003,
- 1085,
- 1005,
- 1085,
- 1007,
+ 1081, 1007, 1081, 1004, 1082, 1001, 1083, 999, 1085, 997, 1086, 995, 1089, 993,
+ 1091, 992, 1093, 991, 1096, 991, 1096, 995, 1095, 995, 1093, 996, 1091, 997,
+ 1090, 998, 1088, 1000, 1087, 1002, 1086, 1003, 1085, 1005, 1085, 1007,
[1096, 991, 1099, 991, 1099, 995, 1096, 995],
- 1099,
- 995,
- 1102,
- 994,
- 1105,
- 994,
- 1107,
- 994,
- 1109,
- 995,
- 1111,
- 997,
- 1112,
- 999,
- 1112,
- 1001,
- 1112,
- 1004,
- 1111,
- 1007,
- 1115,
- 1007,
- 1114,
- 1005,
- 1112,
- 1003,
- 1110,
- 1002,
- 1108,
- 1000,
- 1106,
- 998,
- 1104,
- 996,
- 1103,
- 994,
- 1101,
- 992,
- 1099,
- 991,
+ 1099, 995, 1102, 994, 1105, 994, 1107, 994, 1109, 995, 1111, 997, 1112, 999,
+ 1112, 1001, 1112, 1004, 1111, 1007, 1115, 1007, 1114, 1005, 1112, 1003, 1110,
+ 1002, 1108, 1000, 1106, 998, 1104, 996, 1103, 994, 1101, 992, 1099, 991,
[1111, 1007, 1111, 1021, 1115, 1021, 1115, 1007],
[1158, 467, 1208, 467, 1208, 471, 1158, 471],
@@ -15256,45 +3322,9 @@
K01560: [
[1974, 1762, 1974, 1707, 1978, 1707, 1978, 1762],
- 1978,
- 1707,
- 1978,
- 1703,
- 1977,
- 1699,
- 1975,
- 1696,
- 1973,
- 1693,
- 1970,
- 1690,
- 1967,
- 1688,
- 1964,
- 1686,
- 1960,
- 1685,
- 1956,
- 1685,
- 1956,
- 1689,
- 1959,
- 1689,
- 1961,
- 1690,
- 1964,
- 1692,
- 1967,
- 1694,
- 1969,
- 1696,
- 1971,
- 1699,
- 1973,
- 1702,
- 1974,
- 1704,
- 1974,
+ 1978, 1707, 1978, 1703, 1977, 1699, 1975, 1696, 1973, 1693, 1970, 1690, 1967,
+ 1688, 1964, 1686, 1960, 1685, 1956, 1685, 1956, 1689, 1959, 1689, 1961, 1690,
+ 1964, 1692, 1967, 1694, 1969, 1696, 1971, 1699, 1973, 1702, 1974, 1704, 1974,
[1956, 1685, 1728, 1685, 1728, 1689, 1956, 1689],
@@ -15304,89 +3334,15 @@
K00720: [
[855, 864, 855, 878, 859, 878, 859, 864],
- 855,
- 878,
- 855,
- 880,
- 854,
- 882,
- 853,
- 884,
- 851,
- 886,
- 849,
- 888,
- 847,
- 890,
- 845,
- 891,
- 843,
- 892,
- 841,
- 892,
- 841,
- 896,
- 844,
- 896,
- 847,
- 895,
- 850,
- 894,
- 853,
- 892,
- 855,
- 890,
- 857,
- 887,
- 858,
- 884,
- 859,
- 881,
- 859,
- 878,
+ 855, 878, 855, 880, 854, 882, 853, 884, 851, 886, 849, 888, 847, 890, 845, 891,
+ 843, 892, 841, 892, 841, 896, 844, 896, 847, 895, 850, 894, 853, 892, 855, 890,
+ 857, 887, 858, 884, 859, 881, 859, 878,
[841, 892, 482, 892, 482, 896, 841, 896],
- 482,
- 896,
- 480,
- 895,
- 478,
- 893,
- 476,
- 891,
- 473,
- 889,
- 471,
- 887,
- 469,
- 884,
- 467,
- 882,
- 465,
- 880,
- 464,
- 878,
- 468,
- 878,
- 467,
- 881,
- 467,
- 884,
- 468,
- 887,
- 469,
- 889,
- 471,
- 891,
- 473,
- 892,
- 476,
- 893,
- 479,
- 893,
- 482,
- 892,
+ 482, 896, 480, 895, 478, 893, 476, 891, 473, 889, 471, 887, 469, 884, 467, 882,
+ 465, 880, 464, 878, 468, 878, 467, 881, 467, 884, 468, 887, 469, 889, 471, 891,
+ 473, 892, 476, 893, 479, 893, 482, 892,
[464, 878, 464, 491, 468, 491, 468, 878],
@@ -15397,263 +3353,41 @@
K00999: [
[1407, 889, 1407, 899, 1411, 899, 1411, 889],
- 1407,
- 899,
- 1407,
- 900,
- 1406,
- 902,
- 1405,
- 903,
- 1404,
- 905,
- 1403,
- 906,
- 1401,
- 907,
- 1400,
- 908,
- 1398,
- 909,
- 1397,
- 909,
- 1397,
- 913,
- 1400,
- 913,
- 1402,
- 912,
- 1404,
- 911,
- 1406,
- 910,
- 1408,
- 908,
- 1409,
- 906,
- 1410,
- 904,
- 1411,
- 902,
- 1411,
- 899,
+ 1407, 899, 1407, 900, 1406, 902, 1405, 903, 1404, 905, 1403, 906, 1401, 907,
+ 1400, 908, 1398, 909, 1397, 909, 1397, 913, 1400, 913, 1402, 912, 1404, 911,
+ 1406, 910, 1408, 908, 1409, 906, 1410, 904, 1411, 902, 1411, 899,
[1397, 909, 1235, 909, 1235, 913, 1397, 913],
- 1235,
- 913,
- 1234,
- 912,
- 1232,
- 910,
- 1230,
- 908,
- 1229,
- 907,
- 1227,
- 905,
- 1226,
- 904,
- 1224,
- 902,
- 1222,
- 900,
- 1221,
- 899,
- 1225,
- 899,
- 1224,
- 902,
- 1224,
- 904,
- 1224,
- 906,
- 1225,
- 908,
- 1226,
- 909,
- 1228,
- 910,
- 1230,
- 910,
- 1232,
- 910,
- 1235,
- 909,
+ 1235, 913, 1234, 912, 1232, 910, 1230, 908, 1229, 907, 1227, 905, 1226, 904,
+ 1224, 902, 1222, 900, 1221, 899, 1225, 899, 1224, 902, 1224, 904, 1224, 906,
+ 1225, 908, 1226, 909, 1228, 910, 1230, 910, 1232, 910, 1235, 909,
[1221, 899, 1221, 673, 1225, 673, 1225, 899],
- 1221,
- 673,
- 1221,
- 670,
- 1222,
- 668,
- 1223,
- 666,
- 1224,
- 664,
- 1226,
- 662,
- 1228,
- 661,
- 1230,
- 660,
- 1232,
- 659,
- 1235,
- 659,
- 1235,
- 663,
- 1234,
- 663,
- 1232,
- 664,
- 1231,
- 665,
- 1229,
- 666,
- 1228,
- 667,
- 1227,
- 669,
- 1226,
- 670,
- 1225,
- 672,
- 1225,
- 673,
+ 1221, 673, 1221, 670, 1222, 668, 1223, 666, 1224, 664, 1226, 662, 1228, 661,
+ 1230, 660, 1232, 659, 1235, 659, 1235, 663, 1234, 663, 1232, 664, 1231, 665,
+ 1229, 666, 1228, 667, 1227, 669, 1226, 670, 1225, 672, 1225, 673,
[1235, 659, 1242, 659, 1242, 663, 1235, 663],
[1155, 659, 1242, 659, 1242, 663, 1155, 663],
[1407, 889, 1407, 899, 1411, 899, 1411, 889],
- 1407,
- 899,
- 1407,
- 900,
- 1406,
- 902,
- 1405,
- 903,
- 1404,
- 905,
- 1403,
- 906,
- 1401,
- 907,
- 1400,
- 908,
- 1398,
- 909,
- 1397,
- 909,
- 1397,
- 913,
- 1400,
- 913,
- 1402,
- 912,
- 1404,
- 911,
- 1406,
- 910,
- 1408,
- 908,
- 1409,
- 906,
- 1410,
- 904,
- 1411,
- 902,
- 1411,
- 899,
+ 1407, 899, 1407, 900, 1406, 902, 1405, 903, 1404, 905, 1403, 906, 1401, 907,
+ 1400, 908, 1398, 909, 1397, 909, 1397, 913, 1400, 913, 1402, 912, 1404, 911,
+ 1406, 910, 1408, 908, 1409, 906, 1410, 904, 1411, 902, 1411, 899,
[1397, 909, 1235, 909, 1235, 913, 1397, 913],
- 1235,
- 913,
- 1234,
- 912,
- 1232,
- 910,
- 1230,
- 908,
- 1229,
- 907,
- 1227,
- 905,
- 1226,
- 904,
- 1224,
- 902,
- 1222,
- 900,
- 1221,
- 899,
- 1225,
- 899,
- 1224,
- 902,
- 1224,
- 904,
- 1224,
- 906,
- 1225,
- 908,
- 1226,
- 909,
- 1228,
- 910,
- 1230,
- 910,
- 1232,
- 910,
- 1235,
- 909,
+ 1235, 913, 1234, 912, 1232, 910, 1230, 908, 1229, 907, 1227, 905, 1226, 904,
+ 1224, 902, 1222, 900, 1221, 899, 1225, 899, 1224, 902, 1224, 904, 1224, 906,
+ 1225, 908, 1226, 909, 1228, 910, 1230, 910, 1232, 910, 1235, 909,
[1221, 899, 1221, 673, 1225, 673, 1225, 899],
- 1221,
- 673,
- 1221,
- 670,
- 1222,
- 668,
- 1223,
- 666,
- 1224,
- 664,
- 1226,
- 662,
- 1228,
- 661,
- 1230,
- 660,
- 1232,
- 659,
- 1235,
- 659,
- 1235,
- 663,
- 1234,
- 663,
- 1232,
- 664,
- 1231,
- 665,
- 1229,
- 666,
- 1228,
- 667,
- 1227,
- 669,
- 1226,
- 670,
- 1225,
- 672,
- 1225,
- 673,
+ 1221, 673, 1221, 670, 1222, 668, 1223, 666, 1224, 664, 1226, 662, 1228, 661,
+ 1230, 660, 1232, 659, 1235, 659, 1235, 663, 1234, 663, 1232, 664, 1231, 665,
+ 1229, 666, 1228, 667, 1227, 669, 1226, 670, 1225, 672, 1225, 673,
[1235, 659, 1242, 659, 1242, 663, 1235, 663],
@@ -15662,46 +3396,9 @@
K00820: [
[1678, 524, 1551, 524, 1551, 528, 1678, 528],
- 1551,
- 524,
- 1547,
- 524,
- 1543,
- 525,
- 1540,
- 527,
- 1537,
- 529,
- 1534,
- 532,
- 1532,
- 535,
- 1530,
- 538,
- 1529,
- 542,
- 1529,
- 546,
- 1533,
- 546,
- 1533,
- 543,
- 1534,
- 541,
- 1536,
- 538,
- 1538,
- 535,
- 1540,
- 533,
- 1543,
- 531,
- 1546,
- 529,
- 1548,
- 528,
- 1551,
- 528,
+ 1551, 524, 1547, 524, 1543, 525, 1540, 527, 1537, 529, 1534, 532, 1532, 535,
+ 1530, 538, 1529, 542, 1529, 546, 1533, 546, 1533, 543, 1534, 541, 1536, 538,
+ 1538, 535, 1540, 533, 1543, 531, 1546, 529, 1548, 528, 1551, 528,
[1529, 546, 1529, 670, 1533, 670, 1533, 546],
@@ -15709,46 +3406,9 @@
K08729: [
[959, 524, 1038, 524, 1038, 528, 959, 528],
- 1038,
- 528,
- 1042,
- 527,
- 1046,
- 527,
- 1049,
- 528,
- 1052,
- 530,
- 1054,
- 532,
- 1056,
- 535,
- 1057,
- 538,
- 1057,
- 542,
- 1056,
- 546,
- 1060,
- 546,
- 1058,
- 543,
- 1057,
- 540,
- 1054,
- 538,
- 1052,
- 535,
- 1049,
- 532,
- 1046,
- 530,
- 1044,
- 527,
- 1041,
- 526,
- 1038,
- 524,
+ 1038, 528, 1042, 527, 1046, 527, 1049, 528, 1052, 530, 1054, 532, 1056, 535,
+ 1057, 538, 1057, 542, 1056, 546, 1060, 546, 1058, 543, 1057, 540, 1054, 538,
+ 1052, 535, 1049, 532, 1046, 530, 1044, 527, 1041, 526, 1038, 524,
[1056, 546, 1056, 662, 1060, 662, 1060, 546],
@@ -15757,89 +3417,15 @@
[1732, 87, 1792, 87, 1792, 91, 1732, 91],
[1777, 87, 1773, 87, 1773, 91, 1777, 91],
- 1773,
- 87,
- 1770,
- 87,
- 1767,
- 88,
- 1765,
- 89,
- 1762,
- 91,
- 1760,
- 93,
- 1758,
- 96,
- 1757,
- 99,
- 1756,
- 102,
- 1756,
- 105,
- 1760,
- 105,
- 1760,
- 103,
- 1761,
- 101,
- 1762,
- 99,
- 1764,
- 97,
- 1766,
- 95,
- 1767,
- 93,
- 1769,
- 92,
- 1771,
- 91,
- 1773,
- 91,
+ 1773, 87, 1770, 87, 1767, 88, 1765, 89, 1762, 91, 1760, 93, 1758, 96, 1757, 99,
+ 1756, 102, 1756, 105, 1760, 105, 1760, 103, 1761, 101, 1762, 99, 1764, 97, 1766,
+ 95, 1767, 93, 1769, 92, 1771, 91, 1773, 91,
[1756, 105, 1756, 123, 1760, 123, 1760, 105],
- 1756,
- 123,
- 1756,
- 125,
- 1755,
- 127,
- 1754,
- 129,
- 1752,
- 131,
- 1750,
- 133,
- 1748,
- 135,
- 1746,
- 136,
- 1744,
- 137,
- 1742,
- 137,
- 1742,
- 141,
- 1745,
- 141,
- 1748,
- 140,
- 1751,
- 139,
- 1754,
- 137,
- 1756,
- 135,
- 1758,
- 132,
- 1759,
- 129,
- 1760,
- 126,
- 1760,
- 123,
+ 1756, 123, 1756, 125, 1755, 127, 1754, 129, 1752, 131, 1750, 133, 1748, 135,
+ 1746, 136, 1744, 137, 1742, 137, 1742, 141, 1745, 141, 1748, 140, 1751, 139,
+ 1754, 137, 1756, 135, 1758, 132, 1759, 129, 1760, 126, 1760, 123,
[1742, 137, 1732, 137, 1732, 141, 1742, 141],
[1732, 87, 1792, 87, 1792, 91, 1732, 91],
@@ -15850,46 +3436,9 @@
[381, 1467, 381, 1507, 385, 1507, 385, 1467],
[307, 1507, 307, 1488, 311, 1488, 311, 1507],
- 307,
- 1488,
- 307,
- 1484,
- 308,
- 1480,
- 310,
- 1477,
- 312,
- 1474,
- 315,
- 1471,
- 318,
- 1469,
- 321,
- 1467,
- 325,
- 1466,
- 329,
- 1466,
- 329,
- 1470,
- 326,
- 1470,
- 324,
- 1471,
- 321,
- 1473,
- 318,
- 1475,
- 316,
- 1477,
- 314,
- 1480,
- 312,
- 1483,
- 311,
- 1485,
- 311,
- 1488,
+ 307, 1488, 307, 1484, 308, 1480, 310, 1477, 312, 1474, 315, 1471, 318, 1469,
+ 321, 1467, 325, 1466, 329, 1466, 329, 1470, 326, 1470, 324, 1471, 321, 1473,
+ 318, 1475, 316, 1477, 314, 1480, 312, 1483, 311, 1485, 311, 1488,
[329, 1466, 384, 1466, 384, 1470, 329, 1470],
@@ -15901,46 +3450,9 @@
K03715: [
[891, 778, 891, 612, 895, 612, 895, 778],
- 891,
- 612,
- 891,
- 608,
- 892,
- 604,
- 894,
- 601,
- 896,
- 598,
- 899,
- 595,
- 902,
- 593,
- 905,
- 591,
- 909,
- 590,
- 913,
- 590,
- 913,
- 594,
- 910,
- 594,
- 908,
- 595,
- 905,
- 597,
- 902,
- 599,
- 900,
- 601,
- 898,
- 604,
- 896,
- 607,
- 895,
- 609,
- 895,
- 612,
+ 891, 612, 891, 608, 892, 604, 894, 601, 896, 598, 899, 595, 902, 593, 905, 591,
+ 909, 590, 913, 590, 913, 594, 910, 594, 908, 595, 905, 597, 902, 599, 900, 601,
+ 898, 604, 896, 607, 895, 609, 895, 612,
[913, 590, 960, 590, 960, 594, 913, 594],
@@ -15950,224 +3462,39 @@
',': [
[336, 1313, 356, 1313, 356, 1317, 336, 1317],
- 356,
- 1317,
- 360,
- 1316,
- 364,
- 1316,
- 367,
- 1317,
- 370,
- 1319,
- 372,
- 1321,
- 374,
- 1324,
- 375,
- 1327,
- 375,
- 1331,
- 374,
- 1335,
- 378,
- 1335,
- 376,
- 1332,
- 375,
- 1329,
- 372,
- 1327,
- 370,
- 1324,
- 367,
- 1321,
- 364,
- 1319,
- 362,
- 1316,
- 359,
- 1315,
- 356,
- 1313,
+ 356, 1317, 360, 1316, 364, 1316, 367, 1317, 370, 1319, 372, 1321, 374, 1324,
+ 375, 1327, 375, 1331, 374, 1335, 378, 1335, 376, 1332, 375, 1329, 372, 1327,
+ 370, 1324, 367, 1321, 364, 1319, 362, 1316, 359, 1315, 356, 1313,
[374, 1335, 374, 1425, 378, 1425, 378, 1335],
K02335: [
[2268, 578, 2268, 586, 2272, 586, 2272, 578],
- 2272,
- 586,
- 2272,
- 589,
- 2273,
- 591,
- 2275,
- 594,
- 2277,
- 597,
- 2279,
- 599,
- 2282,
- 601,
- 2285,
- 603,
- 2287,
- 604,
- 2290,
- 604,
- 2290,
- 608,
- 2286,
- 608,
- 2282,
- 607,
- 2279,
- 605,
- 2276,
- 603,
- 2273,
- 600,
- 2271,
- 597,
- 2269,
- 594,
- 2268,
- 590,
- 2268,
- 586,
+ 2272, 586, 2272, 589, 2273, 591, 2275, 594, 2277, 597, 2279, 599, 2282, 601,
+ 2285, 603, 2287, 604, 2290, 604, 2290, 608, 2286, 608, 2282, 607, 2279, 605,
+ 2276, 603, 2273, 600, 2271, 597, 2269, 594, 2268, 590, 2268, 586,
[2290, 604, 2407, 604, 2407, 608, 2290, 608],
[2404, 607, 2404, 277, 2408, 277, 2408, 607],
- 2404,
- 277,
- 2404,
- 273,
- 2405,
- 269,
- 2407,
- 266,
- 2409,
- 263,
- 2412,
- 260,
- 2415,
- 258,
- 2418,
- 256,
- 2422,
- 255,
- 2426,
- 255,
- 2426,
- 259,
- 2423,
- 259,
- 2421,
- 260,
- 2418,
- 262,
- 2415,
- 264,
- 2413,
- 266,
- 2411,
- 269,
- 2409,
- 272,
- 2408,
- 274,
- 2408,
- 277,
+ 2404, 277, 2404, 273, 2405, 269, 2407, 266, 2409, 263, 2412, 260, 2415, 258,
+ 2418, 256, 2422, 255, 2426, 255, 2426, 259, 2423, 259, 2421, 260, 2418, 262,
+ 2415, 264, 2413, 266, 2411, 269, 2409, 272, 2408, 274, 2408, 277,
[2426, 255, 2503, 255, 2503, 259, 2426, 259],
[3043, 256, 3043, 586, 3047, 586, 3047, 256],
- 3043,
- 586,
- 3043,
- 589,
- 3042,
- 591,
- 3040,
- 594,
- 3038,
- 597,
- 3036,
- 599,
- 3033,
- 601,
- 3030,
- 603,
- 3028,
- 604,
- 3025,
- 604,
- 3025,
- 608,
- 3029,
- 608,
- 3033,
- 607,
- 3036,
- 605,
- 3039,
- 603,
- 3042,
- 600,
- 3044,
- 597,
- 3046,
- 594,
- 3047,
- 590,
- 3047,
- 586,
+ 3043, 586, 3043, 589, 3042, 591, 3040, 594, 3038, 597, 3036, 599, 3033, 601,
+ 3030, 603, 3028, 604, 3025, 604, 3025, 608, 3029, 608, 3033, 607, 3036, 605,
+ 3039, 603, 3042, 600, 3044, 597, 3046, 594, 3047, 590, 3047, 586,
[3025, 604, 2405, 604, 2405, 608, 3025, 608],
[2348, 825, 2386, 825, 2386, 829, 2348, 829],
- 2386,
- 825,
- 2389,
- 825,
- 2391,
- 824,
- 2394,
- 822,
- 2397,
- 820,
- 2399,
- 818,
- 2401,
- 815,
- 2403,
- 812,
- 2404,
- 810,
- 2404,
- 807,
- 2408,
- 807,
- 2408,
- 811,
- 2407,
- 815,
- 2405,
- 818,
- 2403,
- 821,
- 2400,
- 824,
- 2397,
- 826,
- 2394,
- 828,
- 2390,
- 829,
- 2386,
- 829,
+ 2386, 825, 2389, 825, 2391, 824, 2394, 822, 2397, 820, 2399, 818, 2401, 815,
+ 2403, 812, 2404, 810, 2404, 807, 2408, 807, 2408, 811, 2407, 815, 2405, 818,
+ 2403, 821, 2400, 824, 2397, 826, 2394, 828, 2390, 829, 2386, 829,
[2404, 807, 2404, 605, 2408, 605, 2408, 807],
@@ -16180,175 +3507,29 @@
R01426: [
[1332, 1947, 1332, 1914, 1336, 1914, 1336, 1947],
- 1332,
- 1914,
- 1332,
- 1910,
- 1333,
- 1906,
- 1335,
- 1903,
- 1337,
- 1900,
- 1340,
- 1897,
- 1343,
- 1895,
- 1346,
- 1893,
- 1350,
- 1892,
- 1354,
- 1892,
- 1354,
- 1896,
- 1351,
- 1896,
- 1349,
- 1897,
- 1346,
- 1899,
- 1343,
- 1901,
- 1341,
- 1903,
- 1339,
- 1906,
- 1337,
- 1909,
- 1336,
- 1911,
- 1336,
+ 1332, 1914, 1332, 1910, 1333, 1906, 1335, 1903, 1337, 1900, 1340, 1897, 1343,
+ 1895, 1346, 1893, 1350, 1892, 1354, 1892, 1354, 1896, 1351, 1896, 1349, 1897,
+ 1346, 1899, 1343, 1901, 1341, 1903, 1339, 1906, 1337, 1909, 1336, 1911, 1336,
[1354, 1892, 1990, 1892, 1990, 1896, 1354, 1896],
- 1990,
- 1892,
- 1993,
- 1892,
- 1995,
- 1891,
- 1998,
- 1889,
- 2001,
- 1887,
- 2003,
- 1885,
- 2005,
- 1882,
- 2007,
- 1879,
- 2008,
- 1877,
- 2008,
- 1874,
- 2012,
- 1874,
- 2012,
- 1878,
- 2011,
- 1882,
- 2009,
- 1885,
- 2007,
- 1888,
- 2004,
- 1891,
- 2001,
- 1893,
- 1998,
- 1895,
- 1994,
- 1896,
- 1990,
+ 1990, 1892, 1993, 1892, 1995, 1891, 1998, 1889, 2001, 1887, 2003, 1885, 2005,
+ 1882, 2007, 1879, 2008, 1877, 2008, 1874, 2012, 1874, 2012, 1878, 2011, 1882,
+ 2009, 1885, 2007, 1888, 2004, 1891, 2001, 1893, 1998, 1895, 1994, 1896, 1990,
[2008, 1874, 2008, 900, 2012, 900, 2012, 1874],
- 2008,
- 900,
- 2008,
- 896,
- 2009,
- 892,
- 2011,
- 889,
- 2013,
- 886,
- 2016,
- 883,
- 2019,
- 881,
- 2022,
- 879,
- 2026,
- 878,
- 2030,
- 878,
- 2030,
- 882,
- 2027,
- 882,
- 2025,
- 883,
- 2022,
- 885,
- 2019,
- 887,
- 2017,
- 889,
- 2015,
- 892,
- 2013,
- 895,
- 2012,
- 897,
- 2012,
- 900,
+ 2008, 900, 2008, 896, 2009, 892, 2011, 889, 2013, 886, 2016, 883, 2019, 881,
+ 2022, 879, 2026, 878, 2030, 878, 2030, 882, 2027, 882, 2025, 883, 2022, 885,
+ 2019, 887, 2017, 889, 2015, 892, 2013, 895, 2012, 897, 2012, 900,
[2030, 878, 2303, 878, 2303, 882, 2030, 882],
- 2303,
- 878,
- 2306,
- 878,
- 2308,
- 877,
- 2311,
- 875,
- 2314,
- 873,
- 2316,
- 871,
- 2318,
- 868,
- 2320,
- 865,
- 2321,
- 863,
- 2321,
- 860,
- 2325,
- 860,
- 2325,
- 864,
- 2324,
- 868,
- 2322,
- 871,
- 2320,
- 874,
- 2317,
- 877,
- 2314,
- 879,
- 2311,
- 881,
- 2307,
- 882,
- 2303,
- 882,
+ 2303, 878, 2306, 878, 2308, 877, 2311, 875, 2314, 873, 2316, 871, 2318, 868,
+ 2320, 865, 2321, 863, 2321, 860, 2325, 860, 2325, 864, 2324, 868, 2322, 871,
+ 2320, 874, 2317, 877, 2314, 879, 2311, 881, 2307, 882, 2303, 882,
[2321, 860, 2321, 763, 2325, 763, 2325, 860],
@@ -16361,270 +3542,48 @@
R08772: [
[3106, 992, 3066, 992, 3066, 996, 3106, 996],
- 3066,
- 996,
- 3063,
- 994,
- 3060,
- 993,
- 3058,
- 990,
- 3055,
- 988,
- 3052,
- 985,
- 3050,
- 982,
- 3047,
- 980,
- 3046,
- 977,
- 3044,
- 974,
- 3048,
- 974,
- 3047,
- 978,
- 3047,
- 982,
- 3048,
- 985,
- 3050,
- 988,
- 3052,
- 990,
- 3055,
- 992,
- 3058,
- 993,
- 3062,
- 993,
- 3066,
- 992,
+ 3066, 996, 3063, 994, 3060, 993, 3058, 990, 3055, 988, 3052, 985, 3050, 982,
+ 3047, 980, 3046, 977, 3044, 974, 3048, 974, 3047, 978, 3047, 982, 3048, 985,
+ 3050, 988, 3052, 990, 3055, 992, 3058, 993, 3062, 993, 3066, 992,
[3044, 974, 3044, 956, 3048, 956, 3048, 974],
K08022: [
[572, 590, 656, 590, 656, 594, 572, 594],
- 656,
- 590,
- 659,
- 590,
- 661,
- 589,
- 664,
- 587,
- 667,
- 585,
- 669,
- 583,
- 671,
- 580,
- 673,
- 577,
- 674,
- 575,
- 674,
- 572,
- 678,
- 572,
- 678,
- 576,
- 677,
- 580,
- 675,
- 583,
- 673,
- 586,
- 670,
- 589,
- 667,
- 591,
- 664,
- 593,
- 660,
- 594,
- 656,
- 594,
+ 656, 590, 659, 590, 661, 589, 664, 587, 667, 585, 669, 583, 671, 580, 673, 577,
+ 674, 575, 674, 572, 678, 572, 678, 576, 677, 580, 675, 583, 673, 586, 670, 589,
+ 667, 591, 664, 593, 660, 594, 656, 594,
[674, 572, 674, 556, 678, 556, 678, 572],
K02635: [
[1861, 912, 1861, 927, 1865, 927, 1865, 912],
- 1865,
- 927,
- 1865,
- 930,
- 1866,
- 934,
- 1868,
- 937,
- 1870,
- 940,
- 1873,
- 943,
- 1876,
- 945,
- 1879,
- 947,
- 1883,
- 948,
- 1886,
- 948,
- 1886,
- 952,
- 1881,
- 952,
- 1877,
- 950,
- 1873,
- 949,
- 1870,
- 946,
- 1867,
- 943,
- 1864,
- 940,
- 1863,
- 936,
- 1861,
- 932,
- 1861,
- 927,
+ 1865, 927, 1865, 930, 1866, 934, 1868, 937, 1870, 940, 1873, 943, 1876, 945,
+ 1879, 947, 1883, 948, 1886, 948, 1886, 952, 1881, 952, 1877, 950, 1873, 949,
+ 1870, 946, 1867, 943, 1864, 940, 1863, 936, 1861, 932, 1861, 927,
[1886, 948, 1893, 948, 1893, 952, 1886, 952],
[1828, 887, 1830, 887, 1830, 891, 1828, 891],
- 1830,
- 891,
- 1836,
- 890,
- 1842,
- 891,
- 1847,
- 893,
- 1852,
- 896,
- 1856,
- 900,
- 1859,
- 905,
- 1861,
- 910,
- 1862,
- 916,
- 1861,
- 922,
- 1865,
- 922,
- 1863,
- 917,
- 1861,
- 912,
- 1857,
- 908,
- 1853,
- 903,
- 1849,
- 899,
- 1844,
- 895,
- 1840,
- 891,
- 1835,
- 889,
- 1830,
- 887,
+ 1830, 891, 1836, 890, 1842, 891, 1847, 893, 1852, 896, 1856, 900, 1859, 905,
+ 1861, 910, 1862, 916, 1861, 922, 1865, 922, 1863, 917, 1861, 912, 1857, 908,
+ 1853, 903, 1849, 899, 1844, 895, 1840, 891, 1835, 889, 1830, 887,
[1861, 922, 1861, 926, 1865, 926, 1865, 922],
- 1861,
- 926,
- 1860,
- 931,
- 1859,
- 936,
- 1856,
- 940,
- 1853,
- 945,
- 1849,
- 949,
- 1844,
- 952,
- 1840,
- 955,
- 1835,
- 956,
- 1830,
- 957,
- 1830,
- 961,
- 1836,
- 960,
- 1842,
- 959,
- 1847,
- 956,
- 1852,
- 952,
- 1856,
- 948,
- 1860,
- 943,
- 1863,
- 938,
- 1864,
- 932,
- 1865,
- 926,
+ 1861, 926, 1860, 931, 1859, 936, 1856, 940, 1853, 945, 1849, 949, 1844, 952,
+ 1840, 955, 1835, 956, 1830, 957, 1830, 961, 1836, 960, 1842, 959, 1847, 956,
+ 1852, 952, 1856, 948, 1860, 943, 1863, 938, 1864, 932, 1865, 926,
[1830, 957, 1828, 957, 1828, 961, 1830, 961],
[1861, 870, 1861, 976, 1865, 976, 1865, 870],
[1861, 912, 1861, 927, 1865, 927, 1865, 912],
- 1865,
- 927,
- 1865,
- 930,
- 1866,
- 934,
- 1868,
- 937,
- 1870,
- 940,
- 1873,
- 943,
- 1876,
- 945,
- 1879,
- 947,
- 1883,
- 948,
- 1886,
- 948,
- 1886,
- 952,
- 1881,
- 952,
- 1877,
- 950,
- 1873,
- 949,
- 1870,
- 946,
- 1867,
- 943,
- 1864,
- 940,
- 1863,
- 936,
- 1861,
- 932,
- 1861,
- 927,
+ 1865, 927, 1865, 930, 1866, 934, 1868, 937, 1870, 940, 1873, 943, 1876, 945,
+ 1879, 947, 1883, 948, 1886, 948, 1886, 952, 1881, 952, 1877, 950, 1873, 949,
+ 1870, 946, 1867, 943, 1864, 940, 1863, 936, 1861, 932, 1861, 927,
[1886, 948, 1893, 948, 1893, 952, 1886, 952],
@@ -16632,89 +3591,15 @@
[307, 1505, 307, 1555, 311, 1555, 311, 1505],
[307, 1550, 307, 1546, 311, 1546, 311, 1550],
- 307,
- 1546,
- 307,
- 1543,
- 308,
- 1540,
- 309,
- 1537,
- 311,
- 1534,
- 313,
- 1532,
- 316,
- 1530,
- 319,
- 1529,
- 322,
- 1528,
- 325,
- 1528,
- 325,
- 1532,
- 323,
- 1532,
- 321,
- 1533,
- 319,
- 1534,
- 317,
- 1536,
- 315,
- 1538,
- 313,
- 1540,
- 312,
- 1542,
- 311,
- 1544,
- 311,
- 1546,
+ 307, 1546, 307, 1543, 308, 1540, 309, 1537, 311, 1534, 313, 1532, 316, 1530,
+ 319, 1529, 322, 1528, 325, 1528, 325, 1532, 323, 1532, 321, 1533, 319, 1534,
+ 317, 1536, 315, 1538, 313, 1540, 312, 1542, 311, 1544, 311, 1546,
[325, 1528, 588, 1528, 588, 1532, 325, 1532],
- 588,
- 1528,
- 590,
- 1528,
- 592,
- 1527,
- 594,
- 1526,
- 596,
- 1524,
- 598,
- 1522,
- 600,
- 1520,
- 601,
- 1518,
- 602,
- 1516,
- 602,
- 1514,
- 606,
- 1514,
- 606,
- 1517,
- 605,
- 1520,
- 604,
- 1523,
- 602,
- 1526,
- 600,
- 1528,
- 597,
- 1530,
- 594,
- 1531,
- 591,
- 1532,
- 588,
- 1532,
+ 588, 1528, 590, 1528, 592, 1527, 594, 1526, 596, 1524, 598, 1522, 600, 1520,
+ 601, 1518, 602, 1516, 602, 1514, 606, 1514, 606, 1517, 605, 1520, 604, 1523,
+ 602, 1526, 600, 1528, 597, 1530, 594, 1531, 591, 1532, 588, 1532,
[602, 1514, 602, 1423, 606, 1423, 606, 1514],
[307, 1505, 307, 1555, 311, 1555, 311, 1505],
@@ -16723,45 +3608,9 @@
[2698, 1222, 2698, 1322, 2702, 1322, 2702, 1222],
[2612, 1297, 2682, 1297, 2682, 1301, 2612, 1301],
- 2682,
- 1301,
- 2686,
- 1300,
- 2689,
- 1300,
- 2692,
- 1301,
- 2695,
- 1302,
- 2697,
- 1304,
- 2698,
- 1307,
- 2699,
- 1310,
- 2699,
- 1313,
- 2698,
- 1317,
- 2702,
- 1317,
- 2700,
- 1315,
- 2699,
- 1312,
- 2697,
- 1310,
- 2694,
- 1307,
- 2692,
- 1305,
- 2689,
- 1302,
- 2687,
- 1300,
- 2684,
- 1299,
- 2682,
+ 2682, 1301, 2686, 1300, 2689, 1300, 2692, 1301, 2695, 1302, 2697, 1304, 2698,
+ 1307, 2699, 1310, 2699, 1313, 2698, 1317, 2702, 1317, 2700, 1315, 2699, 1312,
+ 2697, 1310, 2694, 1307, 2692, 1305, 2689, 1302, 2687, 1300, 2684, 1299, 2682,
[2698, 1317, 2698, 1324, 2702, 1324, 2702, 1317],
@@ -16783,46 +3632,9 @@
K00863: [
[1625, 717, 1625, 546, 1629, 546, 1629, 717],
- 1629,
- 546,
- 1629,
- 542,
- 1628,
- 538,
- 1626,
- 535,
- 1624,
- 532,
- 1621,
- 529,
- 1618,
- 527,
- 1615,
- 525,
- 1611,
- 524,
- 1607,
- 524,
- 1607,
- 528,
- 1610,
- 528,
- 1612,
- 529,
- 1615,
- 531,
- 1618,
- 533,
- 1620,
- 535,
- 1622,
- 538,
- 1624,
- 541,
- 1625,
- 543,
- 1625,
- 546,
+ 1629, 546, 1629, 542, 1628, 538, 1626, 535, 1624, 532, 1621, 529, 1618, 527,
+ 1615, 525, 1611, 524, 1607, 524, 1607, 528, 1610, 528, 1612, 529, 1615, 531,
+ 1618, 533, 1620, 535, 1622, 538, 1624, 541, 1625, 543, 1625, 546,
[1607, 524, 1498, 524, 1498, 528, 1607, 528],
@@ -16836,46 +3648,9 @@
K00739: [
[1294, 105, 1294, 91, 1298, 91, 1298, 105],
- 1294,
- 91,
- 1294,
- 87,
- 1295,
- 83,
- 1297,
- 80,
- 1299,
- 77,
- 1302,
- 74,
- 1305,
- 72,
- 1308,
- 70,
- 1312,
- 69,
- 1316,
- 69,
- 1316,
- 73,
- 1313,
- 73,
- 1311,
- 74,
- 1308,
- 76,
- 1305,
- 78,
- 1303,
- 80,
- 1301,
- 83,
- 1299,
- 86,
- 1298,
- 88,
- 1298,
- 91,
+ 1294, 91, 1294, 87, 1295, 83, 1297, 80, 1299, 77, 1302, 74, 1305, 72, 1308, 70,
+ 1312, 69, 1316, 69, 1316, 73, 1313, 73, 1311, 74, 1308, 76, 1305, 78, 1303, 80,
+ 1301, 83, 1299, 86, 1298, 88, 1298, 91,
[1316, 69, 1371, 69, 1371, 73, 1316, 73],
@@ -16891,90 +3666,16 @@
[3080, 366, 3080, 314, 3084, 314, 3084, 366],
[2893, 414, 3062, 414, 3062, 418, 2893, 418],
- 3062,
- 414,
- 3065,
- 414,
- 3067,
- 413,
- 3070,
- 411,
- 3073,
- 409,
- 3075,
- 407,
- 3077,
- 404,
- 3079,
- 401,
- 3080,
- 399,
- 3080,
- 396,
- 3084,
- 396,
- 3084,
- 400,
- 3083,
- 404,
- 3081,
- 407,
- 3079,
- 410,
- 3076,
- 413,
- 3073,
- 415,
- 3070,
- 417,
- 3066,
- 418,
- 3062,
- 418,
+ 3062, 414, 3065, 414, 3067, 413, 3070, 411, 3073, 409, 3075, 407, 3077, 404,
+ 3079, 401, 3080, 399, 3080, 396, 3084, 396, 3084, 400, 3083, 404, 3081, 407,
+ 3079, 410, 3076, 413, 3073, 415, 3070, 417, 3066, 418, 3062, 418,
[3080, 396, 3080, 364, 3084, 364, 3084, 396],
[422, 805, 422, 763, 426, 763, 426, 805],
- 422,
- 763,
- 422,
- 759,
- 423,
- 755,
- 425,
- 752,
- 427,
- 749,
- 430,
- 746,
- 433,
- 744,
- 436,
- 742,
- 440,
- 741,
- 444,
- 741,
- 444,
- 745,
- 441,
- 745,
- 439,
- 746,
- 436,
- 748,
- 433,
- 750,
- 431,
- 752,
- 429,
- 755,
- 427,
- 758,
- 426,
- 760,
- 426,
- 763,
+ 422, 763, 422, 759, 423, 755, 425, 752, 427, 749, 430, 746, 433, 744, 436, 742,
+ 440, 741, 444, 741, 444, 745, 441, 745, 439, 746, 436, 748, 433, 750, 431, 752,
+ 429, 755, 427, 758, 426, 760, 426, 763,
[444, 741, 524, 741, 524, 745, 444, 745],
@@ -16983,45 +3684,9 @@
K00019: [
[2121, 1317, 2121, 1339, 2125, 1339, 2125, 1317],
- 2125,
- 1339,
- 2125,
- 1342,
- 2126,
- 1344,
- 2128,
- 1347,
- 2130,
- 1350,
- 2132,
- 1352,
- 2135,
- 1354,
- 2138,
- 1356,
- 2140,
- 1357,
- 2143,
- 1357,
- 2143,
- 1361,
- 2139,
- 1361,
- 2135,
- 1360,
- 2132,
- 1358,
- 2129,
- 1356,
- 2126,
- 1353,
- 2124,
- 1350,
- 2122,
- 1347,
- 2121,
- 1343,
- 2121,
+ 2125, 1339, 2125, 1342, 2126, 1344, 2128, 1347, 2130, 1350, 2132, 1352, 2135,
+ 1354, 2138, 1356, 2140, 1357, 2143, 1357, 2143, 1361, 2139, 1361, 2135, 1360,
+ 2132, 1358, 2129, 1356, 2126, 1353, 2124, 1350, 2122, 1347, 2121, 1343, 2121,
[2143, 1357, 2178, 1357, 2178, 1361, 2143, 1361],
@@ -17029,45 +3694,9 @@
K00452: [
[2526, 1132, 2671, 1132, 2671, 1136, 2526, 1136],
- 2671,
- 1132,
- 2674,
- 1132,
- 2676,
- 1131,
- 2679,
- 1129,
- 2682,
- 1127,
- 2684,
- 1125,
- 2686,
- 1122,
- 2688,
- 1119,
- 2689,
- 1117,
- 2689,
- 1114,
- 2693,
- 1114,
- 2693,
- 1118,
- 2692,
- 1122,
- 2690,
- 1125,
- 2688,
- 1128,
- 2685,
- 1131,
- 2682,
- 1133,
- 2679,
- 1135,
- 2675,
- 1136,
- 2671,
+ 2671, 1132, 2674, 1132, 2676, 1131, 2679, 1129, 2682, 1127, 2684, 1125, 2686,
+ 1122, 2688, 1119, 2689, 1117, 2689, 1114, 2693, 1114, 2693, 1118, 2692, 1122,
+ 2690, 1125, 2688, 1128, 2685, 1131, 2682, 1133, 2679, 1135, 2675, 1136, 2671,
[2689, 1114, 2689, 1099, 2693, 1099, 2693, 1114],
@@ -17086,134 +3715,24 @@
K03429: [
[933, 741, 913, 741, 913, 745, 933, 745],
- 913,
- 745,
- 910,
- 743,
- 907,
- 742,
- 905,
- 739,
- 902,
- 737,
- 899,
- 734,
- 897,
- 731,
- 894,
- 729,
- 893,
- 726,
- 891,
- 723,
- 895,
- 723,
- 894,
- 727,
- 894,
- 731,
- 895,
- 734,
- 897,
- 737,
- 899,
- 739,
- 902,
- 741,
- 905,
- 742,
- 909,
- 742,
- 913,
- 741,
+ 913, 745, 910, 743, 907, 742, 905, 739, 902, 737, 899, 734, 897, 731, 894, 729,
+ 893, 726, 891, 723, 895, 723, 894, 727, 894, 731, 895, 734, 897, 737, 899, 739,
+ 902, 741, 905, 742, 909, 742, 913, 741,
[891, 723, 891, 612, 895, 612, 895, 723],
- 891,
- 612,
- 891,
- 608,
- 892,
- 604,
- 894,
- 601,
- 896,
- 598,
- 899,
- 595,
- 902,
- 593,
- 905,
- 591,
- 909,
- 590,
- 913,
- 590,
- 913,
- 594,
- 910,
- 594,
- 908,
- 595,
- 905,
- 597,
- 902,
- 599,
- 900,
- 601,
- 898,
- 604,
- 896,
- 607,
- 895,
- 609,
- 895,
- 612,
+ 891, 612, 891, 608, 892, 604, 894, 601, 896, 598, 899, 595, 902, 593, 905, 591,
+ 909, 590, 913, 590, 913, 594, 910, 594, 908, 595, 905, 597, 902, 599, 900, 601,
+ 898, 604, 896, 607, 895, 609, 895, 612,
[913, 590, 961, 590, 961, 594, 913, 594],
K00618: [
[2590, 1830, 2590, 1578, 2594, 1578, 2594, 1830],
- 2590,
- 1578,
- 2590,
- 1574,
- 2591,
- 1570,
- 2593,
- 1567,
- 2595,
- 1564,
- 2598,
- 1561,
- 2601,
- 1559,
- 2604,
- 1557,
- 2608,
- 1556,
- 2612,
- 1556,
- 2612,
- 1560,
- 2609,
- 1560,
- 2607,
- 1561,
- 2604,
- 1563,
- 2601,
- 1565,
- 2599,
- 1567,
- 2597,
- 1570,
- 2595,
- 1573,
- 2594,
- 1575,
- 2594,
+ 2590, 1578, 2590, 1574, 2591, 1570, 2593, 1567, 2595, 1564, 2598, 1561, 2601,
+ 1559, 2604, 1557, 2608, 1556, 2612, 1556, 2612, 1560, 2609, 1560, 2607, 1561,
+ 2604, 1563, 2601, 1565, 2599, 1567, 2597, 1570, 2595, 1573, 2594, 1575, 2594,
[2612, 1556, 2679, 1556, 2679, 1560, 2612, 1560],
@@ -17222,89 +3741,16 @@
[3062, 577, 3122, 577, 3122, 581, 3062, 581],
[2821, 577, 2896, 577, 2896, 581, 2821, 581],
- 2896,
- 581,
- 2900,
- 580,
- 2904,
- 580,
- 2907,
- 581,
- 2910,
- 583,
- 2912,
- 585,
- 2914,
- 588,
- 2915,
- 591,
- 2915,
- 595,
- 2914,
- 599,
- 2918,
- 599,
- 2916,
- 596,
- 2915,
- 593,
- 2912,
- 591,
- 2910,
- 588,
- 2907,
- 585,
- 2904,
- 583,
- 2902,
- 580,
- 2899,
- 579,
- 2896,
- 577,
+ 2896, 581, 2900, 580, 2904, 580, 2907, 581, 2910, 583, 2912, 585, 2914, 588,
+ 2915, 591, 2915, 595, 2914, 599, 2918, 599, 2916, 596, 2915, 593, 2912, 591,
+ 2910, 588, 2907, 585, 2904, 583, 2902, 580, 2899, 579, 2896, 577,
[2914, 599, 2914, 619, 2918, 619, 2918, 599],
[2713, 1063, 2713, 1048, 2717, 1048, 2717, 1063],
- 2713,
- 1048,
- 2713,
- 1044,
- 2714,
- 1040,
- 2716,
- 1037,
- 2718,
- 1034,
- 2721,
- 1031,
- 2724,
- 1029,
- 2727,
- 1027,
- 2731,
- 1026,
- 2735,
- 1026,
- 2735,
- 1030,
- 2732,
- 1030,
- 2730,
- 1031,
- 2727,
- 1033,
- 2724,
- 1035,
- 2722,
- 1037,
- 2720,
- 1040,
- 2718,
- 1043,
- 2717,
- 1045,
- 2717,
+ 2713, 1048, 2713, 1044, 2714, 1040, 2716, 1037, 2718, 1034, 2721, 1031, 2724,
+ 1029, 2727, 1027, 2731, 1026, 2735, 1026, 2735, 1030, 2732, 1030, 2730, 1031,
+ 2727, 1033, 2724, 1035, 2722, 1037, 2720, 1040, 2718, 1043, 2717, 1045, 2717,
[2735, 1026, 2752, 1026, 2752, 1030, 2735, 1030],
@@ -17313,90 +3759,16 @@
[2941, 578, 2941, 649, 2945, 649, 2945, 578],
[2942, 646, 2976, 646, 2976, 650, 2942, 650],
- 2976,
- 646,
- 2979,
- 646,
- 2983,
- 644,
- 2986,
- 642,
- 2990,
- 640,
- 2993,
- 637,
- 2995,
- 634,
- 2997,
- 630,
- 2999,
- 627,
- 2999,
- 623,
- 3003,
- 623,
- 3003,
- 628,
- 3001,
- 632,
- 2999,
- 637,
- 2996,
- 640,
- 2993,
- 644,
- 2989,
- 646,
- 2985,
- 648,
- 2981,
- 650,
- 2976,
- 650,
+ 2976, 646, 2979, 646, 2983, 644, 2986, 642, 2990, 640, 2993, 637, 2995, 634,
+ 2997, 630, 2999, 627, 2999, 623, 3003, 623, 3003, 628, 3001, 632, 2999, 637,
+ 2996, 640, 2993, 644, 2989, 646, 2985, 648, 2981, 650, 2976, 650,
[2999, 623, 2999, 578, 3003, 578, 3003, 623],
[3034, 544, 3093, 544, 3093, 548, 3034, 548],
- 3093,
- 548,
- 3098,
- 547,
- 3103,
- 548,
- 3108,
- 549,
- 3112,
- 552,
- 3115,
- 555,
- 3118,
- 559,
- 3119,
- 564,
- 3120,
- 569,
- 3119,
- 574,
- 3123,
- 574,
- 3121,
- 570,
- 3119,
- 566,
- 3116,
- 562,
- 3113,
- 558,
- 3109,
- 554,
- 3105,
- 551,
- 3101,
- 548,
- 3097,
- 546,
- 3093,
- 544,
+ 3093, 548, 3098, 547, 3103, 548, 3108, 549, 3112, 552, 3115, 555, 3118, 559,
+ 3119, 564, 3120, 569, 3119, 574, 3123, 574, 3121, 570, 3119, 566, 3116, 562,
+ 3113, 558, 3109, 554, 3105, 551, 3101, 548, 3097, 546, 3093, 544,
[3119, 574, 3119, 580, 3123, 580, 3123, 574],
@@ -17405,91 +3777,18 @@
K00851: [
[2062, 302, 2062, 409, 2066, 409, 2066, 302],
- 2062,
- 409,
- 2061,
- 413,
- 2060,
- 418,
- 2058,
- 422,
- 2055,
- 426,
- 2051,
- 430,
- 2047,
- 433,
- 2043,
- 435,
- 2038,
- 436,
- 2034,
- 437,
- 2034,
- 441,
- 2040,
- 440,
- 2045,
- 439,
- 2050,
- 436,
- 2054,
- 433,
- 2058,
- 429,
- 2061,
- 425,
- 2064,
- 420,
- 2065,
- 415,
- 2066,
- 409,
+ 2062, 409, 2061, 413, 2060, 418, 2058, 422, 2055, 426, 2051, 430, 2047, 433,
+ 2043, 435, 2038, 436, 2034, 437, 2034, 441, 2040, 440, 2045, 439, 2050, 436,
+ 2054, 433, 2058, 429, 2061, 425, 2064, 420, 2065, 415, 2066, 409,
[2034, 437, 2018, 437, 2018, 441, 2034, 441],
'4.1.1.-,': [
[1279, 1918, 1444, 1918, 1444, 1922, 1279, 1922],
- 1444,
- 1918,
- 1447,
- 1918,
- 1449,
- 1917,
- 1452,
- 1915,
- 1455,
- 1913,
- 1457,
- 1911,
- 1459,
- 1908,
- 1461,
- 1905,
- 1462,
- 1903,
- 1462,
- 1900,
- 1466,
- 1900,
- 1466,
- 1904,
- 1465,
- 1908,
- 1463,
- 1911,
- 1461,
- 1914,
- 1458,
- 1917,
- 1455,
- 1919,
- 1452,
- 1921,
- 1448,
- 1922,
- 1444,
+ 1444, 1918, 1447, 1918, 1449, 1917, 1452, 1915, 1455, 1913, 1457, 1911, 1459,
+ 1908, 1461, 1905, 1462, 1903, 1462, 1900, 1466, 1900, 1466, 1904, 1465, 1908,
+ 1463, 1911, 1461, 1914, 1458, 1917, 1455, 1919, 1452, 1921, 1448, 1922, 1444,
[1462, 1900, 1462, 1823, 1466, 1823, 1466, 1900],
@@ -17497,89 +3796,17 @@
K01752: [
[1718, 1211, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1211],
- [
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ [
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2258, 1170, 2258, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2258,
- 1174,
- 2263,
- 1173,
- 2268,
- 1174,
- 2273,
- 1175,
- 2277,
- 1178,
- 2280,
- 1181,
- 2283,
- 1185,
- 2284,
- 1190,
- 2285,
- 1195,
- 2284,
- 1200,
- 2288,
- 1200,
- 2286,
- 1196,
- 2284,
- 1192,
- 2281,
- 1188,
- 2278,
- 1184,
- 2274,
- 1180,
- 2270,
- 1177,
- 2266,
- 1174,
- 2262,
- 1172,
- 2258,
+ 2258, 1174, 2263, 1173, 2268, 1174, 2273, 1175, 2277, 1178, 2280, 1181, 2283,
+ 1185, 2284, 1190, 2285, 1195, 2284, 1200, 2288, 1200, 2286, 1196, 2284, 1192,
+ 2281, 1188, 2278, 1184, 2274, 1180, 2270, 1177, 2266, 1174, 2262, 1172, 2258,
[2284, 1200, 2284, 1210, 2288, 1210, 2288, 1200],
@@ -17596,263 +3823,47 @@
K00411: [
[1595, 1926, 1597, 1926, 1597, 1930, 1595, 1930],
- 1597,
- 1930,
- 1603,
- 1929,
- 1609,
- 1930,
- 1614,
- 1932,
- 1619,
- 1935,
- 1623,
- 1939,
- 1626,
- 1944,
- 1628,
- 1949,
- 1629,
- 1955,
- 1628,
- 1961,
- 1632,
- 1961,
- 1630,
- 1956,
- 1628,
- 1951,
- 1624,
- 1947,
- 1620,
- 1942,
- 1616,
- 1938,
- 1611,
- 1934,
- 1607,
- 1930,
- 1602,
- 1928,
- 1597,
+ 1597, 1930, 1603, 1929, 1609, 1930, 1614, 1932, 1619, 1935, 1623, 1939, 1626,
+ 1944, 1628, 1949, 1629, 1955, 1628, 1961, 1632, 1961, 1630, 1956, 1628, 1951,
+ 1624, 1947, 1620, 1942, 1616, 1938, 1611, 1934, 1607, 1930, 1602, 1928, 1597,
[1628, 1961, 1628, 1965, 1632, 1965, 1632, 1961],
- 1628,
- 1965,
- 1627,
- 1970,
- 1626,
- 1975,
- 1623,
- 1979,
- 1620,
- 1984,
- 1616,
- 1988,
- 1611,
- 1991,
- 1607,
- 1994,
- 1602,
- 1995,
- 1597,
- 1996,
- 1597,
- 2000,
- 1603,
- 1999,
- 1609,
- 1998,
- 1614,
- 1995,
- 1619,
- 1991,
- 1623,
- 1987,
- 1627,
- 1982,
- 1630,
- 1977,
- 1631,
- 1971,
- 1632,
+ 1628, 1965, 1627, 1970, 1626, 1975, 1623, 1979, 1620, 1984, 1616, 1988, 1611,
+ 1991, 1607, 1994, 1602, 1995, 1597, 1996, 1597, 2000, 1603, 1999, 1609, 1998,
+ 1614, 1995, 1619, 1991, 1623, 1987, 1627, 1982, 1630, 1977, 1631, 1971, 1632,
[1597, 1996, 1595, 1996, 1595, 2000, 1597, 2000],
[1628, 1908, 1628, 2014, 1632, 2014, 1632, 1908],
[1595, 1926, 1597, 1926, 1597, 1930, 1595, 1930],
- 1597,
- 1930,
- 1603,
- 1929,
- 1609,
- 1930,
- 1614,
- 1932,
- 1619,
- 1935,
- 1623,
- 1939,
- 1626,
- 1944,
- 1628,
- 1949,
- 1629,
- 1955,
- 1628,
- 1961,
- 1632,
- 1961,
- 1630,
- 1956,
- 1628,
- 1951,
- 1624,
- 1947,
- 1620,
- 1942,
- 1616,
- 1938,
- 1611,
- 1934,
- 1607,
- 1930,
- 1602,
- 1928,
- 1597,
+ 1597, 1930, 1603, 1929, 1609, 1930, 1614, 1932, 1619, 1935, 1623, 1939, 1626,
+ 1944, 1628, 1949, 1629, 1955, 1628, 1961, 1632, 1961, 1630, 1956, 1628, 1951,
+ 1624, 1947, 1620, 1942, 1616, 1938, 1611, 1934, 1607, 1930, 1602, 1928, 1597,
[1628, 1961, 1628, 1965, 1632, 1965, 1632, 1961],
- 1628,
- 1965,
- 1627,
- 1970,
- 1626,
- 1975,
- 1623,
- 1979,
- 1620,
- 1984,
- 1616,
- 1988,
- 1611,
- 1991,
- 1607,
- 1994,
- 1602,
- 1995,
- 1597,
- 1996,
- 1597,
- 2000,
- 1603,
- 1999,
- 1609,
- 1998,
- 1614,
- 1995,
- 1619,
- 1991,
- 1623,
- 1987,
- 1627,
- 1982,
- 1630,
- 1977,
- 1631,
- 1971,
- 1632,
+ 1628, 1965, 1627, 1970, 1626, 1975, 1623, 1979, 1620, 1984, 1616, 1988, 1611,
+ 1991, 1607, 1994, 1602, 1995, 1597, 1996, 1597, 2000, 1603, 1999, 1609, 1998,
+ 1614, 1995, 1619, 1991, 1623, 1987, 1627, 1982, 1630, 1977, 1631, 1971, 1632,
[1597, 1996, 1595, 1996, 1595, 2000, 1597, 2000],
[1665, 1996, 1663, 1996, 1663, 2000, 1665, 2000],
- 1663,
- 2000,
- 1658,
- 1998,
- 1653,
- 1996,
- 1649,
- 1992,
- 1644,
- 1988,
- 1640,
- 1984,
- 1636,
- 1979,
- 1632,
- 1975,
- 1630,
- 1970,
- 1628,
- 1965,
- 1632,
- 1965,
- 1631,
- 1971,
- 1632,
- 1977,
- 1634,
- 1982,
- 1637,
- 1987,
- 1641,
- 1991,
- 1646,
- 1994,
- 1651,
- 1996,
- 1657,
- 1997,
- 1663,
+ 1663, 2000, 1658, 1998, 1653, 1996, 1649, 1992, 1644, 1988, 1640, 1984, 1636,
+ 1979, 1632, 1975, 1630, 1970, 1628, 1965, 1632, 1965, 1631, 1971, 1632, 1977,
+ 1634, 1982, 1637, 1987, 1641, 1991, 1646, 1994, 1651, 1996, 1657, 1997, 1663,
[1628, 1965, 1628, 1961, 1632, 1961, 1632, 1965],
- 1628,
- 1961,
- 1629,
- 1955,
- 1630,
- 1949,
- 1633,
- 1944,
- 1637,
- 1939,
- 1641,
- 1935,
- 1646,
- 1931,
- 1651,
- 1928,
- 1657,
- 1927,
- 1663,
- 1926,
- 1663,
- 1930,
- 1658,
- 1931,
- 1653,
- 1932,
- 1649,
- 1935,
- 1644,
- 1938,
- 1640,
- 1942,
- 1637,
- 1947,
- 1634,
- 1951,
- 1633,
- 1956,
- 1632,
+ 1628, 1961, 1629, 1955, 1630, 1949, 1633, 1944, 1637, 1939, 1641, 1935, 1646,
+ 1931, 1651, 1928, 1657, 1927, 1663, 1926, 1663, 1930, 1658, 1931, 1653, 1932,
+ 1649, 1935, 1644, 1938, 1640, 1942, 1637, 1947, 1634, 1951, 1633, 1956, 1632,
[1663, 1926, 1665, 1926, 1665, 1930, 1663, 1930],
@@ -17869,305 +3880,52 @@
K01557: [
[1718, 1210, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1210],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2857, 1170, 2857, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2857,
- 1170,
- 2861,
- 1170,
- 2865,
- 1168,
- 2869,
- 1166,
- 2873,
- 1163,
- 2876,
- 1160,
- 2879,
- 1156,
- 2881,
- 1152,
- 2883,
- 1148,
- 2883,
- 1144,
- 2887,
- 1144,
- 2886,
- 1149,
- 2885,
- 1154,
- 2883,
- 1159,
- 2880,
- 1163,
- 2876,
- 1167,
- 2872,
- 1170,
- 2867,
- 1172,
- 2862,
- 1173,
- 2857,
+ 2857, 1170, 2861, 1170, 2865, 1168, 2869, 1166, 2873, 1163, 2876, 1160, 2879,
+ 1156, 2881, 1152, 2883, 1148, 2883, 1144, 2887, 1144, 2886, 1149, 2885, 1154,
+ 2883, 1159, 2880, 1163, 2876, 1167, 2872, 1170, 2867, 1172, 2862, 1173, 2857,
[2883, 1144, 2883, 1074, 2887, 1074, 2887, 1144],
[1518, 1703, 1543, 1718, 1543, 1722, 1518, 1707],
- 1543,
- 1722,
- 1547,
- 1722,
- 1551,
- 1723,
- 1555,
- 1724,
- 1560,
- 1725,
- 1565,
- 1726,
- 1569,
- 1727,
- 1573,
- 1727,
- 1577,
- 1728,
- 1580,
- 1728,
- 1580,
- 1732,
- 1576,
- 1732,
- 1571,
- 1731,
- 1566,
- 1730,
- 1562,
- 1729,
- 1557,
- 1728,
- 1553,
- 1726,
- 1549,
- 1723,
- 1545,
- 1721,
- 1543,
+ 1543, 1722, 1547, 1722, 1551, 1723, 1555, 1724, 1560, 1725, 1565, 1726, 1569,
+ 1727, 1573, 1727, 1577, 1728, 1580, 1728, 1580, 1732, 1576, 1732, 1571, 1731,
+ 1566, 1730, 1562, 1729, 1557, 1728, 1553, 1726, 1549, 1723, 1545, 1721, 1543,
[1580, 1728, 2865, 1728, 2865, 1732, 1580, 1732],
- 2865,
- 1728,
- 2868,
- 1728,
- 2870,
- 1727,
- 2873,
- 1725,
- 2876,
- 1723,
- 2878,
- 1721,
- 2880,
- 1718,
- 2882,
- 1715,
- 2883,
- 1713,
- 2883,
- 1710,
- 2887,
- 1710,
- 2887,
- 1714,
- 2886,
- 1718,
- 2884,
- 1721,
- 2882,
- 1724,
- 2879,
- 1727,
- 2876,
- 1729,
- 2873,
- 1731,
- 2869,
- 1732,
- 2865,
+ 2865, 1728, 2868, 1728, 2870, 1727, 2873, 1725, 2876, 1723, 2878, 1721, 2880,
+ 1718, 2882, 1715, 2883, 1713, 2883, 1710, 2887, 1710, 2887, 1714, 2886, 1718,
+ 2884, 1721, 2882, 1724, 2879, 1727, 2876, 1729, 2873, 1731, 2869, 1732, 2865,
[2883, 1710, 2883, 726, 2887, 726, 2887, 1710],
- 2887,
- 726,
- 2887,
- 722,
- 2886,
- 718,
- 2884,
- 715,
- 2882,
- 712,
- 2879,
- 709,
- 2876,
- 707,
- 2873,
- 705,
- 2869,
- 704,
- 2865,
- 704,
- 2865,
- 708,
- 2868,
- 708,
- 2870,
- 709,
- 2873,
- 711,
- 2876,
- 713,
- 2878,
- 715,
- 2880,
- 718,
- 2882,
- 721,
- 2883,
- 723,
- 2883,
- 726,
+ 2887, 726, 2887, 722, 2886, 718, 2884, 715, 2882, 712, 2879, 709, 2876, 707,
+ 2873, 705, 2869, 704, 2865, 704, 2865, 708, 2868, 708, 2870, 709, 2873, 711,
+ 2876, 713, 2878, 715, 2880, 718, 2882, 721, 2883, 723, 2883, 726,
[2865, 704, 2842, 704, 2842, 708, 2865, 708],
[1718, 1210, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1210],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2857, 1170, 2857, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2857,
- 1170,
- 2861,
- 1170,
- 2865,
- 1168,
- 2869,
- 1166,
- 2873,
- 1163,
- 2876,
- 1160,
- 2879,
- 1156,
- 2881,
- 1152,
- 2883,
- 1148,
- 2883,
- 1144,
- 2887,
- 1144,
- 2886,
- 1149,
- 2885,
- 1154,
- 2883,
- 1159,
- 2880,
- 1163,
- 2876,
- 1167,
- 2872,
- 1170,
- 2867,
- 1172,
- 2862,
- 1173,
- 2857,
+ 2857, 1170, 2861, 1170, 2865, 1168, 2869, 1166, 2873, 1163, 2876, 1160, 2879,
+ 1156, 2881, 1152, 2883, 1148, 2883, 1144, 2887, 1144, 2886, 1149, 2885, 1154,
+ 2883, 1159, 2880, 1163, 2876, 1167, 2872, 1170, 2867, 1172, 2862, 1173, 2857,
[2883, 1144, 2883, 1074, 2887, 1074, 2887, 1144],
@@ -18176,45 +3934,9 @@
K01581: [
[3157, 1527, 3157, 1563, 3161, 1563, 3161, 1527],
- 3161,
- 1563,
- 3161,
- 1565,
- 3162,
- 1567,
- 3163,
- 1569,
- 3165,
- 1571,
- 3167,
- 1573,
- 3169,
- 1575,
- 3171,
- 1576,
- 3173,
- 1577,
- 3175,
- 1577,
- 3175,
- 1581,
- 3172,
- 1581,
- 3169,
- 1580,
- 3166,
- 1579,
- 3163,
- 1577,
- 3161,
- 1575,
- 3159,
- 1572,
- 3158,
- 1569,
- 3157,
- 1566,
- 3157,
+ 3161, 1563, 3161, 1565, 3162, 1567, 3163, 1569, 3165, 1571, 3167, 1573, 3169,
+ 1575, 3171, 1576, 3173, 1577, 3175, 1577, 3175, 1581, 3172, 1581, 3169, 1580,
+ 3166, 1579, 3163, 1577, 3161, 1575, 3159, 1572, 3158, 1569, 3157, 1566, 3157,
[3175, 1577, 3234, 1577, 3234, 1581, 3175, 1581],
@@ -18227,89 +3949,17 @@
K01915: [
[2916, 1483, 2916, 1911, 2920, 1911, 2920, 1483],
- 2916,
- 1911,
- 2916,
- 1914,
- 2915,
- 1916,
- 2913,
- 1919,
- 2911,
- 1922,
- 2909,
- 1924,
- 2906,
- 1926,
- 2903,
- 1928,
- 2901,
- 1929,
- 2898,
- 1929,
- 2898,
- 1933,
- 2902,
- 1933,
- 2906,
- 1932,
- 2909,
- 1930,
- 2912,
- 1928,
- 2915,
- 1925,
- 2917,
- 1922,
- 2919,
- 1919,
- 2920,
- 1915,
- 2920,
+ 2916, 1911, 2916, 1914, 2915, 1916, 2913, 1919, 2911, 1922, 2909, 1924, 2906,
+ 1926, 2903, 1928, 2901, 1929, 2898, 1929, 2898, 1933, 2902, 1933, 2906, 1932,
+ 2909, 1930, 2912, 1928, 2915, 1925, 2917, 1922, 2919, 1919, 2920, 1915, 2920,
[2898, 1929, 2676, 1929, 2676, 1933, 2898, 1933],
[2590, 1828, 2590, 1911, 2594, 1911, 2594, 1828],
- 2594,
- 1911,
- 2594,
- 1914,
- 2595,
- 1916,
- 2597,
- 1919,
- 2599,
- 1922,
- 2601,
- 1924,
- 2604,
- 1926,
- 2607,
- 1928,
- 2609,
- 1929,
- 2612,
- 1929,
- 2612,
- 1933,
- 2608,
- 1933,
- 2604,
- 1932,
- 2601,
- 1930,
- 2598,
- 1928,
- 2595,
- 1925,
- 2593,
- 1922,
- 2591,
- 1919,
- 2590,
- 1915,
- 2590,
+ 2594, 1911, 2594, 1914, 2595, 1916, 2597, 1919, 2599, 1922, 2601, 1924, 2604,
+ 1926, 2607, 1928, 2609, 1929, 2612, 1929, 2612, 1933, 2608, 1933, 2604, 1932,
+ 2601, 1930, 2598, 1928, 2595, 1925, 2593, 1922, 2591, 1919, 2590, 1915, 2590,
[2612, 1929, 2678, 1929, 2678, 1933, 2612, 1933],
@@ -18327,46 +3977,9 @@
K06151: [
[2017, 342, 2017, 332, 2021, 332, 2021, 342],
- 2017,
- 332,
- 2018,
- 326,
- 2019,
- 321,
- 2022,
- 316,
- 2025,
- 312,
- 2029,
- 308,
- 2033,
- 305,
- 2038,
- 302,
- 2043,
- 301,
- 2049,
- 300,
- 2049,
- 304,
- 2045,
- 305,
- 2040,
- 306,
- 2036,
- 308,
- 2032,
- 311,
- 2028,
- 315,
- 2025,
- 319,
- 2023,
- 323,
- 2022,
- 328,
- 2021,
- 332,
+ 2017, 332, 2018, 326, 2019, 321, 2022, 316, 2025, 312, 2029, 308, 2033, 305,
+ 2038, 302, 2043, 301, 2049, 300, 2049, 304, 2045, 305, 2040, 306, 2036, 308,
+ 2032, 311, 2028, 315, 2025, 319, 2023, 323, 2022, 328, 2021, 332,
[2049, 300, 2065, 300, 2065, 304, 2049, 304],
@@ -18378,45 +3991,9 @@
K00290: [
[2243, 1680, 2262, 1680, 2262, 1684, 2243, 1684],
- 2262,
- 1680,
- 2266,
- 1680,
- 2270,
- 1678,
- 2274,
- 1676,
- 2278,
- 1673,
- 2281,
- 1670,
- 2284,
- 1666,
- 2286,
- 1662,
- 2288,
- 1658,
- 2288,
- 1654,
- 2292,
- 1654,
- 2291,
- 1659,
- 2290,
- 1664,
- 2288,
- 1669,
- 2285,
- 1673,
- 2281,
- 1677,
- 2277,
- 1680,
- 2272,
- 1682,
- 2267,
- 1683,
- 2262,
+ 2262, 1680, 2266, 1680, 2270, 1678, 2274, 1676, 2278, 1673, 2281, 1670, 2284,
+ 1666, 2286, 1662, 2288, 1658, 2288, 1654, 2292, 1654, 2291, 1659, 2290, 1664,
+ 2288, 1669, 2285, 1673, 2281, 1677, 2277, 1680, 2272, 1682, 2267, 1683, 2262,
[2288, 1654, 2288, 1571, 2292, 1571, 2292, 1654],
@@ -18424,45 +4001,9 @@
K01841: [
[1718, 1111, 1718, 1088, 1722, 1088, 1722, 1111],
- 1718,
- 1088,
- 1718,
- 1083,
- 1720,
- 1079,
- 1722,
- 1075,
- 1724,
- 1071,
- 1727,
- 1068,
- 1731,
- 1066,
- 1735,
- 1064,
- 1739,
- 1062,
- 1744,
- 1062,
- 1744,
- 1066,
- 1741,
- 1066,
- 1737,
- 1068,
- 1734,
- 1069,
- 1731,
- 1072,
- 1728,
- 1075,
- 1725,
- 1078,
- 1724,
- 1081,
- 1722,
- 1085,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1088, 1718, 1083, 1720, 1079, 1722, 1075, 1724, 1071, 1727, 1068, 1731,
+ 1066, 1735, 1064, 1739, 1062, 1744, 1062, 1744, 1066, 1741, 1066, 1737, 1068,
+ 1734, 1069, 1731, 1072, 1728, 1075, 1725, 1078, 1724, 1081, 1722, 1085, 1722,
[1744, 1062, 1800, 1062, 1800, 1066, 1744, 1066],
@@ -18472,45 +4013,9 @@
K00502: [
[2786, 1026, 2836, 1026, 2836, 1030, 2786, 1030],
- 2836,
- 1026,
- 2839,
- 1026,
- 2841,
- 1025,
- 2844,
- 1023,
- 2847,
- 1021,
- 2849,
- 1019,
- 2851,
- 1016,
- 2853,
- 1013,
- 2854,
- 1011,
- 2854,
- 1008,
- 2858,
- 1008,
- 2858,
- 1012,
- 2857,
- 1016,
- 2855,
- 1019,
- 2853,
- 1022,
- 2850,
- 1025,
- 2847,
- 1027,
- 2844,
- 1029,
- 2840,
- 1030,
- 2836,
+ 2836, 1026, 2839, 1026, 2841, 1025, 2844, 1023, 2847, 1021, 2849, 1019, 2851,
+ 1016, 2853, 1013, 2854, 1011, 2854, 1008, 2858, 1008, 2858, 1012, 2857, 1016,
+ 2855, 1019, 2853, 1022, 2850, 1025, 2847, 1027, 2844, 1029, 2840, 1030, 2836,
[2854, 1008, 2854, 987, 2858, 987, 2858, 1008],
@@ -18524,46 +4029,9 @@
[752, 231, 752, 281, 756, 281, 756, 231],
[465, 230, 542, 230, 542, 234, 465, 234],
- 542,
- 234,
- 546,
- 233,
- 550,
- 233,
- 553,
- 234,
- 556,
- 236,
- 558,
- 238,
- 560,
- 241,
- 561,
- 244,
- 561,
- 248,
- 560,
- 252,
- 564,
- 252,
- 562,
- 249,
- 561,
- 246,
- 558,
- 244,
- 556,
- 241,
- 553,
- 238,
- 550,
- 236,
- 548,
- 233,
- 545,
- 232,
- 542,
- 230,
+ 542, 234, 546, 233, 550, 233, 553, 234, 556, 236, 558, 238, 560, 241, 561, 244,
+ 561, 248, 560, 252, 564, 252, 562, 249, 561, 246, 558, 244, 556, 241, 553, 238,
+ 550, 236, 548, 233, 545, 232, 542, 230,
[560, 252, 560, 282, 564, 282, 564, 252],
@@ -18571,134 +4039,26 @@
K12251: [
[1471, 1194, 1471, 1218, 1475, 1218, 1475, 1194],
- 1475,
- 1218,
- 1475,
- 1221,
- 1476,
- 1223,
- 1478,
- 1226,
- 1480,
- 1229,
- 1482,
- 1231,
- 1485,
- 1233,
- 1488,
- 1235,
- 1490,
- 1236,
- 1493,
- 1236,
- 1493,
- 1240,
- 1489,
- 1240,
- 1485,
- 1239,
- 1482,
- 1237,
- 1479,
- 1235,
- 1476,
- 1232,
- 1474,
- 1229,
- 1472,
- 1226,
- 1471,
- 1222,
- 1471,
+ 1475, 1218, 1475, 1221, 1476, 1223, 1478, 1226, 1480, 1229, 1482, 1231, 1485,
+ 1233, 1488, 1235, 1490, 1236, 1493, 1236, 1493, 1240, 1489, 1240, 1485, 1239,
+ 1482, 1237, 1479, 1235, 1476, 1232, 1474, 1229, 1472, 1226, 1471, 1222, 1471,
[1493, 1236, 1892, 1236, 1892, 1240, 1493, 1240],
[1471, 1193, 1471, 1257, 1475, 1257, 1475, 1193],
[1471, 1194, 1471, 1218, 1475, 1218, 1475, 1194],
- 1475,
- 1218,
- 1475,
- 1221,
- 1476,
- 1223,
- 1478,
- 1226,
- 1480,
- 1229,
- 1482,
- 1231,
- 1485,
- 1233,
- 1488,
- 1235,
- 1490,
- 1236,
- 1493,
- 1236,
- 1493,
- 1240,
- 1489,
- 1240,
- 1485,
- 1239,
- 1482,
- 1237,
- 1479,
- 1235,
- 1476,
- 1232,
- 1474,
- 1229,
- 1472,
- 1226,
- 1471,
- 1222,
- 1471,
+ 1475, 1218, 1475, 1221, 1476, 1223, 1478, 1226, 1480, 1229, 1482, 1231, 1485,
+ 1233, 1488, 1235, 1490, 1236, 1493, 1236, 1493, 1240, 1489, 1240, 1485, 1239,
+ 1482, 1237, 1479, 1235, 1476, 1232, 1474, 1229, 1472, 1226, 1471, 1222, 1471,
[1493, 1236, 1892, 1236, 1892, 1240, 1493, 1240],
[3327, 1552, 3327, 1563, 3331, 1563, 3331, 1552],
- 3327,
- 1563,
- 3327,
- 1565,
- 3326,
- 1567,
- 3325,
- 1569,
- 3323,
- 1571,
- 3321,
- 1573,
- 3319,
- 1575,
- 3317,
- 1576,
- 3315,
- 1577,
- 3313,
- 1577,
- 3313,
- 1581,
- 3316,
- 1581,
- 3319,
- 1580,
- 3322,
- 1579,
- 3325,
- 1577,
- 3327,
- 1575,
- 3329,
- 1572,
- 3330,
- 1569,
- 3331,
- 1566,
- 3331,
+ 3327, 1563, 3327, 1565, 3326, 1567, 3325, 1569, 3323, 1571, 3321, 1573, 3319,
+ 1575, 3317, 1576, 3315, 1577, 3313, 1577, 3313, 1581, 3316, 1581, 3319, 1580,
+ 3322, 1579, 3325, 1577, 3327, 1575, 3329, 1572, 3330, 1569, 3331, 1566, 3331,
[3313, 1577, 3232, 1577, 3232, 1581, 3313, 1581],
@@ -18710,88 +4070,16 @@
K01760: [
[2645, 1433, 2648, 1433, 2648, 1437, 2645, 1437],
- 2648,
- 1437,
- 2652,
- 1436,
- 2655,
- 1436,
- 2658,
- 1437,
- 2661,
- 1438,
- 2663,
- 1440,
- 2664,
- 1443,
- 2665,
- 1446,
- 2665,
- 1449,
- 2664,
- 1453,
- 2668,
- 1453,
- 2666,
- 1451,
- 2665,
- 1448,
- 2663,
- 1446,
- 2660,
- 1443,
- 2658,
- 1441,
- 2655,
- 1438,
- 2653,
- 1436,
- 2650,
- 1435,
- 2648,
+ 2648, 1437, 2652, 1436, 2655, 1436, 2658, 1437, 2661, 1438, 2663, 1440, 2664,
+ 1443, 2665, 1446, 2665, 1449, 2664, 1453, 2668, 1453, 2666, 1451, 2665, 1448,
+ 2663, 1446, 2660, 1443, 2658, 1441, 2655, 1438, 2653, 1436, 2650, 1435, 2648,
[2664, 1453, 2664, 1491, 2668, 1491, 2668, 1453],
- 2664,
- 1491,
- 2664,
- 1493,
- 2663,
- 1496,
- 2661,
- 1498,
- 2660,
- 1501,
- 2658,
- 1503,
- 2655,
- 1504,
- 2653,
- 1506,
- 2650,
- 1507,
- 2648,
- 1507,
- 2648,
- 1511,
- 2652,
- 1511,
- 2655,
- 1510,
- 2658,
- 1508,
- 2661,
- 1506,
- 2663,
- 1504,
- 2665,
- 1501,
- 2667,
- 1498,
- 2668,
- 1495,
- 2668,
+ 2664, 1491, 2664, 1493, 2663, 1496, 2661, 1498, 2660, 1501, 2658, 1503, 2655,
+ 1504, 2653, 1506, 2650, 1507, 2648, 1507, 2648, 1511, 2652, 1511, 2655, 1510,
+ 2658, 1508, 2661, 1506, 2663, 1504, 2665, 1501, 2667, 1498, 2668, 1495, 2668,
[2648, 1507, 2645, 1507, 2645, 1511, 2648, 1511],
@@ -18812,45 +4100,9 @@
[2946, 1124, 2946, 1164, 2950, 1164, 2950, 1124],
[2904, 1164, 2904, 1145, 2908, 1145, 2908, 1164],
- 2904,
- 1145,
- 2904,
- 1141,
- 2905,
- 1137,
- 2907,
- 1134,
- 2909,
- 1131,
- 2912,
- 1128,
- 2915,
- 1126,
- 2918,
- 1124,
- 2922,
- 1123,
- 2926,
- 1123,
- 2926,
- 1127,
- 2923,
- 1127,
- 2921,
- 1128,
- 2918,
- 1130,
- 2915,
- 1132,
- 2913,
- 1134,
- 2911,
- 1137,
- 2909,
- 1140,
- 2908,
- 1142,
- 2908,
+ 2904, 1145, 2904, 1141, 2905, 1137, 2907, 1134, 2909, 1131, 2912, 1128, 2915,
+ 1126, 2918, 1124, 2922, 1123, 2926, 1123, 2926, 1127, 2923, 1127, 2921, 1128,
+ 2918, 1130, 2915, 1132, 2913, 1134, 2911, 1137, 2909, 1140, 2908, 1142, 2908,
[2926, 1123, 2949, 1123, 2949, 1127, 2926, 1127],
@@ -18872,92 +4124,18 @@
K02291: [
[234, 1170, 234, 1534, 238, 1534, 238, 1170],
- 238,
- 1534,
- 238,
- 1537,
- 239,
- 1539,
- 241,
- 1542,
- 243,
- 1545,
- 245,
- 1547,
- 248,
- 1549,
- 251,
- 1551,
- 253,
- 1552,
- 256,
- 1552,
- 256,
- 1556,
- 252,
- 1556,
- 248,
- 1555,
- 245,
- 1553,
- 242,
- 1551,
- 239,
- 1548,
- 237,
- 1545,
- 235,
- 1542,
- 234,
- 1538,
- 234,
- 1534,
+ 238, 1534, 238, 1537, 239, 1539, 241, 1542, 243, 1545, 245, 1547, 248, 1549,
+ 251, 1551, 253, 1552, 256, 1552, 256, 1556, 252, 1556, 248, 1555, 245, 1553,
+ 242, 1551, 239, 1548, 237, 1545, 235, 1542, 234, 1538, 234, 1534,
[256, 1552, 310, 1552, 310, 1556, 256, 1556],
',': [
[2618, 889, 2618, 909, 2622, 909, 2622, 889],
- 2618,
- 909,
- 2618,
- 911,
- 2617,
- 913,
- 2616,
- 915,
- 2614,
- 917,
- 2612,
- 919,
- 2610,
- 921,
- 2608,
- 922,
- 2606,
- 923,
- 2604,
- 923,
- 2604,
- 927,
- 2607,
- 927,
- 2610,
- 926,
- 2613,
- 925,
- 2616,
- 923,
- 2618,
- 921,
- 2620,
- 918,
- 2621,
- 915,
- 2622,
- 912,
- 2622,
- 909,
+ 2618, 909, 2618, 911, 2617, 913, 2616, 915, 2614, 917, 2612, 919, 2610, 921,
+ 2608, 922, 2606, 923, 2604, 923, 2604, 927, 2607, 927, 2610, 926, 2613, 925,
+ 2616, 923, 2618, 921, 2620, 918, 2621, 915, 2622, 912, 2622, 909,
[2604, 923, 2560, 923, 2560, 927, 2604, 927],
@@ -18965,90 +4143,16 @@
K03644: [
[710, 1382, 669, 1382, 669, 1386, 710, 1386],
- 669,
- 1386,
- 666,
- 1384,
- 663,
- 1383,
- 661,
- 1380,
- 658,
- 1378,
- 655,
- 1375,
- 653,
- 1372,
- 650,
- 1370,
- 649,
- 1367,
- 647,
- 1364,
- 651,
- 1364,
- 650,
- 1368,
- 650,
- 1372,
- 651,
- 1375,
- 653,
- 1378,
- 655,
- 1380,
- 658,
- 1382,
- 661,
- 1383,
- 665,
- 1383,
- 669,
- 1382,
+ 669, 1386, 666, 1384, 663, 1383, 661, 1380, 658, 1378, 655, 1375, 653, 1372,
+ 650, 1370, 649, 1367, 647, 1364, 651, 1364, 650, 1368, 650, 1372, 651, 1375,
+ 653, 1378, 655, 1380, 658, 1382, 661, 1383, 665, 1383, 669, 1382,
[647, 1364, 647, 1348, 651, 1348, 651, 1364],
[769, 1383, 769, 1404, 773, 1404, 773, 1383],
- 769,
- 1404,
- 769,
- 1407,
- 768,
- 1409,
- 766,
- 1412,
- 764,
- 1415,
- 762,
- 1417,
- 759,
- 1419,
- 756,
- 1421,
- 754,
- 1422,
- 751,
- 1422,
- 751,
- 1426,
- 755,
- 1426,
- 759,
- 1425,
- 762,
- 1423,
- 765,
- 1421,
- 768,
- 1418,
- 770,
- 1415,
- 772,
- 1412,
- 773,
- 1408,
- 773,
- 1404,
+ 769, 1404, 769, 1407, 768, 1409, 766, 1412, 764, 1415, 762, 1417, 759, 1419,
+ 756, 1421, 754, 1422, 751, 1422, 751, 1426, 755, 1426, 759, 1425, 762, 1423,
+ 765, 1421, 768, 1418, 770, 1415, 772, 1412, 773, 1408, 773, 1404,
[751, 1422, 710, 1422, 710, 1426, 751, 1426],
@@ -19056,45 +4160,9 @@
[2074, 1425, 2074, 1317, 2078, 1317, 2078, 1425],
[1718, 1329, 1718, 1398, 1722, 1398, 1722, 1329],
- 1722,
- 1398,
- 1722,
- 1402,
- 1724,
- 1405,
- 1726,
- 1409,
- 1728,
- 1413,
- 1731,
- 1416,
- 1735,
- 1418,
- 1739,
- 1420,
- 1742,
- 1422,
- 1746,
- 1422,
- 1746,
- 1426,
- 1741,
- 1426,
- 1736,
- 1424,
- 1732,
- 1422,
- 1728,
- 1419,
- 1725,
- 1416,
- 1722,
- 1412,
- 1720,
- 1408,
- 1718,
- 1403,
- 1718,
+ 1722, 1398, 1722, 1402, 1724, 1405, 1726, 1409, 1728, 1413, 1731, 1416, 1735,
+ 1418, 1739, 1420, 1742, 1422, 1746, 1422, 1746, 1426, 1741, 1426, 1736, 1424,
+ 1732, 1422, 1728, 1419, 1725, 1416, 1722, 1412, 1720, 1408, 1718, 1403, 1718,
[1746, 1422, 1772, 1422, 1772, 1426, 1746, 1426],
@@ -19104,89 +4172,15 @@
K00070: [
[550, 1770, 550, 1764, 554, 1764, 554, 1770],
- 550,
- 1764,
- 550,
- 1761,
- 551,
- 1758,
- 552,
- 1755,
- 554,
- 1752,
- 556,
- 1750,
- 559,
- 1748,
- 562,
- 1747,
- 565,
- 1746,
- 568,
- 1746,
- 568,
- 1750,
- 566,
- 1750,
- 564,
- 1751,
- 562,
- 1752,
- 560,
- 1754,
- 558,
- 1756,
- 556,
- 1758,
- 555,
- 1760,
- 554,
- 1762,
- 554,
- 1764,
+ 550, 1764, 550, 1761, 551, 1758, 552, 1755, 554, 1752, 556, 1750, 559, 1748,
+ 562, 1747, 565, 1746, 568, 1746, 568, 1750, 566, 1750, 564, 1751, 562, 1752,
+ 560, 1754, 558, 1756, 556, 1758, 555, 1760, 554, 1762, 554, 1764,
[568, 1746, 664, 1746, 664, 1750, 568, 1750],
- 664,
- 1746,
- 666,
- 1746,
- 668,
- 1745,
- 670,
- 1744,
- 672,
- 1742,
- 674,
- 1740,
- 676,
- 1738,
- 677,
- 1736,
- 678,
- 1734,
- 678,
- 1732,
- 682,
- 1732,
- 682,
- 1735,
- 681,
- 1738,
- 680,
- 1741,
- 678,
- 1744,
- 676,
- 1746,
- 673,
- 1748,
- 670,
- 1749,
- 667,
- 1750,
- 664,
- 1750,
+ 664, 1746, 666, 1746, 668, 1745, 670, 1744, 672, 1742, 674, 1740, 676, 1738,
+ 677, 1736, 678, 1734, 678, 1732, 682, 1732, 682, 1735, 681, 1738, 680, 1741,
+ 678, 1744, 676, 1746, 673, 1748, 670, 1749, 667, 1750, 664, 1750,
[678, 1732, 678, 1729, 682, 1729, 682, 1732],
[740, 1728, 800, 1728, 800, 1732, 740, 1732],
@@ -19195,176 +4189,32 @@
K00611: [
[3029, 1414, 3029, 1418, 3033, 1418, 3033, 1414],
- 3033,
- 1418,
- 3035,
- 1434,
- 3041,
- 1450,
- 3049,
- 1466,
- 3060,
- 1481,
- 3073,
- 1494,
- 3087,
- 1506,
- 3102,
- 1515,
- 3118,
- 1522,
- 3134,
- 1525,
- 3134,
- 1529,
- 3117,
- 1526,
- 3100,
- 1519,
- 3084,
- 1510,
- 3069,
- 1498,
- 3056,
- 1484,
- 3046,
- 1469,
- 3037,
- 1452,
- 3031,
- 1435,
- 3029,
+ 3033, 1418, 3035, 1434, 3041, 1450, 3049, 1466, 3060, 1481, 3073, 1494, 3087,
+ 1506, 3102, 1515, 3118, 1522, 3134, 1525, 3134, 1529, 3117, 1526, 3100, 1519,
+ 3084, 1510, 3069, 1498, 3056, 1484, 3046, 1469, 3037, 1452, 3031, 1435, 3029,
[3134, 1525, 3159, 1527, 3159, 1531, 3134, 1529],
[2978, 1482, 3024, 1482, 3024, 1486, 2978, 1486],
- 3024,
- 1482,
- 3027,
- 1482,
- 3029,
- 1481,
- 3032,
- 1479,
- 3034,
- 1477,
- 3036,
- 1475,
- 3037,
- 1472,
- 3038,
- 1469,
- 3038,
- 1467,
- 3038,
- 1464,
- 3042,
- 1464,
- 3042,
- 1468,
- 3042,
- 1472,
- 3041,
- 1475,
- 3039,
- 1478,
- 3037,
- 1481,
- 3034,
- 1483,
- 3031,
- 1485,
- 3028,
- 1486,
- 3024,
+ 3024, 1482, 3027, 1482, 3029, 1481, 3032, 1479, 3034, 1477, 3036, 1475, 3037,
+ 1472, 3038, 1469, 3038, 1467, 3038, 1464, 3042, 1464, 3042, 1468, 3042, 1472,
+ 3041, 1475, 3039, 1478, 3037, 1481, 3034, 1483, 3031, 1485, 3028, 1486, 3024,
[3038, 1464, 3038, 1464, 3042, 1464, 3042, 1464],
- 3042,
- 1464,
- 3041,
- 1460,
- 3040,
- 1455,
- 3039,
- 1450,
- 3038,
- 1446,
- 3037,
- 1441,
- 3035,
- 1436,
- 3034,
- 1432,
- 3032,
- 1429,
- 3030,
- 1426,
- 3034,
- 1426,
- 3034,
- 1430,
- 3033,
- 1434,
- 3034,
- 1439,
- 3034,
- 1444,
- 3035,
- 1448,
- 3036,
- 1453,
- 3036,
- 1457,
- 3037,
- 1461,
- 3038,
+ 3042, 1464, 3041, 1460, 3040, 1455, 3039, 1450, 3038, 1446, 3037, 1441, 3035,
+ 1436, 3034, 1432, 3032, 1429, 3030, 1426, 3034, 1426, 3034, 1430, 3033, 1434,
+ 3034, 1439, 3034, 1444, 3035, 1448, 3036, 1453, 3036, 1457, 3037, 1461, 3038,
[3030, 1426, 3030, 1426, 3034, 1426, 3034, 1426],
[3029, 1414, 3029, 1418, 3033, 1418, 3033, 1414],
- [
- 3033,
- 1418,
- 3035,
- 1434,
- 3041,
- 1450,
- 3049,
- 1466,
- 3060,
- 1481,
- 3073,
- 1494,
- 3087,
- 1506,
- 3102,
- 1515,
- 3118,
- 1522,
- 3134,
- 1525,
- 3134,
- 1529,
- 3117,
- 1526,
- 3100,
- 1519,
- 3084,
- 1510,
- 3069,
- 1498,
- 3056,
- 1484,
- 3046,
- 1469,
- 3037,
- 1452,
- 3031,
- 1435,
- 3029,
+ [
+ 3033, 1418, 3035, 1434, 3041, 1450, 3049, 1466, 3060, 1481, 3073, 1494, 3087,
+ 1506, 3102, 1515, 3118, 1522, 3134, 1525, 3134, 1529, 3117, 1526, 3100, 1519,
+ 3084, 1510, 3069, 1498, 3056, 1484, 3046, 1469, 3037, 1452, 3031, 1435, 3029,
[3134, 1525, 3159, 1527, 3159, 1531, 3134, 1529],
@@ -19372,46 +4222,9 @@
',': [
[2995, 750, 2995, 753, 2999, 753, 2999, 750],
- 2999,
- 753,
- 2999,
- 756,
- 3000,
- 758,
- 3002,
- 761,
- 3004,
- 764,
- 3006,
- 766,
- 3009,
- 768,
- 3012,
- 770,
- 3014,
- 771,
- 3017,
- 771,
- 3017,
- 775,
- 3013,
- 775,
- 3009,
- 774,
- 3006,
- 772,
- 3003,
- 770,
- 3000,
- 767,
- 2998,
- 764,
- 2996,
- 761,
- 2995,
- 757,
- 2995,
- 753,
+ 2999, 753, 2999, 756, 3000, 758, 3002, 761, 3004, 764, 3006, 766, 3009, 768,
+ 3012, 770, 3014, 771, 3017, 771, 3017, 775, 3013, 775, 3009, 774, 3006, 772,
+ 3003, 770, 3000, 767, 2998, 764, 2996, 761, 2995, 757, 2995, 753,
[3017, 771, 3047, 771, 3047, 775, 3017, 775],
@@ -19422,45 +4235,9 @@
K01438: [
[3073, 1556, 3139, 1556, 3139, 1560, 3073, 1560],
- 3139,
- 1556,
- 3142,
- 1556,
- 3144,
- 1555,
- 3147,
- 1553,
- 3150,
- 1551,
- 3152,
- 1549,
- 3154,
- 1546,
- 3156,
- 1543,
- 3157,
- 1541,
- 3157,
- 1538,
- 3161,
- 1538,
- 3161,
- 1542,
- 3160,
- 1546,
- 3158,
- 1549,
- 3156,
- 1552,
- 3153,
- 1555,
- 3150,
- 1557,
- 3147,
- 1559,
- 3143,
- 1560,
- 3139,
+ 3139, 1556, 3142, 1556, 3144, 1555, 3147, 1553, 3150, 1551, 3152, 1549, 3154,
+ 1546, 3156, 1543, 3157, 1541, 3157, 1538, 3161, 1538, 3161, 1542, 3160, 1546,
+ 3158, 1549, 3156, 1552, 3153, 1555, 3150, 1557, 3147, 1559, 3143, 1560, 3139,
[3157, 1538, 3157, 1527, 3161, 1527, 3161, 1538],
@@ -19480,136 +4257,26 @@
[441, 626, 441, 664, 445, 664, 445, 626],
[351, 664, 351, 647, 355, 647, 355, 664],
- 351,
- 647,
- 351,
- 643,
- 352,
- 639,
- 354,
- 636,
- 356,
- 633,
- 359,
- 630,
- 362,
- 628,
- 365,
- 626,
- 369,
- 625,
- 373,
- 625,
- 373,
- 629,
- 370,
- 629,
- 368,
- 630,
- 365,
- 632,
- 362,
- 634,
- 360,
- 636,
- 358,
- 639,
- 356,
- 642,
- 355,
- 644,
- 355,
- 647,
+ 351, 647, 351, 643, 352, 639, 354, 636, 356, 633, 359, 630, 362, 628, 365, 626,
+ 369, 625, 373, 625, 373, 629, 370, 629, 368, 630, 365, 632, 362, 634, 360, 636,
+ 358, 639, 356, 642, 355, 644, 355, 647,
[373, 625, 444, 625, 444, 629, 373, 629],
K11540: [
[2206, 839, 2959, 839, 2959, 843, 2206, 843],
- 2959,
- 843,
- 2963,
- 842,
- 2967,
- 842,
- 2970,
- 843,
- 2973,
- 845,
- 2975,
- 847,
- 2977,
- 850,
- 2978,
- 853,
- 2978,
- 857,
- 2977,
- 861,
- 2981,
- 861,
- 2979,
- 858,
- 2978,
- 855,
- 2975,
- 853,
- 2973,
- 850,
- 2970,
- 847,
- 2967,
- 845,
- 2965,
- 842,
- 2962,
- 841,
- 2959,
- 839,
+ 2959, 843, 2963, 842, 2967, 842, 2970, 843, 2973, 845, 2975, 847, 2977, 850,
+ 2978, 853, 2978, 857, 2977, 861, 2981, 861, 2979, 858, 2978, 855, 2975, 853,
+ 2973, 850, 2970, 847, 2967, 845, 2965, 842, 2962, 841, 2959, 839,
[2977, 861, 2977, 1485, 2981, 1485, 2981, 861],
[2205, 710, 2205, 842, 2209, 842, 2209, 710],
[2676, 1929, 2959, 1929, 2959, 1933, 2676, 1933],
- 2959,
- 1929,
- 2962,
- 1929,
- 2964,
- 1928,
- 2967,
- 1926,
- 2970,
- 1924,
- 2972,
- 1922,
- 2974,
- 1919,
- 2976,
- 1916,
- 2977,
- 1914,
- 2977,
- 1911,
- 2981,
- 1911,
- 2981,
- 1915,
- 2980,
- 1919,
- 2978,
- 1922,
- 2976,
- 1925,
- 2973,
- 1928,
- 2970,
- 1930,
- 2967,
- 1932,
- 2963,
- 1933,
- 2959,
+ 2959, 1929, 2962, 1929, 2964, 1928, 2967, 1926, 2970, 1924, 2972, 1922, 2974,
+ 1919, 2976, 1916, 2977, 1914, 2977, 1911, 2981, 1911, 2981, 1915, 2980, 1919,
+ 2978, 1922, 2976, 1925, 2973, 1928, 2970, 1930, 2967, 1932, 2963, 1933, 2959,
[2977, 1911, 2977, 1483, 2981, 1483, 2981, 1911],
@@ -19620,90 +4287,16 @@
K01442: [
[402, 2007, 382, 2007, 382, 2011, 402, 2011],
- 382,
- 2007,
- 378,
- 2007,
- 374,
- 2008,
- 371,
- 2010,
- 368,
- 2012,
- 365,
- 2015,
- 363,
- 2018,
- 361,
- 2021,
- 360,
- 2025,
- 360,
- 2029,
- 364,
- 2029,
- 364,
- 2026,
- 365,
- 2024,
- 367,
- 2021,
- 369,
- 2018,
- 371,
- 2016,
- 374,
- 2014,
- 377,
- 2012,
- 379,
- 2011,
- 382,
- 2011,
+ 382, 2007, 378, 2007, 374, 2008, 371, 2010, 368, 2012, 365, 2015, 363, 2018,
+ 361, 2021, 360, 2025, 360, 2029, 364, 2029, 364, 2026, 365, 2024, 367, 2021,
+ 369, 2018, 371, 2016, 374, 2014, 377, 2012, 379, 2011, 382, 2011,
[360, 2029, 360, 2039, 364, 2039, 364, 2029],
[402, 2065, 382, 2065, 382, 2069, 402, 2069],
- 382,
- 2069,
- 379,
- 2067,
- 376,
- 2066,
- 374,
- 2063,
- 371,
- 2061,
- 368,
- 2058,
- 366,
- 2055,
- 363,
- 2053,
- 362,
- 2050,
- 360,
- 2047,
- 364,
- 2047,
- 363,
- 2051,
- 363,
- 2055,
- 364,
- 2058,
- 366,
- 2061,
- 368,
- 2063,
- 371,
- 2065,
- 374,
- 2066,
- 378,
- 2066,
- 382,
- 2065,
+ 382, 2069, 379, 2067, 376, 2066, 374, 2063, 371, 2061, 368, 2058, 366, 2055,
+ 363, 2053, 362, 2050, 360, 2047, 364, 2047, 363, 2051, 363, 2055, 364, 2058,
+ 366, 2061, 368, 2063, 371, 2065, 374, 2066, 378, 2066, 382, 2065,
[360, 2047, 360, 2037, 364, 2037, 364, 2047],
@@ -19711,45 +4304,9 @@
K00657: [
[3232, 1577, 3355, 1577, 3355, 1581, 3232, 1581],
- 3355,
- 1581,
- 3359,
- 1580,
- 3363,
- 1580,
- 3366,
- 1581,
- 3369,
- 1583,
- 3371,
- 1585,
- 3373,
- 1588,
- 3374,
- 1591,
- 3374,
- 1595,
- 3373,
- 1599,
- 3377,
- 1599,
- 3375,
- 1596,
- 3374,
- 1593,
- 3371,
- 1591,
- 3369,
- 1588,
- 3366,
- 1585,
- 3363,
- 1583,
- 3361,
- 1580,
- 3358,
- 1579,
- 3355,
+ 3355, 1581, 3359, 1580, 3363, 1580, 3366, 1581, 3369, 1583, 3371, 1585, 3373,
+ 1588, 3374, 1591, 3374, 1595, 3373, 1599, 3377, 1599, 3375, 1596, 3374, 1593,
+ 3371, 1591, 3369, 1588, 3366, 1585, 3363, 1583, 3361, 1580, 3358, 1579, 3355,
[3373, 1599, 3373, 1632, 3377, 1632, 3377, 1599],
@@ -19759,45 +4316,9 @@
[2179, 1205, 2126, 1205, 2126, 1209, 2179, 1209],
[2145, 1183, 2145, 1195, 2149, 1195, 2149, 1183],
- 2149,
- 1195,
- 2149,
- 1196,
- 2150,
- 1198,
- 2151,
- 1199,
- 2152,
- 1201,
- 2153,
- 1202,
- 2155,
- 1203,
- 2156,
- 1204,
- 2158,
- 1205,
- 2159,
- 1205,
- 2159,
- 1209,
- 2156,
- 1209,
- 2154,
- 1208,
- 2152,
- 1207,
- 2150,
- 1206,
- 2148,
- 1204,
- 2147,
- 1202,
- 2146,
- 1200,
- 2145,
- 1198,
- 2145,
+ 2149, 1195, 2149, 1196, 2150, 1198, 2151, 1199, 2152, 1201, 2153, 1202, 2155,
+ 1203, 2156, 1204, 2158, 1205, 2159, 1205, 2159, 1209, 2156, 1209, 2154, 1208,
+ 2152, 1207, 2150, 1206, 2148, 1204, 2147, 1202, 2146, 1200, 2145, 1198, 2145,
[2159, 1205, 2176, 1205, 2176, 1209, 2159, 1209],
@@ -19816,176 +4337,28 @@
K00759: [
[2903, 345, 2896, 345, 2896, 349, 2903, 349],
- 2896,
- 349,
- 2893,
- 347,
- 2890,
- 346,
- 2888,
- 343,
- 2885,
- 341,
- 2882,
- 338,
- 2880,
- 335,
- 2877,
- 333,
- 2876,
- 330,
- 2874,
- 327,
- 2878,
- 327,
- 2877,
- 331,
- 2877,
- 335,
- 2878,
- 338,
- 2880,
- 341,
- 2882,
- 343,
- 2885,
- 345,
- 2888,
- 346,
- 2892,
- 346,
- 2896,
- 345,
+ 2896, 349, 2893, 347, 2890, 346, 2888, 343, 2885, 341, 2882, 338, 2880, 335,
+ 2877, 333, 2876, 330, 2874, 327, 2878, 327, 2877, 331, 2877, 335, 2878, 338,
+ 2880, 341, 2882, 343, 2885, 345, 2888, 346, 2892, 346, 2896, 345,
[2874, 327, 2874, 211, 2878, 211, 2878, 327],
- 2874,
- 211,
- 2874,
- 207,
- 2875,
- 203,
- 2877,
- 200,
- 2879,
- 197,
- 2882,
- 194,
- 2885,
- 192,
- 2888,
- 190,
- 2892,
- 189,
- 2896,
- 189,
- 2896,
- 193,
- 2893,
- 193,
- 2891,
- 194,
- 2888,
- 196,
- 2885,
- 198,
- 2883,
- 200,
- 2881,
- 203,
- 2879,
- 206,
- 2878,
- 208,
- 2878,
- 211,
+ 2874, 211, 2874, 207, 2875, 203, 2877, 200, 2879, 197, 2882, 194, 2885, 192,
+ 2888, 190, 2892, 189, 2896, 189, 2896, 193, 2893, 193, 2891, 194, 2888, 196,
+ 2885, 198, 2883, 200, 2881, 203, 2879, 206, 2878, 208, 2878, 211,
[2896, 189, 2903, 189, 2903, 193, 2896, 193],
[2638, 345, 2630, 345, 2630, 349, 2638, 349],
- 2630,
- 349,
- 2627,
- 347,
- 2624,
- 346,
- 2622,
- 343,
- 2619,
- 341,
- 2616,
- 338,
- 2614,
- 335,
- 2611,
- 333,
- 2610,
- 330,
- 2608,
- 327,
- 2612,
- 327,
- 2611,
- 331,
- 2611,
- 335,
- 2612,
- 338,
- 2614,
- 341,
- 2616,
- 343,
- 2619,
- 345,
- 2622,
- 346,
- 2626,
- 346,
- 2630,
- 345,
+ 2630, 349, 2627, 347, 2624, 346, 2622, 343, 2619, 341, 2616, 338, 2614, 335,
+ 2611, 333, 2610, 330, 2608, 327, 2612, 327, 2611, 331, 2611, 335, 2612, 338,
+ 2614, 341, 2616, 343, 2619, 345, 2622, 346, 2626, 346, 2630, 345,
[2608, 327, 2608, 211, 2612, 211, 2612, 327],
- 2608,
- 211,
- 2608,
- 207,
- 2609,
- 203,
- 2611,
- 200,
- 2613,
- 197,
- 2616,
- 194,
- 2619,
- 192,
- 2622,
- 190,
- 2626,
- 189,
- 2630,
- 189,
- 2630,
- 193,
- 2627,
- 193,
- 2625,
- 194,
- 2622,
- 196,
- 2619,
- 198,
- 2617,
- 200,
- 2615,
- 203,
- 2613,
- 206,
- 2612,
- 208,
- 2612,
- 211,
+ 2608, 211, 2608, 207, 2609, 203, 2611, 200, 2613, 197, 2616, 194, 2619, 192,
+ 2622, 190, 2626, 189, 2630, 189, 2630, 193, 2627, 193, 2625, 194, 2622, 196,
+ 2619, 198, 2617, 200, 2615, 203, 2613, 206, 2612, 208, 2612, 211,
[2630, 189, 2638, 189, 2638, 193, 2630, 193],
@@ -19993,46 +4366,9 @@
'2.3.1.-,': [
[1078, 810, 1181, 810, 1181, 814, 1078, 814],
- 1181,
- 810,
- 1184,
- 810,
- 1186,
- 809,
- 1189,
- 807,
- 1192,
- 805,
- 1194,
- 803,
- 1196,
- 800,
- 1198,
- 797,
- 1199,
- 795,
- 1199,
- 792,
- 1203,
- 792,
- 1203,
- 796,
- 1202,
- 800,
- 1200,
- 803,
- 1198,
- 806,
- 1195,
- 809,
- 1192,
- 811,
- 1189,
- 813,
- 1185,
- 814,
- 1181,
- 814,
+ 1181, 810, 1184, 810, 1186, 809, 1189, 807, 1192, 805, 1194, 803, 1196, 800,
+ 1198, 797, 1199, 795, 1199, 792, 1203, 792, 1203, 796, 1202, 800, 1200, 803,
+ 1198, 806, 1195, 809, 1192, 811, 1189, 813, 1185, 814, 1181, 814,
[1199, 792, 1199, 777, 1203, 777, 1203, 792],
[212, 1807, 212, 1854, 216, 1854, 216, 1807],
@@ -20047,45 +4383,9 @@
K01897: [
[1186, 1373, 1329, 1373, 1329, 1377, 1186, 1377],
- 1329,
- 1373,
- 1333,
- 1373,
- 1337,
- 1371,
- 1341,
- 1369,
- 1345,
- 1366,
- 1348,
- 1363,
- 1351,
- 1359,
- 1353,
- 1355,
- 1355,
- 1351,
- 1355,
- 1347,
- 1359,
- 1347,
- 1358,
- 1352,
- 1357,
- 1357,
- 1355,
- 1362,
- 1352,
- 1366,
- 1348,
- 1370,
- 1344,
- 1373,
- 1339,
- 1375,
- 1334,
- 1376,
- 1329,
+ 1329, 1373, 1333, 1373, 1337, 1371, 1341, 1369, 1345, 1366, 1348, 1363, 1351,
+ 1359, 1353, 1355, 1355, 1351, 1355, 1347, 1359, 1347, 1358, 1352, 1357, 1357,
+ 1355, 1362, 1352, 1366, 1348, 1370, 1344, 1373, 1339, 1375, 1334, 1376, 1329,
[1355, 1347, 1355, 1300, 1359, 1300, 1359, 1347],
@@ -20102,348 +4402,60 @@
K01697: [
[2284, 1210, 2284, 1192, 2288, 1192, 2288, 1210],
- 2284,
- 1192,
- 2284,
- 1188,
- 2285,
- 1184,
- 2287,
- 1181,
- 2289,
- 1178,
- 2292,
- 1175,
- 2295,
- 1173,
- 2298,
- 1171,
- 2302,
- 1170,
- 2306,
- 1170,
- 2306,
- 1174,
- 2303,
- 1174,
- 2301,
- 1175,
- 2298,
- 1177,
- 2295,
- 1179,
- 2293,
- 1181,
- 2291,
- 1184,
- 2289,
- 1187,
- 2288,
- 1189,
- 2288,
+ 2284, 1192, 2284, 1188, 2285, 1184, 2287, 1181, 2289, 1178, 2292, 1175, 2295,
+ 1173, 2298, 1171, 2302, 1170, 2306, 1170, 2306, 1174, 2303, 1174, 2301, 1175,
+ 2298, 1177, 2295, 1179, 2293, 1181, 2291, 1184, 2289, 1187, 2288, 1189, 2288,
[2306, 1170, 2660, 1170, 2660, 1174, 2306, 1174],
- 2660,
- 1174,
- 2664,
- 1173,
- 2668,
- 1173,
- 2671,
- 1174,
- 2674,
- 1176,
- 2676,
- 1178,
- 2678,
- 1181,
- 2679,
- 1184,
- 2679,
- 1188,
- 2678,
- 1192,
- 2682,
- 1192,
- 2680,
- 1189,
- 2679,
- 1186,
- 2676,
- 1184,
- 2674,
- 1181,
- 2671,
- 1178,
- 2668,
- 1176,
- 2666,
- 1173,
- 2663,
- 1172,
- 2660,
+ 2660, 1174, 2664, 1173, 2668, 1173, 2671, 1174, 2674, 1176, 2676, 1178, 2678,
+ 1181, 2679, 1184, 2679, 1188, 2678, 1192, 2682, 1192, 2680, 1189, 2679, 1186,
+ 2676, 1184, 2674, 1181, 2671, 1178, 2668, 1176, 2666, 1173, 2663, 1172, 2660,
[2678, 1192, 2678, 1415, 2682, 1415, 2682, 1192],
- 2678,
- 1415,
- 2678,
- 1418,
- 2677,
- 1420,
- 2675,
- 1423,
- 2673,
- 1426,
- 2671,
- 1428,
- 2668,
- 1430,
- 2665,
- 1432,
- 2663,
- 1433,
- 2660,
- 1433,
- 2660,
- 1437,
- 2664,
- 1437,
- 2668,
- 1436,
- 2671,
- 1434,
- 2674,
- 1432,
- 2677,
- 1429,
- 2679,
- 1426,
- 2681,
- 1423,
- 2682,
- 1419,
- 2682,
+ 2678, 1415, 2678, 1418, 2677, 1420, 2675, 1423, 2673, 1426, 2671, 1428, 2668,
+ 1430, 2665, 1432, 2663, 1433, 2660, 1433, 2660, 1437, 2664, 1437, 2668, 1436,
+ 2671, 1434, 2674, 1432, 2677, 1429, 2679, 1426, 2681, 1423, 2682, 1419, 2682,
[2660, 1433, 2658, 1433, 2658, 1437, 2660, 1437],
[2645, 1433, 2665, 1433, 2665, 1437, 2645, 1437],
- 2665,
- 1437,
- 2669,
- 1436,
- 2673,
- 1436,
- 2676,
- 1437,
- 2679,
- 1439,
- 2681,
- 1441,
- 2683,
- 1444,
- 2684,
- 1447,
- 2684,
- 1451,
- 2683,
- 1455,
- 2687,
- 1455,
- 2685,
- 1452,
- 2684,
- 1449,
- 2681,
- 1447,
- 2679,
- 1444,
- 2676,
- 1441,
- 2673,
- 1439,
- 2671,
- 1436,
- 2668,
- 1435,
- 2665,
+ 2665, 1437, 2669, 1436, 2673, 1436, 2676, 1437, 2679, 1439, 2681, 1441, 2683,
+ 1444, 2684, 1447, 2684, 1451, 2683, 1455, 2687, 1455, 2685, 1452, 2684, 1449,
+ 2681, 1447, 2679, 1444, 2676, 1441, 2673, 1439, 2671, 1436, 2668, 1435, 2665,
[2683, 1455, 2683, 1489, 2687, 1489, 2687, 1455],
- 2683,
- 1489,
- 2683,
- 1492,
- 2682,
- 1494,
- 2680,
- 1497,
- 2678,
- 1500,
- 2676,
- 1502,
- 2673,
- 1504,
- 2670,
- 1506,
- 2668,
- 1507,
- 2665,
- 1507,
- 2665,
- 1511,
- 2669,
- 1511,
- 2673,
- 1510,
- 2676,
- 1508,
- 2679,
- 1506,
- 2682,
- 1503,
- 2684,
- 1500,
- 2686,
- 1497,
- 2687,
- 1493,
- 2687,
+ 2683, 1489, 2683, 1492, 2682, 1494, 2680, 1497, 2678, 1500, 2676, 1502, 2673,
+ 1504, 2670, 1506, 2668, 1507, 2665, 1507, 2665, 1511, 2669, 1511, 2673, 1510,
+ 2676, 1508, 2679, 1506, 2682, 1503, 2684, 1500, 2686, 1497, 2687, 1493, 2687,
[2665, 1507, 2645, 1507, 2645, 1511, 2665, 1511],
[2284, 1210, 2284, 1192, 2288, 1192, 2288, 1210],
- 2284,
- 1192,
- 2284,
- 1188,
- 2285,
- 1184,
- 2287,
- 1181,
- 2289,
- 1178,
- 2292,
- 1175,
- 2295,
- 1173,
- 2298,
- 1171,
- 2302,
- 1170,
- 2306,
- 1170,
- 2306,
- 1174,
- 2303,
- 1174,
- 2301,
- 1175,
- 2298,
- 1177,
- 2295,
- 1179,
- 2293,
- 1181,
- 2291,
- 1184,
- 2289,
- 1187,
- 2288,
- 1189,
- 2288,
+ 2284, 1192, 2284, 1188, 2285, 1184, 2287, 1181, 2289, 1178, 2292, 1175, 2295,
+ 1173, 2298, 1171, 2302, 1170, 2306, 1170, 2306, 1174, 2303, 1174, 2301, 1175,
+ 2298, 1177, 2295, 1179, 2293, 1181, 2291, 1184, 2289, 1187, 2288, 1189, 2288,
[2306, 1170, 2660, 1170, 2660, 1174, 2306, 1174],
- 2660,
- 1174,
- 2664,
- 1173,
- 2668,
- 1173,
- 2671,
- 1174,
- 2674,
- 1176,
- 2676,
- 1178,
- 2678,
- 1181,
- 2679,
- 1184,
- 2679,
- 1188,
- 2678,
- 1192,
- 2682,
- 1192,
- 2680,
- 1189,
- 2679,
- 1186,
- 2676,
- 1184,
- 2674,
- 1181,
- 2671,
- 1178,
- 2668,
- 1176,
- 2666,
- 1173,
- 2663,
- 1172,
- 2660,
+ 2660, 1174, 2664, 1173, 2668, 1173, 2671, 1174, 2674, 1176, 2676, 1178, 2678,
+ 1181, 2679, 1184, 2679, 1188, 2678, 1192, 2682, 1192, 2680, 1189, 2679, 1186,
+ 2676, 1184, 2674, 1181, 2671, 1178, 2668, 1176, 2666, 1173, 2663, 1172, 2660,
[2678, 1192, 2678, 1415, 2682, 1415, 2682, 1192],
- 2678,
- 1415,
- 2678,
- 1418,
- 2677,
- 1420,
- 2675,
- 1423,
- 2673,
- 1426,
- 2671,
- 1428,
- 2668,
- 1430,
- 2665,
- 1432,
- 2663,
- 1433,
- 2660,
- 1433,
- 2660,
- 1437,
- 2664,
- 1437,
- 2668,
- 1436,
- 2671,
- 1434,
- 2674,
- 1432,
- 2677,
- 1429,
- 2679,
- 1426,
- 2681,
- 1423,
- 2682,
- 1419,
- 2682,
+ 2678, 1415, 2678, 1418, 2677, 1420, 2675, 1423, 2673, 1426, 2671, 1428, 2668,
+ 1430, 2665, 1432, 2663, 1433, 2660, 1433, 2660, 1437, 2664, 1437, 2668, 1436,
+ 2671, 1434, 2674, 1432, 2677, 1429, 2679, 1426, 2681, 1423, 2682, 1419, 2682,
[2660, 1433, 2658, 1433, 2658, 1437, 2660, 1437],
@@ -20455,46 +4467,9 @@
[3211, 653, 3211, 704, 3215, 704, 3215, 653],
[3212, 701, 3282, 701, 3282, 705, 3212, 705],
- 3282,
- 701,
- 3285,
- 701,
- 3287,
- 700,
- 3290,
- 698,
- 3293,
- 696,
- 3295,
- 694,
- 3297,
- 691,
- 3299,
- 688,
- 3300,
- 686,
- 3300,
- 683,
- 3304,
- 683,
- 3304,
- 687,
- 3303,
- 691,
- 3301,
- 694,
- 3299,
- 697,
- 3296,
- 700,
- 3293,
- 702,
- 3290,
- 704,
- 3286,
- 705,
- 3282,
- 705,
+ 3282, 701, 3285, 701, 3287, 700, 3290, 698, 3293, 696, 3295, 694, 3297, 691,
+ 3299, 688, 3300, 686, 3300, 683, 3304, 683, 3304, 687, 3303, 691, 3301, 694,
+ 3299, 697, 3296, 700, 3293, 702, 3290, 704, 3286, 705, 3282, 705,
[3300, 683, 3300, 653, 3304, 653, 3304, 683],
@@ -20504,46 +4479,9 @@
[351, 662, 351, 698, 355, 698, 355, 662],
[502, 519, 553, 519, 553, 523, 502, 523],
- 553,
- 523,
- 557,
- 522,
- 561,
- 522,
- 564,
- 523,
- 567,
- 525,
- 569,
- 527,
- 571,
- 530,
- 572,
- 533,
- 572,
- 537,
- 571,
- 541,
- 575,
- 541,
- 573,
- 538,
- 572,
- 535,
- 569,
- 533,
- 567,
- 530,
- 564,
- 527,
- 561,
- 525,
- 559,
- 522,
- 556,
- 521,
- 553,
- 519,
+ 553, 523, 557, 522, 561, 522, 564, 523, 567, 525, 569, 527, 571, 530, 572, 533,
+ 572, 537, 571, 541, 575, 541, 573, 538, 572, 535, 569, 533, 567, 530, 564, 527,
+ 561, 525, 559, 522, 556, 521, 553, 519,
[571, 541, 571, 593, 575, 593, 575, 541],
@@ -20554,134 +4492,25 @@
K00677: [
[1657, 797, 1628, 797, 1628, 801, 1657, 801],
- 1628,
- 801,
- 1625,
- 799,
- 1622,
- 798,
- 1620,
- 795,
- 1617,
- 793,
- 1614,
- 790,
- 1612,
- 787,
- 1609,
- 785,
- 1608,
- 782,
- 1606,
- 779,
- 1610,
- 779,
- 1609,
- 783,
- 1609,
- 787,
- 1610,
- 790,
- 1612,
- 793,
- 1614,
- 795,
- 1617,
- 797,
- 1620,
- 798,
- 1624,
- 798,
- 1628,
- 797,
+ 1628, 801, 1625, 799, 1622, 798, 1620, 795, 1617, 793, 1614, 790, 1612, 787,
+ 1609, 785, 1608, 782, 1606, 779, 1610, 779, 1609, 783, 1609, 787, 1610, 790,
+ 1612, 793, 1614, 795, 1617, 797, 1620, 798, 1624, 798, 1628, 797,
[1606, 779, 1606, 88, 1610, 88, 1610, 779],
R00459: [
[2243, 1680, 2377, 1680, 2377, 1684, 2243, 1684],
- 2377,
- 1680,
- 2380,
- 1680,
- 2382,
- 1679,
- 2385,
- 1677,
- 2388,
- 1675,
- 2390,
- 1673,
- 2392,
- 1670,
- 2394,
- 1667,
- 2395,
- 1665,
- 2395,
- 1662,
- 2399,
- 1662,
- 2399,
- 1666,
- 2398,
- 1670,
- 2396,
- 1673,
- 2394,
- 1676,
- 2391,
- 1679,
- 2388,
- 1681,
- 2385,
- 1683,
- 2381,
- 1684,
- 2377,
+ 2377, 1680, 2380, 1680, 2382, 1679, 2385, 1677, 2388, 1675, 2390, 1673, 2392,
+ 1670, 2394, 1667, 2395, 1665, 2395, 1662, 2399, 1662, 2399, 1666, 2398, 1670,
+ 2396, 1673, 2394, 1676, 2391, 1679, 2388, 1681, 2385, 1683, 2381, 1684, 2377,
[2395, 1662, 2395, 1552, 2399, 1552, 2399, 1662],
- 2399,
- 1552,
- 2399,
- 1548,
- 2398,
- 1544,
- 2396,
- 1541,
- 2394,
- 1538,
- 2391,
- 1535,
- 2388,
- 1533,
- 2385,
- 1531,
- 2381,
- 1530,
- 2377,
- 1530,
- 2377,
- 1534,
- 2380,
- 1534,
- 2382,
- 1535,
- 2385,
- 1537,
- 2388,
- 1539,
- 2390,
- 1541,
- 2392,
- 1544,
- 2394,
- 1547,
- 2395,
- 1549,
- 2395,
+ 2399, 1552, 2399, 1548, 2398, 1544, 2396, 1541, 2394, 1538, 2391, 1535, 2388,
+ 1533, 2385, 1531, 2381, 1530, 2377, 1530, 2377, 1534, 2380, 1534, 2382, 1535,
+ 2385, 1537, 2388, 1539, 2390, 1541, 2392, 1544, 2394, 1547, 2395, 1549, 2395,
[2377, 1530, 2338, 1530, 2338, 1534, 2377, 1534],
@@ -20702,92 +4531,18 @@
K05604: [
[2661, 455, 2661, 483, 2665, 483, 2665, 455],
- 2665,
- 483,
- 2665,
- 486,
- 2666,
- 488,
- 2668,
- 491,
- 2670,
- 494,
- 2672,
- 496,
- 2675,
- 498,
- 2678,
- 500,
- 2680,
- 501,
- 2683,
- 501,
- 2683,
- 505,
- 2679,
- 505,
- 2675,
- 504,
- 2672,
- 502,
- 2669,
- 500,
- 2666,
- 497,
- 2664,
- 494,
- 2662,
- 491,
- 2661,
- 487,
- 2661,
- 483,
+ 2665, 483, 2665, 486, 2666, 488, 2668, 491, 2670, 494, 2672, 496, 2675, 498,
+ 2678, 500, 2680, 501, 2683, 501, 2683, 505, 2679, 505, 2675, 504, 2672, 502,
+ 2669, 500, 2666, 497, 2664, 494, 2662, 491, 2661, 487, 2661, 483,
[2683, 501, 2741, 501, 2741, 505, 2683, 505],
K14180: [
[172, 1467, 172, 1486, 176, 1486, 176, 1467],
- 176,
- 1486,
- 176,
- 1489,
- 177,
- 1491,
- 179,
- 1494,
- 181,
- 1497,
- 183,
- 1499,
- 186,
- 1501,
- 189,
- 1503,
- 191,
- 1504,
- 194,
- 1504,
- 194,
- 1508,
- 190,
- 1508,
- 186,
- 1507,
- 183,
- 1505,
- 180,
- 1503,
- 177,
- 1500,
- 175,
- 1497,
- 173,
- 1494,
- 172,
- 1490,
- 172,
- 1486,
+ 176, 1486, 176, 1489, 177, 1491, 179, 1494, 181, 1497, 183, 1499, 186, 1501,
+ 189, 1503, 191, 1504, 194, 1504, 194, 1508, 190, 1508, 186, 1507, 183, 1505,
+ 180, 1503, 177, 1500, 175, 1497, 173, 1494, 172, 1490, 172, 1486,
[194, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 194, 1508],
@@ -20803,46 +4558,9 @@
[2760, 345, 2821, 345, 2821, 349, 2760, 349],
[2818, 346, 2818, 377, 2822, 377, 2822, 346],
- 2818,
- 377,
- 2818,
- 380,
- 2817,
- 382,
- 2815,
- 385,
- 2813,
- 388,
- 2811,
- 390,
- 2808,
- 392,
- 2805,
- 394,
- 2803,
- 395,
- 2800,
- 395,
- 2800,
- 399,
- 2804,
- 399,
- 2808,
- 398,
- 2811,
- 396,
- 2814,
- 394,
- 2817,
- 391,
- 2819,
- 388,
- 2821,
- 385,
- 2822,
- 381,
- 2822,
- 377,
+ 2818, 377, 2818, 380, 2817, 382, 2815, 385, 2813, 388, 2811, 390, 2808, 392,
+ 2805, 394, 2803, 395, 2800, 395, 2800, 399, 2804, 399, 2808, 398, 2811, 396,
+ 2814, 394, 2817, 391, 2819, 388, 2821, 385, 2822, 381, 2822, 377,
[2800, 395, 2782, 395, 2782, 399, 2800, 399],
@@ -20850,310 +4568,52 @@
[1365, 1534, 1365, 1574, 1369, 1574, 1369, 1534],
[1482, 1535, 1482, 1511, 1486, 1511, 1486, 1535],
- 1486,
- 1511,
- 1486,
- 1508,
- 1485,
- 1505,
- 1484,
- 1502,
- 1482,
- 1499,
- 1480,
- 1497,
- 1477,
- 1495,
- 1474,
- 1494,
- 1471,
- 1493,
- 1468,
- 1493,
- 1468,
- 1497,
- 1470,
- 1497,
- 1472,
- 1498,
- 1474,
- 1499,
- 1476,
- 1501,
- 1478,
- 1503,
- 1480,
- 1505,
- 1481,
- 1507,
- 1482,
- 1509,
- 1482,
+ 1486, 1511, 1486, 1508, 1485, 1505, 1484, 1502, 1482, 1499, 1480, 1497, 1477,
+ 1495, 1474, 1494, 1471, 1493, 1468, 1493, 1468, 1497, 1470, 1497, 1472, 1498,
+ 1474, 1499, 1476, 1501, 1478, 1503, 1480, 1505, 1481, 1507, 1482, 1509, 1482,
[1468, 1493, 1454, 1493, 1454, 1497, 1468, 1497],
[1919, 524, 1675, 524, 1675, 528, 1919, 528],
[1718, 717, 1718, 546, 1722, 546, 1722, 717],
- 1718,
- 546,
- 1718,
- 542,
- 1719,
- 538,
- 1721,
- 535,
- 1723,
- 532,
- 1726,
- 529,
- 1729,
- 527,
- 1732,
- 525,
- 1736,
- 524,
- 1740,
- 524,
- 1740,
- 528,
- 1737,
- 528,
- 1735,
- 529,
- 1732,
- 531,
- 1729,
- 533,
- 1727,
- 535,
- 1725,
- 538,
- 1723,
- 541,
- 1722,
- 543,
- 1722,
- 546,
+ 1718, 546, 1718, 542, 1719, 538, 1721, 535, 1723, 532, 1726, 529, 1729, 527,
+ 1732, 525, 1736, 524, 1740, 524, 1740, 528, 1737, 528, 1735, 529, 1732, 531,
+ 1729, 533, 1727, 535, 1725, 538, 1723, 541, 1722, 543, 1722, 546,
[1740, 524, 1796, 524, 1796, 528, 1740, 528],
- 1796,
- 528,
- 1800,
- 527,
- 1804,
- 527,
- 1807,
- 528,
- 1810,
- 530,
- 1812,
- 532,
- 1814,
- 535,
- 1815,
- 538,
- 1815,
- 542,
- 1814,
- 546,
- 1818,
- 546,
- 1816,
- 543,
- 1815,
- 540,
- 1812,
- 538,
- 1810,
- 535,
- 1807,
- 532,
- 1804,
- 530,
- 1802,
- 527,
- 1799,
- 526,
- 1796,
- 524,
+ 1796, 528, 1800, 527, 1804, 527, 1807, 528, 1810, 530, 1812, 532, 1814, 535,
+ 1815, 538, 1815, 542, 1814, 546, 1818, 546, 1816, 543, 1815, 540, 1812, 538,
+ 1810, 535, 1807, 532, 1804, 530, 1802, 527, 1799, 526, 1796, 524,
[1814, 546, 1814, 567, 1818, 567, 1818, 546],
[1919, 524, 1675, 524, 1675, 528, 1919, 528],
[1916, 525, 1916, 696, 1920, 696, 1920, 525],
- 1916,
- 696,
- 1916,
- 699,
- 1915,
- 701,
- 1913,
- 704,
- 1911,
- 707,
- 1909,
- 709,
- 1906,
- 711,
- 1903,
- 713,
- 1901,
- 714,
- 1898,
- 714,
- 1898,
- 718,
- 1902,
- 718,
- 1906,
- 717,
- 1909,
- 715,
- 1912,
- 713,
- 1915,
- 710,
- 1917,
- 707,
- 1919,
- 704,
- 1920,
- 700,
- 1920,
- 696,
+ 1916, 696, 1916, 699, 1915, 701, 1913, 704, 1911, 707, 1909, 709, 1906, 711,
+ 1903, 713, 1901, 714, 1898, 714, 1898, 718, 1902, 718, 1906, 717, 1909, 715,
+ 1912, 713, 1915, 710, 1917, 707, 1919, 704, 1920, 700, 1920, 696,
[1898, 714, 1719, 714, 1719, 718, 1898, 718],
[2020, 607, 1934, 607, 1934, 611, 2020, 611],
- 1934,
- 607,
- 1931,
- 607,
- 1928,
- 608,
- 1925,
- 609,
- 1922,
- 611,
- 1920,
- 613,
- 1918,
- 616,
- 1917,
- 619,
- 1916,
- 622,
- 1916,
- 625,
- 1920,
- 625,
- 1920,
- 623,
- 1921,
- 621,
- 1922,
- 619,
- 1924,
- 617,
- 1926,
- 615,
- 1928,
- 613,
- 1930,
- 612,
- 1932,
- 611,
- 1934,
- 611,
+ 1934, 607, 1931, 607, 1928, 608, 1925, 609, 1922, 611, 1920, 613, 1918, 616,
+ 1917, 619, 1916, 622, 1916, 625, 1920, 625, 1920, 623, 1921, 621, 1922, 619,
+ 1924, 617, 1926, 615, 1928, 613, 1930, 612, 1932, 611, 1934, 611,
[1916, 625, 1916, 666, 1920, 666, 1920, 625],
- 1916,
- 666,
- 1916,
- 668,
- 1915,
- 670,
- 1914,
- 672,
- 1912,
- 674,
- 1910,
- 676,
- 1908,
- 678,
- 1906,
- 679,
- 1904,
- 680,
- 1902,
- 680,
- 1902,
- 684,
- 1905,
- 684,
- 1908,
- 683,
- 1911,
- 682,
- 1914,
- 680,
- 1916,
- 678,
- 1918,
- 675,
- 1919,
- 672,
- 1920,
- 669,
- 1920,
- 666,
+ 1916, 666, 1916, 668, 1915, 670, 1914, 672, 1912, 674, 1910, 676, 1908, 678,
+ 1906, 679, 1904, 680, 1902, 680, 1902, 684, 1905, 684, 1908, 683, 1911, 682,
+ 1914, 680, 1916, 678, 1918, 675, 1919, 672, 1920, 669, 1920, 666,
[1902, 680, 1815, 680, 1815, 684, 1902, 684],
[1916, 525, 1916, 696, 1920, 696, 1920, 525],
- 1916,
- 696,
- 1916,
- 699,
- 1915,
- 701,
- 1913,
- 704,
- 1911,
- 707,
- 1909,
- 709,
- 1906,
- 711,
- 1903,
- 713,
- 1901,
- 714,
- 1898,
- 714,
- 1898,
- 718,
- 1902,
- 718,
- 1906,
- 717,
- 1909,
- 715,
- 1912,
- 713,
- 1915,
- 710,
- 1917,
- 707,
- 1919,
- 704,
- 1920,
- 700,
- 1920,
- 696,
+ 1916, 696, 1916, 699, 1915, 701, 1913, 704, 1911, 707, 1909, 709, 1906, 711,
+ 1903, 713, 1901, 714, 1898, 714, 1898, 718, 1902, 718, 1906, 717, 1909, 715,
+ 1912, 713, 1915, 710, 1917, 707, 1919, 704, 1920, 700, 1920, 696,
[1898, 714, 1719, 714, 1719, 718, 1898, 718],
@@ -21161,176 +4621,30 @@
K01626: [
[1815, 565, 1916, 565, 1916, 569, 1815, 569],
- 1916,
- 569,
- 1920,
- 568,
- 1924,
- 568,
- 1927,
- 569,
- 1930,
- 571,
- 1932,
- 573,
- 1934,
- 576,
- 1935,
- 579,
- 1935,
- 583,
- 1934,
- 587,
- 1938,
- 587,
- 1936,
- 584,
- 1935,
- 581,
- 1932,
- 579,
- 1930,
- 576,
- 1927,
- 573,
- 1924,
- 571,
- 1922,
- 568,
- 1919,
- 567,
- 1916,
- 565,
+ 1916, 569, 1920, 568, 1924, 568, 1927, 569, 1930, 571, 1932, 573, 1934, 576,
+ 1935, 579, 1935, 583, 1934, 587, 1938, 587, 1936, 584, 1935, 581, 1932, 579,
+ 1930, 576, 1927, 573, 1924, 571, 1922, 568, 1919, 567, 1916, 565,
[1934, 587, 1934, 1090, 1938, 1090, 1938, 587],
- 1938,
- 1090,
- 1938,
- 1093,
- 1939,
- 1095,
- 1941,
- 1098,
- 1943,
- 1101,
- 1945,
- 1103,
- 1948,
- 1105,
- 1951,
- 1107,
- 1953,
- 1108,
- 1956,
- 1108,
- 1956,
- 1112,
- 1952,
- 1112,
- 1948,
- 1111,
- 1945,
- 1109,
- 1942,
- 1107,
- 1939,
- 1104,
- 1937,
- 1101,
- 1935,
- 1098,
- 1934,
- 1094,
- 1934,
+ 1938, 1090, 1938, 1093, 1939, 1095, 1941, 1098, 1943, 1101, 1945, 1103, 1948,
+ 1105, 1951, 1107, 1953, 1108, 1956, 1108, 1956, 1112, 1952, 1112, 1948, 1111,
+ 1945, 1109, 1942, 1107, 1939, 1104, 1937, 1101, 1935, 1098, 1934, 1094, 1934,
[1956, 1108, 1969, 1108, 1969, 1112, 1956, 1112],
[1719, 1108, 2040, 1108, 2040, 1112, 1719, 1112],
[1815, 565, 1916, 565, 1916, 569, 1815, 569],
- 1916,
- 569,
- 1920,
- 568,
- 1924,
- 568,
- 1927,
- 569,
- 1930,
- 571,
- 1932,
- 573,
- 1934,
- 576,
- 1935,
- 579,
- 1935,
- 583,
- 1934,
- 587,
- 1938,
- 587,
- 1936,
- 584,
- 1935,
- 581,
- 1932,
- 579,
- 1930,
- 576,
- 1927,
- 573,
- 1924,
- 571,
- 1922,
- 568,
- 1919,
- 567,
- 1916,
- 565,
+ 1916, 569, 1920, 568, 1924, 568, 1927, 569, 1930, 571, 1932, 573, 1934, 576,
+ 1935, 579, 1935, 583, 1934, 587, 1938, 587, 1936, 584, 1935, 581, 1932, 579,
+ 1930, 576, 1927, 573, 1924, 571, 1922, 568, 1919, 567, 1916, 565,
[1934, 587, 1934, 1090, 1938, 1090, 1938, 587],
- 1938,
- 1090,
- 1938,
- 1093,
- 1939,
- 1095,
- 1941,
- 1098,
- 1943,
- 1101,
- 1945,
- 1103,
- 1948,
- 1105,
- 1951,
- 1107,
- 1953,
- 1108,
- 1956,
- 1108,
- 1956,
- 1112,
- 1952,
- 1112,
- 1948,
- 1111,
- 1945,
- 1109,
- 1942,
- 1107,
- 1939,
- 1104,
- 1937,
- 1101,
- 1935,
- 1098,
- 1934,
- 1094,
- 1934,
+ 1938, 1090, 1938, 1093, 1939, 1095, 1941, 1098, 1943, 1101, 1945, 1103, 1948,
+ 1105, 1951, 1107, 1953, 1108, 1956, 1108, 1956, 1112, 1952, 1112, 1948, 1111,
+ 1945, 1109, 1942, 1107, 1939, 1104, 1937, 1101, 1935, 1098, 1934, 1094, 1934,
[1956, 1108, 1969, 1108, 1969, 1112, 1956, 1112],
@@ -21338,45 +4652,9 @@
R09066: [
[3592, 1128, 3567, 1128, 3567, 1132, 3592, 1132],
- 3567,
- 1132,
- 3564,
- 1130,
- 3561,
- 1129,
- 3559,
- 1126,
- 3556,
- 1124,
- 3553,
- 1121,
- 3551,
- 1118,
- 3548,
- 1116,
- 3547,
- 1113,
- 3545,
- 1110,
- 3549,
- 1110,
- 3548,
- 1114,
- 3548,
- 1118,
- 3549,
- 1121,
- 3551,
- 1124,
- 3553,
- 1126,
- 3556,
- 1128,
- 3559,
- 1129,
- 3563,
- 1129,
- 3567,
+ 3567, 1132, 3564, 1130, 3561, 1129, 3559, 1126, 3556, 1124, 3553, 1121, 3551,
+ 1118, 3548, 1116, 3547, 1113, 3545, 1110, 3549, 1110, 3548, 1114, 3548, 1118,
+ 3549, 1121, 3551, 1124, 3553, 1126, 3556, 1128, 3559, 1129, 3563, 1129, 3567,
[3545, 1110, 3545, 1083, 3549, 1083, 3549, 1110],
@@ -21385,46 +4663,9 @@
K03527: [
[712, 1402, 624, 1402, 624, 1406, 712, 1406],
- 624,
- 1402,
- 620,
- 1402,
- 616,
- 1403,
- 613,
- 1405,
- 610,
- 1407,
- 607,
- 1410,
- 605,
- 1413,
- 603,
- 1416,
- 602,
- 1420,
- 602,
- 1424,
- 606,
- 1424,
- 606,
- 1421,
- 607,
- 1419,
- 609,
- 1416,
- 611,
- 1413,
- 613,
- 1411,
- 616,
- 1409,
- 619,
- 1407,
- 621,
- 1406,
- 624,
- 1406,
+ 624, 1402, 620, 1402, 616, 1403, 613, 1405, 610, 1407, 607, 1410, 605, 1413,
+ 603, 1416, 602, 1420, 602, 1424, 606, 1424, 606, 1421, 607, 1419, 609, 1416,
+ 611, 1413, 613, 1411, 616, 1409, 619, 1407, 621, 1406, 624, 1406,
[602, 1424, 602, 1425, 606, 1425, 606, 1424],
@@ -21432,176 +4673,32 @@
K00320: [
[1080, 1497, 1080, 1499, 1084, 1499, 1084, 1497],
- 1084,
- 1499,
- 1084,
- 1502,
- 1085,
- 1504,
- 1087,
- 1507,
- 1089,
- 1510,
- 1091,
- 1512,
- 1094,
- 1514,
- 1097,
- 1516,
- 1099,
- 1517,
- 1102,
- 1517,
- 1102,
- 1521,
- 1098,
- 1521,
- 1094,
- 1520,
- 1091,
- 1518,
- 1088,
- 1516,
- 1085,
- 1513,
- 1083,
- 1510,
- 1081,
- 1507,
- 1080,
- 1503,
- 1080,
+ 1084, 1499, 1084, 1502, 1085, 1504, 1087, 1507, 1089, 1510, 1091, 1512, 1094,
+ 1514, 1097, 1516, 1099, 1517, 1102, 1517, 1102, 1521, 1098, 1521, 1094, 1520,
+ 1091, 1518, 1088, 1516, 1085, 1513, 1083, 1510, 1081, 1507, 1080, 1503, 1080,
[1102, 1517, 1112, 1517, 1112, 1521, 1102, 1521],
- 1112,
- 1517,
- 1115,
- 1517,
- 1117,
- 1516,
- 1120,
- 1514,
- 1123,
- 1512,
- 1125,
- 1510,
- 1127,
- 1507,
- 1129,
- 1504,
- 1130,
- 1502,
- 1130,
- 1499,
- 1134,
- 1499,
- 1134,
- 1503,
- 1133,
- 1507,
- 1131,
- 1510,
- 1129,
- 1513,
- 1126,
- 1516,
- 1123,
- 1518,
- 1120,
- 1520,
- 1116,
- 1521,
- 1112,
+ 1112, 1517, 1115, 1517, 1117, 1516, 1120, 1514, 1123, 1512, 1125, 1510, 1127,
+ 1507, 1129, 1504, 1130, 1502, 1130, 1499, 1134, 1499, 1134, 1503, 1133, 1507,
+ 1131, 1510, 1129, 1513, 1126, 1516, 1123, 1518, 1120, 1520, 1116, 1521, 1112,
[1130, 1499, 1130, 1496, 1134, 1496, 1134, 1499],
[1060, 1517, 1158, 1517, 1158, 1521, 1060, 1521],
[1080, 1497, 1080, 1499, 1084, 1499, 1084, 1497],
- 1084,
- 1499,
- 1084,
- 1502,
- 1085,
- 1504,
- 1087,
- 1507,
- 1089,
- 1510,
- 1091,
- 1512,
- 1094,
- 1514,
- 1097,
- 1516,
- 1099,
- 1517,
- 1102,
- 1517,
- 1102,
- 1521,
- 1098,
- 1521,
- 1094,
- 1520,
- 1091,
- 1518,
- 1088,
- 1516,
- 1085,
- 1513,
- 1083,
- 1510,
- 1081,
- 1507,
- 1080,
- 1503,
- 1080,
+ 1084, 1499, 1084, 1502, 1085, 1504, 1087, 1507, 1089, 1510, 1091, 1512, 1094,
+ 1514, 1097, 1516, 1099, 1517, 1102, 1517, 1102, 1521, 1098, 1521, 1094, 1520,
+ 1091, 1518, 1088, 1516, 1085, 1513, 1083, 1510, 1081, 1507, 1080, 1503, 1080,
[1102, 1517, 1112, 1517, 1112, 1521, 1102, 1521],
- 1112,
- 1517,
- 1115,
- 1517,
- 1117,
- 1516,
- 1120,
- 1514,
- 1123,
- 1512,
- 1125,
- 1510,
- 1127,
- 1507,
- 1129,
- 1504,
- 1130,
- 1502,
- 1130,
- 1499,
- 1134,
- 1499,
- 1134,
- 1503,
- 1133,
- 1507,
- 1131,
- 1510,
- 1129,
- 1513,
- 1126,
- 1516,
- 1123,
- 1518,
- 1120,
- 1520,
- 1116,
- 1521,
- 1112,
+ 1112, 1517, 1115, 1517, 1117, 1516, 1120, 1514, 1123, 1512, 1125, 1510, 1127,
+ 1507, 1129, 1504, 1130, 1502, 1130, 1499, 1134, 1499, 1134, 1503, 1133, 1507,
+ 1131, 1510, 1129, 1513, 1126, 1516, 1123, 1518, 1120, 1520, 1116, 1521, 1112,
[1130, 1499, 1130, 1496, 1134, 1496, 1134, 1499],
@@ -21609,45 +4706,9 @@
K01586: [
[2242, 1681, 2242, 1687, 2246, 1687, 2246, 1681],
- 2246,
- 1687,
- 2246,
- 1690,
- 2247,
- 1692,
- 2249,
- 1695,
- 2251,
- 1698,
- 2253,
- 1700,
- 2256,
- 1702,
- 2259,
- 1704,
- 2261,
- 1705,
- 2264,
- 1705,
- 2264,
- 1709,
- 2260,
- 1709,
- 2256,
- 1708,
- 2253,
- 1706,
- 2250,
- 1704,
- 2247,
- 1701,
- 2245,
- 1698,
- 2243,
- 1695,
- 2242,
- 1691,
- 2242,
+ 2246, 1687, 2246, 1690, 2247, 1692, 2249, 1695, 2251, 1698, 2253, 1700, 2256,
+ 1702, 2259, 1704, 2261, 1705, 2264, 1705, 2264, 1709, 2260, 1709, 2256, 1708,
+ 2253, 1706, 2250, 1704, 2247, 1701, 2245, 1698, 2243, 1695, 2242, 1691, 2242,
[2264, 1705, 2303, 1705, 2303, 1709, 2264, 1709],
@@ -21661,46 +4722,9 @@
K00764: [
[2168, 137, 2159, 137, 2159, 141, 2168, 141],
- 2159,
- 137,
- 2156,
- 137,
- 2153,
- 138,
- 2150,
- 139,
- 2147,
- 141,
- 2145,
- 143,
- 2143,
- 146,
- 2142,
- 149,
- 2141,
- 152,
- 2141,
- 155,
- 2145,
- 155,
- 2145,
- 153,
- 2146,
- 151,
- 2147,
- 149,
- 2149,
- 147,
- 2151,
- 145,
- 2153,
- 143,
- 2155,
- 142,
- 2157,
- 141,
- 2159,
- 141,
+ 2159, 137, 2156, 137, 2153, 138, 2150, 139, 2147, 141, 2145, 143, 2143, 146,
+ 2142, 149, 2141, 152, 2141, 155, 2145, 155, 2145, 153, 2146, 151, 2147, 149,
+ 2149, 147, 2151, 145, 2153, 143, 2155, 142, 2157, 141, 2159, 141,
[2141, 155, 2141, 610, 2145, 610, 2145, 155],
@@ -21709,46 +4733,9 @@
[307, 1718, 307, 1780, 311, 1780, 311, 1718],
[278, 1721, 278, 1687, 282, 1687, 282, 1721],
- 278,
- 1687,
- 278,
- 1682,
- 280,
- 1678,
- 282,
- 1673,
- 284,
- 1670,
- 288,
- 1666,
- 291,
- 1664,
- 296,
- 1662,
- 300,
- 1660,
- 305,
- 1660,
- 305,
- 1664,
- 301,
- 1664,
- 298,
- 1666,
- 294,
- 1668,
- 291,
- 1670,
- 288,
- 1673,
- 286,
- 1676,
- 284,
- 1680,
- 282,
- 1683,
- 282,
- 1687,
+ 278, 1687, 278, 1682, 280, 1678, 282, 1673, 284, 1670, 288, 1666, 291, 1664,
+ 296, 1662, 300, 1660, 305, 1660, 305, 1664, 301, 1664, 298, 1666, 294, 1668,
+ 291, 1670, 288, 1673, 286, 1676, 284, 1680, 282, 1683, 282, 1687,
[305, 1660, 310, 1660, 310, 1664, 305, 1664],
@@ -21761,46 +4748,9 @@
',': [
[251, 1384, 251, 1404, 255, 1404, 255, 1384],
- 255,
- 1404,
- 255,
- 1407,
- 256,
- 1409,
- 258,
- 1412,
- 260,
- 1415,
- 262,
- 1417,
- 265,
- 1419,
- 268,
- 1421,
- 270,
- 1422,
- 273,
- 1422,
- 273,
- 1426,
- 269,
- 1426,
- 265,
- 1425,
- 262,
- 1423,
- 259,
- 1421,
- 256,
- 1418,
- 254,
- 1415,
- 252,
- 1412,
- 251,
- 1408,
- 251,
- 1404,
+ 255, 1404, 255, 1407, 256, 1409, 258, 1412, 260, 1415, 262, 1417, 265, 1419,
+ 268, 1421, 270, 1422, 273, 1422, 273, 1426, 269, 1426, 265, 1425, 262, 1423,
+ 259, 1421, 256, 1418, 254, 1415, 252, 1412, 251, 1408, 251, 1404,
[273, 1422, 377, 1422, 377, 1426, 273, 1426],
@@ -21817,46 +4767,9 @@
K12446: [
[2234, 405, 2234, 392, 2238, 392, 2238, 405],
- 2238,
- 392,
- 2238,
- 388,
- 2237,
- 384,
- 2235,
- 381,
- 2233,
- 378,
- 2230,
- 375,
- 2227,
- 373,
- 2224,
- 371,
- 2220,
- 370,
- 2216,
- 370,
- 2216,
- 374,
- 2219,
- 374,
- 2221,
- 375,
- 2224,
- 377,
- 2227,
- 379,
- 2229,
- 381,
- 2231,
- 384,
- 2233,
- 387,
- 2234,
- 389,
- 2234,
- 392,
+ 2238, 392, 2238, 388, 2237, 384, 2235, 381, 2233, 378, 2230, 375, 2227, 373,
+ 2224, 371, 2220, 370, 2216, 370, 2216, 374, 2219, 374, 2221, 375, 2224, 377,
+ 2227, 379, 2229, 381, 2231, 384, 2233, 387, 2234, 389, 2234, 392,
[2216, 370, 2176, 370, 2176, 374, 2216, 374],
@@ -21865,305 +4778,53 @@
K01681: [
[1912, 1659, 1912, 1640, 1916, 1640, 1916, 1659],
- 1916,
- 1640,
- 1914,
- 1622,
- 1909,
- 1603,
- 1902,
- 1584,
- 1892,
- 1564,
- 1881,
- 1546,
- 1868,
- 1529,
- 1854,
- 1514,
- 1839,
- 1501,
- 1824,
- 1492,
- 1824,
- 1496,
- 1838,
- 1505,
- 1852,
- 1518,
- 1865,
- 1533,
- 1878,
- 1550,
- 1889,
- 1568,
- 1898,
- 1586,
- 1905,
- 1605,
- 1910,
- 1623,
- 1912,
+ 1916, 1640, 1914, 1622, 1909, 1603, 1902, 1584, 1892, 1564, 1881, 1546, 1868,
+ 1529, 1854, 1514, 1839, 1501, 1824, 1492, 1824, 1496, 1838, 1505, 1852, 1518,
+ 1865, 1533, 1878, 1550, 1889, 1568, 1898, 1586, 1905, 1605, 1910, 1623, 1912,
[1824, 1492, 1785, 1471, 1785, 1475, 1824, 1496],
[1886, 1562, 1878, 1550, 1882, 1550, 1890, 1562],
- 1882,
- 1550,
- 1880,
- 1546,
- 1878,
- 1543,
- 1875,
- 1539,
- 1872,
- 1534,
- 1869,
- 1530,
- 1866,
- 1526,
- 1862,
- 1523,
- 1859,
- 1520,
- 1856,
- 1517,
- 1856,
- 1521,
- 1858,
- 1524,
- 1860,
- 1527,
- 1863,
- 1530,
- 1866,
- 1534,
- 1868,
- 1538,
- 1871,
- 1541,
- 1874,
- 1545,
- 1876,
- 1548,
- 1878,
+ 1882, 1550, 1880, 1546, 1878, 1543, 1875, 1539, 1872, 1534, 1869, 1530, 1866,
+ 1526, 1862, 1523, 1859, 1520, 1856, 1517, 1856, 1521, 1858, 1524, 1860, 1527,
+ 1863, 1530, 1866, 1534, 1868, 1538, 1871, 1541, 1874, 1545, 1876, 1548, 1878,
[1856, 1517, 1854, 1516, 1854, 1520, 1856, 1521],
- 1854,
- 1520,
- 1852,
- 1516,
- 1849,
- 1512,
- 1846,
- 1509,
- 1843,
- 1505,
- 1839,
- 1502,
- 1835,
- 1498,
- 1831,
- 1495,
- 1827,
- 1493,
- 1823,
- 1491,
- 1823,
- 1495,
- 1826,
- 1497,
- 1829,
- 1499,
- 1832,
- 1502,
- 1836,
- 1505,
- 1840,
- 1508,
- 1844,
- 1510,
- 1847,
- 1513,
- 1851,
- 1515,
- 1854,
+ 1854, 1520, 1852, 1516, 1849, 1512, 1846, 1509, 1843, 1505, 1839, 1502, 1835,
+ 1498, 1831, 1495, 1827, 1493, 1823, 1491, 1823, 1495, 1826, 1497, 1829, 1499,
+ 1832, 1502, 1836, 1505, 1840, 1508, 1844, 1510, 1847, 1513, 1851, 1515, 1854,
[1823, 1491, 1830, 1495, 1830, 1499, 1823, 1495],
- 1830,
- 1499,
- 1828,
- 1496,
- 1824,
- 1493,
- 1821,
- 1490,
- 1817,
- 1487,
- 1812,
- 1485,
- 1808,
- 1482,
- 1803,
- 1480,
- 1799,
- 1479,
- 1795,
- 1477,
- 1795,
- 1481,
- 1798,
- 1483,
- 1801,
- 1484,
- 1805,
- 1486,
- 1809,
- 1488,
- 1814,
- 1490,
- 1818,
- 1492,
- 1822,
- 1493,
- 1826,
- 1494,
- 1830,
+ 1830, 1499, 1828, 1496, 1824, 1493, 1821, 1490, 1817, 1487, 1812, 1485, 1808,
+ 1482, 1803, 1480, 1799, 1479, 1795, 1477, 1795, 1481, 1798, 1483, 1801, 1484,
+ 1805, 1486, 1809, 1488, 1814, 1490, 1818, 1492, 1822, 1493, 1826, 1494, 1830,
[1795, 1477, 1783, 1471, 1783, 1475, 1795, 1481],
[1912, 1660, 1912, 1644, 1916, 1644, 1916, 1660],
- 1916,
- 1644,
- 1916,
- 1641,
- 1916,
- 1637,
- 1915,
- 1634,
- 1915,
- 1630,
- 1914,
- 1626,
- 1913,
- 1623,
- 1911,
- 1620,
- 1910,
- 1617,
- 1908,
- 1615,
- 1912,
- 1615,
- 1911,
- 1618,
- 1911,
- 1622,
- 1911,
- 1625,
- 1911,
- 1629,
- 1911,
- 1633,
- 1912,
- 1636,
- 1912,
- 1639,
- 1912,
- 1642,
- 1912,
+ 1916, 1644, 1916, 1641, 1916, 1637, 1915, 1634, 1915, 1630, 1914, 1626, 1913,
+ 1623, 1911, 1620, 1910, 1617, 1908, 1615, 1912, 1615, 1911, 1618, 1911, 1622,
+ 1911, 1625, 1911, 1629, 1911, 1633, 1912, 1636, 1912, 1639, 1912, 1642, 1912,
[1908, 1615, 1909, 1618, 1913, 1618, 1912, 1615],
- 1913,
- 1618,
- 1912,
- 1615,
- 1911,
- 1611,
- 1910,
- 1608,
- 1909,
- 1604,
- 1907,
- 1600,
- 1906,
- 1597,
- 1904,
- 1594,
- 1902,
- 1591,
- 1900,
- 1589,
- 1904,
- 1589,
- 1904,
- 1592,
- 1904,
- 1596,
- 1904,
- 1599,
- 1905,
- 1603,
- 1905,
- 1607,
- 1906,
- 1610,
- 1907,
- 1613,
- 1908,
- 1616,
- 1909,
+ 1913, 1618, 1912, 1615, 1911, 1611, 1910, 1608, 1909, 1604, 1907, 1600, 1906,
+ 1597, 1904, 1594, 1902, 1591, 1900, 1589, 1904, 1589, 1904, 1592, 1904, 1596,
+ 1904, 1599, 1905, 1603, 1905, 1607, 1906, 1610, 1907, 1613, 1908, 1616, 1909,
[1900, 1589, 1902, 1596, 1906, 1596, 1904, 1589],
- 1906,
- 1596,
- 1905,
- 1593,
- 1904,
- 1589,
- 1903,
- 1586,
- 1901,
- 1582,
- 1899,
- 1579,
- 1897,
- 1576,
- 1895,
- 1573,
- 1892,
- 1571,
- 1890,
- 1569,
- 1894,
- 1569,
- 1894,
- 1572,
- 1894,
- 1575,
- 1895,
- 1578,
- 1896,
- 1582,
- 1898,
- 1585,
- 1899,
- 1589,
- 1900,
- 1591,
- 1901,
- 1594,
- 1902,
+ 1906, 1596, 1905, 1593, 1904, 1589, 1903, 1586, 1901, 1582, 1899, 1579, 1897,
+ 1576, 1895, 1573, 1892, 1571, 1890, 1569, 1894, 1569, 1894, 1572, 1894, 1575,
+ 1895, 1578, 1896, 1582, 1898, 1585, 1899, 1589, 1900, 1591, 1901, 1594, 1902,
[1890, 1569, 1886, 1562, 1890, 1562, 1894, 1569],
@@ -22174,45 +4835,9 @@
'1.5.1.-,': [
[2099, 1331, 2099, 1154, 2103, 1154, 2103, 1331],
- 2099,
- 1154,
- 2099,
- 1150,
- 2100,
- 1146,
- 2102,
- 1143,
- 2104,
- 1140,
- 2107,
- 1137,
- 2110,
- 1135,
- 2113,
- 1133,
- 2117,
- 1132,
- 2121,
- 1132,
- 2121,
- 1136,
- 2118,
- 1136,
- 2116,
- 1137,
- 2113,
- 1139,
- 2110,
- 1141,
- 2108,
- 1143,
- 2106,
- 1146,
- 2104,
- 1149,
- 2103,
- 1151,
- 2103,
+ 2099, 1154, 2099, 1150, 2100, 1146, 2102, 1143, 2104, 1140, 2107, 1137, 2110,
+ 1135, 2113, 1133, 2117, 1132, 2121, 1132, 2121, 1136, 2118, 1136, 2116, 1137,
+ 2113, 1139, 2110, 1141, 2108, 1143, 2106, 1146, 2104, 1149, 2103, 1151, 2103,
[2121, 1132, 2229, 1132, 2229, 1136, 2121, 1136],
@@ -22221,178 +4846,34 @@
K01601: [
[1432, 1685, 1531, 1685, 1531, 1689, 1432, 1689],
- 1531,
- 1685,
- 1534,
- 1685,
- 1536,
- 1684,
- 1539,
- 1682,
- 1542,
- 1680,
- 1544,
- 1678,
- 1546,
- 1675,
- 1548,
- 1672,
- 1549,
- 1670,
- 1549,
- 1667,
- 1553,
- 1667,
- 1553,
- 1671,
- 1552,
- 1675,
- 1550,
- 1678,
- 1548,
- 1681,
- 1545,
- 1684,
- 1542,
- 1686,
- 1539,
- 1688,
- 1535,
- 1689,
- 1531,
+ 1531, 1685, 1534, 1685, 1536, 1684, 1539, 1682, 1542, 1680, 1544, 1678, 1546,
+ 1675, 1548, 1672, 1549, 1670, 1549, 1667, 1553, 1667, 1553, 1671, 1552, 1675,
+ 1550, 1678, 1548, 1681, 1545, 1684, 1542, 1686, 1539, 1688, 1535, 1689, 1531,
[1549, 1667, 1549, 1651, 1553, 1651, 1553, 1667],
[1549, 1656, 1549, 1667, 1553, 1667, 1553, 1656],
- 1553,
- 1667,
- 1553,
- 1670,
- 1554,
- 1672,
- 1556,
- 1675,
- 1558,
- 1678,
- 1560,
- 1680,
- 1563,
- 1682,
- 1566,
- 1684,
- 1568,
- 1685,
- 1571,
- 1685,
- 1571,
- 1689,
- 1567,
- 1689,
- 1563,
- 1688,
- 1560,
- 1686,
- 1557,
- 1684,
- 1554,
- 1681,
- 1552,
- 1678,
- 1550,
- 1675,
- 1549,
- 1671,
- 1549,
+ 1553, 1667, 1553, 1670, 1554, 1672, 1556, 1675, 1558, 1678, 1560, 1680, 1563,
+ 1682, 1566, 1684, 1568, 1685, 1571, 1685, 1571, 1689, 1567, 1689, 1563, 1688,
+ 1560, 1686, 1557, 1684, 1554, 1681, 1552, 1678, 1550, 1675, 1549, 1671, 1549,
[1571, 1685, 1655, 1685, 1655, 1689, 1571, 1689],
[1432, 1685, 1531, 1685, 1531, 1689, 1432, 1689],
- 1531,
- 1685,
- 1534,
- 1685,
- 1536,
- 1684,
- 1539,
- 1682,
- 1542,
- 1680,
- 1544,
- 1678,
- 1546,
- 1675,
- 1548,
- 1672,
- 1549,
- 1670,
- 1549,
- 1667,
- 1553,
- 1667,
- 1553,
- 1671,
- 1552,
- 1675,
- 1550,
- 1678,
- 1548,
- 1681,
- 1545,
- 1684,
- 1542,
- 1686,
- 1539,
- 1688,
- 1535,
- 1689,
- 1531,
+ 1531, 1685, 1534, 1685, 1536, 1684, 1539, 1682, 1542, 1680, 1544, 1678, 1546,
+ 1675, 1548, 1672, 1549, 1670, 1549, 1667, 1553, 1667, 1553, 1671, 1552, 1675,
+ 1550, 1678, 1548, 1681, 1545, 1684, 1542, 1686, 1539, 1688, 1535, 1689, 1531,
[1549, 1667, 1549, 1651, 1553, 1651, 1553, 1667],
[1339, 1685, 1434, 1685, 1434, 1689, 1339, 1689],
[1414, 1685, 1383, 1685, 1383, 1689, 1414, 1689],
- 1383,
- 1689,
- 1381,
- 1688,
- 1379,
- 1686,
- 1377,
- 1684,
- 1374,
- 1682,
- 1372,
- 1680,
- 1370,
- 1677,
- 1368,
- 1675,
- 1366,
- 1673,
- 1365,
- 1671,
- 1369,
- 1671,
- 1368,
- 1674,
- 1368,
- 1677,
- 1369,
- 1680,
- 1370,
- 1682,
- 1372,
- 1684,
- 1374,
- 1685,
- 1377,
- 1686,
- 1380,
- 1686,
- 1383,
+ 1383, 1689, 1381, 1688, 1379, 1686, 1377, 1684, 1374, 1682, 1372, 1680, 1370,
+ 1677, 1368, 1675, 1366, 1673, 1365, 1671, 1369, 1671, 1368, 1674, 1368, 1677,
+ 1369, 1680, 1370, 1682, 1372, 1684, 1374, 1685, 1377, 1686, 1380, 1686, 1383,
[1365, 1671, 1365, 1652, 1369, 1652, 1369, 1671],
@@ -22404,222 +4885,37 @@
K01115: [
[959, 659, 1017, 659, 1017, 663, 959, 663],
- 1017,
- 659,
- 1019,
- 659,
- 1021,
- 658,
- 1023,
- 657,
- 1025,
- 655,
- 1027,
- 653,
- 1029,
- 651,
- 1030,
- 649,
- 1031,
- 647,
- 1031,
- 645,
- 1035,
- 645,
- 1035,
- 648,
- 1034,
- 651,
- 1033,
- 654,
- 1031,
- 657,
- 1029,
- 659,
- 1026,
- 661,
- 1023,
- 662,
- 1020,
- 663,
- 1017,
- 663,
+ 1017, 659, 1019, 659, 1021, 658, 1023, 657, 1025, 655, 1027, 653, 1029, 651,
+ 1030, 649, 1031, 647, 1031, 645, 1035, 645, 1035, 648, 1034, 651, 1033, 654,
+ 1031, 657, 1029, 659, 1026, 661, 1023, 662, 1020, 663, 1017, 663,
[1031, 645, 1031, 642, 1035, 642, 1035, 645],
- 1031,
- 642,
- 1031,
- 639,
- 1032,
- 636,
- 1033,
- 633,
- 1035,
- 630,
- 1037,
- 628,
- 1040,
- 626,
- 1043,
- 624,
- 1046,
- 623,
- 1049,
- 623,
- 1049,
- 627,
- 1047,
- 627,
- 1045,
- 628,
- 1043,
- 630,
- 1041,
- 631,
- 1039,
- 633,
- 1037,
- 635,
- 1036,
- 638,
- 1035,
- 640,
- 1035,
- 642,
+ 1031, 642, 1031, 639, 1032, 636, 1033, 633, 1035, 630, 1037, 628, 1040, 626,
+ 1043, 624, 1046, 623, 1049, 623, 1049, 627, 1047, 627, 1045, 628, 1043, 630,
+ 1041, 631, 1039, 633, 1037, 635, 1036, 638, 1035, 640, 1035, 642,
[1049, 623, 1140, 624, 1140, 628, 1049, 627],
- 1140,
- 624,
- 1142,
- 624,
- 1144,
- 623,
- 1146,
- 622,
- 1148,
- 620,
- 1150,
- 618,
- 1152,
- 616,
- 1153,
- 614,
- 1154,
- 612,
- 1154,
- 610,
- 1158,
- 610,
- 1158,
- 613,
- 1157,
- 616,
- 1156,
- 619,
- 1154,
- 622,
- 1152,
- 624,
- 1149,
- 626,
- 1146,
- 627,
- 1143,
- 628,
- 1140,
- 628,
+ 1140, 624, 1142, 624, 1144, 623, 1146, 622, 1148, 620, 1150, 618, 1152, 616,
+ 1153, 614, 1154, 612, 1154, 610, 1158, 610, 1158, 613, 1157, 616, 1156, 619,
+ 1154, 622, 1152, 624, 1149, 626, 1146, 627, 1143, 628, 1140, 628,
[1154, 610, 1154, 591, 1158, 591, 1158, 610],
[959, 524, 1136, 524, 1136, 528, 959, 528],
- 1136,
- 528,
- 1140,
- 527,
- 1144,
- 527,
- 1147,
- 528,
- 1150,
- 530,
- 1152,
- 532,
- 1154,
- 535,
- 1155,
- 538,
- 1155,
- 542,
- 1154,
- 546,
- 1158,
- 546,
- 1156,
- 543,
- 1155,
- 540,
- 1152,
- 538,
- 1150,
- 535,
- 1147,
- 532,
- 1144,
- 530,
- 1142,
- 527,
- 1139,
- 526,
- 1136,
- 524,
+ 1136, 528, 1140, 527, 1144, 527, 1147, 528, 1150, 530, 1152, 532, 1154, 535,
+ 1155, 538, 1155, 542, 1154, 546, 1158, 546, 1156, 543, 1155, 540, 1152, 538,
+ 1150, 535, 1147, 532, 1144, 530, 1142, 527, 1139, 526, 1136, 524,
[1154, 546, 1154, 593, 1158, 593, 1158, 546],
K00963: [
[1676, 328, 1751, 328, 1751, 332, 1676, 332],
- 1751,
- 328,
- 1754,
- 328,
- 1756,
- 327,
- 1759,
- 325,
- 1762,
- 323,
- 1764,
- 321,
- 1766,
- 318,
- 1768,
- 315,
- 1769,
- 313,
- 1769,
- 310,
- 1773,
- 310,
- 1773,
- 314,
- 1772,
- 318,
- 1770,
- 321,
- 1768,
- 324,
- 1765,
- 327,
- 1762,
- 329,
- 1759,
- 331,
- 1755,
- 332,
- 1751,
- 332,
+ 1751, 328, 1754, 328, 1756, 327, 1759, 325, 1762, 323, 1764, 321, 1766, 318,
+ 1768, 315, 1769, 313, 1769, 310, 1773, 310, 1773, 314, 1772, 318, 1770, 321,
+ 1768, 324, 1765, 327, 1762, 329, 1759, 331, 1755, 332, 1751, 332,
[1769, 310, 1769, 265, 1773, 265, 1773, 310],
@@ -22628,89 +4924,17 @@
K00025: [
[1293, 1778, 1320, 1778, 1320, 1782, 1293, 1782],
- 1320,
- 1778,
- 1323,
- 1778,
- 1325,
- 1777,
- 1328,
- 1775,
- 1331,
- 1773,
- 1333,
- 1771,
- 1335,
- 1768,
- 1337,
- 1765,
- 1338,
- 1763,
- 1338,
- 1760,
- 1342,
- 1760,
- 1342,
- 1764,
- 1341,
- 1768,
- 1339,
- 1771,
- 1337,
- 1774,
- 1334,
- 1777,
- 1331,
- 1779,
- 1328,
- 1781,
- 1324,
- 1782,
- 1320,
+ 1320, 1778, 1323, 1778, 1325, 1777, 1328, 1775, 1331, 1773, 1333, 1771, 1335,
+ 1768, 1337, 1765, 1338, 1763, 1338, 1760, 1342, 1760, 1342, 1764, 1341, 1768,
+ 1339, 1771, 1337, 1774, 1334, 1777, 1331, 1779, 1328, 1781, 1324, 1782, 1320,
[1338, 1760, 1338, 1754, 1342, 1754, 1342, 1760],
[1535, 1570, 1535, 1570, 1539, 1570, 1539, 1570],
- 1535,
- 1570,
- 1542,
- 1557,
- 1551,
- 1543,
- 1562,
- 1530,
- 1574,
- 1517,
- 1587,
- 1505,
- 1601,
- 1495,
- 1615,
- 1486,
- 1628,
- 1480,
- 1640,
- 1476,
- 1644,
- 1476,
- 1632,
- 1481,
- 1619,
- 1488,
- 1605,
- 1497,
- 1591,
- 1508,
- 1578,
- 1520,
- 1566,
- 1533,
- 1555,
- 1545,
- 1546,
- 1558,
- 1539,
+ 1535, 1570, 1542, 1557, 1551, 1543, 1562, 1530, 1574, 1517, 1587, 1505, 1601,
+ 1495, 1615, 1486, 1628, 1480, 1640, 1476, 1644, 1476, 1632, 1481, 1619, 1488,
+ 1605, 1497, 1591, 1508, 1578, 1520, 1566, 1533, 1555, 1545, 1546, 1558, 1539,
[1640, 1476, 1640, 1476, 1644, 1476, 1644, 1476],
@@ -22732,438 +4956,74 @@
K01555: [
[2174, 1361, 2174, 1360, 2178, 1360, 2178, 1361],
- 2174,
- 1360,
- 2174,
- 1356,
- 2175,
- 1352,
- 2177,
- 1349,
- 2179,
- 1346,
- 2182,
- 1343,
- 2185,
- 1341,
- 2188,
- 1339,
- 2192,
- 1338,
- 2196,
- 1338,
- 2196,
- 1342,
- 2193,
- 1342,
- 2191,
- 1343,
- 2188,
- 1345,
- 2185,
- 1347,
- 2183,
- 1349,
- 2181,
- 1352,
- 2179,
- 1355,
- 2178,
- 1357,
- 2178,
+ 2174, 1360, 2174, 1356, 2175, 1352, 2177, 1349, 2179, 1346, 2182, 1343, 2185,
+ 1341, 2188, 1339, 2192, 1338, 2196, 1338, 2196, 1342, 2193, 1342, 2191, 1343,
+ 2188, 1345, 2185, 1347, 2183, 1349, 2181, 1352, 2179, 1355, 2178, 1357, 2178,
[2196, 1338, 2865, 1338, 2865, 1342, 2196, 1342],
- 2865,
- 1338,
- 2868,
- 1338,
- 2870,
- 1337,
- 2873,
- 1335,
- 2876,
- 1333,
- 2878,
- 1331,
- 2880,
- 1328,
- 2882,
- 1325,
- 2883,
- 1323,
- 2883,
- 1320,
- 2887,
- 1320,
- 2887,
- 1324,
- 2886,
- 1328,
- 2884,
- 1331,
- 2882,
- 1334,
- 2879,
- 1337,
- 2876,
- 1339,
- 2873,
- 1341,
- 2869,
- 1342,
- 2865,
+ 2865, 1338, 2868, 1338, 2870, 1337, 2873, 1335, 2876, 1333, 2878, 1331, 2880,
+ 1328, 2882, 1325, 2883, 1323, 2883, 1320, 2887, 1320, 2887, 1324, 2886, 1328,
+ 2884, 1331, 2882, 1334, 2879, 1337, 2876, 1339, 2873, 1341, 2869, 1342, 2865,
[2883, 1320, 2883, 784, 2887, 784, 2887, 1320],
- 2887,
- 784,
- 2887,
- 780,
- 2886,
- 776,
- 2884,
- 773,
- 2882,
- 770,
- 2879,
- 767,
- 2876,
- 765,
- 2873,
- 763,
- 2869,
- 762,
- 2865,
- 762,
- 2865,
- 766,
- 2868,
- 766,
- 2870,
- 767,
- 2873,
- 769,
- 2876,
- 771,
- 2878,
- 773,
- 2880,
- 776,
- 2882,
- 779,
- 2883,
- 781,
- 2883,
- 784,
+ 2887, 784, 2887, 780, 2886, 776, 2884, 773, 2882, 770, 2879, 767, 2876, 765,
+ 2873, 763, 2869, 762, 2865, 762, 2865, 766, 2868, 766, 2870, 767, 2873, 769,
+ 2876, 771, 2878, 773, 2880, 776, 2882, 779, 2883, 781, 2883, 784,
[2865, 762, 2760, 762, 2760, 766, 2865, 766],
[1518, 1703, 1545, 1718, 1545, 1722, 1518, 1707],
- 1545,
- 1722,
- 1549,
- 1722,
- 1553,
- 1723,
- 1557,
- 1724,
- 1562,
- 1725,
- 1567,
- 1726,
- 1571,
- 1727,
- 1575,
- 1727,
- 1579,
- 1728,
- 1582,
- 1728,
- 1582,
- 1732,
- 1578,
- 1732,
- 1573,
- 1731,
- 1568,
- 1730,
- 1564,
- 1729,
- 1559,
- 1728,
- 1555,
- 1726,
- 1551,
- 1723,
- 1547,
- 1721,
- 1545,
+ 1545, 1722, 1549, 1722, 1553, 1723, 1557, 1724, 1562, 1725, 1567, 1726, 1571,
+ 1727, 1575, 1727, 1579, 1728, 1582, 1728, 1582, 1732, 1578, 1732, 1573, 1731,
+ 1568, 1730, 1564, 1729, 1559, 1728, 1555, 1726, 1551, 1723, 1547, 1721, 1545,
[1582, 1728, 2865, 1728, 2865, 1732, 1582, 1732],
- 2865,
- 1728,
- 2868,
- 1728,
- 2870,
- 1727,
- 2873,
- 1725,
- 2876,
- 1723,
- 2878,
- 1721,
- 2880,
- 1718,
- 2882,
- 1715,
- 2883,
- 1713,
- 2883,
- 1710,
- 2887,
- 1710,
- 2887,
- 1714,
- 2886,
- 1718,
- 2884,
- 1721,
- 2882,
- 1724,
- 2879,
- 1727,
- 2876,
- 1729,
- 2873,
- 1731,
- 2869,
- 1732,
- 2865,
+ 2865, 1728, 2868, 1728, 2870, 1727, 2873, 1725, 2876, 1723, 2878, 1721, 2880,
+ 1718, 2882, 1715, 2883, 1713, 2883, 1710, 2887, 1710, 2887, 1714, 2886, 1718,
+ 2884, 1721, 2882, 1724, 2879, 1727, 2876, 1729, 2873, 1731, 2869, 1732, 2865,
[2883, 1710, 2883, 784, 2887, 784, 2887, 1710],
- 2887,
- 784,
- 2887,
- 780,
- 2886,
- 776,
- 2884,
- 773,
- 2882,
- 770,
- 2879,
- 767,
- 2876,
- 765,
- 2873,
- 763,
- 2869,
- 762,
- 2865,
- 762,
- 2865,
- 766,
- 2868,
- 766,
- 2870,
- 767,
- 2873,
- 769,
- 2876,
- 771,
- 2878,
- 773,
- 2880,
- 776,
- 2882,
- 779,
- 2883,
- 781,
- 2883,
- 784,
+ 2887, 784, 2887, 780, 2886, 776, 2884, 773, 2882, 770, 2879, 767, 2876, 765,
+ 2873, 763, 2869, 762, 2865, 762, 2865, 766, 2868, 766, 2870, 767, 2873, 769,
+ 2876, 771, 2878, 773, 2880, 776, 2882, 779, 2883, 781, 2883, 784,
[2865, 762, 2762, 762, 2762, 766, 2865, 766],
[2174, 1361, 2174, 1360, 2178, 1360, 2178, 1361],
- 2174,
- 1360,
- 2174,
- 1356,
- 2175,
- 1352,
- 2177,
- 1349,
- 2179,
- 1346,
- 2182,
- 1343,
- 2185,
- 1341,
- 2188,
- 1339,
- 2192,
- 1338,
- 2196,
- 1338,
- 2196,
- 1342,
- 2193,
- 1342,
- 2191,
- 1343,
- 2188,
- 1345,
- 2185,
- 1347,
- 2183,
- 1349,
- 2181,
- 1352,
- 2179,
- 1355,
- 2178,
- 1357,
- 2178,
+ 2174, 1360, 2174, 1356, 2175, 1352, 2177, 1349, 2179, 1346, 2182, 1343, 2185,
+ 1341, 2188, 1339, 2192, 1338, 2196, 1338, 2196, 1342, 2193, 1342, 2191, 1343,
+ 2188, 1345, 2185, 1347, 2183, 1349, 2181, 1352, 2179, 1355, 2178, 1357, 2178,
[2196, 1338, 2865, 1338, 2865, 1342, 2196, 1342],
- 2865,
- 1338,
- 2868,
- 1338,
- 2870,
- 1337,
- 2873,
- 1335,
- 2876,
- 1333,
- 2878,
- 1331,
- 2880,
- 1328,
- 2882,
- 1325,
- 2883,
- 1323,
- 2883,
- 1320,
- 2887,
- 1320,
- 2887,
- 1324,
- 2886,
- 1328,
- 2884,
- 1331,
- 2882,
- 1334,
- 2879,
- 1337,
- 2876,
- 1339,
- 2873,
- 1341,
- 2869,
- 1342,
- 2865,
+ 2865, 1338, 2868, 1338, 2870, 1337, 2873, 1335, 2876, 1333, 2878, 1331, 2880,
+ 1328, 2882, 1325, 2883, 1323, 2883, 1320, 2887, 1320, 2887, 1324, 2886, 1328,
+ 2884, 1331, 2882, 1334, 2879, 1337, 2876, 1339, 2873, 1341, 2869, 1342, 2865,
[2883, 1320, 2883, 784, 2887, 784, 2887, 1320],
- 2887,
- 784,
- 2887,
- 780,
- 2886,
- 776,
- 2884,
- 773,
- 2882,
- 770,
- 2879,
- 767,
- 2876,
- 765,
- 2873,
- 763,
- 2869,
- 762,
- 2865,
- 762,
- 2865,
- 766,
- 2868,
- 766,
- 2870,
- 767,
- 2873,
- 769,
- 2876,
- 771,
- 2878,
- 773,
- 2880,
- 776,
- 2882,
- 779,
- 2883,
- 781,
- 2883,
- 784,
+ 2887, 784, 2887, 780, 2886, 776, 2884, 773, 2882, 770, 2879, 767, 2876, 765,
+ 2873, 763, 2869, 762, 2865, 762, 2865, 766, 2868, 766, 2870, 767, 2873, 769,
+ 2876, 771, 2878, 773, 2880, 776, 2882, 779, 2883, 781, 2883, 784,
[2865, 762, 2760, 762, 2760, 766, 2865, 766],
K00457: [
[2372, 986, 2495, 986, 2495, 990, 2372, 990],
- 2495,
- 986,
- 2498,
- 986,
- 2500,
- 985,
- 2503,
- 983,
- 2506,
- 981,
- 2508,
- 979,
- 2510,
- 976,
- 2512,
- 973,
- 2513,
- 971,
- 2513,
- 968,
- 2517,
- 968,
- 2517,
- 972,
- 2516,
- 976,
- 2514,
- 979,
- 2512,
- 982,
- 2509,
- 985,
- 2506,
- 987,
- 2503,
- 989,
- 2499,
- 990,
- 2495,
- 990,
+ 2495, 986, 2498, 986, 2500, 985, 2503, 983, 2506, 981, 2508, 979, 2510, 976,
+ 2512, 973, 2513, 971, 2513, 968, 2517, 968, 2517, 972, 2516, 976, 2514, 979,
+ 2512, 982, 2509, 985, 2506, 987, 2503, 989, 2499, 990, 2495, 990,
[2513, 968, 2513, 763, 2517, 763, 2517, 968],
[2591, 704, 2651, 704, 2651, 708, 2591, 708],
@@ -23190,46 +5050,9 @@
K00129: [
[2820, 656, 2820, 666, 2824, 666, 2824, 656],
- 2824,
- 666,
- 2824,
- 669,
- 2825,
- 671,
- 2827,
- 674,
- 2829,
- 677,
- 2831,
- 679,
- 2834,
- 681,
- 2837,
- 683,
- 2839,
- 684,
- 2842,
- 684,
- 2842,
- 688,
- 2838,
- 688,
- 2834,
- 687,
- 2831,
- 685,
- 2828,
- 683,
- 2825,
- 680,
- 2823,
- 677,
- 2821,
- 674,
- 2820,
- 670,
- 2820,
- 666,
+ 2824, 666, 2824, 669, 2825, 671, 2827, 674, 2829, 677, 2831, 679, 2834, 681,
+ 2837, 683, 2839, 684, 2842, 684, 2842, 688, 2838, 688, 2834, 687, 2831, 685,
+ 2828, 683, 2825, 680, 2823, 677, 2821, 674, 2820, 670, 2820, 666,
[2842, 684, 2870, 684, 2870, 688, 2842, 688],
[3119, 578, 3119, 649, 3123, 649, 3123, 578],
@@ -23240,89 +5063,15 @@
[1897, 160, 1977, 160, 1977, 164, 1897, 164],
[1896, 161, 1896, 178, 1900, 178, 1900, 161],
- 1900,
- 178,
- 1900,
- 181,
- 1901,
- 183,
- 1903,
- 186,
- 1905,
- 189,
- 1907,
- 191,
- 1910,
- 193,
- 1913,
- 195,
- 1915,
- 196,
- 1918,
- 196,
- 1918,
- 200,
- 1914,
- 200,
- 1910,
- 199,
- 1907,
- 197,
- 1904,
- 195,
- 1901,
- 192,
- 1899,
- 189,
- 1897,
- 186,
- 1896,
- 182,
- 1896,
- 178,
+ 1900, 178, 1900, 181, 1901, 183, 1903, 186, 1905, 189, 1907, 191, 1910, 193,
+ 1913, 195, 1915, 196, 1918, 196, 1918, 200, 1914, 200, 1910, 199, 1907, 197,
+ 1904, 195, 1901, 192, 1899, 189, 1897, 186, 1896, 182, 1896, 178,
[1918, 196, 2022, 196, 2022, 200, 1918, 200],
- 2022,
- 196,
- 2025,
- 196,
- 2027,
- 195,
- 2030,
- 193,
- 2033,
- 191,
- 2035,
- 189,
- 2037,
- 186,
- 2039,
- 183,
- 2040,
- 181,
- 2040,
- 178,
- 2044,
- 178,
- 2044,
- 182,
- 2043,
- 186,
- 2041,
- 189,
- 2039,
- 192,
- 2036,
- 195,
- 2033,
- 197,
- 2030,
- 199,
- 2026,
- 200,
- 2022,
- 200,
+ 2022, 196, 2025, 196, 2027, 195, 2030, 193, 2033, 191, 2035, 189, 2037, 186,
+ 2039, 183, 2040, 181, 2040, 178, 2044, 178, 2044, 182, 2043, 186, 2041, 189,
+ 2039, 192, 2036, 195, 2033, 197, 2030, 199, 2026, 200, 2022, 200,
[2040, 178, 2040, 161, 2044, 161, 2044, 178],
@@ -23333,88 +5082,16 @@
K12732: [
[2371, 1775, 2371, 1651, 2375, 1651, 2375, 1775],
- 2371,
- 1651,
- 2371,
- 1647,
- 2372,
- 1643,
- 2374,
- 1640,
- 2376,
- 1637,
- 2379,
- 1634,
- 2382,
- 1632,
- 2385,
- 1630,
- 2389,
- 1629,
- 2393,
- 1629,
- 2393,
- 1633,
- 2390,
- 1633,
- 2388,
- 1634,
- 2385,
- 1636,
- 2382,
- 1638,
- 2380,
- 1640,
- 2378,
- 1643,
- 2376,
- 1646,
- 2375,
- 1648,
- 2375,
+ 2371, 1651, 2371, 1647, 2372, 1643, 2374, 1640, 2376, 1637, 2379, 1634, 2382,
+ 1632, 2385, 1630, 2389, 1629, 2393, 1629, 2393, 1633, 2390, 1633, 2388, 1634,
+ 2385, 1636, 2382, 1638, 2380, 1640, 2378, 1643, 2376, 1646, 2375, 1648, 2375,
[2393, 1629, 2495, 1629, 2495, 1633, 2393, 1633],
- 2495,
- 1629,
- 2498,
- 1629,
- 2500,
- 1628,
- 2503,
- 1626,
- 2506,
- 1624,
- 2508,
- 1622,
- 2510,
- 1619,
- 2512,
- 1616,
- 2513,
- 1614,
- 2513,
- 1611,
- 2517,
- 1611,
- 2517,
- 1615,
- 2516,
- 1619,
- 2514,
- 1622,
- 2512,
- 1625,
- 2509,
- 1628,
- 2506,
- 1630,
- 2503,
- 1632,
- 2499,
- 1633,
- 2495,
+ 2495, 1629, 2498, 1629, 2500, 1628, 2503, 1626, 2506, 1624, 2508, 1622, 2510,
+ 1619, 2512, 1616, 2513, 1614, 2513, 1611, 2517, 1611, 2517, 1615, 2516, 1619,
+ 2514, 1622, 2512, 1625, 2509, 1628, 2506, 1630, 2503, 1632, 2499, 1633, 2495,
[2513, 1611, 2513, 763, 2517, 763, 2517, 1611],
@@ -23422,89 +5099,15 @@
K00691: [
[1935, 304, 1935, 203, 1939, 203, 1939, 304],
- 1939,
- 203,
- 1939,
- 199,
- 1938,
- 195,
- 1936,
- 192,
- 1934,
- 189,
- 1931,
- 186,
- 1928,
- 184,
- 1925,
- 182,
- 1921,
- 181,
- 1917,
- 181,
- 1917,
- 185,
- 1920,
- 185,
- 1922,
- 186,
- 1925,
- 188,
- 1928,
- 190,
- 1930,
- 192,
- 1932,
- 195,
- 1934,
- 198,
- 1935,
- 200,
- 1935,
- 203,
+ 1939, 203, 1939, 199, 1938, 195, 1936, 192, 1934, 189, 1931, 186, 1928, 184,
+ 1925, 182, 1921, 181, 1917, 181, 1917, 185, 1920, 185, 1922, 186, 1925, 188,
+ 1928, 190, 1930, 192, 1932, 195, 1934, 198, 1935, 200, 1935, 203,
[1917, 181, 1570, 181, 1570, 185, 1917, 185],
- 1570,
- 181,
- 1566,
- 181,
- 1562,
- 182,
- 1559,
- 184,
- 1556,
- 186,
- 1553,
- 189,
- 1551,
- 192,
- 1549,
- 195,
- 1548,
- 199,
- 1548,
- 203,
- 1552,
- 203,
- 1552,
- 200,
- 1553,
- 198,
- 1555,
- 195,
- 1557,
- 192,
- 1559,
- 190,
- 1562,
- 188,
- 1565,
- 186,
- 1567,
- 185,
- 1570,
- 185,
+ 1570, 181, 1566, 181, 1562, 182, 1559, 184, 1556, 186, 1553, 189, 1551, 192,
+ 1549, 195, 1548, 199, 1548, 203, 1552, 203, 1552, 200, 1553, 198, 1555, 195,
+ 1557, 192, 1559, 190, 1562, 188, 1565, 186, 1567, 185, 1570, 185,
[1548, 203, 1548, 212, 1552, 212, 1552, 203],
@@ -23515,45 +5118,9 @@
K00281: [
[2431, 1250, 2460, 1250, 2460, 1254, 2431, 1254],
- 2460,
- 1250,
- 2463,
- 1250,
- 2466,
- 1249,
- 2468,
- 1247,
- 2471,
- 1245,
- 2474,
- 1243,
- 2476,
- 1240,
- 2478,
- 1237,
- 2479,
- 1235,
- 2479,
- 1232,
- 2483,
- 1232,
- 2483,
- 1236,
- 2481,
- 1240,
- 2480,
- 1243,
- 2477,
- 1246,
- 2475,
- 1249,
- 2471,
- 1251,
- 2468,
- 1253,
- 2464,
- 1254,
- 2460,
+ 2460, 1250, 2463, 1250, 2466, 1249, 2468, 1247, 2471, 1245, 2474, 1243, 2476,
+ 1240, 2478, 1237, 2479, 1235, 2479, 1232, 2483, 1232, 2483, 1236, 2481, 1240,
+ 2480, 1243, 2477, 1246, 2475, 1249, 2471, 1251, 2468, 1253, 2464, 1254, 2460,
[2479, 1232, 2479, 1208, 2483, 1208, 2483, 1232],
@@ -23561,46 +5128,9 @@
K00964: [
[1436, 289, 1436, 291, 1440, 291, 1440, 289],
- 1440,
- 291,
- 1440,
- 294,
- 1441,
- 297,
- 1443,
- 300,
- 1445,
- 303,
- 1448,
- 306,
- 1451,
- 308,
- 1454,
- 310,
- 1457,
- 311,
- 1460,
- 311,
- 1460,
- 315,
- 1456,
- 315,
- 1452,
- 313,
- 1448,
- 312,
- 1445,
- 309,
- 1442,
- 306,
- 1439,
- 303,
- 1438,
- 299,
- 1436,
- 295,
- 1436,
- 291,
+ 1440, 291, 1440, 294, 1441, 297, 1443, 300, 1445, 303, 1448, 306, 1451, 308,
+ 1454, 310, 1457, 311, 1460, 311, 1460, 315, 1456, 315, 1452, 313, 1448, 312,
+ 1445, 309, 1442, 306, 1439, 303, 1438, 299, 1436, 295, 1436, 291,
[1460, 311, 1499, 311, 1499, 315, 1460, 315],
@@ -23608,45 +5138,9 @@
K13600: [
[3546, 1082, 3614, 1082, 3614, 1086, 3546, 1086],
- 3614,
- 1086,
- 3618,
- 1085,
- 3622,
- 1085,
- 3625,
- 1086,
- 3628,
- 1088,
- 3630,
- 1090,
- 3632,
- 1093,
- 3633,
- 1096,
- 3633,
- 1100,
- 3632,
- 1104,
- 3636,
- 1104,
- 3634,
- 1101,
- 3633,
- 1098,
- 3630,
- 1096,
- 3628,
- 1093,
- 3625,
- 1090,
- 3622,
- 1088,
- 3620,
- 1085,
- 3617,
- 1084,
- 3614,
+ 3614, 1086, 3618, 1085, 3622, 1085, 3625, 1086, 3628, 1088, 3630, 1090, 3632,
+ 1093, 3633, 1096, 3633, 1100, 3632, 1104, 3636, 1104, 3634, 1101, 3633, 1098,
+ 3630, 1096, 3628, 1093, 3625, 1090, 3622, 1088, 3620, 1085, 3617, 1084, 3614,
[3632, 1104, 3632, 1131, 3636, 1131, 3636, 1104],
@@ -23654,181 +5148,34 @@
R04886: [
[2968, 488, 3012, 488, 3012, 492, 2968, 492],
- 3012,
- 488,
- 3015,
- 488,
- 3017,
- 487,
- 3020,
- 485,
- 3023,
- 483,
- 3025,
- 481,
- 3027,
- 478,
- 3029,
- 475,
- 3030,
- 473,
- 3030,
- 470,
- 3034,
- 470,
- 3034,
- 474,
- 3033,
- 478,
- 3031,
- 481,
- 3029,
- 484,
- 3026,
- 487,
- 3023,
- 489,
- 3020,
- 491,
- 3016,
- 492,
- 3012,
- 492,
+ 3012, 488, 3015, 488, 3017, 487, 3020, 485, 3023, 483, 3025, 481, 3027, 478,
+ 3029, 475, 3030, 473, 3030, 470, 3034, 470, 3034, 474, 3033, 478, 3031, 481,
+ 3029, 484, 3026, 487, 3023, 489, 3020, 491, 3016, 492, 3012, 492,
[3030, 470, 3030, 448, 3034, 448, 3034, 470],
K03857: [
[1239, 662, 1239, 484, 1243, 484, 1243, 662],
- 1239,
- 484,
- 1239,
- 480,
- 1240,
- 476,
- 1242,
- 473,
- 1244,
- 470,
- 1247,
- 467,
- 1250,
- 465,
- 1253,
- 463,
- 1257,
- 462,
- 1261,
- 462,
- 1261,
- 466,
- 1258,
- 466,
- 1256,
- 467,
- 1253,
- 469,
- 1250,
- 471,
- 1248,
- 473,
- 1246,
- 476,
- 1244,
- 479,
- 1243,
- 481,
- 1243,
- 484,
+ 1239, 484, 1239, 480, 1240, 476, 1242, 473, 1244, 470, 1247, 467, 1250, 465,
+ 1253, 463, 1257, 462, 1261, 462, 1261, 466, 1258, 466, 1256, 467, 1253, 469,
+ 1250, 471, 1248, 473, 1246, 476, 1244, 479, 1243, 481, 1243, 484,
[1261, 462, 1299, 462, 1299, 466, 1261, 466],
K00481: [[893, 2020, 893, 2093, 897, 2093, 897, 2020]],
K13786: [
[3491, 888, 3486, 888, 3486, 892, 3491, 892],
- [
- 3486,
- 888,
- 3482,
- 888,
- 3478,
- 889,
- 3475,
- 891,
- 3472,
- 893,
- 3469,
- 896,
- 3467,
- 899,
- 3465,
- 902,
- 3464,
- 906,
- 3464,
- 910,
- 3468,
- 910,
- 3468,
- 907,
- 3469,
- 905,
- 3471,
- 902,
- 3473,
- 899,
- 3475,
- 897,
- 3478,
- 895,
- 3481,
- 893,
- 3483,
- 892,
- 3486,
- 892,
- ],
- [3464, 910, 3464, 1302, 3468, 1302, 3468, 910],
- [
- 3464,
- 1302,
- 3464,
- 1305,
- 3463,
- 1307,
- 3461,
- 1310,
- 3459,
- 1313,
- 3457,
- 1315,
- 3454,
- 1317,
- 3451,
- 1319,
- 3449,
- 1320,
- 3446,
- 1320,
- 3446,
- 1324,
- 3450,
- 1324,
- 3454,
- 1323,
- 3457,
- 1321,
- 3460,
- 1319,
- 3463,
- 1316,
- 3465,
- 1313,
- 3467,
- 1310,
- 3468,
- 1306,
- 3468,
+ [
+ 3486, 888, 3482, 888, 3478, 889, 3475, 891, 3472, 893, 3469, 896, 3467, 899,
+ 3465, 902, 3464, 906, 3464, 910, 3468, 910, 3468, 907, 3469, 905, 3471, 902,
+ 3473, 899, 3475, 897, 3478, 895, 3481, 893, 3483, 892, 3486, 892,
+ ],
+ [3464, 910, 3464, 1302, 3468, 1302, 3468, 910],
+ [
+ 3464, 1302, 3464, 1305, 3463, 1307, 3461, 1310, 3459, 1313, 3457, 1315, 3454,
+ 1317, 3451, 1319, 3449, 1320, 3446, 1320, 3446, 1324, 3450, 1324, 3454, 1323,
+ 3457, 1321, 3460, 1319, 3463, 1316, 3465, 1313, 3467, 1310, 3468, 1306, 3468,
[3446, 1320, 3442, 1320, 3442, 1324, 3446, 1324],
@@ -23836,46 +5183,9 @@
K01597: [
[674, 1450, 624, 1450, 624, 1454, 674, 1454],
- 624,
- 1454,
- 621,
- 1452,
- 618,
- 1451,
- 616,
- 1448,
- 613,
- 1446,
- 610,
- 1443,
- 608,
- 1440,
- 605,
- 1438,
- 604,
- 1435,
- 602,
- 1432,
- 606,
- 1432,
- 605,
- 1436,
- 605,
- 1440,
- 606,
- 1443,
- 608,
- 1446,
- 610,
- 1448,
- 613,
- 1450,
- 616,
- 1451,
- 620,
- 1451,
- 624,
- 1450,
+ 624, 1454, 621, 1452, 618, 1451, 616, 1448, 613, 1446, 610, 1443, 608, 1440,
+ 605, 1438, 604, 1435, 602, 1432, 606, 1432, 605, 1436, 605, 1440, 606, 1443,
+ 608, 1446, 610, 1448, 613, 1450, 616, 1451, 620, 1451, 624, 1450,
[602, 1432, 602, 1423, 606, 1423, 606, 1432],
@@ -23883,46 +5193,9 @@
[252, 1603, 252, 1653, 256, 1653, 256, 1603],
[252, 1605, 252, 1574, 256, 1574, 256, 1605],
- 252,
- 1574,
- 252,
- 1570,
- 253,
- 1566,
- 255,
- 1563,
- 257,
- 1560,
- 260,
- 1557,
- 263,
- 1555,
- 266,
- 1553,
- 270,
- 1552,
- 274,
- 1552,
- 274,
- 1556,
- 271,
- 1556,
- 269,
- 1557,
- 266,
- 1559,
- 263,
- 1561,
- 261,
- 1563,
- 259,
- 1566,
- 257,
- 1569,
- 256,
- 1571,
- 256,
- 1574,
+ 252, 1574, 252, 1570, 253, 1566, 255, 1563, 257, 1560, 260, 1557, 263, 1555,
+ 266, 1553, 270, 1552, 274, 1552, 274, 1556, 271, 1556, 269, 1557, 266, 1559,
+ 263, 1561, 261, 1563, 259, 1566, 257, 1569, 256, 1571, 256, 1574,
[274, 1552, 310, 1552, 310, 1556, 274, 1556],
@@ -23930,131 +5203,23 @@
K01676: [
[1517, 1705, 1514, 1688, 1518, 1688, 1521, 1705],
- 1518,
- 1688,
- 1518,
- 1684,
- 1517,
- 1680,
- 1517,
- 1676,
- 1516,
- 1671,
- 1516,
- 1667,
- 1515,
- 1663,
- 1515,
- 1659,
- 1514,
- 1656,
- 1513,
- 1654,
- 1517,
- 1654,
- 1516,
- 1658,
- 1514,
- 1662,
- 1514,
- 1666,
- 1513,
- 1670,
- 1513,
- 1674,
- 1513,
- 1678,
- 1513,
- 1682,
- 1514,
- 1685,
- 1514,
+ 1518, 1688, 1518, 1684, 1517, 1680, 1517, 1676, 1516, 1671, 1516, 1667, 1515,
+ 1663, 1515, 1659, 1514, 1656, 1513, 1654, 1517, 1654, 1516, 1658, 1514, 1662,
+ 1514, 1666, 1513, 1670, 1513, 1674, 1513, 1678, 1513, 1682, 1514, 1685, 1514,
[1513, 1654, 1513, 1646, 1517, 1646, 1517, 1654],
- 1513,
- 1646,
- 1513,
- 1642,
- 1514,
- 1638,
- 1514,
- 1634,
- 1515,
- 1630,
- 1516,
- 1626,
- 1516,
- 1622,
- 1517,
- 1618,
- 1518,
- 1615,
- 1519,
- 1612,
- 1523,
- 1612,
- 1522,
- 1616,
- 1521,
- 1620,
- 1520,
- 1624,
- 1520,
- 1629,
- 1519,
- 1633,
- 1518,
- 1637,
- 1518,
- 1641,
- 1517,
- 1644,
- 1517,
+ 1513, 1646, 1513, 1642, 1514, 1638, 1514, 1634, 1515, 1630, 1516, 1626, 1516,
+ 1622, 1517, 1618, 1518, 1615, 1519, 1612, 1523, 1612, 1522, 1616, 1521, 1620,
+ 1520, 1624, 1520, 1629, 1519, 1633, 1518, 1637, 1518, 1641, 1517, 1644, 1517,
[1519, 1612, 1519, 1610, 1523, 1610, 1523, 1612],
- 1519,
- 1610,
- 1520,
- 1606,
- 1521,
- 1602,
- 1523,
- 1598,
- 1524,
- 1594,
- 1526,
- 1590,
- 1527,
- 1586,
- 1529,
- 1583,
- 1530,
- 1580,
- 1531,
- 1578,
- 1535,
- 1578,
- 1534,
- 1581,
- 1533,
- 1585,
- 1531,
- 1589,
- 1530,
- 1593,
- 1528,
- 1597,
- 1527,
- 1601,
- 1525,
- 1604,
- 1524,
- 1607,
- 1523,
+ 1519, 1610, 1520, 1606, 1521, 1602, 1523, 1598, 1524, 1594, 1526, 1590, 1527,
+ 1586, 1529, 1583, 1530, 1580, 1531, 1578, 1535, 1578, 1534, 1581, 1533, 1585,
+ 1531, 1589, 1530, 1593, 1528, 1597, 1527, 1601, 1525, 1604, 1524, 1607, 1523,
[1531, 1578, 1535, 1570, 1539, 1570, 1535, 1578],
@@ -24071,89 +5236,15 @@
[1353, 134, 1353, 199, 1357, 199, 1357, 134],
[1353, 193, 1353, 185, 1357, 185, 1357, 193],
- 1353,
- 185,
- 1353,
- 182,
- 1354,
- 179,
- 1355,
- 177,
- 1357,
- 175,
- 1358,
- 173,
- 1361,
- 172,
- 1363,
- 171,
- 1365,
- 170,
- 1368,
- 170,
- 1368,
- 174,
- 1367,
- 174,
- 1365,
- 175,
- 1363,
- 176,
- 1362,
- 177,
- 1360,
- 178,
- 1359,
- 180,
- 1358,
- 182,
- 1357,
- 183,
- 1357,
- 185,
+ 1353, 185, 1353, 182, 1354, 179, 1355, 177, 1357, 175, 1358, 173, 1361, 172,
+ 1363, 171, 1365, 170, 1368, 170, 1368, 174, 1367, 174, 1365, 175, 1363, 176,
+ 1362, 177, 1360, 178, 1359, 180, 1358, 182, 1357, 183, 1357, 185,
[1368, 170, 1851, 170, 1851, 174, 1368, 174],
- 1851,
- 174,
- 1854,
- 173,
- 1856,
- 173,
- 1859,
- 173,
- 1861,
- 174,
- 1862,
- 175,
- 1863,
- 177,
- 1863,
- 180,
- 1863,
- 182,
- 1862,
- 185,
- 1866,
- 185,
- 1865,
- 183,
- 1863,
- 182,
- 1861,
- 180,
- 1860,
- 178,
- 1858,
- 176,
- 1856,
- 175,
- 1854,
- 173,
- 1853,
- 171,
- 1851,
- 170,
+ 1851, 174, 1854, 173, 1856, 173, 1859, 173, 1861, 174, 1862, 175, 1863, 177,
+ 1863, 180, 1863, 182, 1862, 185, 1866, 185, 1865, 183, 1863, 182, 1861, 180,
+ 1860, 178, 1858, 176, 1856, 175, 1854, 173, 1853, 171, 1851, 170,
[1862, 185, 1862, 312, 1866, 312, 1866, 185],
[1353, 134, 1353, 199, 1357, 199, 1357, 134],
@@ -24162,89 +5253,15 @@
K01519: [
[2425, 400, 2425, 409, 2429, 409, 2429, 400],
- 2425,
- 409,
- 2425,
- 412,
- 2424,
- 414,
- 2422,
- 417,
- 2420,
- 420,
- 2418,
- 422,
- 2415,
- 424,
- 2412,
- 426,
- 2410,
- 427,
- 2407,
- 427,
- 2407,
- 431,
- 2411,
- 431,
- 2415,
- 430,
- 2418,
- 428,
- 2421,
- 426,
- 2424,
- 423,
- 2426,
- 420,
- 2428,
- 417,
- 2429,
- 413,
- 2429,
- 409,
+ 2425, 409, 2425, 412, 2424, 414, 2422, 417, 2420, 420, 2418, 422, 2415, 424,
+ 2412, 426, 2410, 427, 2407, 427, 2407, 431, 2411, 431, 2415, 430, 2418, 428,
+ 2421, 426, 2424, 423, 2426, 420, 2428, 417, 2429, 413, 2429, 409,
[2407, 427, 2290, 427, 2290, 431, 2407, 431],
- 2290,
- 431,
- 2287,
- 429,
- 2284,
- 428,
- 2282,
- 425,
- 2279,
- 423,
- 2276,
- 420,
- 2274,
- 417,
- 2271,
- 415,
- 2270,
- 412,
- 2268,
- 409,
- 2272,
- 409,
- 2271,
- 413,
- 2271,
- 417,
- 2272,
- 420,
- 2274,
- 423,
- 2276,
- 425,
- 2279,
- 427,
- 2282,
- 428,
- 2286,
- 428,
- 2290,
- 427,
+ 2290, 431, 2287, 429, 2284, 428, 2282, 425, 2279, 423, 2276, 420, 2274, 417,
+ 2271, 415, 2270, 412, 2268, 409, 2272, 409, 2271, 413, 2271, 417, 2272, 420,
+ 2274, 423, 2276, 425, 2279, 427, 2282, 428, 2286, 428, 2290, 427,
[2268, 409, 2268, 400, 2272, 400, 2272, 409],
@@ -24260,91 +5277,18 @@
K13382: [
[2823, 577, 2801, 577, 2801, 581, 2823, 581],
- 2801,
- 577,
- 2797,
- 577,
- 2793,
- 578,
- 2790,
- 580,
- 2787,
- 582,
- 2784,
- 585,
- 2782,
- 588,
- 2780,
- 591,
- 2779,
- 595,
- 2779,
- 599,
- 2783,
- 599,
- 2783,
- 596,
- 2784,
- 594,
- 2786,
- 591,
- 2788,
- 588,
- 2790,
- 586,
- 2793,
- 584,
- 2796,
- 582,
- 2798,
- 581,
- 2801,
- 581,
+ 2801, 577, 2797, 577, 2793, 578, 2790, 580, 2787, 582, 2784, 585, 2782, 588,
+ 2780, 591, 2779, 595, 2779, 599, 2783, 599, 2783, 596, 2784, 594, 2786, 591,
+ 2788, 588, 2790, 586, 2793, 584, 2796, 582, 2798, 581, 2801, 581,
[2779, 599, 2779, 644, 2783, 644, 2783, 599],
K01578: [
[1720, 1328, 1627, 1328, 1627, 1332, 1720, 1332],
- 1627,
- 1328,
- 1623,
- 1328,
- 1619,
- 1329,
- 1616,
- 1331,
- 1613,
- 1333,
- 1610,
- 1336,
- 1608,
- 1339,
- 1606,
- 1342,
- 1605,
- 1346,
- 1605,
- 1350,
- 1609,
- 1350,
- 1609,
- 1347,
- 1610,
- 1345,
- 1612,
- 1342,
- 1614,
- 1339,
- 1616,
- 1337,
- 1619,
- 1335,
- 1622,
- 1333,
- 1624,
- 1332,
- 1627,
+ 1627, 1328, 1623, 1328, 1619, 1329, 1616, 1331, 1613, 1333, 1610, 1336, 1608,
+ 1339, 1606, 1342, 1605, 1346, 1605, 1350, 1609, 1350, 1609, 1347, 1610, 1345,
+ 1612, 1342, 1614, 1339, 1616, 1337, 1619, 1335, 1622, 1333, 1624, 1332, 1627,
[1605, 1350, 1605, 1393, 1609, 1393, 1609, 1350],
@@ -24356,263 +5300,41 @@
K12309: [
[1197, 190, 1212, 190, 1212, 194, 1197, 194],
- 1212,
- 194,
- 1215,
- 193,
- 1218,
- 193,
- 1221,
- 194,
- 1223,
- 195,
- 1225,
- 197,
- 1226,
- 199,
- 1227,
- 202,
- 1227,
- 205,
- 1226,
- 208,
- 1230,
- 208,
- 1229,
- 206,
- 1227,
- 204,
- 1225,
- 202,
- 1223,
- 199,
- 1221,
- 197,
- 1218,
- 195,
- 1216,
- 193,
- 1214,
- 191,
- 1212,
- 190,
+ 1212, 194, 1215, 193, 1218, 193, 1221, 194, 1223, 195, 1225, 197, 1226, 199,
+ 1227, 202, 1227, 205, 1226, 208, 1230, 208, 1229, 206, 1227, 204, 1225, 202,
+ 1223, 199, 1221, 197, 1218, 195, 1216, 193, 1214, 191, 1212, 190,
[1226, 208, 1226, 307, 1230, 307, 1230, 208],
- 1230,
- 307,
- 1230,
- 309,
- 1231,
- 311,
- 1232,
- 313,
- 1234,
- 315,
- 1236,
- 317,
- 1238,
- 319,
- 1240,
- 320,
- 1242,
- 321,
- 1244,
- 321,
- 1244,
- 325,
- 1241,
- 325,
- 1238,
- 324,
- 1235,
- 323,
- 1232,
- 321,
- 1230,
- 319,
- 1228,
- 316,
- 1227,
- 313,
- 1226,
- 310,
- 1226,
- 307,
+ 1230, 307, 1230, 309, 1231, 311, 1232, 313, 1234, 315, 1236, 317, 1238, 319,
+ 1240, 320, 1242, 321, 1244, 321, 1244, 325, 1241, 325, 1238, 324, 1235, 323,
+ 1232, 321, 1230, 319, 1228, 316, 1227, 313, 1226, 310, 1226, 307,
[1244, 321, 1381, 321, 1381, 325, 1244, 325],
- 1381,
- 321,
- 1383,
- 321,
- 1385,
- 320,
- 1387,
- 319,
- 1389,
- 317,
- 1391,
- 315,
- 1393,
- 313,
- 1394,
- 311,
- 1395,
- 309,
- 1395,
- 307,
- 1399,
- 307,
- 1399,
- 310,
- 1398,
- 313,
- 1397,
- 316,
- 1395,
- 319,
- 1393,
- 321,
- 1390,
- 323,
- 1387,
- 324,
- 1384,
- 325,
- 1381,
- 325,
+ 1381, 321, 1383, 321, 1385, 320, 1387, 319, 1389, 317, 1391, 315, 1393, 313,
+ 1394, 311, 1395, 309, 1395, 307, 1399, 307, 1399, 310, 1398, 313, 1397, 316,
+ 1395, 319, 1393, 321, 1390, 323, 1387, 324, 1384, 325, 1381, 325,
[1395, 307, 1395, 289, 1399, 289, 1399, 307],
[1197, 190, 1247, 190, 1247, 194, 1197, 194],
[1197, 190, 1212, 190, 1212, 194, 1197, 194],
- 1212,
- 194,
- 1215,
- 193,
- 1218,
- 193,
- 1221,
- 194,
- 1223,
- 195,
- 1225,
- 197,
- 1226,
- 199,
- 1227,
- 202,
- 1227,
- 205,
- 1226,
- 208,
- 1230,
- 208,
- 1229,
- 206,
- 1227,
- 204,
- 1225,
- 202,
- 1223,
- 199,
- 1221,
- 197,
- 1218,
- 195,
- 1216,
- 193,
- 1214,
- 191,
- 1212,
- 190,
+ 1212, 194, 1215, 193, 1218, 193, 1221, 194, 1223, 195, 1225, 197, 1226, 199,
+ 1227, 202, 1227, 205, 1226, 208, 1230, 208, 1229, 206, 1227, 204, 1225, 202,
+ 1223, 199, 1221, 197, 1218, 195, 1216, 193, 1214, 191, 1212, 190,
[1226, 208, 1226, 307, 1230, 307, 1230, 208],
- 1230,
- 307,
- 1230,
- 309,
- 1231,
- 311,
- 1232,
- 313,
- 1234,
- 315,
- 1236,
- 317,
- 1238,
- 319,
- 1240,
- 320,
- 1242,
- 321,
- 1244,
- 321,
- 1244,
- 325,
- 1241,
- 325,
- 1238,
- 324,
- 1235,
- 323,
- 1232,
- 321,
- 1230,
- 319,
- 1228,
- 316,
- 1227,
- 313,
- 1226,
- 310,
- 1226,
- 307,
+ 1230, 307, 1230, 309, 1231, 311, 1232, 313, 1234, 315, 1236, 317, 1238, 319,
+ 1240, 320, 1242, 321, 1244, 321, 1244, 325, 1241, 325, 1238, 324, 1235, 323,
+ 1232, 321, 1230, 319, 1228, 316, 1227, 313, 1226, 310, 1226, 307,
[1244, 321, 1381, 321, 1381, 325, 1244, 325],
- 1381,
- 321,
- 1383,
- 321,
- 1385,
- 320,
- 1387,
- 319,
- 1389,
- 317,
- 1391,
- 315,
- 1393,
- 313,
- 1394,
- 311,
- 1395,
- 309,
- 1395,
- 307,
- 1399,
- 307,
- 1399,
- 310,
- 1398,
- 313,
- 1397,
- 316,
- 1395,
- 319,
- 1393,
- 321,
- 1390,
- 323,
- 1387,
- 324,
- 1384,
- 325,
- 1381,
- 325,
+ 1381, 321, 1383, 321, 1385, 320, 1387, 319, 1389, 317, 1391, 315, 1393, 313,
+ 1394, 311, 1395, 309, 1395, 307, 1399, 307, 1399, 310, 1398, 313, 1397, 316,
+ 1395, 319, 1393, 321, 1390, 323, 1387, 324, 1384, 325, 1381, 325,
[1395, 307, 1395, 289, 1399, 289, 1399, 307],
@@ -24624,264 +5346,48 @@
K01739: [
[2644, 1434, 2644, 1450, 2648, 1450, 2648, 1434],
- 2644,
- 1450,
- 2644,
- 1454,
- 2642,
- 1458,
- 2640,
- 1462,
- 2637,
- 1466,
- 2634,
- 1469,
- 2630,
- 1472,
- 2626,
- 1474,
- 2622,
- 1476,
- 2618,
- 1476,
- 2618,
- 1480,
- 2623,
- 1479,
- 2628,
- 1478,
- 2633,
- 1476,
- 2637,
- 1473,
- 2641,
- 1469,
- 2644,
- 1465,
- 2646,
- 1460,
- 2647,
- 1455,
- 2648,
+ 2644, 1450, 2644, 1454, 2642, 1458, 2640, 1462, 2637, 1466, 2634, 1469, 2630,
+ 1472, 2626, 1474, 2622, 1476, 2618, 1476, 2618, 1480, 2623, 1479, 2628, 1478,
+ 2633, 1476, 2637, 1473, 2641, 1469, 2644, 1465, 2646, 1460, 2647, 1455, 2648,
[2618, 1476, 2535, 1476, 2535, 1480, 2618, 1480],
[2644, 1436, 2644, 1436, 2648, 1436, 2648, 1436],
- 2648,
- 1436,
- 2647,
- 1431,
- 2646,
- 1427,
- 2644,
- 1423,
- 2641,
- 1419,
- 2637,
- 1416,
- 2633,
- 1413,
- 2628,
- 1411,
- 2623,
- 1409,
- 2618,
- 1409,
- 2618,
- 1413,
- 2622,
- 1413,
- 2626,
- 1415,
- 2630,
- 1417,
- 2634,
- 1419,
- 2637,
- 1422,
- 2640,
- 1426,
- 2642,
- 1429,
- 2644,
- 1433,
- 2644,
+ 2648, 1436, 2647, 1431, 2646, 1427, 2644, 1423, 2641, 1419, 2637, 1416, 2633,
+ 1413, 2628, 1411, 2623, 1409, 2618, 1409, 2618, 1413, 2622, 1413, 2626, 1415,
+ 2630, 1417, 2634, 1419, 2637, 1422, 2640, 1426, 2642, 1429, 2644, 1433, 2644,
[2618, 1409, 2560, 1409, 2560, 1413, 2618, 1413],
[2559, 1410, 2559, 1484, 2563, 1484, 2563, 1410],
- 2563,
- 1484,
- 2563,
- 1487,
- 2565,
- 1491,
- 2567,
- 1494,
- 2569,
- 1498,
- 2572,
- 1501,
- 2576,
- 1503,
- 2579,
- 1505,
- 2583,
- 1507,
- 2586,
- 1507,
- 2586,
- 1511,
- 2581,
- 1511,
- 2577,
- 1509,
- 2573,
- 1507,
- 2569,
- 1504,
- 2566,
- 1501,
- 2563,
- 1497,
- 2561,
- 1493,
- 2559,
- 1489,
- 2559,
+ 2563, 1484, 2563, 1487, 2565, 1491, 2567, 1494, 2569, 1498, 2572, 1501, 2576,
+ 1503, 2579, 1505, 2583, 1507, 2586, 1507, 2586, 1511, 2581, 1511, 2577, 1509,
+ 2573, 1507, 2569, 1504, 2566, 1501, 2563, 1497, 2561, 1493, 2559, 1489, 2559,
[2586, 1507, 2647, 1507, 2647, 1511, 2586, 1511],
[2559, 1412, 2559, 1319, 2563, 1319, 2563, 1412],
- 2559,
- 1319,
- 2559,
- 1315,
- 2560,
- 1311,
- 2562,
- 1308,
- 2564,
- 1305,
- 2567,
- 1302,
- 2570,
- 1300,
- 2573,
- 1298,
- 2577,
- 1297,
- 2581,
- 1297,
- 2581,
- 1301,
- 2578,
- 1301,
- 2576,
- 1302,
- 2573,
- 1304,
- 2570,
- 1306,
- 2568,
- 1308,
- 2566,
- 1311,
- 2564,
- 1314,
- 2563,
- 1316,
- 2563,
+ 2559, 1319, 2559, 1315, 2560, 1311, 2562, 1308, 2564, 1305, 2567, 1302, 2570,
+ 1300, 2573, 1298, 2577, 1297, 2581, 1297, 2581, 1301, 2578, 1301, 2576, 1302,
+ 2573, 1304, 2570, 1306, 2568, 1308, 2566, 1311, 2564, 1314, 2563, 1316, 2563,
[2581, 1297, 2614, 1297, 2614, 1301, 2581, 1301],
[2534, 1479, 2534, 1479, 2538, 1479, 2538, 1479],
- 2534,
- 1479,
- 2535,
- 1474,
- 2536,
- 1469,
- 2538,
- 1465,
- 2541,
- 1461,
- 2545,
- 1457,
- 2549,
- 1454,
- 2554,
- 1452,
- 2559,
- 1451,
- 2564,
- 1450,
- 2564,
- 1454,
- 2560,
- 1454,
- 2556,
- 1456,
- 2552,
- 1458,
- 2548,
- 1461,
- 2545,
- 1464,
- 2542,
- 1468,
- 2540,
- 1471,
- 2538,
- 1475,
- 2538,
+ 2534, 1479, 2535, 1474, 2536, 1469, 2538, 1465, 2541, 1461, 2545, 1457, 2549,
+ 1454, 2554, 1452, 2559, 1451, 2564, 1450, 2564, 1454, 2560, 1454, 2556, 1456,
+ 2552, 1458, 2548, 1461, 2545, 1464, 2542, 1468, 2540, 1471, 2538, 1475, 2538,
[2564, 1450, 2618, 1450, 2618, 1454, 2564, 1454],
- 2618,
- 1454,
- 2623,
- 1453,
- 2628,
- 1454,
- 2633,
- 1455,
- 2637,
- 1458,
- 2640,
- 1461,
- 2643,
- 1465,
- 2644,
- 1470,
- 2645,
- 1475,
- 2644,
- 1480,
- 2648,
- 1480,
- 2646,
- 1476,
- 2644,
- 1472,
- 2641,
- 1468,
- 2638,
- 1464,
- 2634,
- 1460,
- 2630,
- 1457,
- 2626,
- 1454,
- 2622,
- 1452,
- 2618,
+ 2618, 1454, 2623, 1453, 2628, 1454, 2633, 1455, 2637, 1458, 2640, 1461, 2643,
+ 1465, 2644, 1470, 2645, 1475, 2644, 1480, 2648, 1480, 2646, 1476, 2644, 1472,
+ 2641, 1468, 2638, 1464, 2634, 1460, 2630, 1457, 2626, 1454, 2622, 1452, 2618,
[2644, 1480, 2644, 1510, 2648, 1510, 2648, 1480],
@@ -24891,132 +5397,22 @@
K01961: [
[1721, 1328, 1577, 1328, 1577, 1332, 1721, 1332],
- 1577,
- 1332,
- 1575,
- 1330,
- 1572,
- 1329,
- 1569,
- 1326,
- 1567,
- 1324,
- 1564,
- 1321,
- 1562,
- 1318,
- 1559,
- 1316,
- 1558,
- 1313,
- 1556,
- 1310,
- 1560,
- 1310,
- 1559,
- 1314,
- 1559,
- 1318,
- 1560,
- 1321,
- 1562,
- 1324,
- 1564,
- 1326,
- 1567,
- 1328,
- 1570,
- 1329,
- 1573,
- 1329,
- 1577,
+ 1577, 1332, 1575, 1330, 1572, 1329, 1569, 1326, 1567, 1324, 1564, 1321, 1562,
+ 1318, 1559, 1316, 1558, 1313, 1556, 1310, 1560, 1310, 1559, 1314, 1559, 1318,
+ 1560, 1321, 1562, 1324, 1564, 1326, 1567, 1328, 1570, 1329, 1573, 1329, 1577,
[1556, 1310, 1556, 967, 1560, 967, 1560, 1310],
- 1560,
- 967,
- 1560,
- 963,
- 1559,
- 959,
- 1557,
- 956,
- 1555,
- 953,
- 1552,
- 950,
- 1549,
- 948,
- 1546,
- 946,
- 1542,
- 945,
- 1538,
- 945,
- 1538,
- 949,
- 1541,
- 949,
- 1543,
- 950,
- 1546,
- 952,
- 1549,
- 954,
- 1551,
- 956,
- 1553,
- 959,
- 1555,
- 962,
- 1556,
- 964,
- 1556,
- 967,
+ 1560, 967, 1560, 963, 1559, 959, 1557, 956, 1555, 953, 1552, 950, 1549, 948,
+ 1546, 946, 1542, 945, 1538, 945, 1538, 949, 1541, 949, 1543, 950, 1546, 952,
+ 1549, 954, 1551, 956, 1553, 959, 1555, 962, 1556, 964, 1556, 967,
[1538, 945, 642, 945, 642, 949, 1538, 949],
- 642,
- 945,
- 638,
- 945,
- 634,
- 946,
- 631,
- 948,
- 628,
- 950,
- 625,
- 953,
- 623,
- 956,
- 621,
- 959,
- 620,
- 963,
- 620,
- 967,
- 624,
- 967,
- 624,
- 964,
- 625,
- 962,
- 627,
- 959,
- 629,
- 956,
- 631,
- 954,
- 634,
- 952,
- 637,
- 950,
- 639,
- 949,
- 642,
- 949,
+ 642, 945, 638, 945, 634, 946, 631, 948, 628, 950, 625, 953, 623, 956, 621, 959,
+ 620, 963, 620, 967, 624, 967, 624, 964, 625, 962, 627, 959, 629, 956, 631, 954,
+ 634, 952, 637, 950, 639, 949, 642, 949,
[620, 967, 620, 970, 624, 970, 624, 967],
@@ -25026,46 +5422,9 @@
K00560: [
[2426, 655, 2426, 713, 2430, 713, 2430, 655],
- 2426,
- 713,
- 2426,
- 716,
- 2425,
- 718,
- 2423,
- 721,
- 2421,
- 724,
- 2419,
- 726,
- 2416,
- 728,
- 2413,
- 730,
- 2411,
- 731,
- 2408,
- 731,
- 2408,
- 735,
- 2412,
- 735,
- 2416,
- 734,
- 2419,
- 732,
- 2422,
- 730,
- 2425,
- 727,
- 2427,
- 724,
- 2429,
- 721,
- 2430,
- 717,
- 2430,
- 713,
+ 2426, 713, 2426, 716, 2425, 718, 2423, 721, 2421, 724, 2419, 726, 2416, 728,
+ 2413, 730, 2411, 731, 2408, 731, 2408, 735, 2412, 735, 2416, 734, 2419, 732,
+ 2422, 730, 2425, 727, 2427, 724, 2429, 721, 2430, 717, 2430, 713,
[2408, 731, 2348, 731, 2348, 735, 2408, 735],
@@ -25076,46 +5435,9 @@
K00816: [
[2689, 989, 2689, 976, 2693, 976, 2693, 989],
- 2689,
- 976,
- 2689,
- 972,
- 2690,
- 968,
- 2692,
- 965,
- 2694,
- 962,
- 2697,
- 959,
- 2700,
- 957,
- 2703,
- 955,
- 2707,
- 954,
- 2711,
- 954,
- 2711,
- 958,
- 2708,
- 958,
- 2706,
- 959,
- 2703,
- 961,
- 2700,
- 963,
- 2698,
- 965,
- 2696,
- 968,
- 2694,
- 971,
- 2693,
- 973,
- 2693,
- 976,
+ 2689, 976, 2689, 972, 2690, 968, 2692, 965, 2694, 962, 2697, 959, 2700, 957,
+ 2703, 955, 2707, 954, 2711, 954, 2711, 958, 2708, 958, 2706, 959, 2703, 961,
+ 2700, 963, 2698, 965, 2696, 968, 2694, 971, 2693, 973, 2693, 976,
[2711, 954, 2740, 954, 2740, 958, 2711, 958],
@@ -25124,132 +5446,24 @@
K01571: [
[1728, 1613, 1754, 1613, 1754, 1617, 1728, 1617],
- 1754,
- 1617,
- 1758,
- 1616,
- 1762,
- 1616,
- 1765,
- 1617,
- 1768,
- 1619,
- 1770,
- 1621,
- 1772,
- 1624,
- 1773,
- 1627,
- 1773,
- 1631,
- 1772,
- 1635,
- 1776,
- 1635,
- 1774,
- 1632,
- 1773,
- 1629,
- 1770,
- 1627,
- 1768,
- 1624,
- 1765,
- 1621,
- 1762,
- 1619,
- 1760,
- 1616,
- 1757,
- 1615,
- 1754,
+ 1754, 1617, 1758, 1616, 1762, 1616, 1765, 1617, 1768, 1619, 1770, 1621, 1772,
+ 1624, 1773, 1627, 1773, 1631, 1772, 1635, 1776, 1635, 1774, 1632, 1773, 1629,
+ 1770, 1627, 1768, 1624, 1765, 1621, 1762, 1619, 1760, 1616, 1757, 1615, 1754,
[1772, 1635, 1772, 1780, 1776, 1780, 1776, 1635],
- 1776,
- 1780,
- 1776,
- 1783,
- 1777,
- 1785,
- 1779,
- 1788,
- 1781,
- 1791,
- 1783,
- 1793,
- 1786,
- 1795,
- 1789,
- 1797,
- 1791,
- 1798,
- 1794,
- 1798,
- 1794,
- 1802,
- 1790,
- 1802,
- 1786,
- 1801,
- 1783,
- 1799,
- 1780,
- 1797,
- 1777,
- 1794,
- 1775,
- 1791,
- 1773,
- 1788,
- 1772,
- 1784,
- 1772,
+ 1776, 1780, 1776, 1783, 1777, 1785, 1779, 1788, 1781, 1791, 1783, 1793, 1786,
+ 1795, 1789, 1797, 1791, 1798, 1794, 1798, 1794, 1802, 1790, 1802, 1786, 1801,
+ 1783, 1799, 1780, 1797, 1777, 1794, 1775, 1791, 1773, 1788, 1772, 1784, 1772,
[1794, 1798, 2112, 1798, 2112, 1802, 1794, 1802],
[1640, 1476, 1640, 1229, 1644, 1229, 1644, 1476],
- 1640,
- 1229,
- 1640,
- 1225,
- 1641,
- 1221,
- 1643,
- 1218,
- 1645,
- 1215,
- 1648,
- 1212,
- 1651,
- 1210,
- 1654,
- 1208,
- 1658,
- 1207,
- 1662,
- 1207,
- 1662,
- 1211,
- 1659,
- 1211,
- 1657,
- 1212,
- 1654,
- 1214,
- 1651,
- 1216,
- 1649,
- 1218,
- 1647,
- 1221,
- 1645,
- 1224,
- 1644,
- 1226,
- 1644,
+ 1640, 1229, 1640, 1225, 1641, 1221, 1643, 1218, 1645, 1215, 1648, 1212, 1651,
+ 1210, 1654, 1208, 1658, 1207, 1662, 1207, 1662, 1211, 1659, 1211, 1657, 1212,
+ 1654, 1214, 1651, 1216, 1649, 1218, 1647, 1221, 1645, 1224, 1644, 1226, 1644,
[1662, 1207, 1721, 1207, 1721, 1211, 1662, 1211],
@@ -25257,90 +5471,18 @@
K10216: [
[1366, 1823, 1366, 1930, 1370, 1930, 1370, 1823],
- 1370,
- 1930,
- 1370,
- 1933,
- 1371,
- 1935,
- 1373,
- 1938,
- 1375,
- 1941,
- 1377,
- 1943,
- 1380,
- 1945,
- 1383,
- 1947,
- 1385,
- 1948,
- 1388,
- 1948,
- 1388,
- 1952,
- 1384,
- 1952,
- 1380,
- 1951,
- 1377,
- 1949,
- 1374,
- 1947,
- 1371,
- 1944,
- 1369,
- 1941,
- 1367,
- 1938,
- 1366,
- 1934,
- 1366,
+ 1370, 1930, 1370, 1933, 1371, 1935, 1373, 1938, 1375, 1941, 1377, 1943, 1380,
+ 1945, 1383, 1947, 1385, 1948, 1388, 1948, 1388, 1952, 1384, 1952, 1380, 1951,
+ 1377, 1949, 1374, 1947, 1371, 1944, 1369, 1941, 1367, 1938, 1366, 1934, 1366,
[1388, 1948, 1434, 1948, 1434, 1952, 1388, 1952],
[1267, 2061, 1365, 2061, 1365, 2065, 1267, 2065],
[1307, 1791, 1348, 1791, 1348, 1795, 1307, 1795],
- 1348,
- 1795,
- 1352,
- 1794,
- 1356,
- 1794,
- 1359,
- 1795,
- 1362,
- 1797,
- 1364,
- 1799,
- 1366,
- 1802,
- 1367,
- 1805,
- 1367,
- 1809,
- 1366,
- 1813,
- 1370,
- 1813,
- 1368,
- 1810,
- 1367,
- 1807,
- 1364,
- 1805,
- 1362,
- 1802,
- 1359,
- 1799,
- 1356,
- 1797,
- 1354,
- 1794,
- 1351,
- 1793,
- 1348,
+ 1348, 1795, 1352, 1794, 1356, 1794, 1359, 1795, 1362, 1797, 1364, 1799, 1366,
+ 1802, 1367, 1805, 1367, 1809, 1366, 1813, 1370, 1813, 1368, 1810, 1367, 1807,
+ 1364, 1805, 1362, 1802, 1359, 1799, 1356, 1797, 1354, 1794, 1351, 1793, 1348,
[1366, 1813, 1366, 1825, 1370, 1825, 1370, 1813],
@@ -25349,45 +5491,9 @@
[2059, 1206, 2059, 1296, 2063, 1296, 2063, 1206],
[2059, 1294, 2059, 1273, 2063, 1273, 2063, 1294],
- 2063,
- 1273,
- 2063,
- 1270,
- 2062,
- 1267,
- 2061,
- 1264,
- 2059,
- 1261,
- 2057,
- 1259,
- 2054,
- 1257,
- 2051,
- 1256,
- 2048,
- 1255,
- 2045,
- 1255,
- 2045,
- 1259,
- 2047,
- 1259,
- 2049,
- 1260,
- 2051,
- 1261,
- 2053,
- 1263,
- 2055,
- 1265,
- 2057,
- 1267,
- 2058,
- 1269,
- 2059,
- 1271,
- 2059,
+ 2063, 1273, 2063, 1270, 2062, 1267, 2061, 1264, 2059, 1261, 2057, 1259, 2054,
+ 1257, 2051, 1256, 2048, 1255, 2045, 1255, 2045, 1259, 2047, 1259, 2049, 1260,
+ 2051, 1261, 2053, 1263, 2055, 1265, 2057, 1267, 2058, 1269, 2059, 1271, 2059,
[2045, 1255, 2029, 1255, 2029, 1259, 2045, 1259],
@@ -25396,45 +5502,9 @@
K00239: [
[1569, 1800, 1567, 1798, 1571, 1798, 1573, 1800],
- 1571,
- 1798,
- 1565,
- 1791,
- 1558,
- 1782,
- 1552,
- 1772,
- 1545,
- 1762,
- 1539,
- 1752,
- 1533,
- 1742,
- 1528,
- 1732,
- 1523,
- 1722,
- 1519,
- 1714,
- 1523,
- 1714,
- 1524,
- 1723,
- 1527,
- 1734,
- 1531,
- 1744,
- 1536,
- 1755,
- 1542,
- 1765,
- 1548,
- 1775,
- 1554,
- 1784,
- 1561,
- 1792,
- 1567,
+ 1571, 1798, 1565, 1791, 1558, 1782, 1552, 1772, 1545, 1762, 1539, 1752, 1533,
+ 1742, 1528, 1732, 1523, 1722, 1519, 1714, 1523, 1714, 1524, 1723, 1527, 1734,
+ 1531, 1744, 1536, 1755, 1542, 1765, 1548, 1775, 1554, 1784, 1561, 1792, 1567,
[1519, 1714, 1517, 1704, 1521, 1704, 1523, 1714],
@@ -25451,396 +5521,65 @@
K00738: [
[982, 294, 1015, 294, 1015, 298, 982, 298],
- 1015,
- 298,
- 1018,
- 297,
- 1021,
- 297,
- 1024,
- 298,
- 1026,
- 299,
- 1028,
- 301,
- 1029,
- 303,
- 1030,
- 306,
- 1030,
- 309,
- 1029,
- 312,
- 1033,
- 312,
- 1032,
- 310,
- 1030,
- 308,
- 1028,
- 306,
- 1026,
- 303,
- 1024,
- 301,
- 1021,
- 299,
- 1019,
- 297,
- 1017,
- 295,
- 1015,
- 294,
+ 1015, 298, 1018, 297, 1021, 297, 1024, 298, 1026, 299, 1028, 301, 1029, 303,
+ 1030, 306, 1030, 309, 1029, 312, 1033, 312, 1032, 310, 1030, 308, 1028, 306,
+ 1026, 303, 1024, 301, 1021, 299, 1019, 297, 1017, 295, 1015, 294,
[1029, 312, 1029, 328, 1033, 328, 1033, 312],
K01695: [
[2813, 958, 2813, 945, 2817, 945, 2817, 958],
- 2813,
- 945,
- 2813,
- 941,
- 2814,
- 937,
- 2816,
- 934,
- 2818,
- 931,
- 2821,
- 928,
- 2824,
- 926,
- 2827,
- 924,
- 2831,
- 923,
- 2835,
- 923,
- 2835,
- 927,
- 2832,
- 927,
- 2830,
- 928,
- 2827,
- 930,
- 2824,
- 932,
- 2822,
- 934,
- 2820,
- 937,
- 2818,
- 940,
- 2817,
- 942,
- 2817,
- 945,
+ 2813, 945, 2813, 941, 2814, 937, 2816, 934, 2818, 931, 2821, 928, 2824, 926,
+ 2827, 924, 2831, 923, 2835, 923, 2835, 927, 2832, 927, 2830, 928, 2827, 930,
+ 2824, 932, 2822, 934, 2820, 937, 2818, 940, 2817, 942, 2817, 945,
[2835, 923, 2857, 923, 2857, 927, 2835, 927],
[2813, 955, 2813, 968, 2817, 968, 2817, 955],
- 2817,
- 968,
- 2817,
- 971,
- 2818,
- 973,
- 2820,
- 976,
- 2822,
- 979,
- 2824,
- 981,
- 2827,
- 983,
- 2830,
- 985,
- 2832,
- 986,
- 2835,
- 986,
- 2835,
- 990,
- 2831,
- 990,
- 2827,
- 989,
- 2824,
- 987,
- 2821,
- 985,
- 2818,
- 982,
- 2816,
- 979,
- 2814,
- 976,
- 2813,
- 972,
- 2813,
- 968,
+ 2817, 968, 2817, 971, 2818, 973, 2820, 976, 2822, 979, 2824, 981, 2827, 983,
+ 2830, 985, 2832, 986, 2835, 986, 2835, 990, 2831, 990, 2827, 989, 2824, 987,
+ 2821, 985, 2818, 982, 2816, 979, 2814, 976, 2813, 972, 2813, 968,
[2835, 986, 2857, 986, 2857, 990, 2835, 990],
[2854, 987, 2854, 958, 2858, 958, 2858, 987],
- 2858,
- 958,
- 2858,
- 954,
- 2857,
- 950,
- 2855,
- 947,
- 2853,
- 944,
- 2850,
- 941,
- 2847,
- 939,
- 2844,
- 937,
- 2840,
- 936,
- 2836,
- 936,
- 2836,
- 940,
- 2839,
- 940,
- 2841,
- 941,
- 2844,
- 943,
- 2847,
- 945,
- 2849,
- 947,
- 2851,
- 950,
- 2853,
- 953,
- 2854,
- 955,
- 2854,
- 958,
+ 2858, 958, 2858, 954, 2857, 950, 2855, 947, 2853, 944, 2850, 941, 2847, 939,
+ 2844, 937, 2840, 936, 2836, 936, 2836, 940, 2839, 940, 2841, 941, 2844, 943,
+ 2847, 945, 2849, 947, 2851, 950, 2853, 953, 2854, 955, 2854, 958,
[2836, 936, 2333, 936, 2333, 940, 2836, 940],
- 2333,
- 936,
- 2329,
- 936,
- 2325,
- 937,
- 2322,
- 939,
- 2319,
- 941,
- 2316,
- 944,
- 2314,
- 947,
- 2312,
- 950,
- 2311,
- 954,
- 2311,
- 958,
- 2315,
- 958,
- 2315,
- 955,
- 2316,
- 953,
- 2318,
- 950,
- 2320,
- 947,
- 2322,
- 945,
- 2325,
- 943,
- 2328,
- 941,
- 2330,
- 940,
- 2333,
- 940,
+ 2333, 936, 2329, 936, 2325, 937, 2322, 939, 2319, 941, 2316, 944, 2314, 947,
+ 2312, 950, 2311, 954, 2311, 958, 2315, 958, 2315, 955, 2316, 953, 2318, 950,
+ 2320, 947, 2322, 945, 2325, 943, 2328, 941, 2330, 940, 2333, 940,
[2311, 958, 2311, 1189, 2315, 1189, 2315, 958],
- 2311,
- 1189,
- 2311,
- 1192,
- 2310,
- 1194,
- 2308,
- 1197,
- 2306,
- 1200,
- 2304,
- 1202,
- 2301,
- 1204,
- 2298,
- 1206,
- 2296,
- 1207,
- 2293,
- 1207,
- 2293,
- 1211,
- 2297,
- 1211,
- 2301,
- 1210,
- 2304,
- 1208,
- 2307,
- 1206,
- 2310,
- 1203,
- 2312,
- 1200,
- 2314,
- 1197,
- 2315,
- 1193,
- 2315,
+ 2311, 1189, 2311, 1192, 2310, 1194, 2308, 1197, 2306, 1200, 2304, 1202, 2301,
+ 1204, 2298, 1206, 2296, 1207, 2293, 1207, 2293, 1211, 2297, 1211, 2301, 1210,
+ 2304, 1208, 2307, 1206, 2310, 1203, 2312, 1200, 2314, 1197, 2315, 1193, 2315,
[2293, 1207, 2285, 1207, 2285, 1211, 2293, 1211],
[2854, 923, 2854, 988, 2858, 988, 2858, 923],
[2854, 987, 2854, 958, 2858, 958, 2858, 987],
- 2858,
- 958,
- 2858,
- 954,
- 2857,
- 950,
- 2855,
- 947,
- 2853,
- 944,
- 2850,
- 941,
- 2847,
- 939,
- 2844,
- 937,
- 2840,
- 936,
- 2836,
- 936,
- 2836,
- 940,
- 2839,
- 940,
- 2841,
- 941,
- 2844,
- 943,
- 2847,
- 945,
- 2849,
- 947,
- 2851,
- 950,
- 2853,
- 953,
- 2854,
- 955,
- 2854,
- 958,
+ 2858, 958, 2858, 954, 2857, 950, 2855, 947, 2853, 944, 2850, 941, 2847, 939,
+ 2844, 937, 2840, 936, 2836, 936, 2836, 940, 2839, 940, 2841, 941, 2844, 943,
+ 2847, 945, 2849, 947, 2851, 950, 2853, 953, 2854, 955, 2854, 958,
[2836, 936, 2333, 936, 2333, 940, 2836, 940],
- 2333,
- 936,
- 2329,
- 936,
- 2325,
- 937,
- 2322,
- 939,
- 2319,
- 941,
- 2316,
- 944,
- 2314,
- 947,
- 2312,
- 950,
- 2311,
- 954,
- 2311,
- 958,
- 2315,
- 958,
- 2315,
- 955,
- 2316,
- 953,
- 2318,
- 950,
- 2320,
- 947,
- 2322,
- 945,
- 2325,
- 943,
- 2328,
- 941,
- 2330,
- 940,
- 2333,
- 940,
- ],
- [2311, 958, 2311, 1189, 2315, 1189, 2315, 958],
- [
- 2311,
- 1189,
- 2311,
- 1192,
- 2310,
- 1194,
- 2308,
- 1197,
- 2306,
- 1200,
- 2304,
- 1202,
- 2301,
- 1204,
- 2298,
- 1206,
- 2296,
- 1207,
- 2293,
- 1207,
- 2293,
- 1211,
- 2297,
- 1211,
- 2301,
- 1210,
- 2304,
- 1208,
- 2307,
- 1206,
- 2310,
- 1203,
- 2312,
- 1200,
- 2314,
- 1197,
- 2315,
- 1193,
- 2315,
+ 2333, 936, 2329, 936, 2325, 937, 2322, 939, 2319, 941, 2316, 944, 2314, 947,
+ 2312, 950, 2311, 954, 2311, 958, 2315, 958, 2315, 955, 2316, 953, 2318, 950,
+ 2320, 947, 2322, 945, 2325, 943, 2328, 941, 2330, 940, 2333, 940,
+ ],
+ [2311, 958, 2311, 1189, 2315, 1189, 2315, 958],
+ [
+ 2311, 1189, 2311, 1192, 2310, 1194, 2308, 1197, 2306, 1200, 2304, 1202, 2301,
+ 1204, 2298, 1206, 2296, 1207, 2293, 1207, 2293, 1211, 2297, 1211, 2301, 1210,
+ 2304, 1208, 2307, 1206, 2310, 1203, 2312, 1200, 2314, 1197, 2315, 1193, 2315,
[2293, 1207, 2285, 1207, 2285, 1211, 2293, 1211],
@@ -25853,178 +5592,32 @@
K00600: [
[2285, 1207, 2323, 1207, 2323, 1211, 2285, 1211],
- 2323,
- 1211,
- 2327,
- 1210,
- 2331,
- 1210,
- 2334,
- 1211,
- 2337,
- 1213,
- 2339,
- 1215,
- 2341,
- 1218,
- 2342,
- 1221,
- 2342,
- 1225,
- 2341,
- 1229,
- 2345,
- 1229,
- 2343,
- 1226,
- 2342,
- 1223,
- 2339,
- 1221,
- 2337,
- 1218,
- 2334,
- 1215,
- 2331,
- 1213,
- 2329,
- 1210,
- 2326,
- 1209,
- 2323,
+ 2323, 1211, 2327, 1210, 2331, 1210, 2334, 1211, 2337, 1213, 2339, 1215, 2341,
+ 1218, 2342, 1221, 2342, 1225, 2341, 1229, 2345, 1229, 2343, 1226, 2342, 1223,
+ 2339, 1221, 2337, 1218, 2334, 1215, 2331, 1213, 2329, 1210, 2326, 1209, 2323,
[2341, 1229, 2341, 1253, 2345, 1253, 2345, 1229],
[2287, 1207, 2484, 1207, 2484, 1211, 2287, 1211],
[2285, 1207, 2323, 1207, 2323, 1211, 2285, 1211],
- 2323,
- 1211,
- 2327,
- 1210,
- 2331,
- 1210,
- 2334,
- 1211,
- 2337,
- 1213,
- 2339,
- 1215,
- 2341,
- 1218,
- 2342,
- 1221,
- 2342,
- 1225,
- 2341,
- 1229,
- 2345,
- 1229,
- 2343,
- 1226,
- 2342,
- 1223,
- 2339,
- 1221,
- 2337,
- 1218,
- 2334,
- 1215,
- 2331,
- 1213,
- 2329,
- 1210,
- 2326,
- 1209,
- 2323,
+ 2323, 1211, 2327, 1210, 2331, 1210, 2334, 1211, 2337, 1213, 2339, 1215, 2341,
+ 1218, 2342, 1221, 2342, 1225, 2341, 1229, 2345, 1229, 2343, 1226, 2342, 1223,
+ 2339, 1221, 2337, 1218, 2334, 1215, 2331, 1213, 2329, 1210, 2326, 1209, 2323,
[2341, 1229, 2341, 1253, 2345, 1253, 2345, 1229],
[3300, 655, 3300, 620, 3304, 620, 3304, 655],
- 3300,
- 620,
- 3300,
- 616,
- 3301,
- 612,
- 3303,
- 609,
- 3305,
- 606,
- 3308,
- 603,
- 3311,
- 601,
- 3314,
- 599,
- 3318,
- 598,
- 3322,
- 598,
- 3322,
- 602,
- 3319,
- 602,
- 3317,
- 603,
- 3314,
- 605,
- 3311,
- 607,
- 3309,
- 609,
- 3307,
- 612,
- 3305,
- 615,
- 3304,
- 617,
- 3304,
- 620,
+ 3300, 620, 3300, 616, 3301, 612, 3303, 609, 3305, 606, 3308, 603, 3311, 601,
+ 3314, 599, 3318, 598, 3322, 598, 3322, 602, 3319, 602, 3317, 603, 3314, 605,
+ 3311, 607, 3309, 609, 3307, 612, 3305, 615, 3304, 617, 3304, 620,
[3322, 598, 3457, 598, 3457, 602, 3322, 602],
- 3457,
- 602,
- 3461,
- 601,
- 3465,
- 601,
- 3468,
- 602,
- 3471,
- 604,
- 3473,
- 606,
- 3475,
- 609,
- 3476,
- 612,
- 3476,
- 616,
- 3475,
- 620,
- 3479,
- 620,
- 3477,
- 617,
- 3476,
- 614,
- 3473,
- 612,
- 3471,
- 609,
- 3468,
- 606,
- 3465,
- 604,
- 3463,
- 601,
- 3460,
- 600,
- 3457,
- 598,
+ 3457, 602, 3461, 601, 3465, 601, 3468, 602, 3471, 604, 3473, 606, 3475, 609,
+ 3476, 612, 3476, 616, 3475, 620, 3479, 620, 3477, 617, 3476, 614, 3473, 612,
+ 3471, 609, 3468, 606, 3465, 604, 3463, 601, 3460, 600, 3457, 598,
[3475, 620, 3475, 655, 3479, 655, 3479, 620],
@@ -26032,45 +5625,9 @@
',': [
[2243, 1680, 2319, 1680, 2319, 1684, 2243, 1684],
- 2319,
- 1680,
- 2322,
- 1680,
- 2324,
- 1679,
- 2327,
- 1677,
- 2330,
- 1675,
- 2332,
- 1673,
- 2334,
- 1670,
- 2336,
- 1667,
- 2337,
- 1665,
- 2337,
- 1662,
- 2341,
- 1662,
- 2341,
- 1666,
- 2340,
- 1670,
- 2338,
- 1673,
- 2336,
- 1676,
- 2333,
- 1679,
- 2330,
- 1681,
- 2327,
- 1683,
- 2323,
- 1684,
- 2319,
+ 2319, 1680, 2322, 1680, 2324, 1679, 2327, 1677, 2330, 1675, 2332, 1673, 2334,
+ 1670, 2336, 1667, 2337, 1665, 2337, 1662, 2341, 1662, 2341, 1666, 2340, 1670,
+ 2338, 1673, 2336, 1676, 2333, 1679, 2330, 1681, 2327, 1683, 2323, 1684, 2319,
[2337, 1662, 2337, 1630, 2341, 1630, 2341, 1662],
@@ -26084,92 +5641,18 @@
K00220: [
[2593, 577, 2590, 577, 2590, 581, 2593, 581],
- 2590,
- 577,
- 2585,
- 578,
- 2580,
- 579,
- 2575,
- 581,
- 2571,
- 584,
- 2567,
- 588,
- 2564,
- 592,
- 2562,
- 597,
- 2561,
- 602,
- 2560,
- 607,
- 2564,
- 607,
- 2564,
- 603,
- 2566,
- 599,
- 2568,
- 595,
- 2571,
- 591,
- 2574,
- 588,
- 2578,
- 585,
- 2582,
- 583,
- 2586,
- 581,
- 2590,
- 581,
+ 2590, 577, 2585, 578, 2580, 579, 2575, 581, 2571, 584, 2567, 588, 2564, 592,
+ 2562, 597, 2561, 602, 2560, 607, 2564, 607, 2564, 603, 2566, 599, 2568, 595,
+ 2571, 591, 2574, 588, 2578, 585, 2582, 583, 2586, 581, 2590, 581,
[2560, 607, 2560, 679, 2564, 679, 2564, 607],
K01176: [
[1548, 297, 1548, 268, 1552, 268, 1552, 297],
- 1548,
- 268,
- 1548,
- 264,
- 1549,
- 260,
- 1551,
- 257,
- 1553,
- 254,
- 1556,
- 251,
- 1559,
- 249,
- 1562,
- 247,
- 1566,
- 246,
- 1570,
- 246,
- 1570,
- 250,
- 1567,
- 250,
- 1565,
- 251,
- 1562,
- 253,
- 1559,
- 255,
- 1557,
- 257,
- 1555,
- 260,
- 1553,
- 263,
- 1552,
- 265,
- 1552,
- 268,
+ 1548, 268, 1548, 264, 1549, 260, 1551, 257, 1553, 254, 1556, 251, 1559, 249,
+ 1562, 247, 1566, 246, 1570, 246, 1570, 250, 1567, 250, 1565, 251, 1562, 253,
+ 1559, 255, 1557, 257, 1555, 260, 1553, 263, 1552, 265, 1552, 268,
[1570, 246, 1588, 246, 1588, 250, 1570, 250],
@@ -26185,45 +5668,9 @@
[2427, 1798, 3075, 1798, 3075, 1802, 2427, 1802],
[2590, 1830, 2590, 1622, 2594, 1622, 2594, 1830],
- 2590,
- 1622,
- 2590,
- 1618,
- 2591,
- 1614,
- 2593,
- 1611,
- 2595,
- 1608,
- 2598,
- 1605,
- 2601,
- 1603,
- 2604,
- 1601,
- 2608,
- 1600,
- 2612,
- 1600,
- 2612,
- 1604,
- 2609,
- 1604,
- 2607,
- 1605,
- 2604,
- 1607,
- 2601,
- 1609,
- 2599,
- 1611,
- 2597,
- 1614,
- 2595,
- 1617,
- 2594,
- 1619,
- 2594,
+ 2590, 1622, 2590, 1618, 2591, 1614, 2593, 1611, 2595, 1608, 2598, 1605, 2601,
+ 1603, 2604, 1601, 2608, 1600, 2612, 1600, 2612, 1604, 2609, 1604, 2607, 1605,
+ 2604, 1607, 2601, 1609, 2599, 1611, 2597, 1614, 2595, 1617, 2594, 1619, 2594,
[2612, 1600, 3075, 1600, 3075, 1604, 2612, 1604],
@@ -26244,46 +5691,9 @@
K00500: [
[2452, 765, 2452, 607, 2456, 607, 2456, 765],
- 2452,
- 607,
- 2453,
- 602,
- 2454,
- 597,
- 2456,
- 592,
- 2459,
- 588,
- 2463,
- 584,
- 2467,
- 581,
- 2472,
- 579,
- 2477,
- 578,
- 2482,
- 577,
- 2482,
- 581,
- 2478,
- 581,
- 2474,
- 583,
- 2470,
- 585,
- 2466,
- 588,
- 2463,
- 591,
- 2460,
- 595,
- 2458,
- 599,
- 2456,
- 603,
- 2456,
- 607,
+ 2452, 607, 2453, 602, 2454, 597, 2456, 592, 2459, 588, 2463, 584, 2467, 581,
+ 2472, 579, 2477, 578, 2482, 577, 2482, 581, 2478, 581, 2474, 583, 2470, 585,
+ 2466, 588, 2463, 591, 2460, 595, 2458, 599, 2456, 603, 2456, 607,
[2482, 577, 2593, 577, 2593, 581, 2482, 581],
@@ -26291,45 +5701,9 @@
K01847: [
[1702, 1861, 1702, 1874, 1706, 1874, 1706, 1861],
- 1706,
- 1874,
- 1706,
- 1877,
- 1707,
- 1879,
- 1709,
- 1882,
- 1711,
- 1885,
- 1713,
- 1887,
- 1716,
- 1889,
- 1719,
- 1891,
- 1721,
- 1892,
- 1724,
- 1892,
- 1724,
- 1896,
- 1720,
- 1896,
- 1716,
- 1895,
- 1713,
- 1893,
- 1710,
- 1891,
- 1707,
- 1888,
- 1705,
- 1885,
- 1703,
- 1882,
- 1702,
- 1878,
- 1702,
+ 1706, 1874, 1706, 1877, 1707, 1879, 1709, 1882, 1711, 1885, 1713, 1887, 1716,
+ 1889, 1719, 1891, 1721, 1892, 1724, 1892, 1724, 1896, 1720, 1896, 1716, 1895,
+ 1713, 1893, 1710, 1891, 1707, 1888, 1705, 1885, 1703, 1882, 1702, 1878, 1702,
[1724, 1892, 2077, 1892, 2077, 1896, 1724, 1896],
@@ -26337,46 +5711,9 @@
K00790: [
[1560, 624, 1630, 624, 1630, 628, 1560, 628],
- 1630,
- 628,
- 1635,
- 627,
- 1640,
- 628,
- 1644,
- 629,
- 1647,
- 631,
- 1651,
- 635,
- 1653,
- 638,
- 1654,
- 642,
- 1655,
- 647,
- 1654,
- 652,
- 1658,
- 652,
- 1656,
- 648,
- 1654,
- 644,
- 1651,
- 641,
- 1648,
- 637,
- 1645,
- 634,
- 1641,
- 631,
- 1638,
- 628,
- 1634,
- 626,
- 1630,
- 624,
+ 1630, 628, 1635, 627, 1640, 628, 1644, 629, 1647, 631, 1651, 635, 1653, 638,
+ 1654, 642, 1655, 647, 1654, 652, 1658, 652, 1656, 648, 1654, 644, 1651, 641,
+ 1648, 637, 1645, 634, 1641, 631, 1638, 628, 1634, 626, 1630, 624,
[1654, 652, 1654, 800, 1658, 800, 1658, 652],
@@ -26394,45 +5731,9 @@
K01608: [
[1695, 1748, 1695, 1635, 1699, 1635, 1699, 1748],
- 1695,
- 1635,
- 1695,
- 1631,
- 1696,
- 1627,
- 1698,
- 1624,
- 1700,
- 1621,
- 1703,
- 1618,
- 1706,
- 1616,
- 1709,
- 1614,
- 1713,
- 1613,
- 1717,
- 1613,
- 1717,
- 1617,
- 1714,
- 1617,
- 1712,
- 1618,
- 1709,
- 1620,
- 1706,
- 1622,
- 1704,
- 1624,
- 1702,
- 1627,
- 1700,
- 1630,
- 1699,
- 1632,
- 1699,
+ 1695, 1635, 1695, 1631, 1696, 1627, 1698, 1624, 1700, 1621, 1703, 1618, 1706,
+ 1616, 1709, 1614, 1713, 1613, 1717, 1613, 1717, 1617, 1714, 1617, 1712, 1618,
+ 1709, 1620, 1706, 1622, 1704, 1624, 1702, 1627, 1700, 1630, 1699, 1632, 1699,
[1717, 1613, 1730, 1613, 1730, 1617, 1717, 1617],
@@ -26447,88 +5748,16 @@
K01011: [
[1718, 1210, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1210],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2399, 1170, 2399, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2399,
- 1170,
- 2403,
- 1170,
- 2407,
- 1168,
- 2411,
- 1166,
- 2415,
- 1163,
- 2418,
- 1160,
- 2421,
- 1156,
- 2423,
- 1152,
- 2425,
- 1148,
- 2425,
- 1144,
- 2429,
- 1144,
- 2428,
- 1149,
- 2427,
- 1154,
- 2425,
- 1159,
- 2422,
- 1163,
- 2418,
- 1167,
- 2414,
- 1170,
- 2409,
- 1172,
- 2404,
- 1173,
- 2399,
+ 2399, 1170, 2403, 1170, 2407, 1168, 2411, 1166, 2415, 1163, 2418, 1160, 2421,
+ 1156, 2423, 1152, 2425, 1148, 2425, 1144, 2429, 1144, 2428, 1149, 2427, 1154,
+ 2425, 1159, 2422, 1163, 2418, 1167, 2414, 1170, 2409, 1172, 2404, 1173, 2399,
[2425, 1144, 2425, 924, 2429, 924, 2429, 1144],
@@ -26541,45 +5770,9 @@
K01582: [
[2242, 1682, 2242, 1868, 2246, 1868, 2246, 1682],
- 2246,
- 1868,
- 2246,
- 1871,
- 2247,
- 1873,
- 2249,
- 1876,
- 2251,
- 1879,
- 2253,
- 1881,
- 2256,
- 1883,
- 2259,
- 1885,
- 2261,
- 1886,
- 2264,
- 1886,
- 2264,
- 1890,
- 2260,
- 1890,
- 2256,
- 1889,
- 2253,
- 1887,
- 2250,
- 1885,
- 2247,
- 1882,
- 2245,
- 1879,
- 2243,
- 1876,
- 2242,
- 1872,
- 2242,
+ 2246, 1868, 2246, 1871, 2247, 1873, 2249, 1876, 2251, 1879, 2253, 1881, 2256,
+ 1883, 2259, 1885, 2261, 1886, 2264, 1886, 2264, 1890, 2260, 1890, 2256, 1889,
+ 2253, 1887, 2250, 1885, 2247, 1882, 2245, 1879, 2243, 1876, 2242, 1872, 2242,
[2264, 1886, 2898, 1886, 2898, 1890, 2264, 1890],
@@ -26587,131 +5780,23 @@
K01902: [
[1704, 1861, 1678, 1857, 1678, 1861, 1704, 1865],
- 1678,
- 1861,
- 1676,
- 1859,
- 1674,
- 1858,
- 1671,
- 1857,
- 1668,
- 1855,
- 1665,
- 1854,
- 1662,
- 1853,
- 1659,
- 1852,
- 1656,
- 1852,
- 1653,
- 1851,
- 1653,
- 1855,
- 1655,
- 1856,
- 1657,
- 1856,
- 1659,
- 1857,
- 1662,
- 1858,
- 1665,
- 1858,
- 1668,
- 1858,
- 1672,
- 1858,
- 1675,
- 1858,
- 1678,
+ 1678, 1861, 1676, 1859, 1674, 1858, 1671, 1857, 1668, 1855, 1665, 1854, 1662,
+ 1853, 1659, 1852, 1656, 1852, 1653, 1851, 1653, 1855, 1655, 1856, 1657, 1856,
+ 1659, 1857, 1662, 1858, 1665, 1858, 1668, 1858, 1672, 1858, 1675, 1858, 1678,
[1653, 1851, 1638, 1846, 1638, 1850, 1653, 1855],
- 1638,
- 1850,
- 1636,
- 1848,
- 1634,
- 1846,
- 1632,
- 1844,
- 1629,
- 1843,
- 1627,
- 1841,
- 1624,
- 1839,
- 1621,
- 1838,
- 1618,
- 1836,
- 1615,
- 1835,
- 1615,
- 1839,
- 1617,
- 1840,
- 1619,
- 1842,
- 1621,
- 1843,
- 1624,
- 1844,
- 1626,
- 1845,
- 1629,
- 1846,
- 1632,
- 1846,
- 1635,
- 1846,
- 1638,
+ 1638, 1850, 1636, 1848, 1634, 1846, 1632, 1844, 1629, 1843, 1627, 1841, 1624,
+ 1839, 1621, 1838, 1618, 1836, 1615, 1835, 1615, 1839, 1617, 1840, 1619, 1842,
+ 1621, 1843, 1624, 1844, 1626, 1845, 1629, 1846, 1632, 1846, 1635, 1846, 1638,
[1615, 1835, 1606, 1830, 1606, 1834, 1615, 1839],
- 1606,
- 1834,
- 1604,
- 1831,
- 1603,
- 1829,
- 1600,
- 1826,
- 1598,
- 1824,
- 1595,
- 1822,
- 1592,
- 1820,
- 1590,
- 1818,
- 1587,
- 1817,
- 1584,
- 1816,
- 1588,
- 1816,
- 1588,
- 1818,
- 1589,
- 1820,
- 1591,
- 1822,
- 1593,
- 1824,
- 1595,
- 1826,
- 1598,
- 1828,
- 1601,
- 1829,
- 1603,
- 1830,
- 1606,
+ 1606, 1834, 1604, 1831, 1603, 1829, 1600, 1826, 1598, 1824, 1595, 1822, 1592,
+ 1820, 1590, 1818, 1587, 1817, 1584, 1816, 1588, 1816, 1588, 1818, 1589, 1820,
+ 1591, 1822, 1593, 1824, 1595, 1826, 1598, 1828, 1601, 1829, 1603, 1830, 1606,
[1584, 1816, 1568, 1800, 1572, 1800, 1588, 1816],
@@ -26723,45 +5808,9 @@
K01006: [
[1249, 1757, 1249, 1752, 1253, 1752, 1253, 1757],
- 1249,
- 1752,
- 1249,
- 1748,
- 1250,
- 1744,
- 1252,
- 1741,
- 1254,
- 1738,
- 1257,
- 1735,
- 1260,
- 1733,
- 1263,
- 1731,
- 1267,
- 1730,
- 1271,
- 1730,
- 1271,
- 1734,
- 1268,
- 1734,
- 1266,
- 1735,
- 1263,
- 1737,
- 1260,
- 1739,
- 1258,
- 1741,
- 1256,
- 1744,
- 1254,
- 1747,
- 1253,
- 1749,
- 1253,
+ 1249, 1752, 1249, 1748, 1250, 1744, 1252, 1741, 1254, 1738, 1257, 1735, 1260,
+ 1733, 1263, 1731, 1267, 1730, 1271, 1730, 1271, 1734, 1268, 1734, 1266, 1735,
+ 1263, 1737, 1260, 1739, 1258, 1741, 1256, 1744, 1254, 1747, 1253, 1749, 1253,
[1271, 1730, 1296, 1730, 1296, 1734, 1271, 1734],
@@ -26770,91 +5819,18 @@
K08021: [
[572, 590, 722, 590, 722, 594, 572, 594],
- 722,
- 590,
- 725,
- 590,
- 727,
- 589,
- 730,
- 587,
- 733,
- 585,
- 735,
- 583,
- 737,
- 580,
- 739,
- 577,
- 740,
- 575,
- 740,
- 572,
- 744,
- 572,
- 744,
- 576,
- 743,
- 580,
- 741,
- 583,
- 739,
- 586,
- 736,
- 589,
- 733,
- 591,
- 730,
- 593,
- 726,
- 594,
- 722,
- 594,
+ 722, 590, 725, 590, 727, 589, 730, 587, 733, 585, 735, 583, 737, 580, 739, 577,
+ 740, 575, 740, 572, 744, 572, 744, 576, 743, 580, 741, 583, 739, 586, 736, 589,
+ 733, 591, 730, 593, 726, 594, 722, 594,
[740, 572, 740, 556, 744, 556, 744, 572],
K00651: [
[2562, 1409, 2509, 1409, 2509, 1413, 2562, 1413],
- 2509,
- 1409,
- 2504,
- 1410,
- 2499,
- 1411,
- 2495,
- 1413,
- 2490,
- 1416,
- 2487,
- 1420,
- 2483,
- 1424,
- 2481,
- 1429,
- 2480,
- 1434,
- 2479,
- 1439,
- 2483,
- 1439,
- 2484,
- 1435,
- 2485,
- 1431,
- 2487,
- 1427,
- 2490,
- 1423,
- 2494,
- 1420,
- 2497,
- 1417,
- 2501,
- 1415,
- 2505,
- 1413,
- 2509,
+ 2509, 1409, 2504, 1410, 2499, 1411, 2495, 1413, 2490, 1416, 2487, 1420, 2483,
+ 1424, 2481, 1429, 2480, 1434, 2479, 1439, 2483, 1439, 2484, 1435, 2485, 1431,
+ 2487, 1427, 2490, 1423, 2494, 1420, 2497, 1417, 2501, 1415, 2505, 1413, 2509,
[2479, 1439, 2479, 1453, 2483, 1453, 2483, 1439],
@@ -26871,263 +5847,41 @@
K03848: [
[911, 181, 911, 118, 915, 118, 915, 181],
- 915,
- 118,
- 915,
- 115,
- 914,
- 112,
- 913,
- 110,
- 912,
- 108,
- 910,
- 106,
- 908,
- 105,
- 906,
- 104,
- 903,
- 103,
- 900,
- 103,
- 900,
- 107,
- 902,
- 107,
- 903,
- 108,
- 905,
- 109,
- 907,
- 110,
- 908,
- 111,
- 909,
- 113,
- 910,
- 115,
- 911,
- 116,
- 911,
- 118,
+ 915, 118, 915, 115, 914, 112, 913, 110, 912, 108, 910, 106, 908, 105, 906, 104,
+ 903, 103, 900, 103, 900, 107, 902, 107, 903, 108, 905, 109, 907, 110, 908, 111,
+ 909, 113, 910, 115, 911, 116, 911, 118,
[900, 103, 896, 103, 896, 107, 900, 107],
- 896,
- 103,
- 893,
- 103,
- 890,
- 104,
- 888,
- 105,
- 886,
- 106,
- 884,
- 108,
- 883,
- 110,
- 882,
- 112,
- 881,
- 115,
- 881,
- 118,
- 885,
- 118,
- 885,
- 116,
- 886,
- 115,
- 887,
- 113,
- 888,
- 111,
- 889,
- 110,
- 891,
- 109,
- 893,
- 108,
- 894,
- 107,
- 896,
- 107,
+ 896, 103, 893, 103, 890, 104, 888, 105, 886, 106, 884, 108, 883, 110, 882, 112,
+ 881, 115, 881, 118, 885, 118, 885, 116, 886, 115, 887, 113, 888, 111, 889, 110,
+ 891, 109, 893, 108, 894, 107, 896, 107,
[881, 118, 881, 526, 885, 526, 885, 118],
- 881,
- 526,
- 881,
- 528,
- 880,
- 529,
- 879,
- 531,
- 878,
- 533,
- 877,
- 534,
- 875,
- 535,
- 873,
- 536,
- 872,
- 537,
- 870,
- 537,
- 870,
- 541,
- 873,
- 541,
- 876,
- 540,
- 878,
- 539,
- 880,
- 538,
- 882,
- 536,
- 883,
- 534,
- 884,
- 532,
- 885,
- 529,
- 885,
- 526,
+ 881, 526, 881, 528, 880, 529, 879, 531, 878, 533, 877, 534, 875, 535, 873, 536,
+ 872, 537, 870, 537, 870, 541, 873, 541, 876, 540, 878, 539, 880, 538, 882, 536,
+ 883, 534, 884, 532, 885, 529, 885, 526,
[870, 537, 848, 537, 848, 541, 870, 541],
[911, 68, 911, 182, 915, 182, 915, 68],
[911, 181, 911, 118, 915, 118, 915, 181],
- 915,
- 118,
- 915,
- 115,
- 914,
- 112,
- 913,
- 110,
- 912,
- 108,
- 910,
- 106,
- 908,
- 105,
- 906,
- 104,
- 903,
- 103,
- 900,
- 103,
- 900,
- 107,
- 902,
- 107,
- 903,
- 108,
- 905,
- 109,
- 907,
- 110,
- 908,
- 111,
- 909,
- 113,
- 910,
- 115,
- 911,
- 116,
- 911,
- 118,
+ 915, 118, 915, 115, 914, 112, 913, 110, 912, 108, 910, 106, 908, 105, 906, 104,
+ 903, 103, 900, 103, 900, 107, 902, 107, 903, 108, 905, 109, 907, 110, 908, 111,
+ 909, 113, 910, 115, 911, 116, 911, 118,
[900, 103, 896, 103, 896, 107, 900, 107],
- 896,
- 103,
- 893,
- 103,
- 890,
- 104,
- 888,
- 105,
- 886,
- 106,
- 884,
- 108,
- 883,
- 110,
- 882,
- 112,
- 881,
- 115,
- 881,
- 118,
- 885,
- 118,
- 885,
- 116,
- 886,
- 115,
- 887,
- 113,
- 888,
- 111,
- 889,
- 110,
- 891,
- 109,
- 893,
- 108,
- 894,
- 107,
- 896,
- 107,
+ 896, 103, 893, 103, 890, 104, 888, 105, 886, 106, 884, 108, 883, 110, 882, 112,
+ 881, 115, 881, 118, 885, 118, 885, 116, 886, 115, 887, 113, 888, 111, 889, 110,
+ 891, 109, 893, 108, 894, 107, 896, 107,
[881, 118, 881, 526, 885, 526, 885, 118],
- 881,
- 526,
- 881,
- 528,
- 880,
- 529,
- 879,
- 531,
- 878,
- 533,
- 877,
- 534,
- 875,
- 535,
- 873,
- 536,
- 872,
- 537,
- 870,
- 537,
- 870,
- 541,
- 873,
- 541,
- 876,
- 540,
- 878,
- 539,
- 880,
- 538,
- 882,
- 536,
- 883,
- 534,
- 884,
- 532,
- 885,
- 529,
- 885,
- 526,
+ 881, 526, 881, 528, 880, 529, 879, 531, 878, 533, 877, 534, 875, 535, 873, 536,
+ 872, 537, 870, 537, 870, 541, 873, 541, 876, 540, 878, 539, 880, 538, 882, 536,
+ 883, 534, 884, 532, 885, 529, 885, 526,
[870, 537, 848, 537, 848, 541, 870, 541],
@@ -27139,45 +5893,9 @@
K00158: [
[1749, 1279, 1748, 1279, 1748, 1283, 1749, 1283],
- 1748,
- 1283,
- 1744,
- 1281,
- 1740,
- 1279,
- 1736,
- 1276,
- 1732,
- 1273,
- 1728,
- 1269,
- 1725,
- 1265,
- 1722,
- 1261,
- 1720,
- 1257,
- 1718,
- 1253,
- 1722,
- 1253,
- 1721,
- 1258,
- 1722,
- 1263,
- 1723,
- 1268,
- 1726,
- 1272,
- 1729,
- 1275,
- 1733,
- 1278,
- 1738,
- 1279,
- 1743,
- 1280,
- 1748,
+ 1748, 1283, 1744, 1281, 1740, 1279, 1736, 1276, 1732, 1273, 1728, 1269, 1725,
+ 1265, 1722, 1261, 1720, 1257, 1718, 1253, 1722, 1253, 1721, 1258, 1722, 1263,
+ 1723, 1268, 1726, 1272, 1729, 1275, 1733, 1278, 1738, 1279, 1743, 1280, 1748,
[1718, 1253, 1718, 1208, 1722, 1208, 1722, 1253],
@@ -27196,46 +5914,9 @@
K05351: [
[1974, 403, 1974, 448, 1978, 448, 1978, 403],
- 1974,
- 448,
- 1974,
- 451,
- 1973,
- 453,
- 1971,
- 456,
- 1969,
- 459,
- 1967,
- 461,
- 1964,
- 463,
- 1961,
- 465,
- 1959,
- 466,
- 1956,
- 466,
- 1956,
- 470,
- 1960,
- 470,
- 1964,
- 469,
- 1967,
- 467,
- 1970,
- 465,
- 1973,
- 462,
- 1975,
- 459,
- 1977,
- 456,
- 1978,
- 452,
- 1978,
- 448,
+ 1974, 448, 1974, 451, 1973, 453, 1971, 456, 1969, 459, 1967, 461, 1964, 463,
+ 1961, 465, 1959, 466, 1956, 466, 1956, 470, 1960, 470, 1964, 469, 1967, 467,
+ 1970, 465, 1973, 462, 1975, 459, 1977, 456, 1978, 452, 1978, 448,
[1956, 466, 1918, 466, 1918, 470, 1956, 470],
@@ -27243,133 +5924,25 @@
K01255: [
[2449, 1962, 2449, 1881, 2453, 1881, 2453, 1962],
- 2449,
- 1881,
- 2449,
- 1876,
- 2451,
- 1872,
- 2453,
- 1867,
- 2456,
- 1864,
- 2459,
- 1860,
- 2463,
- 1858,
- 2467,
- 1856,
- 2471,
- 1854,
- 2476,
- 1854,
- 2476,
- 1858,
- 2473,
- 1858,
- 2469,
- 1860,
- 2466,
- 1862,
- 2462,
- 1864,
- 2459,
- 1867,
- 2457,
- 1870,
- 2455,
- 1874,
- 2453,
- 1877,
- 2453,
+ 2449, 1881, 2449, 1876, 2451, 1872, 2453, 1867, 2456, 1864, 2459, 1860, 2463,
+ 1858, 2467, 1856, 2471, 1854, 2476, 1854, 2476, 1858, 2473, 1858, 2469, 1860,
+ 2466, 1862, 2462, 1864, 2459, 1867, 2457, 1870, 2455, 1874, 2453, 1877, 2453,
[2476, 1854, 2654, 1854, 2654, 1858, 2476, 1858],
[2449, 1980, 2449, 1229, 2453, 1229, 2453, 1980],
- 2449,
- 1229,
- 2449,
- 1225,
- 2450,
- 1221,
- 2452,
- 1218,
- 2454,
- 1215,
- 2457,
- 1212,
- 2460,
- 1210,
- 2463,
- 1208,
- 2467,
- 1207,
- 2471,
- 1207,
- 2471,
- 1211,
- 2468,
- 1211,
- 2466,
- 1212,
- 2463,
- 1214,
- 2460,
- 1216,
- 2458,
- 1218,
- 2456,
- 1221,
- 2454,
- 1224,
- 2453,
- 1226,
- 2453,
+ 2449, 1229, 2449, 1225, 2450, 1221, 2452, 1218, 2454, 1215, 2457, 1212, 2460,
+ 1210, 2463, 1208, 2467, 1207, 2471, 1207, 2471, 1211, 2468, 1211, 2466, 1212,
+ 2463, 1214, 2460, 1216, 2458, 1218, 2456, 1221, 2454, 1224, 2453, 1226, 2453,
[2471, 1207, 2482, 1207, 2482, 1211, 2471, 1211],
[2449, 1962, 2449, 1881, 2453, 1881, 2453, 1962],
- 2449,
- 1881,
- 2449,
- 1876,
- 2451,
- 1872,
- 2453,
- 1867,
- 2456,
- 1864,
- 2459,
- 1860,
- 2463,
- 1858,
- 2467,
- 1856,
- 2471,
- 1854,
- 2476,
- 1854,
- 2476,
- 1858,
- 2473,
- 1858,
- 2469,
- 1860,
- 2466,
- 1862,
- 2462,
- 1864,
- 2459,
- 1867,
- 2457,
- 1870,
- 2455,
- 1874,
- 2453,
- 1877,
- 2453,
+ 2449, 1881, 2449, 1876, 2451, 1872, 2453, 1867, 2456, 1864, 2459, 1860, 2463,
+ 1858, 2467, 1856, 2471, 1854, 2476, 1854, 2476, 1858, 2473, 1858, 2469, 1860,
+ 2466, 1862, 2462, 1864, 2459, 1867, 2457, 1870, 2455, 1874, 2453, 1877, 2453,
[2476, 1854, 2654, 1854, 2654, 1858, 2476, 1858],
@@ -27378,46 +5951,9 @@
K01934: [
[3362, 687, 3399, 687, 3399, 691, 3362, 691],
- 3399,
- 687,
- 3402,
- 687,
- 3404,
- 686,
- 3407,
- 684,
- 3410,
- 682,
- 3412,
- 680,
- 3414,
- 677,
- 3416,
- 674,
- 3417,
- 672,
- 3417,
- 669,
- 3421,
- 669,
- 3421,
- 673,
- 3420,
- 677,
- 3418,
- 680,
- 3416,
- 683,
- 3413,
- 686,
- 3410,
- 688,
- 3407,
- 690,
- 3403,
- 691,
- 3399,
- 691,
+ 3399, 687, 3402, 687, 3404, 686, 3407, 684, 3410, 682, 3412, 680, 3414, 677,
+ 3416, 674, 3417, 672, 3417, 669, 3421, 669, 3421, 673, 3420, 677, 3418, 680,
+ 3416, 683, 3413, 686, 3410, 688, 3407, 690, 3403, 691, 3399, 691,
[3417, 669, 3417, 653, 3421, 653, 3421, 669],
@@ -27426,133 +5962,25 @@
K02233: [
[3488, 1183, 3488, 1170, 3492, 1170, 3492, 1183],
- 3488,
- 1170,
- 3488,
- 1167,
- 3489,
- 1164,
- 3490,
- 1162,
- 3492,
- 1160,
- 3494,
- 1158,
- 3496,
- 1156,
- 3498,
- 1155,
- 3501,
- 1154,
- 3504,
- 1154,
- 3504,
- 1158,
- 3502,
- 1158,
- 3500,
- 1159,
- 3499,
- 1160,
- 3497,
- 1161,
- 3495,
- 1163,
- 3494,
- 1165,
- 3493,
- 1166,
- 3492,
- 1168,
- 3492,
+ 3488, 1170, 3488, 1167, 3489, 1164, 3490, 1162, 3492, 1160, 3494, 1158, 3496,
+ 1156, 3498, 1155, 3501, 1154, 3504, 1154, 3504, 1158, 3502, 1158, 3500, 1159,
+ 3499, 1160, 3497, 1161, 3495, 1163, 3494, 1165, 3493, 1166, 3492, 1168, 3492,
[3504, 1154, 3520, 1154, 3520, 1158, 3504, 1158],
[3488, 1132, 3488, 1142, 3492, 1142, 3492, 1132],
- 3492,
- 1142,
- 3492,
- 1144,
- 3493,
- 1146,
- 3494,
- 1147,
- 3495,
- 1149,
- 3497,
- 1151,
- 3499,
- 1152,
- 3500,
- 1153,
- 3502,
- 1154,
- 3504,
- 1154,
- 3504,
- 1158,
- 3501,
- 1158,
- 3498,
- 1157,
- 3496,
- 1156,
- 3494,
- 1154,
- 3492,
- 1152,
- 3490,
- 1150,
- 3489,
- 1148,
- 3488,
- 1145,
- 3488,
+ 3492, 1142, 3492, 1144, 3493, 1146, 3494, 1147, 3495, 1149, 3497, 1151, 3499,
+ 1152, 3500, 1153, 3502, 1154, 3504, 1154, 3504, 1158, 3501, 1158, 3498, 1157,
+ 3496, 1156, 3494, 1154, 3492, 1152, 3490, 1150, 3489, 1148, 3488, 1145, 3488,
[3504, 1154, 3517, 1154, 3517, 1158, 3504, 1158],
[3488, 1183, 3488, 1170, 3492, 1170, 3492, 1183],
- 3488,
- 1170,
- 3488,
- 1167,
- 3489,
- 1164,
- 3490,
- 1162,
- 3492,
- 1160,
- 3494,
- 1158,
- 3496,
- 1156,
- 3498,
- 1155,
- 3501,
- 1154,
- 3504,
- 1154,
- 3504,
- 1158,
- 3502,
- 1158,
- 3500,
- 1159,
- 3499,
- 1160,
- 3497,
- 1161,
- 3495,
- 1163,
- 3494,
- 1165,
- 3493,
- 1166,
- 3492,
- 1168,
- 3492,
+ 3488, 1170, 3488, 1167, 3489, 1164, 3490, 1162, 3492, 1160, 3494, 1158, 3496,
+ 1156, 3498, 1155, 3501, 1154, 3504, 1154, 3504, 1158, 3502, 1158, 3500, 1159,
+ 3499, 1160, 3497, 1161, 3495, 1163, 3494, 1165, 3493, 1166, 3492, 1168, 3492,
[3504, 1154, 3520, 1154, 3520, 1158, 3504, 1158],
@@ -27560,89 +5988,15 @@
K00225: [
[1514, 336, 1513, 203, 1517, 203, 1518, 336],
- 1513,
- 203,
- 1513,
- 199,
- 1514,
- 195,
- 1516,
- 192,
- 1518,
- 189,
- 1521,
- 186,
- 1524,
- 184,
- 1527,
- 182,
- 1531,
- 181,
- 1535,
- 181,
- 1535,
- 185,
- 1532,
- 185,
- 1530,
- 186,
- 1527,
- 188,
- 1524,
- 190,
- 1522,
- 192,
- 1520,
- 195,
- 1518,
- 198,
- 1517,
- 200,
- 1517,
- 203,
+ 1513, 203, 1513, 199, 1514, 195, 1516, 192, 1518, 189, 1521, 186, 1524, 184,
+ 1527, 182, 1531, 181, 1535, 181, 1535, 185, 1532, 185, 1530, 186, 1527, 188,
+ 1524, 190, 1522, 192, 1520, 195, 1518, 198, 1517, 200, 1517, 203,
[1535, 181, 2215, 181, 2215, 185, 1535, 185],
- 2215,
- 185,
- 2219,
- 184,
- 2223,
- 184,
- 2226,
- 185,
- 2229,
- 187,
- 2231,
- 189,
- 2233,
- 192,
- 2234,
- 195,
- 2234,
- 199,
- 2233,
- 203,
- 2237,
- 203,
- 2235,
- 200,
- 2234,
- 197,
- 2231,
- 195,
- 2229,
- 192,
- 2226,
- 189,
- 2223,
- 187,
- 2221,
- 184,
- 2218,
- 183,
- 2215,
- 181,
+ 2215, 185, 2219, 184, 2223, 184, 2226, 185, 2229, 187, 2231, 189, 2233, 192,
+ 2234, 195, 2234, 199, 2233, 203, 2237, 203, 2235, 200, 2234, 197, 2231, 195,
+ 2229, 192, 2226, 189, 2223, 187, 2221, 184, 2218, 183, 2215, 181,
[2233, 203, 2233, 268, 2237, 268, 2237, 203],
@@ -27650,46 +6004,9 @@
',': [
[350, 887, 317, 901, 317, 905, 350, 891],
- 317,
- 901,
- 315,
- 902,
- 313,
- 903,
- 311,
- 904,
- 310,
- 906,
- 309,
- 908,
- 308,
- 910,
- 307,
- 912,
- 306,
- 914,
- 306,
- 916,
- 310,
- 916,
- 310,
- 915,
- 311,
- 914,
- 311,
- 913,
- 312,
- 911,
- 313,
- 910,
- 314,
- 908,
- 315,
- 907,
- 316,
- 906,
- 317,
- 905,
+ 317, 901, 315, 902, 313, 903, 311, 904, 310, 906, 309, 908, 308, 910, 307, 912,
+ 306, 914, 306, 916, 310, 916, 310, 915, 311, 914, 311, 913, 312, 911, 313, 910,
+ 314, 908, 315, 907, 316, 906, 317, 905,
[306, 916, 306, 929, 310, 929, 310, 916],
@@ -27699,46 +6016,9 @@
K00460: [
[441, 628, 441, 612, 445, 612, 445, 628],
- 441,
- 612,
- 441,
- 608,
- 442,
- 604,
- 444,
- 601,
- 446,
- 598,
- 449,
- 595,
- 452,
- 593,
- 455,
- 591,
- 459,
- 590,
- 463,
- 590,
- 463,
- 594,
- 460,
- 594,
- 458,
- 595,
- 455,
- 597,
- 452,
- 599,
- 450,
- 601,
- 448,
- 604,
- 446,
- 607,
- 445,
- 609,
- 445,
- 612,
+ 441, 612, 441, 608, 442, 604, 444, 601, 446, 598, 449, 595, 452, 593, 455, 591,
+ 459, 590, 463, 590, 463, 594, 460, 594, 458, 595, 455, 597, 452, 599, 450, 601,
+ 448, 604, 446, 607, 445, 609, 445, 612,
[463, 590, 574, 590, 574, 594, 463, 594],
@@ -27747,46 +6027,9 @@
K00423: [
[2233, 266, 2233, 292, 2237, 292, 2237, 266],
- 2237,
- 292,
- 2237,
- 295,
- 2238,
- 297,
- 2240,
- 300,
- 2242,
- 303,
- 2244,
- 305,
- 2247,
- 307,
- 2250,
- 309,
- 2252,
- 310,
- 2255,
- 310,
- 2255,
- 314,
- 2251,
- 314,
- 2247,
- 313,
- 2244,
- 311,
- 2241,
- 309,
- 2238,
- 306,
- 2236,
- 303,
- 2234,
- 300,
- 2233,
- 296,
- 2233,
- 292,
+ 2237, 292, 2237, 295, 2238, 297, 2240, 300, 2242, 303, 2244, 305, 2247, 307,
+ 2250, 309, 2252, 310, 2255, 310, 2255, 314, 2251, 314, 2247, 313, 2244, 311,
+ 2241, 309, 2238, 306, 2236, 303, 2234, 300, 2233, 296, 2233, 292,
[2255, 310, 2294, 310, 2294, 314, 2255, 314],
@@ -27796,176 +6039,32 @@
K01477: [
[2883, 1234, 2883, 1297, 2887, 1297, 2887, 1234],
- 2883,
- 1297,
- 2883,
- 1300,
- 2882,
- 1302,
- 2880,
- 1305,
- 2878,
- 1308,
- 2876,
- 1310,
- 2873,
- 1312,
- 2870,
- 1314,
- 2868,
- 1315,
- 2865,
- 1315,
- 2865,
- 1319,
- 2869,
- 1319,
- 2873,
- 1318,
- 2876,
- 1316,
- 2879,
- 1314,
- 2882,
- 1311,
- 2884,
- 1308,
- 2886,
- 1305,
- 2887,
- 1301,
- 2887,
+ 2883, 1297, 2883, 1300, 2882, 1302, 2880, 1305, 2878, 1308, 2876, 1310, 2873,
+ 1312, 2870, 1314, 2868, 1315, 2865, 1315, 2865, 1319, 2869, 1319, 2873, 1318,
+ 2876, 1316, 2879, 1314, 2882, 1311, 2884, 1308, 2886, 1305, 2887, 1301, 2887,
[2865, 1315, 2810, 1315, 2810, 1319, 2865, 1319],
[2882, 625, 2883, 1429, 2887, 1429, 2886, 625],
- 2887,
- 1429,
- 2887,
- 1432,
- 2888,
- 1434,
- 2890,
- 1437,
- 2892,
- 1440,
- 2894,
- 1442,
- 2897,
- 1444,
- 2900,
- 1446,
- 2902,
- 1447,
- 2905,
- 1447,
- 2905,
- 1451,
- 2901,
- 1451,
- 2897,
- 1450,
- 2894,
- 1448,
- 2891,
- 1446,
- 2888,
- 1443,
- 2886,
- 1440,
- 2884,
- 1437,
- 2883,
- 1433,
- 2883,
+ 2887, 1429, 2887, 1432, 2888, 1434, 2890, 1437, 2892, 1440, 2894, 1442, 2897,
+ 1444, 2900, 1446, 2902, 1447, 2905, 1447, 2905, 1451, 2901, 1451, 2897, 1450,
+ 2894, 1448, 2891, 1446, 2888, 1443, 2886, 1440, 2884, 1437, 2883, 1433, 2883,
[2905, 1447, 3309, 1447, 3309, 1451, 2905, 1451],
- 3309,
- 1451,
- 3313,
- 1450,
- 3317,
- 1450,
- 3320,
- 1451,
- 3323,
- 1453,
- 3325,
- 1455,
- 3327,
- 1458,
- 3328,
- 1461,
- 3328,
- 1465,
- 3327,
- 1469,
- 3331,
- 1469,
- 3329,
- 1466,
- 3328,
- 1463,
- 3325,
- 1461,
- 3323,
- 1458,
- 3320,
- 1455,
- 3317,
- 1453,
- 3315,
- 1450,
- 3312,
- 1449,
- 3309,
+ 3309, 1451, 3313, 1450, 3317, 1450, 3320, 1451, 3323, 1453, 3325, 1455, 3327,
+ 1458, 3328, 1461, 3328, 1465, 3327, 1469, 3331, 1469, 3329, 1466, 3328, 1463,
+ 3325, 1461, 3323, 1458, 3320, 1455, 3317, 1453, 3315, 1450, 3312, 1449, 3309,
[3327, 1469, 3327, 1485, 3331, 1485, 3331, 1469],
[2883, 1234, 2883, 1297, 2887, 1297, 2887, 1234],
- 2883,
- 1297,
- 2883,
- 1300,
- 2882,
- 1302,
- 2880,
- 1305,
- 2878,
- 1308,
- 2876,
- 1310,
- 2873,
- 1312,
- 2870,
- 1314,
- 2868,
- 1315,
- 2865,
- 1315,
- 2865,
- 1319,
- 2869,
- 1319,
- 2873,
- 1318,
- 2876,
- 1316,
- 2879,
- 1314,
- 2882,
- 1311,
- 2884,
- 1308,
- 2886,
- 1305,
- 2887,
- 1301,
- 2887,
+ 2883, 1297, 2883, 1300, 2882, 1302, 2880, 1305, 2878, 1308, 2876, 1310, 2873,
+ 1312, 2870, 1314, 2868, 1315, 2865, 1315, 2865, 1319, 2869, 1319, 2873, 1318,
+ 2876, 1316, 2879, 1314, 2882, 1311, 2884, 1308, 2886, 1305, 2887, 1301, 2887,
[2865, 1315, 2810, 1315, 2810, 1319, 2865, 1319],
@@ -27973,46 +6072,9 @@
K00975: [
[1549, 407, 1657, 407, 1657, 411, 1549, 411],
- 1657,
- 407,
- 1660,
- 407,
- 1662,
- 406,
- 1665,
- 404,
- 1668,
- 402,
- 1670,
- 400,
- 1672,
- 397,
- 1674,
- 394,
- 1675,
- 392,
- 1675,
- 389,
- 1679,
- 389,
- 1679,
- 393,
- 1678,
- 397,
- 1676,
- 400,
- 1674,
- 403,
- 1671,
- 406,
- 1668,
- 408,
- 1665,
- 410,
- 1661,
- 411,
- 1657,
- 411,
+ 1657, 407, 1660, 407, 1662, 406, 1665, 404, 1668, 402, 1670, 400, 1672, 397,
+ 1674, 394, 1675, 392, 1675, 389, 1679, 389, 1679, 393, 1678, 397, 1676, 400,
+ 1674, 403, 1671, 406, 1668, 408, 1665, 410, 1661, 411, 1657, 411,
[1675, 389, 1675, 329, 1679, 329, 1679, 389],
@@ -28027,221 +6089,38 @@
[1585, 440, 1585, 247, 1589, 247, 1589, 440],
[1549, 294, 1567, 294, 1567, 298, 1549, 298],
- 1567,
- 298,
- 1571,
- 297,
- 1575,
- 297,
- 1578,
- 298,
- 1581,
- 300,
- 1583,
- 302,
- 1585,
- 305,
- 1586,
- 308,
- 1586,
- 312,
- 1585,
- 316,
- 1589,
- 316,
- 1587,
- 313,
- 1586,
- 310,
- 1583,
- 308,
- 1581,
- 305,
- 1578,
- 302,
- 1575,
- 300,
- 1573,
- 297,
- 1570,
- 296,
- 1567,
- 294,
+ 1567, 298, 1571, 297, 1575, 297, 1578, 298, 1581, 300, 1583, 302, 1585, 305,
+ 1586, 308, 1586, 312, 1585, 316, 1589, 316, 1587, 313, 1586, 310, 1583, 308,
+ 1581, 305, 1578, 302, 1575, 300, 1573, 297, 1570, 296, 1567, 294,
[1585, 316, 1585, 440, 1589, 440, 1589, 316],
[1586, 437, 1626, 437, 1626, 441, 1586, 441],
- 1626,
- 437,
- 1629,
- 437,
- 1631,
- 436,
- 1634,
- 434,
- 1637,
- 432,
- 1639,
- 430,
- 1641,
- 427,
- 1643,
- 424,
- 1644,
- 422,
- 1644,
- 419,
- 1648,
- 419,
- 1648,
- 423,
- 1647,
- 427,
- 1645,
- 430,
- 1643,
- 433,
- 1640,
- 436,
- 1637,
- 438,
- 1634,
- 440,
- 1630,
- 441,
- 1626,
- 441,
+ 1626, 437, 1629, 437, 1631, 436, 1634, 434, 1637, 432, 1639, 430, 1641, 427,
+ 1643, 424, 1644, 422, 1644, 419, 1648, 419, 1648, 423, 1647, 427, 1645, 430,
+ 1643, 433, 1640, 436, 1637, 438, 1634, 440, 1630, 441, 1626, 441,
[1644, 419, 1644, 231, 1648, 231, 1648, 419],
- 1648,
- 231,
- 1648,
- 227,
- 1647,
- 223,
- 1645,
- 220,
- 1643,
- 217,
- 1640,
- 214,
- 1637,
- 212,
- 1634,
- 210,
- 1630,
- 209,
- 1626,
- 209,
- 1626,
- 213,
- 1629,
- 213,
- 1631,
- 214,
- 1634,
- 216,
- 1637,
- 218,
- 1639,
- 220,
- 1641,
- 223,
- 1643,
- 226,
- 1644,
- 228,
- 1644,
- 231,
+ 1648, 231, 1648, 227, 1647, 223, 1645, 220, 1643, 217, 1640, 214, 1637, 212,
+ 1634, 210, 1630, 209, 1626, 209, 1626, 213, 1629, 213, 1631, 214, 1634, 216,
+ 1637, 218, 1639, 220, 1641, 223, 1643, 226, 1644, 228, 1644, 231,
[1626, 209, 1549, 209, 1549, 213, 1626, 213],
K00824: [
[1889, 1239, 1889, 1217, 1893, 1217, 1893, 1239],
- 1893,
- 1217,
- 1892,
- 1212,
- 1891,
- 1207,
- 1889,
- 1202,
- 1886,
- 1198,
- 1882,
- 1194,
- 1878,
- 1191,
- 1873,
- 1189,
- 1868,
- 1188,
- 1863,
- 1187,
- 1863,
- 1191,
- 1867,
- 1191,
- 1871,
- 1193,
- 1875,
- 1195,
- 1879,
- 1198,
- 1882,
- 1201,
- 1885,
- 1205,
- 1887,
- 1209,
- 1889,
- 1213,
- 1889,
+ 1893, 1217, 1892, 1212, 1891, 1207, 1889, 1202, 1886, 1198, 1882, 1194, 1878,
+ 1191, 1873, 1189, 1868, 1188, 1863, 1187, 1863, 1191, 1867, 1191, 1871, 1193,
+ 1875, 1195, 1879, 1198, 1882, 1201, 1885, 1205, 1887, 1209, 1889, 1213, 1889,
[1863, 1187, 1748, 1187, 1748, 1191, 1863, 1191],
- 1748,
- 1187,
- 1743,
- 1187,
- 1738,
- 1189,
- 1733,
- 1190,
- 1729,
- 1193,
- 1725,
- 1195,
- 1722,
- 1199,
- 1720,
- 1202,
- 1719,
- 1206,
- 1718,
- 1210,
- 1722,
- 1210,
- 1722,
- 1207,
- 1724,
- 1204,
- 1726,
- 1202,
- 1729,
- 1199,
- 1732,
- 1196,
- 1736,
- 1194,
- 1740,
- 1192,
- 1744,
- 1191,
- 1748,
+ 1748, 1187, 1743, 1187, 1738, 1189, 1733, 1190, 1729, 1193, 1725, 1195, 1722,
+ 1199, 1720, 1202, 1719, 1206, 1718, 1210, 1722, 1210, 1722, 1207, 1724, 1204,
+ 1726, 1202, 1729, 1199, 1732, 1196, 1736, 1194, 1740, 1192, 1744, 1191, 1748,
[1718, 1210, 1718, 1210, 1722, 1210, 1722, 1210],
@@ -28260,46 +6139,9 @@
',': [
[1974, 268, 1974, 260, 1978, 260, 1978, 268],
- 1974,
- 260,
- 1974,
- 256,
- 1975,
- 252,
- 1977,
- 249,
- 1979,
- 246,
- 1982,
- 243,
- 1985,
- 241,
- 1988,
- 239,
- 1992,
- 238,
- 1996,
- 238,
- 1996,
- 242,
- 1993,
- 242,
- 1991,
- 243,
- 1988,
- 245,
- 1985,
- 247,
- 1983,
- 249,
- 1981,
- 252,
- 1979,
- 255,
- 1978,
- 257,
- 1978,
- 260,
+ 1974, 260, 1974, 256, 1975, 252, 1977, 249, 1979, 246, 1982, 243, 1985, 241,
+ 1988, 239, 1992, 238, 1996, 238, 1996, 242, 1993, 242, 1991, 243, 1988, 245,
+ 1985, 247, 1983, 249, 1981, 252, 1979, 255, 1978, 257, 1978, 260,
[1996, 238, 2043, 238, 2043, 242, 1996, 242],
@@ -28311,138 +6153,27 @@
R03674: [
[2839, 448, 2839, 470, 2843, 470, 2843, 448],
- 2843,
- 470,
- 2843,
- 473,
- 2844,
- 475,
- 2846,
- 478,
- 2848,
- 481,
- 2850,
- 483,
- 2853,
- 485,
- 2856,
- 487,
- 2858,
- 488,
- 2861,
- 488,
- 2861,
- 492,
- 2857,
- 492,
- 2853,
- 491,
- 2850,
- 489,
- 2847,
- 487,
- 2844,
- 484,
- 2842,
- 481,
- 2840,
- 478,
- 2839,
- 474,
- 2839,
- 470,
+ 2843, 470, 2843, 473, 2844, 475, 2846, 478, 2848, 481, 2850, 483, 2853, 485,
+ 2856, 487, 2858, 488, 2861, 488, 2861, 492, 2857, 492, 2853, 491, 2850, 489,
+ 2847, 487, 2844, 484, 2842, 481, 2840, 478, 2839, 474, 2839, 470,
[2861, 488, 2906, 488, 2906, 492, 2861, 492],
',': [
[1313, 488, 1313, 540, 1317, 540, 1317, 488],
- 1317,
- 540,
- 1317,
- 543,
- 1318,
- 545,
- 1320,
- 548,
- 1322,
- 551,
- 1324,
- 553,
- 1327,
- 555,
- 1330,
- 557,
- 1332,
- 558,
- 1335,
- 558,
- 1335,
- 562,
- 1331,
- 562,
- 1327,
- 561,
- 1324,
- 559,
- 1321,
- 557,
- 1318,
- 554,
- 1316,
- 551,
- 1314,
- 548,
- 1313,
- 544,
- 1313,
- 540,
+ 1317, 540, 1317, 543, 1318, 545, 1320, 548, 1322, 551, 1324, 553, 1327, 555,
+ 1330, 557, 1332, 558, 1335, 558, 1335, 562, 1331, 562, 1327, 561, 1324, 559,
+ 1321, 557, 1318, 554, 1316, 551, 1314, 548, 1313, 544, 1313, 540,
[1335, 558, 1403, 558, 1403, 562, 1335, 562],
K13951: [
[2941, 647, 2941, 676, 2945, 676, 2945, 647],
- 2945,
- 676,
- 2945,
- 679,
- 2946,
- 681,
- 2948,
- 684,
- 2950,
- 687,
- 2952,
- 689,
- 2955,
- 691,
- 2958,
- 693,
- 2960,
- 694,
- 2963,
- 694,
- 2963,
- 698,
- 2959,
- 698,
- 2955,
- 697,
- 2952,
- 695,
- 2949,
- 693,
- 2946,
- 690,
- 2944,
- 687,
- 2942,
- 684,
- 2941,
- 680,
- 2941,
- 676,
+ 2945, 676, 2945, 679, 2946, 681, 2948, 684, 2950, 687, 2952, 689, 2955, 691,
+ 2958, 693, 2960, 694, 2963, 694, 2963, 698, 2959, 698, 2955, 697, 2952, 695,
+ 2949, 693, 2946, 690, 2944, 687, 2942, 684, 2941, 680, 2941, 676,
[2963, 694, 3035, 694, 3035, 698, 2963, 698],
[409, 1120, 409, 1170, 413, 1170, 413, 1120],
@@ -28458,45 +6189,9 @@
K10536: [
[3327, 1554, 3327, 1532, 3331, 1532, 3331, 1554],
- 3331,
- 1532,
- 3331,
- 1529,
- 3330,
- 1526,
- 3329,
- 1523,
- 3327,
- 1520,
- 3325,
- 1518,
- 3322,
- 1516,
- 3319,
- 1515,
- 3316,
- 1514,
- 3313,
- 1514,
- 3313,
- 1518,
- 3315,
- 1518,
- 3317,
- 1519,
- 3319,
- 1520,
- 3321,
- 1522,
- 3323,
- 1524,
- 3325,
- 1526,
- 3326,
- 1528,
- 3327,
- 1530,
- 3327,
+ 3331, 1532, 3331, 1529, 3330, 1526, 3329, 1523, 3327, 1520, 3325, 1518, 3322,
+ 1516, 3319, 1515, 3316, 1514, 3313, 1514, 3313, 1518, 3315, 1518, 3317, 1519,
+ 3319, 1520, 3321, 1522, 3323, 1524, 3325, 1526, 3326, 1528, 3327, 1530, 3327,
[3313, 1514, 3278, 1514, 3278, 1518, 3313, 1518],
@@ -28517,135 +6212,26 @@
[2706, 577, 2591, 577, 2591, 581, 2706, 581],
[2704, 577, 2746, 577, 2746, 581, 2704, 581],
- 2746,
- 577,
- 2749,
- 577,
- 2751,
- 576,
- 2754,
- 574,
- 2757,
- 572,
- 2759,
- 570,
- 2761,
- 567,
- 2763,
- 564,
- 2764,
- 562,
- 2764,
- 559,
- 2768,
- 559,
- 2768,
- 563,
- 2767,
- 567,
- 2765,
- 570,
- 2763,
- 573,
- 2760,
- 576,
- 2757,
- 578,
- 2754,
- 580,
- 2750,
- 581,
- 2746,
- 581,
+ 2746, 577, 2749, 577, 2751, 576, 2754, 574, 2757, 572, 2759, 570, 2761, 567,
+ 2763, 564, 2764, 562, 2764, 559, 2768, 559, 2768, 563, 2767, 567, 2765, 570,
+ 2763, 573, 2760, 576, 2757, 578, 2754, 580, 2750, 581, 2746, 581,
[2764, 559, 2764, 520, 2768, 520, 2768, 559],
map00072: [[2080, 1243, 2208, 1297]],
K00440: [
[1080, 1498, 1080, 1495, 1084, 1495, 1084, 1498],
- [
- 1080,
- 1495,
- 1080,
- 1491,
- 1081,
- 1487,
- 1083,
- 1484,
- 1085,
- 1481,
- 1088,
- 1478,
- 1091,
- 1476,
- 1094,
- 1474,
- 1098,
- 1473,
- 1102,
- 1473,
- 1102,
- 1477,
- 1099,
- 1477,
- 1097,
- 1478,
- 1094,
- 1480,
- 1091,
- 1482,
- 1089,
- 1484,
- 1087,
- 1487,
- 1085,
- 1490,
- 1084,
- 1492,
- 1084,
+ [
+ 1080, 1495, 1080, 1491, 1081, 1487, 1083, 1484, 1085, 1481, 1088, 1478, 1091,
+ 1476, 1094, 1474, 1098, 1473, 1102, 1473, 1102, 1477, 1099, 1477, 1097, 1478,
+ 1094, 1480, 1091, 1482, 1089, 1484, 1087, 1487, 1085, 1490, 1084, 1492, 1084,
[1102, 1473, 1112, 1473, 1112, 1477, 1102, 1477],
- 1112,
- 1477,
- 1116,
- 1476,
- 1120,
- 1476,
- 1123,
- 1477,
- 1126,
- 1479,
- 1128,
- 1481,
- 1130,
- 1484,
- 1131,
- 1487,
- 1131,
- 1491,
- 1130,
- 1495,
- 1134,
- 1495,
- 1132,
- 1492,
- 1131,
- 1489,
- 1128,
- 1487,
- 1126,
- 1484,
- 1123,
- 1481,
- 1120,
- 1479,
- 1118,
- 1476,
- 1115,
- 1475,
- 1112,
+ 1112, 1477, 1116, 1476, 1120, 1476, 1123, 1477, 1126, 1479, 1128, 1481, 1130,
+ 1484, 1131, 1487, 1131, 1491, 1130, 1495, 1134, 1495, 1132, 1492, 1131, 1489,
+ 1128, 1487, 1126, 1484, 1123, 1481, 1120, 1479, 1118, 1476, 1115, 1475, 1112,
[1130, 1495, 1130, 1498, 1134, 1498, 1134, 1495],
@@ -28658,45 +6244,9 @@
K11532: [
[1365, 1535, 1365, 1511, 1369, 1511, 1369, 1535],
- 1365,
- 1511,
- 1365,
- 1508,
- 1366,
- 1505,
- 1367,
- 1502,
- 1369,
- 1499,
- 1371,
- 1497,
- 1374,
- 1495,
- 1377,
- 1494,
- 1380,
- 1493,
- 1383,
- 1493,
- 1383,
- 1497,
- 1381,
- 1497,
- 1379,
- 1498,
- 1377,
- 1499,
- 1375,
- 1501,
- 1373,
- 1503,
- 1371,
- 1505,
- 1370,
- 1507,
- 1369,
- 1509,
- 1369,
+ 1365, 1511, 1365, 1508, 1366, 1505, 1367, 1502, 1369, 1499, 1371, 1497, 1374,
+ 1495, 1377, 1494, 1380, 1493, 1383, 1493, 1383, 1497, 1381, 1497, 1379, 1498,
+ 1377, 1499, 1375, 1501, 1373, 1503, 1371, 1505, 1370, 1507, 1369, 1509, 1369,
[1383, 1493, 1397, 1493, 1397, 1497, 1383, 1497],
@@ -28706,46 +6256,9 @@
[958, 524, 958, 594, 962, 594, 962, 524],
[915, 556, 944, 556, 944, 560, 915, 560],
- 944,
- 556,
- 946,
- 556,
- 948,
- 555,
- 950,
- 554,
- 952,
- 552,
- 954,
- 550,
- 956,
- 548,
- 957,
- 546,
- 958,
- 544,
- 958,
- 542,
- 962,
- 542,
- 962,
- 545,
- 961,
- 548,
- 960,
- 551,
- 958,
- 554,
- 956,
- 556,
- 953,
- 558,
- 950,
- 559,
- 947,
- 560,
- 944,
- 560,
+ 944, 556, 946, 556, 948, 555, 950, 554, 952, 552, 954, 550, 956, 548, 957, 546,
+ 958, 544, 958, 542, 962, 542, 962, 545, 961, 548, 960, 551, 958, 554, 956, 556,
+ 953, 558, 950, 559, 947, 560, 944, 560,
[958, 542, 958, 524, 962, 524, 962, 542],
[958, 524, 958, 594, 962, 594, 962, 524],
@@ -28763,607 +6276,93 @@
K00626: [
[989, 1300, 989, 1309, 993, 1309, 993, 1300],
- 993,
- 1309,
- 993,
- 1311,
- 994,
- 1313,
- 995,
- 1314,
- 996,
- 1316,
- 998,
- 1318,
- 1000,
- 1319,
- 1001,
- 1320,
- 1003,
- 1321,
- 1005,
- 1321,
- 1005,
- 1325,
- 1002,
- 1325,
- 999,
- 1324,
- 997,
- 1323,
- 995,
- 1321,
- 993,
- 1319,
- 991,
- 1317,
- 990,
- 1315,
- 989,
- 1312,
- 989,
- 1309,
+ 993, 1309, 993, 1311, 994, 1313, 995, 1314, 996, 1316, 998, 1318, 1000, 1319,
+ 1001, 1320, 1003, 1321, 1005, 1321, 1005, 1325, 1002, 1325, 999, 1324, 997,
+ 1323, 995, 1321, 993, 1319, 991, 1317, 990, 1315, 989, 1312, 989, 1309,
[1005, 1321, 1008, 1321, 1008, 1325, 1005, 1325],
- 1008,
- 1321,
- 1009,
- 1321,
- 1011,
- 1320,
- 1013,
- 1319,
- 1015,
- 1318,
- 1016,
- 1316,
- 1018,
- 1314,
- 1019,
- 1313,
- 1020,
- 1311,
- 1020,
- 1309,
- 1024,
- 1309,
- 1024,
- 1312,
- 1023,
- 1315,
- 1022,
- 1317,
- 1020,
- 1319,
- 1018,
- 1321,
- 1016,
- 1323,
- 1013,
- 1324,
- 1011,
- 1325,
- 1008,
+ 1008, 1321, 1009, 1321, 1011, 1320, 1013, 1319, 1015, 1318, 1016, 1316, 1018,
+ 1314, 1019, 1313, 1020, 1311, 1020, 1309, 1024, 1309, 1024, 1312, 1023, 1315,
+ 1022, 1317, 1020, 1319, 1018, 1321, 1016, 1323, 1013, 1324, 1011, 1325, 1008,
[1020, 1309, 1020, 1007, 1024, 1007, 1024, 1309],
- 1020,
- 1007,
- 1020,
- 1004,
- 1021,
- 1001,
- 1022,
- 999,
- 1023,
- 997,
- 1025,
- 995,
- 1027,
- 993,
- 1029,
- 992,
- 1032,
- 991,
- 1035,
- 991,
- 1035,
- 995,
- 1033,
- 995,
- 1032,
- 996,
- 1030,
- 997,
- 1028,
- 998,
- 1027,
- 1000,
- 1026,
- 1002,
- 1025,
- 1003,
- 1024,
- 1005,
- 1024,
- 1007,
+ 1020, 1007, 1020, 1004, 1021, 1001, 1022, 999, 1023, 997, 1025, 995, 1027, 993,
+ 1029, 992, 1032, 991, 1035, 991, 1035, 995, 1033, 995, 1032, 996, 1030, 997,
+ 1028, 998, 1027, 1000, 1026, 1002, 1025, 1003, 1024, 1005, 1024, 1007,
[1035, 991, 1038, 991, 1038, 995, 1035, 995],
- 1038,
- 995,
- 1041,
- 994,
- 1044,
- 994,
- 1046,
- 994,
- 1048,
- 995,
- 1050,
- 997,
- 1051,
- 999,
- 1051,
- 1001,
- 1051,
- 1004,
- 1050,
- 1007,
- 1054,
- 1007,
- 1053,
- 1005,
- 1051,
- 1003,
- 1049,
- 1002,
- 1047,
- 1000,
- 1045,
- 998,
- 1043,
- 996,
- 1042,
- 994,
- 1040,
- 992,
- 1038,
- 991,
+ 1038, 995, 1041, 994, 1044, 994, 1046, 994, 1048, 995, 1050, 997, 1051, 999,
+ 1051, 1001, 1051, 1004, 1050, 1007, 1054, 1007, 1053, 1005, 1051, 1003, 1049,
+ 1002, 1047, 1000, 1045, 998, 1043, 996, 1042, 994, 1040, 992, 1038, 991,
[1050, 1007, 1050, 1020, 1054, 1020, 1054, 1007],
[1050, 1022, 1050, 986, 1054, 986, 1054, 1022],
- 1050,
- 986,
- 1050,
- 982,
- 1051,
- 978,
- 1053,
- 975,
- 1055,
- 972,
- 1058,
- 969,
- 1061,
- 967,
- 1064,
- 965,
- 1068,
- 964,
- 1072,
- 964,
- 1072,
- 968,
- 1069,
- 968,
- 1067,
- 969,
- 1064,
- 971,
- 1061,
- 973,
- 1059,
- 975,
- 1057,
- 978,
- 1055,
- 981,
- 1054,
- 983,
- 1054,
- 986,
+ 1050, 986, 1050, 982, 1051, 978, 1053, 975, 1055, 972, 1058, 969, 1061, 967,
+ 1064, 965, 1068, 964, 1072, 964, 1072, 968, 1069, 968, 1067, 969, 1064, 971,
+ 1061, 973, 1059, 975, 1057, 978, 1055, 981, 1054, 983, 1054, 986,
[1072, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1072, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1626, 1310, 1630, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1630,
- 1310,
- 1630,
- 1313,
- 1631,
- 1315,
- 1633,
- 1318,
- 1635,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1640,
- 1325,
- 1643,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1648,
- 1328,
- 1648,
- 1332,
- 1644,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1637,
- 1329,
- 1634,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1629,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1626,
- 1314,
- 1626,
+ 1630, 1310, 1630, 1313, 1631, 1315, 1633, 1318, 1635, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1640,
+ 1325, 1643, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1648, 1328, 1648, 1332, 1644, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1637, 1329, 1634, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1629, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1626, 1314, 1626,
[1648, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1648, 1332],
[989, 1300, 989, 1309, 993, 1309, 993, 1300],
- 993,
- 1309,
- 993,
- 1311,
- 994,
- 1313,
- 995,
- 1314,
- 996,
- 1316,
- 998,
- 1318,
- 1000,
- 1319,
- 1001,
- 1320,
- 1003,
- 1321,
- 1005,
- 1321,
- 1005,
- 1325,
- 1002,
- 1325,
- 999,
- 1324,
- 997,
- 1323,
- 995,
- 1321,
- 993,
- 1319,
- 991,
- 1317,
- 990,
- 1315,
- 989,
- 1312,
- 989,
- 1309,
+ 993, 1309, 993, 1311, 994, 1313, 995, 1314, 996, 1316, 998, 1318, 1000, 1319,
+ 1001, 1320, 1003, 1321, 1005, 1321, 1005, 1325, 1002, 1325, 999, 1324, 997,
+ 1323, 995, 1321, 993, 1319, 991, 1317, 990, 1315, 989, 1312, 989, 1309,
[1005, 1321, 1008, 1321, 1008, 1325, 1005, 1325],
- 1008,
- 1321,
- 1009,
- 1321,
- 1011,
- 1320,
- 1013,
- 1319,
- 1015,
- 1318,
- 1016,
- 1316,
- 1018,
- 1314,
- 1019,
- 1313,
- 1020,
- 1311,
- 1020,
- 1309,
- 1024,
- 1309,
- 1024,
- 1312,
- 1023,
- 1315,
- 1022,
- 1317,
- 1020,
- 1319,
- 1018,
- 1321,
- 1016,
- 1323,
- 1013,
- 1324,
- 1011,
- 1325,
- 1008,
+ 1008, 1321, 1009, 1321, 1011, 1320, 1013, 1319, 1015, 1318, 1016, 1316, 1018,
+ 1314, 1019, 1313, 1020, 1311, 1020, 1309, 1024, 1309, 1024, 1312, 1023, 1315,
+ 1022, 1317, 1020, 1319, 1018, 1321, 1016, 1323, 1013, 1324, 1011, 1325, 1008,
[1020, 1309, 1020, 1007, 1024, 1007, 1024, 1309],
- 1020,
- 1007,
- 1020,
- 1004,
- 1021,
- 1001,
- 1022,
- 999,
- 1023,
- 997,
- 1025,
- 995,
- 1027,
- 993,
- 1029,
- 992,
- 1032,
- 991,
- 1035,
- 991,
- 1035,
- 995,
- 1033,
- 995,
- 1032,
- 996,
- 1030,
- 997,
- 1028,
- 998,
- 1027,
- 1000,
- 1026,
- 1002,
- 1025,
- 1003,
- 1024,
- 1005,
- 1024,
- 1007,
+ 1020, 1007, 1020, 1004, 1021, 1001, 1022, 999, 1023, 997, 1025, 995, 1027, 993,
+ 1029, 992, 1032, 991, 1035, 991, 1035, 995, 1033, 995, 1032, 996, 1030, 997,
+ 1028, 998, 1027, 1000, 1026, 1002, 1025, 1003, 1024, 1005, 1024, 1007,
[1035, 991, 1038, 991, 1038, 995, 1035, 995],
- 1038,
- 995,
- 1041,
- 994,
- 1044,
- 994,
- 1046,
- 994,
- 1048,
- 995,
- 1050,
- 997,
- 1051,
- 999,
- 1051,
- 1001,
- 1051,
- 1004,
- 1050,
- 1007,
- 1054,
- 1007,
- 1053,
- 1005,
- 1051,
- 1003,
- 1049,
- 1002,
- 1047,
- 1000,
- 1045,
- 998,
- 1043,
- 996,
- 1042,
- 994,
- 1040,
- 992,
- 1038,
- 991,
+ 1038, 995, 1041, 994, 1044, 994, 1046, 994, 1048, 995, 1050, 997, 1051, 999,
+ 1051, 1001, 1051, 1004, 1050, 1007, 1054, 1007, 1053, 1005, 1051, 1003, 1049,
+ 1002, 1047, 1000, 1045, 998, 1043, 996, 1042, 994, 1040, 992, 1038, 991,
[1050, 1007, 1050, 1020, 1054, 1020, 1054, 1007],
[989, 1021, 989, 986, 993, 986, 993, 1021],
- 989,
- 986,
- 989,
- 982,
- 990,
- 978,
- 992,
- 975,
- 994,
- 972,
- 997,
- 969,
- 1000,
- 967,
- 1003,
- 965,
- 1007,
- 964,
- 1011,
- 964,
- 1011,
- 968,
- 1008,
- 968,
- 1006,
- 969,
- 1003,
- 971,
- 1000,
- 973,
- 998,
- 975,
- 996,
- 978,
- 994,
- 981,
- 993,
- 983,
- 993,
- 986,
+ 989, 986, 989, 982, 990, 978, 992, 975, 994, 972, 997, 969, 1000, 967, 1003,
+ 965, 1007, 964, 1011, 964, 1011, 968, 1008, 968, 1006, 969, 1003, 971, 1000,
+ 973, 998, 975, 996, 978, 994, 981, 993, 983, 993, 986,
[1011, 964, 1607, 964, 1607, 968, 1011, 968],
- 1607,
- 968,
- 1611,
- 967,
- 1615,
- 967,
- 1618,
- 968,
- 1621,
- 970,
- 1623,
- 972,
- 1625,
- 975,
- 1626,
- 978,
- 1626,
- 982,
- 1625,
- 986,
- 1629,
- 986,
- 1627,
- 983,
- 1626,
- 980,
- 1623,
- 978,
- 1621,
- 975,
- 1618,
- 972,
- 1615,
- 970,
- 1613,
- 967,
- 1610,
- 966,
- 1607,
- 964,
+ 1607, 968, 1611, 967, 1615, 967, 1618, 968, 1621, 970, 1623, 972, 1625, 975,
+ 1626, 978, 1626, 982, 1625, 986, 1629, 986, 1627, 983, 1626, 980, 1623, 978,
+ 1621, 975, 1618, 972, 1615, 970, 1613, 967, 1610, 966, 1607, 964,
[1625, 986, 1626, 1310, 1630, 1310, 1629, 986],
- 1630,
- 1310,
- 1630,
- 1313,
- 1631,
- 1315,
- 1633,
- 1318,
- 1635,
- 1321,
- 1637,
- 1323,
- 1640,
- 1325,
- 1643,
- 1327,
- 1645,
- 1328,
- 1648,
- 1328,
- 1648,
- 1332,
- 1644,
- 1332,
- 1640,
- 1331,
- 1637,
- 1329,
- 1634,
- 1327,
- 1631,
- 1324,
- 1629,
- 1321,
- 1627,
- 1318,
- 1626,
- 1314,
- 1626,
+ 1630, 1310, 1630, 1313, 1631, 1315, 1633, 1318, 1635, 1321, 1637, 1323, 1640,
+ 1325, 1643, 1327, 1645, 1328, 1648, 1328, 1648, 1332, 1644, 1332, 1640, 1331,
+ 1637, 1329, 1634, 1327, 1631, 1324, 1629, 1321, 1627, 1318, 1626, 1314, 1626,
[1648, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1648, 1332],
@@ -29375,132 +6374,21 @@
K13524: [
[1769, 1425, 1769, 813, 1773, 813, 1773, 1425],
- 1769,
- 813,
- 1769,
- 809,
- 1770,
- 805,
- 1772,
- 802,
- 1774,
- 799,
- 1777,
- 796,
- 1780,
- 794,
- 1783,
- 792,
- 1787,
- 791,
- 1791,
- 791,
- 1791,
- 795,
- 1788,
- 795,
- 1786,
- 796,
- 1783,
- 798,
- 1780,
- 800,
- 1778,
- 802,
- 1776,
- 805,
- 1774,
- 808,
- 1773,
- 810,
- 1773,
- 813,
+ 1769, 813, 1769, 809, 1770, 805, 1772, 802, 1774, 799, 1777, 796, 1780, 794,
+ 1783, 792, 1787, 791, 1791, 791, 1791, 795, 1788, 795, 1786, 796, 1783, 798,
+ 1780, 800, 1778, 802, 1776, 805, 1774, 808, 1773, 810, 1773, 813,
[1791, 791, 2353, 791, 2353, 795, 1791, 795],
- 2353,
- 791,
- 2356,
- 791,
- 2358,
- 790,
- 2361,
- 788,
- 2364,
- 786,
- 2366,
- 784,
- 2368,
- 781,
- 2370,
- 778,
- 2371,
- 776,
- 2371,
- 773,
- 2375,
- 773,
- 2375,
- 777,
- 2374,
- 781,
- 2372,
- 784,
- 2370,
- 787,
- 2367,
- 790,
- 2364,
- 792,
- 2361,
- 794,
- 2357,
- 795,
- 2353,
- 795,
+ 2353, 791, 2356, 791, 2358, 790, 2361, 788, 2364, 786, 2366, 784, 2368, 781,
+ 2370, 778, 2371, 776, 2371, 773, 2375, 773, 2375, 777, 2374, 781, 2372, 784,
+ 2370, 787, 2367, 790, 2364, 792, 2361, 794, 2357, 795, 2353, 795,
[2371, 773, 2371, 523, 2375, 523, 2375, 773],
- 2371,
- 523,
- 2371,
- 519,
- 2372,
- 515,
- 2374,
- 512,
- 2376,
- 509,
- 2379,
- 506,
- 2382,
- 504,
- 2385,
- 502,
- 2389,
- 501,
- 2393,
- 501,
- 2393,
- 505,
- 2390,
- 505,
- 2388,
- 506,
- 2385,
- 508,
- 2382,
- 510,
- 2380,
- 512,
- 2378,
- 515,
- 2376,
- 518,
- 2375,
- 520,
- 2375,
- 523,
+ 2371, 523, 2371, 519, 2372, 515, 2374, 512, 2376, 509, 2379, 506, 2382, 504,
+ 2385, 502, 2389, 501, 2393, 501, 2393, 505, 2390, 505, 2388, 506, 2385, 508,
+ 2382, 510, 2380, 512, 2378, 515, 2376, 518, 2375, 520, 2375, 523,
[2393, 501, 2740, 501, 2740, 505, 2393, 505],
@@ -29511,45 +6399,9 @@
K00099: [
[1284, 1402, 1369, 1402, 1369, 1406, 1284, 1406],
- 1369,
- 1402,
- 1372,
- 1402,
- 1374,
- 1401,
- 1377,
- 1399,
- 1380,
- 1397,
- 1382,
- 1395,
- 1384,
- 1392,
- 1386,
- 1389,
- 1387,
- 1387,
- 1387,
- 1384,
- 1391,
- 1384,
- 1391,
- 1388,
- 1390,
- 1392,
- 1388,
- 1395,
- 1386,
- 1398,
- 1383,
- 1401,
- 1380,
- 1403,
- 1377,
- 1405,
- 1373,
- 1406,
- 1369,
+ 1369, 1402, 1372, 1402, 1374, 1401, 1377, 1399, 1380, 1397, 1382, 1395, 1384,
+ 1392, 1386, 1389, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1384, 1391, 1384, 1391, 1388, 1390, 1392,
+ 1388, 1395, 1386, 1398, 1383, 1401, 1380, 1403, 1377, 1405, 1373, 1406, 1369,
[1387, 1384, 1387, 1375, 1391, 1375, 1391, 1384],
@@ -29561,89 +6413,15 @@
K01851: [
[2590, 866, 2590, 861, 2594, 861, 2594, 866],
- 2590,
- 861,
- 2590,
- 857,
- 2591,
- 853,
- 2593,
- 850,
- 2595,
- 847,
- 2598,
- 844,
- 2601,
- 842,
- 2604,
- 840,
- 2608,
- 839,
- 2612,
- 839,
- 2612,
- 843,
- 2609,
- 843,
- 2607,
- 844,
- 2604,
- 846,
- 2601,
- 848,
- 2599,
- 850,
- 2597,
- 853,
- 2595,
- 856,
- 2594,
- 858,
- 2594,
- 861,
+ 2590, 861, 2590, 857, 2591, 853, 2593, 850, 2595, 847, 2598, 844, 2601, 842,
+ 2604, 840, 2608, 839, 2612, 839, 2612, 843, 2609, 843, 2607, 844, 2604, 846,
+ 2601, 848, 2599, 850, 2597, 853, 2595, 856, 2594, 858, 2594, 861,
[2612, 839, 2928, 839, 2928, 843, 2612, 843],
- 2928,
- 843,
- 2932,
- 842,
- 2936,
- 842,
- 2939,
- 843,
- 2942,
- 845,
- 2944,
- 847,
- 2946,
- 850,
- 2947,
- 853,
- 2947,
- 857,
- 2946,
- 861,
- 2950,
- 861,
- 2948,
- 858,
- 2947,
- 855,
- 2944,
- 853,
- 2942,
- 850,
- 2939,
- 847,
- 2936,
- 845,
- 2934,
- 842,
- 2931,
- 841,
- 2928,
- 839,
+ 2928, 843, 2932, 842, 2936, 842, 2939, 843, 2942, 845, 2944, 847, 2946, 850,
+ 2947, 853, 2947, 857, 2946, 861, 2950, 861, 2948, 858, 2947, 855, 2944, 853,
+ 2942, 850, 2939, 847, 2936, 845, 2934, 842, 2931, 841, 2928, 839,
[2946, 861, 2946, 879, 2950, 879, 2950, 861],
@@ -29660,88 +6438,16 @@
R04861: [
[1718, 1209, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1209],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2438, 1170, 2438, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2438,
- 1170,
- 2442,
- 1170,
- 2446,
- 1168,
- 2450,
- 1166,
- 2454,
- 1163,
- 2457,
- 1160,
- 2460,
- 1156,
- 2462,
- 1152,
- 2464,
- 1148,
- 2464,
- 1144,
- 2468,
- 1144,
- 2467,
- 1149,
- 2466,
- 1154,
- 2464,
- 1159,
- 2461,
- 1163,
- 2457,
- 1167,
- 2453,
- 1170,
- 2448,
- 1172,
- 2443,
- 1173,
- 2438,
+ 2438, 1170, 2442, 1170, 2446, 1168, 2450, 1166, 2454, 1163, 2457, 1160, 2460,
+ 1156, 2462, 1152, 2464, 1148, 2464, 1144, 2468, 1144, 2467, 1149, 2466, 1154,
+ 2464, 1159, 2461, 1163, 2457, 1167, 2453, 1170, 2448, 1172, 2443, 1173, 2438,
[2464, 1144, 2464, 887, 2468, 887, 2468, 1144],
@@ -29753,88 +6459,16 @@
K04126: [
[2174, 1707, 2174, 1710, 2178, 1710, 2178, 1707],
- 2178,
- 1710,
- 2178,
- 1713,
- 2179,
- 1715,
- 2181,
- 1718,
- 2183,
- 1721,
- 2185,
- 1723,
- 2188,
- 1725,
- 2191,
- 1727,
- 2193,
- 1728,
- 2196,
- 1728,
- 2196,
- 1732,
- 2192,
- 1732,
- 2188,
- 1731,
- 2185,
- 1729,
- 2182,
- 1727,
- 2179,
- 1724,
- 2177,
- 1721,
- 2175,
- 1718,
- 2174,
- 1714,
- 2174,
+ 2178, 1710, 2178, 1713, 2179, 1715, 2181, 1718, 2183, 1721, 2185, 1723, 2188,
+ 1725, 2191, 1727, 2193, 1728, 2196, 1728, 2196, 1732, 2192, 1732, 2188, 1731,
+ 2185, 1729, 2182, 1727, 2179, 1724, 2177, 1721, 2175, 1718, 2174, 1714, 2174,
[2196, 1728, 2388, 1728, 2388, 1732, 2196, 1732],
- 2388,
- 1732,
- 2392,
- 1731,
- 2396,
- 1731,
- 2399,
- 1732,
- 2402,
- 1734,
- 2404,
- 1736,
- 2406,
- 1739,
- 2407,
- 1742,
- 2407,
- 1746,
- 2406,
- 1750,
- 2410,
- 1750,
- 2408,
- 1747,
- 2407,
- 1744,
- 2404,
- 1742,
- 2402,
- 1739,
- 2399,
- 1736,
- 2396,
- 1734,
- 2394,
- 1731,
- 2391,
- 1730,
- 2388,
+ 2388, 1732, 2392, 1731, 2396, 1731, 2399, 1732, 2402, 1734, 2404, 1736, 2406,
+ 1739, 2407, 1742, 2407, 1746, 2406, 1750, 2410, 1750, 2408, 1747, 2407, 1744,
+ 2404, 1742, 2402, 1739, 2399, 1736, 2396, 1734, 2394, 1731, 2391, 1730, 2388,
[2406, 1750, 2406, 1776, 2410, 1776, 2410, 1750],
@@ -29850,355 +6484,65 @@
K00431: [
[2710, 614, 2685, 614, 2685, 618, 2710, 618],
- 2685,
- 614,
- 2682,
- 614,
- 2679,
- 615,
- 2676,
- 616,
- 2673,
- 618,
- 2671,
- 620,
- 2669,
- 623,
- 2668,
- 626,
- 2667,
- 629,
- 2667,
- 632,
- 2671,
- 632,
- 2671,
- 630,
- 2672,
- 628,
- 2673,
- 626,
- 2675,
- 624,
- 2677,
- 622,
- 2679,
- 620,
- 2681,
- 619,
- 2683,
- 618,
- 2685,
- 618,
+ 2685, 614, 2682, 614, 2679, 615, 2676, 616, 2673, 618, 2671, 620, 2669, 623,
+ 2668, 626, 2667, 629, 2667, 632, 2671, 632, 2671, 630, 2672, 628, 2673, 626,
+ 2675, 624, 2677, 622, 2679, 620, 2681, 619, 2683, 618, 2685, 618,
[2667, 632, 2667, 638, 2671, 638, 2671, 632],
[2629, 635, 2670, 635, 2670, 639, 2629, 639],
[2668, 635, 2711, 635, 2711, 639, 2668, 639],
[2590, 577, 2602, 577, 2602, 581, 2590, 581],
- 2602,
- 581,
- 2607,
- 580,
- 2612,
- 581,
- 2617,
- 582,
- 2621,
- 585,
- 2624,
- 588,
- 2627,
- 592,
- 2628,
- 597,
- 2629,
- 602,
- 2628,
- 607,
- 2632,
- 607,
- 2630,
- 603,
- 2628,
- 599,
- 2625,
- 595,
- 2622,
- 591,
- 2618,
- 587,
- 2614,
- 584,
- 2610,
- 581,
- 2606,
- 579,
- 2602,
- 577,
+ 2602, 581, 2607, 580, 2612, 581, 2617, 582, 2621, 585, 2624, 588, 2627, 592,
+ 2628, 597, 2629, 602, 2628, 607, 2632, 607, 2630, 603, 2628, 599, 2625, 595,
+ 2622, 591, 2618, 587, 2614, 584, 2610, 581, 2606, 579, 2602, 577,
[2628, 607, 2628, 638, 2632, 638, 2632, 607],
K03878: [
[1457, 1926, 1459, 1926, 1459, 1930, 1457, 1930],
- 1459,
- 1930,
- 1465,
- 1929,
- 1471,
- 1930,
- 1476,
- 1932,
- 1481,
- 1935,
- 1485,
- 1939,
- 1488,
- 1944,
- 1490,
- 1949,
- 1491,
- 1955,
- 1490,
- 1961,
- 1494,
- 1961,
- 1492,
- 1956,
- 1490,
- 1951,
- 1486,
- 1947,
- 1482,
- 1942,
- 1478,
- 1938,
- 1473,
- 1934,
- 1469,
- 1930,
- 1464,
- 1928,
- 1459,
+ 1459, 1930, 1465, 1929, 1471, 1930, 1476, 1932, 1481, 1935, 1485, 1939, 1488,
+ 1944, 1490, 1949, 1491, 1955, 1490, 1961, 1494, 1961, 1492, 1956, 1490, 1951,
+ 1486, 1947, 1482, 1942, 1478, 1938, 1473, 1934, 1469, 1930, 1464, 1928, 1459,
[1490, 1961, 1490, 1965, 1494, 1965, 1494, 1961],
- 1490,
- 1965,
- 1489,
- 1970,
- 1488,
- 1975,
- 1485,
- 1979,
- 1482,
- 1984,
- 1478,
- 1988,
- 1473,
- 1991,
- 1469,
- 1994,
- 1464,
- 1995,
- 1459,
- 1996,
- 1459,
- 2000,
- 1465,
- 1999,
- 1471,
- 1998,
- 1476,
- 1995,
- 1481,
- 1991,
- 1485,
- 1987,
- 1489,
- 1982,
- 1492,
- 1977,
- 1493,
- 1971,
- 1494,
+ 1490, 1965, 1489, 1970, 1488, 1975, 1485, 1979, 1482, 1984, 1478, 1988, 1473,
+ 1991, 1469, 1994, 1464, 1995, 1459, 1996, 1459, 2000, 1465, 1999, 1471, 1998,
+ 1476, 1995, 1481, 1991, 1485, 1987, 1489, 1982, 1492, 1977, 1493, 1971, 1494,
[1459, 1996, 1457, 1996, 1457, 2000, 1459, 2000],
[1490, 1908, 1490, 2014, 1494, 2014, 1494, 1908],
[1457, 1926, 1459, 1926, 1459, 1930, 1457, 1930],
- 1459,
- 1930,
- 1465,
- 1929,
- 1471,
- 1930,
- 1476,
- 1932,
- 1481,
- 1935,
- 1485,
- 1939,
- 1488,
- 1944,
- 1490,
- 1949,
- 1491,
- 1955,
- 1490,
- 1961,
- 1494,
- 1961,
- 1492,
- 1956,
- 1490,
- 1951,
- 1486,
- 1947,
- 1482,
- 1942,
- 1478,
- 1938,
- 1473,
- 1934,
- 1469,
- 1930,
- 1464,
- 1928,
- 1459,
+ 1459, 1930, 1465, 1929, 1471, 1930, 1476, 1932, 1481, 1935, 1485, 1939, 1488,
+ 1944, 1490, 1949, 1491, 1955, 1490, 1961, 1494, 1961, 1492, 1956, 1490, 1951,
+ 1486, 1947, 1482, 1942, 1478, 1938, 1473, 1934, 1469, 1930, 1464, 1928, 1459,
[1490, 1961, 1490, 1965, 1494, 1965, 1494, 1961],
- 1490,
- 1965,
- 1489,
- 1970,
- 1488,
- 1975,
- 1485,
- 1979,
- 1482,
- 1984,
- 1478,
- 1988,
- 1473,
- 1991,
- 1469,
- 1994,
- 1464,
- 1995,
- 1459,
- 1996,
- 1459,
- 2000,
- 1465,
- 1999,
- 1471,
- 1998,
- 1476,
- 1995,
- 1481,
- 1991,
- 1485,
- 1987,
- 1489,
- 1982,
- 1492,
- 1977,
- 1493,
- 1971,
- 1494,
+ 1490, 1965, 1489, 1970, 1488, 1975, 1485, 1979, 1482, 1984, 1478, 1988, 1473,
+ 1991, 1469, 1994, 1464, 1995, 1459, 1996, 1459, 2000, 1465, 1999, 1471, 1998,
+ 1476, 1995, 1481, 1991, 1485, 1987, 1489, 1982, 1492, 1977, 1493, 1971, 1494,
[1459, 1996, 1457, 1996, 1457, 2000, 1459, 2000],
[1596, 1926, 1525, 1926, 1525, 1930, 1596, 1930],
- 1525,
- 1926,
- 1519,
- 1927,
- 1513,
- 1928,
- 1508,
- 1931,
- 1503,
- 1935,
- 1499,
- 1939,
- 1495,
- 1944,
- 1492,
- 1949,
- 1491,
- 1955,
- 1490,
- 1961,
- 1494,
- 1961,
- 1495,
- 1956,
- 1496,
- 1951,
- 1499,
- 1947,
- 1502,
- 1942,
- 1506,
- 1938,
- 1511,
- 1935,
- 1515,
- 1932,
- 1520,
- 1931,
- 1525,
+ 1525, 1926, 1519, 1927, 1513, 1928, 1508, 1931, 1503, 1935, 1499, 1939, 1495,
+ 1944, 1492, 1949, 1491, 1955, 1490, 1961, 1494, 1961, 1495, 1956, 1496, 1951,
+ 1499, 1947, 1502, 1942, 1506, 1938, 1511, 1935, 1515, 1932, 1520, 1931, 1525,
[1490, 1961, 1490, 1965, 1494, 1965, 1494, 1961],
- 1494,
- 1965,
- 1495,
- 1970,
- 1496,
- 1975,
- 1499,
- 1979,
- 1502,
- 1984,
- 1506,
- 1988,
- 1511,
- 1991,
- 1515,
- 1994,
- 1520,
- 1995,
- 1525,
- 1996,
- 1525,
- 2000,
- 1519,
- 1999,
- 1513,
- 1998,
- 1508,
- 1995,
- 1503,
- 1991,
- 1499,
- 1987,
- 1495,
- 1982,
- 1492,
- 1977,
- 1491,
- 1971,
- 1490,
+ 1494, 1965, 1495, 1970, 1496, 1975, 1499, 1979, 1502, 1984, 1506, 1988, 1511,
+ 1991, 1515, 1994, 1520, 1995, 1525, 1996, 1525, 2000, 1519, 1999, 1513, 1998,
+ 1508, 1995, 1503, 1991, 1499, 1987, 1495, 1982, 1492, 1977, 1491, 1971, 1490,
[1525, 1996, 1596, 1996, 1596, 2000, 1525, 2000],
@@ -30216,89 +6560,15 @@
[1157, 775, 1057, 775, 1057, 779, 1157, 779],
[1057, 775, 1113, 775, 1113, 779, 1057, 779],
- 1113,
- 775,
- 1116,
- 775,
- 1118,
- 774,
- 1121,
- 772,
- 1124,
- 770,
- 1126,
- 768,
- 1128,
- 765,
- 1130,
- 762,
- 1131,
- 760,
- 1131,
- 757,
- 1135,
- 757,
- 1135,
- 761,
- 1134,
- 765,
- 1132,
- 768,
- 1130,
- 771,
- 1127,
- 774,
- 1124,
- 776,
- 1121,
- 778,
- 1117,
- 779,
- 1113,
- 779,
+ 1113, 775, 1116, 775, 1118, 774, 1121, 772, 1124, 770, 1126, 768, 1128, 765,
+ 1130, 762, 1131, 760, 1131, 757, 1135, 757, 1135, 761, 1134, 765, 1132, 768,
+ 1130, 771, 1127, 774, 1124, 776, 1121, 778, 1117, 779, 1113, 779,
[1131, 757, 1131, 681, 1135, 681, 1135, 757],
- 1131,
- 681,
- 1131,
- 677,
- 1132,
- 673,
- 1134,
- 670,
- 1136,
- 667,
- 1139,
- 664,
- 1142,
- 662,
- 1145,
- 660,
- 1149,
- 659,
- 1153,
- 659,
- 1153,
- 663,
- 1150,
- 663,
- 1148,
- 664,
- 1145,
- 666,
- 1142,
- 668,
- 1140,
- 670,
- 1138,
- 673,
- 1136,
- 676,
- 1135,
- 678,
- 1135,
- 681,
+ 1131, 681, 1131, 677, 1132, 673, 1134, 670, 1136, 667, 1139, 664, 1142, 662,
+ 1145, 660, 1149, 659, 1153, 659, 1153, 663, 1150, 663, 1148, 664, 1145, 666,
+ 1142, 668, 1140, 670, 1138, 673, 1136, 676, 1135, 678, 1135, 681,
[1153, 659, 1157, 659, 1157, 663, 1153, 663],
[1157, 775, 1057, 775, 1057, 779, 1157, 779],
@@ -30319,45 +6589,9 @@
K09698: [
[2798, 1947, 2608, 1947, 2608, 1951, 2798, 1951],
- 2608,
- 1951,
- 2606,
- 1950,
- 2604,
- 1948,
- 2602,
- 1946,
- 2599,
- 1944,
- 2597,
- 1942,
- 2595,
- 1939,
- 2593,
- 1937,
- 2591,
- 1935,
- 2590,
- 1933,
- 2594,
- 1933,
- 2593,
- 1936,
- 2593,
- 1939,
- 2594,
- 1942,
- 2595,
- 1944,
- 2597,
- 1946,
- 2599,
- 1947,
- 2602,
- 1948,
- 2605,
- 1948,
- 2608,
+ 2608, 1951, 2606, 1950, 2604, 1948, 2602, 1946, 2599, 1944, 2597, 1942, 2595,
+ 1939, 2593, 1937, 2591, 1935, 2590, 1933, 2594, 1933, 2593, 1936, 2593, 1939,
+ 2594, 1942, 2595, 1944, 2597, 1946, 2599, 1947, 2602, 1948, 2605, 1948, 2608,
[2590, 1933, 2590, 1828, 2594, 1828, 2594, 1933],
@@ -30379,46 +6613,9 @@
K00729: [
[726, 100, 726, 85, 730, 85, 730, 100],
- 726,
- 85,
- 726,
- 82,
- 727,
- 79,
- 728,
- 76,
- 730,
- 73,
- 732,
- 71,
- 735,
- 69,
- 738,
- 68,
- 741,
- 67,
- 744,
- 67,
- 744,
- 71,
- 742,
- 71,
- 740,
- 72,
- 738,
- 73,
- 736,
- 75,
- 734,
- 77,
- 732,
- 79,
- 731,
- 81,
- 730,
- 83,
- 730,
- 85,
+ 726, 85, 726, 82, 727, 79, 728, 76, 730, 73, 732, 71, 735, 69, 738, 68, 741, 67,
+ 744, 67, 744, 71, 742, 71, 740, 72, 738, 73, 736, 75, 734, 77, 732, 79, 731, 81,
+ 730, 83, 730, 85,
[744, 67, 914, 67, 914, 71, 744, 71],
@@ -30426,46 +6623,9 @@
K14175: [
[280, 1467, 280, 1486, 284, 1486, 284, 1467],
- 284,
- 1486,
- 284,
- 1489,
- 285,
- 1491,
- 287,
- 1494,
- 289,
- 1497,
- 291,
- 1499,
- 294,
- 1501,
- 297,
- 1503,
- 299,
- 1504,
- 302,
- 1504,
- 302,
- 1508,
- 298,
- 1508,
- 294,
- 1507,
- 291,
- 1505,
- 288,
- 1503,
- 285,
- 1500,
- 283,
- 1497,
- 281,
- 1494,
- 280,
- 1490,
- 280,
- 1486,
+ 284, 1486, 284, 1489, 285, 1491, 287, 1494, 289, 1497, 291, 1499, 294, 1501,
+ 297, 1503, 299, 1504, 302, 1504, 302, 1508, 298, 1508, 294, 1507, 291, 1505,
+ 288, 1503, 285, 1500, 283, 1497, 281, 1494, 280, 1490, 280, 1486,
[302, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 302, 1508],
@@ -30473,89 +6633,17 @@
[3158, 1526, 3242, 1526, 3242, 1530, 3158, 1530],
[3279, 1413, 3344, 1437, 3344, 1441, 3279, 1417],
- 3344,
- 1441,
- 3348,
- 1441,
- 3351,
- 1443,
- 3355,
- 1445,
- 3357,
- 1447,
- 3360,
- 1451,
- 3361,
- 1454,
- 3362,
- 1458,
- 3362,
- 1462,
- 3361,
- 1466,
- 3365,
- 1466,
- 3363,
- 1463,
- 3362,
- 1460,
- 3360,
- 1457,
- 3357,
- 1453,
- 3355,
- 1450,
- 3352,
- 1446,
- 3349,
- 1443,
- 3347,
- 1440,
- 3344,
+ 3344, 1441, 3348, 1441, 3351, 1443, 3355, 1445, 3357, 1447, 3360, 1451, 3361,
+ 1454, 3362, 1458, 3362, 1462, 3361, 1466, 3365, 1466, 3363, 1463, 3362, 1460,
+ 3360, 1457, 3357, 1453, 3355, 1450, 3352, 1446, 3349, 1443, 3347, 1440, 3344,
[3361, 1466, 3361, 1529, 3365, 1529, 3365, 1466],
[2676, 1929, 2694, 1929, 2694, 1933, 2676, 1933],
- 2694,
- 1929,
- 2696,
- 1929,
- 2698,
- 1928,
- 2700,
- 1927,
- 2702,
- 1925,
- 2704,
- 1923,
- 2706,
- 1921,
- 2707,
- 1919,
- 2708,
- 1917,
- 2708,
- 1915,
- 2712,
- 1915,
- 2712,
- 1918,
- 2711,
- 1921,
- 2710,
- 1924,
- 2708,
- 1927,
- 2706,
- 1929,
- 2703,
- 1931,
- 2700,
- 1932,
- 2697,
- 1933,
- 2694,
+ 2694, 1929, 2696, 1929, 2698, 1928, 2700, 1927, 2702, 1925, 2704, 1923, 2706,
+ 1921, 2707, 1919, 2708, 1917, 2708, 1915, 2712, 1915, 2712, 1918, 2711, 1921,
+ 2710, 1924, 2708, 1927, 2706, 1929, 2703, 1931, 2700, 1932, 2697, 1933, 2694,
[2708, 1915, 2708, 1901, 2712, 1901, 2712, 1915],
@@ -30570,181 +6658,33 @@
R08770: [
[3106, 881, 3066, 881, 3066, 885, 3106, 885],
- 3066,
- 881,
- 3062,
- 881,
- 3058,
- 882,
- 3055,
- 884,
- 3052,
- 886,
- 3049,
- 889,
- 3047,
- 892,
- 3045,
- 895,
- 3044,
- 899,
- 3044,
- 903,
- 3048,
- 903,
- 3048,
- 900,
- 3049,
- 898,
- 3051,
- 895,
- 3053,
- 892,
- 3055,
- 890,
- 3058,
- 888,
- 3061,
- 886,
- 3063,
- 885,
- 3066,
- 885,
+ 3066, 881, 3062, 881, 3058, 882, 3055, 884, 3052, 886, 3049, 889, 3047, 892,
+ 3045, 895, 3044, 899, 3044, 903, 3048, 903, 3048, 900, 3049, 898, 3051, 895,
+ 3053, 892, 3055, 890, 3058, 888, 3061, 886, 3063, 885, 3066, 885,
[3044, 903, 3044, 917, 3048, 917, 3048, 903],
- ],
- K01468: [[2590, 1067, 2590, 1112, 2594, 1112, 2594, 1067]],
- K00517: [[2276, 1915, 2326, 1915, 2326, 1919, 2276, 1919]],
- K03738: [
- [1720, 714, 1728, 714, 1728, 718, 1720, 718],
- [
- 1728,
- 718,
- 1731,
- 717,
- 1734,
- 717,
- 1737,
- 718,
- 1739,
- 719,
- 1741,
- 721,
- 1742,
- 723,
- 1743,
- 726,
- 1743,
- 729,
- 1742,
- 732,
- 1746,
- 732,
- 1745,
- 730,
- 1743,
- 728,
- 1741,
- 726,
- 1739,
- 723,
- 1737,
- 721,
- 1734,
- 719,
- 1732,
- 717,
- 1730,
- 715,
- 1728,
- 714,
+ ],
+ K01468: [[2590, 1067, 2590, 1112, 2594, 1112, 2594, 1067]],
+ K00517: [[2276, 1915, 2326, 1915, 2326, 1919, 2276, 1919]],
+ K03738: [
+ [1720, 714, 1728, 714, 1728, 718, 1720, 718],
+ [
+ 1728, 718, 1731, 717, 1734, 717, 1737, 718, 1739, 719, 1741, 721, 1742, 723,
+ 1743, 726, 1743, 729, 1742, 732, 1746, 732, 1745, 730, 1743, 728, 1741, 726,
+ 1739, 723, 1737, 721, 1734, 719, 1732, 717, 1730, 715, 1728, 714,
[1742, 732, 1742, 896, 1746, 896, 1746, 732],
- 1742,
- 896,
- 1742,
- 898,
- 1741,
- 900,
- 1740,
- 902,
- 1738,
- 904,
- 1736,
- 906,
- 1734,
- 908,
- 1732,
- 909,
- 1730,
- 910,
- 1728,
- 910,
- 1728,
- 914,
- 1731,
- 914,
- 1734,
- 913,
- 1737,
- 912,
- 1740,
- 910,
- 1742,
- 908,
- 1744,
- 905,
- 1745,
- 902,
- 1746,
- 899,
- 1746,
- 896,
+ 1742, 896, 1742, 898, 1741, 900, 1740, 902, 1738, 904, 1736, 906, 1734, 908,
+ 1732, 909, 1730, 910, 1728, 910, 1728, 914, 1731, 914, 1734, 913, 1737, 912,
+ 1740, 910, 1742, 908, 1744, 905, 1745, 902, 1746, 899, 1746, 896,
[1728, 910, 1720, 910, 1720, 914, 1728, 914],
[2121, 589, 2121, 990, 2125, 990, 2125, 589],
- 2121,
- 990,
- 2121,
- 993,
- 2120,
- 995,
- 2118,
- 998,
- 2116,
- 1001,
- 2114,
- 1003,
- 2111,
- 1005,
- 2108,
- 1007,
- 2106,
- 1008,
- 2103,
- 1008,
- 2103,
- 1012,
- 2107,
- 1012,
- 2111,
- 1011,
- 2114,
- 1009,
- 2117,
- 1007,
- 2120,
- 1004,
- 2122,
- 1001,
- 2124,
- 998,
- 2125,
- 994,
- 2125,
- 990,
+ 2121, 990, 2121, 993, 2120, 995, 2118, 998, 2116, 1001, 2114, 1003, 2111, 1005,
+ 2108, 1007, 2106, 1008, 2103, 1008, 2103, 1012, 2107, 1012, 2111, 1011, 2114,
+ 1009, 2117, 1007, 2120, 1004, 2122, 1001, 2124, 998, 2125, 994, 2125, 990,
[2103, 1008, 1908, 1008, 1908, 1012, 2103, 1012],
@@ -30756,46 +6696,9 @@
K00490: [
[500, 485, 553, 485, 553, 489, 500, 489],
- 553,
- 489,
- 557,
- 488,
- 561,
- 488,
- 564,
- 489,
- 567,
- 491,
- 569,
- 493,
- 571,
- 496,
- 572,
- 499,
- 572,
- 503,
- 571,
- 507,
- 575,
- 507,
- 573,
- 504,
- 572,
- 501,
- 569,
- 499,
- 567,
- 496,
- 564,
- 493,
- 561,
- 491,
- 559,
- 488,
- 556,
- 487,
- 553,
- 485,
+ 553, 489, 557, 488, 561, 488, 564, 489, 567, 491, 569, 493, 571, 496, 572, 499,
+ 572, 503, 571, 507, 575, 507, 573, 504, 572, 501, 569, 499, 567, 496, 564, 493,
+ 561, 491, 559, 488, 556, 487, 553, 485,
[571, 507, 571, 593, 575, 593, 575, 507],
@@ -30803,88 +6706,16 @@
R03892: [
[997, 2090, 1056, 2090, 1056, 2094, 997, 2094],
- 1056,
- 2090,
- 1059,
- 2090,
- 1061,
- 2089,
- 1064,
- 2087,
- 1067,
- 2085,
- 1069,
- 2083,
- 1071,
- 2080,
- 1073,
- 2077,
- 1074,
- 2075,
- 1074,
- 2072,
- 1078,
- 2072,
- 1078,
- 2076,
- 1077,
- 2080,
- 1075,
- 2083,
- 1073,
- 2086,
- 1070,
- 2089,
- 1067,
- 2091,
- 1064,
- 2093,
- 1060,
- 2094,
- 1056,
+ 1056, 2090, 1059, 2090, 1061, 2089, 1064, 2087, 1067, 2085, 1069, 2083, 1071,
+ 2080, 1073, 2077, 1074, 2075, 1074, 2072, 1078, 2072, 1078, 2076, 1077, 2080,
+ 1075, 2083, 1073, 2086, 1070, 2089, 1067, 2091, 1064, 2093, 1060, 2094, 1056,
[1074, 2072, 1074, 1832, 1078, 1832, 1078, 2072],
- 1078,
- 1832,
- 1078,
- 1828,
- 1077,
- 1824,
- 1075,
- 1821,
- 1073,
- 1818,
- 1070,
- 1815,
- 1067,
- 1813,
- 1064,
- 1811,
- 1060,
- 1810,
- 1056,
- 1810,
- 1056,
- 1814,
- 1059,
- 1814,
- 1061,
- 1815,
- 1064,
- 1817,
- 1067,
- 1819,
- 1069,
- 1821,
- 1071,
- 1824,
- 1073,
- 1827,
- 1074,
- 1829,
- 1074,
+ 1078, 1832, 1078, 1828, 1077, 1824, 1075, 1821, 1073, 1818, 1070, 1815, 1067,
+ 1813, 1064, 1811, 1060, 1810, 1056, 1810, 1056, 1814, 1059, 1814, 1061, 1815,
+ 1064, 1817, 1067, 1819, 1069, 1821, 1071, 1824, 1073, 1827, 1074, 1829, 1074,
[1056, 1810, 1036, 1810, 1036, 1814, 1056, 1814],
@@ -30892,46 +6723,9 @@
K00635: [
[961, 590, 954, 590, 954, 594, 961, 594],
- 954,
- 590,
- 950,
- 590,
- 946,
- 591,
- 943,
- 593,
- 940,
- 595,
- 937,
- 598,
- 935,
- 601,
- 933,
- 604,
- 932,
- 608,
- 932,
- 612,
- 936,
- 612,
- 936,
- 609,
- 937,
- 607,
- 939,
- 604,
- 941,
- 601,
- 943,
- 599,
- 946,
- 597,
- 949,
- 595,
- 951,
- 594,
- 954,
- 594,
+ 954, 590, 950, 590, 946, 591, 943, 593, 940, 595, 937, 598, 935, 601, 933, 604,
+ 932, 608, 932, 612, 936, 612, 936, 609, 937, 607, 939, 604, 941, 601, 943, 599,
+ 946, 597, 949, 595, 951, 594, 954, 594,
[932, 612, 932, 692, 936, 692, 936, 612],
@@ -30940,46 +6734,9 @@
[846, 359, 846, 408, 850, 408, 850, 359],
[780, 377, 832, 377, 832, 381, 780, 381],
- 832,
- 381,
- 835,
- 380,
- 838,
- 380,
- 841,
- 381,
- 843,
- 382,
- 845,
- 384,
- 846,
- 386,
- 847,
- 389,
- 847,
- 392,
- 846,
- 395,
- 850,
- 395,
- 849,
- 393,
- 847,
- 391,
- 845,
- 389,
- 843,
- 386,
- 841,
- 384,
- 838,
- 382,
- 836,
- 380,
- 834,
- 378,
- 832,
- 377,
+ 832, 381, 835, 380, 838, 380, 841, 381, 843, 382, 845, 384, 846, 386, 847, 389,
+ 847, 392, 846, 395, 850, 395, 849, 393, 847, 391, 845, 389, 843, 386, 841, 384,
+ 838, 382, 836, 380, 834, 378, 832, 377,
[846, 395, 846, 402, 850, 402, 850, 395],
[846, 359, 846, 408, 850, 408, 850, 359],
@@ -30999,46 +6756,9 @@
K08678: [
[1822, 266, 1822, 291, 1826, 291, 1826, 266],
- 1826,
- 291,
- 1826,
- 294,
- 1827,
- 296,
- 1829,
- 299,
- 1831,
- 302,
- 1833,
- 304,
- 1836,
- 306,
- 1839,
- 308,
- 1841,
- 309,
- 1844,
- 309,
- 1844,
- 313,
- 1840,
- 313,
- 1836,
- 312,
- 1833,
- 310,
- 1830,
- 308,
- 1827,
- 305,
- 1825,
- 302,
- 1823,
- 299,
- 1822,
- 295,
- 1822,
- 291,
+ 1826, 291, 1826, 294, 1827, 296, 1829, 299, 1831, 302, 1833, 304, 1836, 306,
+ 1839, 308, 1841, 309, 1844, 309, 1844, 313, 1840, 313, 1836, 312, 1833, 310,
+ 1830, 308, 1827, 305, 1825, 302, 1823, 299, 1822, 295, 1822, 291,
[1844, 309, 1866, 309, 1866, 313, 1844, 313],
@@ -31046,45 +6766,9 @@
K05353: [
[3232, 1577, 3269, 1592, 3269, 1596, 3232, 1581],
- 3269,
- 1596,
- 3271,
- 1596,
- 3273,
- 1596,
- 3274,
- 1597,
- 3276,
- 1598,
- 3277,
- 1599,
- 3277,
- 1601,
- 3277,
- 1603,
- 3277,
- 1606,
- 3276,
- 1608,
- 3280,
- 1608,
- 3279,
- 1607,
- 3277,
- 1605,
- 3276,
- 1604,
- 3274,
- 1602,
- 3273,
- 1600,
- 3272,
- 1598,
- 3271,
- 1596,
- 3270,
- 1594,
- 3269,
+ 3269, 1596, 3271, 1596, 3273, 1596, 3274, 1597, 3276, 1598, 3277, 1599, 3277,
+ 1601, 3277, 1603, 3277, 1606, 3276, 1608, 3280, 1608, 3279, 1607, 3277, 1605,
+ 3276, 1604, 3274, 1602, 3273, 1600, 3272, 1598, 3271, 1596, 3270, 1594, 3269,
[3276, 1608, 3276, 1617, 3280, 1617, 3280, 1608],
@@ -31108,264 +6792,42 @@
K03040: [
[2503, 189, 2470, 189, 2470, 193, 2503, 193],
- 2470,
- 189,
- 2466,
- 189,
- 2462,
- 190,
- 2459,
- 192,
- 2456,
- 194,
- 2453,
- 197,
- 2451,
- 200,
- 2449,
- 203,
- 2448,
- 207,
- 2448,
- 211,
- 2452,
- 211,
- 2452,
- 208,
- 2453,
- 206,
- 2455,
- 203,
- 2457,
- 200,
- 2459,
- 198,
- 2462,
- 196,
- 2465,
- 194,
- 2467,
- 193,
- 2470,
- 193,
+ 2470, 189, 2466, 189, 2462, 190, 2459, 192, 2456, 194, 2453, 197, 2451, 200,
+ 2449, 203, 2448, 207, 2448, 211, 2452, 211, 2452, 208, 2453, 206, 2455, 203,
+ 2457, 200, 2459, 198, 2462, 196, 2465, 194, 2467, 193, 2470, 193,
[2448, 211, 2448, 331, 2452, 331, 2452, 211],
[2449, 328, 3087, 328, 3087, 332, 2449, 332],
- 3087,
- 328,
- 3090,
- 328,
- 3092,
- 327,
- 3095,
- 325,
- 3098,
- 323,
- 3100,
- 321,
- 3102,
- 318,
- 3104,
- 315,
- 3105,
- 313,
- 3105,
- 310,
- 3109,
- 310,
- 3109,
- 314,
- 3108,
- 318,
- 3106,
- 321,
- 3104,
- 324,
- 3101,
- 327,
- 3098,
- 329,
- 3095,
- 331,
- 3091,
- 332,
- 3087,
- 332,
+ 3087, 328, 3090, 328, 3092, 327, 3095, 325, 3098, 323, 3100, 321, 3102, 318,
+ 3104, 315, 3105, 313, 3105, 310, 3109, 310, 3109, 314, 3108, 318, 3106, 321,
+ 3104, 324, 3101, 327, 3098, 329, 3095, 331, 3091, 332, 3087, 332,
[3105, 310, 3105, 211, 3109, 211, 3109, 310],
- 3109,
- 211,
- 3109,
- 207,
- 3108,
- 203,
- 3106,
- 200,
- 3104,
- 197,
- 3101,
- 194,
- 3098,
- 192,
- 3095,
- 190,
- 3091,
- 189,
- 3087,
- 189,
- 3087,
- 193,
- 3090,
- 193,
- 3092,
- 194,
- 3095,
- 196,
- 3098,
- 198,
- 3100,
- 200,
- 3102,
- 203,
- 3104,
- 206,
- 3105,
- 208,
- 3105,
- 211,
+ 3109, 211, 3109, 207, 3108, 203, 3106, 200, 3104, 197, 3101, 194, 3098, 192,
+ 3095, 190, 3091, 189, 3087, 189, 3087, 193, 3090, 193, 3092, 194, 3095, 196,
+ 3098, 198, 3100, 200, 3102, 203, 3104, 206, 3105, 208, 3105, 211,
[3087, 189, 3044, 189, 3044, 193, 3087, 193],
[2268, 402, 2268, 350, 2272, 350, 2272, 402],
- 2268,
- 350,
- 2268,
- 346,
- 2269,
- 342,
- 2271,
- 339,
- 2273,
- 336,
- 2276,
- 333,
- 2279,
- 331,
- 2282,
- 329,
- 2286,
- 328,
- 2290,
- 328,
- 2290,
- 332,
- 2287,
- 332,
- 2285,
- 333,
- 2282,
- 335,
- 2279,
- 337,
- 2277,
- 339,
- 2275,
- 342,
- 2273,
- 345,
- 2272,
- 347,
- 2272,
- 350,
+ 2268, 350, 2268, 346, 2269, 342, 2271, 339, 2273, 336, 2276, 333, 2279, 331,
+ 2282, 329, 2286, 328, 2290, 328, 2290, 332, 2287, 332, 2285, 333, 2282, 335,
+ 2279, 337, 2277, 339, 2275, 342, 2273, 345, 2272, 347, 2272, 350,
[2290, 328, 2451, 328, 2451, 332, 2290, 332],
[2268, 490, 2268, 469, 2272, 469, 2272, 490],
- 2268,
- 469,
- 2268,
- 465,
- 2269,
- 461,
- 2271,
- 458,
- 2273,
- 455,
- 2276,
- 452,
- 2279,
- 450,
- 2282,
- 448,
- 2286,
- 447,
- 2290,
- 447,
- 2290,
- 451,
- 2287,
- 451,
- 2285,
- 452,
- 2282,
- 454,
- 2279,
- 456,
- 2277,
- 458,
- 2275,
- 461,
- 2273,
- 464,
- 2272,
- 466,
- 2272,
- 469,
+ 2268, 469, 2268, 465, 2269, 461, 2271, 458, 2273, 455, 2276, 452, 2279, 450,
+ 2282, 448, 2286, 447, 2290, 447, 2290, 451, 2287, 451, 2285, 452, 2282, 454,
+ 2279, 456, 2277, 458, 2275, 461, 2273, 464, 2272, 466, 2272, 469,
[2290, 447, 2430, 447, 2430, 451, 2290, 451],
- 2430,
- 447,
- 2433,
- 447,
- 2435,
- 446,
- 2438,
- 444,
- 2441,
- 442,
- 2443,
- 440,
- 2445,
- 437,
- 2447,
- 434,
- 2448,
- 432,
- 2448,
- 429,
- 2452,
- 429,
- 2452,
- 433,
- 2451,
- 437,
- 2449,
- 440,
- 2447,
- 443,
- 2444,
- 446,
- 2441,
- 448,
- 2438,
- 450,
- 2434,
- 451,
- 2430,
- 451,
+ 2430, 447, 2433, 447, 2435, 446, 2438, 444, 2441, 442, 2443, 440, 2445, 437,
+ 2447, 434, 2448, 432, 2448, 429, 2452, 429, 2452, 433, 2451, 437, 2449, 440,
+ 2447, 443, 2444, 446, 2441, 448, 2438, 450, 2434, 451, 2430, 451,
[2448, 429, 2448, 329, 2452, 329, 2452, 429],
@@ -31376,179 +6838,34 @@
'Q8L5K3,': [
[280, 1384, 280, 1404, 284, 1404, 284, 1384],
- 284,
- 1404,
- 284,
- 1407,
- 285,
- 1409,
- 287,
- 1412,
- 289,
- 1415,
- 291,
- 1417,
- 294,
- 1419,
- 297,
- 1421,
- 299,
- 1422,
- 302,
- 1422,
- 302,
- 1426,
- 298,
- 1426,
- 294,
- 1425,
- 291,
- 1423,
- 288,
- 1421,
- 285,
- 1418,
- 283,
- 1415,
- 281,
- 1412,
- 280,
- 1408,
- 280,
- 1404,
+ 284, 1404, 284, 1407, 285, 1409, 287, 1412, 289, 1415, 291, 1417, 294, 1419,
+ 297, 1421, 299, 1422, 302, 1422, 302, 1426, 298, 1426, 294, 1425, 291, 1423,
+ 288, 1421, 285, 1418, 283, 1415, 281, 1412, 280, 1408, 280, 1404,
[302, 1422, 377, 1422, 377, 1426, 302, 1426],
K00539: [
[1974, 2068, 2055, 2068, 2055, 2072, 1974, 2072],
- 2055,
- 2068,
- 2058,
- 2068,
- 2060,
- 2067,
- 2063,
- 2065,
- 2066,
- 2063,
- 2068,
- 2061,
- 2070,
- 2058,
- 2072,
- 2055,
- 2073,
- 2053,
- 2073,
- 2050,
- 2077,
- 2050,
- 2077,
- 2054,
- 2076,
- 2058,
- 2074,
- 2061,
- 2072,
- 2064,
- 2069,
- 2067,
- 2066,
- 2069,
- 2063,
- 2071,
- 2059,
- 2072,
- 2055,
+ 2055, 2068, 2058, 2068, 2060, 2067, 2063, 2065, 2066, 2063, 2068, 2061, 2070,
+ 2058, 2072, 2055, 2073, 2053, 2073, 2050, 2077, 2050, 2077, 2054, 2076, 2058,
+ 2074, 2061, 2072, 2064, 2069, 2067, 2066, 2069, 2063, 2071, 2059, 2072, 2055,
[2073, 2050, 2073, 2006, 2077, 2006, 2077, 2050],
[1247, 1439, 1277, 1439, 1277, 1443, 1247, 1443],
- 1277,
- 1443,
- 1282,
- 1442,
- 1287,
- 1443,
- 1291,
- 1444,
- 1295,
- 1447,
- 1298,
- 1450,
- 1301,
- 1454,
- 1302,
- 1458,
- 1303,
- 1463,
- 1302,
- 1468,
- 1306,
- 1468,
- 1304,
- 1464,
- 1302,
- 1460,
- 1299,
- 1456,
- 1296,
- 1453,
- 1292,
- 1449,
- 1289,
- 1446,
- 1285,
- 1443,
- 1281,
- 1441,
- 1277,
+ 1277, 1443, 1282, 1442, 1287, 1443, 1291, 1444, 1295, 1447, 1298, 1450, 1301,
+ 1454, 1302, 1458, 1303, 1463, 1302, 1468, 1306, 1468, 1304, 1464, 1302, 1460,
+ 1299, 1456, 1296, 1453, 1292, 1449, 1289, 1446, 1285, 1443, 1281, 1441, 1277,
[1302, 1468, 1302, 1471, 1306, 1471, 1306, 1468],
[1247, 1497, 1277, 1497, 1277, 1501, 1247, 1501],
- 1277,
- 1497,
- 1281,
- 1497,
- 1285,
- 1495,
- 1288,
- 1493,
- 1292,
- 1490,
- 1295,
- 1487,
- 1298,
- 1483,
- 1300,
- 1480,
- 1302,
- 1476,
- 1302,
- 1472,
- 1306,
- 1472,
- 1305,
- 1477,
- 1304,
- 1482,
- 1302,
- 1486,
- 1299,
- 1490,
- 1295,
- 1494,
- 1291,
- 1497,
- 1287,
- 1499,
- 1282,
- 1500,
- 1277,
+ 1277, 1497, 1281, 1497, 1285, 1495, 1288, 1493, 1292, 1490, 1295, 1487, 1298,
+ 1483, 1300, 1480, 1302, 1476, 1302, 1472, 1306, 1472, 1305, 1477, 1304, 1482,
+ 1302, 1486, 1299, 1490, 1295, 1494, 1291, 1497, 1287, 1499, 1282, 1500, 1277,
[1302, 1472, 1302, 1469, 1306, 1469, 1306, 1472],
@@ -31560,46 +6877,9 @@
K00008: [
[1313, 489, 1313, 459, 1317, 459, 1317, 489],
- 1313,
- 459,
- 1313,
- 455,
- 1314,
- 451,
- 1316,
- 448,
- 1318,
- 445,
- 1321,
- 442,
- 1324,
- 440,
- 1327,
- 438,
- 1331,
- 437,
- 1335,
- 437,
- 1335,
- 441,
- 1332,
- 441,
- 1330,
- 442,
- 1327,
- 444,
- 1324,
- 446,
- 1322,
- 448,
- 1320,
- 451,
- 1318,
- 454,
- 1317,
- 456,
- 1317,
- 459,
+ 1313, 459, 1313, 455, 1314, 451, 1316, 448, 1318, 445, 1321, 442, 1324, 440,
+ 1327, 438, 1331, 437, 1335, 437, 1335, 441, 1332, 441, 1330, 442, 1327, 444,
+ 1324, 446, 1322, 448, 1320, 451, 1318, 454, 1317, 456, 1317, 459,
[1335, 437, 1439, 437, 1439, 441, 1335, 441],
@@ -31608,46 +6888,9 @@
K14183: [
[134, 1467, 134, 1486, 138, 1486, 138, 1467],
- 138,
- 1486,
- 138,
- 1489,
- 139,
- 1491,
- 141,
- 1494,
- 143,
- 1497,
- 145,
- 1499,
- 148,
- 1501,
- 151,
- 1503,
- 153,
- 1504,
- 156,
- 1504,
- 156,
- 1508,
- 152,
- 1508,
- 148,
- 1507,
- 145,
- 1505,
- 142,
- 1503,
- 139,
- 1500,
- 137,
- 1497,
- 135,
- 1494,
- 134,
- 1490,
- 134,
- 1486,
+ 138, 1486, 138, 1489, 139, 1491, 141, 1494, 143, 1497, 145, 1499, 148, 1501,
+ 151, 1503, 153, 1504, 156, 1504, 156, 1508, 152, 1508, 148, 1507, 145, 1505,
+ 142, 1503, 139, 1500, 137, 1497, 135, 1494, 134, 1490, 134, 1486,
[156, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 156, 1508],
@@ -31655,89 +6898,17 @@
[1142, 1468, 1193, 1468, 1193, 1472, 1142, 1472],
[1190, 1471, 1190, 1468, 1194, 1468, 1194, 1471],
- 1190,
- 1468,
- 1191,
- 1463,
- 1192,
- 1458,
- 1194,
- 1454,
- 1197,
- 1450,
- 1201,
- 1446,
- 1205,
- 1443,
- 1209,
- 1441,
- 1214,
- 1440,
- 1219,
- 1439,
- 1219,
- 1443,
- 1215,
- 1443,
- 1211,
- 1445,
- 1208,
- 1447,
- 1204,
- 1450,
- 1201,
- 1453,
- 1198,
- 1457,
- 1196,
- 1460,
- 1194,
- 1464,
- 1194,
+ 1190, 1468, 1191, 1463, 1192, 1458, 1194, 1454, 1197, 1450, 1201, 1446, 1205,
+ 1443, 1209, 1441, 1214, 1440, 1219, 1439, 1219, 1443, 1215, 1443, 1211, 1445,
+ 1208, 1447, 1204, 1450, 1201, 1453, 1198, 1457, 1196, 1460, 1194, 1464, 1194,
[1219, 1439, 1248, 1439, 1248, 1443, 1219, 1443],
[1190, 1469, 1190, 1472, 1194, 1472, 1194, 1469],
- 1194,
- 1472,
- 1194,
- 1476,
- 1196,
- 1480,
- 1198,
- 1483,
- 1201,
- 1487,
- 1204,
- 1490,
- 1208,
- 1493,
- 1211,
- 1495,
- 1215,
- 1497,
- 1219,
- 1497,
- 1219,
- 1501,
- 1214,
- 1500,
- 1209,
- 1499,
- 1205,
- 1497,
- 1201,
- 1494,
- 1197,
- 1490,
- 1194,
- 1486,
- 1192,
- 1482,
- 1191,
- 1477,
- 1190,
+ 1194, 1472, 1194, 1476, 1196, 1480, 1198, 1483, 1201, 1487, 1204, 1490, 1208,
+ 1493, 1211, 1495, 1215, 1497, 1219, 1497, 1219, 1501, 1214, 1500, 1209, 1499,
+ 1205, 1497, 1201, 1494, 1197, 1490, 1194, 1486, 1192, 1482, 1191, 1477, 1190,
[1219, 1497, 1248, 1497, 1248, 1501, 1219, 1501],
@@ -31763,46 +6934,9 @@
K00929: [
[933, 1348, 933, 1368, 937, 1368, 937, 1348],
- 937,
- 1368,
- 937,
- 1371,
- 938,
- 1373,
- 940,
- 1376,
- 942,
- 1379,
- 944,
- 1381,
- 947,
- 1383,
- 950,
- 1385,
- 952,
- 1386,
- 955,
- 1386,
- 955,
- 1390,
- 951,
- 1390,
- 947,
- 1389,
- 944,
- 1387,
- 941,
- 1385,
- 938,
- 1382,
- 936,
- 1379,
- 934,
- 1376,
- 933,
- 1372,
- 933,
- 1368,
+ 937, 1368, 937, 1371, 938, 1373, 940, 1376, 942, 1379, 944, 1381, 947, 1383,
+ 950, 1385, 952, 1386, 955, 1386, 955, 1390, 951, 1390, 947, 1389, 944, 1387,
+ 941, 1385, 938, 1382, 936, 1379, 934, 1376, 933, 1372, 933, 1368,
[955, 1386, 992, 1386, 992, 1390, 955, 1390],
@@ -31817,174 +6951,30 @@
[2512, 1977, 2654, 1977, 2654, 1981, 2512, 1981],
[2511, 1977, 2534, 1978, 2534, 1982, 2511, 1981],
- 2534,
- 1978,
- 2537,
- 1978,
- 2539,
- 1977,
- 2542,
- 1975,
- 2545,
- 1973,
- 2547,
- 1971,
- 2549,
- 1968,
- 2551,
- 1965,
- 2552,
- 1963,
- 2552,
- 1960,
- 2556,
- 1960,
- 2556,
- 1964,
- 2555,
- 1968,
- 2553,
- 1971,
- 2551,
- 1974,
- 2548,
- 1977,
- 2545,
- 1979,
- 2542,
- 1981,
- 2538,
- 1982,
- 2534,
+ 2534, 1978, 2537, 1978, 2539, 1977, 2542, 1975, 2545, 1973, 2547, 1971, 2549,
+ 1968, 2551, 1965, 2552, 1963, 2552, 1960, 2556, 1960, 2556, 1964, 2555, 1968,
+ 2553, 1971, 2551, 1974, 2548, 1977, 2545, 1979, 2542, 1981, 2538, 1982, 2534,
[2552, 1960, 2552, 1750, 2556, 1750, 2556, 1960],
- 2556,
- 1750,
- 2556,
- 1746,
- 2555,
- 1742,
- 2553,
- 1739,
- 2551,
- 1736,
- 2548,
- 1733,
- 2545,
- 1731,
- 2542,
- 1729,
- 2538,
- 1728,
- 2534,
- 1728,
- 2534,
- 1732,
- 2537,
- 1732,
- 2539,
- 1733,
- 2542,
- 1735,
- 2545,
- 1737,
- 2547,
- 1739,
- 2549,
- 1742,
- 2551,
- 1745,
- 2552,
- 1747,
- 2552,
+ 2556, 1750, 2556, 1746, 2555, 1742, 2553, 1739, 2551, 1736, 2548, 1733, 2545,
+ 1731, 2542, 1729, 2538, 1728, 2534, 1728, 2534, 1732, 2537, 1732, 2539, 1733,
+ 2542, 1735, 2545, 1737, 2547, 1739, 2549, 1742, 2551, 1745, 2552, 1747, 2552,
[2534, 1728, 2471, 1728, 2471, 1732, 2534, 1732],
- 2471,
- 1732,
- 2468,
- 1730,
- 2465,
- 1729,
- 2463,
- 1726,
- 2460,
- 1724,
- 2457,
- 1721,
- 2455,
- 1718,
- 2452,
- 1716,
- 2451,
- 1713,
- 2449,
- 1710,
- 2453,
- 1710,
- 2452,
- 1714,
- 2452,
- 1718,
- 2453,
- 1721,
- 2455,
- 1724,
- 2457,
- 1726,
- 2460,
- 1728,
- 2463,
- 1729,
- 2467,
- 1729,
- 2471,
+ 2471, 1732, 2468, 1730, 2465, 1729, 2463, 1726, 2460, 1724, 2457, 1721, 2455,
+ 1718, 2452, 1716, 2451, 1713, 2449, 1710, 2453, 1710, 2452, 1714, 2452, 1718,
+ 2453, 1721, 2455, 1724, 2457, 1726, 2460, 1728, 2463, 1729, 2467, 1729, 2471,
[2449, 1710, 2449, 1229, 2453, 1229, 2453, 1710],
- 2449,
- 1229,
- 2449,
- 1225,
- 2450,
- 1221,
- 2452,
- 1218,
- 2454,
- 1215,
- 2457,
- 1212,
- 2460,
- 1210,
- 2463,
- 1208,
- 2467,
- 1207,
- 2471,
- 1207,
- 2471,
- 1211,
- 2468,
- 1211,
- 2466,
- 1212,
- 2463,
- 1214,
- 2460,
- 1216,
- 2458,
- 1218,
- 2456,
- 1221,
- 2454,
- 1224,
- 2453,
- 1226,
- 2453,
+ 2449, 1229, 2449, 1225, 2450, 1221, 2452, 1218, 2454, 1215, 2457, 1212, 2460,
+ 1210, 2463, 1208, 2467, 1207, 2471, 1207, 2471, 1211, 2468, 1211, 2466, 1212,
+ 2463, 1214, 2460, 1216, 2458, 1218, 2456, 1221, 2454, 1224, 2453, 1226, 2453,
[2471, 1207, 2481, 1207, 2481, 1211, 2471, 1211],
@@ -31993,261 +6983,45 @@
K00186: [
[2769, 1404, 2771, 1404, 2771, 1408, 2769, 1408],
- 2771,
- 1404,
- 2774,
- 1404,
- 2776,
- 1403,
- 2779,
- 1401,
- 2782,
- 1399,
- 2784,
- 1397,
- 2786,
- 1394,
- 2788,
- 1391,
- 2789,
- 1389,
- 2789,
- 1386,
- 2793,
- 1386,
- 2793,
- 1390,
- 2792,
- 1394,
- 2790,
- 1397,
- 2788,
- 1400,
- 2785,
- 1403,
- 2782,
- 1405,
- 2779,
- 1407,
- 2775,
- 1408,
- 2771,
+ 2771, 1404, 2774, 1404, 2776, 1403, 2779, 1401, 2782, 1399, 2784, 1397, 2786,
+ 1394, 2788, 1391, 2789, 1389, 2789, 1386, 2793, 1386, 2793, 1390, 2792, 1394,
+ 2790, 1397, 2788, 1400, 2785, 1403, 2782, 1405, 2779, 1407, 2775, 1408, 2771,
[2789, 1386, 2789, 1296, 2793, 1296, 2793, 1386],
- 2793,
- 1296,
- 2793,
- 1292,
- 2792,
- 1288,
- 2790,
- 1285,
- 2788,
- 1282,
- 2785,
- 1279,
- 2782,
- 1277,
- 2779,
- 1275,
- 2775,
- 1274,
- 2771,
- 1274,
- 2771,
- 1278,
- 2774,
- 1278,
- 2776,
- 1279,
- 2779,
- 1281,
- 2782,
- 1283,
- 2784,
- 1285,
- 2786,
- 1288,
- 2788,
- 1291,
- 2789,
- 1293,
- 2789,
+ 2793, 1296, 2793, 1292, 2792, 1288, 2790, 1285, 2788, 1282, 2785, 1279, 2782,
+ 1277, 2779, 1275, 2775, 1274, 2771, 1274, 2771, 1278, 2774, 1278, 2776, 1279,
+ 2779, 1281, 2782, 1283, 2784, 1285, 2786, 1288, 2788, 1291, 2789, 1293, 2789,
[2771, 1274, 2548, 1274, 2548, 1278, 2771, 1278],
- 2548,
- 1274,
- 2544,
- 1274,
- 2540,
- 1275,
- 2537,
- 1277,
- 2534,
- 1279,
- 2531,
- 1282,
- 2529,
- 1285,
- 2527,
- 1288,
- 2526,
- 1292,
- 2526,
- 1296,
- 2530,
- 1296,
- 2530,
- 1293,
- 2531,
- 1291,
- 2533,
- 1288,
- 2535,
- 1285,
- 2537,
- 1283,
- 2540,
- 1281,
- 2543,
- 1279,
- 2545,
- 1278,
- 2548,
+ 2548, 1274, 2544, 1274, 2540, 1275, 2537, 1277, 2534, 1279, 2531, 1282, 2529,
+ 1285, 2527, 1288, 2526, 1292, 2526, 1296, 2530, 1296, 2530, 1293, 2531, 1291,
+ 2533, 1288, 2535, 1285, 2537, 1283, 2540, 1281, 2543, 1279, 2545, 1278, 2548,
[2526, 1296, 2526, 1360, 2530, 1360, 2530, 1296],
[2698, 1426, 2709, 1426, 2709, 1430, 2698, 1430],
- 2709,
- 1426,
- 2712,
- 1426,
- 2714,
- 1425,
- 2717,
- 1423,
- 2720,
- 1421,
- 2722,
- 1419,
- 2724,
- 1416,
- 2726,
- 1413,
- 2727,
- 1411,
- 2727,
- 1408,
- 2731,
- 1408,
- 2731,
- 1412,
- 2730,
- 1416,
- 2728,
- 1419,
- 2726,
- 1422,
- 2723,
- 1425,
- 2720,
- 1427,
- 2717,
- 1429,
- 2713,
- 1430,
- 2709,
+ 2709, 1426, 2712, 1426, 2714, 1425, 2717, 1423, 2720, 1421, 2722, 1419, 2724,
+ 1416, 2726, 1413, 2727, 1411, 2727, 1408, 2731, 1408, 2731, 1412, 2730, 1416,
+ 2728, 1419, 2726, 1422, 2723, 1425, 2720, 1427, 2717, 1429, 2713, 1430, 2709,
[2727, 1408, 2727, 1296, 2731, 1296, 2731, 1408],
- 2731,
- 1296,
- 2731,
- 1292,
- 2730,
- 1288,
- 2728,
- 1285,
- 2726,
- 1282,
- 2723,
- 1279,
- 2720,
- 1277,
- 2717,
- 1275,
- 2713,
- 1274,
- 2709,
- 1274,
- 2709,
- 1278,
- 2712,
- 1278,
- 2714,
- 1279,
- 2717,
- 1281,
- 2720,
- 1283,
- 2722,
- 1285,
- 2724,
- 1288,
- 2726,
- 1291,
- 2727,
- 1293,
- 2727,
+ 2731, 1296, 2731, 1292, 2730, 1288, 2728, 1285, 2726, 1282, 2723, 1279, 2720,
+ 1277, 2717, 1275, 2713, 1274, 2709, 1274, 2709, 1278, 2712, 1278, 2714, 1279,
+ 2717, 1281, 2720, 1283, 2722, 1285, 2724, 1288, 2726, 1291, 2727, 1293, 2727,
[2709, 1274, 2522, 1274, 2522, 1278, 2709, 1278],
- 2522,
- 1274,
- 2518,
- 1274,
- 2514,
- 1275,
- 2511,
- 1277,
- 2508,
- 1279,
- 2505,
- 1282,
- 2503,
- 1285,
- 2501,
- 1288,
- 2500,
- 1292,
- 2500,
- 1296,
- 2504,
- 1296,
- 2504,
- 1293,
- 2505,
- 1291,
- 2507,
- 1288,
- 2509,
- 1285,
- 2511,
- 1283,
- 2514,
- 1281,
- 2517,
- 1279,
- 2519,
- 1278,
- 2522,
+ 2522, 1274, 2518, 1274, 2514, 1275, 2511, 1277, 2508, 1279, 2505, 1282, 2503,
+ 1285, 2501, 1288, 2500, 1292, 2500, 1296, 2504, 1296, 2504, 1293, 2505, 1291,
+ 2507, 1288, 2509, 1285, 2511, 1283, 2514, 1281, 2517, 1279, 2519, 1278, 2522,
[2500, 1296, 2500, 1396, 2504, 1396, 2504, 1296],
@@ -32256,45 +7030,9 @@
K01568: [
[2701, 1221, 1882, 1221, 1882, 1225, 2701, 1225],
- 1882,
- 1225,
- 1880,
- 1224,
- 1878,
- 1222,
- 1876,
- 1220,
- 1874,
- 1218,
- 1872,
- 1216,
- 1870,
- 1214,
- 1868,
- 1212,
- 1866,
- 1210,
- 1865,
- 1208,
- 1869,
- 1208,
- 1868,
- 1211,
- 1868,
- 1214,
- 1868,
- 1217,
- 1869,
- 1219,
- 1871,
- 1221,
- 1873,
- 1222,
- 1876,
- 1222,
- 1879,
- 1222,
- 1882,
+ 1882, 1225, 1880, 1224, 1878, 1222, 1876, 1220, 1874, 1218, 1872, 1216, 1870,
+ 1214, 1868, 1212, 1866, 1210, 1865, 1208, 1869, 1208, 1868, 1211, 1868, 1214,
+ 1868, 1217, 1869, 1219, 1871, 1221, 1873, 1222, 1876, 1222, 1879, 1222, 1882,
[1865, 1208, 1865, 1153, 1869, 1153, 1869, 1208],
@@ -32303,135 +7041,25 @@
K00603: [
[3300, 653, 3300, 692, 3304, 692, 3304, 653],
- 3304,
- 692,
- 3304,
- 695,
- 3305,
- 697,
- 3307,
- 700,
- 3309,
- 703,
- 3311,
- 705,
- 3314,
- 707,
- 3317,
- 709,
- 3319,
- 710,
- 3322,
- 710,
- 3322,
- 714,
- 3318,
- 714,
- 3314,
- 713,
- 3311,
- 711,
- 3308,
- 709,
- 3305,
- 706,
- 3303,
- 703,
- 3301,
- 700,
- 3300,
- 696,
- 3300,
- 692,
+ 3304, 692, 3304, 695, 3305, 697, 3307, 700, 3309, 703, 3311, 705, 3314, 707,
+ 3317, 709, 3319, 710, 3322, 710, 3322, 714, 3318, 714, 3314, 713, 3311, 711,
+ 3308, 709, 3305, 706, 3303, 703, 3301, 700, 3300, 696, 3300, 692,
[3322, 710, 3420, 710, 3420, 714, 3322, 714],
[3300, 653, 3300, 669, 3304, 669, 3304, 653],
- 3304,
- 669,
- 3304,
- 672,
- 3305,
- 674,
- 3307,
- 677,
- 3309,
- 680,
- 3311,
- 682,
- 3314,
- 684,
- 3317,
- 686,
- 3319,
- 687,
- 3322,
- 687,
- 3322,
- 691,
- 3318,
- 691,
- 3314,
- 690,
- 3311,
- 688,
- 3308,
- 686,
- 3305,
- 683,
- 3303,
- 680,
- 3301,
- 677,
- 3300,
- 673,
- 3300,
- 669,
+ 3304, 669, 3304, 672, 3305, 674, 3307, 677, 3309, 680, 3311, 682, 3314, 684,
+ 3317, 686, 3319, 687, 3322, 687, 3322, 691, 3318, 691, 3314, 690, 3311, 688,
+ 3308, 686, 3305, 683, 3303, 680, 3301, 677, 3300, 673, 3300, 669,
[3322, 687, 3362, 687, 3362, 691, 3322, 691],
K00021: [
[852, 1450, 2230, 1450, 2230, 1454, 852, 1454],
- 2230,
- 1450,
- 2233,
- 1450,
- 2235,
- 1449,
- 2238,
- 1447,
- 2241,
- 1445,
- 2243,
- 1443,
- 2245,
- 1440,
- 2247,
- 1437,
- 2248,
- 1435,
- 2248,
- 1432,
- 2252,
- 1432,
- 2252,
- 1436,
- 2251,
- 1440,
- 2249,
- 1443,
- 2247,
- 1446,
- 2244,
- 1449,
- 2241,
- 1451,
- 2238,
- 1453,
- 2234,
- 1454,
- 2230,
+ 2230, 1450, 2233, 1450, 2235, 1449, 2238, 1447, 2241, 1445, 2243, 1443, 2245,
+ 1440, 2247, 1437, 2248, 1435, 2248, 1432, 2252, 1432, 2252, 1436, 2251, 1440,
+ 2249, 1443, 2247, 1446, 2244, 1449, 2241, 1451, 2238, 1453, 2234, 1454, 2230,
[2248, 1432, 2248, 1358, 2252, 1358, 2252, 1432],
@@ -32439,46 +7067,9 @@
R05892: [
[3281, 1003, 3234, 1003, 3234, 1007, 3281, 1007],
- 3234,
- 1007,
- 3232,
- 1006,
- 3230,
- 1004,
- 3228,
- 1002,
- 3225,
- 1000,
- 3223,
- 998,
- 3221,
- 995,
- 3219,
- 993,
- 3217,
- 991,
- 3216,
- 989,
- 3220,
- 989,
- 3219,
- 992,
- 3219,
- 995,
- 3220,
- 998,
- 3221,
- 1000,
- 3223,
- 1002,
- 3225,
- 1003,
- 3228,
- 1004,
- 3231,
- 1004,
- 3234,
- 1003,
+ 3234, 1007, 3232, 1006, 3230, 1004, 3228, 1002, 3225, 1000, 3223, 998, 3221,
+ 995, 3219, 993, 3217, 991, 3216, 989, 3220, 989, 3219, 992, 3219, 995, 3220,
+ 998, 3221, 1000, 3223, 1002, 3225, 1003, 3228, 1004, 3231, 1004, 3234, 1003,
[3216, 989, 3216, 974, 3220, 974, 3220, 989],
@@ -32497,46 +7088,9 @@
K00692: [
[1770, 384, 1917, 384, 1917, 388, 1770, 388],
- 1917,
- 384,
- 1920,
- 384,
- 1922,
- 383,
- 1925,
- 381,
- 1928,
- 379,
- 1930,
- 377,
- 1932,
- 374,
- 1934,
- 371,
- 1935,
- 369,
- 1935,
- 366,
- 1939,
- 366,
- 1939,
- 370,
- 1938,
- 374,
- 1936,
- 377,
- 1934,
- 380,
- 1931,
- 383,
- 1928,
- 385,
- 1925,
- 387,
- 1921,
- 388,
- 1917,
- 388,
+ 1917, 384, 1920, 384, 1922, 383, 1925, 381, 1928, 379, 1930, 377, 1932, 374,
+ 1934, 371, 1935, 369, 1935, 366, 1939, 366, 1939, 370, 1938, 374, 1936, 377,
+ 1934, 380, 1931, 383, 1928, 385, 1925, 387, 1921, 388, 1917, 388,
[1935, 366, 1935, 302, 1939, 302, 1939, 366],
@@ -32549,264 +7103,44 @@
K02112: [
[1973, 957, 1938, 957, 1938, 961, 1973, 961],
- 1938,
- 961,
- 1936,
- 959,
- 1933,
- 958,
- 1931,
- 956,
- 1928,
- 953,
- 1926,
- 951,
- 1923,
- 948,
- 1921,
- 946,
- 1920,
- 943,
- 1918,
- 941,
- 1922,
- 941,
- 1921,
- 945,
- 1921,
- 948,
- 1922,
- 951,
- 1923,
- 954,
- 1925,
- 956,
- 1928,
- 957,
- 1931,
- 958,
- 1934,
- 958,
- 1938,
- 957,
+ 1938, 961, 1936, 959, 1933, 958, 1931, 956, 1928, 953, 1926, 951, 1923, 948,
+ 1921, 946, 1920, 943, 1918, 941, 1922, 941, 1921, 945, 1921, 948, 1922, 951,
+ 1923, 954, 1925, 956, 1928, 957, 1931, 958, 1934, 958, 1938, 957,
[1918, 941, 1918, 941, 1922, 941, 1922, 941],
- 1918,
- 941,
- 1918,
- 937,
- 1919,
- 934,
- 1921,
- 931,
- 1923,
- 928,
- 1925,
- 926,
- 1928,
- 924,
- 1931,
- 922,
- 1934,
- 921,
- 1938,
- 921,
- 1938,
- 925,
- 1936,
- 925,
- 1933,
- 926,
- 1931,
- 928,
- 1928,
- 929,
- 1926,
- 931,
- 1925,
- 934,
- 1923,
- 936,
- 1922,
- 939,
- 1922,
- 941,
+ 1918, 941, 1918, 937, 1919, 934, 1921, 931, 1923, 928, 1925, 926, 1928, 924,
+ 1931, 922, 1934, 921, 1938, 921, 1938, 925, 1936, 925, 1933, 926, 1931, 928,
+ 1928, 929, 1926, 931, 1925, 934, 1923, 936, 1922, 939, 1922, 941,
[1938, 921, 1986, 921, 1986, 925, 1938, 925],
[1918, 870, 1918, 976, 1922, 976, 1922, 870],
[1973, 957, 1938, 957, 1938, 961, 1973, 961],
- 1938,
- 961,
- 1936,
- 959,
- 1933,
- 958,
- 1931,
- 956,
- 1928,
- 953,
- 1926,
- 951,
- 1923,
- 948,
- 1921,
- 946,
- 1920,
- 943,
- 1918,
- 941,
- 1922,
- 941,
- 1921,
- 945,
- 1921,
- 948,
- 1922,
- 951,
- 1923,
- 954,
- 1925,
- 956,
- 1928,
- 957,
- 1931,
- 958,
- 1934,
- 958,
- 1938,
- 957,
+ 1938, 961, 1936, 959, 1933, 958, 1931, 956, 1928, 953, 1926, 951, 1923, 948,
+ 1921, 946, 1920, 943, 1918, 941, 1922, 941, 1921, 945, 1921, 948, 1922, 951,
+ 1923, 954, 1925, 956, 1928, 957, 1931, 958, 1934, 958, 1938, 957,
[1918, 941, 1918, 941, 1922, 941, 1922, 941],
- 1918,
- 941,
- 1918,
- 937,
- 1919,
- 934,
- 1921,
- 931,
- 1923,
- 928,
- 1925,
- 926,
- 1928,
- 924,
- 1931,
- 922,
- 1934,
- 921,
- 1938,
- 921,
- 1938,
- 925,
- 1936,
- 925,
- 1933,
- 926,
- 1931,
- 928,
- 1928,
- 929,
- 1926,
- 931,
- 1925,
- 934,
- 1923,
- 936,
- 1922,
- 939,
- 1922,
- 941,
+ 1918, 941, 1918, 937, 1919, 934, 1921, 931, 1923, 928, 1925, 926, 1928, 924,
+ 1931, 922, 1934, 921, 1938, 921, 1938, 925, 1936, 925, 1933, 926, 1931, 928,
+ 1928, 929, 1926, 931, 1925, 934, 1923, 936, 1922, 939, 1922, 941,
[1938, 921, 1986, 921, 1986, 925, 1938, 925],
[1768, 1908, 1768, 2014, 1772, 2014, 1772, 1908],
[1805, 1996, 1803, 1996, 1803, 2000, 1805, 2000],
- [
- 1803,
- 2000,
- 1798,
- 1998,
- 1793,
- 1996,
- 1789,
- 1992,
- 1784,
- 1988,
- 1780,
- 1984,
- 1776,
- 1979,
- 1772,
- 1975,
- 1770,
- 1970,
- 1768,
- 1965,
- 1772,
- 1965,
- 1771,
- 1971,
- 1772,
- 1977,
- 1774,
- 1982,
- 1777,
- 1987,
- 1781,
- 1991,
- 1786,
- 1994,
- 1791,
- 1996,
- 1797,
- 1997,
- 1803,
+ [
+ 1803, 2000, 1798, 1998, 1793, 1996, 1789, 1992, 1784, 1988, 1780, 1984, 1776,
+ 1979, 1772, 1975, 1770, 1970, 1768, 1965, 1772, 1965, 1771, 1971, 1772, 1977,
+ 1774, 1982, 1777, 1987, 1781, 1991, 1786, 1994, 1791, 1996, 1797, 1997, 1803,
[1768, 1965, 1768, 1961, 1772, 1961, 1772, 1965],
- 1768,
- 1961,
- 1769,
- 1955,
- 1770,
- 1949,
- 1773,
- 1944,
- 1777,
- 1939,
- 1781,
- 1935,
- 1786,
- 1931,
- 1791,
- 1928,
- 1797,
- 1927,
- 1803,
- 1926,
- 1803,
- 1930,
- 1798,
- 1931,
- 1793,
- 1932,
- 1789,
- 1935,
- 1784,
- 1938,
- 1780,
- 1942,
- 1777,
- 1947,
- 1774,
- 1951,
- 1773,
- 1956,
- 1772,
+ 1768, 1961, 1769, 1955, 1770, 1949, 1773, 1944, 1777, 1939, 1781, 1935, 1786,
+ 1931, 1791, 1928, 1797, 1927, 1803, 1926, 1803, 1930, 1798, 1931, 1793, 1932,
+ 1789, 1935, 1784, 1938, 1780, 1942, 1777, 1947, 1774, 1951, 1773, 1956, 1772,
[1803, 1926, 1805, 1926, 1805, 1930, 1803, 1930],
@@ -32815,220 +7149,40 @@
K00797: [
[3189, 1945, 3189, 1665, 3193, 1665, 3193, 1945],
- 3193,
- 1665,
- 3193,
- 1661,
- 3192,
- 1657,
- 3190,
- 1654,
- 3188,
- 1651,
- 3185,
- 1648,
- 3182,
- 1646,
- 3179,
- 1644,
- 3175,
- 1643,
- 3171,
- 1643,
- 3171,
- 1647,
- 3174,
- 1647,
- 3176,
- 1648,
- 3179,
- 1650,
- 3182,
- 1652,
- 3184,
- 1654,
- 3186,
- 1657,
- 3188,
- 1660,
- 3189,
- 1662,
- 3189,
+ 3193, 1665, 3193, 1661, 3192, 1657, 3190, 1654, 3188, 1651, 3185, 1648, 3182,
+ 1646, 3179, 1644, 3175, 1643, 3171, 1643, 3171, 1647, 3174, 1647, 3176, 1648,
+ 3179, 1650, 3182, 1652, 3184, 1654, 3186, 1657, 3188, 1660, 3189, 1662, 3189,
[3171, 1643, 2940, 1643, 2940, 1647, 3171, 1647],
[3108, 1712, 3171, 1712, 3171, 1716, 3108, 1716],
- 3171,
- 1712,
- 3174,
- 1712,
- 3176,
- 1711,
- 3179,
- 1709,
- 3182,
- 1707,
- 3184,
- 1705,
- 3186,
- 1702,
- 3188,
- 1699,
- 3189,
- 1697,
- 3189,
- 1694,
- 3193,
- 1694,
- 3193,
- 1698,
- 3192,
- 1702,
- 3190,
- 1705,
- 3188,
- 1708,
- 3185,
- 1711,
- 3182,
- 1713,
- 3179,
- 1715,
- 3175,
- 1716,
- 3171,
+ 3171, 1712, 3174, 1712, 3176, 1711, 3179, 1709, 3182, 1707, 3184, 1705, 3186,
+ 1702, 3188, 1699, 3189, 1697, 3189, 1694, 3193, 1694, 3193, 1698, 3192, 1702,
+ 3190, 1705, 3188, 1708, 3185, 1711, 3182, 1713, 3179, 1715, 3175, 1716, 3171,
[3189, 1694, 3189, 1665, 3193, 1665, 3193, 1694],
- 3193,
- 1665,
- 3193,
- 1661,
- 3192,
- 1657,
- 3190,
- 1654,
- 3188,
- 1651,
- 3185,
- 1648,
- 3182,
- 1646,
- 3179,
- 1644,
- 3175,
- 1643,
- 3171,
- 1643,
- 3171,
- 1647,
- 3174,
- 1647,
- 3176,
- 1648,
- 3179,
- 1650,
- 3182,
- 1652,
- 3184,
- 1654,
- 3186,
- 1657,
- 3188,
- 1660,
- 3189,
- 1662,
- 3189,
+ 3193, 1665, 3193, 1661, 3192, 1657, 3190, 1654, 3188, 1651, 3185, 1648, 3182,
+ 1646, 3179, 1644, 3175, 1643, 3171, 1643, 3171, 1647, 3174, 1647, 3176, 1648,
+ 3179, 1650, 3182, 1652, 3184, 1654, 3186, 1657, 3188, 1660, 3189, 1662, 3189,
[3171, 1643, 2939, 1643, 2939, 1647, 3171, 1647],
[3189, 1944, 3189, 1599, 3193, 1599, 3193, 1944],
- 3189,
- 1599,
- 3189,
- 1595,
- 3190,
- 1591,
- 3192,
- 1588,
- 3194,
- 1585,
- 3197,
- 1582,
- 3200,
- 1580,
- 3203,
- 1578,
- 3207,
- 1577,
- 3211,
- 1577,
- 3211,
- 1581,
- 3208,
- 1581,
- 3206,
- 1582,
- 3203,
- 1584,
- 3200,
- 1586,
- 3198,
- 1588,
- 3196,
- 1591,
- 3194,
- 1594,
- 3193,
- 1596,
- 3193,
+ 3189, 1599, 3189, 1595, 3190, 1591, 3192, 1588, 3194, 1585, 3197, 1582, 3200,
+ 1580, 3203, 1578, 3207, 1577, 3211, 1577, 3211, 1581, 3208, 1581, 3206, 1582,
+ 3203, 1584, 3200, 1586, 3198, 1588, 3196, 1591, 3194, 1594, 3193, 1596, 3193,
[3211, 1577, 3234, 1577, 3234, 1581, 3211, 1581],
[3189, 1945, 3189, 1665, 3193, 1665, 3193, 1945],
- 3193,
- 1665,
- 3193,
- 1661,
- 3192,
- 1657,
- 3190,
- 1654,
- 3188,
- 1651,
- 3185,
- 1648,
- 3182,
- 1646,
- 3179,
- 1644,
- 3175,
- 1643,
- 3171,
- 1643,
- 3171,
- 1647,
- 3174,
- 1647,
- 3176,
- 1648,
- 3179,
- 1650,
- 3182,
- 1652,
- 3184,
- 1654,
- 3186,
- 1657,
- 3188,
- 1660,
- 3189,
- 1662,
- 3189,
+ 3193, 1665, 3193, 1661, 3192, 1657, 3190, 1654, 3188, 1651, 3185, 1648, 3182,
+ 1646, 3179, 1644, 3175, 1643, 3171, 1643, 3171, 1647, 3174, 1647, 3176, 1648,
+ 3179, 1650, 3182, 1652, 3184, 1654, 3186, 1657, 3188, 1660, 3189, 1662, 3189,
[3171, 1643, 2940, 1643, 2940, 1647, 3171, 1647],
@@ -33059,45 +7213,9 @@
[2178, 1422, 2075, 1422, 2075, 1426, 2178, 1426],
[1719, 1328, 1799, 1328, 1799, 1332, 1719, 1332],
- 1799,
- 1328,
- 1802,
- 1328,
- 1804,
- 1327,
- 1807,
- 1325,
- 1810,
- 1323,
- 1812,
- 1321,
- 1814,
- 1318,
- 1816,
- 1315,
- 1817,
- 1313,
- 1817,
- 1310,
- 1821,
- 1310,
- 1821,
- 1314,
- 1820,
- 1318,
- 1818,
- 1321,
- 1816,
- 1324,
- 1813,
- 1327,
- 1810,
- 1329,
- 1807,
- 1331,
- 1803,
- 1332,
- 1799,
+ 1799, 1328, 1802, 1328, 1804, 1327, 1807, 1325, 1810, 1323, 1812, 1321, 1814,
+ 1318, 1816, 1315, 1817, 1313, 1817, 1310, 1821, 1310, 1821, 1314, 1820, 1318,
+ 1818, 1321, 1816, 1324, 1813, 1327, 1810, 1329, 1807, 1331, 1803, 1332, 1799,
[1817, 1310, 1817, 1280, 1821, 1280, 1821, 1310],
@@ -33110,46 +7228,9 @@
',': [
[3194, 711, 3164, 711, 3164, 715, 3194, 715],
- 3164,
- 711,
- 3160,
- 711,
- 3156,
- 712,
- 3153,
- 714,
- 3150,
- 716,
- 3147,
- 719,
- 3145,
- 722,
- 3143,
- 725,
- 3142,
- 729,
- 3142,
- 733,
- 3146,
- 733,
- 3146,
- 730,
- 3147,
- 728,
- 3149,
- 725,
- 3151,
- 722,
- 3153,
- 720,
- 3156,
- 718,
- 3159,
- 716,
- 3161,
- 715,
- 3164,
- 715,
+ 3164, 711, 3160, 711, 3156, 712, 3153, 714, 3150, 716, 3147, 719, 3145, 722,
+ 3143, 725, 3142, 729, 3142, 733, 3146, 733, 3146, 730, 3147, 728, 3149, 725,
+ 3151, 722, 3153, 720, 3156, 718, 3159, 716, 3161, 715, 3164, 715,
[3142, 733, 3142, 736, 3146, 736, 3146, 733],
@@ -33164,46 +7245,9 @@
',': [
[3093, 750, 3093, 753, 3097, 753, 3097, 750],
- 3097,
- 753,
- 3097,
- 756,
- 3098,
- 758,
- 3100,
- 761,
- 3102,
- 764,
- 3104,
- 766,
- 3107,
- 768,
- 3110,
- 770,
- 3112,
- 771,
- 3115,
- 771,
- 3115,
- 775,
- 3111,
- 775,
- 3107,
- 774,
- 3104,
- 772,
- 3101,
- 770,
- 3098,
- 767,
- 3096,
- 764,
- 3094,
- 761,
- 3093,
- 757,
- 3093,
- 753,
+ 3097, 753, 3097, 756, 3098, 758, 3100, 761, 3102, 764, 3104, 766, 3107, 768,
+ 3110, 770, 3112, 771, 3115, 771, 3115, 775, 3111, 775, 3107, 774, 3104, 772,
+ 3101, 770, 3098, 767, 3096, 764, 3094, 761, 3093, 757, 3093, 753,
[3115, 771, 3145, 771, 3145, 775, 3115, 775],
@@ -33212,45 +7256,9 @@
K10814: [
[2312, 1287, 2456, 1287, 2456, 1291, 2312, 1291],
- 2456,
- 1287,
- 2459,
- 1287,
- 2463,
- 1285,
- 2466,
- 1283,
- 2470,
- 1281,
- 2473,
- 1278,
- 2475,
- 1274,
- 2477,
- 1271,
- 2479,
- 1267,
- 2479,
- 1264,
- 2483,
- 1264,
- 2483,
- 1269,
- 2481,
- 1273,
- 2479,
- 1277,
- 2476,
- 1281,
- 2473,
- 1284,
- 2469,
- 1287,
- 2465,
- 1289,
- 2461,
- 1291,
- 2456,
+ 2456, 1287, 2459, 1287, 2463, 1285, 2466, 1283, 2470, 1281, 2473, 1278, 2475,
+ 1274, 2477, 1271, 2479, 1267, 2479, 1264, 2483, 1264, 2483, 1269, 2481, 1273,
+ 2479, 1277, 2476, 1281, 2473, 1284, 2469, 1287, 2465, 1289, 2461, 1291, 2456,
[2479, 1264, 2479, 1208, 2483, 1208, 2483, 1264],
@@ -33269,89 +7277,15 @@
K00252: [
[992, 1206, 977, 1206, 977, 1210, 992, 1210],
- 977,
- 1206,
- 973,
- 1206,
- 969,
- 1207,
- 966,
- 1209,
- 963,
- 1211,
- 960,
- 1214,
- 958,
- 1217,
- 956,
- 1220,
- 955,
- 1224,
- 955,
- 1228,
- 959,
- 1228,
- 959,
- 1225,
- 960,
- 1223,
- 962,
- 1220,
- 964,
- 1217,
- 966,
- 1215,
- 969,
- 1213,
- 972,
- 1211,
- 974,
- 1210,
- 977,
- 1210,
+ 977, 1206, 973, 1206, 969, 1207, 966, 1209, 963, 1211, 960, 1214, 958, 1217,
+ 956, 1220, 955, 1224, 955, 1228, 959, 1228, 959, 1225, 960, 1223, 962, 1220,
+ 964, 1217, 966, 1215, 969, 1213, 972, 1211, 974, 1210, 977, 1210,
[955, 1228, 955, 1339, 959, 1339, 959, 1228],
- 959,
- 1339,
- 959,
- 1342,
- 960,
- 1344,
- 962,
- 1347,
- 964,
- 1350,
- 966,
- 1352,
- 969,
- 1354,
- 972,
- 1356,
- 974,
- 1357,
- 977,
- 1357,
- 977,
- 1361,
- 973,
- 1361,
- 969,
- 1360,
- 966,
- 1358,
- 963,
- 1356,
- 960,
- 1353,
- 958,
- 1350,
- 956,
- 1347,
- 955,
- 1343,
- 955,
- 1339,
+ 959, 1339, 959, 1342, 960, 1344, 962, 1347, 964, 1350, 966, 1352, 969, 1354,
+ 972, 1356, 974, 1357, 977, 1357, 977, 1361, 973, 1361, 969, 1360, 966, 1358,
+ 963, 1356, 960, 1353, 958, 1350, 956, 1347, 955, 1343, 955, 1339,
[977, 1357, 1585, 1357, 1585, 1361, 977, 1361],
@@ -33360,46 +7294,9 @@
[1156, 350, 1156, 390, 1160, 390, 1160, 350],
[1212, 254, 1212, 244, 1216, 244, 1216, 254],
- 1216,
- 244,
- 1216,
- 240,
- 1215,
- 236,
- 1213,
- 233,
- 1211,
- 230,
- 1208,
- 227,
- 1205,
- 225,
- 1202,
- 223,
- 1198,
- 222,
- 1194,
- 222,
- 1194,
- 226,
- 1197,
- 226,
- 1199,
- 227,
- 1202,
- 229,
- 1205,
- 231,
- 1207,
- 233,
- 1209,
- 236,
- 1211,
- 239,
- 1212,
- 241,
- 1212,
- 244,
+ 1216, 244, 1216, 240, 1215, 236, 1213, 233, 1211, 230, 1208, 227, 1205, 225,
+ 1202, 223, 1198, 222, 1194, 222, 1194, 226, 1197, 226, 1199, 227, 1202, 229,
+ 1205, 231, 1207, 233, 1209, 236, 1211, 239, 1212, 241, 1212, 244,
[1194, 222, 1173, 222, 1173, 226, 1194, 226],
@@ -33407,91 +7304,17 @@
K00794: [
[3082, 470, 3137, 470, 3137, 474, 3082, 474],
- 3137,
- 474,
- 3141,
- 473,
- 3145,
- 473,
- 3148,
- 474,
- 3151,
- 476,
- 3153,
- 478,
- 3155,
- 481,
- 3156,
- 484,
- 3156,
- 488,
- 3155,
- 492,
- 3159,
- 492,
- 3157,
- 489,
- 3156,
- 486,
- 3153,
- 484,
- 3151,
- 481,
- 3148,
- 478,
- 3145,
- 476,
- 3143,
- 473,
- 3140,
- 472,
- 3137,
- 470,
+ 3137, 474, 3141, 473, 3145, 473, 3148, 474, 3151, 476, 3153, 478, 3155, 481,
+ 3156, 484, 3156, 488, 3155, 492, 3159, 492, 3157, 489, 3156, 486, 3153, 484,
+ 3151, 481, 3148, 478, 3145, 476, 3143, 473, 3140, 472, 3137, 470,
[3155, 492, 3155, 531, 3159, 531, 3159, 492],
[3155, 408, 3155, 531, 3159, 531, 3159, 408],
[3082, 470, 3137, 470, 3137, 474, 3082, 474],
- 3137,
- 474,
- 3141,
- 473,
- 3145,
- 473,
- 3148,
- 474,
- 3151,
- 476,
- 3153,
- 478,
- 3155,
- 481,
- 3156,
- 484,
- 3156,
- 488,
- 3155,
- 492,
- 3159,
- 492,
- 3157,
- 489,
- 3156,
- 486,
- 3153,
- 484,
- 3151,
- 481,
- 3148,
- 478,
- 3145,
- 476,
- 3143,
- 473,
- 3140,
- 472,
- 3137,
- 470,
+ 3137, 474, 3141, 473, 3145, 473, 3148, 474, 3151, 476, 3153, 478, 3155, 481,
+ 3156, 484, 3156, 488, 3155, 492, 3159, 492, 3157, 489, 3156, 486, 3153, 484,
+ 3151, 481, 3148, 478, 3145, 476, 3143, 473, 3140, 472, 3137, 470,
[3155, 492, 3155, 531, 3159, 531, 3159, 492],
@@ -33500,46 +7323,9 @@
[841, 1945, 953, 1945, 953, 1949, 841, 1949],
[800, 1829, 777, 1829, 777, 1833, 800, 1833],
- 777,
- 1829,
- 773,
- 1829,
- 769,
- 1830,
- 766,
- 1832,
- 763,
- 1834,
- 760,
- 1837,
- 758,
- 1840,
- 756,
- 1843,
- 755,
- 1847,
- 755,
- 1851,
- 759,
- 1851,
- 759,
- 1848,
- 760,
- 1846,
- 762,
- 1843,
- 764,
- 1840,
- 766,
- 1838,
- 769,
- 1836,
- 772,
- 1834,
- 774,
- 1833,
- 777,
- 1833,
+ 777, 1829, 773, 1829, 769, 1830, 766, 1832, 763, 1834, 760, 1837, 758, 1840,
+ 756, 1843, 755, 1847, 755, 1851, 759, 1851, 759, 1848, 760, 1846, 762, 1843,
+ 764, 1840, 766, 1838, 769, 1836, 772, 1834, 774, 1833, 777, 1833,
[755, 1851, 755, 1871, 759, 1871, 759, 1851],
@@ -33549,46 +7335,9 @@
'4.2.3.-,': [
[336, 1343, 356, 1343, 356, 1347, 336, 1347],
- 356,
- 1347,
- 360,
- 1346,
- 364,
- 1346,
- 367,
- 1347,
- 370,
- 1349,
- 372,
- 1351,
- 374,
- 1354,
- 375,
- 1357,
- 375,
- 1361,
- 374,
- 1365,
- 378,
- 1365,
- 376,
- 1362,
- 375,
- 1359,
- 372,
- 1357,
- 370,
- 1354,
- 367,
- 1351,
- 364,
- 1349,
- 362,
- 1346,
- 359,
- 1345,
- 356,
- 1343,
+ 356, 1347, 360, 1346, 364, 1346, 367, 1347, 370, 1349, 372, 1351, 374, 1354,
+ 375, 1357, 375, 1361, 374, 1365, 378, 1365, 376, 1362, 375, 1359, 372, 1357,
+ 370, 1354, 367, 1351, 364, 1349, 362, 1346, 359, 1345, 356, 1343,
[374, 1365, 374, 1425, 378, 1425, 378, 1365],
@@ -33596,89 +7345,15 @@
K01490: [
[2759, 192, 2759, 182, 2763, 182, 2763, 192],
- 2763,
- 182,
- 2763,
- 178,
- 2762,
- 174,
- 2760,
- 171,
- 2758,
- 168,
- 2755,
- 165,
- 2752,
- 163,
- 2749,
- 161,
- 2745,
- 160,
- 2741,
- 160,
- 2741,
- 164,
- 2744,
- 164,
- 2746,
- 165,
- 2749,
- 167,
- 2752,
- 169,
- 2754,
- 171,
- 2756,
- 174,
- 2758,
- 177,
- 2759,
- 179,
- 2759,
- 182,
+ 2763, 182, 2763, 178, 2762, 174, 2760, 171, 2758, 168, 2755, 165, 2752, 163,
+ 2749, 161, 2745, 160, 2741, 160, 2741, 164, 2744, 164, 2746, 165, 2749, 167,
+ 2752, 169, 2754, 171, 2756, 174, 2758, 177, 2759, 179, 2759, 182,
[2741, 160, 2657, 160, 2657, 164, 2741, 164],
- 2657,
- 160,
- 2653,
- 160,
- 2649,
- 161,
- 2646,
- 163,
- 2643,
- 165,
- 2640,
- 168,
- 2638,
- 171,
- 2636,
- 174,
- 2635,
- 178,
- 2635,
- 182,
- 2639,
- 182,
- 2639,
- 179,
- 2640,
- 177,
- 2642,
- 174,
- 2644,
- 171,
- 2646,
- 169,
- 2649,
- 167,
- 2652,
- 165,
- 2654,
- 164,
- 2657,
- 164,
+ 2657, 160, 2653, 160, 2649, 161, 2646, 163, 2643, 165, 2640, 168, 2638, 171,
+ 2636, 174, 2635, 178, 2635, 182, 2639, 182, 2639, 179, 2640, 177, 2642, 174,
+ 2644, 171, 2646, 169, 2649, 167, 2652, 165, 2654, 164, 2657, 164,
[2635, 182, 2635, 192, 2639, 192, 2639, 182],
@@ -33691,46 +7366,9 @@
K00307: [
[2946, 773, 2946, 798, 2950, 798, 2950, 773],
- 2946,
- 798,
- 2946,
- 800,
- 2945,
- 802,
- 2944,
- 804,
- 2942,
- 806,
- 2940,
- 808,
- 2938,
- 810,
- 2936,
- 811,
- 2934,
- 812,
- 2932,
- 812,
- 2932,
- 816,
- 2935,
- 816,
- 2938,
- 815,
- 2941,
- 814,
- 2944,
- 812,
- 2946,
- 810,
- 2948,
- 807,
- 2949,
- 804,
- 2950,
- 801,
- 2950,
- 798,
+ 2946, 798, 2946, 800, 2945, 802, 2944, 804, 2942, 806, 2940, 808, 2938, 810,
+ 2936, 811, 2934, 812, 2932, 812, 2932, 816, 2935, 816, 2938, 815, 2941, 814,
+ 2944, 812, 2946, 810, 2948, 807, 2949, 804, 2950, 801, 2950, 798,
[2932, 812, 2912, 812, 2912, 816, 2932, 816],
@@ -33751,45 +7389,9 @@
K13036: [
[2156, 1549, 2293, 1549, 2293, 1553, 2156, 1553],
- 2293,
- 1549,
- 2296,
- 1549,
- 2298,
- 1548,
- 2301,
- 1546,
- 2304,
- 1544,
- 2306,
- 1542,
- 2308,
- 1539,
- 2310,
- 1536,
- 2311,
- 1534,
- 2311,
- 1531,
- 2315,
- 1531,
- 2315,
- 1535,
- 2314,
- 1539,
- 2312,
- 1542,
- 2310,
- 1545,
- 2307,
- 1548,
- 2304,
- 1550,
- 2301,
- 1552,
- 2297,
- 1553,
- 2293,
+ 2293, 1549, 2296, 1549, 2298, 1548, 2301, 1546, 2304, 1544, 2306, 1542, 2308,
+ 1539, 2310, 1536, 2311, 1534, 2311, 1531, 2315, 1531, 2315, 1535, 2314, 1539,
+ 2312, 1542, 2310, 1545, 2307, 1548, 2304, 1550, 2301, 1552, 2297, 1553, 2293,
[2311, 1531, 2311, 1419, 2315, 1419, 2315, 1531],
@@ -33799,45 +7401,9 @@
K09473: [
[2591, 2031, 3213, 2031, 3213, 2035, 2591, 2035],
- 3213,
- 2031,
- 3216,
- 2031,
- 3218,
- 2030,
- 3221,
- 2028,
- 3224,
- 2026,
- 3226,
- 2024,
- 3228,
- 2021,
- 3230,
- 2018,
- 3231,
- 2016,
- 3231,
- 2013,
- 3235,
- 2013,
- 3235,
- 2017,
- 3234,
- 2021,
- 3232,
- 2024,
- 3230,
- 2027,
- 3227,
- 2030,
- 3224,
- 2032,
- 3221,
- 2034,
- 3217,
- 2035,
- 3213,
+ 3213, 2031, 3216, 2031, 3218, 2030, 3221, 2028, 3224, 2026, 3226, 2024, 3228,
+ 2021, 3230, 2018, 3231, 2016, 3231, 2013, 3235, 2013, 3235, 2017, 3234, 2021,
+ 3232, 2024, 3230, 2027, 3227, 2030, 3224, 2032, 3221, 2034, 3217, 2035, 3213,
[3231, 2013, 3231, 1852, 3235, 1852, 3235, 2013],
@@ -33845,305 +7411,53 @@
K01755: [
[3178, 1279, 3188, 1281, 3188, 1285, 3178, 1283],
- 3188,
- 1285,
- 3205,
- 1289,
- 3221,
- 1296,
- 3236,
- 1306,
- 3249,
- 1319,
- 3260,
- 1333,
- 3269,
- 1350,
- 3275,
- 1367,
- 3278,
- 1384,
- 3278,
- 1402,
- 3282,
- 1402,
- 3280,
- 1386,
- 3275,
- 1369,
- 3268,
- 1352,
- 3258,
- 1336,
- 3246,
- 1321,
- 3233,
- 1307,
- 3219,
- 1296,
- 3204,
- 1287,
- 3188,
+ 3188, 1285, 3205, 1289, 3221, 1296, 3236, 1306, 3249, 1319, 3260, 1333, 3269,
+ 1350, 3275, 1367, 3278, 1384, 3278, 1402, 3282, 1402, 3280, 1386, 3275, 1369,
+ 3268, 1352, 3258, 1336, 3246, 1321, 3233, 1307, 3219, 1296, 3204, 1287, 3188,
[3278, 1402, 3278, 1416, 3282, 1416, 3282, 1402],
[1519, 1703, 1544, 1718, 1544, 1722, 1519, 1707],
- 1544,
- 1722,
- 1548,
- 1722,
- 1552,
- 1723,
- 1556,
- 1724,
- 1561,
- 1725,
- 1566,
- 1726,
- 1570,
- 1727,
- 1574,
- 1727,
- 1578,
- 1728,
- 1581,
- 1728,
- 1581,
- 1732,
- 1577,
- 1732,
- 1572,
- 1731,
- 1567,
- 1730,
- 1563,
- 1729,
- 1558,
- 1728,
- 1554,
- 1726,
- 1550,
- 1723,
- 1546,
- 1721,
- 1544,
+ 1544, 1722, 1548, 1722, 1552, 1723, 1556, 1724, 1561, 1725, 1566, 1726, 1570,
+ 1727, 1574, 1727, 1578, 1728, 1581, 1728, 1581, 1732, 1577, 1732, 1572, 1731,
+ 1567, 1730, 1563, 1729, 1558, 1728, 1554, 1726, 1550, 1723, 1546, 1721, 1544,
[1581, 1728, 2865, 1728, 2865, 1732, 1581, 1732],
- 2865,
- 1728,
- 2868,
- 1728,
- 2870,
- 1727,
- 2873,
- 1725,
- 2876,
- 1723,
- 2878,
- 1721,
- 2880,
- 1718,
- 2882,
- 1715,
- 2883,
- 1713,
- 2883,
- 1710,
- 2887,
- 1710,
- 2887,
- 1714,
- 2886,
- 1718,
- 2884,
- 1721,
- 2882,
- 1724,
- 2879,
- 1727,
- 2876,
- 1729,
- 2873,
- 1731,
- 2869,
- 1732,
- 2865,
+ 2865, 1728, 2868, 1728, 2870, 1727, 2873, 1725, 2876, 1723, 2878, 1721, 2880,
+ 1718, 2882, 1715, 2883, 1713, 2883, 1710, 2887, 1710, 2887, 1714, 2886, 1718,
+ 2884, 1721, 2882, 1724, 2879, 1727, 2876, 1729, 2873, 1731, 2869, 1732, 2865,
[2883, 1710, 2883, 1382, 2887, 1382, 2887, 1710],
- 2883,
- 1382,
- 2883,
- 1378,
- 2884,
- 1374,
- 2886,
- 1371,
- 2888,
- 1368,
- 2891,
- 1365,
- 2894,
- 1363,
- 2897,
- 1361,
- 2901,
- 1360,
- 2905,
- 1360,
- 2905,
- 1364,
- 2902,
- 1364,
- 2900,
- 1365,
- 2897,
- 1367,
- 2894,
- 1369,
- 2892,
- 1371,
- 2890,
- 1374,
- 2888,
- 1377,
- 2887,
- 1379,
- 2887,
+ 2883, 1382, 2883, 1378, 2884, 1374, 2886, 1371, 2888, 1368, 2891, 1365, 2894,
+ 1363, 2897, 1361, 2901, 1360, 2905, 1360, 2905, 1364, 2902, 1364, 2900, 1365,
+ 2897, 1367, 2894, 1369, 2892, 1371, 2890, 1374, 2888, 1377, 2887, 1379, 2887,
[2905, 1360, 3209, 1360, 3209, 1364, 2905, 1364],
- 3209,
- 1360,
- 3212,
- 1360,
- 3214,
- 1359,
- 3217,
- 1357,
- 3220,
- 1355,
- 3222,
- 1353,
- 3224,
- 1350,
- 3226,
- 1347,
- 3227,
- 1345,
- 3227,
- 1342,
- 3231,
- 1342,
- 3231,
- 1346,
- 3230,
- 1350,
- 3228,
- 1353,
- 3226,
- 1356,
- 3223,
- 1359,
- 3220,
- 1361,
- 3217,
- 1363,
- 3213,
- 1364,
- 3209,
+ 3209, 1360, 3212, 1360, 3214, 1359, 3217, 1357, 3220, 1355, 3222, 1353, 3224,
+ 1350, 3226, 1347, 3227, 1345, 3227, 1342, 3231, 1342, 3231, 1346, 3230, 1350,
+ 3228, 1353, 3226, 1356, 3223, 1359, 3220, 1361, 3217, 1363, 3213, 1364, 3209,
[3227, 1342, 3227, 1322, 3231, 1322, 3231, 1342],
- 3231,
- 1322,
- 3231,
- 1318,
- 3230,
- 1314,
- 3228,
- 1309,
- 3226,
- 1305,
- 3224,
- 1301,
- 3221,
- 1298,
- 3218,
- 1295,
- 3215,
- 1292,
- 3211,
- 1290,
- 3211,
- 1294,
- 3213,
- 1296,
- 3216,
- 1299,
- 3218,
- 1302,
- 3221,
- 1305,
- 3223,
- 1309,
- 3224,
- 1312,
- 3226,
- 1316,
- 3227,
- 1319,
- 3227,
+ 3231, 1322, 3231, 1318, 3230, 1314, 3228, 1309, 3226, 1305, 3224, 1301, 3221,
+ 1298, 3218, 1295, 3215, 1292, 3211, 1290, 3211, 1294, 3213, 1296, 3216, 1299,
+ 3218, 1302, 3221, 1305, 3223, 1309, 3224, 1312, 3226, 1316, 3227, 1319, 3227,
[3211, 1290, 3198, 1283, 3198, 1287, 3211, 1294],
[3178, 1279, 3188, 1281, 3188, 1285, 3178, 1283],
- 3188,
- 1285,
- 3205,
- 1289,
- 3221,
- 1296,
- 3236,
- 1306,
- 3249,
- 1319,
- 3260,
- 1333,
- 3269,
- 1350,
- 3275,
- 1367,
- 3278,
- 1384,
- 3278,
- 1402,
- 3282,
- 1402,
- 3280,
- 1386,
- 3275,
- 1369,
- 3268,
- 1352,
- 3258,
- 1336,
- 3246,
- 1321,
- 3233,
- 1307,
- 3219,
- 1296,
- 3204,
- 1287,
- 3188,
+ 3188, 1285, 3205, 1289, 3221, 1296, 3236, 1306, 3249, 1319, 3260, 1333, 3269,
+ 1350, 3275, 1367, 3278, 1384, 3278, 1402, 3282, 1402, 3280, 1386, 3275, 1369,
+ 3268, 1352, 3258, 1336, 3246, 1321, 3233, 1307, 3219, 1296, 3204, 1287, 3188,
[3278, 1402, 3278, 1416, 3282, 1416, 3282, 1402],
@@ -34151,91 +7465,18 @@
K01046: [
[959, 590, 1092, 590, 1092, 594, 959, 594],
- 1092,
- 590,
- 1094,
- 590,
- 1096,
- 589,
- 1098,
- 588,
- 1100,
- 586,
- 1102,
- 584,
- 1104,
- 582,
- 1105,
- 580,
- 1106,
- 578,
- 1106,
- 576,
- 1110,
- 576,
- 1110,
- 579,
- 1109,
- 582,
- 1108,
- 585,
- 1106,
- 588,
- 1104,
- 590,
- 1101,
- 592,
- 1098,
- 593,
- 1095,
- 594,
- 1092,
- 594,
+ 1092, 590, 1094, 590, 1096, 589, 1098, 588, 1100, 586, 1102, 584, 1104, 582,
+ 1105, 580, 1106, 578, 1106, 576, 1110, 576, 1110, 579, 1109, 582, 1108, 585,
+ 1106, 588, 1104, 590, 1101, 592, 1098, 593, 1095, 594, 1092, 594,
[1106, 576, 1106, 553, 1110, 553, 1110, 576],
K05831: [
[2099, 1630, 2099, 1662, 2103, 1662, 2103, 1630],
- 2103,
- 1662,
- 2103,
- 1665,
- 2104,
- 1667,
- 2106,
- 1670,
- 2108,
- 1673,
- 2110,
- 1675,
- 2113,
- 1677,
- 2116,
- 1679,
- 2118,
- 1680,
- 2121,
- 1680,
- 2121,
- 1684,
- 2117,
- 1684,
- 2113,
- 1683,
- 2110,
- 1681,
- 2107,
- 1679,
- 2104,
- 1676,
- 2102,
- 1673,
- 2100,
- 1670,
- 2099,
- 1666,
- 2099,
+ 2103, 1662, 2103, 1665, 2104, 1667, 2106, 1670, 2108, 1673, 2110, 1675, 2113,
+ 1677, 2116, 1679, 2118, 1680, 2121, 1680, 2121, 1684, 2117, 1684, 2113, 1683,
+ 2110, 1681, 2107, 1679, 2104, 1676, 2102, 1673, 2100, 1670, 2099, 1666, 2099,
[2121, 1680, 2245, 1680, 2245, 1684, 2121, 1684],
@@ -34244,46 +7485,9 @@
R02583: [
[154, 628, 154, 612, 158, 612, 158, 628],
- 154,
- 612,
- 154,
- 608,
- 155,
- 604,
- 157,
- 601,
- 159,
- 598,
- 162,
- 595,
- 165,
- 593,
- 168,
- 591,
- 172,
- 590,
- 176,
- 590,
- 176,
- 594,
- 173,
- 594,
- 171,
- 595,
- 168,
- 597,
- 165,
- 599,
- 163,
- 601,
- 161,
- 604,
- 159,
- 607,
- 158,
- 609,
- 158,
- 612,
+ 154, 612, 154, 608, 155, 604, 157, 601, 159, 598, 162, 595, 165, 593, 168, 591,
+ 172, 590, 176, 590, 176, 594, 173, 594, 171, 595, 168, 597, 165, 599, 163, 601,
+ 161, 604, 159, 607, 158, 609, 158, 612,
[176, 590, 206, 590, 206, 594, 176, 594],
@@ -34291,46 +7495,9 @@
K01464: [
[2662, 399, 2720, 399, 2720, 403, 2662, 403],
- 2720,
- 403,
- 2724,
- 402,
- 2728,
- 402,
- 2731,
- 403,
- 2734,
- 405,
- 2736,
- 407,
- 2738,
- 410,
- 2739,
- 413,
- 2739,
- 417,
- 2738,
- 421,
- 2742,
- 421,
- 2740,
- 418,
- 2739,
- 415,
- 2736,
- 413,
- 2734,
- 410,
- 2731,
- 407,
- 2728,
- 405,
- 2726,
- 402,
- 2723,
- 401,
- 2720,
- 399,
+ 2720, 403, 2724, 402, 2728, 402, 2731, 403, 2734, 405, 2736, 407, 2738, 410,
+ 2739, 413, 2739, 417, 2738, 421, 2742, 421, 2740, 418, 2739, 415, 2736, 413,
+ 2734, 410, 2731, 407, 2728, 405, 2726, 402, 2723, 401, 2720, 399,
[2738, 421, 2738, 441, 2742, 441, 2742, 421],
[2102, 731, 2050, 731, 2050, 735, 2102, 735],
@@ -34344,264 +7511,45 @@
K01758: [
[2644, 1435, 2644, 945, 2648, 945, 2648, 1435],
- 2648,
- 945,
- 2648,
- 941,
- 2647,
- 937,
- 2645,
- 934,
- 2643,
- 931,
- 2640,
- 928,
- 2637,
- 926,
- 2634,
- 924,
- 2630,
- 923,
- 2626,
- 923,
- 2626,
- 927,
- 2629,
- 927,
- 2631,
- 928,
- 2634,
- 930,
- 2637,
- 932,
- 2639,
- 934,
- 2641,
- 937,
- 2643,
- 940,
- 2644,
- 942,
- 2644,
- 945,
+ 2648, 945, 2648, 941, 2647, 937, 2645, 934, 2643, 931, 2640, 928, 2637, 926,
+ 2634, 924, 2630, 923, 2626, 923, 2626, 927, 2629, 927, 2631, 928, 2634, 930,
+ 2637, 932, 2639, 934, 2641, 937, 2643, 940, 2644, 942, 2644, 945,
[2626, 923, 2560, 923, 2560, 927, 2626, 927],
[2612, 1297, 2626, 1297, 2626, 1301, 2612, 1301],
- 2626,
- 1301,
- 2630,
- 1300,
- 2634,
- 1300,
- 2637,
- 1301,
- 2640,
- 1303,
- 2642,
- 1305,
- 2644,
- 1308,
- 2645,
- 1311,
- 2645,
- 1315,
- 2644,
- 1319,
- 2648,
- 1319,
- 2646,
- 1316,
- 2645,
- 1313,
- 2642,
- 1311,
- 2640,
- 1308,
- 2637,
- 1305,
- 2634,
- 1303,
- 2632,
- 1300,
- 2629,
- 1299,
- 2626,
+ 2626, 1301, 2630, 1300, 2634, 1300, 2637, 1301, 2640, 1303, 2642, 1305, 2644,
+ 1308, 2645, 1311, 2645, 1315, 2644, 1319, 2648, 1319, 2646, 1316, 2645, 1313,
+ 2642, 1311, 2640, 1308, 2637, 1305, 2634, 1303, 2632, 1300, 2629, 1299, 2626,
[2644, 1319, 2644, 1436, 2648, 1436, 2648, 1319],
[2644, 1435, 2644, 945, 2648, 945, 2648, 1435],
- 2648,
- 945,
- 2648,
- 941,
- 2647,
- 937,
- 2645,
- 934,
- 2643,
- 931,
- 2640,
- 928,
- 2637,
- 926,
- 2634,
- 924,
- 2630,
- 923,
- 2626,
- 923,
- 2626,
- 927,
- 2629,
- 927,
- 2631,
- 928,
- 2634,
- 930,
- 2637,
- 932,
- 2639,
- 934,
- 2641,
- 937,
- 2643,
- 940,
- 2644,
- 942,
- 2644,
- 945,
+ 2648, 945, 2648, 941, 2647, 937, 2645, 934, 2643, 931, 2640, 928, 2637, 926,
+ 2634, 924, 2630, 923, 2626, 923, 2626, 927, 2629, 927, 2631, 928, 2634, 930,
+ 2637, 932, 2639, 934, 2641, 937, 2643, 940, 2644, 942, 2644, 945,
[2626, 923, 2560, 923, 2560, 927, 2626, 927],
[1718, 1209, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1209],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2475, 1170, 2475, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2475,
- 1170,
- 2479,
- 1170,
- 2483,
- 1168,
- 2487,
- 1166,
- 2491,
- 1163,
- 2494,
- 1160,
- 2497,
- 1156,
- 2499,
- 1152,
- 2501,
- 1148,
- 2501,
- 1144,
- 2505,
- 1144,
- 2504,
- 1149,
- 2503,
- 1154,
- 2501,
- 1159,
- 2498,
- 1163,
- 2494,
- 1167,
- 2490,
- 1170,
- 2485,
- 1172,
- 2480,
- 1173,
- 2475,
+ 2475, 1170, 2479, 1170, 2483, 1168, 2487, 1166, 2491, 1163, 2494, 1160, 2497,
+ 1156, 2499, 1152, 2501, 1148, 2501, 1144, 2505, 1144, 2504, 1149, 2503, 1154,
+ 2501, 1159, 2498, 1163, 2494, 1167, 2490, 1170, 2485, 1172, 2480, 1173, 2475,
[2501, 1144, 2501, 953, 2505, 953, 2505, 1144],
- 2501,
- 953,
- 2502,
- 948,
- 2503,
- 943,
- 2505,
- 938,
- 2508,
- 934,
- 2512,
- 930,
- 2516,
- 927,
- 2521,
- 925,
- 2526,
- 924,
- 2531,
- 923,
- 2531,
- 927,
- 2527,
- 927,
- 2523,
- 929,
- 2519,
- 931,
- 2515,
- 934,
- 2512,
- 937,
- 2509,
- 941,
- 2507,
- 945,
- 2505,
- 949,
- 2505,
- 953,
+ 2501, 953, 2502, 948, 2503, 943, 2505, 938, 2508, 934, 2512, 930, 2516, 927,
+ 2521, 925, 2526, 924, 2531, 923, 2531, 927, 2527, 927, 2523, 929, 2519, 931,
+ 2515, 934, 2512, 937, 2509, 941, 2507, 945, 2505, 949, 2505, 953,
[2531, 923, 2562, 923, 2562, 927, 2531, 927],
@@ -34609,45 +7557,9 @@
',': [
[2289, 1441, 2319, 1441, 2319, 1445, 2289, 1445],
- 2319,
- 1445,
- 2323,
- 1444,
- 2327,
- 1444,
- 2330,
- 1445,
- 2333,
- 1447,
- 2335,
- 1449,
- 2337,
- 1452,
- 2338,
- 1455,
- 2338,
- 1459,
- 2337,
- 1463,
- 2341,
- 1463,
- 2339,
- 1460,
- 2338,
- 1457,
- 2335,
- 1455,
- 2333,
- 1452,
- 2330,
- 1449,
- 2327,
- 1447,
- 2325,
- 1444,
- 2322,
- 1443,
- 2319,
+ 2319, 1445, 2323, 1444, 2327, 1444, 2330, 1445, 2333, 1447, 2335, 1449, 2337,
+ 1452, 2338, 1455, 2338, 1459, 2337, 1463, 2341, 1463, 2339, 1460, 2338, 1457,
+ 2335, 1455, 2333, 1452, 2330, 1449, 2327, 1447, 2325, 1444, 2322, 1443, 2319,
[2337, 1463, 2337, 1476, 2341, 1476, 2341, 1463],
@@ -34655,46 +7567,9 @@
K14454: [
[2464, 889, 2464, 838, 2468, 838, 2468, 889],
- 2464,
- 838,
- 2464,
- 834,
- 2465,
- 830,
- 2467,
- 827,
- 2469,
- 824,
- 2472,
- 821,
- 2475,
- 819,
- 2478,
- 817,
- 2482,
- 816,
- 2486,
- 816,
- 2486,
- 820,
- 2483,
- 820,
- 2481,
- 821,
- 2478,
- 823,
- 2475,
- 825,
- 2473,
- 827,
- 2471,
- 830,
- 2469,
- 833,
- 2468,
- 835,
- 2468,
- 838,
+ 2464, 838, 2464, 834, 2465, 830, 2467, 827, 2469, 824, 2472, 821, 2475, 819,
+ 2478, 817, 2482, 816, 2486, 816, 2486, 820, 2483, 820, 2481, 821, 2478, 823,
+ 2475, 825, 2473, 827, 2471, 830, 2469, 833, 2468, 835, 2468, 838,
[2486, 816, 2562, 816, 2562, 820, 2486, 820],
[2111, 1798, 2427, 1798, 2427, 1802, 2111, 1802],
@@ -34703,219 +7578,39 @@
[2590, 578, 2590, 707, 2594, 707, 2594, 578],
[2593, 1827, 1983, 1827, 1983, 1831, 2593, 1831],
- 1983,
- 1831,
- 1980,
- 1829,
- 1976,
- 1827,
- 1973,
- 1825,
- 1969,
- 1822,
- 1966,
- 1819,
- 1963,
- 1815,
- 1961,
- 1812,
- 1959,
- 1808,
- 1957,
- 1805,
- 1961,
- 1805,
- 1960,
- 1810,
- 1961,
- 1814,
- 1962,
- 1818,
- 1964,
- 1821,
- 1967,
- 1824,
- 1970,
- 1826,
- 1974,
- 1827,
- 1978,
- 1828,
- 1983,
+ 1983, 1831, 1980, 1829, 1976, 1827, 1973, 1825, 1969, 1822, 1966, 1819, 1963,
+ 1815, 1961, 1812, 1959, 1808, 1957, 1805, 1961, 1805, 1960, 1810, 1961, 1814,
+ 1962, 1818, 1964, 1821, 1967, 1824, 1970, 1826, 1974, 1827, 1978, 1828, 1983,
[1957, 1805, 1957, 1533, 1961, 1533, 1961, 1805],
- 1957,
- 1533,
- 1957,
- 1528,
- 1959,
- 1524,
- 1961,
- 1520,
- 1963,
- 1516,
- 1966,
- 1513,
- 1970,
- 1511,
- 1974,
- 1509,
- 1978,
- 1507,
- 1983,
- 1507,
- 1983,
- 1511,
- 1980,
- 1511,
- 1976,
- 1513,
- 1973,
- 1514,
- 1970,
- 1517,
- 1967,
- 1520,
- 1964,
- 1523,
- 1963,
- 1526,
- 1961,
- 1530,
- 1961,
+ 1957, 1533, 1957, 1528, 1959, 1524, 1961, 1520, 1963, 1516, 1966, 1513, 1970,
+ 1511, 1974, 1509, 1978, 1507, 1983, 1507, 1983, 1511, 1980, 1511, 1976, 1513,
+ 1973, 1514, 1970, 1517, 1967, 1520, 1964, 1523, 1963, 1526, 1961, 1530, 1961,
[1983, 1507, 2031, 1507, 2031, 1511, 1983, 1511],
[1640, 1474, 1640, 1489, 1644, 1489, 1644, 1474],
- 1644,
- 1489,
- 1644,
- 1492,
- 1645,
- 1494,
- 1647,
- 1497,
- 1649,
- 1500,
- 1651,
- 1502,
- 1654,
- 1504,
- 1657,
- 1506,
- 1659,
- 1507,
- 1662,
- 1507,
- 1662,
- 1511,
- 1658,
- 1511,
- 1654,
- 1510,
- 1651,
- 1508,
- 1648,
- 1506,
- 1645,
- 1503,
- 1643,
- 1500,
- 1641,
- 1497,
- 1640,
- 1493,
- 1640,
+ 1644, 1489, 1644, 1492, 1645, 1494, 1647, 1497, 1649, 1500, 1651, 1502, 1654,
+ 1504, 1657, 1506, 1659, 1507, 1662, 1507, 1662, 1511, 1658, 1511, 1654, 1510,
+ 1651, 1508, 1648, 1506, 1645, 1503, 1643, 1500, 1641, 1497, 1640, 1493, 1640,
[1662, 1507, 2031, 1507, 2031, 1511, 1662, 1511],
[2593, 1827, 1983, 1827, 1983, 1831, 2593, 1831],
- 1983,
- 1831,
- 1980,
- 1829,
- 1976,
- 1827,
- 1973,
- 1825,
- 1969,
- 1822,
- 1966,
- 1819,
- 1963,
- 1815,
- 1961,
- 1812,
- 1959,
- 1808,
- 1957,
- 1805,
- 1961,
- 1805,
- 1960,
- 1810,
- 1961,
- 1814,
- 1962,
- 1818,
- 1964,
- 1821,
- 1967,
- 1824,
- 1970,
- 1826,
- 1974,
- 1827,
- 1978,
- 1828,
- 1983,
+ 1983, 1831, 1980, 1829, 1976, 1827, 1973, 1825, 1969, 1822, 1966, 1819, 1963,
+ 1815, 1961, 1812, 1959, 1808, 1957, 1805, 1961, 1805, 1960, 1810, 1961, 1814,
+ 1962, 1818, 1964, 1821, 1967, 1824, 1970, 1826, 1974, 1827, 1978, 1828, 1983,
[1957, 1805, 1957, 1533, 1961, 1533, 1961, 1805],
- 1957,
- 1533,
- 1957,
- 1528,
- 1959,
- 1524,
- 1961,
- 1520,
- 1963,
- 1516,
- 1966,
- 1513,
- 1970,
- 1511,
- 1974,
- 1509,
- 1978,
- 1507,
- 1983,
- 1507,
- 1983,
- 1511,
- 1980,
- 1511,
- 1976,
- 1513,
- 1973,
- 1514,
- 1970,
- 1517,
- 1967,
- 1520,
- 1964,
- 1523,
- 1963,
- 1526,
- 1961,
- 1530,
- 1961,
+ 1957, 1533, 1957, 1528, 1959, 1524, 1961, 1520, 1963, 1516, 1966, 1513, 1970,
+ 1511, 1974, 1509, 1978, 1507, 1983, 1507, 1983, 1511, 1980, 1511, 1976, 1513,
+ 1973, 1514, 1970, 1517, 1967, 1520, 1964, 1523, 1963, 1526, 1961, 1530, 1961,
[1983, 1507, 2031, 1507, 2031, 1511, 1983, 1511],
@@ -34924,45 +7619,9 @@
K03918: [
[2242, 1683, 2242, 1463, 2246, 1463, 2246, 1683],
- 2242,
- 1463,
- 2242,
- 1459,
- 2243,
- 1455,
- 2245,
- 1452,
- 2247,
- 1449,
- 2250,
- 1446,
- 2253,
- 1444,
- 2256,
- 1442,
- 2260,
- 1441,
- 2264,
- 1441,
- 2264,
- 1445,
- 2261,
- 1445,
- 2259,
- 1446,
- 2256,
- 1448,
- 2253,
- 1450,
- 2251,
- 1452,
- 2249,
- 1455,
- 2247,
- 1458,
- 2246,
- 1460,
- 2246,
+ 2242, 1463, 2242, 1459, 2243, 1455, 2245, 1452, 2247, 1449, 2250, 1446, 2253,
+ 1444, 2256, 1442, 2260, 1441, 2264, 1441, 2264, 1445, 2261, 1445, 2259, 1446,
+ 2256, 1448, 2253, 1450, 2251, 1452, 2249, 1455, 2247, 1458, 2246, 1460, 2246,
[2264, 1441, 2291, 1441, 2291, 1445, 2264, 1445],
@@ -34970,89 +7629,15 @@
K00695: [
[1770, 384, 1779, 384, 1779, 388, 1770, 388],
- 1779,
- 384,
- 1782,
- 384,
- 1784,
- 383,
- 1787,
- 381,
- 1790,
- 379,
- 1792,
- 377,
- 1794,
- 374,
- 1796,
- 371,
- 1797,
- 369,
- 1797,
- 366,
- 1801,
- 366,
- 1801,
- 370,
- 1800,
- 374,
- 1798,
- 377,
- 1796,
- 380,
- 1793,
- 383,
- 1790,
- 385,
- 1787,
- 387,
- 1783,
- 388,
- 1779,
- 388,
+ 1779, 384, 1782, 384, 1784, 383, 1787, 381, 1790, 379, 1792, 377, 1794, 374,
+ 1796, 371, 1797, 369, 1797, 366, 1801, 366, 1801, 370, 1800, 374, 1798, 377,
+ 1796, 380, 1793, 383, 1790, 385, 1787, 387, 1783, 388, 1779, 388,
[1797, 366, 1797, 287, 1801, 287, 1801, 366],
- 1801,
- 287,
- 1801,
- 283,
- 1800,
- 279,
- 1798,
- 276,
- 1796,
- 273,
- 1793,
- 270,
- 1790,
- 268,
- 1787,
- 266,
- 1783,
- 265,
- 1779,
- 265,
- 1779,
- 269,
- 1782,
- 269,
- 1784,
- 270,
- 1787,
- 272,
- 1790,
- 274,
- 1792,
- 276,
- 1794,
- 279,
- 1796,
- 282,
- 1797,
- 284,
- 1797,
- 287,
+ 1801, 287, 1801, 283, 1800, 279, 1798, 276, 1796, 273, 1793, 270, 1790, 268,
+ 1787, 266, 1783, 265, 1779, 265, 1779, 269, 1782, 269, 1784, 270, 1787, 272,
+ 1790, 274, 1792, 276, 1794, 279, 1796, 282, 1797, 284, 1797, 287,
[1779, 265, 1770, 265, 1770, 269, 1779, 269],
@@ -35070,46 +7655,9 @@
K00864: [
[1256, 556, 1256, 546, 1260, 546, 1260, 556],
- 1260,
- 546,
- 1260,
- 542,
- 1259,
- 538,
- 1257,
- 535,
- 1255,
- 532,
- 1252,
- 529,
- 1249,
- 527,
- 1246,
- 525,
- 1242,
- 524,
- 1238,
- 524,
- 1238,
- 528,
- 1241,
- 528,
- 1243,
- 529,
- 1246,
- 531,
- 1249,
- 533,
- 1251,
- 535,
- 1253,
- 538,
- 1255,
- 541,
- 1256,
- 543,
- 1256,
- 546,
+ 1260, 546, 1260, 542, 1259, 538, 1257, 535, 1255, 532, 1252, 529, 1249, 527,
+ 1246, 525, 1242, 524, 1238, 524, 1238, 528, 1241, 528, 1243, 529, 1246, 531,
+ 1249, 533, 1251, 535, 1253, 538, 1255, 541, 1256, 543, 1256, 546,
[1238, 524, 1200, 524, 1200, 528, 1238, 528],
@@ -35124,46 +7672,9 @@
K01588: [
[2535, 140, 2535, 105, 2539, 105, 2539, 140],
- 2539,
- 105,
- 2539,
- 102,
- 2538,
- 99,
- 2537,
- 96,
- 2535,
- 93,
- 2533,
- 91,
- 2530,
- 89,
- 2527,
- 88,
- 2524,
- 87,
- 2521,
- 87,
- 2521,
- 91,
- 2523,
- 91,
- 2525,
- 92,
- 2527,
- 93,
- 2529,
- 95,
- 2531,
- 97,
- 2533,
- 99,
- 2534,
- 101,
- 2535,
- 103,
- 2535,
- 105,
+ 2539, 105, 2539, 102, 2538, 99, 2537, 96, 2535, 93, 2533, 91, 2530, 89, 2527,
+ 88, 2524, 87, 2521, 87, 2521, 91, 2523, 91, 2525, 92, 2527, 93, 2529, 95, 2531,
+ 97, 2533, 99, 2534, 101, 2535, 103, 2535, 105,
[2521, 87, 2500, 87, 2500, 91, 2521, 91],
@@ -35186,45 +7697,9 @@
K01816: [
[1432, 1785, 1681, 1785, 1681, 1789, 1432, 1789],
- 1681,
- 1785,
- 1683,
- 1785,
- 1685,
- 1784,
- 1687,
- 1783,
- 1689,
- 1781,
- 1691,
- 1779,
- 1693,
- 1777,
- 1694,
- 1775,
- 1695,
- 1773,
- 1695,
- 1771,
- 1699,
- 1771,
- 1699,
- 1774,
- 1698,
- 1777,
- 1697,
- 1780,
- 1695,
- 1783,
- 1693,
- 1785,
- 1690,
- 1787,
- 1687,
- 1788,
- 1684,
- 1789,
- 1681,
+ 1681, 1785, 1683, 1785, 1685, 1784, 1687, 1783, 1689, 1781, 1691, 1779, 1693,
+ 1777, 1694, 1775, 1695, 1773, 1695, 1771, 1699, 1771, 1699, 1774, 1698, 1777,
+ 1697, 1780, 1695, 1783, 1693, 1785, 1690, 1787, 1687, 1788, 1684, 1789, 1681,
[1695, 1771, 1695, 1746, 1699, 1746, 1699, 1771],
@@ -35239,178 +7714,33 @@
K10222: [
[803, 1970, 1348, 1970, 1348, 1974, 803, 1974],
- 1348,
- 1970,
- 1351,
- 1970,
- 1353,
- 1969,
- 1356,
- 1967,
- 1359,
- 1965,
- 1361,
- 1963,
- 1363,
- 1960,
- 1365,
- 1957,
- 1366,
- 1955,
- 1366,
- 1952,
- 1370,
- 1952,
- 1370,
- 1956,
- 1369,
- 1960,
- 1367,
- 1963,
- 1365,
- 1966,
- 1362,
- 1969,
- 1359,
- 1971,
- 1356,
- 1973,
- 1352,
- 1974,
- 1348,
+ 1348, 1970, 1351, 1970, 1353, 1969, 1356, 1967, 1359, 1965, 1361, 1963, 1363,
+ 1960, 1365, 1957, 1366, 1955, 1366, 1952, 1370, 1952, 1370, 1956, 1369, 1960,
+ 1367, 1963, 1365, 1966, 1362, 1969, 1359, 1971, 1356, 1973, 1352, 1974, 1348,
[1366, 1952, 1366, 1823, 1370, 1823, 1370, 1952],
[777, 1970, 826, 1970, 826, 1974, 777, 1974],
- 826,
- 1970,
- 828,
- 1970,
- 830,
- 1969,
- 832,
- 1968,
- 834,
- 1966,
- 836,
- 1964,
- 838,
- 1962,
- 839,
- 1960,
- 840,
- 1958,
- 840,
- 1956,
- 844,
- 1956,
- 844,
- 1959,
- 843,
- 1962,
- 842,
- 1965,
- 840,
- 1968,
- 838,
- 1970,
- 835,
- 1972,
- 832,
- 1973,
- 829,
- 1974,
- 826,
- 1974,
+ 826, 1970, 828, 1970, 830, 1969, 832, 1968, 834, 1966, 836, 1964, 838, 1962,
+ 839, 1960, 840, 1958, 840, 1956, 844, 1956, 844, 1959, 843, 1962, 842, 1965,
+ 840, 1968, 838, 1970, 835, 1972, 832, 1973, 829, 1974, 826, 1974,
[840, 1956, 840, 1946, 844, 1946, 844, 1956],
[803, 1970, 1348, 1970, 1348, 1974, 803, 1974],
- 1348,
- 1970,
- 1351,
- 1970,
- 1353,
- 1969,
- 1356,
- 1967,
- 1359,
- 1965,
- 1361,
- 1963,
- 1363,
- 1960,
- 1365,
- 1957,
- 1366,
- 1955,
- 1366,
- 1952,
- 1370,
- 1952,
- 1370,
- 1956,
- 1369,
- 1960,
- 1367,
- 1963,
- 1365,
- 1966,
- 1362,
- 1969,
- 1359,
- 1971,
- 1356,
- 1973,
- 1352,
- 1974,
- 1348,
+ 1348, 1970, 1351, 1970, 1353, 1969, 1356, 1967, 1359, 1965, 1361, 1963, 1363,
+ 1960, 1365, 1957, 1366, 1955, 1366, 1952, 1370, 1952, 1370, 1956, 1369, 1960,
+ 1367, 1963, 1365, 1966, 1362, 1969, 1359, 1971, 1356, 1973, 1352, 1974, 1348,
[1366, 1952, 1366, 1823, 1370, 1823, 1370, 1952],
[1307, 1822, 1369, 1822, 1369, 1826, 1307, 1826],
[1310, 1822, 1322, 1822, 1322, 1826, 1310, 1826],
- 1322,
- 1826,
- 1325,
- 1825,
- 1327,
- 1825,
- 1329,
- 1825,
- 1331,
- 1826,
- 1332,
- 1827,
- 1333,
- 1829,
- 1333,
- 1831,
- 1333,
- 1833,
- 1332,
- 1836,
- 1336,
- 1836,
- 1335,
- 1835,
- 1333,
- 1833,
- 1331,
- 1831,
- 1330,
- 1830,
- 1328,
- 1828,
- 1327,
- 1827,
- 1325,
- 1825,
- 1323,
- 1823,
- 1322,
+ 1322, 1826, 1325, 1825, 1327, 1825, 1329, 1825, 1331, 1826, 1332, 1827, 1333,
+ 1829, 1333, 1831, 1333, 1833, 1332, 1836, 1336, 1836, 1335, 1835, 1333, 1833,
+ 1331, 1831, 1330, 1830, 1328, 1828, 1327, 1827, 1325, 1825, 1323, 1823, 1322,
[1332, 1836, 1332, 1948, 1336, 1948, 1336, 1836],
@@ -35418,46 +7748,9 @@
[950, 1891, 950, 1948, 954, 1948, 954, 1891],
[950, 1894, 950, 1900, 954, 1900, 954, 1894],
- 954,
- 1900,
- 954,
- 1903,
- 955,
- 1905,
- 957,
- 1908,
- 959,
- 1911,
- 961,
- 1913,
- 964,
- 1915,
- 967,
- 1917,
- 969,
- 1918,
- 972,
- 1918,
- 972,
- 1922,
- 968,
- 1922,
- 964,
- 1921,
- 961,
- 1919,
- 958,
- 1917,
- 955,
- 1914,
- 953,
- 1911,
- 951,
- 1908,
- 950,
- 1904,
- 950,
- 1900,
+ 954, 1900, 954, 1903, 955, 1905, 957, 1908, 959, 1911, 961, 1913, 964, 1915,
+ 967, 1917, 969, 1918, 972, 1918, 972, 1922, 968, 1922, 964, 1921, 961, 1919,
+ 958, 1917, 955, 1914, 953, 1911, 951, 1908, 950, 1904, 950, 1900,
[972, 1918, 1058, 1918, 1058, 1922, 972, 1922],
[950, 1891, 950, 1948, 954, 1948, 954, 1891],
@@ -35465,606 +7758,102 @@
K01940: [
[2029, 1507, 2115, 1507, 2115, 1511, 2029, 1511],
- 2115,
- 1507,
- 2118,
- 1507,
- 2120,
- 1506,
- 2123,
- 1504,
- 2126,
- 1502,
- 2128,
- 1500,
- 2130,
- 1497,
- 2132,
- 1494,
- 2133,
- 1492,
- 2133,
- 1489,
- 2137,
- 1489,
- 2137,
- 1493,
- 2136,
- 1497,
- 2134,
- 1500,
- 2132,
- 1503,
- 2129,
- 1506,
- 2126,
- 1508,
- 2123,
- 1510,
- 2119,
- 1511,
- 2115,
+ 2115, 1507, 2118, 1507, 2120, 1506, 2123, 1504, 2126, 1502, 2128, 1500, 2130,
+ 1497, 2132, 1494, 2133, 1492, 2133, 1489, 2137, 1489, 2137, 1493, 2136, 1497,
+ 2134, 1500, 2132, 1503, 2129, 1506, 2126, 1508, 2123, 1510, 2119, 1511, 2115,
[2133, 1489, 2133, 1360, 2137, 1360, 2137, 1489],
- 2133,
- 1360,
- 2133,
- 1356,
- 2134,
- 1352,
- 2136,
- 1349,
- 2138,
- 1346,
- 2141,
- 1343,
- 2144,
- 1341,
- 2147,
- 1339,
- 2151,
- 1338,
- 2155,
- 1338,
- 2155,
- 1342,
- 2152,
- 1342,
- 2150,
- 1343,
- 2147,
- 1345,
- 2144,
- 1347,
- 2142,
- 1349,
- 2140,
- 1352,
- 2138,
- 1355,
- 2137,
- 1357,
- 2137,
+ 2133, 1360, 2133, 1356, 2134, 1352, 2136, 1349, 2138, 1346, 2141, 1343, 2144,
+ 1341, 2147, 1339, 2151, 1338, 2155, 1338, 2155, 1342, 2152, 1342, 2150, 1343,
+ 2147, 1345, 2144, 1347, 2142, 1349, 2140, 1352, 2138, 1355, 2137, 1357, 2137,
[2155, 1338, 2538, 1338, 2538, 1342, 2155, 1342],
- 2538,
- 1342,
- 2542,
- 1341,
- 2547,
- 1340,
- 2552,
- 1339,
- 2557,
- 1339,
- 2562,
- 1338,
- 2567,
- 1338,
- 2571,
- 1338,
- 2575,
- 1338,
- 2578,
- 1338,
- 2578,
- 1342,
- 2574,
- 1342,
- 2569,
- 1342,
- 2564,
- 1342,
- 2559,
- 1342,
- 2554,
- 1341,
- 2549,
- 1341,
- 2545,
- 1340,
- 2541,
- 1339,
- 2538,
+ 2538, 1342, 2542, 1341, 2547, 1340, 2552, 1339, 2557, 1339, 2562, 1338, 2567,
+ 1338, 2571, 1338, 2575, 1338, 2578, 1338, 2578, 1342, 2574, 1342, 2569, 1342,
+ 2564, 1342, 2559, 1342, 2554, 1341, 2549, 1341, 2545, 1340, 2541, 1339, 2538,
[2578, 1338, 2980, 1338, 2980, 1342, 2578, 1342],
- 2980,
- 1338,
- 2983,
- 1338,
- 2987,
- 1338,
- 2991,
- 1338,
- 2996,
- 1337,
- 3001,
- 1337,
- 3006,
- 1337,
- 3011,
- 1337,
- 3016,
- 1336,
- 3020,
- 1336,
- 3020,
- 1340,
- 3017,
- 1340,
- 3013,
- 1341,
- 3009,
- 1341,
- 3004,
- 1341,
- 2999,
- 1341,
- 2994,
- 1342,
- 2989,
- 1342,
- 2984,
- 1342,
- 2980,
+ 2980, 1338, 2983, 1338, 2987, 1338, 2991, 1338, 2996, 1337, 3001, 1337, 3006,
+ 1337, 3011, 1337, 3016, 1336, 3020, 1336, 3020, 1340, 3017, 1340, 3013, 1341,
+ 3009, 1341, 3004, 1341, 2999, 1341, 2994, 1342, 2989, 1342, 2984, 1342, 2980,
[3020, 1336, 3015, 1336, 3015, 1340, 3020, 1340],
- 3015,
- 1336,
- 3018,
- 1335,
- 3022,
- 1335,
- 3026,
- 1333,
- 3030,
- 1332,
- 3035,
- 1330,
- 3039,
- 1328,
- 3043,
- 1326,
- 3047,
- 1324,
- 3051,
- 1322,
- 3051,
- 1326,
- 3049,
- 1328,
- 3045,
- 1330,
- 3042,
- 1332,
- 3037,
- 1334,
- 3033,
- 1336,
- 3028,
- 1337,
- 3024,
- 1339,
- 3019,
- 1339,
- 3015,
+ 3015, 1336, 3018, 1335, 3022, 1335, 3026, 1333, 3030, 1332, 3035, 1330, 3039,
+ 1328, 3043, 1326, 3047, 1324, 3051, 1322, 3051, 1326, 3049, 1328, 3045, 1330,
+ 3042, 1332, 3037, 1334, 3033, 1336, 3028, 1337, 3024, 1339, 3019, 1339, 3015,
[3051, 1322, 3088, 1296, 3088, 1300, 3051, 1326],
[3028, 1415, 3028, 1404, 3032, 1404, 3032, 1415],
- 3028,
- 1404,
- 3028,
- 1400,
- 3028,
- 1395,
- 3028,
- 1390,
- 3029,
- 1386,
- 3030,
- 1381,
- 3031,
- 1376,
- 3032,
- 1372,
- 3033,
- 1369,
- 3034,
- 1366,
- 3038,
- 1366,
- 3037,
- 1370,
- 3036,
- 1374,
- 3035,
- 1379,
- 3034,
- 1384,
- 3033,
- 1388,
- 3032,
- 1393,
- 3032,
- 1397,
- 3032,
- 1401,
- 3032,
+ 3028, 1404, 3028, 1400, 3028, 1395, 3028, 1390, 3029, 1386, 3030, 1381, 3031,
+ 1376, 3032, 1372, 3033, 1369, 3034, 1366, 3038, 1366, 3037, 1370, 3036, 1374,
+ 3035, 1379, 3034, 1384, 3033, 1388, 3032, 1393, 3032, 1397, 3032, 1401, 3032,
[3034, 1366, 3039, 1353, 3043, 1353, 3038, 1366],
- 3039,
- 1353,
- 3041,
- 1349,
- 3043,
- 1345,
- 3045,
- 1341,
- 3048,
- 1336,
- 3050,
- 1332,
- 3053,
- 1328,
- 3056,
- 1325,
- 3059,
- 1322,
- 3061,
- 1320,
- 3065,
- 1320,
- 3063,
- 1323,
- 3060,
- 1327,
- 3057,
- 1331,
- 3054,
- 1335,
- 3052,
- 1339,
- 3049,
- 1343,
- 3047,
- 1347,
- 3045,
- 1350,
- 3043,
+ 3039, 1353, 3041, 1349, 3043, 1345, 3045, 1341, 3048, 1336, 3050, 1332, 3053,
+ 1328, 3056, 1325, 3059, 1322, 3061, 1320, 3065, 1320, 3063, 1323, 3060, 1327,
+ 3057, 1331, 3054, 1335, 3052, 1339, 3049, 1343, 3047, 1347, 3045, 1350, 3043,
[3061, 1320, 3074, 1307, 3078, 1307, 3065, 1320],
- 3074,
- 1307,
- 3077,
- 1304,
- 3080,
- 1301,
- 3084,
- 1298,
- 3088,
- 1295,
- 3092,
- 1292,
- 3097,
- 1290,
- 3101,
- 1288,
- 3106,
- 1286,
- 3110,
- 1285,
- 3110,
- 1289,
- 3107,
- 1290,
- 3104,
- 1292,
- 3100,
- 1294,
- 3096,
- 1296,
- 3092,
- 1298,
- 3088,
- 1301,
- 3084,
- 1303,
- 3081,
- 1305,
- 3078,
+ 3074, 1307, 3077, 1304, 3080, 1301, 3084, 1298, 3088, 1295, 3092, 1292, 3097,
+ 1290, 3101, 1288, 3106, 1286, 3110, 1285, 3110, 1289, 3107, 1290, 3104, 1292,
+ 3100, 1294, 3096, 1296, 3092, 1298, 3088, 1301, 3084, 1303, 3081, 1305, 3078,
[3110, 1285, 3123, 1281, 3123, 1285, 3110, 1289],
- 3123,
- 1281,
- 3126,
- 1280,
- 3129,
- 1279,
- 3134,
- 1278,
- 3138,
- 1278,
- 3143,
- 1277,
- 3148,
- 1277,
- 3153,
- 1277,
- 3158,
- 1277,
- 3162,
- 1277,
- 3162,
- 1281,
- 3159,
- 1281,
- 3155,
- 1281,
- 3151,
- 1281,
- 3146,
- 1281,
- 3141,
- 1282,
- 3136,
- 1282,
- 3131,
- 1283,
- 3127,
- 1284,
- 3123,
+ 3123, 1281, 3126, 1280, 3129, 1279, 3134, 1278, 3138, 1278, 3143, 1277, 3148,
+ 1277, 3153, 1277, 3158, 1277, 3162, 1277, 3162, 1281, 3159, 1281, 3155, 1281,
+ 3151, 1281, 3146, 1281, 3141, 1282, 3136, 1282, 3131, 1283, 3127, 1284, 3123,
[3162, 1277, 3180, 1278, 3180, 1282, 3162, 1281],
[2029, 1507, 2115, 1507, 2115, 1511, 2029, 1511],
- 2115,
- 1507,
- 2118,
- 1507,
- 2120,
- 1506,
- 2123,
- 1504,
- 2126,
- 1502,
- 2128,
- 1500,
- 2130,
- 1497,
- 2132,
- 1494,
- 2133,
- 1492,
- 2133,
- 1489,
- 2137,
- 1489,
- 2137,
- 1493,
- 2136,
- 1497,
- 2134,
- 1500,
- 2132,
- 1503,
- 2129,
- 1506,
- 2126,
- 1508,
- 2123,
- 1510,
- 2119,
- 1511,
- 2115,
+ 2115, 1507, 2118, 1507, 2120, 1506, 2123, 1504, 2126, 1502, 2128, 1500, 2130,
+ 1497, 2132, 1494, 2133, 1492, 2133, 1489, 2137, 1489, 2137, 1493, 2136, 1497,
+ 2134, 1500, 2132, 1503, 2129, 1506, 2126, 1508, 2123, 1510, 2119, 1511, 2115,
[2133, 1489, 2133, 1360, 2137, 1360, 2137, 1489],
- 2133,
- 1360,
- 2133,
- 1356,
- 2134,
- 1352,
- 2136,
- 1349,
- 2138,
- 1346,
- 2141,
- 1343,
- 2144,
- 1341,
- 2147,
- 1339,
- 2151,
- 1338,
- 2155,
- 1338,
- 2155,
- 1342,
- 2152,
- 1342,
- 2150,
- 1343,
- 2147,
- 1345,
- 2144,
- 1347,
- 2142,
- 1349,
- 2140,
- 1352,
- 2138,
- 1355,
- 2137,
- 1357,
- 2137,
+ 2133, 1360, 2133, 1356, 2134, 1352, 2136, 1349, 2138, 1346, 2141, 1343, 2144,
+ 1341, 2147, 1339, 2151, 1338, 2155, 1338, 2155, 1342, 2152, 1342, 2150, 1343,
+ 2147, 1345, 2144, 1347, 2142, 1349, 2140, 1352, 2138, 1355, 2137, 1357, 2137,
[2155, 1338, 2538, 1338, 2538, 1342, 2155, 1342],
- 2538,
- 1342,
- 2542,
- 1341,
- 2547,
- 1340,
- 2552,
- 1339,
- 2557,
- 1339,
- 2562,
- 1338,
- 2567,
- 1338,
- 2571,
- 1338,
- 2575,
- 1338,
- 2578,
- 1338,
- 2578,
- 1342,
- 2574,
- 1342,
- 2569,
- 1342,
- 2564,
- 1342,
- 2559,
- 1342,
- 2554,
- 1341,
- 2549,
- 1341,
- 2545,
- 1340,
- 2541,
- 1339,
- 2538,
+ 2538, 1342, 2542, 1341, 2547, 1340, 2552, 1339, 2557, 1339, 2562, 1338, 2567,
+ 1338, 2571, 1338, 2575, 1338, 2578, 1338, 2578, 1342, 2574, 1342, 2569, 1342,
+ 2564, 1342, 2559, 1342, 2554, 1341, 2549, 1341, 2545, 1340, 2541, 1339, 2538,
[2578, 1338, 2980, 1338, 2980, 1342, 2578, 1342],
- 2980,
- 1338,
- 2983,
- 1338,
- 2987,
- 1338,
- 2991,
- 1338,
- 2996,
- 1337,
- 3001,
- 1337,
- 3006,
- 1337,
- 3011,
- 1337,
- 3016,
- 1336,
- 3020,
- 1336,
- 3020,
- 1340,
- 3017,
- 1340,
- 3013,
- 1341,
- 3009,
- 1341,
- 3004,
- 1341,
- 2999,
- 1341,
- 2994,
- 1342,
- 2989,
- 1342,
- 2984,
- 1342,
- 2980,
+ 2980, 1338, 2983, 1338, 2987, 1338, 2991, 1338, 2996, 1337, 3001, 1337, 3006,
+ 1337, 3011, 1337, 3016, 1336, 3020, 1336, 3020, 1340, 3017, 1340, 3013, 1341,
+ 3009, 1341, 3004, 1341, 2999, 1341, 2994, 1342, 2989, 1342, 2984, 1342, 2980,
[3020, 1336, 3015, 1336, 3015, 1340, 3020, 1340],
- 3015,
- 1336,
- 3018,
- 1335,
- 3022,
- 1335,
- 3026,
- 1333,
- 3030,
- 1332,
- 3035,
- 1330,
- 3039,
- 1328,
- 3043,
- 1326,
- 3047,
- 1324,
- 3051,
- 1322,
- 3051,
- 1326,
- 3049,
- 1328,
- 3045,
- 1330,
- 3042,
- 1332,
- 3037,
- 1334,
- 3033,
- 1336,
- 3028,
- 1337,
- 3024,
- 1339,
- 3019,
- 1339,
- 3015,
+ 3015, 1336, 3018, 1335, 3022, 1335, 3026, 1333, 3030, 1332, 3035, 1330, 3039,
+ 1328, 3043, 1326, 3047, 1324, 3051, 1322, 3051, 1326, 3049, 1328, 3045, 1330,
+ 3042, 1332, 3037, 1334, 3033, 1336, 3028, 1337, 3024, 1339, 3019, 1339, 3015,
[3051, 1322, 3088, 1296, 3088, 1300, 3051, 1326],
@@ -36074,46 +7863,9 @@
',': [
[377, 1422, 361, 1422, 361, 1426, 377, 1426],
- 361,
- 1422,
- 358,
- 1422,
- 355,
- 1423,
- 352,
- 1424,
- 350,
- 1426,
- 348,
- 1428,
- 346,
- 1430,
- 345,
- 1433,
- 344,
- 1436,
- 344,
- 1439,
- 348,
- 1439,
- 348,
- 1437,
- 349,
- 1435,
- 350,
- 1433,
- 351,
- 1431,
- 353,
- 1429,
- 355,
- 1428,
- 357,
- 1427,
- 359,
- 1426,
- 361,
- 1426,
+ 361, 1422, 358, 1422, 355, 1423, 352, 1424, 350, 1426, 348, 1428, 346, 1430,
+ 345, 1433, 344, 1436, 344, 1439, 348, 1439, 348, 1437, 349, 1435, 350, 1433,
+ 351, 1431, 353, 1429, 355, 1428, 357, 1427, 359, 1426, 361, 1426,
[344, 1439, 344, 1555, 348, 1555, 348, 1439],
@@ -36138,88 +7890,16 @@
K12252: [
[3277, 1415, 3284, 1402, 3288, 1402, 3281, 1415],
- 3284,
- 1402,
- 3286,
- 1398,
- 3289,
- 1395,
- 3292,
- 1392,
- 3295,
- 1389,
- 3299,
- 1387,
- 3303,
- 1385,
- 3308,
- 1383,
- 3312,
- 1382,
- 3316,
- 1382,
- 3316,
- 1386,
- 3313,
- 1386,
- 3310,
- 1387,
- 3306,
- 1389,
- 3303,
- 1390,
- 3299,
- 1392,
- 3296,
- 1395,
- 3293,
- 1397,
- 3290,
- 1400,
- 3288,
+ 3284, 1402, 3286, 1398, 3289, 1395, 3292, 1392, 3295, 1389, 3299, 1387, 3303,
+ 1385, 3308, 1383, 3312, 1382, 3316, 1382, 3316, 1386, 3313, 1386, 3310, 1387,
+ 3306, 1389, 3303, 1390, 3299, 1392, 3296, 1395, 3293, 1397, 3290, 1400, 3288,
[3316, 1382, 3460, 1382, 3460, 1386, 3316, 1386],
- 3460,
- 1386,
- 3464,
- 1385,
- 3468,
- 1385,
- 3471,
- 1386,
- 3474,
- 1388,
- 3476,
- 1390,
- 3478,
- 1393,
- 3479,
- 1396,
- 3479,
- 1400,
- 3478,
- 1404,
- 3482,
- 1404,
- 3480,
- 1401,
- 3479,
- 1398,
- 3476,
- 1396,
- 3474,
- 1393,
- 3471,
- 1390,
- 3468,
- 1388,
- 3466,
- 1385,
- 3463,
- 1384,
- 3460,
+ 3460, 1386, 3464, 1385, 3468, 1385, 3471, 1386, 3474, 1388, 3476, 1390, 3478,
+ 1393, 3479, 1396, 3479, 1400, 3478, 1404, 3482, 1404, 3480, 1401, 3479, 1398,
+ 3476, 1396, 3474, 1393, 3471, 1390, 3468, 1388, 3466, 1385, 3463, 1384, 3460,
[3478, 1404, 3478, 1657, 3482, 1657, 3482, 1404],
@@ -36228,45 +7908,9 @@
[1718, 811, 1718, 913, 1722, 913, 1722, 811],
[1433, 1685, 1468, 1685, 1468, 1689, 1433, 1689],
- 1468,
- 1685,
- 1470,
- 1685,
- 1472,
- 1684,
- 1474,
- 1683,
- 1476,
- 1681,
- 1478,
- 1679,
- 1480,
- 1677,
- 1481,
- 1675,
- 1482,
- 1673,
- 1482,
- 1671,
- 1486,
- 1671,
- 1486,
- 1674,
- 1485,
- 1677,
- 1484,
- 1680,
- 1482,
- 1683,
- 1480,
- 1685,
- 1477,
- 1687,
- 1474,
- 1688,
- 1471,
- 1689,
- 1468,
+ 1468, 1685, 1470, 1685, 1472, 1684, 1474, 1683, 1476, 1681, 1478, 1679, 1480,
+ 1677, 1481, 1675, 1482, 1673, 1482, 1671, 1486, 1671, 1486, 1674, 1485, 1677,
+ 1484, 1680, 1482, 1683, 1480, 1685, 1477, 1687, 1474, 1688, 1471, 1689, 1468,
[1482, 1671, 1482, 1653, 1486, 1653, 1486, 1671],
@@ -36274,88 +7918,15 @@
K02227: [
[3489, 985, 3496, 985, 3496, 989, 3489, 989],
- 3496,
- 989,
- 3500,
- 988,
- 3504,
- 988,
- 3507,
- 989,
- 3510,
- 991,
- 3512,
- 993,
- 3514,
- 996,
- 3515,
- 999,
- 3515,
- 1003,
- 3514,
- 1007,
- 3518,
- 1007,
- 3516,
- 1004,
- 3515,
- 1001,
- 3512,
- 999,
- 3510,
- 996,
- 3507,
- 993,
- 3504,
- 991,
- 3502,
- 988,
- 3499,
- 987,
- 3496,
- 985,
+ 3496, 989, 3500, 988, 3504, 988, 3507, 989, 3510, 991, 3512, 993, 3514, 996,
+ 3515, 999, 3515, 1003, 3514, 1007, 3518, 1007, 3516, 1004, 3515, 1001, 3512,
+ 999, 3510, 996, 3507, 993, 3504, 991, 3502, 988, 3499, 987, 3496, 985,
[3514, 1007, 3514, 1064, 3518, 1064, 3518, 1007],
- 3514,
- 1064,
- 3514,
- 1067,
- 3513,
- 1069,
- 3511,
- 1072,
- 3509,
- 1075,
- 3507,
- 1077,
- 3504,
- 1079,
- 3501,
- 1081,
- 3499,
- 1082,
- 3496,
- 1082,
- 3496,
- 1086,
- 3500,
- 1086,
- 3504,
- 1085,
- 3507,
- 1083,
- 3510,
- 1081,
- 3513,
- 1078,
- 3515,
- 1075,
- 3517,
- 1072,
- 3518,
- 1068,
- 3518,
+ 3514, 1064, 3514, 1067, 3513, 1069, 3511, 1072, 3509, 1075, 3507, 1077, 3504,
+ 1079, 3501, 1081, 3499, 1082, 3496, 1082, 3496, 1086, 3500, 1086, 3504, 1085,
+ 3507, 1083, 3510, 1081, 3513, 1078, 3515, 1075, 3517, 1072, 3518, 1068, 3518,
[3496, 1082, 3489, 1082, 3489, 1086, 3496, 1086],
@@ -36369,131 +7940,21 @@
K00665: [
[524, 947, 524, 947, 528, 947, 528, 947],
- 528,
- 947,
- 528,
- 946,
- 529,
- 946,
- 531,
- 946,
- 533,
- 945,
- 536,
- 945,
- 539,
- 945,
- 541,
- 945,
- 544,
- 945,
- 547,
- 945,
- 547,
- 949,
- 543,
- 949,
- 539,
- 949,
- 536,
- 949,
- 532,
- 949,
- 530,
- 949,
- 527,
- 948,
- 526,
- 948,
- 524,
- 948,
- 524,
- 947,
+ 528, 947, 528, 946, 529, 946, 531, 946, 533, 945, 536, 945, 539, 945, 541, 945,
+ 544, 945, 547, 945, 547, 949, 543, 949, 539, 949, 536, 949, 532, 949, 530, 949,
+ 527, 948, 526, 948, 524, 948, 524, 947,
[547, 945, 1538, 945, 1538, 949, 547, 949],
- 1538,
- 949,
- 1542,
- 948,
- 1546,
- 948,
- 1549,
- 949,
- 1552,
- 951,
- 1554,
- 953,
- 1556,
- 956,
- 1557,
- 959,
- 1557,
- 963,
- 1556,
- 967,
- 1560,
- 967,
- 1558,
- 964,
- 1557,
- 961,
- 1554,
- 959,
- 1552,
- 956,
- 1549,
- 953,
- 1546,
- 951,
- 1544,
- 948,
- 1541,
- 947,
- 1538,
- 945,
+ 1538, 949, 1542, 948, 1546, 948, 1549, 949, 1552, 951, 1554, 953, 1556, 956,
+ 1557, 959, 1557, 963, 1556, 967, 1560, 967, 1558, 964, 1557, 961, 1554, 959,
+ 1552, 956, 1549, 953, 1546, 951, 1544, 948, 1541, 947, 1538, 945,
[1556, 967, 1556, 1310, 1560, 1310, 1560, 967],
- 1560,
- 1310,
- 1560,
- 1313,
- 1561,
- 1315,
- 1563,
- 1318,
- 1565,
- 1321,
- 1567,
- 1323,
- 1569,
- 1325,
- 1572,
- 1327,
- 1575,
- 1328,
- 1577,
- 1328,
- 1577,
- 1332,
- 1573,
- 1332,
- 1570,
- 1331,
- 1567,
- 1329,
- 1564,
- 1327,
- 1561,
- 1324,
- 1559,
- 1321,
- 1557,
- 1318,
- 1556,
- 1314,
- 1556,
+ 1560, 1310, 1560, 1313, 1561, 1315, 1563, 1318, 1565, 1321, 1567, 1323, 1569,
+ 1325, 1572, 1327, 1575, 1328, 1577, 1328, 1577, 1332, 1573, 1332, 1570, 1331,
+ 1567, 1329, 1564, 1327, 1561, 1324, 1559, 1321, 1557, 1318, 1556, 1314, 1556,
[1577, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1577, 1332],
@@ -36503,392 +7964,59 @@
[891, 1068, 891, 1163, 895, 1163, 895, 1068],
[830, 1347, 830, 1356, 834, 1356, 834, 1347],
- 834,
- 1356,
- 834,
- 1358,
- 835,
- 1360,
- 836,
- 1361,
- 837,
- 1363,
- 839,
- 1365,
- 841,
- 1366,
- 842,
- 1367,
- 844,
- 1368,
- 846,
- 1368,
- 846,
- 1372,
- 843,
- 1372,
- 840,
- 1371,
- 838,
- 1370,
- 836,
- 1368,
- 834,
- 1366,
- 832,
- 1364,
- 831,
- 1362,
- 830,
- 1359,
- 830,
- 1356,
+ 834, 1356, 834, 1358, 835, 1360, 836, 1361, 837, 1363, 839, 1365, 841, 1366,
+ 842, 1367, 844, 1368, 846, 1368, 846, 1372, 843, 1372, 840, 1371, 838, 1370,
+ 836, 1368, 834, 1366, 832, 1364, 831, 1362, 830, 1359, 830, 1356,
[846, 1368, 848, 1368, 848, 1372, 846, 1372],
- 848,
- 1368,
- 850,
- 1368,
- 852,
- 1367,
- 854,
- 1366,
- 856,
- 1365,
- 858,
- 1363,
- 859,
- 1361,
- 860,
- 1360,
- 861,
- 1358,
- 861,
- 1356,
- 865,
- 1356,
- 865,
- 1359,
- 864,
- 1362,
- 863,
- 1364,
- 861,
- 1366,
- 859,
- 1368,
- 857,
- 1370,
- 854,
- 1371,
- 851,
- 1372,
- 848,
- 1372,
+ 848, 1368, 850, 1368, 852, 1367, 854, 1366, 856, 1365, 858, 1363, 859, 1361,
+ 860, 1360, 861, 1358, 861, 1356, 865, 1356, 865, 1359, 864, 1362, 863, 1364,
+ 861, 1366, 859, 1368, 857, 1370, 854, 1371, 851, 1372, 848, 1372,
[861, 1356, 861, 1054, 865, 1054, 865, 1356],
- 861,
- 1054,
- 861,
- 1051,
- 862,
- 1048,
- 863,
- 1046,
- 865,
- 1044,
- 866,
- 1042,
- 869,
- 1040,
- 871,
- 1039,
- 873,
- 1038,
- 876,
- 1038,
- 876,
- 1042,
- 875,
- 1042,
- 873,
- 1043,
- 871,
- 1044,
- 870,
- 1045,
- 868,
- 1047,
- 867,
- 1049,
- 866,
- 1050,
- 865,
- 1052,
- 865,
- 1054,
+ 861, 1054, 861, 1051, 862, 1048, 863, 1046, 865, 1044, 866, 1042, 869, 1040,
+ 871, 1039, 873, 1038, 876, 1038, 876, 1042, 875, 1042, 873, 1043, 871, 1044,
+ 870, 1045, 868, 1047, 867, 1049, 866, 1050, 865, 1052, 865, 1054,
[876, 1038, 879, 1038, 879, 1042, 876, 1042],
- 879,
- 1042,
- 882,
- 1041,
- 885,
- 1041,
- 887,
- 1041,
- 889,
- 1042,
- 891,
- 1044,
- 892,
- 1046,
- 892,
- 1048,
- 892,
- 1051,
- 891,
- 1054,
- 895,
- 1054,
- 894,
- 1052,
- 892,
- 1050,
- 890,
- 1049,
- 888,
- 1047,
- 886,
- 1045,
- 884,
- 1043,
- 883,
- 1041,
- 881,
- 1039,
- 879,
- 1038,
+ 879, 1042, 882, 1041, 885, 1041, 887, 1041, 889, 1042, 891, 1044, 892, 1046,
+ 892, 1048, 892, 1051, 891, 1054, 895, 1054, 894, 1052, 892, 1050, 890, 1049,
+ 888, 1047, 886, 1045, 884, 1043, 883, 1041, 881, 1039, 879, 1038,
[891, 1054, 891, 1070, 895, 1070, 895, 1054],
[891, 1070, 891, 1026, 895, 1026, 895, 1070],
- 895,
- 1026,
- 895,
- 1022,
- 894,
- 1018,
- 892,
- 1015,
- 890,
- 1012,
- 887,
- 1009,
- 884,
- 1007,
- 881,
- 1005,
- 877,
- 1004,
- 873,
- 1004,
- 873,
- 1008,
- 876,
- 1008,
- 878,
- 1009,
- 881,
- 1011,
- 884,
- 1013,
- 886,
- 1015,
- 888,
- 1018,
- 890,
- 1021,
- 891,
- 1023,
- 891,
- 1026,
+ 895, 1026, 895, 1022, 894, 1018, 892, 1015, 890, 1012, 887, 1009, 884, 1007,
+ 881, 1005, 877, 1004, 873, 1004, 873, 1008, 876, 1008, 878, 1009, 881, 1011,
+ 884, 1013, 886, 1015, 888, 1018, 890, 1021, 891, 1023, 891, 1026,
[873, 1004, 621, 1004, 621, 1008, 873, 1008],
[830, 1347, 830, 1356, 834, 1356, 834, 1347],
- 834,
- 1356,
- 834,
- 1358,
- 835,
- 1360,
- 836,
- 1361,
- 837,
- 1363,
- 839,
- 1365,
- 841,
- 1366,
- 842,
- 1367,
- 844,
- 1368,
- 846,
- 1368,
- 846,
- 1372,
- 843,
- 1372,
- 840,
- 1371,
- 838,
- 1370,
- 836,
- 1368,
- 834,
- 1366,
- 832,
- 1364,
- 831,
- 1362,
- 830,
- 1359,
- 830,
- 1356,
+ 834, 1356, 834, 1358, 835, 1360, 836, 1361, 837, 1363, 839, 1365, 841, 1366,
+ 842, 1367, 844, 1368, 846, 1368, 846, 1372, 843, 1372, 840, 1371, 838, 1370,
+ 836, 1368, 834, 1366, 832, 1364, 831, 1362, 830, 1359, 830, 1356,
[846, 1368, 848, 1368, 848, 1372, 846, 1372],
- 848,
- 1368,
- 850,
- 1368,
- 852,
- 1367,
- 854,
- 1366,
- 856,
- 1365,
- 858,
- 1363,
- 859,
- 1361,
- 860,
- 1360,
- 861,
- 1358,
- 861,
- 1356,
- 865,
- 1356,
- 865,
- 1359,
- 864,
- 1362,
- 863,
- 1364,
- 861,
- 1366,
- 859,
- 1368,
- 857,
- 1370,
- 854,
- 1371,
- 851,
- 1372,
- 848,
- 1372,
+ 848, 1368, 850, 1368, 852, 1367, 854, 1366, 856, 1365, 858, 1363, 859, 1361,
+ 860, 1360, 861, 1358, 861, 1356, 865, 1356, 865, 1359, 864, 1362, 863, 1364,
+ 861, 1366, 859, 1368, 857, 1370, 854, 1371, 851, 1372, 848, 1372,
[861, 1356, 861, 1054, 865, 1054, 865, 1356],
- 861,
- 1054,
- 861,
- 1051,
- 862,
- 1048,
- 863,
- 1046,
- 865,
- 1044,
- 866,
- 1042,
- 869,
- 1040,
- 871,
- 1039,
- 873,
- 1038,
- 876,
- 1038,
- 876,
- 1042,
- 875,
- 1042,
- 873,
- 1043,
- 871,
- 1044,
- 870,
- 1045,
- 868,
- 1047,
- 867,
- 1049,
- 866,
- 1050,
- 865,
- 1052,
- 865,
- 1054,
+ 861, 1054, 861, 1051, 862, 1048, 863, 1046, 865, 1044, 866, 1042, 869, 1040,
+ 871, 1039, 873, 1038, 876, 1038, 876, 1042, 875, 1042, 873, 1043, 871, 1044,
+ 870, 1045, 868, 1047, 867, 1049, 866, 1050, 865, 1052, 865, 1054,
[876, 1038, 879, 1038, 879, 1042, 876, 1042],
- 879,
- 1042,
- 882,
- 1041,
- 885,
- 1041,
- 887,
- 1041,
- 889,
- 1042,
- 891,
- 1044,
- 892,
- 1046,
- 892,
- 1048,
- 892,
- 1051,
- 891,
- 1054,
- 895,
- 1054,
- 894,
- 1052,
- 892,
- 1050,
- 890,
- 1049,
- 888,
- 1047,
- 886,
- 1045,
- 884,
- 1043,
- 883,
- 1041,
- 881,
- 1039,
- 879,
- 1038,
+ 879, 1042, 882, 1041, 885, 1041, 887, 1041, 889, 1042, 891, 1044, 892, 1046,
+ 892, 1048, 892, 1051, 891, 1054, 895, 1054, 894, 1052, 892, 1050, 890, 1049,
+ 888, 1047, 886, 1045, 884, 1043, 883, 1041, 881, 1039, 879, 1038,
[891, 1054, 891, 1070, 895, 1070, 895, 1054],
[830, 1256, 830, 1351, 834, 1351, 834, 1256],
@@ -36896,392 +8024,59 @@
[830, 1069, 830, 1164, 834, 1164, 834, 1069],
[769, 1347, 769, 1356, 773, 1356, 773, 1347],
- 773,
- 1356,
- 773,
- 1358,
- 774,
- 1360,
- 775,
- 1361,
- 776,
- 1363,
- 778,
- 1365,
- 780,
- 1366,
- 781,
- 1367,
- 783,
- 1368,
- 785,
- 1368,
- 785,
- 1372,
- 782,
- 1372,
- 779,
- 1371,
- 777,
- 1370,
- 775,
- 1368,
- 773,
- 1366,
- 771,
- 1364,
- 770,
- 1362,
- 769,
- 1359,
- 769,
- 1356,
+ 773, 1356, 773, 1358, 774, 1360, 775, 1361, 776, 1363, 778, 1365, 780, 1366,
+ 781, 1367, 783, 1368, 785, 1368, 785, 1372, 782, 1372, 779, 1371, 777, 1370,
+ 775, 1368, 773, 1366, 771, 1364, 770, 1362, 769, 1359, 769, 1356,
[785, 1368, 788, 1368, 788, 1372, 785, 1372],
- [
- 788,
- 1368,
- 789,
- 1368,
- 791,
- 1367,
- 793,
- 1366,
- 795,
- 1365,
- 796,
- 1363,
- 798,
- 1361,
- 799,
- 1360,
- 800,
- 1358,
- 800,
- 1356,
- 804,
- 1356,
- 804,
- 1359,
- 803,
- 1362,
- 802,
- 1364,
- 800,
- 1366,
- 798,
- 1368,
- 796,
- 1370,
- 793,
- 1371,
- 791,
- 1372,
- 788,
- 1372,
+ [
+ 788, 1368, 789, 1368, 791, 1367, 793, 1366, 795, 1365, 796, 1363, 798, 1361,
+ 799, 1360, 800, 1358, 800, 1356, 804, 1356, 804, 1359, 803, 1362, 802, 1364,
+ 800, 1366, 798, 1368, 796, 1370, 793, 1371, 791, 1372, 788, 1372,
[800, 1356, 800, 1054, 804, 1054, 804, 1356],
- 800,
- 1054,
- 800,
- 1051,
- 801,
- 1048,
- 802,
- 1046,
- 803,
- 1044,
- 805,
- 1042,
- 807,
- 1040,
- 809,
- 1039,
- 812,
- 1038,
- 815,
- 1038,
- 815,
- 1042,
- 813,
- 1042,
- 812,
- 1043,
- 810,
- 1044,
- 808,
- 1045,
- 807,
- 1047,
- 806,
- 1049,
- 805,
- 1050,
- 804,
- 1052,
- 804,
- 1054,
+ 800, 1054, 800, 1051, 801, 1048, 802, 1046, 803, 1044, 805, 1042, 807, 1040,
+ 809, 1039, 812, 1038, 815, 1038, 815, 1042, 813, 1042, 812, 1043, 810, 1044,
+ 808, 1045, 807, 1047, 806, 1049, 805, 1050, 804, 1052, 804, 1054,
[815, 1038, 818, 1038, 818, 1042, 815, 1042],
- 818,
- 1042,
- 821,
- 1041,
- 824,
- 1041,
- 826,
- 1041,
- 828,
- 1042,
- 830,
- 1044,
- 831,
- 1046,
- 831,
- 1048,
- 831,
- 1051,
- 830,
- 1054,
- 834,
- 1054,
- 833,
- 1052,
- 831,
- 1050,
- 829,
- 1049,
- 827,
- 1047,
- 825,
- 1045,
- 823,
- 1043,
- 822,
- 1041,
- 820,
- 1039,
- 818,
- 1038,
+ 818, 1042, 821, 1041, 824, 1041, 826, 1041, 828, 1042, 830, 1044, 831, 1046,
+ 831, 1048, 831, 1051, 830, 1054, 834, 1054, 833, 1052, 831, 1050, 829, 1049,
+ 827, 1047, 825, 1045, 823, 1043, 822, 1041, 820, 1039, 818, 1038,
[830, 1054, 830, 1070, 834, 1070, 834, 1054],
[830, 1070, 830, 1026, 834, 1026, 834, 1070],
- 834,
- 1026,
- 834,
- 1022,
- 833,
- 1018,
- 831,
- 1015,
- 829,
- 1012,
- 826,
- 1009,
- 823,
- 1007,
- 820,
- 1005,
- 816,
- 1004,
- 812,
- 1004,
- 812,
- 1008,
- 815,
- 1008,
- 817,
- 1009,
- 820,
- 1011,
- 823,
- 1013,
- 825,
- 1015,
- 827,
- 1018,
- 829,
- 1021,
- 830,
- 1023,
- 830,
- 1026,
+ 834, 1026, 834, 1022, 833, 1018, 831, 1015, 829, 1012, 826, 1009, 823, 1007,
+ 820, 1005, 816, 1004, 812, 1004, 812, 1008, 815, 1008, 817, 1009, 820, 1011,
+ 823, 1013, 825, 1015, 827, 1018, 829, 1021, 830, 1023, 830, 1026,
[812, 1004, 621, 1004, 621, 1008, 812, 1008],
[769, 1347, 769, 1356, 773, 1356, 773, 1347],
- 773,
- 1356,
- 773,
- 1358,
- 774,
- 1360,
- 775,
- 1361,
- 776,
- 1363,
- 778,
- 1365,
- 780,
- 1366,
- 781,
- 1367,
- 783,
- 1368,
- 785,
- 1368,
- 785,
- 1372,
- 782,
- 1372,
- 779,
- 1371,
- 777,
- 1370,
- 775,
- 1368,
- 773,
- 1366,
- 771,
- 1364,
- 770,
- 1362,
- 769,
- 1359,
- 769,
- 1356,
+ 773, 1356, 773, 1358, 774, 1360, 775, 1361, 776, 1363, 778, 1365, 780, 1366,
+ 781, 1367, 783, 1368, 785, 1368, 785, 1372, 782, 1372, 779, 1371, 777, 1370,
+ 775, 1368, 773, 1366, 771, 1364, 770, 1362, 769, 1359, 769, 1356,
[785, 1368, 788, 1368, 788, 1372, 785, 1372],
- 788,
- 1368,
- 789,
- 1368,
- 791,
- 1367,
- 793,
- 1366,
- 795,
- 1365,
- 796,
- 1363,
- 798,
- 1361,
- 799,
- 1360,
- 800,
- 1358,
- 800,
- 1356,
- 804,
- 1356,
- 804,
- 1359,
- 803,
- 1362,
- 802,
- 1364,
- 800,
- 1366,
- 798,
- 1368,
- 796,
- 1370,
- 793,
- 1371,
- 791,
- 1372,
- 788,
- 1372,
+ 788, 1368, 789, 1368, 791, 1367, 793, 1366, 795, 1365, 796, 1363, 798, 1361,
+ 799, 1360, 800, 1358, 800, 1356, 804, 1356, 804, 1359, 803, 1362, 802, 1364,
+ 800, 1366, 798, 1368, 796, 1370, 793, 1371, 791, 1372, 788, 1372,
[800, 1356, 800, 1054, 804, 1054, 804, 1356],
- 800,
- 1054,
- 800,
- 1051,
- 801,
- 1048,
- 802,
- 1046,
- 803,
- 1044,
- 805,
- 1042,
- 807,
- 1040,
- 809,
- 1039,
- 812,
- 1038,
- 815,
- 1038,
- 815,
- 1042,
- 813,
- 1042,
- 812,
- 1043,
- 810,
- 1044,
- 808,
- 1045,
- 807,
- 1047,
- 806,
- 1049,
- 805,
- 1050,
- 804,
- 1052,
- 804,
- 1054,
+ 800, 1054, 800, 1051, 801, 1048, 802, 1046, 803, 1044, 805, 1042, 807, 1040,
+ 809, 1039, 812, 1038, 815, 1038, 815, 1042, 813, 1042, 812, 1043, 810, 1044,
+ 808, 1045, 807, 1047, 806, 1049, 805, 1050, 804, 1052, 804, 1054,
[815, 1038, 818, 1038, 818, 1042, 815, 1042],
- 818,
- 1042,
- 821,
- 1041,
- 824,
- 1041,
- 826,
- 1041,
- 828,
- 1042,
- 830,
- 1044,
- 831,
- 1046,
- 831,
- 1048,
- 831,
- 1051,
- 830,
- 1054,
- 834,
- 1054,
- 833,
- 1052,
- 831,
- 1050,
- 829,
- 1049,
- 827,
- 1047,
- 825,
- 1045,
- 823,
- 1043,
- 822,
- 1041,
- 820,
- 1039,
- 818,
- 1038,
+ 818, 1042, 821, 1041, 824, 1041, 826, 1041, 828, 1042, 830, 1044, 831, 1046,
+ 831, 1048, 831, 1051, 830, 1054, 834, 1054, 833, 1052, 831, 1050, 829, 1049,
+ 827, 1047, 825, 1045, 823, 1043, 822, 1041, 820, 1039, 818, 1038,
[830, 1054, 830, 1070, 834, 1070, 834, 1054],
[769, 1256, 769, 1351, 773, 1351, 773, 1256],
@@ -37289,392 +8084,59 @@
[769, 1069, 769, 1164, 773, 1164, 773, 1069],
[708, 1347, 708, 1356, 712, 1356, 712, 1347],
- 712,
- 1356,
- 712,
- 1358,
- 713,
- 1360,
- 714,
- 1361,
- 715,
- 1363,
- 717,
- 1365,
- 719,
- 1366,
- 720,
- 1367,
- 722,
- 1368,
- 724,
- 1368,
- 724,
- 1372,
- 721,
- 1372,
- 718,
- 1371,
- 716,
- 1370,
- 714,
- 1368,
- 712,
- 1366,
- 710,
- 1364,
- 709,
- 1362,
- 708,
- 1359,
- 708,
- 1356,
+ 712, 1356, 712, 1358, 713, 1360, 714, 1361, 715, 1363, 717, 1365, 719, 1366,
+ 720, 1367, 722, 1368, 724, 1368, 724, 1372, 721, 1372, 718, 1371, 716, 1370,
+ 714, 1368, 712, 1366, 710, 1364, 709, 1362, 708, 1359, 708, 1356,
[724, 1368, 726, 1368, 726, 1372, 724, 1372],
- 726,
- 1368,
- 728,
- 1368,
- 730,
- 1367,
- 732,
- 1366,
- 734,
- 1365,
- 736,
- 1363,
- 737,
- 1361,
- 738,
- 1360,
- 739,
- 1358,
- 739,
- 1356,
- 743,
- 1356,
- 743,
- 1359,
- 742,
- 1362,
- 741,
- 1364,
- 739,
- 1366,
- 737,
- 1368,
- 735,
- 1370,
- 732,
- 1371,
- 729,
- 1372,
- 726,
- 1372,
+ 726, 1368, 728, 1368, 730, 1367, 732, 1366, 734, 1365, 736, 1363, 737, 1361,
+ 738, 1360, 739, 1358, 739, 1356, 743, 1356, 743, 1359, 742, 1362, 741, 1364,
+ 739, 1366, 737, 1368, 735, 1370, 732, 1371, 729, 1372, 726, 1372,
[739, 1356, 739, 1054, 743, 1054, 743, 1356],
- 739,
- 1054,
- 739,
- 1051,
- 740,
- 1048,
- 741,
- 1046,
- 743,
- 1044,
- 744,
- 1042,
- 747,
- 1040,
- 749,
- 1039,
- 751,
- 1038,
- 754,
- 1038,
- 754,
- 1042,
- 753,
- 1042,
- 751,
- 1043,
- 749,
- 1044,
- 748,
- 1045,
- 746,
- 1047,
- 745,
- 1049,
- 744,
- 1050,
- 743,
- 1052,
- 743,
- 1054,
+ 739, 1054, 739, 1051, 740, 1048, 741, 1046, 743, 1044, 744, 1042, 747, 1040,
+ 749, 1039, 751, 1038, 754, 1038, 754, 1042, 753, 1042, 751, 1043, 749, 1044,
+ 748, 1045, 746, 1047, 745, 1049, 744, 1050, 743, 1052, 743, 1054,
[754, 1038, 757, 1038, 757, 1042, 754, 1042],
- 757,
- 1042,
- 760,
- 1041,
- 763,
- 1041,
- 765,
- 1041,
- 767,
- 1042,
- 769,
- 1044,
- 770,
- 1046,
- 770,
- 1048,
- 770,
- 1051,
- 769,
- 1054,
- 773,
- 1054,
- 772,
- 1052,
- 770,
- 1050,
- 768,
- 1049,
- 766,
- 1047,
- 764,
- 1045,
- 762,
- 1043,
- 761,
- 1041,
- 759,
- 1039,
- 757,
- 1038,
+ 757, 1042, 760, 1041, 763, 1041, 765, 1041, 767, 1042, 769, 1044, 770, 1046,
+ 770, 1048, 770, 1051, 769, 1054, 773, 1054, 772, 1052, 770, 1050, 768, 1049,
+ 766, 1047, 764, 1045, 762, 1043, 761, 1041, 759, 1039, 757, 1038,
[769, 1054, 769, 1070, 773, 1070, 773, 1054],
[769, 1070, 769, 1026, 773, 1026, 773, 1070],
- 773,
- 1026,
- 773,
- 1022,
- 772,
- 1018,
- 770,
- 1015,
- 768,
- 1012,
- 765,
- 1009,
- 762,
- 1007,
- 759,
- 1005,
- 755,
- 1004,
- 751,
- 1004,
- 751,
- 1008,
- 754,
- 1008,
- 756,
- 1009,
- 759,
- 1011,
- 762,
- 1013,
- 764,
- 1015,
- 766,
- 1018,
- 768,
- 1021,
- 769,
- 1023,
- 769,
- 1026,
+ 773, 1026, 773, 1022, 772, 1018, 770, 1015, 768, 1012, 765, 1009, 762, 1007,
+ 759, 1005, 755, 1004, 751, 1004, 751, 1008, 754, 1008, 756, 1009, 759, 1011,
+ 762, 1013, 764, 1015, 766, 1018, 768, 1021, 769, 1023, 769, 1026,
[751, 1004, 621, 1004, 621, 1008, 751, 1008],
[708, 1347, 708, 1356, 712, 1356, 712, 1347],
- 712,
- 1356,
- 712,
- 1358,
- 713,
- 1360,
- 714,
- 1361,
- 715,
- 1363,
- 717,
- 1365,
- 719,
- 1366,
- 720,
- 1367,
- 722,
- 1368,
- 724,
- 1368,
- 724,
- 1372,
- 721,
- 1372,
- 718,
- 1371,
- 716,
- 1370,
- 714,
- 1368,
- 712,
- 1366,
- 710,
- 1364,
- 709,
- 1362,
- 708,
- 1359,
- 708,
- 1356,
+ 712, 1356, 712, 1358, 713, 1360, 714, 1361, 715, 1363, 717, 1365, 719, 1366,
+ 720, 1367, 722, 1368, 724, 1368, 724, 1372, 721, 1372, 718, 1371, 716, 1370,
+ 714, 1368, 712, 1366, 710, 1364, 709, 1362, 708, 1359, 708, 1356,
[724, 1368, 726, 1368, 726, 1372, 724, 1372],
- 726,
- 1368,
- 728,
- 1368,
- 730,
- 1367,
- 732,
- 1366,
- 734,
- 1365,
- 736,
- 1363,
- 737,
- 1361,
- 738,
- 1360,
- 739,
- 1358,
- 739,
- 1356,
- 743,
- 1356,
- 743,
- 1359,
- 742,
- 1362,
- 741,
- 1364,
- 739,
- 1366,
- 737,
- 1368,
- 735,
- 1370,
- 732,
- 1371,
- 729,
- 1372,
- 726,
- 1372,
+ 726, 1368, 728, 1368, 730, 1367, 732, 1366, 734, 1365, 736, 1363, 737, 1361,
+ 738, 1360, 739, 1358, 739, 1356, 743, 1356, 743, 1359, 742, 1362, 741, 1364,
+ 739, 1366, 737, 1368, 735, 1370, 732, 1371, 729, 1372, 726, 1372,
[739, 1356, 739, 1054, 743, 1054, 743, 1356],
- 739,
- 1054,
- 739,
- 1051,
- 740,
- 1048,
- 741,
- 1046,
- 743,
- 1044,
- 744,
- 1042,
- 747,
- 1040,
- 749,
- 1039,
- 751,
- 1038,
- 754,
- 1038,
- 754,
- 1042,
- 753,
- 1042,
- 751,
- 1043,
- 749,
- 1044,
- 748,
- 1045,
- 746,
- 1047,
- 745,
- 1049,
- 744,
- 1050,
- 743,
- 1052,
- 743,
- 1054,
+ 739, 1054, 739, 1051, 740, 1048, 741, 1046, 743, 1044, 744, 1042, 747, 1040,
+ 749, 1039, 751, 1038, 754, 1038, 754, 1042, 753, 1042, 751, 1043, 749, 1044,
+ 748, 1045, 746, 1047, 745, 1049, 744, 1050, 743, 1052, 743, 1054,
[754, 1038, 757, 1038, 757, 1042, 754, 1042],
- 757,
- 1042,
- 760,
- 1041,
- 763,
- 1041,
- 765,
- 1041,
- 767,
- 1042,
- 769,
- 1044,
- 770,
- 1046,
- 770,
- 1048,
- 770,
- 1051,
- 769,
- 1054,
- 773,
- 1054,
- 772,
- 1052,
- 770,
- 1050,
- 768,
- 1049,
- 766,
- 1047,
- 764,
- 1045,
- 762,
- 1043,
- 761,
- 1041,
- 759,
- 1039,
- 757,
- 1038,
+ 757, 1042, 760, 1041, 763, 1041, 765, 1041, 767, 1042, 769, 1044, 770, 1046,
+ 770, 1048, 770, 1051, 769, 1054, 773, 1054, 772, 1052, 770, 1050, 768, 1049,
+ 766, 1047, 764, 1045, 762, 1043, 761, 1041, 759, 1039, 757, 1038,
[769, 1054, 769, 1070, 773, 1070, 773, 1054],
[708, 1256, 708, 1351, 712, 1351, 712, 1256],
@@ -37682,392 +8144,59 @@
[708, 1069, 708, 1164, 712, 1164, 712, 1069],
[647, 1347, 647, 1356, 651, 1356, 651, 1347],
- 651,
- 1356,
- 651,
- 1358,
- 652,
- 1360,
- 653,
- 1361,
- 654,
- 1363,
- 656,
- 1365,
- 658,
- 1366,
- 659,
- 1367,
- 661,
- 1368,
- 663,
- 1368,
- 663,
- 1372,
- 660,
- 1372,
- 657,
- 1371,
- 655,
- 1370,
- 653,
- 1368,
- 651,
- 1366,
- 649,
- 1364,
- 648,
- 1362,
- 647,
- 1359,
- 647,
- 1356,
+ 651, 1356, 651, 1358, 652, 1360, 653, 1361, 654, 1363, 656, 1365, 658, 1366,
+ 659, 1367, 661, 1368, 663, 1368, 663, 1372, 660, 1372, 657, 1371, 655, 1370,
+ 653, 1368, 651, 1366, 649, 1364, 648, 1362, 647, 1359, 647, 1356,
[663, 1368, 666, 1368, 666, 1372, 663, 1372],
- 666,
- 1368,
- 667,
- 1368,
- 669,
- 1367,
- 671,
- 1366,
- 673,
- 1365,
- 674,
- 1363,
- 676,
- 1361,
- 677,
- 1360,
- 678,
- 1358,
- 678,
- 1356,
- 682,
- 1356,
- 682,
- 1359,
- 681,
- 1362,
- 680,
- 1364,
- 678,
- 1366,
- 676,
- 1368,
- 674,
- 1370,
- 671,
- 1371,
- 669,
- 1372,
- 666,
- 1372,
+ 666, 1368, 667, 1368, 669, 1367, 671, 1366, 673, 1365, 674, 1363, 676, 1361,
+ 677, 1360, 678, 1358, 678, 1356, 682, 1356, 682, 1359, 681, 1362, 680, 1364,
+ 678, 1366, 676, 1368, 674, 1370, 671, 1371, 669, 1372, 666, 1372,
[678, 1356, 678, 1054, 682, 1054, 682, 1356],
- 678,
- 1054,
- 678,
- 1051,
- 679,
- 1048,
- 680,
- 1046,
- 681,
- 1044,
- 683,
- 1042,
- 685,
- 1040,
- 687,
- 1039,
- 690,
- 1038,
- 693,
- 1038,
- 693,
- 1042,
- 691,
- 1042,
- 690,
- 1043,
- 688,
- 1044,
- 686,
- 1045,
- 685,
- 1047,
- 684,
- 1049,
- 683,
- 1050,
- 682,
- 1052,
- 682,
- 1054,
+ 678, 1054, 678, 1051, 679, 1048, 680, 1046, 681, 1044, 683, 1042, 685, 1040,
+ 687, 1039, 690, 1038, 693, 1038, 693, 1042, 691, 1042, 690, 1043, 688, 1044,
+ 686, 1045, 685, 1047, 684, 1049, 683, 1050, 682, 1052, 682, 1054,
[693, 1038, 696, 1038, 696, 1042, 693, 1042],
- 696,
- 1042,
- 699,
- 1041,
- 702,
- 1041,
- 704,
- 1041,
- 706,
- 1042,
- 708,
- 1044,
- 709,
- 1046,
- 709,
- 1048,
- 709,
- 1051,
- 708,
- 1054,
- 712,
- 1054,
- 711,
- 1052,
- 709,
- 1050,
- 707,
- 1049,
- 705,
- 1047,
- 703,
- 1045,
- 701,
- 1043,
- 700,
- 1041,
- 698,
- 1039,
- 696,
- 1038,
+ 696, 1042, 699, 1041, 702, 1041, 704, 1041, 706, 1042, 708, 1044, 709, 1046,
+ 709, 1048, 709, 1051, 708, 1054, 712, 1054, 711, 1052, 709, 1050, 707, 1049,
+ 705, 1047, 703, 1045, 701, 1043, 700, 1041, 698, 1039, 696, 1038,
[708, 1054, 708, 1070, 712, 1070, 712, 1054],
[708, 1070, 708, 1026, 712, 1026, 712, 1070],
- 712,
- 1026,
- 712,
- 1022,
- 711,
- 1018,
- 709,
- 1015,
- 707,
- 1012,
- 704,
- 1009,
- 701,
- 1007,
- 698,
- 1005,
- 694,
- 1004,
- 690,
- 1004,
- 690,
- 1008,
- 693,
- 1008,
- 695,
- 1009,
- 698,
- 1011,
- 701,
- 1013,
- 703,
- 1015,
- 705,
- 1018,
- 707,
- 1021,
- 708,
- 1023,
- 708,
- 1026,
+ 712, 1026, 712, 1022, 711, 1018, 709, 1015, 707, 1012, 704, 1009, 701, 1007,
+ 698, 1005, 694, 1004, 690, 1004, 690, 1008, 693, 1008, 695, 1009, 698, 1011,
+ 701, 1013, 703, 1015, 705, 1018, 707, 1021, 708, 1023, 708, 1026,
[690, 1004, 621, 1004, 621, 1008, 690, 1008],
[647, 1347, 647, 1356, 651, 1356, 651, 1347],
- 651,
- 1356,
- 651,
- 1358,
- 652,
- 1360,
- 653,
- 1361,
- 654,
- 1363,
- 656,
- 1365,
- 658,
- 1366,
- 659,
- 1367,
- 661,
- 1368,
- 663,
- 1368,
- 663,
- 1372,
- 660,
- 1372,
- 657,
- 1371,
- 655,
- 1370,
- 653,
- 1368,
- 651,
- 1366,
- 649,
- 1364,
- 648,
- 1362,
- 647,
- 1359,
- 647,
- 1356,
+ 651, 1356, 651, 1358, 652, 1360, 653, 1361, 654, 1363, 656, 1365, 658, 1366,
+ 659, 1367, 661, 1368, 663, 1368, 663, 1372, 660, 1372, 657, 1371, 655, 1370,
+ 653, 1368, 651, 1366, 649, 1364, 648, 1362, 647, 1359, 647, 1356,
[663, 1368, 666, 1368, 666, 1372, 663, 1372],
- 666,
- 1368,
- 667,
- 1368,
- 669,
- 1367,
- 671,
- 1366,
- 673,
- 1365,
- 674,
- 1363,
- 676,
- 1361,
- 677,
- 1360,
- 678,
- 1358,
- 678,
- 1356,
- 682,
- 1356,
- 682,
- 1359,
- 681,
- 1362,
- 680,
- 1364,
- 678,
- 1366,
- 676,
- 1368,
- 674,
- 1370,
- 671,
- 1371,
- 669,
- 1372,
- 666,
- 1372,
+ 666, 1368, 667, 1368, 669, 1367, 671, 1366, 673, 1365, 674, 1363, 676, 1361,
+ 677, 1360, 678, 1358, 678, 1356, 682, 1356, 682, 1359, 681, 1362, 680, 1364,
+ 678, 1366, 676, 1368, 674, 1370, 671, 1371, 669, 1372, 666, 1372,
[678, 1356, 678, 1054, 682, 1054, 682, 1356],
- 678,
- 1054,
- 678,
- 1051,
- 679,
- 1048,
- 680,
- 1046,
- 681,
- 1044,
- 683,
- 1042,
- 685,
- 1040,
- 687,
- 1039,
- 690,
- 1038,
- 693,
- 1038,
- 693,
- 1042,
- 691,
- 1042,
- 690,
- 1043,
- 688,
- 1044,
- 686,
- 1045,
- 685,
- 1047,
- 684,
- 1049,
- 683,
- 1050,
- 682,
- 1052,
- 682,
- 1054,
+ 678, 1054, 678, 1051, 679, 1048, 680, 1046, 681, 1044, 683, 1042, 685, 1040,
+ 687, 1039, 690, 1038, 693, 1038, 693, 1042, 691, 1042, 690, 1043, 688, 1044,
+ 686, 1045, 685, 1047, 684, 1049, 683, 1050, 682, 1052, 682, 1054,
[693, 1038, 696, 1038, 696, 1042, 693, 1042],
- 696,
- 1042,
- 699,
- 1041,
- 702,
- 1041,
- 704,
- 1041,
- 706,
- 1042,
- 708,
- 1044,
- 709,
- 1046,
- 709,
- 1048,
- 709,
- 1051,
- 708,
- 1054,
- 712,
- 1054,
- 711,
- 1052,
- 709,
- 1050,
- 707,
- 1049,
- 705,
- 1047,
- 703,
- 1045,
- 701,
- 1043,
- 700,
- 1041,
- 698,
- 1039,
- 696,
- 1038,
+ 696, 1042, 699, 1041, 702, 1041, 704, 1041, 706, 1042, 708, 1044, 709, 1046,
+ 709, 1048, 709, 1051, 708, 1054, 712, 1054, 711, 1052, 709, 1050, 707, 1049,
+ 705, 1047, 703, 1045, 701, 1043, 700, 1041, 698, 1039, 696, 1038,
[708, 1054, 708, 1070, 712, 1070, 712, 1054],
[647, 1256, 647, 1351, 651, 1351, 651, 1256],
@@ -38075,392 +8204,59 @@
[647, 1069, 647, 1164, 651, 1164, 651, 1069],
[586, 1347, 586, 1356, 590, 1356, 590, 1347],
- 590,
- 1356,
- 590,
- 1358,
- 591,
- 1360,
- 592,
- 1361,
- 593,
- 1363,
- 595,
- 1365,
- 597,
- 1366,
- 598,
- 1367,
- 600,
- 1368,
- 602,
- 1368,
- 602,
- 1372,
- 599,
- 1372,
- 596,
- 1371,
- 594,
- 1370,
- 592,
- 1368,
- 590,
- 1366,
- 588,
- 1364,
- 587,
- 1362,
- 586,
- 1359,
- 586,
- 1356,
+ 590, 1356, 590, 1358, 591, 1360, 592, 1361, 593, 1363, 595, 1365, 597, 1366,
+ 598, 1367, 600, 1368, 602, 1368, 602, 1372, 599, 1372, 596, 1371, 594, 1370,
+ 592, 1368, 590, 1366, 588, 1364, 587, 1362, 586, 1359, 586, 1356,
[602, 1368, 604, 1368, 604, 1372, 602, 1372],
- 604,
- 1368,
- 606,
- 1368,
- 608,
- 1367,
- 610,
- 1366,
- 612,
- 1365,
- 614,
- 1363,
- 615,
- 1361,
- 616,
- 1360,
- 617,
- 1358,
- 617,
- 1356,
- 621,
- 1356,
- 621,
- 1359,
- 620,
- 1362,
- 619,
- 1364,
- 617,
- 1366,
- 615,
- 1368,
- 613,
- 1370,
- 610,
- 1371,
- 607,
- 1372,
- 604,
- 1372,
+ 604, 1368, 606, 1368, 608, 1367, 610, 1366, 612, 1365, 614, 1363, 615, 1361,
+ 616, 1360, 617, 1358, 617, 1356, 621, 1356, 621, 1359, 620, 1362, 619, 1364,
+ 617, 1366, 615, 1368, 613, 1370, 610, 1371, 607, 1372, 604, 1372,
[617, 1356, 617, 1054, 621, 1054, 621, 1356],
- 617,
- 1054,
- 617,
- 1051,
- 618,
- 1048,
- 619,
- 1046,
- 621,
- 1044,
- 622,
- 1042,
- 625,
- 1040,
- 627,
- 1039,
- 629,
- 1038,
- 632,
- 1038,
- 632,
- 1042,
- 631,
- 1042,
- 629,
- 1043,
- 627,
- 1044,
- 626,
- 1045,
- 624,
- 1047,
- 623,
- 1049,
- 622,
- 1050,
- 621,
- 1052,
- 621,
- 1054,
+ 617, 1054, 617, 1051, 618, 1048, 619, 1046, 621, 1044, 622, 1042, 625, 1040,
+ 627, 1039, 629, 1038, 632, 1038, 632, 1042, 631, 1042, 629, 1043, 627, 1044,
+ 626, 1045, 624, 1047, 623, 1049, 622, 1050, 621, 1052, 621, 1054,
[632, 1038, 635, 1038, 635, 1042, 632, 1042],
- 635,
- 1042,
- 638,
- 1041,
- 641,
- 1041,
- 643,
- 1041,
- 645,
- 1042,
- 647,
- 1044,
- 648,
- 1046,
- 648,
- 1048,
- 648,
- 1051,
- 647,
- 1054,
- 651,
- 1054,
- 650,
- 1052,
- 648,
- 1050,
- 646,
- 1049,
- 644,
- 1047,
- 642,
- 1045,
- 640,
- 1043,
- 639,
- 1041,
- 637,
- 1039,
- 635,
- 1038,
+ 635, 1042, 638, 1041, 641, 1041, 643, 1041, 645, 1042, 647, 1044, 648, 1046,
+ 648, 1048, 648, 1051, 647, 1054, 651, 1054, 650, 1052, 648, 1050, 646, 1049,
+ 644, 1047, 642, 1045, 640, 1043, 639, 1041, 637, 1039, 635, 1038,
[647, 1054, 647, 1070, 651, 1070, 651, 1054],
[647, 1070, 647, 1026, 651, 1026, 651, 1070],
- 651,
- 1026,
- 651,
- 1022,
- 650,
- 1018,
- 648,
- 1015,
- 646,
- 1012,
- 643,
- 1009,
- 640,
- 1007,
- 637,
- 1005,
- 633,
- 1004,
- 629,
- 1004,
- 629,
- 1008,
- 632,
- 1008,
- 634,
- 1009,
- 637,
- 1011,
- 640,
- 1013,
- 642,
- 1015,
- 644,
- 1018,
- 646,
- 1021,
- 647,
- 1023,
- 647,
- 1026,
+ 651, 1026, 651, 1022, 650, 1018, 648, 1015, 646, 1012, 643, 1009, 640, 1007,
+ 637, 1005, 633, 1004, 629, 1004, 629, 1008, 632, 1008, 634, 1009, 637, 1011,
+ 640, 1013, 642, 1015, 644, 1018, 646, 1021, 647, 1023, 647, 1026,
[629, 1004, 621, 1004, 621, 1008, 629, 1008],
[586, 1347, 586, 1356, 590, 1356, 590, 1347],
- 590,
- 1356,
- 590,
- 1358,
- 591,
- 1360,
- 592,
- 1361,
- 593,
- 1363,
- 595,
- 1365,
- 597,
- 1366,
- 598,
- 1367,
- 600,
- 1368,
- 602,
- 1368,
- 602,
- 1372,
- 599,
- 1372,
- 596,
- 1371,
- 594,
- 1370,
- 592,
- 1368,
- 590,
- 1366,
- 588,
- 1364,
- 587,
- 1362,
- 586,
- 1359,
- 586,
- 1356,
+ 590, 1356, 590, 1358, 591, 1360, 592, 1361, 593, 1363, 595, 1365, 597, 1366,
+ 598, 1367, 600, 1368, 602, 1368, 602, 1372, 599, 1372, 596, 1371, 594, 1370,
+ 592, 1368, 590, 1366, 588, 1364, 587, 1362, 586, 1359, 586, 1356,
[602, 1368, 604, 1368, 604, 1372, 602, 1372],
- 604,
- 1368,
- 606,
- 1368,
- 608,
- 1367,
- 610,
- 1366,
- 612,
- 1365,
- 614,
- 1363,
- 615,
- 1361,
- 616,
- 1360,
- 617,
- 1358,
- 617,
- 1356,
- 621,
- 1356,
- 621,
- 1359,
- 620,
- 1362,
- 619,
- 1364,
- 617,
- 1366,
- 615,
- 1368,
- 613,
- 1370,
- 610,
- 1371,
- 607,
- 1372,
- 604,
- 1372,
+ 604, 1368, 606, 1368, 608, 1367, 610, 1366, 612, 1365, 614, 1363, 615, 1361,
+ 616, 1360, 617, 1358, 617, 1356, 621, 1356, 621, 1359, 620, 1362, 619, 1364,
+ 617, 1366, 615, 1368, 613, 1370, 610, 1371, 607, 1372, 604, 1372,
[617, 1356, 617, 1054, 621, 1054, 621, 1356],
- 617,
- 1054,
- 617,
- 1051,
- 618,
- 1048,
- 619,
- 1046,
- 621,
- 1044,
- 622,
- 1042,
- 625,
- 1040,
- 627,
- 1039,
- 629,
- 1038,
- 632,
- 1038,
- 632,
- 1042,
- 631,
- 1042,
- 629,
- 1043,
- 627,
- 1044,
- 626,
- 1045,
- 624,
- 1047,
- 623,
- 1049,
- 622,
- 1050,
- 621,
- 1052,
- 621,
- 1054,
+ 617, 1054, 617, 1051, 618, 1048, 619, 1046, 621, 1044, 622, 1042, 625, 1040,
+ 627, 1039, 629, 1038, 632, 1038, 632, 1042, 631, 1042, 629, 1043, 627, 1044,
+ 626, 1045, 624, 1047, 623, 1049, 622, 1050, 621, 1052, 621, 1054,
[632, 1038, 635, 1038, 635, 1042, 632, 1042],
- 635,
- 1042,
- 638,
- 1041,
- 641,
- 1041,
- 643,
- 1041,
- 645,
- 1042,
- 647,
- 1044,
- 648,
- 1046,
- 648,
- 1048,
- 648,
- 1051,
- 647,
- 1054,
- 651,
- 1054,
- 650,
- 1052,
- 648,
- 1050,
- 646,
- 1049,
- 644,
- 1047,
- 642,
- 1045,
- 640,
- 1043,
- 639,
- 1041,
- 637,
- 1039,
- 635,
- 1038,
+ 635, 1042, 638, 1041, 641, 1041, 643, 1041, 645, 1042, 647, 1044, 648, 1046,
+ 648, 1048, 648, 1051, 647, 1054, 651, 1054, 650, 1052, 648, 1050, 646, 1049,
+ 644, 1047, 642, 1045, 640, 1043, 639, 1041, 637, 1039, 635, 1038,
[647, 1054, 647, 1070, 651, 1070, 651, 1054],
[586, 1256, 586, 1351, 590, 1351, 590, 1256],
@@ -38468,392 +8264,59 @@
[586, 1069, 586, 1164, 590, 1164, 590, 1069],
[525, 1347, 525, 1356, 529, 1356, 529, 1347],
- 529,
- 1356,
- 529,
- 1358,
- 530,
- 1360,
- 531,
- 1361,
- 532,
- 1363,
- 534,
- 1365,
- 536,
- 1366,
- 537,
- 1367,
- 539,
- 1368,
- 541,
- 1368,
- 541,
- 1372,
- 538,
- 1372,
- 535,
- 1371,
- 533,
- 1370,
- 531,
- 1368,
- 529,
- 1366,
- 527,
- 1364,
- 526,
- 1362,
- 525,
- 1359,
- 525,
- 1356,
+ 529, 1356, 529, 1358, 530, 1360, 531, 1361, 532, 1363, 534, 1365, 536, 1366,
+ 537, 1367, 539, 1368, 541, 1368, 541, 1372, 538, 1372, 535, 1371, 533, 1370,
+ 531, 1368, 529, 1366, 527, 1364, 526, 1362, 525, 1359, 525, 1356,
[541, 1368, 544, 1368, 544, 1372, 541, 1372],
- 544,
- 1368,
- 545,
- 1368,
- 547,
- 1367,
- 549,
- 1366,
- 551,
- 1365,
- 552,
- 1363,
- 554,
- 1361,
- 555,
- 1360,
- 556,
- 1358,
- 556,
- 1356,
- 560,
- 1356,
- 560,
- 1359,
- 559,
- 1362,
- 558,
- 1364,
- 556,
- 1366,
- 554,
- 1368,
- 552,
- 1370,
- 549,
- 1371,
- 547,
- 1372,
- 544,
- 1372,
+ 544, 1368, 545, 1368, 547, 1367, 549, 1366, 551, 1365, 552, 1363, 554, 1361,
+ 555, 1360, 556, 1358, 556, 1356, 560, 1356, 560, 1359, 559, 1362, 558, 1364,
+ 556, 1366, 554, 1368, 552, 1370, 549, 1371, 547, 1372, 544, 1372,
[556, 1356, 556, 1054, 560, 1054, 560, 1356],
- 556,
- 1054,
- 556,
- 1051,
- 557,
- 1048,
- 558,
- 1046,
- 559,
- 1044,
- 561,
- 1042,
- 563,
- 1040,
- 565,
- 1039,
- 568,
- 1038,
- 571,
- 1038,
- 571,
- 1042,
- 569,
- 1042,
- 568,
- 1043,
- 566,
- 1044,
- 564,
- 1045,
- 563,
- 1047,
- 562,
- 1049,
- 561,
- 1050,
- 560,
- 1052,
- 560,
- 1054,
+ 556, 1054, 556, 1051, 557, 1048, 558, 1046, 559, 1044, 561, 1042, 563, 1040,
+ 565, 1039, 568, 1038, 571, 1038, 571, 1042, 569, 1042, 568, 1043, 566, 1044,
+ 564, 1045, 563, 1047, 562, 1049, 561, 1050, 560, 1052, 560, 1054,
[571, 1038, 574, 1038, 574, 1042, 571, 1042],
- 574,
- 1042,
- 577,
- 1041,
- 580,
- 1041,
- 582,
- 1041,
- 584,
- 1042,
- 586,
- 1044,
- 587,
- 1046,
- 587,
- 1048,
- 587,
- 1051,
- 586,
- 1054,
- 590,
- 1054,
- 589,
- 1052,
- 587,
- 1050,
- 585,
- 1049,
- 583,
- 1047,
- 581,
- 1045,
- 579,
- 1043,
- 578,
- 1041,
- 576,
- 1039,
- 574,
- 1038,
+ 574, 1042, 577, 1041, 580, 1041, 582, 1041, 584, 1042, 586, 1044, 587, 1046,
+ 587, 1048, 587, 1051, 586, 1054, 590, 1054, 589, 1052, 587, 1050, 585, 1049,
+ 583, 1047, 581, 1045, 579, 1043, 578, 1041, 576, 1039, 574, 1038,
[586, 1054, 586, 1070, 590, 1070, 590, 1054],
[586, 1070, 586, 1026, 590, 1026, 590, 1070],
- 586,
- 1026,
- 586,
- 1022,
- 587,
- 1018,
- 589,
- 1015,
- 591,
- 1012,
- 594,
- 1009,
- 597,
- 1007,
- 600,
- 1005,
- 604,
- 1004,
- 608,
- 1004,
- 608,
- 1008,
- 605,
- 1008,
- 603,
- 1009,
- 600,
- 1011,
- 597,
- 1013,
- 595,
- 1015,
- 593,
- 1018,
- 591,
- 1021,
- 590,
- 1023,
- 590,
- 1026,
+ 586, 1026, 586, 1022, 587, 1018, 589, 1015, 591, 1012, 594, 1009, 597, 1007,
+ 600, 1005, 604, 1004, 608, 1004, 608, 1008, 605, 1008, 603, 1009, 600, 1011,
+ 597, 1013, 595, 1015, 593, 1018, 591, 1021, 590, 1023, 590, 1026,
[608, 1004, 623, 1004, 623, 1008, 608, 1008],
[525, 1347, 525, 1356, 529, 1356, 529, 1347],
- 529,
- 1356,
- 529,
- 1358,
- 530,
- 1360,
- 531,
- 1361,
- 532,
- 1363,
- 534,
- 1365,
- 536,
- 1366,
- 537,
- 1367,
- 539,
- 1368,
- 541,
- 1368,
- 541,
- 1372,
- 538,
- 1372,
- 535,
- 1371,
- 533,
- 1370,
- 531,
- 1368,
- 529,
- 1366,
- 527,
- 1364,
- 526,
- 1362,
- 525,
- 1359,
- 525,
- 1356,
+ 529, 1356, 529, 1358, 530, 1360, 531, 1361, 532, 1363, 534, 1365, 536, 1366,
+ 537, 1367, 539, 1368, 541, 1368, 541, 1372, 538, 1372, 535, 1371, 533, 1370,
+ 531, 1368, 529, 1366, 527, 1364, 526, 1362, 525, 1359, 525, 1356,
[541, 1368, 544, 1368, 544, 1372, 541, 1372],
- 544,
- 1368,
- 545,
- 1368,
- 547,
- 1367,
- 549,
- 1366,
- 551,
- 1365,
- 552,
- 1363,
- 554,
- 1361,
- 555,
- 1360,
- 556,
- 1358,
- 556,
- 1356,
- 560,
- 1356,
- 560,
- 1359,
- 559,
- 1362,
- 558,
- 1364,
- 556,
- 1366,
- 554,
- 1368,
- 552,
- 1370,
- 549,
- 1371,
- 547,
- 1372,
- 544,
- 1372,
+ 544, 1368, 545, 1368, 547, 1367, 549, 1366, 551, 1365, 552, 1363, 554, 1361,
+ 555, 1360, 556, 1358, 556, 1356, 560, 1356, 560, 1359, 559, 1362, 558, 1364,
+ 556, 1366, 554, 1368, 552, 1370, 549, 1371, 547, 1372, 544, 1372,
[556, 1356, 556, 1054, 560, 1054, 560, 1356],
- 556,
- 1054,
- 556,
- 1051,
- 557,
- 1048,
- 558,
- 1046,
- 559,
- 1044,
- 561,
- 1042,
- 563,
- 1040,
- 565,
- 1039,
- 568,
- 1038,
- 571,
- 1038,
- 571,
- 1042,
- 569,
- 1042,
- 568,
- 1043,
- 566,
- 1044,
- 564,
- 1045,
- 563,
- 1047,
- 562,
- 1049,
- 561,
- 1050,
- 560,
- 1052,
- 560,
- 1054,
+ 556, 1054, 556, 1051, 557, 1048, 558, 1046, 559, 1044, 561, 1042, 563, 1040,
+ 565, 1039, 568, 1038, 571, 1038, 571, 1042, 569, 1042, 568, 1043, 566, 1044,
+ 564, 1045, 563, 1047, 562, 1049, 561, 1050, 560, 1052, 560, 1054,
[571, 1038, 574, 1038, 574, 1042, 571, 1042],
- 574,
- 1042,
- 577,
- 1041,
- 580,
- 1041,
- 582,
- 1041,
- 584,
- 1042,
- 586,
- 1044,
- 587,
- 1046,
- 587,
- 1048,
- 587,
- 1051,
- 586,
- 1054,
- 590,
- 1054,
- 589,
- 1052,
- 587,
- 1050,
- 585,
- 1049,
- 583,
- 1047,
- 581,
- 1045,
- 579,
- 1043,
- 578,
- 1041,
- 576,
- 1039,
- 574,
- 1038,
+ 574, 1042, 577, 1041, 580, 1041, 582, 1041, 584, 1042, 586, 1044, 587, 1046,
+ 587, 1048, 587, 1051, 586, 1054, 590, 1054, 589, 1052, 587, 1050, 585, 1049,
+ 583, 1047, 581, 1045, 579, 1043, 578, 1041, 576, 1039, 574, 1038,
[586, 1054, 586, 1070, 590, 1070, 590, 1054],
[525, 1256, 525, 1351, 529, 1351, 529, 1256],
@@ -38862,268 +8325,49 @@
[525, 946, 525, 1071, 529, 1071, 529, 946],
[525, 1070, 525, 1026, 529, 1026, 529, 1070],
- 525,
- 1026,
- 525,
- 1022,
- 526,
- 1018,
- 528,
- 1015,
- 530,
- 1012,
- 533,
- 1009,
- 536,
- 1007,
- 539,
- 1005,
- 543,
- 1004,
- 547,
- 1004,
- 547,
- 1008,
- 544,
- 1008,
- 542,
- 1009,
- 539,
- 1011,
- 536,
- 1013,
- 534,
- 1015,
- 532,
- 1018,
- 530,
- 1021,
- 529,
- 1023,
- 529,
- 1026,
+ 525, 1026, 525, 1022, 526, 1018, 528, 1015, 530, 1012, 533, 1009, 536, 1007,
+ 539, 1005, 543, 1004, 547, 1004, 547, 1008, 544, 1008, 542, 1009, 539, 1011,
+ 536, 1013, 534, 1015, 532, 1018, 530, 1021, 529, 1023, 529, 1026,
[547, 1004, 623, 1004, 623, 1008, 547, 1008],
[525, 946, 525, 1071, 529, 1071, 529, 946],
[891, 1349, 891, 1349, 895, 1349, 895, 1349],
- 895,
- 1349,
- 895,
- 1353,
- 897,
- 1356,
- 899,
- 1360,
- 902,
- 1364,
- 905,
- 1367,
- 909,
- 1369,
- 913,
- 1371,
- 917,
- 1373,
- 921,
- 1373,
- 921,
- 1377,
- 916,
- 1377,
- 911,
- 1375,
- 906,
- 1373,
- 902,
- 1370,
- 898,
- 1367,
- 895,
- 1363,
- 893,
- 1359,
- 892,
- 1354,
- 891,
- 1349,
+ 895, 1349, 895, 1353, 897, 1356, 899, 1360, 902, 1364, 905, 1367, 909, 1369,
+ 913, 1371, 917, 1373, 921, 1373, 921, 1377, 916, 1377, 911, 1375, 906, 1373,
+ 902, 1370, 898, 1367, 895, 1363, 893, 1359, 892, 1354, 891, 1349,
[921, 1373, 1188, 1373, 1188, 1377, 921, 1377],
K00551: [
[959, 659, 974, 659, 974, 663, 959, 663],
- 974,
- 659,
- 977,
- 659,
- 979,
- 658,
- 982,
- 656,
- 985,
- 654,
- 987,
- 652,
- 989,
- 649,
- 991,
- 646,
- 992,
- 644,
- 992,
- 641,
- 996,
- 641,
- 996,
- 645,
- 995,
- 649,
- 993,
- 652,
- 991,
- 655,
- 988,
- 658,
- 985,
- 660,
- 982,
- 662,
- 978,
- 663,
- 974,
- 663,
+ 974, 659, 977, 659, 979, 658, 982, 656, 985, 654, 987, 652, 989, 649, 991, 646,
+ 992, 644, 992, 641, 996, 641, 996, 645, 995, 649, 993, 652, 991, 655, 988, 658,
+ 985, 660, 982, 662, 978, 663, 974, 663,
[992, 641, 992, 626, 996, 626, 996, 641],
K00236: [
[1568, 1800, 1568, 1800, 1572, 1800, 1572, 1800],
- 1568,
- 1800,
- 1565,
- 1800,
- 1563,
- 1800,
- 1561,
- 1801,
- 1558,
- 1803,
- 1557,
- 1805,
- 1555,
- 1807,
- 1554,
- 1810,
- 1553,
- 1813,
- 1553,
- 1816,
- 1557,
- 1816,
- 1557,
- 1814,
- 1558,
- 1812,
- 1559,
- 1810,
- 1561,
- 1808,
- 1562,
- 1806,
- 1565,
- 1804,
- 1567,
- 1802,
- 1569,
- 1801,
- 1572,
+ 1568, 1800, 1565, 1800, 1563, 1800, 1561, 1801, 1558, 1803, 1557, 1805, 1555,
+ 1807, 1554, 1810, 1553, 1813, 1553, 1816, 1557, 1816, 1557, 1814, 1558, 1812,
+ 1559, 1810, 1561, 1808, 1562, 1806, 1565, 1804, 1567, 1802, 1569, 1801, 1572,
[1553, 1816, 1553, 1912, 1557, 1912, 1557, 1816],
- 1553,
- 1912,
- 1553,
- 1914,
- 1552,
- 1916,
- 1550,
- 1918,
- 1549,
- 1920,
- 1547,
- 1922,
- 1545,
- 1924,
- 1542,
- 1925,
- 1540,
- 1926,
- 1538,
- 1926,
- 1538,
- 1930,
- 1541,
- 1930,
- 1544,
- 1929,
- 1547,
- 1928,
- 1550,
- 1926,
- 1552,
- 1924,
- 1554,
- 1921,
- 1556,
- 1918,
- 1557,
- 1915,
- 1557,
+ 1553, 1912, 1553, 1914, 1552, 1916, 1550, 1918, 1549, 1920, 1547, 1922, 1545,
+ 1924, 1542, 1925, 1540, 1926, 1538, 1926, 1538, 1930, 1541, 1930, 1544, 1929,
+ 1547, 1928, 1550, 1926, 1552, 1924, 1554, 1921, 1556, 1918, 1557, 1915, 1557,
[1538, 1926, 1536, 1926, 1536, 1930, 1538, 1930],
- 1536,
- 1930,
- 1534,
- 1929,
- 1532,
- 1927,
- 1530,
- 1925,
- 1527,
- 1923,
- 1525,
- 1921,
- 1523,
- 1918,
- 1521,
- 1916,
- 1519,
- 1914,
- 1518,
- 1912,
- 1522,
- 1912,
- 1521,
- 1915,
- 1521,
- 1918,
- 1522,
- 1921,
- 1523,
- 1923,
- 1525,
- 1925,
- 1527,
- 1926,
- 1530,
- 1927,
- 1533,
- 1927,
- 1536,
+ 1536, 1930, 1534, 1929, 1532, 1927, 1530, 1925, 1527, 1923, 1525, 1921, 1523,
+ 1918, 1521, 1916, 1519, 1914, 1518, 1912, 1522, 1912, 1521, 1915, 1521, 1918,
+ 1522, 1921, 1523, 1923, 1525, 1925, 1527, 1926, 1530, 1927, 1533, 1927, 1536,
[1518, 1912, 1517, 1704, 1521, 1704, 1522, 1912],
@@ -39151,45 +8395,9 @@
K00132: [
[1865, 1153, 1865, 1305, 1869, 1305, 1869, 1153],
- 1865,
- 1305,
- 1865,
- 1309,
- 1863,
- 1312,
- 1861,
- 1316,
- 1859,
- 1319,
- 1856,
- 1322,
- 1852,
- 1324,
- 1849,
- 1326,
- 1845,
- 1328,
- 1842,
- 1328,
- 1842,
- 1332,
- 1847,
- 1332,
- 1851,
- 1330,
- 1855,
- 1328,
- 1859,
- 1326,
- 1862,
- 1322,
- 1865,
- 1319,
- 1867,
- 1314,
- 1869,
- 1310,
- 1869,
+ 1865, 1305, 1865, 1309, 1863, 1312, 1861, 1316, 1859, 1319, 1856, 1322, 1852,
+ 1324, 1849, 1326, 1845, 1328, 1842, 1328, 1842, 1332, 1847, 1332, 1851, 1330,
+ 1855, 1328, 1859, 1326, 1862, 1322, 1865, 1319, 1867, 1314, 1869, 1310, 1869,
[1842, 1328, 1719, 1328, 1719, 1332, 1842, 1332],
@@ -39199,132 +8407,24 @@
K00278: [
[2028, 1509, 2028, 1710, 2032, 1710, 2032, 1509],
- 2032,
- 1710,
- 2032,
- 1713,
- 2033,
- 1715,
- 2035,
- 1718,
- 2037,
- 1721,
- 2039,
- 1723,
- 2042,
- 1725,
- 2045,
- 1727,
- 2047,
- 1728,
- 2050,
- 1728,
- 2050,
- 1732,
- 2046,
- 1732,
- 2042,
- 1731,
- 2039,
- 1729,
- 2036,
- 1727,
- 2033,
- 1724,
- 2031,
- 1721,
- 2029,
- 1718,
- 2028,
- 1714,
- 2028,
+ 2032, 1710, 2032, 1713, 2033, 1715, 2035, 1718, 2037, 1721, 2039, 1723, 2042,
+ 1725, 2045, 1727, 2047, 1728, 2050, 1728, 2050, 1732, 2046, 1732, 2042, 1731,
+ 2039, 1729, 2036, 1727, 2033, 1724, 2031, 1721, 2029, 1718, 2028, 1714, 2028,
[2050, 1728, 2941, 1728, 2941, 1732, 2050, 1732],
[1640, 1474, 1640, 1505, 1644, 1505, 1644, 1474],
- 1644,
- 1505,
- 1644,
- 1508,
- 1645,
- 1510,
- 1647,
- 1513,
- 1649,
- 1516,
- 1651,
- 1518,
- 1654,
- 1520,
- 1657,
- 1522,
- 1659,
- 1523,
- 1662,
- 1523,
- 1662,
- 1527,
- 1658,
- 1527,
- 1654,
- 1526,
- 1651,
- 1524,
- 1648,
- 1522,
- 1645,
- 1519,
- 1643,
- 1516,
- 1641,
- 1513,
- 1640,
- 1509,
- 1640,
+ 1644, 1505, 1644, 1508, 1645, 1510, 1647, 1513, 1649, 1516, 1651, 1518, 1654,
+ 1520, 1657, 1522, 1659, 1523, 1662, 1523, 1662, 1527, 1658, 1527, 1654, 1526,
+ 1651, 1524, 1648, 1522, 1645, 1519, 1643, 1516, 1641, 1513, 1640, 1509, 1640,
[1662, 1523, 2010, 1523, 2010, 1527, 1662, 1527],
- 2010,
- 1523,
- 2013,
- 1523,
- 2015,
- 1522,
- 2018,
- 1520,
- 2021,
- 1519,
- 2023,
- 1517,
- 2025,
- 1515,
- 2027,
- 1512,
- 2028,
- 1510,
- 2028,
- 1508,
- 2032,
- 1508,
- 2032,
- 1511,
- 2031,
- 1514,
- 2029,
- 1517,
- 2027,
- 1520,
- 2024,
- 1522,
- 2021,
- 1524,
- 2018,
- 1526,
- 2014,
- 1527,
- 2010,
+ 2010, 1523, 2013, 1523, 2015, 1522, 2018, 1520, 2021, 1519, 2023, 1517, 2025,
+ 1515, 2027, 1512, 2028, 1510, 2028, 1508, 2032, 1508, 2032, 1511, 2031, 1514,
+ 2029, 1517, 2027, 1520, 2024, 1522, 2021, 1524, 2018, 1526, 2014, 1527, 2010,
[2028, 1508, 2028, 1508, 2032, 1508, 2032, 1508],
@@ -39332,133 +8432,25 @@
K01435: [
[2242, 1681, 2242, 1944, 2246, 1944, 2246, 1681],
- 2246,
- 1944,
- 2246,
- 1947,
- 2247,
- 1949,
- 2249,
- 1952,
- 2251,
- 1955,
- 2253,
- 1957,
- 2256,
- 1959,
- 2259,
- 1961,
- 2261,
- 1962,
- 2264,
- 1962,
- 2264,
- 1966,
- 2260,
- 1966,
- 2256,
- 1965,
- 2253,
- 1963,
- 2250,
- 1961,
- 2247,
- 1958,
- 2245,
- 1955,
- 2243,
- 1952,
- 2242,
- 1948,
- 2242,
+ 2246, 1944, 2246, 1947, 2247, 1949, 2249, 1952, 2251, 1955, 2253, 1957, 2256,
+ 1959, 2259, 1961, 2261, 1962, 2264, 1962, 2264, 1966, 2260, 1966, 2256, 1965,
+ 2253, 1963, 2250, 1961, 2247, 1958, 2245, 1955, 2243, 1952, 2242, 1948, 2242,
[2264, 1962, 2909, 1962, 2909, 1966, 2264, 1966],
[2838, 2012, 2838, 1984, 2842, 1984, 2842, 2012],
- 2838,
- 1984,
- 2838,
- 1980,
- 2839,
- 1976,
- 2841,
- 1973,
- 2843,
- 1970,
- 2846,
- 1967,
- 2849,
- 1965,
- 2852,
- 1963,
- 2856,
- 1962,
- 2860,
- 1962,
- 2860,
- 1966,
- 2857,
- 1966,
- 2855,
- 1967,
- 2852,
- 1969,
- 2849,
- 1971,
- 2847,
- 1973,
- 2845,
- 1976,
- 2843,
- 1979,
- 2842,
- 1981,
- 2842,
+ 2838, 1984, 2838, 1980, 2839, 1976, 2841, 1973, 2843, 1970, 2846, 1967, 2849,
+ 1965, 2852, 1963, 2856, 1962, 2860, 1962, 2860, 1966, 2857, 1966, 2855, 1967,
+ 2852, 1969, 2849, 1971, 2847, 1973, 2845, 1976, 2843, 1979, 2842, 1981, 2842,
[2860, 1962, 2909, 1962, 2909, 1966, 2860, 1966],
[2242, 1681, 2242, 1944, 2246, 1944, 2246, 1681],
- 2246,
- 1944,
- 2246,
- 1947,
- 2247,
- 1949,
- 2249,
- 1952,
- 2251,
- 1955,
- 2253,
- 1957,
- 2256,
- 1959,
- 2259,
- 1961,
- 2261,
- 1962,
- 2264,
- 1962,
- 2264,
- 1966,
- 2260,
- 1966,
- 2256,
- 1965,
- 2253,
- 1963,
- 2250,
- 1961,
- 2247,
- 1958,
- 2245,
- 1955,
- 2243,
- 1952,
- 2242,
- 1948,
- 2242,
+ 2246, 1944, 2246, 1947, 2247, 1949, 2249, 1952, 2251, 1955, 2253, 1957, 2256,
+ 1959, 2259, 1961, 2261, 1962, 2264, 1962, 2264, 1966, 2260, 1966, 2256, 1965,
+ 2253, 1963, 2250, 1961, 2247, 1958, 2245, 1955, 2243, 1952, 2242, 1948, 2242,
[2264, 1962, 2909, 1962, 2909, 1966, 2264, 1966],
@@ -39466,46 +8458,9 @@
K00390: [
[2439, 853, 2439, 881, 2443, 881, 2443, 853],
- 2439,
- 881,
- 2439,
- 884,
- 2438,
- 886,
- 2436,
- 889,
- 2434,
- 892,
- 2432,
- 894,
- 2429,
- 896,
- 2426,
- 898,
- 2424,
- 899,
- 2421,
- 899,
- 2421,
- 903,
- 2425,
- 903,
- 2429,
- 902,
- 2432,
- 900,
- 2435,
- 898,
- 2438,
- 895,
- 2440,
- 892,
- 2442,
- 889,
- 2443,
- 885,
- 2443,
- 881,
+ 2439, 881, 2439, 884, 2438, 886, 2436, 889, 2434, 892, 2432, 894, 2429, 896,
+ 2426, 898, 2424, 899, 2421, 899, 2421, 903, 2425, 903, 2429, 902, 2432, 900,
+ 2435, 898, 2438, 895, 2440, 892, 2442, 889, 2443, 885, 2443, 881,
[2421, 899, 2392, 899, 2392, 903, 2421, 903],
@@ -39525,176 +8480,28 @@
K00760: [
[2821, 345, 2814, 345, 2814, 349, 2821, 349],
- 2814,
- 349,
- 2811,
- 347,
- 2808,
- 346,
- 2806,
- 343,
- 2803,
- 341,
- 2800,
- 338,
- 2798,
- 335,
- 2795,
- 333,
- 2794,
- 330,
- 2792,
- 327,
- 2796,
- 327,
- 2795,
- 331,
- 2795,
- 335,
- 2796,
- 338,
- 2798,
- 341,
- 2800,
- 343,
- 2803,
- 345,
- 2806,
- 346,
- 2810,
- 346,
- 2814,
- 345,
+ 2814, 349, 2811, 347, 2808, 346, 2806, 343, 2803, 341, 2800, 338, 2798, 335,
+ 2795, 333, 2794, 330, 2792, 327, 2796, 327, 2795, 331, 2795, 335, 2796, 338,
+ 2798, 341, 2800, 343, 2803, 345, 2806, 346, 2810, 346, 2814, 345,
[2792, 327, 2792, 211, 2796, 211, 2796, 327],
- 2792,
- 211,
- 2792,
- 207,
- 2793,
- 203,
- 2795,
- 200,
- 2797,
- 197,
- 2800,
- 194,
- 2803,
- 192,
- 2806,
- 190,
- 2810,
- 189,
- 2814,
- 189,
- 2814,
- 193,
- 2811,
- 193,
- 2809,
- 194,
- 2806,
- 196,
- 2803,
- 198,
- 2801,
- 200,
- 2799,
- 203,
- 2797,
- 206,
- 2796,
- 208,
- 2796,
- 211,
+ 2792, 211, 2792, 207, 2793, 203, 2795, 200, 2797, 197, 2800, 194, 2803, 192,
+ 2806, 190, 2810, 189, 2814, 189, 2814, 193, 2811, 193, 2809, 194, 2806, 196,
+ 2803, 198, 2801, 200, 2799, 203, 2797, 206, 2796, 208, 2796, 211,
[2814, 189, 2821, 189, 2821, 193, 2814, 193],
[2762, 189, 2755, 189, 2755, 193, 2762, 193],
- 2755,
- 189,
- 2751,
- 189,
- 2747,
- 190,
- 2744,
- 192,
- 2741,
- 194,
- 2738,
- 197,
- 2736,
- 200,
- 2734,
- 203,
- 2733,
- 207,
- 2733,
- 211,
- 2737,
- 211,
- 2737,
- 208,
- 2738,
- 206,
- 2740,
- 203,
- 2742,
- 200,
- 2744,
- 198,
- 2747,
- 196,
- 2750,
- 194,
- 2752,
- 193,
- 2755,
- 193,
+ 2755, 189, 2751, 189, 2747, 190, 2744, 192, 2741, 194, 2738, 197, 2736, 200,
+ 2734, 203, 2733, 207, 2733, 211, 2737, 211, 2737, 208, 2738, 206, 2740, 203,
+ 2742, 200, 2744, 198, 2747, 196, 2750, 194, 2752, 193, 2755, 193,
[2733, 211, 2733, 327, 2737, 327, 2737, 211],
- 2737,
- 327,
- 2737,
- 330,
- 2738,
- 332,
- 2740,
- 335,
- 2742,
- 338,
- 2744,
- 340,
- 2747,
- 342,
- 2750,
- 344,
- 2752,
- 345,
- 2755,
- 345,
- 2755,
- 349,
- 2751,
- 349,
- 2747,
- 348,
- 2744,
- 346,
- 2741,
- 344,
- 2738,
- 341,
- 2736,
- 338,
- 2734,
- 335,
- 2733,
- 331,
- 2733,
- 327,
+ 2737, 327, 2737, 330, 2738, 332, 2740, 335, 2742, 338, 2744, 340, 2747, 342,
+ 2750, 344, 2752, 345, 2755, 345, 2755, 349, 2751, 349, 2747, 348, 2744, 346,
+ 2741, 344, 2738, 341, 2736, 338, 2734, 335, 2733, 331, 2733, 327,
[2755, 345, 2763, 345, 2763, 349, 2755, 349],
@@ -39705,46 +8512,9 @@
[958, 591, 958, 661, 962, 661, 962, 591],
[915, 625, 944, 625, 944, 629, 915, 629],
- 944,
- 629,
- 947,
- 628,
- 950,
- 628,
- 953,
- 629,
- 955,
- 630,
- 957,
- 632,
- 958,
- 634,
- 959,
- 637,
- 959,
- 640,
- 958,
- 643,
- 962,
- 643,
- 961,
- 641,
- 959,
- 639,
- 957,
- 637,
- 955,
- 634,
- 953,
- 632,
- 950,
- 630,
- 948,
- 628,
- 946,
- 626,
- 944,
- 625,
+ 944, 629, 947, 628, 950, 628, 953, 629, 955, 630, 957, 632, 958, 634, 959, 637,
+ 959, 640, 958, 643, 962, 643, 961, 641, 959, 639, 957, 637, 955, 634, 953, 632,
+ 950, 630, 948, 628, 946, 626, 944, 625,
[958, 643, 958, 662, 962, 662, 962, 643],
[958, 591, 958, 661, 962, 661, 962, 591],
@@ -39772,45 +8542,9 @@
K01885: [
[2590, 1830, 2590, 1260, 2594, 1260, 2594, 1830],
- 2590,
- 1260,
- 2590,
- 1256,
- 2591,
- 1252,
- 2593,
- 1249,
- 2595,
- 1246,
- 2598,
- 1243,
- 2601,
- 1241,
- 2604,
- 1239,
- 2608,
- 1238,
- 2612,
- 1238,
- 2612,
- 1242,
- 2609,
- 1242,
- 2607,
- 1243,
- 2604,
- 1245,
- 2601,
- 1247,
- 2599,
- 1249,
- 2597,
- 1252,
- 2595,
- 1255,
- 2594,
- 1257,
- 2594,
+ 2590, 1260, 2590, 1256, 2591, 1252, 2593, 1249, 2595, 1246, 2598, 1243, 2601,
+ 1241, 2604, 1239, 2608, 1238, 2612, 1238, 2612, 1242, 2609, 1242, 2607, 1243,
+ 2604, 1245, 2601, 1247, 2599, 1249, 2597, 1252, 2595, 1255, 2594, 1257, 2594,
[2612, 1238, 3083, 1238, 3083, 1242, 2612, 1242],
@@ -39848,45 +8582,9 @@
[2311, 1288, 2311, 1420, 2315, 1420, 2315, 1288],
[2311, 1421, 2311, 1332, 2315, 1332, 2315, 1421],
- 2311,
- 1332,
- 2311,
- 1329,
- 2312,
- 1326,
- 2313,
- 1323,
- 2315,
- 1320,
- 2317,
- 1318,
- 2320,
- 1316,
- 2323,
- 1315,
- 2326,
- 1314,
- 2329,
- 1314,
- 2329,
- 1318,
- 2327,
- 1318,
- 2325,
- 1319,
- 2323,
- 1320,
- 2321,
- 1322,
- 2319,
- 1324,
- 2317,
- 1326,
- 2316,
- 1328,
- 2315,
- 1330,
- 2315,
+ 2311, 1332, 2311, 1329, 2312, 1326, 2313, 1323, 2315, 1320, 2317, 1318, 2320,
+ 1316, 2323, 1315, 2326, 1314, 2329, 1314, 2329, 1318, 2327, 1318, 2325, 1319,
+ 2323, 1320, 2321, 1322, 2319, 1324, 2317, 1326, 2316, 1328, 2315, 1330, 2315,
[2329, 1314, 2349, 1314, 2349, 1318, 2329, 1318],
@@ -39899,177 +8597,29 @@
K01190: [
[1395, 289, 1395, 364, 1399, 364, 1399, 289],
- 1399,
- 364,
- 1399,
- 367,
- 1400,
- 369,
- 1402,
- 372,
- 1404,
- 375,
- 1406,
- 377,
- 1409,
- 379,
- 1412,
- 381,
- 1414,
- 382,
- 1417,
- 382,
- 1417,
- 386,
- 1413,
- 386,
- 1409,
- 385,
- 1406,
- 383,
- 1403,
- 381,
- 1400,
- 378,
- 1398,
- 375,
- 1396,
- 372,
- 1395,
- 368,
- 1395,
- 364,
+ 1399, 364, 1399, 367, 1400, 369, 1402, 372, 1404, 375, 1406, 377, 1409, 379,
+ 1412, 381, 1414, 382, 1417, 382, 1417, 386, 1413, 386, 1409, 385, 1406, 383,
+ 1403, 381, 1400, 378, 1398, 375, 1396, 372, 1395, 368, 1395, 364,
[1417, 382, 1499, 382, 1499, 386, 1417, 386],
[1588, 437, 1479, 437, 1479, 441, 1588, 441],
- 1479,
- 441,
- 1477,
- 440,
- 1475,
- 438,
- 1474,
- 436,
- 1472,
- 434,
- 1470,
- 432,
- 1468,
- 430,
- 1466,
- 429,
- 1464,
- 427,
- 1463,
- 425,
- 1467,
- 425,
- 1466,
- 428,
- 1466,
- 431,
- 1466,
- 433,
- 1467,
- 435,
- 1469,
- 437,
- 1471,
- 438,
- 1473,
- 438,
- 1476,
- 438,
- 1479,
- 437,
+ 1479, 441, 1477, 440, 1475, 438, 1474, 436, 1472, 434, 1470, 432, 1468, 430,
+ 1466, 429, 1464, 427, 1463, 425, 1467, 425, 1466, 428, 1466, 431, 1466, 433,
+ 1467, 435, 1469, 437, 1471, 438, 1473, 438, 1476, 438, 1479, 437,
[1463, 425, 1463, 398, 1467, 398, 1467, 425],
- 1463,
- 398,
- 1463,
- 395,
- 1464,
- 392,
- 1465,
- 390,
- 1467,
- 388,
- 1469,
- 386,
- 1471,
- 384,
- 1473,
- 383,
- 1476,
- 382,
- 1479,
- 382,
- 1479,
- 386,
- 1477,
- 386,
- 1475,
- 387,
- 1474,
- 388,
- 1472,
- 389,
- 1470,
- 391,
- 1469,
- 393,
- 1468,
- 394,
- 1467,
- 396,
- 1467,
- 398,
+ 1463, 398, 1463, 395, 1464, 392, 1465, 390, 1467, 388, 1469, 386, 1471, 384,
+ 1473, 383, 1476, 382, 1479, 382, 1479, 386, 1477, 386, 1475, 387, 1474, 388,
+ 1472, 389, 1470, 391, 1469, 393, 1468, 394, 1467, 396, 1467, 398,
[1479, 382, 1498, 382, 1498, 386, 1479, 386],
[1395, 289, 1395, 364, 1399, 364, 1399, 289],
- 1399,
- 364,
- 1399,
- 367,
- 1400,
- 369,
- 1402,
- 372,
- 1404,
- 375,
- 1406,
- 377,
- 1409,
- 379,
- 1412,
- 381,
- 1414,
- 382,
- 1417,
- 382,
- 1417,
- 386,
- 1413,
- 386,
- 1409,
- 385,
- 1406,
- 383,
- 1403,
- 381,
- 1400,
- 378,
- 1398,
- 375,
- 1396,
- 372,
- 1395,
- 368,
- 1395,
- 364,
+ 1399, 364, 1399, 367, 1400, 369, 1402, 372, 1404, 375, 1406, 377, 1409, 379,
+ 1412, 381, 1414, 382, 1417, 382, 1417, 386, 1413, 386, 1409, 385, 1406, 383,
+ 1403, 381, 1400, 378, 1398, 375, 1396, 372, 1395, 368, 1395, 364,
[1417, 382, 1499, 382, 1499, 386, 1417, 386],
@@ -40077,46 +8627,9 @@
',': [
[1720, 290, 1720, 310, 1724, 310, 1724, 290],
- 1720,
- 310,
- 1720,
- 313,
- 1719,
- 315,
- 1717,
- 318,
- 1715,
- 321,
- 1713,
- 323,
- 1710,
- 325,
- 1707,
- 327,
- 1705,
- 328,
- 1702,
- 328,
- 1702,
- 332,
- 1706,
- 332,
- 1710,
- 331,
- 1713,
- 329,
- 1716,
- 327,
- 1719,
- 324,
- 1721,
- 321,
- 1723,
- 318,
- 1724,
- 314,
- 1724,
- 310,
+ 1720, 310, 1720, 313, 1719, 315, 1717, 318, 1715, 321, 1713, 323, 1710, 325,
+ 1707, 327, 1705, 328, 1702, 328, 1702, 332, 1706, 332, 1710, 331, 1713, 329,
+ 1716, 327, 1719, 324, 1721, 321, 1723, 318, 1724, 314, 1724, 310,
[1702, 328, 1676, 328, 1676, 332, 1702, 332],
@@ -40127,46 +8640,9 @@
K05536: [
[1174, 136, 1174, 154, 1178, 154, 1178, 136],
- 1174,
- 154,
- 1174,
- 157,
- 1173,
- 159,
- 1171,
- 162,
- 1169,
- 165,
- 1167,
- 167,
- 1164,
- 169,
- 1161,
- 171,
- 1159,
- 172,
- 1156,
- 172,
- 1156,
- 176,
- 1160,
- 176,
- 1164,
- 175,
- 1167,
- 173,
- 1170,
- 171,
- 1173,
- 168,
- 1175,
- 165,
- 1177,
- 162,
- 1178,
- 158,
- 1178,
- 154,
+ 1174, 154, 1174, 157, 1173, 159, 1171, 162, 1169, 165, 1167, 167, 1164, 169,
+ 1161, 171, 1159, 172, 1156, 172, 1156, 176, 1160, 176, 1164, 175, 1167, 173,
+ 1170, 171, 1173, 168, 1175, 165, 1177, 162, 1178, 158, 1178, 154,
[1156, 172, 1126, 172, 1126, 176, 1156, 176],
@@ -40174,45 +8650,9 @@
'Q6VPE5_9CORY,': [
[2039, 1087, 2010, 1087, 2010, 1091, 2039, 1091],
- 2010,
- 1087,
- 2006,
- 1087,
- 2002,
- 1088,
- 1999,
- 1090,
- 1996,
- 1092,
- 1993,
- 1095,
- 1991,
- 1098,
- 1989,
- 1101,
- 1988,
- 1105,
- 1988,
- 1109,
- 1992,
- 1109,
- 1992,
- 1106,
- 1993,
- 1104,
- 1995,
- 1101,
- 1997,
- 1098,
- 1999,
- 1096,
- 2002,
- 1094,
- 2005,
- 1092,
- 2007,
- 1091,
- 2010,
+ 2010, 1087, 2006, 1087, 2002, 1088, 1999, 1090, 1996, 1092, 1993, 1095, 1991,
+ 1098, 1989, 1101, 1988, 1105, 1988, 1109, 1992, 1109, 1992, 1106, 1993, 1104,
+ 1995, 1101, 1997, 1098, 1999, 1096, 2002, 1094, 2005, 1092, 2007, 1091, 2010,
[1988, 1109, 1988, 1155, 1992, 1155, 1992, 1109],
@@ -40220,46 +8660,9 @@
R07508: [
[310, 1822, 305, 1822, 305, 1826, 310, 1826],
- 305,
- 1826,
- 301,
- 1824,
- 298,
- 1822,
- 294,
- 1820,
- 291,
- 1817,
- 287,
- 1813,
- 284,
- 1810,
- 282,
- 1806,
- 280,
- 1803,
- 278,
- 1799,
- 282,
- 1799,
- 281,
- 1804,
- 282,
- 1808,
- 283,
- 1813,
- 285,
- 1816,
- 288,
- 1819,
- 291,
- 1821,
- 296,
- 1822,
- 300,
- 1823,
- 305,
- 1822,
+ 305, 1826, 301, 1824, 298, 1822, 294, 1820, 291, 1817, 287, 1813, 284, 1810,
+ 282, 1806, 280, 1803, 278, 1799, 282, 1799, 281, 1804, 282, 1808, 283, 1813,
+ 285, 1816, 288, 1819, 291, 1821, 296, 1822, 300, 1823, 305, 1822,
[278, 1799, 278, 1778, 282, 1778, 282, 1799],
@@ -40267,396 +8670,64 @@
[375, 1422, 496, 1422, 496, 1426, 375, 1426],
[404, 1422, 437, 1422, 437, 1426, 404, 1426],
- 437,
- 1426,
- 440,
- 1425,
- 442,
- 1425,
- 444,
- 1425,
- 446,
- 1426,
- 447,
- 1427,
- 448,
- 1429,
- 448,
- 1431,
- 448,
- 1433,
- 447,
- 1436,
- 451,
- 1436,
- 450,
- 1435,
- 448,
- 1433,
- 446,
- 1431,
- 445,
- 1430,
- 443,
- 1428,
- 442,
- 1427,
- 440,
- 1425,
- 438,
- 1423,
- 437,
- 1422,
+ 437, 1426, 440, 1425, 442, 1425, 444, 1425, 446, 1426, 447, 1427, 448, 1429,
+ 448, 1431, 448, 1433, 447, 1436, 451, 1436, 450, 1435, 448, 1433, 446, 1431,
+ 445, 1430, 443, 1428, 442, 1427, 440, 1425, 438, 1423, 437, 1422,
[447, 1436, 447, 1439, 451, 1439, 451, 1436],
- 451,
- 1439,
- 451,
- 1440,
- 452,
- 1442,
- 453,
- 1443,
- 454,
- 1445,
- 455,
- 1446,
- 457,
- 1447,
- 458,
- 1448,
- 460,
- 1449,
- 461,
- 1449,
- 461,
- 1453,
- 458,
- 1453,
- 456,
- 1452,
- 454,
- 1451,
- 452,
- 1450,
- 450,
- 1448,
- 449,
- 1446,
- 448,
- 1444,
- 447,
- 1442,
- 447,
- 1439,
- ],
- [461, 1449, 592, 1449, 592, 1453, 461, 1453],
- [
- 592,
- 1449,
- 593,
- 1449,
- 595,
- 1448,
- 596,
- 1447,
- 598,
- 1446,
- 599,
- 1445,
- 600,
- 1443,
- 601,
- 1442,
- 602,
- 1440,
- 602,
- 1439,
- 606,
- 1439,
- 606,
- 1442,
- 605,
- 1444,
- 604,
- 1446,
- 603,
- 1448,
- 601,
- 1450,
- 599,
- 1451,
- 597,
- 1452,
- 595,
- 1453,
- 592,
- 1453,
+ 451, 1439, 451, 1440, 452, 1442, 453, 1443, 454, 1445, 455, 1446, 457, 1447,
+ 458, 1448, 460, 1449, 461, 1449, 461, 1453, 458, 1453, 456, 1452, 454, 1451,
+ 452, 1450, 450, 1448, 449, 1446, 448, 1444, 447, 1442, 447, 1439,
+ ],
+ [461, 1449, 592, 1449, 592, 1453, 461, 1453],
+ [
+ 592, 1449, 593, 1449, 595, 1448, 596, 1447, 598, 1446, 599, 1445, 600, 1443,
+ 601, 1442, 602, 1440, 602, 1439, 606, 1439, 606, 1442, 605, 1444, 604, 1446,
+ 603, 1448, 601, 1450, 599, 1451, 597, 1452, 595, 1453, 592, 1453,
[602, 1439, 602, 1422, 606, 1422, 606, 1439],
[375, 1422, 496, 1422, 496, 1426, 375, 1426],
[307, 1507, 307, 1420, 311, 1420, 311, 1507],
- 307,
- 1420,
- 307,
- 1417,
- 308,
- 1414,
- 309,
- 1411,
- 311,
- 1409,
- 313,
- 1407,
- 315,
- 1405,
- 318,
- 1404,
- 321,
- 1403,
- 324,
- 1403,
- 324,
- 1407,
- 322,
- 1407,
- 320,
- 1408,
- 318,
- 1409,
- 316,
- 1410,
- 314,
- 1412,
- 313,
- 1414,
- 312,
- 1416,
- 311,
- 1418,
- 311,
- 1420,
+ 307, 1420, 307, 1417, 308, 1414, 309, 1411, 311, 1409, 313, 1407, 315, 1405,
+ 318, 1404, 321, 1403, 324, 1403, 324, 1407, 322, 1407, 320, 1408, 318, 1409,
+ 316, 1410, 314, 1412, 313, 1414, 312, 1416, 311, 1418, 311, 1420,
[324, 1403, 589, 1403, 589, 1407, 324, 1407],
- 589,
- 1407,
- 592,
- 1406,
- 595,
- 1406,
- 597,
- 1406,
- 599,
- 1407,
- 601,
- 1409,
- 602,
- 1411,
- 603,
- 1414,
- 603,
- 1417,
- 602,
- 1420,
- 606,
- 1420,
- 605,
- 1418,
- 603,
- 1416,
- 601,
- 1414,
- 599,
- 1412,
- 597,
- 1410,
- 595,
- 1408,
- 593,
- 1406,
- 591,
- 1404,
- 589,
- 1403,
+ 589, 1407, 592, 1406, 595, 1406, 597, 1406, 599, 1407, 601, 1409, 602, 1411,
+ 603, 1414, 603, 1417, 602, 1420, 606, 1420, 605, 1418, 603, 1416, 601, 1414,
+ 599, 1412, 597, 1410, 595, 1408, 593, 1406, 591, 1404, 589, 1403,
[602, 1420, 602, 1425, 606, 1425, 606, 1420],
[307, 1507, 307, 1449, 311, 1449, 311, 1507],
- 307,
- 1449,
- 307,
- 1444,
- 309,
- 1440,
- 311,
- 1435,
- 313,
- 1432,
- 317,
- 1428,
- 320,
- 1426,
- 325,
- 1424,
- 329,
- 1422,
- 334,
- 1422,
- 334,
- 1426,
- 330,
- 1426,
- 327,
- 1428,
- 323,
- 1430,
- 320,
- 1432,
- 317,
- 1435,
- 315,
- 1438,
- 313,
- 1442,
- 311,
- 1445,
- 311,
- 1449,
+ 307, 1449, 307, 1444, 309, 1440, 311, 1435, 313, 1432, 317, 1428, 320, 1426,
+ 325, 1424, 329, 1422, 334, 1422, 334, 1426, 330, 1426, 327, 1428, 323, 1430,
+ 320, 1432, 317, 1435, 315, 1438, 313, 1442, 311, 1445, 311, 1449,
[334, 1422, 377, 1422, 377, 1426, 334, 1426],
[307, 1507, 307, 1420, 311, 1420, 311, 1507],
- 307,
- 1420,
- 307,
- 1417,
- 308,
- 1414,
- 309,
- 1411,
- 311,
- 1409,
- 313,
- 1407,
- 315,
- 1405,
- 318,
- 1404,
- 321,
- 1403,
- 324,
- 1403,
- 324,
- 1407,
- 322,
- 1407,
- 320,
- 1408,
- 318,
- 1409,
- 316,
- 1410,
- 314,
- 1412,
- 313,
- 1414,
- 312,
- 1416,
- 311,
- 1418,
- 311,
- 1420,
+ 307, 1420, 307, 1417, 308, 1414, 309, 1411, 311, 1409, 313, 1407, 315, 1405,
+ 318, 1404, 321, 1403, 324, 1403, 324, 1407, 322, 1407, 320, 1408, 318, 1409,
+ 316, 1410, 314, 1412, 313, 1414, 312, 1416, 311, 1418, 311, 1420,
[324, 1403, 589, 1403, 589, 1407, 324, 1407],
- 589,
- 1407,
- 592,
- 1406,
- 595,
- 1406,
- 597,
- 1406,
- 599,
- 1407,
- 601,
- 1409,
- 602,
- 1411,
- 603,
- 1414,
- 603,
- 1417,
- 602,
- 1420,
- 606,
- 1420,
- 605,
- 1418,
- 603,
- 1416,
- 601,
- 1414,
- 599,
- 1412,
- 597,
- 1410,
- 595,
- 1408,
- 593,
- 1406,
- 591,
- 1404,
- 589,
- 1403,
+ 589, 1407, 592, 1406, 595, 1406, 597, 1406, 599, 1407, 601, 1409, 602, 1411,
+ 603, 1414, 603, 1417, 602, 1420, 606, 1420, 605, 1418, 603, 1416, 601, 1414,
+ 599, 1412, 597, 1410, 595, 1408, 593, 1406, 591, 1404, 589, 1403,
[602, 1420, 602, 1425, 606, 1425, 606, 1420],
'Q9RBG5_9BURK,': [
[1101, 2019, 1172, 2019, 1172, 2023, 1101, 2023],
- 1172,
- 2023,
- 1176,
- 2022,
- 1180,
- 2022,
- 1183,
- 2023,
- 1186,
- 2025,
- 1188,
- 2027,
- 1190,
- 2030,
- 1191,
- 2033,
- 1191,
- 2037,
- 1190,
- 2041,
- 1194,
- 2041,
- 1192,
- 2038,
- 1191,
- 2035,
- 1188,
- 2033,
- 1186,
- 2030,
- 1183,
- 2027,
- 1180,
- 2025,
- 1178,
- 2022,
- 1175,
- 2021,
- 1172,
+ 1172, 2023, 1176, 2022, 1180, 2022, 1183, 2023, 1186, 2025, 1188, 2027, 1190,
+ 2030, 1191, 2033, 1191, 2037, 1190, 2041, 1194, 2041, 1192, 2038, 1191, 2035,
+ 1188, 2033, 1186, 2030, 1183, 2027, 1180, 2025, 1178, 2022, 1175, 2021, 1172,
[1190, 2041, 1190, 2064, 1194, 2064, 1194, 2041],
@@ -40666,264 +8737,43 @@
[3301, 652, 3361, 652, 3361, 656, 3301, 656],
[3300, 655, 3300, 642, 3304, 642, 3304, 655],
- 3300,
- 642,
- 3300,
- 638,
- 3301,
- 634,
- 3303,
- 631,
- 3305,
- 628,
- 3308,
- 625,
- 3311,
- 623,
- 3314,
- 621,
- 3318,
- 620,
- 3322,
- 620,
- 3322,
- 624,
- 3319,
- 624,
- 3317,
- 625,
- 3314,
- 627,
- 3311,
- 629,
- 3309,
- 631,
- 3307,
- 634,
- 3305,
- 637,
- 3304,
- 639,
- 3304,
- 642,
+ 3300, 642, 3300, 638, 3301, 634, 3303, 631, 3305, 628, 3308, 625, 3311, 623,
+ 3314, 621, 3318, 620, 3322, 620, 3322, 624, 3319, 624, 3317, 625, 3314, 627,
+ 3311, 629, 3309, 631, 3307, 634, 3305, 637, 3304, 639, 3304, 642,
[3322, 620, 3399, 620, 3399, 624, 3322, 624],
- 3399,
- 624,
- 3403,
- 623,
- 3407,
- 623,
- 3410,
- 624,
- 3413,
- 626,
- 3415,
- 628,
- 3417,
- 631,
- 3418,
- 634,
- 3418,
- 638,
- 3417,
- 642,
- 3421,
- 642,
- 3419,
- 639,
- 3418,
- 636,
- 3415,
- 634,
- 3413,
- 631,
- 3410,
- 628,
- 3407,
- 626,
- 3405,
- 623,
- 3402,
- 622,
- 3399,
- 620,
+ 3399, 624, 3403, 623, 3407, 623, 3410, 624, 3413, 626, 3415, 628, 3417, 631,
+ 3418, 634, 3418, 638, 3417, 642, 3421, 642, 3419, 639, 3418, 636, 3415, 634,
+ 3413, 631, 3410, 628, 3407, 626, 3405, 623, 3402, 622, 3399, 620,
[3417, 642, 3417, 655, 3421, 655, 3421, 642],
K01579: [
[2031, 1507, 2030, 1507, 2030, 1511, 2031, 1511],
- 2030,
- 1511,
- 2027,
- 1509,
- 2024,
- 1508,
- 2022,
- 1505,
- 2019,
- 1503,
- 2016,
- 1500,
- 2014,
- 1497,
- 2011,
- 1495,
- 2010,
- 1492,
- 2008,
- 1489,
- 2012,
- 1489,
- 2011,
- 1493,
- 2011,
- 1497,
- 2012,
- 1500,
- 2014,
- 1503,
- 2016,
- 1505,
- 2019,
- 1507,
- 2022,
- 1508,
- 2026,
- 1508,
- 2030,
+ 2030, 1511, 2027, 1509, 2024, 1508, 2022, 1505, 2019, 1503, 2016, 1500, 2014,
+ 1497, 2011, 1495, 2010, 1492, 2008, 1489, 2012, 1489, 2011, 1493, 2011, 1497,
+ 2012, 1500, 2014, 1503, 2016, 1505, 2019, 1507, 2022, 1508, 2026, 1508, 2030,
[2008, 1489, 2008, 900, 2012, 900, 2012, 1489],
- 2008,
- 900,
- 2008,
- 896,
- 2009,
- 892,
- 2011,
- 889,
- 2013,
- 886,
- 2016,
- 883,
- 2019,
- 881,
- 2022,
- 879,
- 2026,
- 878,
- 2030,
- 878,
- 2030,
- 882,
- 2027,
- 882,
- 2025,
- 883,
- 2022,
- 885,
- 2019,
- 887,
- 2017,
- 889,
- 2015,
- 892,
- 2013,
- 895,
- 2012,
- 897,
- 2012,
- 900,
+ 2008, 900, 2008, 896, 2009, 892, 2011, 889, 2013, 886, 2016, 883, 2019, 881,
+ 2022, 879, 2026, 878, 2030, 878, 2030, 882, 2027, 882, 2025, 883, 2022, 885,
+ 2019, 887, 2017, 889, 2015, 892, 2013, 895, 2012, 897, 2012, 900,
[2030, 878, 2353, 878, 2353, 882, 2030, 882],
- 2353,
- 878,
- 2356,
- 878,
- 2358,
- 877,
- 2361,
- 875,
- 2364,
- 873,
- 2366,
- 871,
- 2368,
- 868,
- 2370,
- 865,
- 2371,
- 863,
- 2371,
- 860,
- 2375,
- 860,
- 2375,
- 864,
- 2374,
- 868,
- 2372,
- 871,
- 2370,
- 874,
- 2367,
- 877,
- 2364,
- 879,
- 2361,
- 881,
- 2357,
- 882,
- 2353,
- 882,
+ 2353, 878, 2356, 878, 2358, 877, 2361, 875, 2364, 873, 2366, 871, 2368, 868,
+ 2370, 865, 2371, 863, 2371, 860, 2375, 860, 2375, 864, 2374, 868, 2372, 871,
+ 2370, 874, 2367, 877, 2364, 879, 2361, 881, 2357, 882, 2353, 882,
[2371, 860, 2371, 523, 2375, 523, 2375, 860],
- 2371,
- 523,
- 2371,
- 519,
- 2372,
- 515,
- 2374,
- 512,
- 2376,
- 509,
- 2379,
- 506,
- 2382,
- 504,
- 2385,
- 502,
- 2389,
- 501,
- 2393,
- 501,
- 2393,
- 505,
- 2390,
- 505,
- 2388,
- 506,
- 2385,
- 508,
- 2382,
- 510,
- 2380,
- 512,
- 2378,
- 515,
- 2376,
- 518,
- 2375,
- 520,
- 2375,
- 523,
+ 2371, 523, 2371, 519, 2372, 515, 2374, 512, 2376, 509, 2379, 506, 2382, 504,
+ 2385, 502, 2389, 501, 2393, 501, 2393, 505, 2390, 505, 2388, 506, 2385, 508,
+ 2382, 510, 2380, 512, 2378, 515, 2376, 518, 2375, 520, 2375, 523,
[2393, 501, 2741, 501, 2741, 505, 2393, 505],
@@ -40932,219 +8782,38 @@
K01625: [
[1718, 1209, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1209],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2057, 1170, 2057, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2057,
- 1170,
- 2061,
- 1170,
- 2065,
- 1168,
- 2069,
- 1166,
- 2073,
- 1163,
- 2076,
- 1160,
- 2079,
- 1156,
- 2081,
- 1152,
- 2083,
- 1148,
- 2083,
- 1144,
- 2087,
- 1144,
- 2086,
- 1149,
- 2085,
- 1154,
- 2083,
- 1159,
- 2080,
- 1163,
- 2076,
- 1167,
- 2072,
- 1170,
- 2067,
- 1172,
- 2062,
- 1173,
- 2057,
+ 2057, 1170, 2061, 1170, 2065, 1168, 2069, 1166, 2073, 1163, 2076, 1160, 2079,
+ 1156, 2081, 1152, 2083, 1148, 2083, 1144, 2087, 1144, 2086, 1149, 2085, 1154,
+ 2083, 1159, 2080, 1163, 2076, 1167, 2072, 1170, 2067, 1172, 2062, 1173, 2057,
[2083, 1144, 2083, 438, 2087, 438, 2087, 1144],
[1719, 714, 2065, 714, 2065, 718, 1719, 718],
- 2065,
- 714,
- 2068,
- 714,
- 2070,
- 713,
- 2073,
- 711,
- 2076,
- 709,
- 2078,
- 707,
- 2080,
- 704,
- 2082,
- 701,
- 2083,
- 699,
- 2083,
- 696,
- 2087,
- 696,
- 2087,
- 700,
- 2086,
- 704,
- 2084,
- 707,
- 2082,
- 710,
- 2079,
- 713,
- 2076,
- 715,
- 2073,
- 717,
- 2069,
- 718,
- 2065,
- 718,
+ 2065, 714, 2068, 714, 2070, 713, 2073, 711, 2076, 709, 2078, 707, 2080, 704,
+ 2082, 701, 2083, 699, 2083, 696, 2087, 696, 2087, 700, 2086, 704, 2084, 707,
+ 2082, 710, 2079, 713, 2076, 715, 2073, 717, 2069, 718, 2065, 718,
[2083, 696, 2083, 438, 2087, 438, 2087, 696],
[1718, 1209, 1718, 1200, 1722, 1200, 1722, 1209],
- 1718,
- 1200,
- 1719,
- 1195,
- 1720,
- 1190,
- 1722,
- 1185,
- 1725,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1177,
- 1733,
- 1174,
- 1738,
- 1172,
- 1743,
- 1171,
- 1748,
- 1170,
- 1748,
- 1174,
- 1744,
- 1174,
- 1740,
- 1176,
- 1736,
- 1178,
- 1732,
- 1181,
- 1729,
- 1184,
- 1726,
- 1188,
- 1724,
- 1192,
- 1722,
- 1196,
- 1722,
+ 1718, 1200, 1719, 1195, 1720, 1190, 1722, 1185, 1725, 1181, 1729, 1177, 1733,
+ 1174, 1738, 1172, 1743, 1171, 1748, 1170, 1748, 1174, 1744, 1174, 1740, 1176,
+ 1736, 1178, 1732, 1181, 1729, 1184, 1726, 1188, 1724, 1192, 1722, 1196, 1722,
[1748, 1170, 2057, 1170, 2057, 1174, 1748, 1174],
- 2057,
- 1170,
- 2061,
- 1170,
- 2065,
- 1168,
- 2069,
- 1166,
- 2073,
- 1163,
- 2076,
- 1160,
- 2079,
- 1156,
- 2081,
- 1152,
- 2083,
- 1148,
- 2083,
- 1144,
- 2087,
- 1144,
- 2086,
- 1149,
- 2085,
- 1154,
- 2083,
- 1159,
- 2080,
- 1163,
- 2076,
- 1167,
- 2072,
- 1170,
- 2067,
- 1172,
- 2062,
- 1173,
- 2057,
+ 2057, 1170, 2061, 1170, 2065, 1168, 2069, 1166, 2073, 1163, 2076, 1160, 2079,
+ 1156, 2081, 1152, 2083, 1148, 2083, 1144, 2087, 1144, 2086, 1149, 2085, 1154,
+ 2083, 1159, 2080, 1163, 2076, 1167, 2072, 1170, 2067, 1172, 2062, 1173, 2057,
[2083, 1144, 2083, 438, 2087, 438, 2087, 1144],
@@ -41153,134 +8822,23 @@
[571, 591, 571, 731, 575, 731, 575, 591],
[571, 591, 571, 680, 575, 680, 575, 591],
- 575,
- 680,
- 575,
- 683,
- 576,
- 685,
- 578,
- 688,
- 580,
- 691,
- 582,
- 693,
- 585,
- 695,
- 588,
- 697,
- 590,
- 698,
- 593,
- 698,
- 593,
- 702,
- 589,
- 702,
- 585,
- 701,
- 582,
- 699,
- 579,
- 697,
- 576,
- 694,
- 574,
- 691,
- 572,
- 688,
- 571,
- 684,
- 571,
- 680,
+ 575, 680, 575, 683, 576, 685, 578, 688, 580, 691, 582, 693, 585, 695, 588, 697,
+ 590, 698, 593, 698, 593, 702, 589, 702, 585, 701, 582, 699, 579, 697, 576, 694,
+ 574, 691, 572, 688, 571, 684, 571, 680,
[593, 698, 630, 698, 630, 702, 593, 702],
[571, 591, 571, 644, 575, 644, 575, 591],
- 575,
- 644,
- 575,
- 647,
- 576,
- 649,
- 578,
- 652,
- 580,
- 655,
- 582,
- 657,
- 585,
- 659,
- 588,
- 661,
- 590,
- 662,
- 593,
- 662,
- 593,
- 666,
- 589,
- 666,
- 585,
- 665,
- 582,
- 663,
- 579,
- 661,
- 576,
- 658,
- 574,
- 655,
- 572,
- 652,
- 571,
- 648,
- 571,
- 644,
+ 575, 644, 575, 647, 576, 649, 578, 652, 580, 655, 582, 657, 585, 659, 588, 661,
+ 590, 662, 593, 662, 593, 666, 589, 666, 585, 665, 582, 663, 579, 661, 576, 658,
+ 574, 655, 572, 652, 571, 648, 571, 644,
[593, 662, 630, 662, 630, 666, 593, 666],
[571, 591, 571, 608, 575, 608, 575, 591],
- 575,
- 608,
- 575,
- 611,
- 576,
- 613,
- 578,
- 616,
- 580,
- 619,
- 582,
- 621,
- 585,
- 623,
- 588,
- 625,
- 590,
- 626,
- 593,
- 626,
- 593,
- 630,
- 589,
- 630,
- 585,
- 629,
- 582,
- 627,
- 579,
- 625,
- 576,
- 622,
- 574,
- 619,
- 572,
- 616,
- 571,
- 612,
- 571,
- 608,
+ 575, 608, 575, 611, 576, 613, 578, 616, 580, 619, 582, 621, 585, 623, 588, 625,
+ 590, 626, 593, 626, 593, 630, 589, 630, 585, 629, 582, 627, 579, 625, 576, 622,
+ 574, 619, 572, 616, 571, 612, 571, 608,
[593, 626, 630, 626, 630, 630, 593, 630],
@@ -41290,391 +8848,61 @@
K00654: [
[669, 864, 669, 927, 673, 927, 673, 864],
- 673,
- 927,
- 673,
- 930,
- 674,
- 932,
- 676,
- 935,
- 678,
- 938,
- 680,
- 940,
- 683,
- 942,
- 686,
- 944,
- 688,
- 945,
- 691,
- 945,
- 691,
- 949,
- 687,
- 949,
- 683,
- 948,
- 680,
- 946,
- 677,
- 944,
- 674,
- 941,
- 672,
- 938,
- 670,
- 935,
- 669,
- 931,
- 669,
- 927,
+ 673, 927, 673, 930, 674, 932, 676, 935, 678, 938, 680, 940, 683, 942, 686, 944,
+ 688, 945, 691, 945, 691, 949, 687, 949, 683, 948, 680, 946, 677, 944, 674, 941,
+ 672, 938, 670, 935, 669, 931, 669, 927,
[691, 945, 2184, 945, 2184, 949, 691, 949],
- 2184,
- 949,
- 2188,
- 948,
- 2192,
- 948,
- 2195,
- 949,
- 2198,
- 951,
- 2200,
- 953,
- 2202,
- 956,
- 2203,
- 959,
- 2203,
- 963,
- 2202,
- 967,
- 2206,
- 967,
- 2204,
- 964,
- 2203,
- 961,
- 2200,
- 959,
- 2198,
- 956,
- 2195,
- 953,
- 2192,
- 951,
- 2190,
- 948,
- 2187,
- 947,
- 2184,
- 945,
+ 2184, 949, 2188, 948, 2192, 948, 2195, 949, 2198, 951, 2200, 953, 2202, 956,
+ 2203, 959, 2203, 963, 2202, 967, 2206, 967, 2204, 964, 2203, 961, 2200, 959,
+ 2198, 956, 2195, 953, 2192, 951, 2190, 948, 2187, 947, 2184, 945,
[2202, 967, 2202, 1189, 2206, 1189, 2206, 967],
- 2206,
- 1189,
- 2206,
- 1192,
- 2207,
- 1194,
- 2209,
- 1197,
- 2211,
- 1200,
- 2213,
- 1202,
- 2216,
- 1204,
- 2219,
- 1206,
- 2221,
- 1207,
- 2224,
- 1207,
- 2224,
- 1211,
- 2220,
- 1211,
- 2216,
- 1210,
- 2213,
- 1208,
- 2210,
- 1206,
- 2207,
- 1203,
- 2205,
- 1200,
- 2203,
- 1197,
- 2202,
- 1193,
- 2202,
+ 2206, 1189, 2206, 1192, 2207, 1194, 2209, 1197, 2211, 1200, 2213, 1202, 2216,
+ 1204, 2219, 1206, 2221, 1207, 2224, 1207, 2224, 1211, 2220, 1211, 2216, 1210,
+ 2213, 1208, 2210, 1206, 2207, 1203, 2205, 1200, 2203, 1197, 2202, 1193, 2202,
[2224, 1207, 2287, 1207, 2287, 1211, 2224, 1211],
[669, 864, 669, 927, 673, 927, 673, 864],
- 673,
- 927,
- 673,
- 930,
- 674,
- 932,
- 676,
- 935,
- 678,
- 938,
- 680,
- 940,
- 683,
- 942,
- 686,
- 944,
- 688,
- 945,
- 691,
- 945,
- 691,
- 949,
- 687,
- 949,
- 683,
- 948,
- 680,
- 946,
- 677,
- 944,
- 674,
- 941,
- 672,
- 938,
- 670,
- 935,
- 669,
- 931,
- 669,
- 927,
+ 673, 927, 673, 930, 674, 932, 676, 935, 678, 938, 680, 940, 683, 942, 686, 944,
+ 688, 945, 691, 945, 691, 949, 687, 949, 683, 948, 680, 946, 677, 944, 674, 941,
+ 672, 938, 670, 935, 669, 931, 669, 927,
[691, 945, 1399, 945, 1399, 949, 691, 949],
- 1399,
- 949,
- 1403,
- 948,
- 1407,
- 948,
- 1410,
- 949,
- 1413,
- 951,
- 1415,
- 953,
- 1417,
- 956,
- 1418,
- 959,
- 1418,
- 963,
- 1417,
- 967,
- 1421,
- 967,
- 1419,
- 964,
- 1418,
- 961,
- 1415,
- 959,
- 1413,
- 956,
- 1410,
- 953,
- 1407,
- 951,
- 1405,
- 948,
- 1402,
- 947,
- 1399,
- 945,
+ 1399, 949, 1403, 948, 1407, 948, 1410, 949, 1413, 951, 1415, 953, 1417, 956,
+ 1418, 959, 1418, 963, 1417, 967, 1421, 967, 1419, 964, 1418, 961, 1415, 959,
+ 1413, 956, 1410, 953, 1407, 951, 1405, 948, 1402, 947, 1399, 945,
[1417, 967, 1417, 1280, 1421, 1280, 1421, 967],
- 1417,
- 1280,
- 1417,
- 1283,
- 1416,
- 1285,
- 1414,
- 1288,
- 1412,
- 1291,
- 1410,
- 1293,
- 1407,
- 1295,
- 1404,
- 1297,
- 1402,
- 1298,
- 1399,
- 1298,
- 1399,
- 1302,
- 1403,
- 1302,
- 1407,
- 1301,
- 1410,
- 1299,
- 1413,
- 1297,
- 1416,
- 1294,
- 1418,
- 1291,
- 1420,
- 1288,
- 1421,
- 1284,
- 1421,
+ 1417, 1280, 1417, 1283, 1416, 1285, 1414, 1288, 1412, 1291, 1410, 1293, 1407,
+ 1295, 1404, 1297, 1402, 1298, 1399, 1298, 1399, 1302, 1403, 1302, 1407, 1301,
+ 1410, 1299, 1413, 1297, 1416, 1294, 1418, 1291, 1420, 1288, 1421, 1284, 1421,
[1399, 1298, 1356, 1298, 1356, 1302, 1399, 1302],
[669, 864, 669, 927, 673, 927, 673, 864],
- 673,
- 927,
- 673,
- 930,
- 674,
- 932,
- 676,
- 935,
- 678,
- 938,
- 680,
- 940,
- 683,
- 942,
- 686,
- 944,
- 688,
- 945,
- 691,
- 945,
- 691,
- 949,
- 687,
- 949,
- 683,
- 948,
- 680,
- 946,
- 677,
- 944,
- 674,
- 941,
- 672,
- 938,
- 670,
- 935,
- 669,
- 931,
- 669,
- 927,
+ 673, 927, 673, 930, 674, 932, 676, 935, 678, 938, 680, 940, 683, 942, 686, 944,
+ 688, 945, 691, 945, 691, 949, 687, 949, 683, 948, 680, 946, 677, 944, 674, 941,
+ 672, 938, 670, 935, 669, 931, 669, 927,
[691, 945, 2184, 945, 2184, 949, 691, 949],
- 2184,
- 949,
- 2188,
- 948,
- 2192,
- 948,
- 2195,
- 949,
- 2198,
- 951,
- 2200,
- 953,
- 2202,
- 956,
- 2203,
- 959,
- 2203,
- 963,
- 2202,
- 967,
- 2206,
- 967,
- 2204,
- 964,
- 2203,
- 961,
- 2200,
- 959,
- 2198,
- 956,
- 2195,
- 953,
- 2192,
- 951,
- 2190,
- 948,
- 2187,
- 947,
- 2184,
- 945,
+ 2184, 949, 2188, 948, 2192, 948, 2195, 949, 2198, 951, 2200, 953, 2202, 956,
+ 2203, 959, 2203, 963, 2202, 967, 2206, 967, 2204, 964, 2203, 961, 2200, 959,
+ 2198, 956, 2195, 953, 2192, 951, 2190, 948, 2187, 947, 2184, 945,
[2202, 967, 2202, 1189, 2206, 1189, 2206, 967],
- 2206,
- 1189,
- 2206,
- 1192,
- 2207,
- 1194,
- 2209,
- 1197,
- 2211,
- 1200,
- 2213,
- 1202,
- 2216,
- 1204,
- 2219,
- 1206,
- 2221,
- 1207,
- 2224,
- 1207,
- 2224,
- 1211,
- 2220,
- 1211,
- 2216,
- 1210,
- 2213,
- 1208,
- 2210,
- 1206,
- 2207,
- 1203,
- 2205,
- 1200,
- 2203,
- 1197,
- 2202,
- 1193,
- 2202,
+ 2206, 1189, 2206, 1192, 2207, 1194, 2209, 1197, 2211, 1200, 2213, 1202, 2216,
+ 1204, 2219, 1206, 2221, 1207, 2224, 1207, 2224, 1211, 2220, 1211, 2216, 1210,
+ 2213, 1208, 2210, 1206, 2207, 1203, 2205, 1200, 2203, 1197, 2202, 1193, 2202,
[2224, 1207, 2287, 1207, 2287, 1211, 2224, 1211],
@@ -41683,88 +8911,16 @@
K00828: [
[1432, 1785, 2173, 1785, 2173, 1789, 1432, 1789],
- 2173,
- 1785,
- 2176,
- 1785,
- 2178,
- 1784,
- 2181,
- 1782,
- 2184,
- 1780,
- 2186,
- 1778,
- 2188,
- 1775,
- 2190,
- 1772,
- 2191,
- 1770,
- 2191,
- 1767,
- 2195,
- 1767,
- 2195,
- 1771,
- 2194,
- 1775,
- 2192,
- 1778,
- 2190,
- 1781,
- 2187,
- 1784,
- 2184,
- 1786,
- 2181,
- 1788,
- 2177,
- 1789,
- 2173,
+ 2173, 1785, 2176, 1785, 2178, 1784, 2181, 1782, 2184, 1780, 2186, 1778, 2188,
+ 1775, 2190, 1772, 2191, 1770, 2191, 1767, 2195, 1767, 2195, 1771, 2194, 1775,
+ 2192, 1778, 2190, 1781, 2187, 1784, 2184, 1786, 2181, 1788, 2177, 1789, 2173,
[2191, 1767, 2191, 1229, 2195, 1229, 2195, 1767],
- 2191,
- 1229,
- 2191,
- 1225,
- 2192,
- 1221,
- 2194,
- 1218,
- 2196,
- 1215,
- 2199,
- 1212,
- 2202,
- 1210,
- 2205,
- 1208,
- 2209,
- 1207,
- 2213,
- 1207,
- 2213,
- 1211,
- 2210,
- 1211,
- 2208,
- 1212,
- 2205,
- 1214,
- 2202,
- 1216,
- 2200,
- 1218,
- 2198,
- 1221,
- 2196,
- 1224,
- 2195,
- 1226,
- 2195,
+ 2191, 1229, 2191, 1225, 2192, 1221, 2194, 1218, 2196, 1215, 2199, 1212, 2202,
+ 1210, 2205, 1208, 2209, 1207, 2213, 1207, 2213, 1211, 2210, 1211, 2208, 1212,
+ 2205, 1214, 2202, 1216, 2200, 1218, 2198, 1221, 2196, 1224, 2195, 1226, 2195,
[2213, 1207, 2287, 1207, 2287, 1211, 2213, 1211],
@@ -41773,91 +8929,18 @@
'R07427,': [
[320, 1952, 364, 1952, 364, 1956, 320, 1956],
- 364,
- 1952,
- 367,
- 1952,
- 369,
- 1951,
- 372,
- 1949,
- 375,
- 1947,
- 377,
- 1945,
- 379,
- 1942,
- 381,
- 1939,
- 382,
- 1937,
- 382,
- 1934,
- 386,
- 1934,
- 386,
- 1938,
- 385,
- 1942,
- 383,
- 1945,
- 381,
- 1948,
- 378,
- 1951,
- 375,
- 1953,
- 372,
- 1955,
- 368,
- 1956,
- 364,
- 1956,
+ 364, 1952, 367, 1952, 369, 1951, 372, 1949, 375, 1947, 377, 1945, 379, 1942,
+ 381, 1939, 382, 1937, 382, 1934, 386, 1934, 386, 1938, 385, 1942, 383, 1945,
+ 381, 1948, 378, 1951, 375, 1953, 372, 1955, 368, 1956, 364, 1956,
[382, 1934, 382, 1901, 386, 1901, 386, 1934],
K00772: [
[3018, 1779, 3018, 1734, 3022, 1734, 3022, 1779],
- 3018,
- 1734,
- 3018,
- 1730,
- 3019,
- 1726,
- 3021,
- 1723,
- 3023,
- 1720,
- 3026,
- 1717,
- 3029,
- 1715,
- 3032,
- 1713,
- 3036,
- 1712,
- 3040,
- 1712,
- 3040,
- 1716,
- 3037,
- 1716,
- 3035,
- 1717,
- 3032,
- 1719,
- 3029,
- 1721,
- 3027,
- 1723,
- 3025,
- 1726,
- 3023,
- 1729,
- 3022,
- 1731,
- 3022,
+ 3018, 1734, 3018, 1730, 3019, 1726, 3021, 1723, 3023, 1720, 3026, 1717, 3029,
+ 1715, 3032, 1713, 3036, 1712, 3040, 1712, 3040, 1716, 3037, 1716, 3035, 1717,
+ 3032, 1719, 3029, 1721, 3027, 1723, 3025, 1726, 3023, 1729, 3022, 1731, 3022,
[3040, 1712, 3110, 1712, 3110, 1716, 3040, 1716],
@@ -41867,46 +8950,9 @@
K00217: [
[995, 1743, 995, 1792, 999, 1792, 999, 1743],
- 999,
- 1792,
- 999,
- 1795,
- 1000,
- 1797,
- 1002,
- 1800,
- 1004,
- 1803,
- 1006,
- 1805,
- 1009,
- 1807,
- 1012,
- 1809,
- 1014,
- 1810,
- 1017,
- 1810,
- 1017,
- 1814,
- 1013,
- 1814,
- 1009,
- 1813,
- 1006,
- 1811,
- 1003,
- 1809,
- 1000,
- 1806,
- 998,
- 1803,
- 996,
- 1800,
- 995,
- 1796,
- 995,
- 1792,
+ 999, 1792, 999, 1795, 1000, 1797, 1002, 1800, 1004, 1803, 1006, 1805, 1009,
+ 1807, 1012, 1809, 1014, 1810, 1017, 1810, 1017, 1814, 1013, 1814, 1009, 1813,
+ 1006, 1811, 1003, 1809, 1000, 1806, 998, 1803, 996, 1800, 995, 1796, 995, 1792,
[1017, 1810, 1038, 1810, 1038, 1814, 1017, 1814],
[2058, 1759, 2119, 1759, 2119, 1763, 2058, 1763],
@@ -41917,46 +8963,9 @@
'O81193,': [
[336, 1373, 356, 1373, 356, 1377, 336, 1377],
- 356,
- 1377,
- 360,
- 1376,
- 364,
- 1376,
- 367,
- 1377,
- 370,
- 1379,
- 372,
- 1381,
- 374,
- 1384,
- 375,
- 1387,
- 375,
- 1391,
- 374,
- 1395,
- 378,
- 1395,
- 376,
- 1392,
- 375,
- 1389,
- 372,
- 1387,
- 370,
- 1384,
- 367,
- 1381,
- 364,
- 1379,
- 362,
- 1376,
- 359,
- 1375,
- 356,
- 1373,
+ 356, 1377, 360, 1376, 364, 1376, 367, 1377, 370, 1379, 372, 1381, 374, 1384,
+ 375, 1387, 375, 1391, 374, 1395, 378, 1395, 376, 1392, 375, 1389, 372, 1387,
+ 370, 1384, 367, 1381, 364, 1379, 362, 1376, 359, 1375, 356, 1373,
[374, 1395, 374, 1425, 378, 1425, 378, 1395],
@@ -41964,46 +8973,9 @@
K03394: [
[3394, 888, 3423, 888, 3423, 892, 3394, 892],
- 3423,
- 892,
- 3427,
- 891,
- 3431,
- 891,
- 3434,
- 892,
- 3437,
- 894,
- 3439,
- 896,
- 3441,
- 899,
- 3442,
- 902,
- 3442,
- 906,
- 3441,
- 910,
- 3445,
- 910,
- 3443,
- 907,
- 3442,
- 904,
- 3439,
- 902,
- 3437,
- 899,
- 3434,
- 896,
- 3431,
- 894,
- 3429,
- 891,
- 3426,
- 890,
- 3423,
- 888,
+ 3423, 892, 3427, 891, 3431, 891, 3434, 892, 3437, 894, 3439, 896, 3441, 899,
+ 3442, 902, 3442, 906, 3441, 910, 3445, 910, 3443, 907, 3442, 904, 3439, 902,
+ 3437, 899, 3434, 896, 3431, 894, 3429, 891, 3426, 890, 3423, 888,
[3441, 910, 3441, 918, 3445, 918, 3445, 910],
[3344, 962, 3344, 917, 3348, 917, 3348, 962],
@@ -42012,46 +8984,9 @@
K01228: [
[951, 226, 951, 40, 955, 40, 955, 226],
- 951,
- 40,
- 951,
- 36,
- 952,
- 32,
- 954,
- 29,
- 956,
- 26,
- 959,
- 23,
- 962,
- 21,
- 965,
- 19,
- 969,
- 18,
- 973,
- 18,
- 973,
- 22,
- 970,
- 22,
- 968,
- 23,
- 965,
- 25,
- 962,
- 27,
- 960,
- 29,
- 958,
- 32,
- 956,
- 35,
- 955,
- 37,
- 955,
- 40,
+ 951, 40, 951, 36, 952, 32, 954, 29, 956, 26, 959, 23, 962, 21, 965, 19, 969, 18,
+ 973, 18, 973, 22, 970, 22, 968, 23, 965, 25, 962, 27, 960, 29, 958, 32, 956, 35,
+ 955, 37, 955, 40,
[973, 18, 984, 18, 984, 22, 973, 22],
@@ -42060,45 +8995,9 @@
'O82821_PSEST,': [
[1409, 1865, 1388, 1865, 1388, 1869, 1409, 1869],
- 1388,
- 1869,
- 1385,
- 1867,
- 1382,
- 1866,
- 1380,
- 1863,
- 1377,
- 1861,
- 1374,
- 1858,
- 1372,
- 1855,
- 1369,
- 1853,
- 1368,
- 1850,
- 1366,
- 1847,
- 1370,
- 1847,
- 1369,
- 1851,
- 1369,
- 1855,
- 1370,
- 1858,
- 1372,
- 1861,
- 1374,
- 1863,
- 1377,
- 1865,
- 1380,
- 1866,
- 1384,
- 1866,
- 1388,
+ 1388, 1869, 1385, 1867, 1382, 1866, 1380, 1863, 1377, 1861, 1374, 1858, 1372,
+ 1855, 1369, 1853, 1368, 1850, 1366, 1847, 1370, 1847, 1369, 1851, 1369, 1855,
+ 1370, 1858, 1372, 1861, 1374, 1863, 1377, 1865, 1380, 1866, 1384, 1866, 1388,
[1366, 1847, 1366, 1823, 1370, 1823, 1370, 1847],
@@ -42107,89 +9006,15 @@
K13937: [
[1737, 440, 1737, 440, 1741, 440, 1741, 440],
- 1737,
- 440,
- 1737,
- 436,
- 1738,
- 432,
- 1740,
- 429,
- 1742,
- 426,
- 1745,
- 423,
- 1748,
- 421,
- 1751,
- 419,
- 1755,
- 418,
- 1759,
- 418,
- 1759,
- 422,
- 1756,
- 422,
- 1754,
- 423,
- 1751,
- 425,
- 1748,
- 427,
- 1746,
- 429,
- 1744,
- 432,
- 1742,
- 435,
- 1741,
- 437,
- 1741,
- 440,
+ 1737, 440, 1737, 436, 1738, 432, 1740, 429, 1742, 426, 1745, 423, 1748, 421,
+ 1751, 419, 1755, 418, 1759, 418, 1759, 422, 1756, 422, 1754, 423, 1751, 425,
+ 1748, 427, 1746, 429, 1744, 432, 1742, 435, 1741, 437, 1741, 440,
[1759, 418, 1999, 418, 1999, 422, 1759, 422],
- 1999,
- 422,
- 2003,
- 421,
- 2007,
- 421,
- 2010,
- 422,
- 2013,
- 424,
- 2015,
- 426,
- 2017,
- 429,
- 2018,
- 432,
- 2018,
- 436,
- 2017,
- 440,
- 2021,
- 440,
- 2019,
- 437,
- 2018,
- 434,
- 2015,
- 432,
- 2013,
- 429,
- 2010,
- 426,
- 2007,
- 424,
- 2005,
- 421,
- 2002,
- 420,
- 1999,
- 418,
+ 1999, 422, 2003, 421, 2007, 421, 2010, 422, 2013, 424, 2015, 426, 2017, 429,
+ 2018, 432, 2018, 436, 2017, 440, 2021, 440, 2019, 437, 2018, 434, 2015, 432,
+ 2013, 429, 2010, 426, 2007, 424, 2005, 421, 2002, 420, 1999, 418,
[2017, 440, 2017, 440, 2021, 440, 2021, 440],
@@ -42208,46 +9033,9 @@
K14177: [
[251, 1467, 251, 1486, 255, 1486, 255, 1467],
- 255,
- 1486,
- 255,
- 1489,
- 256,
- 1491,
- 258,
- 1494,
- 260,
- 1497,
- 262,
- 1499,
- 265,
- 1501,
- 268,
- 1503,
- 270,
- 1504,
- 273,
- 1504,
- 273,
- 1508,
- 269,
- 1508,
- 265,
- 1507,
- 262,
- 1505,
- 259,
- 1503,
- 256,
- 1500,
- 254,
- 1497,
- 252,
- 1494,
- 251,
- 1490,
- 251,
- 1486,
+ 255, 1486, 255, 1489, 256, 1491, 258, 1494, 260, 1497, 262, 1499, 265, 1501,
+ 268, 1503, 270, 1504, 273, 1504, 273, 1508, 269, 1508, 265, 1507, 262, 1505,
+ 259, 1503, 256, 1500, 254, 1497, 252, 1494, 251, 1490, 251, 1486,
[273, 1504, 310, 1504, 310, 1508, 273, 1508],
@@ -42256,46 +9044,9 @@
[2257, 1759, 2316, 1759, 2316, 1763, 2257, 1763],
[915, 1897, 915, 1927, 919, 1927, 919, 1897],
- 919,
- 1927,
- 919,
- 1930,
- 920,
- 1932,
- 922,
- 1935,
- 924,
- 1938,
- 926,
- 1940,
- 929,
- 1942,
- 932,
- 1944,
- 934,
- 1945,
- 937,
- 1945,
- 937,
- 1949,
- 933,
- 1949,
- 929,
- 1948,
- 926,
- 1946,
- 923,
- 1944,
- 920,
- 1941,
- 918,
- 1938,
- 916,
- 1935,
- 915,
- 1931,
- 915,
- 1927,
+ 919, 1927, 919, 1930, 920, 1932, 922, 1935, 924, 1938, 926, 1940, 929, 1942,
+ 932, 1944, 934, 1945, 937, 1945, 937, 1949, 933, 1949, 929, 1948, 926, 1946,
+ 923, 1944, 920, 1941, 918, 1938, 916, 1935, 915, 1931, 915, 1927,
[937, 1945, 953, 1945, 953, 1949, 937, 1949],
@@ -42309,45 +9060,9 @@
K00100: [
[1489, 1471, 1489, 1350, 1493, 1350, 1493, 1471],
- 1489,
- 1350,
- 1489,
- 1346,
- 1490,
- 1342,
- 1492,
- 1339,
- 1494,
- 1336,
- 1497,
- 1333,
- 1500,
- 1331,
- 1503,
- 1329,
- 1507,
- 1328,
- 1511,
- 1328,
- 1511,
- 1332,
- 1508,
- 1332,
- 1506,
- 1333,
- 1503,
- 1335,
- 1500,
- 1337,
- 1498,
- 1339,
- 1496,
- 1342,
- 1494,
- 1345,
- 1493,
- 1347,
- 1493,
+ 1489, 1350, 1489, 1346, 1490, 1342, 1492, 1339, 1494, 1336, 1497, 1333, 1500,
+ 1331, 1503, 1329, 1507, 1328, 1511, 1328, 1511, 1332, 1508, 1332, 1506, 1333,
+ 1503, 1335, 1500, 1337, 1498, 1339, 1496, 1342, 1494, 1345, 1493, 1347, 1493,
[1511, 1328, 1721, 1328, 1721, 1332, 1511, 1332],
@@ -42370,46 +9085,9 @@
K01809: [
[1675, 525, 1675, 540, 1679, 540, 1679, 525],
- 1675,
- 540,
- 1675,
- 543,
- 1674,
- 545,
- 1672,
- 548,
- 1670,
- 551,
- 1668,
- 553,
- 1665,
- 555,
- 1662,
- 557,
- 1660,
- 558,
- 1657,
- 558,
- 1657,
- 562,
- 1661,
- 562,
- 1665,
- 561,
- 1668,
- 559,
- 1671,
- 557,
- 1674,
- 554,
- 1676,
- 551,
- 1678,
- 548,
- 1679,
- 544,
- 1679,
- 540,
+ 1675, 540, 1675, 543, 1674, 545, 1672, 548, 1670, 551, 1668, 553, 1665, 555,
+ 1662, 557, 1660, 558, 1657, 558, 1657, 562, 1661, 562, 1665, 561, 1668, 559,
+ 1671, 557, 1674, 554, 1676, 551, 1678, 548, 1679, 544, 1679, 540,
[1657, 558, 1460, 558, 1460, 562, 1657, 562],
@@ -42417,45 +9095,9 @@
K00821: [
[2479, 1657, 2479, 1687, 2483, 1687, 2483, 1657],
- 2479,
- 1687,
- 2479,
- 1690,
- 2478,
- 1692,
- 2476,
- 1695,
- 2474,
- 1698,
- 2472,
- 1700,
- 2469,
- 1702,
- 2466,
- 1704,
- 2464,
- 1705,
- 2461,
- 1705,
- 2461,
- 1709,
- 2465,
- 1709,
- 2469,
- 1708,
- 2472,
- 1706,
- 2475,
- 1704,
- 2478,
- 1701,
- 2480,
- 1698,
- 2482,
- 1695,
- 2483,
- 1691,
- 2483,
+ 2479, 1687, 2479, 1690, 2478, 1692, 2476, 1695, 2474, 1698, 2472, 1700, 2469,
+ 1702, 2466, 1704, 2464, 1705, 2461, 1705, 2461, 1709, 2465, 1709, 2469, 1708,
+ 2472, 1706, 2475, 1704, 2478, 1701, 2480, 1698, 2482, 1695, 2483, 1691, 2483,
[2461, 1705, 2420, 1705, 2420, 1709, 2461, 1709],
@@ -42463,178 +9105,30 @@
K09840: [
[476, 1217, 482, 1217, 482, 1221, 476, 1221],
- 482,
- 1221,
- 485,
- 1220,
- 488,
- 1220,
- 491,
- 1221,
- 493,
- 1222,
- 495,
- 1224,
- 496,
- 1226,
- 497,
- 1229,
- 497,
- 1232,
- 496,
- 1235,
- 500,
- 1235,
- 499,
- 1233,
- 497,
- 1231,
- 495,
- 1229,
- 493,
- 1226,
- 491,
- 1224,
- 488,
- 1222,
- 486,
- 1220,
- 484,
- 1218,
- 482,
- 1217,
+ 482, 1221, 485, 1220, 488, 1220, 491, 1221, 493, 1222, 495, 1224, 496, 1226,
+ 497, 1229, 497, 1232, 496, 1235, 500, 1235, 499, 1233, 497, 1231, 495, 1229,
+ 493, 1226, 491, 1224, 488, 1222, 486, 1220, 484, 1218, 482, 1217,
[496, 1235, 496, 1239, 500, 1239, 500, 1235],
- 496,
- 1239,
- 496,
- 1241,
- 495,
- 1243,
- 494,
- 1245,
- 492,
- 1247,
- 490,
- 1249,
- 488,
- 1251,
- 486,
- 1252,
- 484,
- 1253,
- 482,
- 1253,
- 482,
- 1257,
- 485,
- 1257,
- 488,
- 1256,
- 491,
- 1255,
- 494,
- 1253,
- 496,
- 1251,
- 498,
- 1248,
- 499,
- 1245,
- 500,
- 1242,
- 500,
- 1239,
+ 496, 1239, 496, 1241, 495, 1243, 494, 1245, 492, 1247, 490, 1249, 488, 1251,
+ 486, 1252, 484, 1253, 482, 1253, 482, 1257, 485, 1257, 488, 1256, 491, 1255,
+ 494, 1253, 496, 1251, 498, 1248, 499, 1245, 500, 1242, 500, 1239,
[482, 1253, 476, 1253, 476, 1257, 482, 1257],
K00515: [
[409, 1168, 409, 1172, 413, 1172, 413, 1168],
- 409,
- 1172,
- 409,
- 1175,
- 408,
- 1177,
- 406,
- 1180,
- 404,
- 1183,
- 402,
- 1185,
- 399,
- 1187,
- 396,
- 1189,
- 394,
- 1190,
- 391,
- 1190,
- 391,
- 1194,
- 395,
- 1194,
- 399,
- 1193,
- 402,
- 1191,
- 405,
- 1189,
- 408,
- 1186,
- 410,
- 1183,
- 412,
- 1180,
- 413,
- 1176,
- 413,
- 1172,
+ 409, 1172, 409, 1175, 408, 1177, 406, 1180, 404, 1183, 402, 1185, 399, 1187,
+ 396, 1189, 394, 1190, 391, 1190, 391, 1194, 395, 1194, 399, 1193, 402, 1191,
+ 405, 1189, 408, 1186, 410, 1183, 412, 1180, 413, 1176, 413, 1172,
[391, 1190, 301, 1190, 301, 1194, 391, 1194],
- 301,
- 1190,
- 297,
- 1190,
- 293,
- 1191,
- 290,
- 1193,
- 287,
- 1195,
- 284,
- 1198,
- 282,
- 1201,
- 280,
- 1204,
- 279,
- 1208,
- 279,
- 1212,
- 283,
- 1212,
- 283,
- 1209,
- 284,
- 1207,
- 286,
- 1204,
- 288,
- 1201,
- 290,
- 1199,
- 293,
- 1197,
- 296,
- 1195,
- 298,
- 1194,
- 301,
- 1194,
+ 301, 1190, 297, 1190, 293, 1191, 290, 1193, 287, 1195, 284, 1198, 282, 1201,
+ 280, 1204, 279, 1208, 279, 1212, 283, 1212, 283, 1209, 284, 1207, 286, 1204,
+ 288, 1201, 290, 1199, 293, 1197, 296, 1195, 298, 1194, 301, 1194,
[279, 1212, 279, 1220, 283, 1220, 283, 1212],
@@ -42645,46 +9139,9 @@
K13873: [
[2234, 405, 2234, 311, 2238, 311, 2238, 405],
- 2234,
- 311,
- 2234,
- 308,
- 2235,
- 305,
- 2236,
- 302,
- 2238,
- 299,
- 2240,
- 297,
- 2243,
- 295,
- 2246,
- 294,
- 2249,
- 293,
- 2252,
- 293,
- 2252,
- 297,
- 2250,
- 297,
- 2248,
- 298,
- 2246,
- 299,
- 2244,
- 301,
- 2242,
- 303,
- 2240,
- 305,
- 2239,
- 307,
- 2238,
- 309,
- 2238,
- 311,
+ 2234, 311, 2234, 308, 2235, 305, 2236, 302, 2238, 299, 2240, 297, 2243, 295,
+ 2246, 294, 2249, 293, 2252, 293, 2252, 297, 2250, 297, 2248, 298, 2246, 299,
+ 2244, 301, 2242, 303, 2240, 305, 2239, 307, 2238, 309, 2238, 311,
[2252, 293, 2265, 293, 2265, 297, 2252, 297],
@@ -42694,46 +9151,9 @@
K03801: [
[711, 1422, 669, 1422, 669, 1426, 711, 1426],
- 669,
- 1426,
- 666,
- 1424,
- 663,
- 1423,
- 661,
- 1420,
- 658,
- 1418,
- 655,
- 1415,
- 653,
- 1412,
- 650,
- 1410,
- 649,
- 1407,
- 647,
- 1404,
- 651,
- 1404,
- 650,
- 1408,
- 650,
- 1412,
- 651,
- 1415,
- 653,
- 1418,
- 655,
- 1420,
- 658,
- 1422,
- 661,
- 1423,
- 665,
- 1423,
- 669,
- 1422,
+ 669, 1426, 666, 1424, 663, 1423, 661, 1420, 658, 1418, 655, 1415, 653, 1412,
+ 650, 1410, 649, 1407, 647, 1404, 651, 1404, 650, 1408, 650, 1412, 651, 1415,
+ 653, 1418, 655, 1420, 658, 1422, 661, 1423, 665, 1423, 669, 1422,
[647, 1404, 647, 1348, 651, 1348, 651, 1404],
[709, 1382, 772, 1382, 772, 1386, 709, 1386],
@@ -42758,134 +9178,23 @@
[1029, 136, 1029, 179, 1033, 179, 1033, 136],
[1294, 104, 1294, 115, 1298, 115, 1298, 104],
- 1298,
- 115,
- 1298,
- 118,
- 1299,
- 120,
- 1301,
- 123,
- 1303,
- 126,
- 1305,
- 128,
- 1308,
- 130,
- 1311,
- 132,
- 1313,
- 133,
- 1316,
- 133,
- 1316,
- 137,
- 1312,
- 137,
- 1308,
- 136,
- 1305,
- 134,
- 1302,
- 132,
- 1299,
- 129,
- 1297,
- 126,
- 1295,
- 123,
- 1294,
- 119,
- 1294,
- 115,
+ 1298, 115, 1298, 118, 1299, 120, 1301, 123, 1303, 126, 1305, 128, 1308, 130,
+ 1311, 132, 1313, 133, 1316, 133, 1316, 137, 1312, 137, 1308, 136, 1305, 134,
+ 1302, 132, 1299, 129, 1297, 126, 1295, 123, 1294, 119, 1294, 115,
[1316, 133, 1326, 133, 1326, 137, 1316, 137],
[1294, 105, 1294, 57, 1298, 57, 1298, 105],
- 1298,
- 57,
- 1298,
- 53,
- 1297,
- 49,
- 1295,
- 46,
- 1293,
- 43,
- 1290,
- 40,
- 1287,
- 38,
- 1284,
- 36,
- 1280,
- 35,
- 1276,
- 35,
- 1276,
- 39,
- 1279,
- 39,
- 1281,
- 40,
- 1284,
- 42,
- 1287,
- 44,
- 1289,
- 46,
- 1291,
- 49,
- 1293,
- 52,
- 1294,
- 54,
- 1294,
- 57,
+ 1298, 57, 1298, 53, 1297, 49, 1295, 46, 1293, 43, 1290, 40, 1287, 38, 1284, 36,
+ 1280, 35, 1276, 35, 1276, 39, 1279, 39, 1281, 40, 1284, 42, 1287, 44, 1289, 46,
+ 1291, 49, 1293, 52, 1294, 54, 1294, 57,
[1276, 35, 1255, 35, 1255, 39, 1276, 39],
[1294, 105, 1294, 91, 1298, 91, 1298, 105],
- 1298,
- 91,
- 1298,
- 87,
- 1297,
- 83,
- 1295,
- 80,
- 1293,
- 77,
- 1290,
- 74,
- 1287,
- 72,
- 1284,
- 70,
- 1280,
- 69,
- 1276,
- 69,
- 1276,
- 73,
- 1279,
- 73,
- 1281,
- 74,
- 1284,
- 76,
- 1287,
- 78,
- 1289,
- 80,
- 1291,
- 83,
- 1293,
- 86,
- 1294,
- 88,
- 1294,
- 91,
+ 1298, 91, 1298, 87, 1297, 83, 1295, 80, 1293, 77, 1290, 74, 1287, 72, 1284, 70,
+ 1280, 69, 1276, 69, 1276, 73, 1279, 73, 1281, 74, 1284, 76, 1287, 78, 1289, 80,
+ 1291, 83, 1293, 86, 1294, 88, 1294, 91,
[1276, 69, 1253, 69, 1253, 73, 1276, 73],
[489, 280, 489, 354, 493, 354, 493, 280],
@@ -42902,45 +9211,9 @@
K01610: [
[1293, 1731, 1293, 1737, 1297, 1737, 1297, 1731],
- 1297,
- 1737,
- 1297,
- 1739,
- 1298,
- 1742,
- 1300,
- 1744,
- 1301,
- 1747,
- 1303,
- 1749,
- 1306,
- 1750,
- 1308,
- 1752,
- 1311,
- 1753,
- 1313,
- 1753,
- 1313,
- 1757,
- 1309,
- 1757,
- 1306,
- 1756,
- 1303,
- 1754,
- 1300,
- 1752,
- 1298,
- 1750,
- 1296,
- 1747,
- 1294,
- 1744,
- 1293,
- 1741,
- 1293,
+ 1297, 1737, 1297, 1739, 1298, 1742, 1300, 1744, 1301, 1747, 1303, 1749, 1306,
+ 1750, 1308, 1752, 1311, 1753, 1313, 1753, 1313, 1757, 1309, 1757, 1306, 1756,
+ 1303, 1754, 1300, 1752, 1298, 1750, 1296, 1747, 1294, 1744, 1293, 1741, 1293,
[1313, 1753, 1341, 1753, 1341, 1757, 1313, 1757],
@@ -42958,46 +9231,9 @@
'1.3.1.-,': [
[683, 1932, 936, 1932, 936, 1936, 683, 1936],
- 936,
- 1936,
- 939,
- 1935,
- 942,
- 1935,
- 945,
- 1935,
- 947,
- 1936,
- 949,
- 1938,
- 950,
- 1940,
- 951,
- 1942,
- 951,
- 1945,
- 950,
- 1948,
- 954,
- 1948,
- 953,
- 1946,
- 951,
- 1944,
- 949,
- 1943,
- 947,
- 1941,
- 945,
- 1939,
- 942,
- 1937,
- 940,
- 1935,
- 938,
- 1933,
- 936,
- 1932,
+ 936, 1936, 939, 1935, 942, 1935, 945, 1935, 947, 1936, 949, 1938, 950, 1940,
+ 951, 1942, 951, 1945, 950, 1948, 954, 1948, 953, 1946, 951, 1944, 949, 1943,
+ 947, 1941, 945, 1939, 942, 1937, 940, 1935, 938, 1933, 936, 1932,
[950, 1948, 950, 1948, 954, 1948, 954, 1948],
[1192, 1890, 1237, 1890, 1237, 1894, 1192, 1894],
@@ -43018,46 +9254,9 @@
K00448: [
[874, 1897, 874, 2073, 878, 2073, 878, 1897],
- 878,
- 2073,
- 878,
- 2076,
- 879,
- 2079,
- 881,
- 2081,
- 883,
- 2084,
- 885,
- 2086,
- 887,
- 2089,
- 890,
- 2091,
- 892,
- 2092,
- 894,
- 2093,
- 898,
- 2093,
- 893,
- 2093,
- 889,
- 2093,
- 886,
- 2091,
- 882,
- 2089,
- 879,
- 2087,
- 877,
- 2084,
- 875,
- 2081,
- 874,
- 2077,
- 874,
- 2073,
+ 878, 2073, 878, 2076, 879, 2079, 881, 2081, 883, 2084, 885, 2086, 887, 2089,
+ 890, 2091, 892, 2092, 894, 2093, 898, 2093, 893, 2093, 889, 2093, 886, 2091,
+ 882, 2089, 879, 2087, 877, 2084, 875, 2081, 874, 2077, 874, 2073,
[894, 2093, 894, 2093, 898, 2093, 898, 2093],
@@ -43066,179 +9265,31 @@
[2900, 268, 2900, 348, 2904, 348, 2904, 268],
[2502, 303, 2535, 334, 2535, 338, 2502, 307],
- 2535,
- 338,
- 2538,
- 339,
- 2541,
- 339,
- 2544,
- 340,
- 2548,
- 341,
- 2551,
- 342,
- 2555,
- 343,
- 2558,
- 344,
- 2561,
- 345,
- 2563,
- 345,
- 2563,
- 349,
- 2560,
- 349,
- 2556,
- 348,
- 2552,
- 347,
- 2549,
- 346,
- 2545,
- 344,
- 2542,
- 342,
- 2539,
- 340,
- 2537,
- 337,
- 2535,
- 334,
+ 2535, 338, 2538, 339, 2541, 339, 2544, 340, 2548, 341, 2551, 342, 2555, 343,
+ 2558, 344, 2561, 345, 2563, 345, 2563, 349, 2560, 349, 2556, 348, 2552, 347,
+ 2549, 346, 2545, 344, 2542, 342, 2539, 340, 2537, 337, 2535, 334,
[2563, 345, 2638, 345, 2638, 349, 2563, 349],
[2759, 268, 2759, 348, 2763, 348, 2763, 268],
[2818, 268, 2818, 348, 2822, 348, 2822, 268],
[2759, 346, 2759, 363, 2763, 363, 2763, 346],
- 2759,
- 363,
- 2759,
- 366,
- 2758,
- 368,
- 2756,
- 371,
- 2754,
- 374,
- 2752,
- 376,
- 2749,
- 378,
- 2746,
- 380,
- 2744,
- 381,
- 2741,
- 381,
- 2741,
- 385,
- 2745,
- 385,
- 2749,
- 384,
- 2752,
- 382,
- 2755,
- 380,
- 2758,
- 377,
- 2760,
- 374,
- 2762,
- 371,
- 2763,
- 367,
- 2763,
- 363,
+ 2759, 363, 2759, 366, 2758, 368, 2756, 371, 2754, 374, 2752, 376, 2749, 378,
+ 2746, 380, 2744, 381, 2741, 381, 2741, 385, 2745, 385, 2749, 384, 2752, 382,
+ 2755, 380, 2758, 377, 2760, 374, 2762, 371, 2763, 367, 2763, 363,
[2741, 381, 2522, 381, 2522, 385, 2741, 385],
- 2522,
- 385,
- 2519,
- 383,
- 2516,
- 382,
- 2514,
- 379,
- 2511,
- 377,
- 2508,
- 374,
- 2506,
- 371,
- 2503,
- 369,
- 2502,
- 366,
- 2500,
- 363,
- 2504,
- 363,
- 2503,
- 367,
- 2503,
- 371,
- 2504,
- 374,
- 2506,
- 377,
- 2508,
- 379,
- 2511,
- 381,
- 2514,
- 382,
- 2518,
- 382,
- 2522,
- 381,
+ 2522, 385, 2519, 383, 2516, 382, 2514, 379, 2511, 377, 2508, 374, 2506, 371,
+ 2503, 369, 2502, 366, 2500, 363, 2504, 363, 2503, 367, 2503, 371, 2504, 374,
+ 2506, 377, 2508, 379, 2511, 381, 2514, 382, 2518, 382, 2522, 381,
[2500, 363, 2500, 353, 2504, 353, 2504, 363],
[3026, 304, 3026, 327, 3030, 327, 3030, 304],
- 3026,
- 327,
- 3026,
- 330,
- 3025,
- 332,
- 3023,
- 335,
- 3021,
- 338,
- 3019,
- 340,
- 3016,
- 342,
- 3013,
- 344,
- 3011,
- 345,
- 3008,
- 345,
- 3008,
- 349,
- 3012,
- 349,
- 3016,
- 348,
- 3019,
- 346,
- 3022,
- 344,
- 3025,
- 341,
- 3027,
- 338,
- 3029,
- 335,
- 3030,
- 331,
- 3030,
- 327,
+ 3026, 327, 3026, 330, 3025, 332, 3023, 335, 3021, 338, 3019, 340, 3016, 342,
+ 3013, 344, 3011, 345, 3008, 345, 3008, 349, 3012, 349, 3016, 348, 3019, 346,
+ 3022, 344, 3025, 341, 3027, 338, 3029, 335, 3030, 331, 3030, 327,
[3008, 345, 2901, 345, 2901, 349, 3008, 349],
@@ -43251,46 +9302,9 @@
K00451: [
[2648, 705, 2648, 744, 2652, 744, 2652, 705],
- 2652,
- 744,
- 2652,
- 747,
- 2653,
- 749,
- 2655,
- 752,
- 2657,
- 755,
- 2659,
- 757,
- 2662,
- 759,
- 2665,
- 761,
- 2667,
- 762,
- 2670,
- 762,
- 2670,
- 766,
- 2666,
- 766,
- 2662,
- 765,
- 2659,
- 763,
- 2656,
- 761,
- 2653,
- 758,
- 2651,
- 755,
- 2649,
- 752,
- 2648,
- 748,
- 2648,
- 744,
+ 2652, 744, 2652, 747, 2653, 749, 2655, 752, 2657, 755, 2659, 757, 2662, 759,
+ 2665, 761, 2667, 762, 2670, 762, 2670, 766, 2666, 766, 2662, 765, 2659, 763,
+ 2656, 761, 2653, 758, 2651, 755, 2649, 752, 2648, 748, 2648, 744,
[2670, 762, 2716, 762, 2716, 766, 2670, 766],
@@ -43306,177 +9320,33 @@
K02225: [[3488, 986, 3488, 1040, 3492, 1040, 3492, 986]],
K01476: [
[3159, 1527, 3176, 1525, 3176, 1529, 3159, 1531],
- [
- 3176,
- 1525,
- 3192,
- 1522,
- 3208,
- 1516,
- 3223,
- 1506,
- 3237,
- 1495,
- 3250,
- 1482,
- 3261,
- 1467,
- 3269,
- 1451,
- 3275,
- 1435,
- 3277,
- 1419,
- 3281,
- 1419,
- 3279,
- 1436,
- 3273,
- 1453,
- 3264,
- 1470,
- 3254,
- 1485,
- 3241,
- 1499,
- 3226,
- 1510,
- 3210,
- 1519,
- 3193,
- 1526,
- 3176,
+ [
+ 3176, 1525, 3192, 1522, 3208, 1516, 3223, 1506, 3237, 1495, 3250, 1482, 3261,
+ 1467, 3269, 1451, 3275, 1435, 3277, 1419, 3281, 1419, 3279, 1436, 3273, 1453,
+ 3264, 1470, 3254, 1485, 3241, 1499, 3226, 1510, 3210, 1519, 3193, 1526, 3176,
[3277, 1419, 3277, 1414, 3281, 1414, 3281, 1419],
[3274, 1437, 3268, 1454, 3272, 1454, 3278, 1437],
- 3268,
- 1454,
- 3267,
- 1455,
- 3267,
- 1456,
- 3266,
- 1458,
- 3265,
- 1460,
- 3265,
- 1462,
- 3264,
- 1464,
- 3264,
- 1466,
- 3263,
- 1468,
- 3263,
- 1470,
- 3267,
- 1470,
- 3267,
- 1469,
- 3268,
- 1468,
- 3268,
- 1466,
- 3269,
- 1464,
- 3269,
- 1462,
- 3270,
- 1460,
- 3271,
- 1458,
- 3271,
- 1456,
- 3272,
+ 3268, 1454, 3267, 1455, 3267, 1456, 3266, 1458, 3265, 1460, 3265, 1462, 3264,
+ 1464, 3264, 1466, 3263, 1468, 3263, 1470, 3267, 1470, 3267, 1469, 3268, 1468,
+ 3268, 1466, 3269, 1464, 3269, 1462, 3270, 1460, 3271, 1458, 3271, 1456, 3272,
[3263, 1470, 3263, 1476, 3267, 1476, 3267, 1470],
- 3267,
- 1476,
- 3267,
- 1477,
- 3267,
- 1478,
- 3267,
- 1478,
- 3268,
- 1479,
- 3268,
- 1480,
- 3269,
- 1481,
- 3270,
- 1481,
- 3270,
- 1482,
- 3271,
- 1482,
- 3271,
- 1486,
- 3269,
- 1486,
- 3267,
- 1485,
- 3266,
- 1485,
- 3265,
- 1484,
- 3264,
- 1483,
- 3263,
- 1481,
- 3263,
- 1480,
- 3263,
- 1478,
- 3263,
+ 3267, 1476, 3267, 1477, 3267, 1478, 3267, 1478, 3268, 1479, 3268, 1480, 3269,
+ 1481, 3270, 1481, 3270, 1482, 3271, 1482, 3271, 1486, 3269, 1486, 3267, 1485,
+ 3266, 1485, 3265, 1484, 3264, 1483, 3263, 1481, 3263, 1480, 3263, 1478, 3263,
[3271, 1482, 3330, 1482, 3330, 1486, 3271, 1486],
[3159, 1527, 3176, 1525, 3176, 1529, 3159, 1531],
- 3176,
- 1525,
- 3192,
- 1522,
- 3208,
- 1516,
- 3223,
- 1506,
- 3237,
- 1495,
- 3250,
- 1482,
- 3261,
- 1467,
- 3269,
- 1451,
- 3275,
- 1435,
- 3277,
- 1419,
- 3281,
- 1419,
- 3279,
- 1436,
- 3273,
- 1453,
- 3264,
- 1470,
- 3254,
- 1485,
- 3241,
- 1499,
- 3226,
- 1510,
- 3210,
- 1519,
- 3193,
- 1526,
- 3176,
+ 3176, 1525, 3192, 1522, 3208, 1516, 3223, 1506, 3237, 1495, 3250, 1482, 3261,
+ 1467, 3269, 1451, 3275, 1435, 3277, 1419, 3281, 1419, 3279, 1436, 3273, 1453,
+ 3264, 1470, 3254, 1485, 3241, 1499, 3226, 1510, 3210, 1519, 3193, 1526, 3176,
[3277, 1419, 3277, 1414, 3281, 1414, 3281, 1419],
@@ -43484,88 +9354,16 @@
K01427: [
[3327, 1483, 3327, 1490, 3331, 1490, 3331, 1483],
- 3331,
- 1490,
- 3331,
- 1493,
- 3332,
- 1495,
- 3334,
- 1498,
- 3336,
- 1501,
- 3338,
- 1503,
- 3341,
- 1505,
- 3344,
- 1507,
- 3346,
- 1508,
- 3349,
- 1508,
- 3349,
- 1512,
- 3345,
- 1512,
- 3341,
- 1511,
- 3338,
- 1509,
- 3335,
- 1507,
- 3332,
- 1504,
- 3330,
- 1501,
- 3328,
- 1498,
- 3327,
- 1494,
- 3327,
+ 3331, 1490, 3331, 1493, 3332, 1495, 3334, 1498, 3336, 1501, 3338, 1503, 3341,
+ 1505, 3344, 1507, 3346, 1508, 3349, 1508, 3349, 1512, 3345, 1512, 3341, 1511,
+ 3338, 1509, 3335, 1507, 3332, 1504, 3330, 1501, 3328, 1498, 3327, 1494, 3327,
[3349, 1508, 3407, 1508, 3407, 1512, 3349, 1512],
- 3407,
- 1508,
- 3410,
- 1508,
- 3412,
- 1507,
- 3415,
- 1505,
- 3418,
- 1503,
- 3420,
- 1501,
- 3422,
- 1498,
- 3424,
- 1495,
- 3425,
- 1493,
- 3425,
- 1490,
- 3429,
- 1490,
- 3429,
- 1494,
- 3428,
- 1498,
- 3426,
- 1501,
- 3424,
- 1504,
- 3421,
- 1507,
- 3418,
- 1509,
- 3415,
- 1511,
- 3411,
- 1512,
- 3407,
+ 3407, 1508, 3410, 1508, 3412, 1507, 3415, 1505, 3418, 1503, 3420, 1501, 3422,
+ 1498, 3424, 1495, 3425, 1493, 3425, 1490, 3429, 1490, 3429, 1494, 3428, 1498,
+ 3426, 1501, 3424, 1504, 3421, 1507, 3418, 1509, 3415, 1511, 3411, 1512, 3407,
[3425, 1490, 3425, 1483, 3429, 1483, 3429, 1490],
@@ -43593,46 +9391,9 @@
[1108, 467, 1158, 467, 1158, 471, 1108, 471],
[1008, 468, 1008, 488, 1012, 488, 1012, 468],
- 1012,
- 488,
- 1012,
- 491,
- 1013,
- 493,
- 1015,
- 496,
- 1017,
- 499,
- 1019,
- 501,
- 1022,
- 503,
- 1025,
- 505,
- 1027,
- 506,
- 1030,
- 506,
- 1030,
- 510,
- 1026,
- 510,
- 1022,
- 509,
- 1019,
- 507,
- 1016,
- 505,
- 1013,
- 502,
- 1011,
- 499,
- 1009,
- 496,
- 1008,
- 492,
- 1008,
- 488,
+ 1012, 488, 1012, 491, 1013, 493, 1015, 496, 1017, 499, 1019, 501, 1022, 503,
+ 1025, 505, 1027, 506, 1030, 506, 1030, 510, 1026, 510, 1022, 509, 1019, 507,
+ 1016, 505, 1013, 502, 1011, 499, 1009, 496, 1008, 492, 1008, 488,
[1030, 506, 1059, 506, 1059, 510, 1030, 510],
@@ -43642,46 +9403,9 @@
K01840: [
[1400, 601, 1441, 601, 1441, 605, 1400, 605],
- 1441,
- 601,
- 1444,
- 601,
- 1446,
- 600,
- 1449,
- 598,
- 1452,
- 596,
- 1454,
- 594,
- 1456,
- 591,
- 1458,
- 588,
- 1459,
- 586,
- 1459,
- 583,
- 1463,
- 583,
- 1463,
- 587,
- 1462,
- 591,
- 1460,
- 594,
- 1458,
- 597,
- 1455,
- 600,
- 1452,
- 602,
- 1449,
- 604,
- 1445,
- 605,
- 1441,
- 605,
+ 1441, 601, 1444, 601, 1446, 600, 1449, 598, 1452, 596, 1454, 594, 1456, 591,
+ 1458, 588, 1459, 586, 1459, 583, 1463, 583, 1463, 587, 1462, 591, 1460, 594,
+ 1458, 597, 1455, 600, 1452, 602, 1449, 604, 1445, 605, 1441, 605,
[1459, 583, 1459, 559, 1463, 559, 1463, 583],
@@ -43695,179 +9419,31 @@
'1.13.12.-,': [
[2818, 346, 2818, 396, 2822, 396, 2822, 346],
- 2822,
- 396,
- 2822,
- 399,
- 2823,
- 401,
- 2825,
- 404,
- 2827,
- 407,
- 2829,
- 409,
- 2832,
- 411,
- 2835,
- 413,
- 2837,
- 414,
- 2840,
- 414,
- 2840,
- 418,
- 2836,
- 418,
- 2832,
- 417,
- 2829,
- 415,
- 2826,
- 413,
- 2823,
- 410,
- 2821,
- 407,
- 2819,
- 404,
- 2818,
- 400,
- 2818,
- 396,
+ 2822, 396, 2822, 399, 2823, 401, 2825, 404, 2827, 407, 2829, 409, 2832, 411,
+ 2835, 413, 2837, 414, 2840, 414, 2840, 418, 2836, 418, 2832, 417, 2829, 415,
+ 2826, 413, 2823, 410, 2821, 407, 2819, 404, 2818, 400, 2818, 396,
[2840, 414, 2895, 414, 2895, 418, 2840, 418],
[2818, 346, 2818, 371, 2822, 371, 2822, 346],
- 2822,
- 371,
- 2822,
- 374,
- 2823,
- 376,
- 2825,
- 379,
- 2827,
- 382,
- 2829,
- 384,
- 2832,
- 386,
- 2835,
- 388,
- 2837,
- 389,
- 2840,
- 389,
- 2840,
- 393,
- 2836,
- 393,
- 2832,
- 392,
- 2829,
- 390,
- 2826,
- 388,
- 2823,
- 385,
- 2821,
- 382,
- 2819,
- 379,
- 2818,
- 375,
- 2818,
- 371,
+ 2822, 371, 2822, 374, 2823, 376, 2825, 379, 2827, 382, 2829, 384, 2832, 386,
+ 2835, 388, 2837, 389, 2840, 389, 2840, 393, 2836, 393, 2832, 392, 2829, 390,
+ 2826, 388, 2823, 385, 2821, 382, 2819, 379, 2818, 375, 2818, 371,
[2840, 389, 2863, 389, 2863, 393, 2840, 393],
[2930, 389, 2970, 389, 2970, 393, 2930, 393],
- 2970,
- 389,
- 2973,
- 389,
- 2975,
- 388,
- 2978,
- 386,
- 2981,
- 384,
- 2983,
- 382,
- 2985,
- 379,
- 2987,
- 376,
- 2988,
- 374,
- 2988,
- 371,
- 2992,
- 371,
- 2992,
- 375,
- 2991,
- 379,
- 2989,
- 382,
- 2987,
- 385,
- 2984,
- 388,
- 2981,
- 390,
- 2978,
- 392,
- 2974,
- 393,
- 2970,
- 393,
+ 2970, 389, 2973, 389, 2975, 388, 2978, 386, 2981, 384, 2983, 382, 2985, 379,
+ 2987, 376, 2988, 374, 2988, 371, 2992, 371, 2992, 375, 2991, 379, 2989, 382,
+ 2987, 385, 2984, 388, 2981, 390, 2978, 392, 2974, 393, 2970, 393,
[2988, 371, 2988, 364, 2992, 364, 2992, 371],
[2862, 389, 2932, 389, 2932, 393, 2862, 393],
[2893, 414, 2911, 414, 2911, 418, 2893, 418],
- 2911,
- 414,
- 2914,
- 414,
- 2916,
- 413,
- 2919,
- 411,
- 2922,
- 409,
- 2924,
- 407,
- 2926,
- 404,
- 2928,
- 401,
- 2929,
- 399,
- 2929,
- 396,
- 2933,
- 396,
- 2933,
- 400,
- 2932,
- 404,
- 2930,
- 407,
- 2928,
- 410,
- 2925,
- 413,
- 2922,
- 415,
- 2919,
- 417,
- 2915,
- 418,
- 2911,
- 418,
+ 2911, 414, 2914, 414, 2916, 413, 2919, 411, 2922, 409, 2924, 407, 2926, 404,
+ 2928, 401, 2929, 399, 2929, 396, 2933, 396, 2933, 400, 2932, 404, 2930, 407,
+ 2928, 410, 2925, 413, 2922, 415, 2919, 417, 2915, 418, 2911, 418,
[2929, 396, 2929, 390, 2933, 390, 2933, 396],
@@ -43876,46 +9452,9 @@
[992, 559, 992, 626, 996, 626, 996, 559],
[959, 524, 974, 524, 974, 528, 959, 528],
- 974,
- 528,
- 978,
- 527,
- 982,
- 527,
- 985,
- 528,
- 988,
- 530,
- 990,
- 532,
- 992,
- 535,
- 993,
- 538,
- 993,
- 542,
- 992,
- 546,
- 996,
- 546,
- 994,
- 543,
- 993,
- 540,
- 990,
- 538,
- 988,
- 535,
- 985,
- 532,
- 982,
- 530,
- 980,
- 527,
- 977,
- 526,
- 974,
- 524,
+ 974, 528, 978, 527, 982, 527, 985, 528, 988, 530, 990, 532, 992, 535, 993, 538,
+ 993, 542, 992, 546, 996, 546, 994, 543, 993, 540, 990, 538, 988, 535, 985, 532,
+ 982, 530, 980, 527, 977, 526, 974, 524,
[992, 546, 992, 559, 996, 559, 996, 546],
@@ -43927,45 +9466,9 @@
',': [
[1730, 1574, 1673, 1574, 1673, 1578, 1730, 1578],
- 1673,
- 1574,
- 1669,
- 1574,
- 1665,
- 1575,
- 1662,
- 1577,
- 1659,
- 1579,
- 1656,
- 1582,
- 1654,
- 1585,
- 1652,
- 1588,
- 1651,
- 1592,
- 1651,
- 1596,
- 1655,
- 1596,
- 1655,
- 1593,
- 1656,
- 1591,
- 1658,
- 1588,
- 1660,
- 1585,
- 1662,
- 1583,
- 1665,
- 1581,
- 1668,
- 1579,
- 1670,
- 1578,
- 1673,
+ 1673, 1574, 1669, 1574, 1665, 1575, 1662, 1577, 1659, 1579, 1656, 1582, 1654,
+ 1585, 1652, 1588, 1651, 1592, 1651, 1596, 1655, 1596, 1655, 1593, 1656, 1591,
+ 1658, 1588, 1660, 1585, 1662, 1583, 1665, 1581, 1668, 1579, 1670, 1578, 1673,
[1651, 1596, 1651, 1616, 1655, 1616, 1655, 1596],
@@ -43984,46 +9487,9 @@
K01810: [
[1676, 524, 1719, 524, 1719, 528, 1676, 528],
- 1719,
- 524,
- 1722,
- 524,
- 1724,
- 523,
- 1727,
- 521,
- 1730,
- 519,
- 1732,
- 517,
- 1734,
- 514,
- 1736,
- 511,
- 1737,
- 509,
- 1737,
- 506,
- 1741,
- 506,
- 1741,
- 510,
- 1740,
- 514,
- 1738,
- 517,
- 1736,
- 520,
- 1733,
- 523,
- 1730,
- 525,
- 1727,
- 527,
- 1723,
- 528,
- 1719,
- 528,
+ 1719, 524, 1722, 524, 1724, 523, 1727, 521, 1730, 519, 1732, 517, 1734, 514,
+ 1736, 511, 1737, 509, 1737, 506, 1741, 506, 1741, 510, 1740, 514, 1738, 517,
+ 1736, 520, 1733, 523, 1730, 525, 1727, 527, 1723, 528, 1719, 528,
[1737, 506, 1737, 438, 1741, 438, 1741, 506],
[1675, 527, 1675, 438, 1679, 438, 1679, 527],
@@ -44032,46 +9498,9 @@
K12921: [
[310, 1552, 234, 1552, 234, 1556, 310, 1556],
- 234,
- 1552,
- 230,
- 1552,
- 226,
- 1553,
- 223,
- 1555,
- 220,
- 1557,
- 217,
- 1560,
- 215,
- 1563,
- 213,
- 1566,
- 212,
- 1570,
- 212,
- 1574,
- 216,
- 1574,
- 216,
- 1571,
- 217,
- 1569,
- 219,
- 1566,
- 221,
- 1563,
- 223,
- 1561,
- 226,
- 1559,
- 229,
- 1557,
- 231,
- 1556,
- 234,
- 1556,
+ 234, 1552, 230, 1552, 226, 1553, 223, 1555, 220, 1557, 217, 1560, 215, 1563,
+ 213, 1566, 212, 1570, 212, 1574, 216, 1574, 216, 1571, 217, 1569, 219, 1566,
+ 221, 1563, 223, 1561, 226, 1559, 229, 1557, 231, 1556, 234, 1556,
[212, 1574, 212, 1604, 216, 1604, 216, 1574],
@@ -44088,305 +9517,53 @@
K01647: [
[1718, 1329, 1718, 1431, 1722, 1431, 1722, 1329],
- 1722,
- 1431,
- 1722,
- 1432,
- 1722,
- 1434,
- 1723,
- 1435,
- 1723,
- 1437,
- 1723,
- 1439,
- 1724,
- 1441,
- 1724,
- 1443,
- 1723,
- 1445,
- 1723,
- 1447,
- 1727,
- 1447,
- 1725,
- 1446,
- 1723,
- 1445,
- 1722,
- 1444,
- 1721,
- 1442,
- 1720,
- 1440,
- 1719,
- 1438,
- 1718,
- 1436,
- 1718,
- 1433,
- 1718,
+ 1722, 1431, 1722, 1432, 1722, 1434, 1723, 1435, 1723, 1437, 1723, 1439, 1724,
+ 1441, 1724, 1443, 1723, 1445, 1723, 1447, 1727, 1447, 1725, 1446, 1723, 1445,
+ 1722, 1444, 1721, 1442, 1720, 1440, 1719, 1438, 1718, 1436, 1718, 1433, 1718,
[1723, 1447, 1726, 1452, 1730, 1452, 1727, 1447],
- 1730,
- 1452,
- 1731,
- 1452,
- 1732,
- 1453,
- 1733,
- 1454,
- 1735,
- 1455,
- 1736,
- 1456,
- 1738,
- 1457,
- 1740,
- 1458,
- 1741,
- 1459,
- 1742,
- 1460,
- 1742,
- 1464,
- 1740,
- 1463,
- 1737,
- 1462,
- 1735,
- 1461,
- 1733,
- 1460,
- 1731,
- 1458,
- 1729,
- 1457,
- 1728,
- 1455,
- 1727,
- 1454,
- 1726,
+ 1730, 1452, 1731, 1452, 1732, 1453, 1733, 1454, 1735, 1455, 1736, 1456, 1738,
+ 1457, 1740, 1458, 1741, 1459, 1742, 1460, 1742, 1464, 1740, 1463, 1737, 1462,
+ 1735, 1461, 1733, 1460, 1731, 1458, 1729, 1457, 1728, 1455, 1727, 1454, 1726,
[1742, 1460, 1747, 1461, 1747, 1465, 1742, 1464],
- 1747,
- 1465,
- 1749,
- 1464,
- 1751,
- 1464,
- 1754,
- 1464,
- 1756,
- 1464,
- 1758,
- 1465,
- 1760,
- 1465,
- 1762,
- 1465,
- 1763,
- 1466,
- 1764,
- 1466,
- 1764,
- 1470,
- 1762,
- 1470,
- 1760,
- 1469,
- 1757,
- 1469,
- 1755,
- 1468,
- 1753,
- 1467,
- 1751,
- 1466,
- 1749,
- 1464,
- 1748,
- 1463,
- 1747,
+ 1747, 1465, 1749, 1464, 1751, 1464, 1754, 1464, 1756, 1464, 1758, 1465, 1760,
+ 1465, 1762, 1465, 1763, 1466, 1764, 1466, 1764, 1470, 1762, 1470, 1760, 1469,
+ 1757, 1469, 1755, 1468, 1753, 1467, 1751, 1466, 1749, 1464, 1748, 1463, 1747,
[1764, 1466, 1785, 1471, 1785, 1475, 1764, 1470],
[1639, 1476, 1639, 1475, 1643, 1475, 1643, 1476],
- 1639,
- 1475,
- 1652,
- 1470,
- 1667,
- 1466,
- 1683,
- 1463,
- 1701,
- 1461,
- 1719,
- 1461,
- 1736,
- 1462,
- 1753,
- 1464,
- 1769,
- 1468,
- 1783,
- 1473,
- 1787,
- 1473,
- 1773,
- 1469,
- 1757,
- 1466,
- 1740,
- 1465,
- 1723,
- 1464,
- 1705,
- 1464,
- 1687,
- 1465,
- 1671,
- 1468,
- 1656,
- 1471,
- 1643,
+ 1639, 1475, 1652, 1470, 1667, 1466, 1683, 1463, 1701, 1461, 1719, 1461, 1736,
+ 1462, 1753, 1464, 1769, 1468, 1783, 1473, 1787, 1473, 1773, 1469, 1757, 1466,
+ 1740, 1465, 1723, 1464, 1705, 1464, 1687, 1465, 1671, 1468, 1656, 1471, 1643,
[1783, 1473, 1783, 1474, 1787, 1474, 1787, 1473],
[1718, 1329, 1718, 1431, 1722, 1431, 1722, 1329],
- 1722,
- 1431,
- 1722,
- 1432,
- 1722,
- 1434,
- 1723,
- 1435,
- 1723,
- 1437,
- 1723,
- 1439,
- 1724,
- 1441,
- 1724,
- 1443,
- 1723,
- 1445,
- 1723,
- 1447,
- 1727,
- 1447,
- 1725,
- 1446,
- 1723,
- 1445,
- 1722,
- 1444,
- 1721,
- 1442,
- 1720,
- 1440,
- 1719,
- 1438,
- 1718,
- 1436,
- 1718,
- 1433,
- 1718,
+ 1722, 1431, 1722, 1432, 1722, 1434, 1723, 1435, 1723, 1437, 1723, 1439, 1724,
+ 1441, 1724, 1443, 1723, 1445, 1723, 1447, 1727, 1447, 1725, 1446, 1723, 1445,
+ 1722, 1444, 1721, 1442, 1720, 1440, 1719, 1438, 1718, 1436, 1718, 1433, 1718,
[1723, 1447, 1726, 1452, 1730, 1452, 1727, 1447],
- 1730,
- 1452,
- 1731,
- 1452,
- 1732,
- 1453,
- 1733,
- 1454,
- 1735,
- 1455,
- 1736,
- 1456,
- 1738,
- 1457,
- 1740,
- 1458,
- 1741,
- 1459,
- 1742,
- 1460,
- 1742,
- 1464,
- 1740,
- 1463,
- 1737,
- 1462,
- 1735,
- 1461,
- 1733,
- 1460,
- 1731,
- 1458,
- 1729,
- 1457,
- 1728,
- 1455,
- 1727,
- 1454,
- 1726,
+ 1730, 1452, 1731, 1452, 1732, 1453, 1733, 1454, 1735, 1455, 1736, 1456, 1738,
+ 1457, 1740, 1458, 1741, 1459, 1742, 1460, 1742, 1464, 1740, 1463, 1737, 1462,
+ 1735, 1461, 1733, 1460, 1731, 1458, 1729, 1457, 1728, 1455, 1727, 1454, 1726,
[1742, 1460, 1747, 1461, 1747, 1465, 1742, 1464],
- 1747,
- 1465,
- 1749,
- 1464,
- 1751,
- 1464,
- 1754,
- 1464,
- 1756,
- 1464,
- 1758,
- 1465,
- 1760,
- 1465,
- 1762,
- 1465,
- 1763,
- 1466,
- 1764,
- 1466,
- 1764,
- 1470,
- 1762,
- 1470,
- 1760,
- 1469,
- 1757,
- 1469,
- 1755,
- 1468,
- 1753,
- 1467,
- 1751,
- 1466,
- 1749,
- 1464,
- 1748,
- 1463,
- 1747,
+ 1747, 1465, 1749, 1464, 1751, 1464, 1754, 1464, 1756, 1464, 1758, 1465, 1760,
+ 1465, 1762, 1465, 1763, 1466, 1764, 1466, 1764, 1470, 1762, 1470, 1760, 1469,
+ 1757, 1469, 1755, 1468, 1753, 1467, 1751, 1466, 1749, 1464, 1748, 1463, 1747,
[1764, 1466, 1785, 1471, 1785, 1475, 1764, 1470],
@@ -44400,45 +9577,9 @@
K01914: [
[2159, 1549, 2050, 1549, 2050, 1553, 2159, 1553],
- 2050,
- 1553,
- 2047,
- 1551,
- 2044,
- 1550,
- 2042,
- 1547,
- 2039,
- 1545,
- 2036,
- 1542,
- 2034,
- 1539,
- 2031,
- 1537,
- 2030,
- 1534,
- 2028,
- 1531,
- 2032,
- 1531,
- 2031,
- 1535,
- 2031,
- 1539,
- 2032,
- 1542,
- 2034,
- 1545,
- 2036,
- 1547,
- 2039,
- 1549,
- 2042,
- 1550,
- 2046,
- 1550,
- 2050,
+ 2050, 1553, 2047, 1551, 2044, 1550, 2042, 1547, 2039, 1545, 2036, 1542, 2034,
+ 1539, 2031, 1537, 2030, 1534, 2028, 1531, 2032, 1531, 2031, 1535, 2031, 1539,
+ 2032, 1542, 2034, 1545, 2036, 1547, 2039, 1549, 2042, 1550, 2046, 1550, 2050,
[2028, 1531, 2028, 1508, 2032, 1508, 2032, 1531],
@@ -44452,46 +9593,9 @@
K10532: [
[1172, 261, 1172, 270, 1176, 270, 1176, 261],
- 1172,
- 270,
- 1172,
- 273,
- 1171,
- 275,
- 1169,
- 278,
- 1167,
- 281,
- 1165,
- 283,
- 1162,
- 285,
- 1159,
- 287,
- 1157,
- 288,
- 1154,
- 288,
- 1154,
- 292,
- 1158,
- 292,
- 1162,
- 291,
- 1165,
- 289,
- 1168,
- 287,
- 1171,
- 284,
- 1173,
- 281,
- 1175,
- 278,
- 1176,
- 274,
- 1176,
- 270,
+ 1172, 270, 1172, 273, 1171, 275, 1169, 278, 1167, 281, 1165, 283, 1162, 285,
+ 1159, 287, 1157, 288, 1154, 288, 1154, 292, 1158, 292, 1162, 291, 1165, 289,
+ 1168, 287, 1171, 284, 1173, 281, 1175, 278, 1176, 274, 1176, 270,
[1154, 288, 1133, 288, 1133, 292, 1154, 292],
@@ -44502,45 +9606,9 @@
',': [
[1730, 1535, 1667, 1535, 1667, 1539, 1730, 1539],
- 1667,
- 1535,
- 1664,
- 1535,
- 1661,
- 1536,
- 1659,
- 1537,
- 1657,
- 1539,
- 1655,
- 1541,
- 1653,
- 1543,
- 1652,
- 1545,
- 1651,
- 1548,
- 1651,
- 1551,
- 1655,
- 1551,
- 1655,
- 1549,
- 1656,
- 1547,
- 1657,
- 1546,
- 1658,
- 1544,
- 1660,
- 1542,
- 1662,
- 1541,
- 1663,
- 1540,
- 1665,
- 1539,
- 1667,
+ 1667, 1535, 1664, 1535, 1661, 1536, 1659, 1537, 1657, 1539, 1655, 1541, 1653,
+ 1543, 1652, 1545, 1651, 1548, 1651, 1551, 1655, 1551, 1655, 1549, 1656, 1547,
+ 1657, 1546, 1658, 1544, 1660, 1542, 1662, 1541, 1663, 1540, 1665, 1539, 1667,
[1651, 1551, 1651, 1555, 1655, 1555, 1655, 1551],
@@ -44551,354 +9619,63 @@
[2261, 1251, 2314, 1251, 2314, 1255, 2261, 1255],
[2371, 989, 2371, 709, 2375, 709, 2375, 989],
- 2371,
- 709,
- 2371,
- 705,
- 2372,
- 701,
- 2374,
- 698,
- 2376,
- 695,
- 2379,
- 692,
- 2382,
- 690,
- 2385,
- 688,
- 2389,
- 687,
- 2393,
- 687,
- 2393,
- 691,
- 2390,
- 691,
- 2388,
- 692,
- 2385,
- 694,
- 2382,
- 696,
- 2380,
- 698,
- 2378,
- 701,
- 2376,
- 704,
- 2375,
- 706,
- 2375,
- 709,
+ 2371, 709, 2371, 705, 2372, 701, 2374, 698, 2376, 695, 2379, 692, 2382, 690,
+ 2385, 688, 2389, 687, 2393, 687, 2393, 691, 2390, 691, 2388, 692, 2385, 694,
+ 2382, 696, 2380, 698, 2378, 701, 2376, 704, 2375, 706, 2375, 709,
[2393, 687, 2630, 687, 2630, 691, 2393, 691],
- 2630,
- 691,
- 2634,
- 690,
- 2638,
- 690,
- 2641,
- 691,
- 2644,
- 692,
- 2646,
- 694,
- 2648,
- 697,
- 2649,
- 700,
- 2649,
- 703,
- 2648,
- 706,
- 2652,
- 706,
- 2650,
- 704,
- 2649,
- 702,
- 2646,
- 699,
- 2644,
- 697,
- 2641,
- 695,
- 2638,
- 692,
- 2636,
- 690,
- 2633,
- 689,
- 2630,
- 687,
+ 2630, 691, 2634, 690, 2638, 690, 2641, 691, 2644, 692, 2646, 694, 2648, 697,
+ 2649, 700, 2649, 703, 2648, 706, 2652, 706, 2650, 704, 2649, 702, 2646, 699,
+ 2644, 697, 2641, 695, 2638, 692, 2636, 690, 2633, 689, 2630, 687,
[2648, 706, 2648, 706, 2652, 706, 2652, 706],
K10760: [
[527, 1382, 515, 1382, 515, 1386, 527, 1386],
- 515,
- 1382,
- 511,
- 1382,
- 507,
- 1383,
- 504,
- 1385,
- 501,
- 1387,
- 498,
- 1390,
- 496,
- 1393,
- 494,
- 1396,
- 493,
- 1400,
- 493,
- 1404,
- 497,
- 1404,
- 497,
- 1401,
- 498,
- 1399,
- 500,
- 1396,
- 502,
- 1393,
- 504,
- 1391,
- 507,
- 1389,
- 510,
- 1387,
- 512,
- 1386,
- 515,
- 1386,
+ 515, 1382, 511, 1382, 507, 1383, 504, 1385, 501, 1387, 498, 1390, 496, 1393,
+ 494, 1396, 493, 1400, 493, 1404, 497, 1404, 497, 1401, 498, 1399, 500, 1396,
+ 502, 1393, 504, 1391, 507, 1389, 510, 1387, 512, 1386, 515, 1386,
[493, 1404, 493, 1425, 497, 1425, 497, 1404],
K00028: [
[1294, 1778, 1292, 1778, 1292, 1782, 1294, 1782],
- 1292,
- 1782,
- 1290,
- 1781,
- 1288,
- 1779,
- 1286,
- 1777,
- 1283,
- 1775,
- 1281,
- 1773,
- 1279,
- 1770,
- 1277,
- 1768,
- 1275,
- 1766,
- 1274,
- 1764,
- 1278,
- 1764,
- 1277,
- 1767,
- 1277,
- 1770,
- 1278,
- 1773,
- 1279,
- 1775,
- 1281,
- 1777,
- 1283,
- 1778,
- 1286,
- 1779,
- 1289,
- 1779,
- 1292,
+ 1292, 1782, 1290, 1781, 1288, 1779, 1286, 1777, 1283, 1775, 1281, 1773, 1279,
+ 1770, 1277, 1768, 1275, 1766, 1274, 1764, 1278, 1764, 1277, 1767, 1277, 1770,
+ 1278, 1773, 1279, 1775, 1281, 1777, 1283, 1778, 1286, 1779, 1289, 1779, 1292,
[1274, 1764, 1274, 1703, 1278, 1703, 1278, 1764],
- 1274,
- 1703,
- 1274,
- 1700,
- 1275,
- 1697,
- 1276,
- 1694,
- 1278,
- 1691,
- 1280,
- 1689,
- 1283,
- 1687,
- 1286,
- 1686,
- 1289,
- 1685,
- 1292,
- 1685,
- 1292,
- 1689,
- 1290,
- 1689,
- 1288,
- 1690,
- 1286,
- 1691,
- 1284,
- 1693,
- 1282,
- 1695,
- 1280,
- 1697,
- 1279,
- 1699,
- 1278,
- 1701,
- 1278,
+ 1274, 1703, 1274, 1700, 1275, 1697, 1276, 1694, 1278, 1691, 1280, 1689, 1283,
+ 1687, 1286, 1686, 1289, 1685, 1292, 1685, 1292, 1689, 1290, 1689, 1288, 1690,
+ 1286, 1691, 1284, 1693, 1282, 1695, 1280, 1697, 1279, 1699, 1278, 1701, 1278,
[1292, 1685, 1341, 1686, 1341, 1690, 1292, 1689],
[1249, 1755, 1249, 1760, 1253, 1760, 1253, 1755],
- 1253,
- 1760,
- 1253,
- 1763,
- 1254,
- 1765,
- 1256,
- 1768,
- 1258,
- 1771,
- 1260,
- 1773,
- 1263,
- 1775,
- 1266,
- 1777,
- 1268,
- 1778,
- 1271,
- 1778,
- 1271,
- 1782,
- 1267,
- 1782,
- 1263,
- 1781,
- 1260,
- 1779,
- 1257,
- 1777,
- 1254,
- 1774,
- 1252,
- 1771,
- 1250,
- 1768,
- 1249,
- 1764,
- 1249,
+ 1253, 1760, 1253, 1763, 1254, 1765, 1256, 1768, 1258, 1771, 1260, 1773, 1263,
+ 1775, 1266, 1777, 1268, 1778, 1271, 1778, 1271, 1782, 1267, 1782, 1263, 1781,
+ 1260, 1779, 1257, 1777, 1254, 1774, 1252, 1771, 1250, 1768, 1249, 1764, 1249,
[1271, 1778, 1295, 1778, 1295, 1782, 1271, 1782],
[1294, 1778, 1292, 1778, 1292, 1782, 1294, 1782],
- 1292,
- 1782,
- 1290,
- 1781,
- 1288,
- 1779,
- 1286,
- 1777,
- 1283,
- 1775,
- 1281,
- 1773,
- 1279,
- 1770,
- 1277,
- 1768,
- 1275,
- 1766,
- 1274,
- 1764,
- 1278,
- 1764,
- 1277,
- 1767,
- 1277,
- 1770,
- 1278,
- 1773,
- 1279,
- 1775,
- 1281,
- 1777,
- 1283,
- 1778,
- 1286,
- 1779,
- 1289,
- 1779,
- 1292,
+ 1292, 1782, 1290, 1781, 1288, 1779, 1286, 1777, 1283, 1775, 1281, 1773, 1279,
+ 1770, 1277, 1768, 1275, 1766, 1274, 1764, 1278, 1764, 1277, 1767, 1277, 1770,
+ 1278, 1773, 1279, 1775, 1281, 1777, 1283, 1778, 1286, 1779, 1289, 1779, 1292,
[1274, 1764, 1274, 1703, 1278, 1703, 1278, 1764],
- 1274,
- 1703,
- 1274,
- 1700,
- 1275,
- 1697,
- 1276,
- 1694,
- 1278,
- 1691,
- 1280,
- 1689,
- 1283,
- 1687,
- 1286,
- 1686,
- 1289,
- 1685,
- 1292,
- 1685,
- 1292,
- 1689,
- 1290,
- 1689,
- 1288,
- 1690,
- 1286,
- 1691,
- 1284,
- 1693,
- 1282,
- 1695,
- 1280,
- 1697,
- 1279,
- 1699,
- 1278,
- 1701,
- 1278,
+ 1274, 1703, 1274, 1700, 1275, 1697, 1276, 1694, 1278, 1691, 1280, 1689, 1283,
+ 1687, 1286, 1686, 1289, 1685, 1292, 1685, 1292, 1689, 1290, 1689, 1288, 1690,
+ 1286, 1691, 1284, 1693, 1282, 1695, 1280, 1697, 1279, 1699, 1278, 1701, 1278,
[1292, 1685, 1341, 1686, 1341, 1690, 1292, 1689],
@@ -44911,46 +9688,9 @@
[2560, 816, 2620, 816, 2620, 820, 2560, 820],
[2666, 817, 2666, 874, 2670, 874, 2670, 817],
- 2666,
- 874,
- 2666,
- 876,
- 2665,
- 878,
- 2664,
- 880,
- 2662,
- 882,
- 2660,
- 884,
- 2658,
- 886,
- 2656,
- 887,
- 2654,
- 888,
- 2652,
- 888,
- 2652,
- 892,
- 2655,
- 892,
- 2658,
- 891,
- 2661,
- 890,
- 2664,
- 888,
- 2666,
- 886,
- 2668,
- 883,
- 2669,
- 880,
- 2670,
- 877,
- 2670,
- 874,
+ 2666, 874, 2666, 876, 2665, 878, 2664, 880, 2662, 882, 2660, 884, 2658, 886,
+ 2656, 887, 2654, 888, 2652, 888, 2652, 892, 2655, 892, 2658, 891, 2661, 890,
+ 2664, 888, 2666, 886, 2668, 883, 2669, 880, 2670, 877, 2670, 874,
[2652, 888, 2619, 888, 2619, 892, 2652, 892],
[2590, 1828, 2590, 2034, 2594, 2034, 2594, 1828],
@@ -44958,90 +9698,18 @@
R02861: [
[3329, 1659, 3329, 1679, 3333, 1679, 3333, 1659],
- 3329,
- 1679,
- 3329,
- 1682,
- 3328,
- 1684,
- 3326,
- 1687,
- 3324,
- 1690,
- 3322,
- 1692,
- 3319,
- 1694,
- 3316,
- 1696,
- 3314,
- 1697,
- 3311,
- 1697,
- 3311,
- 1701,
- 3315,
- 1701,
- 3319,
- 1700,
- 3322,
- 1698,
- 3325,
- 1696,
- 3328,
- 1693,
- 3330,
- 1690,
- 3332,
- 1687,
- 3333,
- 1683,
- 3333,
+ 3329, 1679, 3329, 1682, 3328, 1684, 3326, 1687, 3324, 1690, 3322, 1692, 3319,
+ 1694, 3316, 1696, 3314, 1697, 3311, 1697, 3311, 1701, 3315, 1701, 3319, 1700,
+ 3322, 1698, 3325, 1696, 3328, 1693, 3330, 1690, 3332, 1687, 3333, 1683, 3333,
[3311, 1697, 3277, 1697, 3277, 1701, 3311, 1701],
[3329, 1797, 3329, 1655, 3333, 1655, 3333, 1797],
[3329, 1659, 3329, 1679, 3333, 1679, 3333, 1659],
- 3329,
- 1679,
- 3329,
- 1682,
- 3328,
- 1684,
- 3326,
- 1687,
- 3324,
- 1690,
- 3322,
- 1692,
- 3319,
- 1694,
- 3316,
- 1696,
- 3314,
- 1697,
- 3311,
- 1697,
- 3311,
- 1701,
- 3315,
- 1701,
- 3319,
- 1700,
- 3322,
- 1698,
- 3325,
- 1696,
- 3328,
- 1693,
- 3330,
- 1690,
- 3332,
- 1687,
- 3333,
- 1683,
- 3333,
+ 3329, 1679, 3329, 1682, 3328, 1684, 3326, 1687, 3324, 1690, 3322, 1692, 3319,
+ 1694, 3316, 1696, 3314, 1697, 3311, 1697, 3311, 1701, 3315, 1701, 3319, 1700,
+ 3322, 1698, 3325, 1696, 3328, 1693, 3330, 1690, 3332, 1687, 3333, 1683, 3333,
[3311, 1697, 3277, 1697, 3277, 1701, 3311, 1701],
@@ -45057,46 +9725,9 @@
[205, 294, 255, 294, 255, 298, 205, 298],
[388, 262, 318, 262, 318, 266, 388, 266],
- 318,
- 262,
- 315,
- 262,
- 312,
- 263,
- 309,
- 264,
- 306,
- 266,
- 304,
- 268,
- 302,
- 271,
- 301,
- 274,
- 300,
- 277,
- 300,
- 280,
- 304,
- 280,
- 304,
- 278,
- 305,
- 276,
- 306,
- 274,
- 308,
- 272,
- 310,
- 270,
- 312,
- 268,
- 314,
- 267,
- 316,
- 266,
- 318,
- 266,
+ 318, 262, 315, 262, 312, 263, 309, 264, 306, 266, 304, 268, 302, 271, 301, 274,
+ 300, 277, 300, 280, 304, 280, 304, 278, 305, 276, 306, 274, 308, 272, 310, 270,
+ 312, 268, 314, 267, 316, 266, 318, 266,
[300, 280, 300, 297, 304, 297, 304, 280],
@@ -45108,45 +9739,9 @@
R04919: [
[1841, 1390, 1878, 1390, 1878, 1394, 1841, 1394],
- 1878,
- 1394,
- 1882,
- 1393,
- 1886,
- 1393,
- 1889,
- 1394,
- 1892,
- 1396,
- 1894,
- 1398,
- 1896,
- 1401,
- 1897,
- 1404,
- 1897,
- 1408,
- 1896,
- 1412,
- 1900,
- 1412,
- 1898,
- 1409,
- 1897,
- 1406,
- 1894,
- 1404,
- 1892,
- 1401,
- 1889,
- 1398,
- 1886,
- 1396,
- 1884,
- 1393,
- 1881,
- 1392,
- 1878,
+ 1878, 1394, 1882, 1393, 1886, 1393, 1889, 1394, 1892, 1396, 1894, 1398, 1896,
+ 1401, 1897, 1404, 1897, 1408, 1896, 1412, 1900, 1412, 1898, 1409, 1897, 1406,
+ 1894, 1404, 1892, 1401, 1889, 1398, 1886, 1396, 1884, 1393, 1881, 1392, 1878,
[1896, 1412, 1896, 1425, 1900, 1425, 1900, 1412],
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseReportView.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseReportView.js
index 1cc0d106a8..8149e08a88 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseReportView.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/kbaseReportView.js
@@ -4,95 +4,99 @@
- 'bootstrap',
- 'base/js/namespace',
+ 'bluebird',
- 'kbaseAuthenticatedWidget',
+ 'uuid',
+ 'common/html',
+ 'common/runtime',
- 'kb_common/html',
- 'kb_sdk_clients/genericClient',
+ 'kb_common/jsonRpc/dynamicServiceClient',
- 'kb_service/utils',
- 'jquery-dataTables',
+ 'common/cellComponents/tabs/results/outputWidget',
], (
- bootstrap,
- Jupyter,
+ Promise,
- kbaseAuthenticatedWidget,
- StringUtil,
- GenericClient,
+ Runtime,
+ StringUtil,
+ DynamicServiceClient,
- ServiceUtils,
- Events
+ Events,
+ OutputWidget
) => {
'use strict';
return KBWidget({
name: 'kbaseReportView',
- parent: kbaseAuthenticatedWidget,
version: '1.0.0',
options: {
workspace_name: null,
report_name: null,
- report_window_line_height: 10,
showReportText: true,
showCreatedObjects: false,
showFiles: true,
showHTML: true,
- inNarrative: true, // todo: toggles whether data links show in narrative or new page
- wsURL: Config.url('workspace'),
+ report_ref: null,
+ autoRender: true,
// workspace client
ws: null,
+ reportData: null,
+ baseCssClass: 'kb-report-view',
+ loadRenderPromise: null, // make available for testing / control purposes
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {Object} options - options for running the report widget, including:
+ * workspace_name {string} name of the workspace to reference
+ * report_name {string} name of the report object in the given workspace
+ * report_ref {string} a report object reference of the format x/y/z. If present, overrides
+ * the workspace_name and report_name options
+ * showReportText {boolean} (default true) true if the report text should be shown
+ * showCreatedObjects {boolean} (default false) if true, show the created objects section
+ * showFiles {boolean} (default true) if true, show the list of files in the report
+ * showHTML {boolean} (default true) if true, show raw HTML from the report, if it exists
+ *
+ * @returns the instantiated widget
+ */
init: function (options) {
+ this.runtime = Runtime.make();
// Create a message pane
this.$messagePane = $('
').addClass('kbwidget-message-pane kbwidget-hide-message');
- this.$mainPanel = $('').addClass('report-widget');
+ this.$mainPanel = $('
').addClass(this.baseCssClass + '__container');
- return this;
- },
- loggedInCallback: function (event, auth) {
- // Build a client
- this.ws = new Workspace(this.options.wsURL, auth);
- // Let's go...
- this.loadAndRender();
- return this;
- },
- loggedOutCallback: function (event, auth) {
- this.isLoggedIn = false;
+ this.ws = new Workspace(Config.url('workspace'), { token: this.runtime.authToken() });
+ if (this.options.autoRender) {
+ return this.loadAndRender();
+ }
return this;
- reportData: null,
- // this is an ugly hack. It'd be prettier to hand in just the shock node ID, but I don't have one of those yet.
- // Also, this is embedding the token into the html and the URL, both of which are potentially security concerns.
- // TODO: update to put the auth token into the url... should be working in CI already.
- importExportLink: function (shock_url, name) {
- const m = shock_url.match(/\/node\/(.+)$/);
+ /**
+ * This builds a link to the data_import_export service for downloading some file from
+ * a shock node. This gets used for downloading files referenced from the report object.
+ * If the given url is not really a shock node, this returns null.
+ * @param {string} shockUrl - the URL to the shock node containing some file to fetch
+ * @param {string} name - the name of the file to download
+ */
+ importExportLink: function (shockUrl, name) {
+ const m = shockUrl.match(/\/node\/(.+)$/);
if (m) {
- const shock_id = m[1];
const query = {
- id: shock_id,
+ id: m[1],
wszip: 0,
name: name,
@@ -101,37 +105,49 @@ define([
return [key, query[key]].map(encodeURIComponent).join('=');
- const url = Config.get('urls').data_import_export + '/download?' + queryString;
- return url;
+ return Config.url('data_import_export') + '/download?' + queryString;
+ return null;
+ /**
+ * Loads report information and renders the widget. This returns a Promise that
+ * resolves when complete.
+ */
loadAndRender: function () {
- const self = this;
- self.loading(true);
+ this.loading(true);
- self.objIdentity = self.buildObjectIdentity(
+ this.objIdentity = this.buildObjectIdentity(
- self.ws
- .get_objects([self.objIdentity])
+ this.loadRenderPromise = this.ws
+ .get_objects2({ objects: [this.objIdentity] })
.then((result) => {
- self.reportData = result[0].data;
- return self.getLinks(self.reportData);
+ this.reportData = result.data[0].data;
+ return Promise.all([
+ this.getLinks(this.reportData),
+ this.getCreatedObjectInfo(this.reportData),
+ ]);
- .then((links) => {
- self.reportLinks = links;
- return self.render();
+ .spread((links, createdObjects) => {
+ this.reportLinks = links;
+ this.createdObjects = createdObjects;
+ return this.render();
.catch((err) => {
- self.clientError(err);
+ this.showClientError(err);
+ return this.loadRenderPromise;
+ /**
+ * Wraps an HTML document in HTML tags, to be embedded in an iframe for the report view.
+ * @param {string} content
+ */
wrapHtmlDoc: function (content) {
if (/': '>',
- '"': '"',
- "'": ''',
- '/': '/',
- '`': '`',
- '=': '=',
- };
- return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, (s) => {
- return entityMap[s];
- });
- },
+ /**
+ * Returns a Promise that resolves into a list of links to the hosted report. This needs
+ * to talk to the Service Wizard to get the HTMLFileSetServ URL.
+ * @param {object} report
+ */
getLinks: function (report) {
// NOTE: this returns a promise -- we must look up the html file set service url first.
- const _this = this;
- const client = new GenericClient({
- url: Config.url('service_wizard'),
- token: this.authToken(),
+ const serviceWizard = new DynamicServiceClient({
module: 'HTMLFileSetServ',
+ url: Config.url('service_wizard'),
+ token: this.runtime.authToken(),
- return client.lookupModule().spread((serviceStatus) => {
- const htmlServiceURL = serviceStatus.url;
- if (report.html_links && report.html_links.length) {
- return report.html_links.map((item, index) => {
- return {
- name: item.name,
- // If label is not provided, name must be.
- label: _this.escapeHtml(item.label || item.name),
- url: [
- htmlServiceURL,
- 'api',
- 'v1',
- _this.objIdentity.ref,
- '$',
- index,
- item.name,
- ].join('/'),
- description: item.description,
- };
- });
- } else {
- return [];
- }
+ if (!report.html_links || !report.html_links.length) {
+ return Promise.resolve([]);
+ }
+ return serviceWizard.lookupModule().spread((info) => {
+ return report.html_links.map((item, index) => {
+ return {
+ name: item.name,
+ label: StringUtil.escape(item.label || item.name),
+ description: item.description,
+ url: [
+ info.url,
+ 'api',
+ 'v1',
+ this.objIdentity.ref,
+ '$',
+ index,
+ item.name,
+ ].join('/'),
+ };
+ });
- makeIframeSrcUrl: function (arg) {
- const t = html.tag,
- iframe = t('iframe');
- const iframeId = 'frame_' + html.genId();
- const width = arg.width || '100%',
- // maxHeight = arg.maxHeight || 'auto',
- iframeHtml = iframe({
- style: {
- display: 'block',
- width: width,
- height: arg.height,
- // maxHeight: maxHeight,
- margin: 0,
- padding: 0,
- },
- dataFrame: iframeId,
- frameborder: '0',
- scrolling: 'yes',
- id: iframeId,
- src: arg.src,
+ /**
+ * Returns a Promise that resolves into an array of created objects, or an
+ * empty array if there are none. Also, if the showCreatedObjects option isn't set,
+ * this just returns a Promise that resolves into an empty array and doesn't call out
+ * to the Workspace service.
+ * @param {object} report
+ */
+ getCreatedObjectInfo: function (report) {
+ if (
+ !this.options.showCreatedObjects || // if we're not showing it, just return an empty array
+ !report.objects_created ||
+ !report.objects_created.length
+ ) {
+ return Promise.resolve([]);
+ }
+ const lookupInfos = report.objects_created.map((obj) => {
+ return { ref: obj.ref };
+ });
+ // will be in the same order as the report.objects_created array
+ // we're just gonna update that as we go.
+ return this.ws.get_object_info_new({ objects: lookupInfos }).then((infos) => {
+ const objectInfos = infos.map((info, idx) => {
+ return Object.assign(report.objects_created[idx], {
+ name: info[1],
+ simpleType: info[2].split('-')[0].split('.')[1],
+ type: info[2],
+ wsInfo: info,
+ });
- return {
- id: iframeId,
- content: iframeHtml,
- };
+ return objectInfos;
+ });
setupHostComm: function (iframe, container) {
- const _this = this;
name: 'ready',
@@ -402,7 +379,6 @@ define([
// be a feature of the message bus itself.
// E.g. each one has an id (uuid), and messages must
// carry address.to and address.from
- // console.error('Unexpected "ready"', message, message.iframeId, iframe.id);
@@ -422,9 +398,9 @@ define([
name: 'rendered',
- handler: function (message) {
+ handler: (message) => {
const height = message.height,
- iframeNode = _this.$mainPanel[0].querySelector(
+ iframeNode = this.$mainPanel[0].querySelector(
'[data-frame="' + iframe.id + '"]'
@@ -448,206 +424,158 @@ define([
+ /**
+ * Warnings is an array of strings, with potential warnings about the report. These get
+ * rendered as a set of divs and returned.
+ * @param {Array} warnings
+ * @returns {string} warnings panel html
+ */
+ buildReportWarnings: function (warnings) {
+ const div = html.tag('div'),
+ span = html.tag('span'),
+ warningClass = this.baseCssClass + '__warning';
+ let warningCount = '';
+ if (warnings.length >= 5) {
+ warningCount = div(
+ { class: warningClass + '__count' },
+ `[${warnings.length} warnings]`
+ );
+ }
+ const warningPanel = div(
+ {
+ class: warningClass + '__container',
+ },
+ [
+ warningCount,
+ ...warnings.map((warning) => {
+ return div(
+ {
+ class: warningClass + '__text',
+ },
+ [span({ class: 'label label-warning' }, warning)]
+ );
+ }),
+ ]
+ );
+ return warningPanel;
+ },
+ /**
+ * This builds some HTML that resolves in links to download any of the files associated
+ * with the report.
+ * @param {Array} fileLinks - the array of file links from the report object
+ * @param {object} ui - the UI object that will hold the constructed HTML
+ * @param {object} events - the events object for binding the download event
+ * @returns {string} the constructed HTML. This will add events to the passed events object
+ * that should be bound to the container where the HTML will get attached.
+ */
+ buildFileLinksPanel: function (fileLinks, ui, events) {
+ const ul = html.tag('ul'),
+ li = html.tag('li'),
+ a = html.tag('a'),
+ iframe = html.tag('iframe'),
+ div = html.tag('div');
+ const downloadIframeId = 'file-download-' + new UUID(4).format();
+ const linkList = ul(
+ fileLinks.map((link, idx) => {
+ const linkText = link.name || link.URL;
+ return li(
+ a(
+ {
+ id: events.addEvent({
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: () => {
+ const dlLink = this.importExportLink(
+ link.URL,
+ link.name || 'download-' + idx
+ );
+ ui.getElement(downloadIframeId).setAttribute('src', dlLink);
+ },
+ }),
+ class: this.baseCssClass + '__download_button',
+ type: 'button',
+ ariaLabel: `download file ${linkText}`,
+ download: 'download',
+ },
+ linkText
+ )
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ const dlIframe = iframe({
+ dataElement: downloadIframeId,
+ class: this.baseCssClass + '__download-iframe',
+ });
+ return div([linkList, dlIframe]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * This builds a set of HTML links from the list of report links. It converts the raw URLs
+ * into some HTML with links out to each report page that open in new tabs.
+ * @param {Array} htmlLinks list of html report links, provided by the report object and
+ * the main link to the HTMLFileSetServ service.
+ */
+ buildHtmlLinksPanel: function (htmlLinks) {
+ const ul = html.tag('ul'),
+ li = html.tag('li'),
+ a = html.tag('a'),
+ div = html.tag('div'),
+ br = html.tag('br', { close: false });
+ const linkList = ul(
+ {},
+ htmlLinks.map((link) => {
+ const linkText = link.label || link.name;
+ return li({}, [
+ a(
+ {
+ href: link.url,
+ target: '_blank',
+ ariaLabel: `open ${linkText} in another window`,
+ },
+ linkText
+ ),
+ link.description ? br() + link.description : '',
+ ]);
+ })
+ );
+ return div({}, linkList);
+ },
+ /**
+ * This returns a Promise that resolves when the created objects is done rendering, as it's the
+ * only widget that resolves as a Promise. If that's not rendered, then still resolves an empty
+ * Promise.
+ */
render: function () {
- const self = this;
const _this = this;
const t = html.tag,
div = t('div'),
a = t('a');
- const ui = UI.make({ node: self.$mainPanel.get(0) });
- const report = self.reportData;
+ const ui = UI.make({ node: this.$mainPanel.get(0) });
+ const report = this.reportData;
const events = Events.make({
- node: self.$mainPanel.get(0),
+ node: this.$mainPanel.get(0),
+ const renderPromises = [];
- // Handle warnings?
- if (report.warnings) {
- if (report.warnings.length > 0) {
- const $warningPanel = $(
- '
- );
- const warnings = report.warnings;
- if (warnings.length >= 5) {
- $warningPanel.append(
- $('
- .css('margin', '5px')
- .append('[' + warnings.length + 'Warnings]')
- );
- }
- for (let k = 0; k < warnings.length; k++) {
- $warningPanel.append(
- $('
- .css('margin', '0px 5px 5px 10px')
- .append(
- $('
').addClass('label label-warning').append(warnings[k])
- )
- );
- }
- self.$mainPanel.append($warningPanel);
- }
+ // Handle warnings
+ if (report.warnings && report.warnings.length) {
+ this.$mainPanel.append(this.buildReportWarnings(report.warnings));
- if (self.options.showCreatedObjects) {
- const someDiv = div({ dataElement: 'created-objects' });
- self.$mainPanel.append(someDiv);
- if (report.objects_created) {
- if (report.objects_created.length > 0) {
- const objsCreated = report.objects_created;
- const objIds = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < objsCreated.length; i++) {
- objIds.push({ ref: objsCreated[i].ref });
- }
- self.ws
- .get_object_info_new({ objects: objIds })
- .then((objInfo) => {
- const pref = StringUtil.uuid();
- const displayData = [];
- const dataNameToInfo = {};
- for (var k = 0; k < objInfo.length; k++) {
- displayData.push({
- name:
- '' +
- objInfo[k][1] +
- ' ',
- type: objInfo[k][2].split('-')[0].split('.')[1],
- fullType: objInfo[k][2],
- description: objsCreated[k].description
- ? objsCreated[k].description
- : '',
- ws_info: objInfo[k],
- });
- dataNameToInfo[objInfo[k][1]] = objInfo[k];
- }
- function reportRowEvents() {
- $('.report_row_' + pref).unbind('click');
- $('.report_row_' + pref).click(function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- const objName = [$(this).data('objname')];
- Jupyter.narrative.addViewerCell(dataNameToInfo[objName]);
- });
- }
- const numPerPage = 5;
- const objTableId = self.uuid();
- ui.setContent(
- 'created-objects',
- ui.buildCollapsiblePanel({
- title: 'Objects',
- name: 'created-objects-toggle',
- hidden: false,
- type: 'default',
- classes: ['kb-panel-container'],
- body:
- "
- })
- );
- const $tblDiv = $('#' + objTableId);
- if (displayData.length <= numPerPage) {
- const $objTable = $(
- ''
- );
- displayData.sort((a, b) => {
- return a.name < b.name;
- });
- const color = '#555';
- $objTable.append(
- $('')
- .append(
- 'Created Object Name '
- )
- .append(
- 'Type '
- )
- .append(
- 'Description '
- )
- );
- for (var k = 0; k < displayData.length; k++) {
- $objTable.append(
- $(' ')
- .append(
- '' +
- displayData[k].name +
- ' '
- )
- .append(
- '' +
- displayData[k].type +
- ' '
- )
- .append(
- '' +
- displayData[k].description +
- ' '
- )
- );
- }
- $tblDiv.append($objTable);
- reportRowEvents();
- } else {
- const $tbl = $(
- ''
- ).addClass('table table-bordered table-striped');
- $tblDiv.append($tbl);
- const tblSettings = {
- paginationType: 'full_numbers',
- displayLength: numPerPage,
- dom: 'ft',
- sorting: [[0, 'asc']],
- columns: [
- {
- title: 'Created Object Name ',
- data: 'name',
- width: '30%',
- },
- { title: 'Type ', data: 'type', width: '20%' },
- { title: 'Description ', data: 'description' },
- ],
- data: [],
- language: {
- search: 'Search: ',
- emptyTable: 'No created objects.',
- },
- };
- const objTable = $tbl.dataTable(tblSettings);
- objTable.fnAddData(displayData);
- reportRowEvents();
- objTable.on('draw.dt', () => {
- reportRowEvents();
- });
- }
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- });
- }
- }
+ if (this.options.showCreatedObjects) {
+ const objectWidget = OutputWidget.make();
+ const objectsNode = document.createElement('div');
+ this.$mainPanel.append(objectsNode);
+ renderPromises.push(
+ objectWidget.start({
+ node: objectsNode,
+ objectData: this.createdObjects || [],
+ })
+ );
let showingReport = false;
@@ -658,20 +586,12 @@ define([
The "inline" report can come from either the direct_html property or the direct_html_link_index.
The direct_html_link_index will take precedence since it offers a better method for referencing
content within an iframe. Generally the app developer should use either method, not both
- */
+ */
- let hasDirectHtml = false;
- let hasDirectHtmlIndex = false;
- if (report.direct_html && report.direct_html.length > 0) {
- hasDirectHtml = true;
- }
- if (
+ const hasDirectHtml = report.direct_html && report.direct_html.length;
+ const hasDirectHtmlIndex =
typeof report.direct_html_link_index === 'number' &&
- report.direct_html_link_index >= 0
- ) {
- hasDirectHtmlIndex = true;
- }
+ report.direct_html_link_index >= 0;
if (hasDirectHtml || hasDirectHtmlIndex) {
(function () {
showingReport = true;
@@ -685,22 +605,18 @@ define([
reportLink = _this.reportLinks[report.direct_html_link_index];
if (reportLink) {
reportButton = div(
- {
- style: {
- margin: '4px 4px 8px 0',
- xborder: '1px silver solid',
- },
- },
+ { class: _this.baseCssClass + '__report_button' },
href: reportLink.url,
target: '_blank',
class: 'btn btn-default',
+ type: 'button',
'View report in separate window'
- iframe = _this.makeIframeSrcUrl({
+ iframe = _this.makeIframeFromSrc({
src: reportLink.url,
height: report.html_window_height
? report.html_window_height + 'px'
@@ -722,12 +638,11 @@ define([
// the necessary code to gracefully handle resizing and click-passthrough.
if (/ 0) {
- self.$mainPanel.append(div({ dataElement: 'summary-section' }));
+ this.$mainPanel.append(div({ dataElement: 'summary-section' }));
const reportSummary = div(
- style: {
- width: '100%',
- fontFamily: 'Monaco,monospace',
- fontSize: '9pt',
- color: '#555',
- whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
- overflow: 'auto',
- height: 'auto',
- maxHeight: report.summary_window_height
- ? report.summary_window_height + 'px'
- : '500px',
- //resize: 'vertical',
- //rows: self.options.report_window_line_height,
- //readonly: true
- },
+ class: this.baseCssClass + '__summary',
+ style: report.summary_window_height
+ ? { maxHeight: report.summary_window_height + 'px' }
+ : null,
@@ -800,145 +704,114 @@ define([
- if (self.options.showHTML) {
- if (self.reportLinks && self.reportLinks.length) {
- var $ul = $.jqElem('ul');
- self.reportLinks.forEach((reportLink) => {
- const link_id = StringUtil.uuid();
- const $linkItem = $.jqElem('li').append(
- $.jqElem('a')
- .attr('href', reportLink.url)
- .attr('target', '_blank')
- .attr('id', link_id)
- .append(reportLink.label || reportLink.name)
- );
- if (reportLink.description) {
- $linkItem.append(' ');
- $linkItem.append(reportLink.description);
- }
- $ul.append($linkItem);
- });
- self.$mainPanel.append(div({ dataElement: 'downloadable-html' }));
- body = $.jqElem('div').append($ul).html();
- ui.setContent(
- 'downloadable-html',
- ui.buildCollapsiblePanel({
- title: 'Links',
- name: 'downloadable-html-toggle',
- hidden: false,
- type: 'default',
- classes: ['kb-panel-container'],
- body: body,
- })
- );
- }
+ if (this.options.showHTML && this.reportLinks && this.reportLinks.length) {
+ this.$mainPanel.append(div({ dataElement: 'downloadable-html' }));
+ const htmlReportLinksBody = this.buildHtmlLinksPanel(this.reportLinks);
+ ui.setContent(
+ 'downloadable-html',
+ ui.buildCollapsiblePanel({
+ title: 'Links',
+ name: 'downloadable-html-toggle',
+ hidden: false,
+ type: 'default',
+ classes: ['kb-panel-container'],
+ body: htmlReportLinksBody,
+ })
+ );
- if (self.options.showFiles) {
- if (report.file_links && report.file_links.length) {
- self.$mainPanel.append(div({ dataElement: 'downloadable-files' }));
- const iframe_id = StringUtil.uuid();
- var $ul = $.jqElem('ul');
- $.each(report.file_links, (i, v) => {
- const link_id = StringUtil.uuid();
- $ul.append(
- $.jqElem('li').append(
- $.jqElem('a')
- .attr('id', link_id)
- .attr('href', '#')
- .append(v.name || v.URL)
- .prop('download', true)
- .attr('download', 'download')
- )
- );
- setTimeout(() => {
- $('#' + link_id).on('click', (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- $('#' + iframe_id).attr(
- 'src',
- self.importExportLink(v.URL, v.name || 'download-' + i)
- );
- });
- }, 1);
- });
- const $iframe = $.jqElem('iframe').attr('id', iframe_id).css('display', 'none');
- var body = $.jqElem('div').append($ul).append($iframe).html();
- ui.setContent(
- 'downloadable-files',
- ui.buildCollapsiblePanel({
- title: 'Files',
- name: 'downloadable-files-toggle',
- hidden: false,
- type: 'default',
- classes: ['kb-panel-container'],
- body: body,
- })
- );
- }
+ if (this.options.showFiles && report.file_links && report.file_links.length) {
+ this.$mainPanel.append(div({ dataElement: 'downloadable-files' }));
+ const fileLinksPanelBody = this.buildFileLinksPanel(report.file_links, ui, events);
+ ui.setContent(
+ 'downloadable-files',
+ ui.buildCollapsiblePanel({
+ title: 'Files',
+ name: 'downloadable-files-toggle',
+ hidden: false,
+ type: 'default',
+ classes: ['kb-panel-container'],
+ body: fileLinksPanelBody,
+ })
+ );
+ return Promise.all(renderPromises).then(() => {
+ return this;
+ });
loading: function (isLoading) {
if (isLoading) {
- this.showMessage(' ');
+ this.$messagePane.append(UI.loading());
+ this.$messagePane.show();
} else {
- this.hideMessage();
+ this.$messagePane.hide();
+ this.$messagePane.empty();
- showMessage: function (message) {
- const span = $(' ').append(message);
- this.$messagePane.append(span);
- this.$messagePane.show();
- },
- hideMessage: function () {
- this.$messagePane.hide();
- this.$messagePane.empty();
- },
- clientError: function (error) {
+ /**
+ * This shows an error from either a string or an object, wiping out everything else in this
+ * widget's body.
+ * The common KBase JSON-RPC error object format is:
+ * {
+ * error: {
+ * error: 'some error message',
+ * ... other keys ...
+ * },
+ * status: 500
+ * }
+ * though this is possible, too:
+ * {
+ * error: {
+ * message: 'some message'
+ * }
+ * }
+ * @param {Object | String} error
+ */
+ showClientError: function (error) {
let errString = 'Unknown error.';
- console.error(error);
- if (typeof error === 'string') errString = error;
- else if (error.error && error.error.message) errString = error.error.message;
- else if (error.error && error.error.error && typeof error.error.error === 'string') {
+ console.error(JSON.stringify(error));
+ // if we get a basic error as a string
+ if (typeof error === 'string') {
+ errString = error;
+ // this can be thrown from certain network error cases
+ } else if (error.error && error.error.message) {
+ errString = error.error.message;
+ // this mess can come from a workspace API error
+ } else if (error.error && error.error.error && typeof error.error.error === 'string') {
errString = error.error.error;
- const $errorDiv = $('')
- .addClass('alert alert-danger')
- .append('
Error: ')
- .append('
' + errString);
- this.$elem.empty();
- this.$elem.append($errorDiv);
+ const div = html.tag('div'),
+ strong = html.tag('strong'),
+ br = html.tag('br', { close: false });
+ const errorDiv = div({ class: 'alert alert-danger' }, [
+ strong('Error:'),
+ br(),
+ errString,
+ ]);
+ this.$elem.empty().append(errorDiv);
- buildObjectIdentity: function (workspaceID, objectID, objectVer, wsRef) {
+ /**
+ * Converts from several possible inputs into a Workspace ObjectIdentity structure.
+ * @param {string | number} workspaceId - an identifier for the workspace, either a numerical id or a name string
+ * @param {string | number} objectId - an identifier for the object, either a numerical id or a name string
+ * @param {string | number} objectVer - a number for the object version
+ * @param {string} wsRef - expected to be a valid workspace reference - using this overrides the other options
+ */
+ buildObjectIdentity: function (workspaceId, objectId, objectVer, wsRef) {
const obj = {};
if (wsRef) {
- obj['ref'] = wsRef;
+ obj.ref = wsRef;
} else {
- if (/^\d+$/.exec(workspaceID)) obj['wsid'] = workspaceID;
- else obj['workspace'] = workspaceID;
- // same for the id
- if (/^\d+$/.exec(objectID)) obj['objid'] = objectID;
- else obj['name'] = objectID;
- if (objectVer) obj['ver'] = objectVer;
+ obj.ref = `${workspaceId}/${objectId}`;
+ if (objectVer) {
+ obj.ref += `/${objectVer}`;
+ }
return obj;
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/KBasePhenotypes.PhenotypeSimulationSet.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/KBasePhenotypes.PhenotypeSimulationSet.js
index f0abf8d795..ae3503df6b 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/KBasePhenotypes.PhenotypeSimulationSet.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/KBasePhenotypes.PhenotypeSimulationSet.js
@@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ function KBasePhenotypes_PhenotypeSimulationSet(tabwidget) {
// make method of base class
-KBModeling.prototype.KBasePhenotypes_PhenotypeSimulationSet = KBasePhenotypes_PhenotypeSimulationSet;
+KBModeling.prototype.KBasePhenotypes_PhenotypeSimulationSet =
+ KBasePhenotypes_PhenotypeSimulationSet;
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/kbaseTabTable.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/kbaseTabTable.js
index f5ec2e0735..fcb46e5fe5 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/kbaseTabTable.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/modeling/kbaseTabTable.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ define([
], (KBWidget, $, bootstrap, kbaseAuthenticatedWidget, kbaseTabTableTabs, kbasePathways, Config) => {
+ 'use strict';
return KBWidget({
name: 'kbaseTabTable',
parent: kbaseAuthenticatedWidget,
@@ -175,9 +176,9 @@ define([
// note: must add table first
- '
+ ''
- tabPane.find('table').dataTable(settings);
+ tabPane.find('table').DataTable(settings);
// add any events
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/SampleSet.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/SampleSet.js
index 09a858a8c1..e8f935f829 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/SampleSet.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/SampleSet.js
@@ -156,11 +156,14 @@ define([
const columnGroups = [];
const headerFields = [];
+ // Here we dynamically create a group to hold non-metadata columns.
name: 'rowInfo',
- title: '',
- columnCount: 1,
+ title: 'Sample',
+ columnCount: 2,
id: 'rowNumber',
title: '#',
@@ -169,6 +172,16 @@ define([
group: 'rowInfo',
schema: null,
+ headerFields.push({
+ id: 'userSampleName',
+ title: 'Name/ID',
+ isSortable: true,
+ type: 'sample',
+ key: 'name',
+ group: 'rowInfo',
+ schema: null,
+ });
for (const group of this.groups) {
const groupFields = [];
for (const field of group.fields) {
@@ -237,21 +250,22 @@ define([
return this.samples.map((sample, index) => {
const controlled = sample.node_tree[0].meta_controlled;
const user = sample.node_tree[0].meta_user;
- const row = this.headerFields.map(({ id, type }) => {
+ const row = this.headerFields.map(({ id, type, key }) => {
// NB: id is the field key.
- if (type === 'controlled') {
- return controlled[id] ? controlled[id].value : EMPTY_CHAR;
- } else if (type === 'user') {
- return user[id] ? user[id].value : EMPTY_CHAR;
- } else if (type === 'rowInfo') {
- switch (id) {
- case 'rowNumber':
- return index + 1;
- default:
- return EMPTY_CHAR;
- }
- } else {
- return EMPTY_CHAR;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'controlled': return controlled[id] ? controlled[id].value : EMPTY_CHAR;
+ case 'user': return user[id] ? user[id].value : EMPTY_CHAR;
+ case 'rowInfo':
+ switch (id) {
+ case 'rowNumber':
+ return index + 1;
+ default:
+ return EMPTY_CHAR;
+ }
+ case 'sample': return sample[key];
+ case 'sample-node': return sample.node_tree[0][key];
+ default: return EMPTY_CHAR;
return {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/kbaseSampleSet.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/kbaseSampleSet.js
index 9507012729..21256d8466 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/kbaseSampleSet.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/function_output/samples/kbaseSampleSet.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ define([
// For effect.
- 'css!widgets/function_output/samples/KBaseSampleSet.css',
+ 'css!widgets/function_output/samples/KBaseSampleSet',
], (
@@ -282,11 +282,9 @@ define([
// create table
const $table = $('').addClass('SampleSetTable').attr('role', 'table');
- // create thead
const $thead = $('').attr('role', 'rowgroup');
- // create column group header
const $columnGroupRow = $('').attr('role', 'row');
for (const columnGroup of this.model.columnGroups) {
@@ -327,7 +325,6 @@ define([
- // create tbody
const $tbody = $(' ').attr('role', 'rowgroup');
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneHeatmap.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneHeatmap.js
index 0008089e92..84eb5ab6ed 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneHeatmap.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneHeatmap.js
@@ -500,8 +500,9 @@
col: row,
rendererIndex: index,
- label:
- renderer.settings.data.cols[renderer.settings.data.colindex[row] - 1],
+ label: renderer.settings.data.cols[
+ renderer.settings.data.colindex[row] - 1
+ ],
} else {
if (renderer.settings.selectedColumns[row]) {
@@ -515,8 +516,9 @@
row: row,
rendererIndex: index,
- label:
- renderer.settings.data.rows[renderer.settings.data.rowindex[row] - 1],
+ label: renderer.settings.data.rows[
+ renderer.settings.data.rowindex[row] - 1
+ ],
} else {
if (renderer.settings.selectedRows[row]) {
@@ -783,10 +785,9 @@
a: clusters[clusters[i].points[0]].data.length,
b: clusters[clusters[i].points[1]].data.length,
- amin:
- roworder[
- Math.min.apply(null, clusters[clusters[i].points[0]].basepoints) + 1
- ],
+ amin: roworder[
+ Math.min.apply(null, clusters[clusters[i].points[0]].basepoints) + 1
+ ],
// draw single lines until we reach the next root
@@ -802,13 +803,9 @@
) {
clusterdata[level - (h + 1)].push({
a: clusters[clusters[i].points[n]].data.length,
- amin:
- roworder[
- Math.min.apply(
- null,
- clusters[clusters[i].points[n]].basepoints
- ) + 1
- ],
+ amin: roworder[
+ Math.min.apply(null, clusters[clusters[i].points[n]].basepoints) + 1
+ ],
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneTable.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneTable.js
index 83533fea26..fd764c50bb 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneTable.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbStandaloneTable.js
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
(function () {
+ 'use strict';
const root = this || {};
const standaloneTable = (root.standaloneTable = {
about: {
@@ -249,9 +250,9 @@
tdata = renderer.settings.tdata;
} else {
// the data has not been parsed, do it now
- for (var i = 0; i < renderer.settings.data.data.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < renderer.settings.data.data.length; i++) {
tdata[tdata.length] = {};
- for (var h = 0; h < renderer.settings.data.data[i].length; h++) {
+ for (let h = 0; h < renderer.settings.data.data[i].length; h++) {
tdata[tdata.length - 1][header[h]] =
renderer.settings.data.data[i][h] || '';
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
// if we are to auto determine sort functions, do so
if (renderer.settings.sort_autodetect) {
- for (var i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
if (!renderer.settings.sorttype[i]) {
if (!tdata[0] || typeof tdata[0][header[i]].replace != 'function') {
renderer.settings.sorttype[i] = 'number';
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@
// create filter elements
const filter = renderer.settings.filter;
let filter_present = false;
- for (var i in filter) {
+ for (const i in filter) {
if (filter.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (filter[i].hasOwnProperty('searchword') && filter[i].searchword.length > 0) {
filter_present = true;
@@ -295,8 +296,8 @@
let newdata = [];
if (renderer.settings.filter_changed) {
renderer.settings.offset = 0;
- for (var i in filter) {
- var re;
+ for (const i in filter) {
+ let re;
if (filter[i].case_sensitive) {
re = new RegExp(filter[i].searchword);
} else {
@@ -321,9 +322,9 @@
const htmlFilter = new RegExp('<.+?>', 'ig');
- for (var h = 0; h < tdata.length; h++) {
+ for (let h = 0; h < tdata.length; h++) {
let pass = 1;
- for (var i in filter) {
+ for (const i in filter) {
let word = tdata[h][header[i]] + '';
if (!filter[i].keepHTML) {
word = word.replace(htmlFilter, '');
@@ -416,7 +417,7 @@
const thead = document.createElement('thead');
const tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.setAttribute('style', 'height: 30px; border-top: 1px solid lightgray;');
- for (var i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
// check if this column is visible
if (!renderer.settings.invisible_columns[i]) {
// create sorting elements
@@ -519,9 +520,9 @@
renderer.settings.filter[i].operator = ['=', '<', '>', '><'];
renderer.settings.filter[i].active_operator = 0;
- var selopts = [];
+ const selopts = [];
let numopts = 0;
- for (var h = 0; h < tdata.length; h++) {
+ for (let h = 0; h < tdata.length; h++) {
if (!selopts[tdata[h][header[i]]]) {
@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@
if (!renderer.settings.filter[i].searchword) {
renderer.settings.filter[i].searchword = '';
- var filter_elem;
+ let filter_elem;
if (renderer.settings.filter[i].type == 'text') {
const filter_text = document.createElement('input');
filter_text.setAttribute('type', 'text');
@@ -620,16 +621,15 @@
} else {
this.childNodes[x + 1].style.display = '';
- renderer.settings.filter[
- this.i
- ].active_operator = x;
+ renderer.settings.filter[this.i].active_operator =
+ x;
operator_span.className = 'add-on';
for (
- var h = 0;
+ let h = 0;
h < renderer.settings.filter[i].operator.length;
) {
@@ -668,13 +668,13 @@
'position: absolute; height: 26px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 2px; z-index: 100; display: none;'
filter_elem.add(new Option('-show all-', ''), null);
- var selopts = [];
- for (var h = 0; h < tdata.length; h++) {
+ const selopts = [];
+ for (let h = 0; h < tdata.length; h++) {
if (tdata[h][header[i]].length) {
selopts[tdata[h][header[i]]] = 1;
- for (var h in selopts) {
+ for (let h in selopts) {
if (typeof selopts[h] != 'function') {
if (h == renderer.settings.filter[i].searchword) {
filter_elem.add(new Option(h, h, true), null);
@@ -688,9 +688,8 @@
filter_elem.onchange = function () {
const index = this.index;
const renderer = rendererTable[index];
- renderer.settings.filter[this.i].searchword = this.options[
- this.selectedIndex
- ].value;
+ renderer.settings.filter[this.i].searchword =
+ this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
renderer.settings.filter_changed = true;
@@ -735,9 +734,8 @@
filter_elem.onchange = function () {
const index = this.index;
const renderer = rendererTable[index];
- renderer.settings.filter[this.i].searchword = this.options[
- this.selectedIndex
- ].value;
+ renderer.settings.filter[this.i].searchword =
+ this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
if (typeof renderer.settings.navigation_callback == 'function') {
const query = [];
for (const x in renderer.settings.filter) {
@@ -770,20 +768,20 @@
// build header cell
const caret = document.createElement('table');
- caret.setAttribute('style', 'float: right; margin: 0px; border: none;');
+ caret.setAttribute('style', 'float: right; margin: 0px; border: 0;');
const caret_tr1 = document.createElement('tr');
- caret_tr1.setAttribute('style', 'border: none;');
+ caret_tr1.setAttribute('style', 'border: 0;');
const caret_td1 = document.createElement('td');
- 'padding: 0px 2px; line-height: 0px; border: none;'
+ 'padding: 0px 2px; line-height: 0px; border: 0;'
const caret_tr2 = document.createElement('tr');
- caret_tr2.setAttribute('style', 'border: none;');
+ caret_tr2.setAttribute('style', 'border: 0;');
const caret_td2 = document.createElement('td');
- 'padding: 0px 2px; line-height: 0px; border: none;'
+ 'padding: 0px 2px; line-height: 0px; border: 0;'
@@ -882,7 +880,6 @@
return -1;
return 1;
- break;
case 'string':
if (
a[header[sortcol]].replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/g, '') ==
@@ -895,7 +892,6 @@
return -1;
return 1;
- break;
} else {
if (
@@ -929,9 +925,9 @@
// create the table rows
- for (var i = 0; i < disp.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < disp.length; i++) {
const tinner_row = document.createElement('tr');
- for (var h = 0; h < header.length; h++) {
+ for (let h = 0; h < header.length; h++) {
if (!renderer.settings.invisible_columns[h]) {
const tinner_cell = document.createElement('td');
tinner_cell.innerHTML = disp[i][header[h]];
@@ -1012,7 +1008,7 @@
// create the navigation
// first, previous
const prev_td = document.createElement('td');
- prev_td.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: left; width: 45px; border: none;');
+ prev_td.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: left; width: 45px; border: 0;');
prev_td.innerHTML = ' ';
if (offset > 0) {
const first = document.createElement('i');
@@ -1060,7 +1056,7 @@
// next, last
const next_td = document.createElement('td');
- next_td.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right; width: 45px; border: none;');
+ next_td.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right; width: 45px; border: 0;');
next_td.innerHTML = ' ';
if (offset + rows < (renderer.settings.numrows || tdata.length)) {
const last = document.createElement('i');
@@ -1114,7 +1110,7 @@
// display of window offset
const showing = document.createElement('td');
- showing.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: center; border: none;');
+ showing.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: center; border: 0;');
showing.innerHTML =
'showing rows ' +
((renderer.settings.offset || offset) + 1) +
@@ -1125,9 +1121,9 @@
// create the table to host navigation
const bottom_table = document.createElement('table');
- bottom_table.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; border: none;');
+ bottom_table.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; border: 0;');
const bottom_row = document.createElement('tr');
- bottom_row.setAttribute('style', 'border: none;');
+ bottom_row.setAttribute('style', 'border: 0;');
@@ -1286,16 +1282,16 @@
index +
+ "' style='border: 0;'>";
for (let ii = 0; ii < renderer.settings.header.length; ii++) {
let checked = ' checked';
if (renderer.settings.invisible_columns[ii]) {
checked = '';
colsel_html +=
- "" +
+ "> " +
renderer.settings.header[ii] +
' ';
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbaseAccordion.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbaseAccordion.js
index 212f6536e9..49375b8c99 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbaseAccordion.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbaseAccordion.js
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ Widget to create an accordion control. Easy to use!
-define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, $) => {
+define(['kbwidget', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, $) => {
+ 'use strict';
return KBWidget({
name: 'kbaseAccordion',
version: '1.0.0',
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, $) => {
- .css('padding', '0px')
+ .css('padding', '0')
$(' ')
.css('margin-right', '5px')
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, $) => {
$(' ')
- .css('padding', '0px')
+ .css('padding', '0')
.attr('href', '#')
.attr('title', val.title)
.css('height', 22 * val.fontMultiplier + 'px')
@@ -105,14 +106,14 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, $) => {
if ($opened != undefined) {
- var $i = $opened.parent().first().find('i');
+ const $i = $opened.parent().first().find('i');
$i.removeClass('fa fa-chevron-down');
$i.addClass('fa fa-chevron-right');
if ($target.get(0) != $opened.get(0)) {
- var $i = $(this).parent().find('i');
+ const $i = $(this).parent().find('i');
$i.removeClass('fa fa-chevron-right');
$i.addClass('fa fa-chevron-down');
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbasePanel.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbasePanel.js
index 9cbba7231a..ee012fe4ff 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbasePanel.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/kbasePanel.js
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@
var panel = new kbasePanel(this.$elem, {title: 'Model Details',
rightLabel: 'Super Workspace,
subText: 'kb|g.super.genome '});
-*/ define([
- 'kbwidget',
- 'bootstrap',
- 'jquery',
-], (KBWidget, bootstrap, $) => {
+*/ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, $) => {
return KBWidget({
name: 'kbasePanel',
version: '1.0.0',
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/loadingWidget.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/loadingWidget.js
index cd8bc49a85..e4c821641d 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/loadingWidget.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/loadingWidget.js
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ define([
if (this.timeoutShown) {
- $(this.config.node).find('.loading-warning').fadeIn('fast');
+ $(this.config.node).find('.kb-loading-blocker__text--warning').fadeIn('fast');
this.timeoutShown = true;
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/catalog/app_card.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/catalog/app_card.js
index 736abb77a0..a73b3e67cf 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/catalog/app_card.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/catalog/app_card.js
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'bluebird', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, Pr
- this.getStarCount = function (count) {
+ this.getStarCount = function () {
if (this.starCount) return this.starCount;
return 0;
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'bluebird', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, Pr
this.starCount = null;
if (this.starCount) {
- for (var k = 0; k < this.$divs.length; k++) {
+ for (let k = 0; k < this.$divs.length; k++) {
} else {
- for (var k = 0; k < this.$divs.length; k++) {
+ for (let k = 0; k < this.$divs.length; k++) {
@@ -166,10 +166,7 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'bluebird', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, Pr
/* rendering methods that are shared in multiple places */
this._renderAppCard = function () {
- const info = this.info;
- const type = this.type;
- const tag = this.tag;
- const nms_base_url = this.nms_base_url;
+ const self = this;
// Main Container
const $appDiv = $('').addClass('kbcb-app-card kbcb-hover container');
@@ -264,7 +261,6 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'bluebird', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, Pr
const $star = $('
.append(' ');
- var self = this;
if (self.isLoggedIn) {
$star.on('click', (event) => {
@@ -360,8 +356,6 @@ define(['kbwidget', 'bootstrap', 'bluebird', 'jquery'], (KBWidget, bootstrap, Pr
$moreInfoDiv.append($('').append(' '));
- var self = this;
$appDiv.on('click', () => {
if (self.clickedCallback) {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/ipythonCellMenu.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/ipythonCellMenu.js
index b3a56c2262..a9c631af59 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/ipythonCellMenu.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/ipythonCellMenu.js
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
* KBase preset wrapper for its cell menu.
- 'jquery',
- 'notebook/js/celltoolbar',
- 'base/js/namespace',
- 'kb_common/html',
- // 'kbaseNarrativeCellMenu',
- 'kbaseCellToolbarMenu',
-], (
+define(['jquery', 'notebook/js/celltoolbar', 'common/html', 'kbaseCellToolbarMenu'], (
- Jupyter,
- // KBaseNarrativeCellMenu,
) => {
'use strict';
@@ -40,18 +31,18 @@ define([
function status(toolbarDiv, cell) {
- const status = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'status'),
- content = span({ style: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, status);
+ const _status = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'status'),
+ content = span({ style: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, _status);
toolbarDiv.append(span({ style: { padding: '4px' } }, content));
function jobStatus(toolbarDiv, cell) {
- const jobStatus = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'jobStatus'),
- content = span({ style: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, jobStatus);
+ const _jobStatus = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'jobStatus'),
+ content = span({ style: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, _jobStatus);
$(toolbarDiv).append(span({ style: { padding: '4px' } }, content));
- const register = function (notebook) {
+ const register = function () {
celltoolbar.CellToolbar.register_callback('kbase-status', status);
celltoolbar.CellToolbar.register_callback('kbase-job-status', jobStatus);
celltoolbar.CellToolbar.register_callback('kbase-menu', makeKBaseMenu);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/jobCommChannel.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/jobCommChannel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e6eb09d994..0000000000
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/jobCommChannel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
- * This is the Communication Channel that handles talking between the front end and the kernel.
- * It's used by creating a new JobCommChannel(), then running initCommChannel() on it.
- *
- * i.e.
- * let channel = new JobCommChannel();
- * channel.initCommChannel();
- *
- * This creates a handle on a Jupyter Kernel Comm channel object and holds it.
- * Note that this should only be run once the Kernel is ready (see kbaseNarrative.js for
- * implementation).
- *
- * Communication can flow in two directions. From the front end to the back, that goes
- * like this:
- * 1. An App Cell (or other controller) sends a message over the global bus with some
- * request.
- * 2. This gets captured by one of the callbacks in handleBusMessages()
- * 3. These all invoke sendCommMessage(). This builds a message packet and sends it across the
- * comm channel where it gets heard by a capturing function in biokbase.narrative.jobmanager.
- * ...that's it. These messages are asynchronous by design. They're meant to be requests that
- * get responses eventually.
- *
- * From the back end to the front, the flow is slightly different. On Comm channel creation time,
- * the handleCommMessages function is set up as the callback for anything that comes across the
- * channel to the front end. Each of these has a message type associated with it.
- * 1. The type is interepreted (a big ol' switch statement) and responded to.
- * 2. Most responses (job status updates, log messages) are parceled out to the App Cells that
- * invoked them. Or, really, anything listening on the appropriate channel (either the cell,
- * or the job id)
- */
- 'bluebird',
- 'jquery',
- 'handlebars',
- 'kbaseAccordion',
- 'util/bootstrapDialog',
- 'base/js/namespace',
- 'common/runtime',
- 'services/kernels/comm',
- 'common/semaphore',
- 'text!kbase/templates/job_panel/job_init_error.html',
-], (
- Promise,
- $,
- Handlebars,
- kbaseAccordion,
- BootstrapDialog,
- Jupyter,
- Runtime,
- JupyterComm,
- Semaphore,
- JobInitErrorTemplate
-) => {
- 'use strict';
- const COMM_NAME = 'KBaseJobs',
- ALL_STATUS = 'all_status',
- JOB_STATUS = 'job_status',
- STOP_UPDATE_LOOP = 'stop_update_loop',
- START_UPDATE_LOOP = 'start_update_loop',
- STOP_JOB_UPDATE = 'stop_job_update',
- START_JOB_UPDATE = 'start_job_update',
- CANCEL_JOB = 'cancel_job',
- JOB_LOGS = 'job_logs',
- JOB_LOGS_LATEST = 'job_logs_latest',
- JOB_INFO = 'job_info',
- JOB = 'jobId',
- CELL = 'cell';
- class JobCommChannel {
- /**
- * Grabs the runtime, inits the set of job states, and registers callbacks against the
- * main Bus.
- */
- constructor() {
- this.runtime = Runtime.make();
- this.jobStates = {};
- this.handleBusMessages();
- }
- /**
- * Sends a message over the bus. The channel should have a single key of either
- * cell or jobId.
- * @param {string} channelName - either CELL or JOB
- * @param {string} channelId - id for the channel
- * @param {string} msgType - one of the msg types
- * @param {any} message
- */
- sendBusMessage(channelName, channelId, msgType, message) {
- const channel = {};
- channel[channelName] = channelId;
- this.runtime.bus().send(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)), {
- channel: channel,
- key: {
- type: msgType,
- },
- });
- }
- /**
- * Registers callbacks for handling bus messages. This listens to the global runtime bus.
- * Mostly, it relays bus messages into comm channel requests that are satisfied by the
- * kernel.
- */
- handleBusMessages() {
- const bus = this.runtime.bus();
- bus.on('ping-comm-channel', (message) => {
- this.sendCommMessage('ping', null, {
- ping_id: message.pingId,
- });
- });
- // Cancels the job.
- bus.on('request-job-cancellation', (message) => {
- this.sendCommMessage(CANCEL_JOB, message.jobId);
- });
- // Fetches job status from kernel.
- bus.on('request-job-status', (message) => {
- // console.log('requesting job status for ' + message.jobId);
- this.sendCommMessage(JOB_STATUS, message.jobId, {
- parent_job_id: message.parentJobId,
- });
- });
- // Requests job status updates for this job via the job channel, and also
- // ensures that job polling is running.
- bus.on('request-job-update', (message) => {
- // console.log('requesting job updates for ' + message.jobId);
- this.sendCommMessage(START_JOB_UPDATE, message.jobId, {
- parent_job_id: message.parentJobId,
- });
- });
- // Tells kernel to stop including a job in the lookup loop.
- bus.on('request-job-completion', (message) => {
- // console.log('cancelling job updates for ' + message.jobId);
- this.sendCommMessage(STOP_JOB_UPDATE, message.jobId, {
- parent_job_id: message.parentJobId,
- });
- });
- // Fetches job logs from kernel.
- bus.on('request-job-log', (message) => {
- this.sendCommMessage(JOB_LOGS, message.jobId, message.options);
- });
- // Fetches most recent job logs from kernel.
- bus.on('request-latest-job-log', (message) => {
- this.sendCommMessage(JOB_LOGS_LATEST, message.jobId, message.options);
- });
- // Fetches info (not state) about a job. Like the app id, name, and inputs.
- bus.on('request-job-info', (message) => {
- this.sendCommMessage(JOB_INFO, message.jobId, {
- parent_job_id: message.parentJobId,
- });
- });
- }
- /**
- * Sends a comm message to the JobManager in the kernel.
- * If there's no comm channel ready, tries to set one up first.
- * @param msgType {string} - one of (prepend with this.)
- * @param jobId {string} - optional - a job id to send along with the
- * message, where appropriate.
- */
- sendCommMessage(msgType, jobId, options) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // TODO: send specific error so that client can retry.
- if (!this.comm) {
- console.error('Comm channel not initialized, not sending message.');
- reject(new Error('Comm channel not initialized, not sending message.'));
- }
- let msg = {
- target_name: COMM_NAME,
- request_type: msgType,
- };
- if (jobId) {
- msg.job_id = jobId;
- }
- if (options) {
- msg = $.extend({}, msg, options);
- }
- this.comm.send(msg);
- resolve();
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.error('ERROR sending comm message', err, msgType, jobId, options);
- throw new Error('ERROR sending comm message', err, msgType, jobId, options);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Callback attached to the comm channel. This gets called with the message when
- * a message is passed.
- * The message is expected to have the following structure (at a minimum):
- * {
- * content: {
- * data: {
- * msg_type: string,
- * content: object
- * }
- * }
- * }
- * Where msg_type is one of:
- * start, new_job, job_status, job_status_all, job_info, run_status, job_err, job_canceled,
- * job_does_not_exist, job_logs, job_comm_err, job_init_err, job_init_partial_err,
- * job_init_lookup_err, result.
- * @param {object} msg
- */
- handleCommMessages(msg) {
- const msgType = msg.content.data.msg_type;
- const msgData = msg.content.data.content;
- let jobId = null;
- switch (msgType) {
- case 'start':
- // console.log('START', msgData.time);
- break;
- case 'new_job':
- Jupyter.notebook.save_checkpoint();
- break;
- /*
- * The job status for one or more jobs. See job_status_all
- * for a message which covers all active jobs.
- * Note that these messages are additive to the job panel
- * cache, but the reverse logic does not apply.
- */
- case 'job_status':
- jobId = msgData.state.job_id;
- // We could just copy the entire message into the job
- // states cache, but referencing each individual property
- // is more explicit about the structure.
- this.jobStates[msgData.state.job_id] = {
- state: msgData.state,
- spec: msgData.spec,
- widgetParameters: msgData.widget_info,
- };
- /*
- * Notify the front end about the changed or new job
- * states.
- */
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-status', {
- jobId: jobId,
- jobState: msgData.state,
- outputWidgetInfo: msgData.widget_info,
- });
- break;
- /*
- * This message must carry all jobs linked to this narrative.
- * The "job-deleted" logic, specifically, requires that the job
- * actually not exist in the job service.
- * NB there is logic in the job management back end to allow
- * job notification to be turned off per job -- this would
- * be incompatible with the logic here and we should address
- * that.
- * E.g. if that behavior is allowed, then deletion detection
- * would need to move to the back end, since that is the only
- * place that would truly know about all jobs for this narrative.
- */
- case 'job_status_all':
- /*
- * Ensure there is a locally cached copy of each job.
- *
- */
- for (jobId in msgData) {
- const jobStateMessage = msgData[jobId];
- // We could just copy the entire message into the job
- // states cache, but referencing each individual property
- // is more explicit about the structure.
- this.jobStates[jobId] = {
- state: jobStateMessage.state,
- spec: jobStateMessage.spec,
- widgetParameters: jobStateMessage.widget_info,
- owner: jobStateMessage.owner,
- };
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-status', {
- jobId: jobId,
- jobState: jobStateMessage.state,
- outputWidgetInfo: jobStateMessage.widget_info,
- });
- }
- Object.keys(this.jobStates).forEach((jobId) => {
- if (!msgData[jobId]) {
- // If this job is not found in the incoming list of all
- // jobs, then we must both delete it locally, and
- // notify any interested parties.
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-deleted', {
- jobId: jobId,
- via: 'no_longer_exists',
- });
- // it is safe to delete properties here
- delete this.jobStates[jobId];
- }
- });
- break;
- case 'job_info':
- jobId = msgData.job_id;
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-info', {
- jobId: jobId,
- jobInfo: msgData,
- });
- break;
- case 'run_status':
- // Send job status notifications on the default channel,
- // with a key on the message type and the job id, sending
- // a copy of the original message.
- // This allows widgets which are interested in the job
- // to subscribe to just that job, and nothing else.
- // If there is a need for a generic broadcast message, we
- // can either send a second message or implement key
- // filtering.
- this.sendBusMessage(CELL, msgData.cell_id, 'run-status', msgData);
- break;
- case 'job_canceled':
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations
- const canceledId = msgData.job_id;
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, canceledId, 'job-canceled', {
- jobId: canceledId,
- via: 'job_canceled',
- });
- break;
- case 'job_does_not_exist':
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, msgData.job_id, 'job-does-not-exist', {
- jobId: msgData.job_id,
- source: msgData.source,
- });
- break;
- case 'job_logs':
- jobId = msgData.job_id;
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-logs', {
- jobId: jobId,
- logs: msgData,
- latest: msgData.latest,
- });
- break;
- case 'job_comm_error':
- if (msgData) {
- jobId = msgData.job_id;
- switch (msgData.source) {
- case 'cancel_job':
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-cancel-error', {
- jobId: jobId,
- message: msgData.message,
- });
- break;
- case 'job_logs':
- case 'job_logs_latest':
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-log-deleted', {
- jobId: jobId,
- message: msgData.message,
- });
- break;
- case 'job_status':
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-status-error', {
- jobId: jobId,
- message: msgData.message,
- });
- break;
- default:
- this.sendBusMessage(JOB, jobId, 'job-error', {
- jobId: jobId,
- message: msgData.message,
- request: msgData.source,
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- console.error('Error from job comm:', msg);
- break;
- case 'job_init_err':
- case 'job_init_lookup_err':
- /*
- code, error, job_id (opt), message, name, source
- */
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations
- const $modalBody = $(Handlebars.compile(JobInitErrorTemplate)(msgData));
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations
- const modal = new BootstrapDialog({
- title: 'Job Initialization Error',
- body: $modalBody,
- buttons: [
- $('')
- .append('OK')
- .click(() => {
- modal.hide();
- }),
- ],
- });
- new kbaseAccordion($modalBody.find('div#kb-job-err-trace'), {
- elements: [
- {
- title: 'Detailed Error Information',
- body: $(
- ' code: ' +
- msgData.code +
- ' ' +
- 'error: ' +
- msgData.message +
- ' ' +
- (function () {
- if (msgData.service) {
- return (
- 'service: ' +
- msgData.service +
- ' '
- );
- }
- return '';
- })() +
- 'type: ' +
- msgData.name +
- ' ' +
- 'source: ' +
- msgData.source +
- '
- ),
- },
- ],
- });
- $modalBody.find('button#kb-job-err-report').click(() => {});
- modal.getElement().on('hidden.bs.modal', () => {
- modal.destroy();
- });
- modal.show();
- break;
- case 'result':
- this.sendBusMessage(CELL, msgData.address.cell_id, 'result', msgData);
- break;
- default:
- console.warn(
- "Unhandled KBaseJobs message from kernel (type='" + msgType + "'):"
- );
- console.warn(msg);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the comm channel to the back end. Stores the generated
- * channel in this.comm.
- * Returns a Promise that should resolve when the channel's ready. But
- * the nature of setting these up means that a nested Promise gets made by
- * the Jupyter kernel front-end and not necessarily returned.
- *
- * Thus, it uses a semaphore lock. When the semaphore becomes ready, it
- * gets signaled.
- *
- * Once ready, this starts a kernel call (over the main channel, not the
- * new comm) to initialize the JobManager and have it fetch the set of
- * running jobs from the execution engine. If it's already running, this
- * overwrites everything.
- */
- initCommChannel() {
- const _this = this;
- _this.comm = null;
- const commSemaphore = Semaphore.make();
- commSemaphore.add('comm', false);
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- // First we check to see if our comm channel already
- // exists. If so, we do some funny business to create a
- // new client side for it, register it, and set up our
- // handler on it.
- Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_info(COMM_NAME, (msg) => {
- if (msg.content && msg.content.comms) {
- // skim the reply for the right id
- for (const id in msg.content.comms) {
- if (msg.content.comms[id].target_name === COMM_NAME) {
- _this.comm = new JupyterComm.Comm(COMM_NAME, id);
- Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_comm(_this.comm);
- _this.comm.on_msg(_this.handleCommMessages.bind(_this));
- }
- }
- }
- resolve();
- });
- })
- .then(() => {
- // If no existing comm channel could be hooked up to, we have an alternative
- // strategy, apparently. We register our channel endpoint, even though there is
- // no back end yet, and our next call to utilize it below will create it.
- if (_this.comm) {
- commSemaphore.set('comm', 'ready');
- return;
- }
- return Promise.try(() => {
- Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target(COMM_NAME, (comm) => {
- _this.comm = comm;
- comm.on_msg(_this.handleCommMessages.bind(_this));
- commSemaphore.set('comm', 'ready');
- });
- });
- })
- .then(() => {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const callbacks = {
- shell: {
- reply: function (reply) {
- if (reply.content.error) {
- console.error('ERROR executing jobInit', reply);
- commSemaphore.set('comm', 'error');
- reject(
- new Error(
- reply.content.name + ':' + reply.content.evalue
- )
- );
- } else {
- resolve();
- }
- },
- },
- };
- Jupyter.notebook.kernel.execute(_this.getJobInitCode(), callbacks);
- });
- });
- }
- getJobInitCode() {
- return [
- 'from biokbase.narrative.jobs.jobcomm import JobComm',
- 'JobComm().start_job_status_loop(init_jobs=True)',
- ].join('\n');
- }
- }
- return JobCommChannel;
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseAppCard.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseAppCard.js
index 966ebe4ec4..c459419d3f 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseAppCard.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseAppCard.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Example and expected out put:
* var $card = new kbaseAppCard(
- {
+ {
//expected values
app: app (object with info object and favorite field),
favorite: app.favorite (number),
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
moreContent: jquery object,
- *
+ *
authors:["rsutormin"], categories:["annotation"], icon:{url:}, id: str,
input_types: ['KbaseGenomeAnnotations.Assembly'], module_name: str,
name: str, namespace: str, output_types:["KBaseGenomes.Genome"],
subtitle: str, tooltip: str, ver: str
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ define([
- 'util/display',
-], (bootstrap, Icon, Promise, BootstrapDialog, DisplayUtil, kbaseCardLayout, Config, $) => {
+], (bootstrap, Icon, Promise, BootstrapDialog, kbaseCardLayout, Config, $) => {
+ 'use strict';
function KbaseAppCard(entry) {
const self = this;
- let favorite = entry.app.favorite;
+ let { favorite } = entry.app;
const app = entry.app.info;
const shortName = entry.name ? entry.name : app.name;
@@ -113,21 +113,7 @@ define([
- const $logo = $('');
- if (app.icon && app.icon.url) {
- const url = Config.url('narrative_method_store_image') + app.icon.url;
- $logo.append(
- DisplayUtil.getAppIcon({
- url: url,
- cursor: 'pointer',
- setColor: true,
- size: '50px',
- })
- );
- } else {
- $logo.append(DisplayUtil.getAppIcon({ cursor: 'pointer', setColor: true }));
- }
+ const $logo = $('
const $name = $('
const $version = $('
const $type = $('').addClass('kb-data-list-type').append(type).append($version);
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseCellToolbarMenu.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseCellToolbarMenu.js
index 45e7b3bb5b..3fabc55de1 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseCellToolbarMenu.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseCellToolbarMenu.js
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
- 'kb_common/html',
+ 'common/html',
- 'common/utils',
- 'util/bootstrapDialog',
- 'kbase/js/widgets/appInfoPanel',
+ 'common/cellUtils',
+ 'common/jobs',
-], ($, html, Events, Jupyter, utils, BootstrapDialog, AppInfoPanel, Config) => {
+], ($, html, Events, Jupyter, utils, Config, Jobs) => {
'use strict';
const t = html.tag,
div = t('div'),
a = t('a'),
button = t('button'),
- p = t('p'),
span = t('span'),
ul = t('ul'),
- li = t('li');
+ li = t('li'),
+ cssBaseClass = 'kb-cell-toolbar';
function getMeta(cell, group, name) {
if (!cell.metadata.kbase) {
@@ -33,10 +32,9 @@ define([
return cell.metadata.kbase[group][name];
- function factory(config) {
- let container,
- cell,
- readOnly = Jupyter.narrative.readonly;
+ function factory() {
+ const readOnly = Jupyter.narrative.readonly;
+ let container, cell;
function doMoveCellUp() {
@@ -50,52 +48,25 @@ define([
$(cell.element).trigger('deleteCell.Narrative', Jupyter.notebook.find_cell_index(cell));
- function getCellTitle(cell) {
- const title = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'title'),
- showTitle = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.cellState.showTitle', true);
+ function getCellTitle(_cell) {
+ const title = getMeta(_cell, 'attributes', 'title'),
+ showTitle = utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.cellState.showTitle', true);
- if (showTitle) {
- return title;
- }
- return '';
- }
- function getCellSubtitle(cell) {
- const subTitle = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'subtitle'),
- showTitle = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.cellState.showTitle', true),
- showSubtitle = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.cellState.showSubtitle', true);
- if (showTitle) {
- return subTitle;
- }
- return '';
+ return showTitle ? title : '';
- function getCellInfoLink(cell, events) {
- const url = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.attributes.info.url'),
- label = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.attributes.info.label');
+ function getCellSubtitle(_cell) {
+ const subTitle = getMeta(_cell, 'attributes', 'subtitle'),
+ showTitle = utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.cellState.showTitle', true);
- if (url) {
- return a(
- {
- href: url,
- target: '_blank',
- id: events.addEvent({
- type: 'click',
- handler: doShowInfoModal,
- }),
- },
- label || 'ref'
- );
- }
- return '';
+ return showTitle ? subTitle : '';
function doToggleMinMaxCell(e) {
if (e.getModifierState) {
const modifier = e.getModifierState('Alt');
if (modifier) {
- console.log('I want to toggle all cells!');
+ // TODO: implement global cell toggling
@@ -105,163 +76,93 @@ define([
- function isCodeShowing(cell) {
- if (cell.isCodeShowing) {
- return cell.isCodeShowing();
- }
- return null;
- }
- function doShowInfoModal(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- const version = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.app.version'),
- authors = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.app.spec.info.authors'),
- title = getMeta(cell, 'attributes', 'title') + ' v' + version,
- appStoreUrl = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.attributes.info.url'),
- tag = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.app.tag'),
- module = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.app.spec.info.module_name');
- var dialog = new BootstrapDialog({
- title: title,
- body: $('
- buttons: [
- $(
- 'View on App Store '
- ),
- $('Close ').click(() => {
- dialog.hide();
- }),
- ],
- enterToTrigger: true,
- closeButton: true,
- });
- const infoPanel = AppInfoPanel.make({
- appId: utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.app.id'),
- appVersion: version,
- appAuthors: authors,
- appModule: module,
- tag: tag,
- });
- infoPanel.start({ node: dialog.getBody() });
- dialog.getElement().on('hidden.bs.modal', () => {
- dialog.destroy();
- });
- dialog.show();
- }
- function doToggleCellSettings() {
- cell.element.trigger('toggleCellSettings.cell');
- }
- function renderToggleCellSettings(events) {
- // Only kbase cells have cell settings.
- if (!cell.metadata || !cell.metadata.kbase || !cell.metadata.kbase.type) {
- return;
- }
- return button(
- {
- type: 'button',
- class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs',
- dataToggle: 'tooltip',
- dataPlacement: 'left',
- title: true,
- dataOriginalTitle: 'Cell Settings',
- id: events.addEvent({ type: 'click', handler: doToggleCellSettings }),
- },
- [span({ class: 'fa fa-cog', style: 'font-size: 14pt' })]
- );
+ function isCodeShowing(_cell) {
+ return _cell.isCodeShowing ? _cell.isCodeShowing() : null;
function renderIcon(icon) {
return span({
- class: 'fa fa-' + icon.type + ' fa-sm',
- style: { color: icon.color || '#000' },
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__icon--${icon.type} fa fa-${icon.type} fa-sm`,
- function isKBaseCell(cell) {
- if (!cell.metadata || !cell.metadata.kbase || !cell.metadata.kbase.type) {
- return false;
+ function buildIcon(_cell) {
+ if (_cell && _cell.getIcon) {
+ return _cell.getIcon();
- return true;
+ return span({
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__icon--build_icon fa fa-thumbs-down fa-2x`,
+ });
- function doHelp() {
- alert('help here...');
- }
+ const buttonClasses = 'btn btn-default btn-xs';
+ const buttonBase = {
+ type: 'button',
+ class: `${buttonClasses} ${cssBaseClass}__button`,
+ dataToggle: 'tooltip',
+ dataPlacement: 'left',
+ title: true,
+ };
- function renderOptions(cell, events) {
- const toggleMinMax = utils.getCellMeta(
- cell,
- 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax',
- 'maximized'
- ),
- toggleIcon = toggleMinMax === 'maximized' ? 'minus' : 'plus',
- dropdownId = html.genId(),
+ function renderOptions(_cell, events) {
+ const dropdownId = html.genId(),
menuItems = [];
- if (cell.cell_type === 'code') {
+ if (_cell.cell_type === 'code') {
name: 'code-view',
- label: isCodeShowing(cell) ? 'Hide code' : 'Show code',
+ label: isCodeShowing(_cell) ? 'Hide code' : 'Show code',
icon: {
type: 'terminal',
- color: 'black',
id: events.addEvent({ type: 'click', handler: doToggleCodeView }),
- if (cell.showInfo) {
+ if (_cell.showInfo) {
name: 'info',
label: 'Info',
icon: {
type: 'info',
- color: 'orange',
- },
- id: events.addEvent({
- type: 'click',
- handler: function () {
- cell.showInfo();
- },
- }),
- });
- }
- if (cell.toggleBatch && Config.get('features').batchAppMode) {
- menuItems.push({
- name: 'batch',
- label: 'Toggle Batch',
- icon: {
- type: 'table',
- color: 'black',
id: events.addEvent({
type: 'click',
handler: () => {
- cell.toggleBatch();
+ _cell.showInfo();
if (!readOnly) {
+ if (_cell.toggleBatch && Config.get('features').batchAppMode) {
+ menuItems.push({
+ name: 'batch',
+ label: 'Toggle Batch',
+ icon: {
+ type: 'table',
+ },
+ id: events.addEvent({
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: () => {
+ _cell.toggleBatch();
+ },
+ }),
+ });
+ }
if (menuItems.length > 0) {
type: 'separator',
name: 'delete-cell',
label: 'Delete cell',
icon: {
type: 'times',
- color: 'red',
id: events.addEvent({ type: 'click', handler: doDeleteCell }),
@@ -274,14 +175,14 @@ define([
return span({ class: 'dropdown' }, [
- class: 'btn btn-xs btn-default dropdown-toggle',
+ class: `${buttonClasses} ${cssBaseClass}__button dropdown-toggle`,
type: 'button',
id: dropdownId,
dataToggle: 'dropdown',
ariaHaspopup: 'true',
ariaExpanded: 'true',
- 'aria-label': 'cell options',
- 'data-test': 'cell-dropdown',
+ ariaLabel: 'cell options',
+ dataElement: 'cell-dropdown',
[span({ class: 'fa fa-ellipsis-h fa-lg' })]
@@ -293,40 +194,32 @@ define([
.map((item) => {
- switch (item.type) {
- case 'separator':
- return li({
- role: 'separator',
- class: 'divider',
- });
- default:
- return li(
- button(
+ if (item.type === 'separator') {
+ return li({
+ role: 'separator',
+ class: 'divider',
+ });
+ }
+ return li(
+ button(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__dropdown_item btn btn-default`,
+ type: 'button',
+ id: item.id,
+ title: item.label,
+ dataElement: item.name,
+ },
+ [
+ span(
- class: 'btn btn-default',
- type: 'button',
- style: {
- width: '100%',
- textAlign: 'left',
- },
- id: item.id,
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__dropdown_item_icon`,
- [
- span(
- {
- style: {
- display: 'inline-block',
- width: '25px',
- marginRight: '4px',
- },
- },
- renderIcon(item.icon)
- ),
- span(item.label),
- ]
- )
- );
- }
+ renderIcon(item.icon)
+ ),
+ span(item.label),
+ ]
+ )
+ );
@@ -334,247 +227,159 @@ define([
- function buildIcon(cell) {
- if (cell && cell.getIcon) {
- return cell.getIcon();
- }
- return span({
- class: 'fa fa-thumbs-down fa-2x',
- style: {
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- },
- });
- }
- function minimizedStatus(mode, stage) {
- if (mode === 'error' || mode === 'internal-error') {
- return 'Error ';
- }
- if (mode === 'canceled' || mode === 'canceling') {
- return 'Canceled ';
- }
- if (mode === 'processing' && stage === 'running') {
- return 'Running';
- }
- if (mode === 'processing' && stage === 'queued') {
- return 'Queued';
- }
- if (mode === 'success') {
- return 'Success ';
- }
- return '';
- }
- function render(cell) {
- /*
- The cell metadata 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax' is the
- canonical indicator of whether a cell is collapsed or not.
- */
+ function render(_cell) {
+ // The cell metadata 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax' is the
+ // canonical indicator of whether a cell is collapsed or not.
const cellCollapsed =
- utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax', 'maximized') !==
+ utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax', 'maximized') !==
- const fsmMode = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.fsm.currentState.mode', '');
- const fsmStage = utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.fsm.currentState.stage', '');
- const appStatePretty = minimizedStatus(fsmMode, fsmStage);
- const collapsedCellStatus = cellCollapsed ? appStatePretty : '';
+ let collapsedCellJobStatus = '';
+ if (cellCollapsed) {
+ if (utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.appCell.fsm')) {
+ const fsmMode = utils.getCellMeta(
+ _cell,
+ 'kbase.appCell.fsm.currentState.mode',
+ ''
+ ),
+ fsmStage = utils.getCellMeta(
+ _cell,
+ 'kbase.appCell.fsm.currentState.stage',
+ ''
+ );
+ collapsedCellJobStatus = Jobs.createJobStatusFromFsm(fsmMode, fsmStage);
+ } else if (utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.bulkImportCell.state.state')) {
+ const currentState = utils.getCellMeta(
+ _cell,
+ 'kbase.bulkImportCell.state.state'
+ );
+ collapsedCellJobStatus = Jobs.createJobStatusFromBulkCellFsm(currentState);
+ }
+ }
const events = Events.make({ node: container }),
+ title = getCellTitle(_cell),
+ subtitle = getCellSubtitle(_cell),
buttons = [
- div({ class: 'buttons pull-right' }, [
- renderOptions(cell, events),
- span({
- class: 'fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin',
- style: { color: 'rgb(42, 121, 191)', display: 'none' },
- }),
- span({
- class: 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle',
- style: { color: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', display: 'none' },
- }),
- readOnly
- ? null
- : button(
- {
- type: 'button',
- class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs',
- dataToggle: 'tooltip',
- dataPlacement: 'left',
- title: true,
- dataOriginalTitle: 'Move Cell Up',
- 'data-test': 'cell-move-up',
- 'aria-label': 'Move cell up',
- id: events.addEvent({ type: 'click', handler: doMoveCellUp }),
- },
- [span({ class: 'fa fa-arrow-up fa-lg' })]
- ),
- readOnly
- ? null
- : button(
- {
- type: 'button',
- class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs',
- dataToggle: 'tooltip',
- dataPlacement: 'left',
- title: true,
- dataOriginalTitle: 'Move Cell Down',
- 'data-test': 'cell-move-down',
- 'aria-label': 'Move cell down',
- id: events.addEvent({
- type: 'click',
- handler: doMoveCellDown,
- }),
- },
- [span({ class: 'fa fa-arrow-down fa-lg' })]
- ),
- (function () {
- const toggleMinMax = utils.getCellMeta(
- cell,
- 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax',
- 'maximized'
- ),
- toggleIcon = toggleMinMax === 'maximized' ? 'minus' : 'plus',
- color = toggleMinMax === 'maximized' ? '#000' : 'rgba(255,137,0,1)';
- return button(
- {
- type: 'button',
- class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs',
- dataToggle: 'tooltip',
- dataPlacement: 'left',
- title: true,
- 'data-test': 'cell-toggle-expansion',
- 'aria-label': 'Expand or Collapse Cell',
- dataOriginalTitle:
- toggleMinMax === 'maximized'
- ? 'Collapse Cell'
- : 'Expand Cell',
- id: events.addEvent({
- type: 'click',
- handler: doToggleMinMaxCell,
- }),
- },
- [
- span({
- class: 'fa fa-' + toggleIcon + '-square-o fa-lg',
- style: {
- color: color,
- },
- }),
- ]
- );
- })(),
- ]),
- ],
- message = div(
- {
- class: 'pull-right messsage',
- style: {
- fontStyle: 'italic',
- },
- },
- [div([utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.cellState.message')])]
- ),
- content = div({ class: 'kb-cell-toolbar' }, [
- class: '',
- style: {
- display: 'flex',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- height: '56px',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- },
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__buttons-container`,
- div(
- {
- class: 'title-container',
- style: { flexGrow: '1' },
- },
- [
- div(
- {
- class: 'title',
- style: {
- display: 'flex',
- height: '56px',
- },
- },
- [
- div(
- {
- dataElement: 'icon',
- class: 'icon',
- style: {
- flexShrink: '0',
- width: '56px',
- height: '56px',
- lineHeight: '56px',
- },
- },
- [buildIcon(cell)]
- ),
- div({ style: { flexGrow: '1' } }, [
- div(
- {
- dataElement: 'title',
- class: 'title',
- style: {
- lineHeight: '20px',
- height: '20px',
- marginTop: '8px',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- },
- [getOutdatedWarning(cell), getCellTitle(cell)]
- ),
- div(
- {
- dataElement: 'subtitle',
- class: 'subtitle',
- style: {
- lineHeight: '20px',
- height: '20px',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- },
- [getCellSubtitle(cell)]
- ),
- ]),
- div(
- {
- style: {
- margin: '0px 0px 0px auto',
- minWidth: '65px',
- },
- },
- [collapsedCellStatus]
- ),
- ]
+ // indicates the job status when the cell is collapsed
+ collapsedCellJobStatus,
+ // options dropdown
+ renderOptions(_cell, events),
+ readOnly
+ ? null
+ : button(
+ Object.assign({}, buttonBase, {
+ dataOriginalTitle: 'Move Cell Up',
+ dataElement: 'cell-move-up',
+ 'aria-label': 'Move cell up',
+ id: events.addEvent({
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: doMoveCellUp,
+ }),
+ }),
+ [span({ class: 'fa fa-arrow-up fa-lg' })]
+ ),
+ readOnly
+ ? null
+ : button(
+ Object.assign({}, buttonBase, {
+ dataOriginalTitle: 'Move Cell Down',
+ dataElement: 'cell-move-down',
+ 'aria-label': 'Move cell down',
+ id: events.addEvent({
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: doMoveCellDown,
+ }),
+ }),
+ [span({ class: 'fa fa-arrow-down fa-lg' })]
+ ),
+ (function () {
+ const toggleMinMax = utils.getCellMeta(
+ _cell,
+ 'kbase.cellState.toggleMinMax',
+ 'maximized'
- ]
- ),
- div(
- {
- class: 'buttons-container',
- style: { minWidth: '110px' },
- },
- [buttons, message]
- ),
+ toggleIcon = toggleMinMax === 'maximized' ? 'minus' : 'plus';
+ return button(
+ Object.assign({}, buttonBase, {
+ dataElement: 'cell-toggle-expansion',
+ 'aria-label': 'Expand or Collapse Cell',
+ dataOriginalTitle:
+ toggleMinMax === 'maximized'
+ ? 'Collapse Cell'
+ : 'Expand Cell',
+ id: events.addEvent({
+ type: 'click',
+ handler: doToggleMinMaxCell,
+ }),
+ }),
+ [
+ span({
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__icon--${toggleIcon} fa fa-${toggleIcon}-square-o fa-lg`,
+ }),
+ ]
+ );
+ })(),
- ]);
+ ],
+ content = div(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__container`,
+ },
+ [
+ div(
+ {
+ dataElement: 'icon',
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__app_icon`,
+ },
+ [buildIcon(_cell)]
+ ),
+ div(
+ {
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__title-container`,
+ },
+ [
+ div(
+ {
+ dataElement: 'title',
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__title`,
+ title: title,
+ },
+ [getOutdatedWarning(_cell), title]
+ ),
+ div(
+ {
+ dataElement: 'subtitle',
+ class: `${cssBaseClass}__subtitle`,
+ title: subtitle,
+ },
+ subtitle
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ buttons,
+ ]
+ );
return {
events: events,
content: content,
- function getOutdatedWarning(cell) {
- if (utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.outdated', false)) {
+ function getOutdatedWarning(_cell) {
+ if (utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.appCell.outdated', false)) {
return a(
tabindex: '0',
type: 'button',
- class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs',
+ class: `${buttonClasses} ${cssBaseClass}__button ${cssBaseClass}__icon--outdated`,
dataContainer: 'body',
container: 'body',
dataToggle: 'popover',
@@ -586,15 +391,14 @@ define([
'This app has a newer version available! ' +
"There's probably nothing wrong with this version, " +
'but the new one may include new features. Add a new "' +
- utils.getCellMeta(cell, 'kbase.appCell.newAppName') +
+ utils.getCellMeta(_cell, 'kbase.appCell.newAppName') +
'" app cell for the update.',
style: { color: '#f79b22' },
[span({ class: 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-lg' })]
- } else {
- return '';
+ return '';
function callback(toolbarDiv, parentCell) {
@@ -622,8 +426,8 @@ define([
return {
- make: function (config) {
- return factory(config);
+ make: function () {
+ return factory();
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseDataCard.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseDataCard.js
index 00e037154c..6b95692c58 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseDataCard.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseDataCard.js
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ define([
function showCopyWarningDialog() {
- var dialog = new BootstrapDialog({
+ const dialog = new BootstrapDialog({
title: 'An item with this name already exists in this Narrative.',
body: 'Do you want to overwrite the existing copy?',
buttons: [
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppCell.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppCell.js
index d309f1182c..a9fb05baa0 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppCell.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppCell.js
@@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
(function ($, undefined) {
+ 'use strict';
- 'util/display',
+ 'util/icon',
@@ -29,13 +31,12 @@
- DisplayUtil,
+ Icon,
) => {
- 'use strict';
return KBWidget({
name: 'kbaseNarrativeAppCell',
parent: kbaseAuthenticatedWidget,
@@ -213,9 +214,8 @@
* Renders this cell and its contained input widget.
render: function (stepSpecs) {
+ const self = this;
this.methodSpecs = {};
- var self = this;
this.$runButton = $('')
.attr('type', 'button')
.attr('value', 'Run')
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
.attr('value', 'Get State')
.addClass('btn btn-danger btn-sm')
.append('Get State')
- .click((event) => {
+ .click(() => {
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
.css({ 'margin-right': '5px' })
- $.proxy((event) => {
+ $.proxy(() => {
}, this)
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
.append('Edit and Re-Run')
.css({ 'margin-right': '5px', 'margin-left': '10px' })
- $.proxy((event) => {
+ $.proxy(() => {
}, this)
@@ -298,7 +298,6 @@
const stepHeaderText = 'Step ';
this.inputSteps = [];
this.inputStepLookup = {};
- const inputStep = {};
for (let i = 0; i < stepSpecs.length; i++) {
const $stepPanel = this.renderStepDiv(
@@ -330,30 +329,15 @@
const $appSubmittedStamp = $('');
const headerCleaned = this.appSpec.info.header.replace(/"/g, '"');
- const $appHeaderDiv = $('
- // .addClass('kb-app-panel-header')
- .html(headerCleaned);
- // var $menuSpan = $('
- // Controls (minimize)
- // var $controlsSpan = $('
- // var $minimizeControl = $("
- // .css({color: "#888", fontSize: "14pt", cursor:'pointer', paddingTop: "7px", margin: "5px"});
- // $controlsSpan.append($minimizeControl);
+ const $appHeaderDiv = $('').html(headerCleaned);
const $cellPanel = $('
.addClass('panel kb-app-panel kb-cell-run')
- // .append($controlsSpan)
- // .append($menuSpan)
- //.addClass('app-panel-heading')
- // .append($('
- // .append($('
' + appTitle + ' ')))
@@ -365,7 +349,7 @@
this.$elem.closest('.cell').trigger('set-title.cell', [appTitle]);
- const $logo = $('
').append(DisplayUtil.getAppIcon({ isApp: true }));
+ const $logo = $('
').append(Icon.makeGenericIcon('cubes', '#00BCD4'));
this.$elem.closest('.cell').trigger('set-icon.cell', [$logo.html()]);
//require(['kbaseNarrativeCellMenu'], $.proxy(function() {
@@ -380,9 +364,7 @@
// Add minimize/restore actions.
// These mess with the CSS on the cells!
- const $mintarget = $cellPanel;
this.panel_minimized = false;
- var self = this;
@@ -406,7 +388,6 @@
// First setup the Input widget header
const $inputWidgetDiv = $('
const methodId = stepSpec.info.id + '-step-details-' + StringUtil.uuid();
- const buttonLabel = 'details';
const methodDesc = stepSpec.info.subtitle;
const $header = $('
').css({ 'margin-top': '4px' }).addClass('kb-func-desc');
const $staticMethodInfo = $('
@@ -553,7 +534,7 @@
if (this.appSpec && this.inputSteps) {
const steps = this.appSpec.steps;
for (let s = 0; s < steps.length; s++) {
- var input_mapping = steps[s].input_mapping;
+ const input_mapping = steps[s].input_mapping;
for (let m = 0; m < input_mapping.length; m++) {
if (input_mapping[m].is_from_input) {
// should be 1 for true, 0 for false
@@ -631,7 +612,7 @@
prepareDataBeforeRun: function () {
if (this.inputSteps) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++)
- var v = this.inputSteps[i].widget.prepareDataBeforeRun();
+ this.inputSteps[i].widget.prepareDataBeforeRun();
@@ -826,9 +807,8 @@
this.inputSteps[i].outputWidget &&
) {
- this.state.step[id].outputState.widgetState = this.inputSteps[
- i
- ].outputWidget.getState();
+ this.state.step[id].outputState.widgetState =
+ this.inputSteps[i].outputWidget.getState();
@@ -853,12 +833,12 @@
// set the step states
if (this.inputSteps && state.step) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
- var id = this.inputSteps[i].id;
- if (state.step.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
+ const stepId = this.inputSteps[i].id;
+ if (state.step.hasOwnProperty(stepId)) {
// set the input states
- if (state.step[id].inputState) {
- this.inputSteps[i].widget.loadState(state.step[id].inputState);
+ if (state.step[stepId].inputState) {
+ this.inputSteps[i].widget.loadState(state.step[stepId].inputState);
@@ -887,7 +867,7 @@
} else if (state.runningState.appRunState === 'error') {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
if (
@@ -908,8 +888,8 @@
// start minimized if done, todo: save minimization state of steps
- for (var i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
- this.inputSteps[i].widget.lockInputs();
+ for (let it = 0; it < this.inputSteps.length; it++) {
+ this.inputSteps[it].widget.lockInputs();
this.state.runningState.appRunState = state.runningState.appRunState;
@@ -918,8 +898,8 @@
// set the output state (we do this last so that in case we run into an error, we still show that we are running)
if (this.inputSteps && state.step) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
- var id = this.inputSteps[i].id;
+ for (let it = 0; it < this.inputSteps.length; it++) {
+ const id = this.inputSteps[it].id;
if (state.step.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
// set the output states
if (state.step[id].outputState) {
@@ -974,14 +954,14 @@
state = state.toLowerCase();
if (state === 'error') {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
if (this.inputSteps[i].$stepContainer.hasClass('kb-app-step-running')) {
} else if (state === 'complete' || state === 'done') {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.inputSteps.length; i++) {
this.state.runningState.runningStep = null;
@@ -1014,18 +994,17 @@
//console.debug("Find next steps for app", app);
// fetch full info, which contains suggested next steps
const params = { ids: [app.info.id] };
- const result = {};
$.proxy(function (info_list) {
//console.debug("Got full info for app:", info_list);
const sugg = info_list[0].suggestions;
//console.debug("Suggestions for app:", sugg);
- const params = { apps: sugg.next_apps, methods: sugg.next_methods };
+ const _params = { apps: sugg.next_apps, methods: sugg.next_methods };
//console.debug("Getting function specs, params=", params);
// Pass callback to render each retrieved function spec
this.trigger('getFunctionSpecs.Narrative', [
- params,
+ _params,
function (specs) {
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppPanel.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppPanel.js
index a0f5058133..cad1889c12 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppPanel.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeAppPanel.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ define([
- 'yaml!ext_components/kbase-ui-plugin-catalog/src/plugin/modules/data/categories.yml',
+ 'yaml!ext_components/kbase-ui-plugin-catalog/src/plugin/iframe_root/modules/data/categories.yml',
diff --git a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeCellMenu.js b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeCellMenu.js
index 121ffc690e..1dca058782 100644
--- a/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeCellMenu.js
+++ b/kbase-extension/static/kbase/js/widgets/narrative_core/kbaseNarrativeCellMenu.js
@@ -19,19 +19,17 @@ define([
return 'kbaseNarrativeCellMenu_' + this.lastId;
init: function (options) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
this.$subtitle = $('
this.$timestamp = $('
- const devMode = true;
const $deleteBtn = $(
- .append($(''))
+ .append($(''))
.click(() => {
@@ -41,10 +39,10 @@ define([
const $menuBtn = $(
- ).append($(''));
+ ).append($(''));
this.$collapseBtn = $(
- ' '
+ ' '
).on('click', (e) => {
@@ -58,16 +56,17 @@ define([
icon: 'fa fa-code',
text: 'View Job Submission',
action: function () {
- let metadata = this.options.cell.metadata,
- stackTrace = [],
+ const { metadata } = this.options.cell,
newCell = Jupyter.narrative.insertAndSelectCell(
+ let stackTrace = [];
if (metadata['kb-cell'] && metadata['kb-cell'].stackTrace) {
stackTrace = metadata['kb-cell'].stackTrace;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
if (stackTrace instanceof Array) {
@@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ define([
text: 'Duplicate Cell',
action: $.proxy(function () {
// get the current state, and clear it of its running state
- const kbWidget = options.kbWidget,
+ const { kbWidget } = options,
currentState = kbWidget.getState();
if (this.options.kbWidgetType === 'method') {
// put the method in the narrative
@@ -129,10 +128,11 @@ define([
// the method initializes an internal method input widget, but in an async way
// so we have to wait and check when that is done. When it is, we can update state
const newCell = Jupyter.notebook.get_selected_cell();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const newWidget = new kbaseNarrativeMethodCell(
$('#' + $(newCell.get_text())[0].id)
- var updateState = function (state) {
+ const updateState = function () {
if (newWidget.$inputWidget) {
// if the $inputWidget is not null, we are good to go, so set the state
@@ -161,15 +161,12 @@ define([
- var self = this;
// Job State Icon
this.$jobStateIcon = $('');
// this shows whether the app is running
this.$runningIcon = $('')
- .addClass('fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin')
- .css({ color: 'rgb(42,121,191)' })
+ .addClass('fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin text-primary')
this.$elem.data('runningIcon', this.$runningIcon);
@@ -181,22 +178,6 @@ define([
- this.$elem.on('runningIndicator.toolbar', (e, data) => {
- // if (data.enabled) {
- // self.$runningIcon.show();
- // } else {
- // self.$runningIcon.hide();
- // }
- // if (data.enabled) {
- // self.$jobStateIcon.html(makeIcon({
- // class: 'wifi',
- // color: 'orange',
- // spin: true,
- // label: 'Sending'
- // }));
- // }
- });
this.$elem.on('show-title.toolbar', () => {
this.$elem.find('div.title').css('display', 'inline-block');
@@ -225,18 +206,18 @@ define([
- function makeIcon(icon) {
- const spinClass = icon.spin ? 'fa-spin' : '',
- label = icon.label ? icon.label + ' ' : '',
+ function makeIcon(_icon) {
+ const spinClass = _icon.spin ? 'fa-spin' : '',
+ label = _icon.label ? _icon.label + ' ' : '',
iconHtml =
'' +
label +
' ';
return iconHtml;
@@ -335,8 +316,7 @@ define([
// this shows on error
this.$errorIcon = $('')
- .addClass('fa fa-exclamation-triangle')
- .css({ color: 'red', 'font-size': '14pt' })
+ .addClass('fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-14-pt text-danger')
this.$elem.data('errorIcon', this.$errorIcon);
this.$elem.on('show-error', () => {
@@ -353,7 +333,7 @@ define([
- var $dropdownMenu = $('').append($menuBtn).append(this.$menu);
+ const $dropdownMenu = $('').append($menuBtn).append(this.$menu);