- Login.init($node);
+ 'jquery',
+ 'narrativeLogin',
+ 'testUtil',
+ 'narrativeConfig'
+], function(
+ $,
+ Login,
+ TestUtil,
+ Config
+) {
+ 'use strict';
+ function insertTokenCookie(token) {
+ document.cookie = 'kbase_session=' + token;
+ }
+ function mockValidToken(token) {
+ insertTokenCookie(token);
+ // call to auth.getCurrentProfile
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ Config.url('auth') + '/api/V2/me'
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 200,
+ statusText: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ responseText: JSON.stringify({
+ created: 1490219221579,
+ lastlogin: 1578423051701,
+ display: 'Some User',
+ roles: [{
+ id: 'DevToken',
+ desc: 'Create developer tokens'
+ }],
+ 'customroles':['goofypants'],
+ 'policyids':[
+ {'id':'data-policy.3','agreedon':1490285343224},
+ {'id':'kbase-user.2','agreedon':1490285343222}
+ ],
+ user: 'some_user',
+ local: false,
+ email: 'some_user@somewhere.com',
+ idents: [{
+ provusername: 'some_user@globusid.org',
+ provider: 'Globus',
+ id: 'some_globus_id'
+ }, {
+ provusername: '1234-5678-9876-5432',
+ provider: 'OrcID',
+ id: 'some_OrcID_id'
+ }]
+ })
+ });
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ Config.url('auth') + '/api/V2/token'
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 200,
+ statusText: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ responseText: JSON.stringify({
+ type: "Login",
+ id: 'some_token_id',
+ expires: new Date().getTime() + 100000,
+ created: 1578423051700,
+ name: null,
+ user: 'some_user',
+ custom: {},
+ cachefor: 300000
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ function mockInvalidToken(token) {
+ insertTokenCookie(token);
+ const error = JSON.stringify({
+ error: {
+ httpcode: 401,
+ httpstatus: 'Unauthorized',
+ appcode: 10020,
+ apperror: 'Invalid token',
+ message: '10020 Invalid token',
+ callid: '8296207964623217',
+ time: 1578600439463
+ }
+ });
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ Config.url('auth') + '/api/V2/me'
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 401,
+ statusText: 'Not allowed',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ responseText: error
+ });
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ Config.url('auth') + 'api/V2/token'
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 401,
+ statusText: 'Not allowed',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ responseText: error
+ });
+ }
+ function mockNoToken() {
+ const error = JSON.stringify({
+ error: {
+ httpcode: 400,
+ httpstatus: 'Bad Request',
+ appcode: 10010,
+ apperror: 'No authentication token',
+ message: '10010 No authentication token: No user token provided',
+ callid: '5753458997874970',
+ time: 1578603882613
+ }
+ });
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ Config.url('auth') + '/api/V2/me'
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 401,
+ statusText: 'Bad Request',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ responseText: error
+ });
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ Config.url('auth') + '/api/V2/token'
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 401,
+ statusText: 'Bad Request',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ responseText: error
+ });
+ }
+ describe('Test the kbaseNarrative module', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ document.cookie = 'kbase_session=; expires=' + new Date().setTime(1) + '; path=/';
+ Login.sessionInfo = null;
+ jasmine.Ajax.install();
+ jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(
+ /\/login$/
+ ).andReturn({
+ status: 200
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jasmine.Ajax.uninstall();
+ });
+ it('Should load successfully', () => {
+ expect(Login.init).toBeDefined();
+ expect(Login.sessionInfo).toBeDefined();
+ expect(Login.getAuthToken).toBeDefined();
+ expect(Login.restartSession).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('Should instantiate on a DOM node with a valid token', (done) => {
+ mockValidToken('valid_token');
+ let $node = $("
+ loggedIn = false,
+ loggedInKBase = false;
+ $(document).on('loggedIn', () => {
+ loggedIn = true;
+ });
+ $(document).on('loggedIn.kbase', () => {
+ loggedInKBase = true;
+ });
+ Login.init($node)
+ .then(() => {
+ /* check the following from init:
+ * 1. token check timer gets created
+ * 2. authClient.getTokenInfo and
+ * 3. authClient.getUserProfile get called
+ * 4. "loggedIn.kbase" and "loggedIn" get triggered on document
+ */
+ expect(loggedIn).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(loggedInKBase).toBeTruthy();
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should run a token validation timer when inited with a valid token', (done) => {
+ mockValidToken('valid_token');
+ let $node = $('
+ Login.init($node)
+ .then(() => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ done();
+ }, 2000)
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should fail to instantiate without a valid auth token', (done) => {
+ mockInvalidToken('fake-token');
+ Login.init($('
+ .then(done);
+ });
+ it('Should fail to instantiate without any login token', (done) => {
+ mockNoToken();
+ Login.init($('
+ .then(done);
+ });
+ it('Should re-log in to Jupyter server on request', (done) => {
+ mockValidToken('valid_token');
+ Login.restartSession().then(done);
+ });
+ it('Should provide a null auth token if one is not present', () => {
+ const token = Login.getAuthToken();
+ expect(token).toBeNull();
+ });
+ it('Should provide an auth token straight from the cookie', () => {
+ const token = 'valid_token';
+ mockValidToken(token)
+ expect(Login.getAuthToken()).toBe(token);
+ });
+ it('Should provide session info on request after initing', (done) => {
+ mockValidToken('valid_token');
+ Login.init($('
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(Login.sessionInfo).not.toBeNull();
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should give a null session info before initing', () => {
+ expect(Login.sessionInfo).toBeNull();
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