title: Probability author: Keith A. Lewis institution: KALX, LLC email: [email protected] classoption: fleqn fleqn: true abstract: Probability – the foundation of statistics. ...
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In order to understand statistics one must first understand probability theory.
A cubical die has six faces:
If a die is rolled twice then a
If a die is rolled three times then the number of cases involving a
If a die is rolled
Chevalier de Méré was concerned with the problem of how to divide the
wagers if the game was interupted part way thorough. (Vingt-deux, voilà
les flics!) The initial odds are
Antoine Gombaud (his real name) asked his salon friends Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat about this puzzle. They came up with a complete solution of how to count with partial information.
Read on.
A sample space is a set of outcomes. Subsets of a sample space are events. A probability measure assigns a number between 0 and 1 to events that represents a degree of belief an outcome will belong to the event. Partial information is modeled by a partition of the sample space.
A sample space is a set of what can happen in a probability model. An outcome is an element of a sample space. An event is a subset of a sample space.
A sample space for flipping a coin can be modeled by the set
A sample space for flipping a coin twice can be modeled by the set
The first step in any probability model is to specify the possible outcomes. The second step is to assign probabilities to the outcomes.
A measure
Exercise. Show if $\nu(E\cup F) = \nu(E) + \nu(F) - \nu(E\cap F)$ for $E,F\subseteq S$ then $\mu = \nu - \nu(\emptyset)$ is measure.
$\mu = \nu - \nu(\emptyset)$ we mean$\mu(E) = \nu(E) - \nu(\emptyset)$ for any subset$E\subseteq S$ . Clearly$\mu(E\cup F) = \mu(E) + \mu(F) - \mu(E\cap F)$ for any$E,F\subseteq S$ . Since$\mu(\emptyset) = \nu(\emptyset) - \nu(\emptyset) = 0$ ,$\mu$ is a measure.
Exercise. Show if $\mu$ is a measure then $\mu(E\cup F) = \mu(E) + \mu(F)$ for any subsets $E$ and $F$ with empty intersection $E\cap F = \emptyset$.
$\mu(\emptyset) = 0$ ,$\mu(E\cup F) = \mu(E) + \mu(F) - \mu(E\cap F) = \mu(E) + \mu(F) - \mu(\emptyset) = \mu(E) + \mu(F)$ .
Exercise. Show if $\mu$ is a measure then $\mu(E) = \mu(E\cap F) + \mu(E\cap F')$ for any subsets $E$ and $F$ where $F' = S\setminus F = {x\in S:x\not\in F}$ is the complement of $F$ in $S$.
$(E\cap F)\cup(E\cap F') = E\cap(F\cup F') = E\cap S = E$ and$(E\cap F)\cap(E\cap F') = E\cap(F\cap F') = E\cap\emptyset = \emptyset$ so$\mu(E\cap F) + \mu(E\cap F') = \mu((E\cap F)\cup(E\cap F') = \mu(E)$ .
A partition splits a sample space into disjoint subsets with union equal to the sample space. Partitions are how partial information is represented. The events in the partition are called atoms. The way they represent partial information is you only know what atom an outcome belongs to, not the actual outcome.
Partitions define an equivalence relation on outcomes. We say
Exercise. Show $\omega\sim\omega$, $\omega\sim\omega'$ implies $\omega'\sim\omega$, and $\omega\sim\omega'$, $\omega'\sim\omega''$ implies $\omega\sim\omega''$.
This is the definition of an equivalence relation. It is the mathematical way of saying two things are the "same" even if they are not equal.
A probability measure
Probability theory originated with games of chance. One way to interpret this is "How much money would you wager on an outcome involving rolling dice or selecting cards from a deck?" Putting your money where your mouth is is a way to clarify thinking.
Exercise. Show $P(E\cup F) \le P(E) + P(F)$ for any events $E$ and $F$ when $P$ is a probability measure.
Exercise. Show $P(\cup_i E_i) \le \sum_i P(E_i)$ for any events $(E_i)$ when $P$ is a probability measure.
For the two coin flip model (assuming the coin is fair) we
assign probability of
A random variable is a symbol that can be used in place of a number when manipulating equations and inequalities with with additional information about the probability of the values it can take on.
The mathematical definition of a random variable is
a function
Two random variables have the same law if they have the same cdf.
The cdf tells you everything there is to know about the probability of
the values the random variable can take on. For example,
Exercise. Show $P(a\le X\le b) = \lim{x\uparrow a} F(b) - F(x)$_.
In general
Exercise: Show for any cumulative distribution function $F$ that
$F(x) \le F(y)$ if $x < y$, $\lim{x\to -\infty} F(x) = 0$,
Hint: For right continuity use
The cdf
Exercise. If $X$ has cdf $F$, then $X$ and $F^{-1}(U)$ have the same law.
Exercise. If $X$ has cdf $F$, then $F(X)$ and $U$ have the same law.
This shows a uniformly distributed random variable has sufficient randomness to generate any random variable. There are no random, random variables.
Given a cdf
The mathematical definition is more flexible than defining a random variable by its cumulative distribution function.
Exercise. Show if $H\omega(x) = 0$ for
Using this more precise notation,
The _cartesian product of sets $A$ and $B$ is the set of pairs $A\times B = {(a,b):a\in A, b\in B}$. The number of elements in $A\times B$ is the number of elements in $A$ times the number of elements in $B$. ↩