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2019-10-03 |
kubernetes, iks, node.js, js, java, .net, go, flask, react, python, swift, rails, ruby, spring boot, angular |
containers |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:download: .download} {:preview: .preview}
{: #app}
You can use Kubernetes techniques in {{}} to deploy apps in containers and ensure that those apps are up and running at all times. For example, you can perform rolling updates and rollbacks without downtime for your users. Because Kubernetes is an extensible container orchestration platform that does not mandate a specific language or app, you can run various workloads such as stateless, stateful, and data-processing apps that are written in the language of your choice. {: shortdesc}
Learn the general steps for deploying apps by clicking an area of the following image. Want to learn the basics first? Try out the deploying apps tutorial.
{: #plan_apps}
Before you deploy an app to an {{}} cluster, decide how you want to set up your app so that your app can be accessed properly and be integrated with other services in {{}}. {:shortdesc}
{: #object}
When you prepare your app YAML file, you have many options to increase the app's availability, performance, and security. For example, instead of a single pod, you can use a Kubernetes controller object to manage your workload, such as a replica set, job, or daemon set. For more information about pods and controllers, view the Kubernetes documentation . A deployment that manages a replica set of pods is a common use case for an app.
{: shortdesc}
For example, a kind: Deployment
object is a good choice to deploy an app pod because with it, you can specify a replica set for more availability for your pods.
The following table describes why you might create different types of Kubernetes workload objects.
Object | Description |
Pod |
A pod is the smallest deployable unit for your workloads, and can hold a single or multiple containers. Similar to containers, pods are designed to be disposable and are often used for unit testing of app features. To avoid downtime for your app, consider deploying pods with a Kubernetes controller, such as a deployment. A deployment helps you to manage multiple pods, replicas, pod scaling, rollouts, and more. |
ReplicaSet |
A replica set makes sure that multiple replicas of your pod are running, and reschedules a pod if the pod goes down. You might create a replica set to test how pod scheduling works, but to manage app updates, rollouts, and scaling, create a deployment instead. |
Deployment |
A deployment is a controller that manages a pod or replica set |
StatefulSet |
Similar to deployments, a stateful set is a controller that manages a replica set of pods. Unlike deployments, a stateful set ensures that your pod has a unique network identity that maintains its state across rescheduling. When you want to run workloads in the cloud, try to design your app to be stateless so that your service instances are independent from each other and can fail without a service interruption. However, some apps, such as databases, must be stateful. For those cases, consider to create a stateful set and use file, block, or object storage as the persistent storage for your stateful set. You can also install Portworx on top of your bare metal worker nodes and use Portworx as a highly available software-defined storage solution to manage persistent storage for your stateful set. |
DaemonSet |
Use a daemon set when you must run the same pod on every worker node in your cluster. Pods that are managed by a daemon set are automatically scheduled when a worker node is added to a cluster. Typical use cases include log collectors, such as logstash or prometheus , that collect logs from every worker node to provide insight into the health of a cluster or an app. |
Job |
A job ensures that one or more pods run successfully to completion. You might use a job for queues or batch jobs to support parallel processing of separate but related work items, such as a certain number of frames to render, emails to send, and files to convert. To schedule a job to run at certain times, use a CronJob |
{: caption="Types of Kubernetes workload objects that you can create." caption-side="top"} |
See Specifying your app requirements in your YAML file for descriptions of what you might include in a deployment. The example includes:
- Replica sets
- Labels
- Affinity
- Image policies
- Ports
- Resource requests and limits
- Liveness and readiness probes
- Services to expose the app service on a port
- Configmaps to set container environment variables
- Secrets to set container environment variables
- Persistent volumes that are mounted to the container for storage
{: #variables}
To add variable information to your deployments instead of hard-coding the data into the YAML file, you can use a Kubernetes ConfigMap
{: shortdesc}
To consume a configmap or secret, you need to mount it to the pod. The configmap or secret is combined with the pod just before the pod is run. You can reuse a deployment spec and image across many apps, but then swap out the customized configmaps and secrets. Secrets in particular can take up a lot of storage on the local node, so plan accordingly.
Both resources define key-value pairs, but you use them for different situations.
- Configmap
- Provide non-sensitive configuration information for workloads that are specified in a deployment. You can use configmaps in three main ways.
- File system: You can mount an entire file or a set of variables to a pod. A file is created for each entry based on the key name contents of the file that are set to the value.
- Environment variable: Dynamically set the environment variable for a container spec.
- Command-line argument: Set the command-line argument that is used in a container spec.
- Secret
- Provide sensitive information to your workloads, such as follows. Other users of the cluster might have access to the secret, so be sure that you know the secret information can be shared with those users.
- Personally identifiable information (PII): Store sensitive information such as email addresses or other types of information that are required for company compliance or government regulation in secrets.
- Credentials: Put credentials such as passwords, keys, and tokens in a secret to reduce the risk of accidental exposure. For example, when you [bind a service](/docs/containers?topic=containers-service-binding#bind-services) to your cluster, the credentials are stored in a secret.
Want to make your secrets even more secured? Ask your cluster admin to enable {{}} in your cluster to encrypt new and existing secrets. {: tip}
When you specify your app YAML file, you can add Kubernetes functionalities to your app configuration that help your app get the right resources. In particular, set resource limits and requests for each container that is defined in your YAML file.
{: shortdesc}
Additionally, your cluster admin might set up resource controls that can affect your app deployment, such as the following.
You can access your app privately within the cluster by using a clusterIP
{: shortdesc}
If you want to expose your app publicly, you have different options that depend on your cluster type.
- Free cluster: You can expose your app by using a NodePort service.
- Standard cluster: You can expose your app by using a NodePort, load balancer, or Ingress service.
- Cluster that is made private by using Calico: You can expose your app by using a NodePort, load balancer, or Ingress service. You also must use a Calico preDNAT network policy to block the public node ports.
- Private VLAN-only standard cluster: You can expose your app by using a NodePort, load balancer, or Ingress service. You also must open the port for the service's private IP address in your firewall.
After your cluster is fully deployed, you can set up a continuous delivery and continuous integration pipeline for your cluster to automate the deployment and testing of your containerized apps. With {{}}, you can choose between pre-defined DevOps templates that help you deploy Kubernetes-native apps and Helm charts, run vulnerability tests, A/B tests, and set up automatic health checks and alerting. For more information, see Setting up a continuous delivery pipeline for a cluster.
You can set up {{}} logging and monitoring for your cluster. You might also choose to integrate with a third-party logging or monitoring service. {: shortdesc}
If you want to dynamically add and remove apps in response to workload usage, see Scaling apps. {: shortdesc}
If you want to manage updates to your app, see Managing rolling deployments.
The account and cluster administrators can control access on many different levels: the cluster, Kubernetes namespace, pod, and container. {: shortdesc}
With {{}} IAM, you can assign permissions to individual users, groups, or service accounts at the cluster-instance level. You can scope cluster access down further by restricting users to particular namespaces within the cluster. For more information, see Assigning cluster access.
To control access at the pod level, you can configure pod security policies with Kubernetes RBAC.
Within the app deployment YAML, you can set the security context for a pod or container. For more information, review the Kubernetes documentation .
Want to control access at the application level? To create a sign-on flow that you can update at any time without changing your app code, try using {{}}. {: tip}
{: #highly_available_apps}
The more widely you distribute your setup across multiple worker nodes and clusters, the less likely your users are to experience downtime with your app. {: shortdesc}
Review the following potential app setups that are ordered with increasing degrees of availability.
- A deployment with n+2 pods that are managed by a replica set in a single node in a single zone cluster.
- A deployment with n+2 pods that are managed by a replica set and spread across multiple nodes (anti-affinity) in a single zone cluster.
- A deployment with n+2 pods that are managed by a replica set and spread across multiple nodes (anti-affinity) in a multizone cluster across zones.
You can also connect multiple clusters in different regions with a global load balancer to increase the high availability.
{: #increase_availability}
Consider the following options to increase availability of your app. {: shortdesc}
- Use deployments and replica sets to deploy your app and its dependencies
A deployment is a Kubernetes resource that you can use to declare all of the components of your app and its dependencies. With deployments, you don't have to write down all of the steps and instead can focus on your app.
When you deploy more than one pod, a replica set is automatically created for your deployments that monitors the pods and assures that the specified number of pods is up and running at all times. When a pod goes down, the replica set replaces the unresponsive pod with a new one.
You can use a deployment to define update strategies for your app, including the number of pods that you want to add during a rolling update and the number of pods that can be unavailable at a time. When you perform a rolling update, the deployment checks whether or not the revision is working and stops the rollout when failures are detected.
With deployments, you can concurrently deploy multiple revisions with different flags. For example, you can test a deployment first before you decide to push it to production.
By using Deployments, you can track any deployed revisions. You can use this history to roll back to a previous version if you encounter that your updates are not working as expected.
- Include enough replicas for your app's workload, plus two
- To make your app even more highly available and more resilient to failure, consider including extra replicas than the minimum to handle the expected workload. Extra replicas can handle the workload in case a pod crashes and the replica set did not yet recover the crashed pod. For protection against two simultaneous failures, include two extra replicas. This setup is an N+2 pattern, where N is the number of replicas to handle the incoming workload and +2 is an extra two replicas. As long as your cluster has enough space, you can have as many pods as you want.
- Spread pods across multiple nodes (anti-affinity)
When you create your deployment, each pod can be deployed to the same worker node. This is known as affinity, or co-location. To protect your app against worker node failure, you can configure your deployment to spread your pods across multiple worker nodes by using the
option with your standard clusters. You can define two types of pod anti-affinity: preferred or required.For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation on Assigning Pods to Nodes.
For an example of affinity in an app deployment, see [Making your app deployment YAML file](#app_yaml).
- Distribute pods across multiple zones or regions
To protect your app from a zone failure, you can create multiple clusters in separate zones or add zones to a worker pool in a multizone cluster. Multizone clusters are available only in [certain metro areas](/docs/containers?topic=containers-regions-and-zones#zones), such as Dallas. If you create multiple clusters in separate zones, you must [set up a global load balancer](/docs/containers?topic=containers-ha_clusters#multiple_clusters).
When you use a replica set and specify pod anti-affinity, Kubernetes spreads your app pods across the nodes. If your nodes are in multiple zones, the pods are spread across the zones, increasing the availability of your app. If you want to limit your apps to run only in one zone, you can configure pod affinity, or create and label a worker pool in one zone. For more information, see [High availability for multizone clusters](/docs/containers?topic=containers-ha_clusters#ha_clusters).
In a multizone cluster deployment, are my app pods distributed evenly across the nodes?
The pods are evenly distributed across zones, but not always across nodes. For example, if you have a cluster with one node in each of three zones and deploy a replica set of six pods, then each node gets two pods. However, if you have a cluster with two nodes in each of three zones and deploy a replica set of six pods, each zone schedules two pods, and might schedule one pod per node or might not. For more control over scheduling, you can [set pod affinity ](
If a zone goes down, how are pods rescheduled onto the remaining nodes in the other zones?
It depends on your scheduling policy that you used in the deployment. If you included [node-specific pod affinity ](, your pods are not rescheduled. If you did not, pods are created on available worker nodes in other zones, but they might not be balanced. For example, the two pods might be spread across the two available nodes, or they might both be scheduled onto one node with available capacity. Similarly, when the unavailable zone returns, pods are not automatically deleted and rebalanced across nodes. If you want the pods to be rebalanced across zones after the zone is back up, consider using the [Kubernetes descheduler ]( In multizone clusters, try to keep your worker node capacity at 50% per zone so that enough capacity is left to protect your cluster against a zonal failure.
What if I want to spread my app across regions?
To protect your app from a region failure, create a second cluster in another region, [set up a global load balancer](/docs/containers?topic=containers-ha_clusters#multiple_clusters) to connect your clusters, and use a deployment YAML to deploy a duplicate replica set with [pod anti-affinity ]( for your app.What if my apps need persistent storage?
Use a cloud service such as [{{}}](/docs/services/Cloudant?topic=cloudant-getting-started#getting-started) or [{{}}](/docs/services/cloud-object-storage?topic=cloud-object-storage-getting-started).
{: #app_yaml}
In Kubernetes, you describe your app in a YAML file that declares the configuration of the Kubernetes object. The Kubernetes API server then processes the YAML file and stores the configuration and required state of the object in the etcd data store. The Kubernetes scheduler schedules your workloads onto the worker nodes within your cluster, taking into account the specification in your YAML file, any cluster policies that the admin sets, and available cluster capacity. {: shortdesc}
Review a copy of the complete YAML file. Then, review the following sections to understand how you can enhance your app deployment.
- Replica sets
- Labels
- Affinity
- Image policies
- Ports
- Resource requests and limits
- Liveness and readiness probes
- Services to expose the app service on a port
- Configmaps to set container environment variables
- Secrets to set container environment variables
- Persistent volumes that are mounted to the container for storage
- Next steps
- Complete example YAML
- Basic deployment metadata
Use the appropriate API version for the [kind of Kubernetes object](#object) that you deploy. The API version determines the supported features for the Kubernetes object that are available to you. The name that you give in the metadata is the object's name, not its label. You use the name when interacting with your object, such as `kubectl get deployment `.
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wasliberty
- Replica set
To increase the availability of your app, you can specify a replica set in your deployment. In a replica set, you define how many instances of your app that you want to deploy. Replica sets are managed and monitored by your Kubernetes deployment. If one app instance goes down, Kubernetes automatically spins up a new instance of your app to maintain the specified number of app instances.
spec: replicas: 3
- Labels
With [labels](/docs/containers?topic=containers-strategy#deploy_organize), you can mark different types of resources in your cluster with the same `key: value` pair. Then, you can specify the selector to match the label so that you can build upon these other resources. If you plan to expose your app publicly, you must use a label that matches the selector that you specify in the service. In the example, the deployment spec uses the template that matches the label `app: wasliberty.`
You can retrieve objects that are labeled in your cluster, such as to see `staging` or `production` components. For example, list all resources with an `env: production` label across all namespaces in the cluster. Note: You need access to all namespaces to run this command.
kubectl get all -l env=production --all-namespaces
- For more information about labels, see the [Kubernetes documentation ](
- To apply labels to worker nodes, [create your worker pool](/docs/containers?topic=containers-add_workers#add_pool) with labels or [update an existing worker pool](/docs/containers?topic=containers-add_workers#worker_pool_labels).
- For a more detailed example, see [Deploying apps to specific worker nodes by using labels](/docs/containers?topic=containers-app#node_affinity).
selector: matchLabels: app: wasliberty template: metadata: labels: app: wasliberty
- Affinity
Specify affinity (co-location) when you want more control over which worker nodes the pods are scheduled on. Affinity affects the pods only at scheduling time. For example, to spread the deployment across worker nodes instead of allowing pods to schedule on the same node, use the
option with your standard clusters. You can define two types of pod anti-affinity: preferred or required.For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation on Assigning Pods to Nodes.
- Required anti-affinity: You can deploy only the number of replicas that you have worker nodes for. For example, if you have three worker nodes in your cluster but you define five replicas in your YAML file, then only three replicas deploy. Each replica lives on a different worker node. The leftover two replicas remain pending. If you add another worker node to your cluster, then one of the leftover replicas deploys to the new worker node automatically. If a worker node fails, the pod does not reschedule because the affinity policy is required. For an example YAML with required, see Liberty app with required pod anti-affinity.
- Preferred anti-affinity: You can deploy your pods to nodes with available capacity, which provides more flexibility for your workload. When possible, the pods are scheduled on different worker nodes. For example, if you have three worker nodes with enough capacity in your cluster, it can schedule the five replica pods across the nodes. However, if you add two more worker nodes to your cluster, the affinity rule does not force the two extra pods that are running on the existing nodes to reschedule onto the free node.
- Worker node affinity: You can configure your deployment to run on only certain worker nodes, such as bare metal. For more information, see [Deploying apps to specific worker nodes by using labels](/docs/containers?topic=containers-app#node_affinity).
Example for preferred anti-affinity:
spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 100 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - wasliberty topologyKey:
- Container image
Specify the image that you want to use for your containers, the location of the image, and the image pull policy. If you do not specify an image tag, by default it pulls the image that is tagged `latest`.
**Attention**: Avoid using the latest tag for production workloads. You might not have tested your workload with the latest image if you are using a public or shared repository, such as Docker Hub or {{}}.
For example, to list the tags of public IBM images:
- Switch to the global registry region.
ibmcloud cr region-set global
- List the IBM images.
ibmcloud cr images --include-ibm
The default `imagePullPolicy` is set to `IfNotPresent`, which pulls the image only if it does not exist locally. If you want the image to be pulled every time that the container starts, specify the `imagePullPolicy: Always`.
containers: - name: wasliberty image: imagePullPolicy: Always
- Switch to the global registry region.
- Port for the app's service
Select a container port to open the app's services on. To see which port needs to be opened, refer to your app specs or Dockerfile. The port is accessible from the private network, but not from a public network connection. To expose the app publicly, you must create a NodePort, load balancer, or Ingress service. You use this same port number when you [create a `Service` object](#app-service).
ports: - containerPort: 9080
- Resource requests and limits
As a cluster admin, you can make sure that teams that share a cluster don't take up more than their fair share of compute resources (memory and CPU) by creating a [
object ]( for each Kubernetes namespace in the cluster. If the cluster admin sets a compute resource quota, then each container within the deployment template must specify resource requests and limits for memory and CPU, otherwise the pod creation fails.- Check whether a resource quota is set for a namespace.
kubectl get quota --namespace=
- See what the quota limits are.
kubectl describe quota --namespace=
Even if no resource quota is set, you can include resource requests and limits in your deployment to improve the management of worker node resources.
If a container exceeds its limit, the container might be restarted or fail. If a container exceeds a request, its pod might be evicted if the worker node runs out of that resource that is exceeded. For more information about troubleshooting, see [Pods repeatedly fail to restart or are unexpectedly removed](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_troubleshoot_clusters#pods_fail).
**Request**: The minimum amount of the resource that the scheduler reserves for the container to use. If the amount is equal to the limit, the request is guaranteed. If the amount is less than the limit, the request is still guaranteed, but the scheduler can use the difference between the request and the limit to fulfill the resources of other containers.
**Limit**: The maximum amount of the resource that the container can consume. If the total amount of resources that is used across the containers exceeds the amount available on the worker node, containers can be evicted to free up space. To prevent eviction, set the resource request equal to the limit of the container. If no limit is specified, the default is the worker node's capacity.
For more information, see the [Kubernetes documentation ](
resources: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "1000m"
- Check whether a resource quota is set for a namespace.
- Liveness and readiness probes
By default, Kubernetes sends traffic to your app pods after all containers in the pod start, and restarts containers when they crash. However, you can set health checks to improve the robustness of service traffic routing. For example, your app might have a startup delay. The app processes might begin before the entire app is completely ready, which can affect responses especially when scaling up across many instances. With health checks, you can let your system can know whether your app is running and ready to receive requests. By setting these probes, you can also help prevent downtime when you perform a [rolling update](#app_rolling) of your app. You can set two types of health checks: liveness and readiness probes.
**Liveness probe**: Set up a liveness probe to check whether the container is running. If the probe fails, the container is restarted. If the container does not specify a liveness probe, the probe succeeds because it assumes that the container is alive when the container is in a **Running** status.
**Readiness probe**: Set up a readiness probe to check whether the container is ready to receive requests and external traffic. If the probe fails, the pod's IP address is removed as a usable IP address for services that match the pod, but the container is not restarted. Setting a readiness probe with an initial delay is especially important if your app takes a while to start up. Before the initial delay, the probe does not start, giving your container time to come up. If the container does not provide a readiness probe, the probe succeeds because it assumes that the container is alive when the container is in a **Running** status.
You can set up the probes as commands, HTTP requests, or TCP sockets. The example uses HTTP requests. Give the liveness probe more time than the readiness probe. For more information, see the [Kubernetes documentation ](
livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: 9080 initialDelaySeconds: 300 periodSeconds: 15 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: 9080 initialDelaySeconds: 45 periodSeconds: 5
- Exposing the app service
You can create a service that exposes your app. In the `spec` section, make sure to match the `port` and label values with the ones that you used in the deployment. The service exposes objects that match the label, such as `app: wasliberty` in the following example.
- By default, a service uses [`ClusterIP` ](, which makes the service accessible only within the cluster but not outside the cluster.
- You can create a NodePort, load balancer, or Ingress service to expose the app publicly. These services have two IPs, one external and one internal. When traffic is received on the external IP, it is forwarded to the internal cluster IP. Then, from the internal cluster IP, the traffic is routed to the container IP of the app.
- The example uses `NodePort` to expose the service outside the cluster. For more information about how to set up external access, see [Choosing a NodePort, load balancer, or Ingress service](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_network_planning#external).
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: wasliberty labels: app: wasliberty spec: ports: - port: 9080 selector: app: wasliberty type: NodePort
If you have a requirement to deploy `hostNetwork` pods to listen on specific ports or to use a `hostPort` to expose your app pods on a specific port on the worker node, use a port in the `11000-11200` range. {{}} designates the `11000-11200` port range on worker nodes for this purpose to avoid conflicts with local ports and other ports that {{}} uses. Because `hostNetwork` pods and `hostPorts` refer to a particular worker node IP address, the pods are limited to run only on that worker node. If something unanticipated happens, such as the worker node being removed or running out of resources, your pod cannot be rescheduled. If you want to expose a pod’s port on the worker node, consider using a [`NodePort` service](/docs/containers?topic=containers-nodeport) instead. For more information, see the [Kubernetes best practices documentation](
- Configmaps for container environment variables
Configmaps provide non-sensitive configuration information for your deployment workloads. The following example shows how you can reference values from your configmap as environment variables in the container spec section of your deployment YAML. By referencing values from your configmap, you can decouple this configuration information from your deployment to keep your containerized app portable.
- [Help me decide whether to use a Kubernetes `ConfigMap` or `Secret` object for variables](#variables).
- For more ways to use configmaps, see the [Kubernetes documentation ](
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wasliberty spec: replicas: 3 template: ... spec: ... containers: - name: wasliberty ... env: - name: VERSION valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: wasliberty key: VERSION - name: LANGUAGE valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: wasliberty key: LANGUAGE ... --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: wasliberty labels: app: wasliberty data: VERSION: "1.0" LANGUAGE: en
- Secrets for container environment variables
Secrets provide sensitive configuration information such as passwords for your deployment workloads. The following example shows how you can reference values from your secret as environment variables in the container spec section of your deployment YAML. You can also mount the secret as a volume. By referencing values from your secret, you can decouple this configuration information from your deployment to keep your containerized app portable.
- [Help me decide whether to use a ConfigMap or Secret for variables](#variables).
- For more information, see [Understanding when to use secrets](/docs/containers?topic=containers-encryption#secrets).
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wasliberty spec: replicas: 3 template: ... spec: ... containers: - name: wasliberty ... env: - name: username valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: wasliberty key: username - name: password valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: wasliberty key: password ... --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: wasliberty labels: app: wasliberty type: Opaque data: username: dXNlcm5hbWU= password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
- Persistent volumes for container storage
Persistent volumes (PVs) interface with physical storage to provide persistent data storage for your container workloads. The following example shows how you can add persistent storage to your app. To provision persistent storage, you create a persistent volume claim (PVC) to describe the type and size of file storage that you want to have. After you create the PVC, the persistent volume and the physical storage are automatically created by using [dynamic provisioning](/docs/containers?topic=containers-kube_concepts#dynamic_provisioning). By referencing the PVC in your deployment YAML, the storage is automatically mounted to your app pod. When the container in your pod writes data to the `/test` mount path directory, data is stored on the NFS file storage instance.
- For more information, see [Understanding Kubernetes storage basics](/docs/containers?topic=containers-kube_concepts#kube_concepts).
- For options on other types of storage that you can provision, see [Planning highly available persistent storage](/docs/containers?topic=containers-storage_planning#storage_planning).
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wasliberty spec: replicas: 3 template: ... spec: ... containers: - name: wasliberty ... volumeMounts: - name: pvmount mountPath: /test volumes: - name: pvmount persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: wasliberty ... --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: wasliberty annotations: "ibmc-file-bronze" labels: billingType: "hourly" app: wasliberty spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 24Gi
- Ready to deploy an app?
- [Use a copy of the complete YAML as a template to get started](
- [Deploy an app from the Kubernetes dashboard](/docs/containers?topic=containers-app#app_ui).
- [Deploy an app from the CLI](/docs/containers?topic=containers-app#app_cli).
{: #yaml-example}
The following example is a copy of the deployment YAML that is discussed section-by-section previously. You can also download the YAML from GitHub. {: shortdesc}
To apply the YAML:
kubectl apply -f file.yaml [-n <namespace>]
{: pre}
Example YAML:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: wasliberty
replicas: 3
app: wasliberty
app: wasliberty
- weight: 100
- key: app
operator: In
- wasliberty
- name: wasliberty
- name: VERSION
name: wasliberty
- name: LANGUAGE
name: wasliberty
- name: username
name: wasliberty
key: username
- name: password
name: wasliberty
key: password
- containerPort: 9080
memory: "512Mi"
cpu: "500m"
memory: "1024Mi"
cpu: "1000m"
path: /
port: 9080
initialDelaySeconds: 300
periodSeconds: 15
path: /
port: 9080
initialDelaySeconds: 45
periodSeconds: 5
- name: pvmount
mountPath: /test
- name: pvmount
claimName: wasliberty
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: wasliberty
app: wasliberty
- port: 9080
app: wasliberty
type: NodePort
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: wasliberty
app: wasliberty
VERSION: "1.0"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: wasliberty
app: wasliberty
type: Opaque
username: dXNlcm5hbWU=
password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: wasliberty
annotations: "ibmc-file-bronze"
billingType: "hourly"
app: wasliberty
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 24Gi
{: codeblock}
{: #kustomize}
As part of a twelve-factor , cloud-native app, you want to maintain dev-to-prod parity by setting up a continuous development and delivery pipeline that uses a common, version-controlled codebase source. In your codebase repositories, you store your Kubernetes resource configuration manifest files, often in YAML format. You can use the Kubernetes project Kustomize
both to standardize and customize your deployments across multiple environments.
{: shortdesc}
For example, you can set up a base kustomization
YAML to declare Kubernetes objects such as deployments and PVCs that are shared in your development, testing, and production environments. Next, you can set up separate kustomization
YAMLs that have customized configurations for each environment, such as more replicas in production than testing. These customized YAMLs can then overlay, or build on, the shared base YAML so that you can manage environments that are mostly identical except for a few overlay configuration differences that you source-control. For more information about Kustomize such as a glossary and FAQs, check out the Kustomize docs .
Before you begin:
- Create or update to a cluster that runs Kubernetes version 1.14 or later.
- Make sure that your
version matches your cluster version. - Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
To set up configuration files with Kustomize:
- For macOS, you can use the
package manager.{: pre}brew install kustomize
- For Windows, you can use the
package manager.{: pre}choco install kustomize
- For macOS, you can use the
Create a directory for your app in a version control system, such as Git.
git init ~/<my_app>
{: pre}
Create your repo structure for your
directory, and environment directories such as staging and production. In the subsequent steps, you set up these repos for use withkustomize
.mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/base && mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/overlay && mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/overlay/staging && mkdir -p ~/<my_app>/overlay/prod
{: pre}
Example repo structure:
. ├── base └── overlay ├── prod └── staging
{: screen}
Set up the
Navigate to the base repo.
cd ~/<my_app>/base
{: pre}
Create an initial set of Kubernetes configuration YAML files for your app deployment. You might use the
YAML example to create a deployment, service, config map, and persistent volume claim. -
Create a
filethat specifies the base configuration to be applied across environments. The
file must include the list of Kubernetes resource configuration YAMLs that are stored in the samebase
repo. In thekustomization
file, you can also add configurations that apply to all the resource YAMLs in the base repo, such as a prefix or suffix that is appended to all the resource names, a label, the existing namespace all the resources are created in, secrets, configmaps, and more.apiVersion: kind: Kustomization namespace: wasliberty namePrefix: kustomtest- nameSuffix: -v2 commonLabels: app: kustomized-wasliberty resources: - deployment.yaml - service.yaml - pvc.yaml - configmap.yaml - secret.yaml
{: codeblock}
The names of the
YAMLs must match the names of the other files in thebase
repo. You might include multiple configurations in the same file, but in the example, the configurations are separate files such asdeployment.yaml
, andpvc.yaml
. -
Build your resource YAML files with the configurations that you defined in the
base YAML file. The resources are built by combining the configurations in thekustomization
and resource YAMLs together. The combined YAML files are returned instdout
in the terminal output. Use this same command to build any subsequent changes that you make to thekustomization
YAML, such adding a label.kustomize build
{: pre}
Set up your overlay repo with unique
YAML files for each of your environments, such as staging and prod.- In the staging repo, create a
file. Add any configurations that are unique to staging, such as a label, image tag, or YAML for a new component that you want to test out.{: codeblock}apiVersion: kind: Kustomization namePrefix: staging- commonLabels: env: staging owner: TeamA bases: - ../../base patchesStrategicMerge: - configmap.yaml - new_staging_resource.yaml resources: - new_staging_resource.yaml
YAML components Understanding the YAML file components
Specify a prefix to attach to the name of each resource that you want to create with your staging `kustomization` file, such as `staging-`. commonLabels
Add labels that are unique to the staging objects, such as the staging environment and responsible team. bases
Add a relative path to a directory or URL to a remote repo that contains a base `kustomization` file. In this example, the relative path points to the base `kustomization` file in the `base` repo that you previously created. This field is required for an overlay `kustomization`. patchesStrategicMerge
List the resource configuration YAML files that you want to merge to the base `kustomization`. You must also add these files to the same repo as the `kustomization` file, such as `overlay/staging`. These resource configuration files can contain small changes that are merged to the base configuration files of the same name as a patch. The resource gets all the components that are in the `base` configuration file, plus any additional components that you specify in the `overlay` configuration file.
If the configuration is a new file that is not in the base, you must also add the file name to the `resources` field.resources
List any resource configuration YAML files that are unique to the staging repo and not included in the base repo. Include these files in the `patchesStrategicMerge` field also, and add them to the same repo as the `kustomization` file, such as `overlay/staging`. Other possible configurations For more configurations that you might add to your file, see the [Make a `kustomization` file ]( - Build your staging overlay configuration files.
{: pre}
kustomize build overlay/staging
- Repeat these steps to create your prod overlay
and other configuration YAML files. For example, you might increase the number of replicas in yourdeployment.yaml
so that your prod environment can handle more user requests. - Review your
repo structure to make sure that it includes all the YAML configuration files that you need. The structure might look similar to the following example.{: screen}├── base │ ├── configmap.yaml │ ├── deployment.yaml │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ ├── pvc.yaml │ ├── secret.yaml │ └── service.yaml └── overlay ├── prod │ ├── deployment.yaml │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ └── new_prod_resource.yaml └── staging ├── configmap.yaml ├── kustomization.yaml └── new_staging_resource.yaml
- In the staging repo, create a
Apply the Kubernetes resources for the environment that you want to deploy. The following example uses the staging repo.
- Navigate to the staging overlay directory. If you did not build your resources in the previous step, create them now.
{: pre}
cd overlay/staging && kustomize build
- Apply the Kubernetes resources to your cluster. Include the
flag and the directory where thekustomization
file is located. For example, if you are already in the staging directory, include../staging
to mark the path to the directory.{: pre} Example output:kubectl apply -k ../staging
configmap/staging-kustomtest-configmap-v2 created secret/staging-kustomtest-secret-v2 created service/staging-kustomtest-service-v2 created deployment.apps/staging-kustomtest-deployment-v2 created job.batch/staging-pi created persistentvolumeclaim/staging-kustomtest-pvc-v2 created
- Check to make sure that the staging-unique changes are applied. For example, if you added a
prefix, the pods and other resources that are created include this prefix in their name.{: pre} Example output:kubectl get -k ../staging
{: screen}NAME DATA AGE configmap/staging-kustomtest-configmap-v2 2 90s NAME TYPE DATA AGE secret/staging-kustomtest-secret-v2 Opaque 2 90s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/staging-kustomtest-service-v2 NodePort <none> 9080:30200/TCP 90s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/staging-kustomtest-deployment-v2 0/3 3 0 91s NAME COMPLETIONS DURATION AGE job.batch/staging-pi 1/1 41s 2m37s NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE persistentvolumeclaim/staging-kustomtest-pvc-v2 Pending ibmc-file-bronze 90s
- Repeat these steps for each environment that you want to build.
- Navigate to the staging overlay directory. If you did not build your resources in the previous step, create them now.
Optional: Clean up your environment by removing all the resources that you applied with Kustomize.
kubectl delete -k <directory>
{: pre} Example output:
configmap "staging-kustomtest-configmap-v2" deleted secret "staging-kustomtest-secret-v2" deleted service "staging-kustomtest-service-v2" deleted deployment.apps "staging-kustomtest-deployment-v2" deleted job.batch "staging-pi" deleted persistentvolumeclaim "staging-kustomtest-pvc-v2" deleted
{: screen}
{: #cli_dashboard}
Open a Kubernetes dashboard on your local system to view information about a cluster and its worker nodes. In the {{}} console, you can access the dashboard with a convenient one-click button. With the CLI, you can access the dashboard or use the steps in an automation process such as for a CI/CD pipeline. {:shortdesc}
Do you have so many resources and users in your cluster that the Kubernetes dashboard is a little slow? For clusters that run Kubernetes version 1.12 or later, your cluster admin can scale the kubernetes-dashboard
deployment by running kubectl -n kube-system scale deploy kubernetes-dashboard --replicas=3
{: tip}
To check the logs for individual app pods, you can run kubectl logs <pod name>
. Do not use the Kubernetes dashboard to stream logs for your pods, which might cause a disruption in your access to the Kubernetes dashboard.
{: important}
Before you begin:
- Make sure that you are assigned a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources.
- To launch the Kubernetes dashboard from the console, you must be assigned a platform role. If you are assigned only a service role but no platform role, launch the Kubernetes dashboard from the CLI.
- Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
You can use the default port or set your own port to launch the Kubernetes dashboard for a cluster.
Launching the Kubernetes dashboard from the {{}} console {: #db_gui}
- Log in to the {{}} console.
- From the menu bar, select the account that you want to use.
- From the menu
, click Kubernetes.
- On the Clusters page, click the cluster that you want to access.
- From the cluster detail page, click the Kubernetes Dashboard button.
Launching the Kubernetes dashboard from the CLI {: #db_cli}
Get your credentials for Kubernetes.
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[0]}'
{: pre}
Copy the id-token value that is shown in the output.
Set the proxy with the default port number.
kubectl proxy
{: pre}
Example output:
Starting to serve on
{: screen}
Sign in to the dashboard.
In your browser, navigate to the following URL:
{: codeblock}
In the sign-on page, select the Token authentication method.
Then, paste the id-token value that you previously copied into the Token field and click SIGN IN.
When you are done with the Kubernetes dashboard, use CTRL+C
to exit the proxy
command. After you exit, the Kubernetes dashboard is no longer available. Run the proxy
command to restart the Kubernetes dashboard.
Next, you can run a configuration file from the dashboard.
{: #app_ui}
When you deploy an app to your cluster by using the Kubernetes dashboard, a deployment resource automatically creates, updates, and manages the pods in your cluster. For more information about using the dashboard, see the Kubernetes docs .
Do you have so many resources and users in your cluster that the Kubernetes dashboard is a little slow? For clusters that run Kubernetes version 1.12 or later, your cluster admin can scale the kubernetes-dashboard
deployment by running kubectl -n kube-system scale deploy kubernetes-dashboard --replicas=3
{: tip}
Before you begin:
- Install the required CLIs.
- Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
- Make sure that you are assigned a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources.
- To launch the Kubernetes dashboard from the console, you must be assigned a platform role. If you are assigned only a service role but no platform role, launch the Kubernetes dashboard from the CLI.
To deploy your app:
- Open the Kubernetes dashboard and click + Create.
- Enter your app details in 1 of 2 ways.
- Select Specify app details below and enter the details.
- Select Upload a YAML or JSON file to upload your app configuration file
Need help with your configuration file? Check out this example YAML file . In this example, a container is deployed from the ibmliberty image in the US-South region. Learn more about securing your personal information when you work with Kubernetes resources.
{: tip}
- Verify that you successfully deployed your app in one of the following ways.
- In the Kubernetes dashboard, click Deployments. A list of successful deployments is displayed.
- If your app is publicly available, navigate to the cluster overview page in your {{}} dashboard. Copy the subdomain, which is located in the cluster summary section and paste it into a browser to view your app.
{: #app_cli}
After a cluster is created, you can deploy an app into that cluster by using the Kubernetes CLI. {:shortdesc}
Before you begin:
- Install the required CLIs.
- Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
- Make sure that you are assigned a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources in the namespace.
To deploy your app:
Create a configuration file based on Kubernetes best practices
. Generally, a configuration file contains configuration details for each of the resources you are creating in Kubernetes. Your script might include one or more of the following sections:
: Defines the creation of pods and replica sets. A pod includes an individual containerized app and replica sets control multiple instances of pods.
: Provides front-end access to pods by using a worker node or load balancer public IP address, or a public Ingress route.
: Specifies a type of load balancer that provides routes to access your app publicly.
Learn more about securing your personal information when you work with Kubernetes resources.
Run the configuration file in a cluster's context.
kubectl apply -f config.yaml
{: pre}
If you made your app publicly available by using a nodeport service, a load balancer service, or Ingress, verify that you can access the app.
{: #node_affinity}
When you deploy an app, the app pods indiscriminately deploy to various worker nodes in your cluster. In some cases, you might want to restrict the worker nodes that the app pods to deploy to. For example, you might want app pods to deploy to only worker nodes in a certain worker pool because those worker nodes are on bare metal machines. To designate the worker nodes that app pods must deploy to, add an affinity rule to your app deployment. {:shortdesc}
Before you begin:
- Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
- Make sure that you are assigned a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources in the namespace.
To deploy apps to specific worker nodes:
Get the ID of the worker pool that you want to deploy app pods to.
ibmcloud ks worker-pool ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
{: pre}
List the worker nodes that are in the worker pool, and note one of the Private IP addresses.
ibmcloud ks worker ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --worker-pool <worker_pool_name_or_ID>
{: pre}
Describe the worker node. In the Labels output, note the worker pool ID label,
.The steps in this topic use a worker pool ID to deploy app pods only to worker nodes within that worker pool. To deploy app pods to specific worker nodes by using a different label, note this label instead. For example, to deploy app pods only to worker nodes on a specific private VLAN, use the `privateVLAN=` label.
kubectl describe node <worker_node_private_IP>
{: pre}
Example output:
Name: Roles: <none> Labels: arch=amd64 privateVLAN=1234567 publicVLAN=7654321 Annotations: ...
{: screen}
Add an affinity rule
for the worker pool ID label to the app deployment.
Example YAML:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: with-node-affinity spec: template: spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - <worker_pool_ID> ...
{: codeblock}
In the affinity section of the example YAML,
is thekey
is thevalue
. -
Apply the updated deployment configuration file.
kubectl apply -f with-node-affinity.yaml
{: pre}
Verify that the app pods deployed to the correct worker nodes.
List the pods in your cluster.
kubectl get pods -o wide
{: pre}
Example output:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE cf-py-d7b7d94db-vp8pq 1/1 Running 0 15d
{: screen}
In the output, identify a pod for your app. Note the NODE private IP address of the worker node that the pod is on.
In the previous example output, the app pod
is on a worker node with the IP
. -
List the worker nodes in the worker pool that you designated in your app deployment.
ibmcloud ks worker ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --worker-pool <worker_pool_name_or_ID>
{: pre}
Example output:
ID Public IP Private IP Machine Type State Status Zone Version kube-dal10-crb20b637238bb471f8b4b8b881bbb4962-w7 b3c.4x16 normal Ready dal10 1.8.6_1504 kube-dal10-crb20b637238bb471f8b4b8b881bbb4962-w8 b3c.4x16 normal Ready dal10 1.8.6_1504 kube-dal12-crb20b637238bb471f8b4b8b881bbb4962-w9 b3c.4x16 normal Ready dal12 1.8.6_1504
{: screen}
If you created an app affinity rule based on another factor, get that value instead. For example, to verify that the app pod deployed to a worker node on a specific VLAN, view the VLAN that the worker node is on by running
ibmcloud ks worker get --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --worker <worker_ID>
. {: tip} -
In the output, verify that the worker node with the private IP address that you identified in the previous step is deployed in this worker pool.
{: #gpu_app}
If you have a bare metal graphics processing unit (GPU) machine type, you can schedule mathematically intensive workloads onto the worker node. For example, you might run a 3D app that uses the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) platform to share the processing load across the GPU and CPU to increase performance. {:shortdesc}
In the following steps, you learn how to deploy workloads that require the GPU. You can also deploy apps that don't need to process their workloads across both the GPU and CPU. After, you might find it useful to play around with mathematically intensive workloads such as the TensorFlow machine learning framework with this Kubernetes demo
Before you begin:
- Create a bare metal GPU machine type. This process can take more than one business day to complete.
- Make sure that you are assigned a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources in the namespace.
To execute a workload on a GPU machine:
Create a YAML file. In this example, a
YAML manages batch-like workloads by making a short-lived pod that runs until the command that it is scheduled to complete successfully terminates.For GPU workloads, you must always provide the
resources: limits:
field in the YAML specification. {: note}apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: nvidia-smi labels: name: nvidia-smi spec: template: metadata: labels: name: nvidia-smi spec: containers: - name: nvidia-smi image: nvidia/cuda:9.1-base-ubuntu16.04 command: [ "/usr/test/nvidia-smi" ] imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent resources: limits: 2 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/test name: nvidia0 volumes: - name: nvidia0 hostPath: path: /usr/bin restartPolicy: Never
{: codeblock}
YAML components Understanding the YAML file components
Metadata and label names Give a name and a label for the job, and use the same name in both the file's metadata and the `spec template` metadata. For example, `nvidia-smi`. containers.image
Provide the image that the container is a running instance of. In this example, the value is set to use the DockerHub CUDA image: nvidia/cuda:9.1-base-ubuntu16.04
Specify a command to run in the container. In this example, the [ "/usr/test/nvidia-smi" ]
command refers to a binary file that is on the GPU machine, so you must also set up a volume mount.containers.imagePullPolicy
To pull a new image only if the image is not currently on the worker node, specify IfNotPresent
For GPU machines, you must specify the resource limit. The Kubernetes [Device Plug-in]( sets the default resource request to match the limit. - You must specify the key as
. - Enter the whole number of GPUs that you request, such as
. Note: Container pods do not share GPUs and GPUs cannot be overcommitted. For example, if you have only 1 `mg1c.16x128` machine, then you have only 2 GPUs in that machine and can specify a maximum of `2`.
Name the volume that is mounted onto the container, such as nvidia0
. Specify themountPath
on the container for the volume. In this example, the path/usr/test
matches the path that is used in the job container command.volumes
Name the job volume, such as nvidia0
. In the GPU worker node'shostPath
, specify the volume'spath
on the host, in this example,/usr/bin
. The containermountPath
is mapped to the host volumepath
, which gives this job access to the NVIDIA binaries on the GPU worker node for the container command to run. - You must specify the key as
Apply the YAML file. For example:
kubectl apply -f nvidia-smi.yaml
{: pre}
Check the job pod by filtering your pods by the
label. Verify that the STATUS is Completed.kubectl get pod -a -l 'name in (nvidia-sim)'
{: pre}
Example output:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nvidia-smi-ppkd4 0/1 Completed 0 36s
{: screen}
Describe the pod to see how the GPU device plug-in scheduled the pod.
- In the
fields, see that the resource limit that you specified matches the request that the device plug-in automatically set. - In the events, verify that the pod is assigned to your GPU worker node.
kubectl describe pod nvidia-smi-ppkd4
{: pre}
Example output:
Name: nvidia-smi-ppkd4 Namespace: default ... Limits: 2 Requests: 2 ... Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Scheduled 1m default-scheduler Successfully assigned nvidia-smi-ppkd4 to ...
{: screen}
- In the
To verify that the job used the GPU to compute its workload, you can check the logs. The
[ "/usr/test/nvidia-smi" ]
command from the job queried the GPU device state on the GPU worker node.kubectl logs nvidia-sim-ppkd4
{: pre}
Example output:
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 390.12 Driver Version: 390.12 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 Tesla K80 Off | 00000000:83:00.0 Off | Off | | N/A 37C P0 57W / 149W | 0MiB / 12206MiB | 0% Default | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 1 Tesla K80 Off | 00000000:84:00.0 Off | Off | | N/A 32C P0 63W / 149W | 0MiB / 12206MiB | 1% Default | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: GPU Memory | | GPU PID Type Process name Usage | |=============================================================================| | No running processes found | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
{: screen}
In this example, you see that both GPUs were used to execute the job because both the GPUs were scheduled in the worker node. If the limit is set to 1, only 1 GPU is shown.
{: #app_scaling}
With Kubernetes, you can enable horizontal pod autoscaling to automatically increase or decrease the number of instances of your apps based on CPU.
Looking for information about scaling Cloud Foundry applications? Check out IBM Auto-Scaling for {{}}. Want to scale your worker nodes instead of your pods? Check out the cluster autoscaler. {: tip}
Before you begin:
- Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
- Heapster monitoring must be deployed in the cluster that you want to autoscale.
- Make sure that you are assigned a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources in the namespace.
Deploy your app to a cluster from the CLI. When you deploy your app, you must request CPU.
kubectl run <app_name> --image=<image> --requests=cpu=<cpu> --expose --port=<port_number>
{: pre}
Command components for `kubectl run` For more complex deployments, you might need to create a configuration file. {: tip}
Create an autoscaler and define your policy. For more information about working with the
kubectl autoscale
command, see the Kubernetes documentation.
kubectl autoscale deployment <deployment_name> --cpu-percent=<percentage> --min=<min_value> --max=<max_value>
{: pre}
Command components for `kubectl autoscale`
{: #app_rolling}
You can manage the rollout of your app changes in an automated and controlled fashion for workloads with a pod template such as deployments. If your rollout isn't going according to plan, you can roll back your deployment to the previous revision. {:shortdesc}
Want to prevent downtime during your rolling update? Be sure to specify a readiness probe in your deployment so that the rollout proceeds to the next app pod after the most recently updated pod is ready. {: tip}
Before you begin:
- Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
- Create a deployment.
- Make sure that you have a service role that grants the appropriate Kubernetes RBAC role so that you can work with Kubernetes resources in the namespace.
To manage rolling updates to your apps:
To make sure that your deployments are marked as ready only when the container is running and ready to service requests, add liveness and readiness probes to your deployment.
Update your deployment to include a rolling update strategy that specifies the maximum surge and unavailable pods or percentage of pods during the update.
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-test spec: replicas: 10 selector: matchLabels: service: http-server minReadySeconds: 5 progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 strategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 50% maxSurge: 2 ...
{: codeblock}
YAML components -
Roll out
a change. For example, you might want to change the image that you used in your initial deployment.
Get the deployment name.
kubectl get deployments
{: pre}
Get the pod name.
kubectl get pods
{: pre}
Get the name of the container that runs in the pod.
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
{: pre}
Set the new image for the deployment to use.
kubectl set image deployment/<deployment_name><container_name>=<image_name>
{: pre}
When you run the commands, the change is immediately applied and logged in the roll-out history.
Check the status of your deployment.
kubectl rollout status deployments/<deployment_name>
{: pre}
If you notice something in the status that you want time to follow up on, you can pause and resume your rollout with the following commands.
kubectl rollout pause deployment <deployment_name>
{: pre}
kubectl rollout resume deployment <deployment_name>
{: pre}
Roll back a change.
View the roll-out history for the deployment and identify the revision number of your last deployment.
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment_name>
{: pre}
Tip: To see the details for a specific revision, include the revision number.
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment_name> --revision=<number>
{: pre}
Roll back to the previous version, or specify a revision. To roll back to the previous version, use the following command.
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<depoyment_name> --to-revision=<number>
{: pre}
{: #continuous-delivery-pipeline}
Adopt a DevOps approach by using {{}}, which includes open toolchains that automate the building and deployment of containerized apps. {: shortdesc}
From the cluster dashboard, select the cluster for which you want to set up a continuous delivery pipeline.
Select the DevOps tab.
Click Create a toolchain.
Review the available toolchains. IBM provides pre-defined toolchains that you can use to deploy, test, and monitor Kubernetes-native apps or Helm charts. You can expand each toolchain to find an overview of the tools that are set up for you and to find the scripts in GitHub that are used to configure the toolchain in your cluster. For more information about each toolchain, see Toolchain templates. If you know what tools you want to use, you can create your own toolchain.
Select the toolchain that you want to use and click Create.
Follow the directions in the console to configure your toolchain. Make sure to include the name of your cluster in your toolchain name so that you can easily find the toolchain that is associated with your cluster later. For more information, see Creating toolchains.
Select Delivery Pipeline to review the stages of your continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline. After you create your toolchain, your pipeline is automatically kicked off and runs through the stages that you configured. Make sure that your stages run successfully and correct any errors.
Modify your toolchain. You can add more tools to your toolchain or change the stages of your delivery pipeline.
- From the cluster dashboard, select the cluster for which you want to set up a continuous delivery pipeline.
- Select the DevOps tab.
- Select the toolchain that you want to modify.
Having trouble finding the toolchain that you configured for your cluster? If one of the stages in your continuous delivery pipeline fails, the toolchain does not show in the DevOps tab of your cluster. Make sure to review errors in your pipeline by selecting your toolchain from the {{}} dashboard directly. {: tip}
{: #copy_apps_cluster}
When you use a version control system such as Git, configuration management projects such as kustomize
, or continuous delivery tools such as Razee in your cluster, you can deploy your app configuration files quickly from cluster to cluster. Sometimes you have only a few deployments that you tested in a cluster and prefer to copy these deployments and redeploy in another cluster. For example, you might use a free, classic infrastructure Kubernetes cluster for a proof of concept that you did not manage in Git. Now, you are ready to take this proof of concept and deploy it to a standard cluster that runs OpenShift or on VPC infrastructure.
{: shortdesc}
Before you begin, you need two clusters and the Manager service role for all namespaces in both clusters so that you can copy all the resources from one cluster and deploy them to another.
Target the cluster that you want to copy resources from, such as a free cluster.
List all the configuration files in your cluster and verify that you want to copy these configurations.
kubectl get all
{: pre}
Example output:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/java-web-6955bdbcdf-l756b 1/1 Running 0 59d NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/java-web NodePort <none> 8080:30889/TCP 59d NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/java-web 1/1 1 1 59d NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/java-web-6955bdbcdf 1 1 1 59d
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Copy the configuration files in your cluster to a local directory. The
flag removes cluster-specific information from the configuration files.kubectl get all -o yaml --export > myconfigs.yaml
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Target the cluster that you want to copy the resources to, such as a production-ready standard cluster.
Optional: If your free cluster used multiple namespaces, create the same namespaces in the standard cluster and copy the image pull secret to each namespace.
Deploy the copied configuration files to your cluster. If a configuration file has specific information that cannot be applied, you might need to update the configuration file and reapply.
kubectl apply -f myconfigs.yaml
{: pre} Example output:
pod/java-web-6955bdbcdf-l756b created service/java-web created deployment.apps/java-web created replicaset.apps/java-web-6955bdbcdf created
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Verify that your configuration files are applied.
kubectl get all
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