0.4.31 |
24 Sept 2019 |
- Adds the `--gateway-enabled` flag to the `ibmcloud ks cluster create classic` command to create a gateway-enabled cluster. You can enable a gateway only on standard, Kubernetes clusters during cluster creation. For more information, see [Creating a standard classic cluster with a gateway in the CLI](/docs/containers?topic=containers-clusters#gateway_cluster_cli).
- Removes the deprecated `region get`, `region set`, and `region ls` commands from help output.
- Updates command structure to the new spaced format in help output.
- Adds a warning to the output of legacy `cluster config` behavior. For more information, see the [version 1.0 plug-in documentation](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_beta).
- Fixes a bug so that `worker reload` and `messages` commands now fail if the command errors.
- Updates translations of help text.
0.4.23 |
16 Sept 2019 |
- Decreases startup time for the plug-in.
- Fixes a Go version issue for macOS users.
- Improves debug tracing.
- In `ibmcloud ks logging filter` commands, changes the `--logging-config` flag from accepting multiple values in a comma-separated list to requiring repeated flags.
- Minor bug and security fixes.
- Updates message, warning, and help text.
0.4.3 |
04 Sept 2019 |
Adds deprecation warnings for legacy commands to error messages that are sent to `stderr`. |
0.4.1 |
03 Sept 2019 |
- Sets the {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} plug-in to the redesigned format by default. This redesigned version includes changes such as categorical lists instead of an alphabetical list of commands in the output of `ibmcloud ks help`, spaced-structured commands instead of hyphenated-structure commands, repeated flags instead of multiple values in comma-separated lists, and more. For a full list of the changes between version `0.3` and `0.4`, see the comparison table in [Using the beta {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} plug-in](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_beta).
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks script update ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#script_update) command to rewrite scripts that call `ibmcloud ks` commands.
- Improves error handling for `ibmcloud ks cluster ls`.
- Updates help text.
0.3.112 |
19 Aug 2019 |
- With the release of the [{{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} version 2 API](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_api_install#api_about), the {{site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}} CLI `kubernetes-service` plug-in supports both classic and VPC infrastructure providers. Some `ibmcloud ks` commands support only one type of infrastructure, whereas other commands include additional names or options. For a list of the CLI changes, see [Comparison of Classic and VPC commands](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cli_classic_vpc_about).
- Adds the `--pod-subnet` and `--service-subnet` flags to the `ibmcloud ks cluster create classic` commands for standard clusters that run Kubernetes 1.15 or later. If you plan to connect your cluster to on-premises networks, you can avoid subnet conflicts by specifying a custom subnet CIDR to provide the private IP addresses for pods and subnets.
- Enhances the `ibmcloud ks nlb-dns create` and `ibmcloud ks nlb-dns add` commands so that you can add more than one IP address at a time. For example, to create a DNS entry for multiple network load balancer IP addresses, use multiple flags such as `ibmcloud ks nlb-dns create --cluster mycluster --ip IP1 --ip IP2`.
0.3.103 |
12 Aug 2019 |
General refactoring and improvements. |
0.3.99 |
05 Aug 2019 |
- Improves error handling for `ibmcloud ks cluster config`.
- Updates translations of help text.
0.3.95 |
30 Jul 2019 |
- Adds the `ibmcloud oc` alias to the {{site.data.keyword.containershort_notm}} plug-in for management of Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters.
- Adds the [`ibmcloud ks cluster subnet detach`](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_subnet_detach) command to detach a public or private portable subnet in an IBM Cloud infrastructure account from a cluster.
- Renames the `ibmcloud ks machine-types` command to `ibmcloud ks flavors`. You can still use the `machine-types` alias.
- In the output of `ibmcloud ks flavors (machine-types)`, indicates flavors that are supported only for {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} or only for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.
- In the output of `ibmcloud ks cluster get`, changes the term `Owner` to `Creator` to reflect that the field returns information about the user that created the cluster.
- Improves error handling for `ibmcloud ks zone add`.
- Updates translations of help text.
0.3.58 |
02 Jul 2019 |
- Fixes a bug so that a worker pool rebalance message is not returned when the cluster autoscaler is enabled.
- Fixes a bug to support the default OpenShift cluster version.
- Updates help text for the `cluster feature enable private-service-endpoint` and `nlb-dns monitor configure` commands.
- Updates translations of help text.
0.3.49 |
18 Jun 2019 |
Updates the Go version to 1.12.6. |
0.3.47 |
15 Jun 2019 |
- Fixes a bug so that empty tables are not returned in the output of `ibmcloud ks kube-versions`.
- Updates the NLB DNS model so that an array of NLB IP addresses is returned by `ibmcloud ks nlb-dns ls`.
- Changes the description text for the {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} CLI plug-in.
0.3.34 |
31 May 2019 |
Adds support for creating Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters:
- Adds support for OpenShift versions in the `--kube-version` flag of the `cluster create classic` command. For example, to create a standard OpenShift cluster, you can pass in `--kube-version 3.11_openshift` in your `cluster create classic` command.
- Adds the `versions` command to list all supported Kubernetes and OpenShift versions.
- Deprecates the `kube-versions` command.
0.3.33 |
30 May 2019 |
- Adds the
--powershell flag to the `cluster config` command to retrieve Kubernetes environment variables in Windows PowerShell format.
- Deprecates the `region get`, `region set`, and `region ls` commands. For more information, see [global endpoint functionality](/docs/containers?topic=containers-regions-and-zones#endpoint).
0.3.28 |
23 May 2019 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks infra-permissions get ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#infra_permissions_get) command to check whether the credentials that allow [access to the IBM Cloud infrastructure portfolio](/docs/containers?topic=containers-users#api_key) for the targeted resource group and region are missing suggested or required infrastructure permissions.
- Adds the
--private-only flag to the `zone network-set` command to unset the public VLAN for the worker pool metadata. Subsequent worker nodes in that worker pool zone are connected to a private VLAN only.
- Removes the
--force-update flag from the `worker update` command.
- Adds the **VLAN ID** column to the output of the `alb ls` and `alb get` commands.
- Adds the **Multizone Metro** column to the output of the `supported-locations` command to designate zones that are multizone-capable.
- Adds the **Master State** and **Master Health** fields to the output of the `cluster get` command. For more information, see [Master states](/docs/containers?topic=containers-health#states_master).
- Updates translations of help text.
0.3.8 |
30 Apr 2019 |
Adds support for [global endpoint functionality](/docs/containers?topic=containers-regions-and-zones#endpoint) in version `0.3`. By default, you can now view and manage all of your {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} resources in all locations. You are not required to target a region to work with resources.
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks supported-locations ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_supported-locations) command to list all locations that {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} supports.
- Adds the
--location flag to the `cluster ls` and `zone ls` commands to filter resources by one or more locations.
- Adds the
--region flag to the `credential set/unset/get`, `api-key reset`, and `vlan spanning get` commands. To run these commands, you must specify a region in the `--region` flag.
0.2.102 |
15 Apr 2019 |
Adds the [`ibmcloud ks nlb-dns` group of commands](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#nlb-dns) for registering and managing a subdomain for network load balancer (NLB) IP addresses, and the [`ibmcloud ks nlb-dns monitor` group of commands](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-configure) for creating and modifying health check monitors for NLB subdomains. For more information, see [Registering NLB IPs with a DNS subdomain](/docs/containers?topic=containers-loadbalancer_hostname#loadbalancer_hostname_dns).
0.2.99 |
09 Apr 2019 |
- Updates help text.
- Updates the Go version to 1.12.2.
0.2.95 |
03 Apr 2019 |
- Adds versioning support for managed cluster add-ons.
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks addon-versions ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_addon_versions) command.
- Adds the
--version flag to [ibmcloud ks cluster addon enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_addon_enable) commands.
- Updates translations of help text.
- Updates short links to documentation in help text.
- Fixes a bug where JSON error messages printed in an incorrect format.
- Fixes a bug where using the silent flag (`-s`) on some commands prevented errors from printing.
0.2.80 |
19 Mar 2019 |
- Adds support for enabling [master-to-worker communication with service endpoints](/docs/containers?topic=containers-plan_clusters#workeruser-master) in standard clusters that run Kubernetes version 1.11 or later in [VRF-enabled accounts](/docs/resources?topic=resources-private-network-endpoints#getting-started).
- Adds the `--private-service-endpoint` and `--public-service-endpoint` flags to the [
ibmcloud ks cluster-create ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_create) command.
- Adds the **Public Service Endpoint URL** and **Private Service Endpoint URL** fields to the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster get .
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks cluster feature enable private-service-endpoint ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_feature_enable_private_service_endpoint) command.
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks cluster feature enable public-service-endpoint ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_feature_enable_public_service_endpoint) command.
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks cluster feature disable public-service-endpoint ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_feature_disable) command.
- Updates documentation and translation.
- Updates the Go version to 1.11.6.
- Resolves intermittent networking issues for macOS users.
0.2.75 |
14 Mar 2019 |
- Hides raw HTML from error outputs.
- Fixes typos in help text.
- Fixes translation of help text.
0.2.61 |
26 Feb 2019 |
- Adds the `cluster pull-secret apply` command, which creates an IAM service ID for the cluster, policies, API key, and image pull secrets so that containers that run in the `default` Kubernetes namespace can pull images from IBM Cloud Container Registry. For new clusters, image pull secrets that use IAM credentials are created by default. Use this command to update existing clusters or if your cluster has an image pull secret error during creation. For more information, see [the doc](/docs/containers?topic=containers-images#cluster_registry_auth).
- Fixes a bug where `ibmcloud ks init` failures caused help output to be printed.
0.2.53 |
19 Feb 2019 |
- Fixes a bug where the region was ignored for `ibmcloud ks api-key reset`, `ibmcloud ks credential get/set`, and `ibmcloud ks vlan spanning get`.
- Improves performance for `ibmcloud ks worker update`.
- Adds the version of the add-on in `ibmcloud ks cluster addon enable` prompts.
0.2.44 |
08 Feb 2019 |
- Adds `--skip-rbac` option to the `ibmcloud ks cluster config` command to skip adding user Kubernetes RBAC roles based on the {{site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}} IAM service access roles to the cluster configuration. Include this option only if you [manage your own Kubernetes RBAC roles](/docs/containers?topic=containers-users#rbac). If you use [{{site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}} IAM service access roles](/docs/containers?topic=containers-access_reference#service) to manage all your RBAC users, do not include this option.
- Updates the Go version to 1.11.5.
0.2.40 |
06 Feb 2019 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks cluster addons ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_addons), [ibmcloud ks cluster addon enable ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_addon_enable), and [ibmcloud ks cluster addon disable ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_addon_disable) commands for working with managed cluster add-ons such as the [Istio](/docs/containers?topic=containers-istio) and [Knative](/docs/containers?topic=containers-serverless-apps-knative) managed add-ons for {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}}.
- Improves help text for {{site.data.keyword.Bluemix_dedicated_notm}} users of the
ibmcloud ks vlan ls command. |
0.2.30 |
31 Jan 2019 |
Increases the default timeout value for `ibmcloud ks cluster config` to `500s`. |
0.2.19 |
16 Jan 2019 |
- Adds the `IKS_BETA_VERSION` environment variable to enable the redesigned beta version of the {{site.data.keyword.containerlong_notm}} plug-in CLI. To try out the redesigned version, see [Using the beta command structure](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_beta).
- Increases the default timeout value for `ibmcloud ks subnets` to `60s`.
- Minor bug and translation fixes.
0.1.668 |
18 Dec 2018 |
- Changes the default API endpoint from
https://containers.bluemix.net to https://containers.cloud.ibm.com .
- Fixes bug so that translations are displaying properly for command help and error messages.
- Displays command help faster.
0.1.654 |
05 Dec 2018 |
Updates documentation and translation. |
0.1.638 |
15 Nov 2018 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks cluster-refresh ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_apiserver_refresh) alias to the `apiserver-refresh` command.
- Adds the resource group name to the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster get and ibmcloud ks cluster ls .
0.1.635 |
06 Nov 2018 |
Adds commands for managing automatic updates of the Ingress ALB cluster add-on:
- [
ibmcloud ks alb autoupdate disable ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_alb_autoupdate_disable)
- [
ibmcloud ks alb autoupdate enable ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_alb_autoupdate_enable)
- [
ibmcloud ks alb autoupdate get ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_alb_autoupdate_get)
- [
ibmcloud ks alb rollback ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_alb_rollback)
- [
ibmcloud ks alb-update ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_alb_update)
0.1.621 |
30 Oct 2018 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks credential get command](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_credential_get).
- Adds support for the
storage log source to all cluster logging commands. For more information, see Understanding cluster and app log forwarding.
- Adds the `--network` flag to the [
ibmcloud ks cluster config command](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_cluster_config), which downloads the Calico configuration file to run all Calico commands.
- Minor bug fixes and refactoring
0.1.593 |
10 Oct 2018 |
- Adds the resource group ID to the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster get .
- When [{{site.data.keyword.keymanagementserviceshort}} is enabled](/docs/containers?topic=containers-encryption#keyprotect) as a key management service (KMS) provider in your cluster, adds the KMS enabled field in the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster get .
0.1.591 |
02 Oct 2018 |
Adds support for [resource groups](/docs/containers?topic=containers-clusters#cluster_prepare). |
0.1.590 |
01 Oct 2018 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks logging collect ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_log_collect) and [ibmcloud ks logging collect-status ](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_log_collect_status) commands for collecting API server logs in your cluster.
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks key-protect-enable command](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_key_protect) to enable {{site.data.keyword.keymanagementserviceshort}} as a key management service (KMS) provider in your cluster.
- Adds the
--skip-master-health flag to the [ibmcloud ks worker reboot](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_worker_reboot) and [ibmcloud ks worker reload](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cli-plugin-kubernetes-service-cli#cs_worker_reboot) commands to skip the master health check before initiating the reboot or reload.
- Renames
Owner Email to Owner in the output of ibmcloud ks cluster get . |