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2014, 2019
kubernetes, iks, helm, without tiller, private cluster tiller, integrations, helm chart

{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:download: .download} {:preview: .preview}

Adding services by using Helm charts

{: #helm}

You can add complex Kubernetes apps to your cluster by using Helm charts. {: shortdesc}

What is Helm and how do I use it?
Helm External link icon is a Kubernetes package manager that uses Helm charts to define, install, and upgrade complex Kubernetes apps in your cluster. Helm charts package the specifications to generate YAML files for Kubernetes resources that build your app. These Kubernetes resources are automatically applied in your cluster and assigned a version by Helm. You can also use Helm to specify and package your own app and let Helm generate the YAML files for your Kubernetes resources.

What Helm charts are supported in {{}}?
For an overview of available Helm charts, see the Helm charts catalog External link icon. The Helm charts that are listed in this catalog are grouped as follows:

  • iks-charts: Helm charts that are approved for {{}}. The name of this repo was changed from ibm to iks-charts.
  • ibm-charts: Helm charts that are approved for {{}} and {{}} Private clusters.
  • ibm-community: Helm charts that originated outside IBM, such as from {{}} partners. These charts are supported and maintained by the community partners.
  • kubernetes: Helm charts that are provided by the Kubernetes community and considered stable by the community governance. These charts are not verified to work in {{}} or {{}} Private clusters.
  • kubernetes-incubator: Helm charts that are provided by the Kubernetes community and considered incubator by the community governance. These charts are not verified to work in {{}} or {{}} Private clusters.
  • ibm-marketplace: Helm charts of licensed software that you must purchase and for which you must set up cluster access with an entitlement key. For more information, see Setting up a cluster to pull entitled software.

Helm charts from the iks-charts, ibm-charts, and, if licensed, ibm-marketplacerepositories are fully integrated into the {{}} support organization. If you have a question or an issue with using these Helm charts, you can use one of the {{}} support channels. For more information, see Getting help and support.

What are the prerequisites to use Helm and can I use Helm in a private cluster?
To deploy Helm charts, you must install the Helm CLI on your local machine and install the Helm server Tiller in your cluster. The image for Tiller is stored in the public Google Container Registry. To access the image during the Tiller installation, your cluster must allow public network connectivity to the public Google Container Registry. Classic clusters that are connected to a public VLAN and VPC clusters with subnets that are configured with a public gateway can access the image and install Tiller. Private clusters that are protected with a custom firewall, or clusters that do not have public network connectivity, such as classic clusters that are connected to a private VLAN only, or VPC clusters with subnets that are not configured with a public gateway, do not allow access to the Tiller image. Instead, you can pull the image to your local machine, and push the image to your namespace in {{}}, or install Helm charts without using Tiller.

Setting up Helm in a cluster with public access

{: #public_helm_install}

If you have a classic cluster that is connected to a public VLAN, or a VPC cluster with a subnet that is configured with a public gateway, you can install the Helm server Tiller by using the public image in the Google Container Registry. {: shortdesc}

Before you begin:

To install Helm in a cluster with public network access:

  1. Install the Helm CLI External link icon on your local machine.

  2. Check whether you already installed Tiller with a Kubernetes service account in your cluster.

    kubectl get serviceaccount --all-namespaces | grep tiller

    {: pre}

    Example output if Tiller is installed:

    kube-system      tiller                               1         189d

    {: screen}

    The example output includes the Kubernetes namespace and name of the service account for Tiller. If Tiller is not installed with a service account in your cluster, no CLI output is returned.

  3. Important: To maintain cluster security, set up Tiller with a service account and cluster role binding in your cluster.

    • If Tiller is installed with a service account:

      1. Create a cluster role binding for the Tiller service account. Replace <namespace> with the namespace where Tiller is installed in your cluster.

        kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=<namespace>:tiller -n <namespace>

        {: pre}

      2. Update Tiller. Replace <tiller_service_account_name> with the name of the Kubernetes service account for Tiller that you retrieved in the previous step.

        helm init --upgrade --service-account <tiller_service_account_name>

        {: pre}

      3. Verify that the tiller-deploy pod has a Status of Running in your cluster.

        kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -l app=helm

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
        tiller-deploy-352283156-nzbcm   1/1       Running   0          2m

        {: screen}

    • If Tiller is not installed with a service account:

      1. Create a Kubernetes service account and cluster role binding for Tiller in the kube-system namespace of your cluster.

        kubectl create serviceaccount tiller -n kube-system

        {: pre}

        kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller -n kube-system

        {: pre}

      2. Verify that the Tiller service account is created.

        kubectl get serviceaccount -n kube-system tiller

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        NAME                                 SECRETS   AGE
        tiller                               1         2m

        {: screen}

      3. Initialize the Helm CLI and install Tiller in your cluster with the service account that you created.

        helm init --service-account tiller

        {: pre}

      4. Verify that the tiller-deploy pod has a Status of Running in your cluster.

        kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l app=helm

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
        tiller-deploy-352283156-nzbcm   1/1       Running   0          2m

        {: screen}

  4. Add the {{}} Helm repositories to your Helm instance.

    helm repo add iks-charts

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-charts

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-community

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-marketplace

    {: pre}

  5. Update the repos to retrieve the latest versions of all Helm charts.

    helm repo update

    {: pre}

  6. List the Helm charts that are currently available in the {{}} repositories.

    helm search iks-charts

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-charts

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-community

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-marketplace

    {: pre}

  7. Identify the Helm chart that you want to install and follow the instructions in the Helm chart README to install the Helm chart in your cluster.

Private clusters: Pushing the Tiller image to your namespace in IBM Cloud Container Registry

{: #private_local_tiller}

You can pull the Tiller image to your local machine, push the image to your namespace in {{}} and install Tiller in your private cluster by using the image in {{}}. {: shortdesc}

If you want to install a Helm chart without using Tiller, see Private clusters: Installing Helm charts without using Tiller. {: tip}

Before you begin:

To install Tiller by using {{}}:

  1. Install the Helm CLI External link icon on your local machine.

  2. Connect to your private classic cluster by using the {{}} infrastructure VPN tunnel that you set up, or to your VPC cluster by using the VPC VPN service.

  3. Find the version of Tiller External link icon that you want to install in your cluster. If you do not need a specific version, use the latest one. In the digest image row, click the vertical ellipsis action menu, and then click Show Pull Command to copy the pull command.

  4. Pull the Tiller image from the public Google Container Registry to your local machine. Include the image tag that you copied in the previous step.

    docker pull <tiller_image>

    {: pre}

    Example output:

    docker pull
    v2.13.0: Pulling from kubernetes-helm/tiller
    48ecbb6b270e: Pull complete
    d3fa0712c71b: Pull complete
    bf13a43b92e9: Pull complete
    b3f98be98675: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:c4bf03bb67b3ae07e38e834f29dc7fd43f472f67cad3c078279ff1bbbb463aa6
    Status: Downloaded newer image for

    {: screen}

  5. Push the Tiller image to your namespace in {{}}.

  6. To access the image in {{}} from inside your cluster, copy the image pull secret from the default namespace to the kube-system namespace.

  7. Important: To maintain cluster security, create a service account for Tiller in the kube-system namespace and a Kubernetes RBAC cluster role binding for the tiller-deploy pod by applying the following YAML file from the {{}} kube-samples repository.

    1. Get the Kubernetes service account and cluster role binding YAML file External link icon.

    2. Create the Kubernetes resources in your cluster.

      kubectl apply -f service-account.yaml

      {: pre}

      kubectl apply -f cluster-role-binding.yaml

      {: pre}

  8. Install Tiller in your private cluster by using the image that you stored in your namespace in {{}}.

    helm init --tiller-image <region><mynamespace>/<myimage>:<tag> --service-account tiller

    {: pre}

  9. Add the {{}} Helm repositories to your Helm instance.

    helm repo add iks-charts

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-charts

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-community

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-marketplace

    {: pre}

  10. Update the repos to retrieve the latest versions of all Helm charts.

    helm repo update

    {: pre}

  11. List the Helm charts that are currently available in the {{}} repositories.

    helm search iks-charts

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-charts

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-community

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-marketplace

    {: pre}

  12. Identify the Helm chart that you want to install and follow the instructions in the Helm chart README to install the Helm chart in your cluster.

Private clusters: Installing Helm charts without using Tiller

{: #private_install_without_tiller}

If you don't want to install Tiller in your private cluster, you can manually create the Helm chart YAML files and apply them by using kubectl commands. {: shortdesc}

The steps in this example show how to install Helm charts from the {{}} Helm chart repositories in your private cluster. If you want to install a Helm chart that is not stored in one of the {{}} Helm chart repositories, you must follow the instructions in this topic to create the YAML files for your Helm chart. In addition, you must download the Helm chart image from the public container registry, push it to your namespace in {{}}, and update the values.yaml file to use the image in {{}}. {: note}

  1. Install the Helm CLI External link icon on your local machine.

  2. Connect to your private classic cluster by using the {{}} infrastructure VPN tunnel that you set up, or to your VPC cluster by using the VPC VPN service.

  3. Add the {{}} Helm repositories to your Helm instance.

    helm repo add iks-charts

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-charts

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-community

    {: pre}

    helm repo add ibm-marketplace

    {: pre}

  4. Update the repos to retrieve the latest versions of all Helm charts.

    helm repo update

    {: pre}

  5. List the Helm charts that are currently available in the {{}} repositories.

    helm search iks-charts

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-charts

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-community

    {: pre}

    helm search ibm-marketplace

    {: pre}

  6. Identify the Helm chart that you want to install, download the Helm chart to your local machine, and unpack the files of your Helm chart. The following example shows how to download the Helm chart for the cluster autoscaler version 1.0.3 and unpack the files in a cluster-autoscaler directory.

    helm fetch iks-charts/ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler --untar --untardir ./cluster-autoscaler --version 1.0.3

    {: pre}

  7. Navigate to the directory where you unpacked the Helm chart files.

    cd cluster-autoscaler

    {: pre}

  8. Create an output directory for the YAML files that you generate by using the files in your Helm chart.

    mkdir output

    {: pre}

  9. Open the values.yaml file and make any changes that are required by the Helm chart installation instructions.

    nano ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler/values.yaml

    {: pre}

  10. Use your local Helm installation to create all Kubernetes YAML files for your Helm chart. The YAML files are stored in the output directory that you created earlier.

    helm template --values ./ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler/values.yaml --output-dir ./output ./ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler

    {: pre}

    Example output:

    wrote ./output/ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler/templates/ca-configmap.yaml
    wrote ./output/ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler/templates/ca-service-account-roles.yaml
    wrote ./output/ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler/templates/ca-service.yaml
    wrote ./output/ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler/templates/ca-deployment.yaml

    {: screen}

  11. Deploy all YAML files to your private cluster.

    kubectl apply --recursive --filename ./output

{: pre}

  1. Optional: Remove all YAML files from the output directory.
    kubectl delete --recursive --filename ./output
    {: pre}

Related Helm links

{: #helm_links}

Review the following links to find additional Helm information. {: shortdesc}