copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-09-26 |
kubernetes, iks, help, debug |
containers |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:download: .download} {:preview: .preview} {:tsSymptoms: .tsSymptoms} {:tsCauses: .tsCauses} {:tsResolve: .tsResolve}
{: #cs_troubleshoot_storage}
As you use {{}}, consider these techniques for troubleshooting cluster storage. {: shortdesc}
If you have a more general issue, try out cluster debugging. {: tip}
{: #debug_storage}
Review the options to debug persistent storage and find the root causes for failures. {: shortdesc}
Verify that you use the latest {{}} and {{}} plug-in version.
ibmcloud update
{: pre}
ibmcloud plugin repo-plugins
{: pre}
Verify that the
CLI version that you run on your local machine matches the Kubernetes version that is installed in your cluster.-
Show the
CLI version that is installed in your cluster and your local machine.kubectl version
{: pre}
Example output:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13", GitVersion:"v1.13.5", GitCommit:"641856db18352033a0d96dbc99153fa3b27298e5", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-03-25T15:53:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13", GitVersion:"v1.13.5+IKS", GitCommit:"e15454c2216a73b59e9a059fd2def4e6712a7cf0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-04-01T10:08:07Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
{: screen}
The CLI versions match if you can see the same version in
for the client and the server. You can ignore the+IKS
part of the version for the server. -
If the
CLI versions on your local machine and your cluster do not match, either update your cluster or install a different CLI version on your local machine.
For block storage, object storage, and Portworx only: Make sure that you installed the Helm server Tiller with a Kubernetes services account.
For block storage, object storage, and Portworx only: Make sure that you installed the latest Helm chart version for the plug-in.
Block and object storage:
Update your Helm chart repositories.
helm repo update
{: pre}
List the Helm charts in the
repository.helm search iks-charts
{: pre}
Example output:
iks-charts/ibm-block-storage-attacher 1.0.2 A Helm chart for installing ibmcloud block storage attach... iks-charts/ibm-iks-cluster-autoscaler 1.0.5 A Helm chart for installing the IBM Cloud cluster autoscaler iks-charts/ibm-object-storage-plugin 1.0.6 A Helm chart for installing ibmcloud object storage plugin iks-charts/ibm-worker-recovery 1.10.46 IBM Autorecovery system allows automatic recovery of unhe... ...
{: screen}
List the installed Helm charts in your cluster and compare the version that you installed with the version that is available.
helm ls
{: pre}
If a more recent version is available, install this version. For instructions, see Updating the {{}} Block Storage plug-in and Updating the {{}} plug-in.
Find the latest Helm chart version
that is available.
List the installed Helm charts in your cluster and compare the version that you installed with the version that is available.
helm ls
{: pre}
If a more recent version is available, install this version. For instructions, see Updating Portworx in your cluster.
Verify that the storage driver and plug-in pods show a status of Running.
List the pods in the
namespace.kubectl get pods -n kube-system
{: pre}
If the pods do not show a Running status, get more details of the pod to find the root cause. Depending on the status of your pod, you might not be able to execute all of the following commands.
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n kube-system
{: pre}
kubectl logs <pod_name> -n kube-system
{: pre}
Analyze the Events section of the CLI output of the
kubectl describe pod
command and the latest logs to find the root cause for the error.
Check whether your PVC is successfully provisioned.
Check the state of your PVC. A PVC is successfully provisioned if the PVC shows a status of Bound.
kubectl get pvc
{: pre}
If the state of the PVC shows Pending, retrieve the error for why the PVC remains pending.
kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name>
{: pre}
Review common errors that can occur during the PVC creation.
Check whether the pod that mounts your storage instance is successfully deployed.
List the pods in your cluster. A pod is successfully deployed if the pod shows a status of Running.
kubectl get pods
{: pre}
Get the details of your pod and check whether errors are displayed in the Events section of your CLI output.
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
{: pre}
Retrieve the logs for your app and check whether you can see any error messages.
kubectl logs <pod_name>
{: pre}
Review common errors that can occur when you mount a PVC to your app.
{: #file_pvc_pending}
{: tsSymptoms}
When you create a PVC and you run kubectl get pvc <pvc_name>
, your PVC remains in a Pending state, even after waiting for some time.
{: tsCauses} During the PVC creation and binding, many different tasks are executed by the file and block storage plug-in. Each task can fail and cause a different error message.
{: tsResolve}
Find the root cause for why the PVC remains in a Pending state.
kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name> -n <namespace>
{: pre}
Review common error message descriptions and resolutions.
Error message Description Steps to resolve User doesn't have permissions to create or manage Storage
Failed to find any valid softlayer credentials in configuration file
Storage with the order ID %d could not be created after retrying for %d seconds.
Unable to locate datacenter with name .
The IAM API key or the IBM Cloud infrastructure API key that is stored in the `storage-secret-store` Kubernetes secret of your cluster does not have all the required permissions to provision persistent storage. See [PVC creation fails because of missing permissions](#missing_permissions). Your order will exceed the maximum number of storage volumes allowed. Please contact Sales
Every {{}} account is set up with a maximum number of storage instances that can be created. By creating the PVC, you exceed the maximum number of storage instances. To create a PVC, choose from the following options. - Remove any unused PVCs.
- Ask the {{}} account owner to increase your storage quota by [opening a support case](/docs/get-support?topic=get-support-getting-customer-support).
Unable to find the exact ItemPriceIds(type|size|iops) for the specified storage
Failed to place storage order with the storage provider
The storage size and IOPS that you specified in your PVC are not supported by the storage type that you chose and cannot be used with the specified storage class. Review [Deciding on the file storage configuration](/docs/containers?topic=containers-file_storage#file_predefined_storageclass) and [Deciding on the block storage configuration](/docs/containers?topic=containers-block_storage#block_predefined_storageclass) to find supported storage sizes and IOPS for the storage class that you want to use. Correct the size and IOPS, and re-create the PVC. Failed to find the datacenter name in configuration file
The data center that you specified in your PVC does not exist. Run ibmcloud ks locations
to list available data centers. Correct the data center in your PVC and re-create the PVC.Failed to place storage order with the storage provider
Storage with the order ID 12345 could not be created after retrying for xx seconds.
Failed to do subnet authorizations for the storage 12345.
Storage 12345 has ongoing active transactions and could not be completed after retrying for xx seconds.
The storage size, IOPS, and storage type might be incompatible with the storage class that you chose, or the {{}} infrastructure API endpoint is currently unavailable. Review [Deciding on the file storage configuration](/docs/containers?topic=containers-file_storage#file_predefined_storageclass) and [Deciding on the block storage configuration](/docs/containers?topic=containers-block_storage#block_predefined_storageclass) to find supported storage sizes and IOPS for the storage class and storage type that you want to use. Then, delete the PVC and re-create the PVC. Failed to find the storage with storage id 12345.
You want to create a PVC for an existing storage instance by using Kubernetes static provisioning, but the storage instance that you specified could not be found. Follow the instructions to provision existing [file storage](/docs/containers?topic=containers-file_storage#existing_file) or [block storage](/docs/containers?topic=containers-block_storage#existing_block) in your cluster and make sure to retrieve the correct information for your existing storage instance. Then, delete the PVC and re-create the PVC. Storage type not provided, expected storage type is `Endurance` or `Performance`.
You created a custom storage class and specified a storage type that is not supported. Update your custom storage class to specify `Endurance` or `Performance` as your storage type. To find examples for custom storage classes, see the sample custom storage classes for [file storage](/docs/containers?topic=containers-file_storage#file_custom_storageclass) and [block storage](/docs/containers?topic=containers-block_storage#block_custom_storageclass). {: #file_app_failures}
When you mount a PVC to your pod, you might experience errors when accessing or writing to the PVC. {: shortdesc}
List the pods in your cluster and review the status of the pod.
kubectl get pods
{: pre}
Find the root cause for why your app cannot access or write to the PVC.
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
{: pre}
kubectl logs <pod_name>
{: pre}
Review common errors that can occur when you mount a PVC to a pod.
Symptom or error message Description Steps to resolve Your pod is stuck in a ContainerCreating state. MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume ... read-only file system
The {{}} infrastructure back end experienced network problems. To protect your data and to avoid data corruption, {{}} automatically disconnected the file storage server to prevent write operations on NFS file shares. See [File storage: File systems for worker nodes change to read-only](#readonly_nodes) write-permission
do not have required permission
cannot create directory '/bitnami/mariadb/data': Permission denied
In your deployment, you specified a non-root user to own the NFS file storage mount path. By default, non-root users do not have write permission on the volume mount path for NFS-backed storage. See [File storage: App fails when a non-root user owns the NFS file storage mount path](#nonroot) After you specified a non-root user to own the NFS file storage mount path or deployed a Helm chart with a non-root user ID specified, the user cannot write to the mounted storage. The deployment or Helm chart configuration specifies the security context for the pod's fsGroup
(group ID) andrunAsUser
(user ID)See [File storage: Adding non-root user access to persistent storage fails](#cs_storage_nonroot) {: #readonly_nodes}
{: tsSymptoms} {: #stuck_creating_state} You might see one of the following symptoms:
- When you run
kubectl get pods -o wide
, you see that multiple pods that are running on the same worker node are stuck in theContainerCreating
state. - When you run a
kubectl describe
command, you see the following error in the Events section:MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume ... read-only file system
{: tsCauses} The file system on the worker node is read-only.
{: tsResolve}
- Back up any data that might be stored on the worker node or in your containers.
- For a short-term fix to the existing worker node, reload the worker node.
ibmcloud ks worker reload --cluster <cluster_name> --worker <worker_ID>
For a long-term fix, update the flavor of your worker pool.
{: #nonroot}
{: tsSymptoms} After you add NFS storage to your deployment, the deployment of your container fails. When you retrieve the logs for your container, you might see errors such as the following. The pod fails and is stuck in a reload cycle.
{: screen}
do not have required permission
{: screen}
cannot create directory '/bitnami/mariadb/data': Permission denied
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} By default, non-root users do not have write permission on the volume mount path for NFS-backed storage. Some common app images, such as Jenkins and Nexus3, specify a non-root user that owns the mount path in the Dockerfile. When you create a container from this Dockerfile, the creation of the container fails due to insufficient permissions of the non-root user on the mount path. To grant write permission, you can modify the Dockerfile to temporarily add the non-root user to the root user group before it changes the mount path permissions, or use an init container.
If you use a Helm chart to deploy the image, edit the Helm deployment to use an init container. {:tip}
{: tsResolve} When you include an init container
in your deployment, you can give a non-root user that is specified in your Dockerfile write permissions for the volume mount path inside the container. The init container starts before your app container starts. The init container creates the volume mount path inside the container, changes the mount path to be owned by the correct (non-root) user, and closes. Then, your app container starts with the non-root user that must write to the mount path. Because the path is already owned by the non-root user, writing to the mount path is successful. If you do not want to use an init container, you can modify the Dockerfile to add non-root user access to NFS file storage.
Before you begin: Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.
Open the Dockerfile for your app and get the user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) from the user that you want to give writer permission on the volume mount path. In the example from a Jenkins Dockerfile, the information is:
- UID:
- GID:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ARG user=jenkins ARG group=jenkins ARG uid=1000 ARG gid=1000 ARG http_port=8080 ARG agent_port=50000 ENV JENKINS_HOME /var/jenkins_home ENV JENKINS_SLAVE_AGENT_PORT ${agent_port} ...
- UID:
Add persistent storage to your app by creating a persistent volume claim (PVC). This example uses the
storage class. To review available storage classes, runkubectl get storageclasses
.apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: mypvc annotations: "ibmc-file-bronze" spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 20Gi
{: codeblock}
Create the PVC.
kubectl apply -f mypvc.yaml
{: pre}
In your deployment
file, add the init container. Include the UID and GID that you previously retrieved.initContainers: - name: initcontainer # Or replace the name image: alpine:latest command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: - chown <UID>:<GID> /mount; # Replace UID and GID with values from the Dockerfile volumeMounts: - name: volume # Or you can replace with any name mountPath: /mount # Must match the mount path in the args line
{: codeblock}
Example for a Jenkins deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: my_pod spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: jenkins template: metadata: labels: app: jenkins spec: containers: - name: jenkins image: jenkins volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/jenkins_home name: volume volumes: - name: volume persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: mypvc initContainers: - name: permissionsfix image: alpine:latest command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: - chown 1000:1000 /mount; volumeMounts: - name: volume mountPath: /mount
{: codeblock}
Create the pod and mount the PVC to your pod.
kubectl apply -f my_pod.yaml
{: pre}
Verify that the volume is successfully mounted to your pod. Note the pod name and Containers/Mounts path.
kubectl describe pod <my_pod>
{: pre}
Example output:
Name: mypod-123456789 Namespace: default ... Init Containers: ... Mounts: /mount from volume (rw) /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-cp9f0 (ro) ... Containers: jenkins: Container ID: Image: jenkins Image ID: Port: <none> State: Waiting Reason: PodInitializing Ready: False Restart Count: 0 Environment: <none> Mounts: /var/jenkins_home from volume (rw) /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-cp9f0 (ro) ... Volumes: myvol: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: mypvc ReadOnly: false
{: screen}
Log in to the pod by using the pod name that you previously noted.
kubectl exec -it <my_pod-123456789> /bin/bash
{: pre}
Verify the permissions of your container's mount path. In the example, the mount path is
.ls -ln /var/jenkins_home
{: pre}
Example output:
jenkins@mypod-123456789:/$ ls -ln /var/jenkins_home total 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 102 Mar 9 19:58 copy_reference_file.log drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mar 9 19:58 init.groovy.d drwxr-xr-x 9 1000 1000 4096 Mar 9 20:16 war
{: screen}
This output shows that the GID and UID from your Dockerfile (in this example,
) own the mount path inside the container.
{: #cs_storage_nonroot}
{: tsSymptoms} After you add non-root user access to persistent storage or deploy a Helm chart with a non-root user ID specified, the user cannot write to the mounted storage.
{: tsCauses} The deployment or Helm chart configuration specifies the security context for the pod's
(group ID) andrunAsUser
(user ID). Currently, {{}} does not support thefsGroup
specification, and supports onlyrunAsUser
set as0
(root permissions).{: tsResolve} Remove the configuration's
fields forfsGroup
from the image, deployment, or Helm chart configuration file and redeploy. If you need to change the ownership of the mount path fromnobody
, add non-root user access. After you add the non-rootinitContainer
, setrunAsUser
at the container level, not the pod level.
{: #block_app_failures}
When you mount a PVC to your pod, you might experience errors when accessing or writing to the PVC. {: shortdesc}
List the pods in your cluster and review the status of the pod.
kubectl get pods
{: pre}
Find the root cause for why your app cannot access or write to the PVC.
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
{: pre}
kubectl logs <pod_name>
{: pre}
Review common errors that can occur when you mount a PVC to a pod.
Symptom or error message Description Steps to resolve Your pod is stuck in a ContainerCreating or CrashLoopBackOff state. MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume ... read-only.
The {{}} infrastructure back end experienced network problems. To protect your data and to avoid data corruption, {{}} automatically disconnected the block storage server to prevent write operations on block storage instances. See [Block storage: Block storage changes to read-only](#readonly_block) failed to mount the volume as "ext4", it already contains xfs. Mount error: mount failed: exit status 32
You want to mount an existing block storage instance that was set up with an XFS
file system. When you created the PV and the matching PVC, you specified anext4
or no file system. The file system that you specify in your PV must be the same file system that is set up in your block storage instance.See [Block storage: Mounting existing block storage to a pod fails due to the wrong file system](#block_filesystem) {: #readonly_block}
{: tsSymptoms} You might see the following symptoms:
- When you run
kubectl get pods -o wide
, you see that multiple pods on the same worker node are stuck in theContainerCreating
state. All these pods use the same block storage instance. - When you run a
kubectl describe pod
command, you see the following error in the Events section:MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume ... read-only
{: tsCauses} If a network error occurs while a pod writes to a volume, IBM Cloud infrastructure protects the data on the volume from getting corrupted by changing the volume to a read-only mode. Pods that use this volume cannot continue to write to the volume and fail.
{: tsResolve}
Check the version of the {{}} Block Storage plug-in that is installed in your cluster.
helm ls
{: pre}
Verify that you use the latest version of the {{}} Block Storage plug-in. If not, update your plug-in.
If you used a Kubernetes deployment for your pod, restart the pod that is failing by removing the pod and letting Kubernetes re-create it. If you did not use a deployment, retrieve the YAML file that was used to create your pod by running
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o yaml >pod.yaml
. Then, delete and manually re-create the pod.kubectl delete pod <pod_name>
{: pre}
Check whether re-creating your pod resolved the issue. If not, reload the worker node.
Find the worker node where your pod runs and note the private IP address that is assigned to your worker node.
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> | grep Node
{: pre}
Example output:
Node: 10.75.XX.XXX/10.75.XX.XXX Node-Selectors: <none>
{: screen}
Retrieve the ID of your worker node by using the private IP address from the previous step.
ibmcloud ks worker ls --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
{: pre}
Gracefully reload the worker node.
{: #block_filesystem}
{: tsSymptoms} When you run
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
, you see the following error:failed to mount the volume as "ext4", it already contains xfs. Mount error: mount failed: exit status 32
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} You have an existing block storage device that is set up with an
file system. To mount this device to your pod, you created a PV that specifiedext4
as your file system or no file system in thespec/flexVolume/fsType
section. If no file system is defined, the PV defaults toext4
. The PV was created successfully and was linked to your existing block storage instance. However, when you try to mount the PV to your cluster by using a matching PVC, the volume fails to mount. You cannot mount yourXFS
block storage instance with anext4
file system to the pod.{: tsResolve} Update the file system in the existing PV from
List the existing PVs in your cluster and note the name of the PV that you used for your existing block storage instance.
kubectl get pv
{: pre}
Save the PV YAML on your local machine.
kubectl get pv <pv_name> -o yaml > <filepath/xfs_pv.yaml>
{: pre}
Open the YAML file and change the
. -
Replace the PV in your cluster.
kubectl replace --force -f <filepath/xfs_pv.yaml>
{: pre}
Log in to the pod where you mounted the PV.
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> sh
{: pre}
Verify that the file system changed to
.df -Th
{: pre}
Example output:
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/3600a098031234546d5d4c9876654e35 xfs 20G 33M 20G 1% /myvolumepath
{: screen}
{: #cos_helm_fails}
{: tsSymptoms} When you install the {{}}
Helm plug-in, the installation fails with one of the following errors:Error: symlink /Users/iks-charts/ibm-object-storage-plugin/helm-ibmc /Users/ibm/.helm/plugins/helm-ibmc: file exists
{: screen}
Error: fork/exec /home/iksadmin/.helm/plugins/helm-ibmc/ permission denied
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} When the
Helm plug-in is installed, a symlink is created from the./helm/plugins/helm-ibmc
directory to the directory where theibmc
Helm plug-in is located on your local system, which is usually in./ibmcloud-object-storage-plugin/helm-ibmc
. When you remove theibmc
Helm plug-in from your local system, or you move theibmc
Helm plug-in directory to a different location, the symlink is not removed.If you see a
permission denied
error, you do not have the requiredread
, andexecute
permission on
bash file so that you can executeibmc
Helm plug-in commands.{: tsResolve}
For symlink errors:
Remove the {{}} Helm plug-in.
rm -rf ~/.helm/plugins/helm-ibmc
{: pre}
Follow the documentation to re-install the
Helm plug-in and the {{}} plug-in.
For permission errors:
Change the permissions for the
plug-in.chmod 755 ~/.helm/plugins/helm-ibmc/
{: pre}
Try out the
Helm plug-in.helm ibmc --help
{: pre}
Continue installing the {{}} plug-in.
{: #cos_pvc_pending}
{: tsSymptoms} When you create a PVC and you run
kubectl get pvc <pvc_name>
, your PVC remains in a Pending state, even after waiting for some time.{: tsCauses} During the PVC creation and binding, many different tasks are executed by the {{}} plug-in. Each task can fail and cause a different error message.
{: tsResolve}
Find the root cause for why the PVC remains in a Pending state.
kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name> -n <namespace>
{: pre}
Review common error message descriptions and resolutions.
Error message Description Steps to resolve `User doesn't have permissions to create or manage Storage` The IAM API key or the IBM Cloud infrastructure API key that is stored in the `storage-secret-store` Kubernetes secret of your cluster does not have all the required permissions to provision persistent storage. See [PVC creation fails because of missing permissions](#missing_permissions). `cannot get credentials: cannot get secret : secrets "" not found` The Kubernetes secret that holds your {{}} service credentials does not exist in the same namespace as the PVC or pod. See [PVC or pod creation fails due to not finding the Kubernetes secret](#cos_secret_access_fails). `cannot get credentials: Wrong Secret Type.Provided secret of type XXXX.Expected type ibm/ibmc-s3fs` The Kubernetes secret that you created for your {{}} service instance does not include the `type: ibm/ibmc-s3fs`. Edit the Kubernetes secret that holds your {{}} credentials to add or change the `type` to `ibm/ibmc-s3fs`. `Bad value for XXXX: scheme is missing. Must be of the form http:// or https://`
`Bad value for XXXX: scheme is missing. Must be of the form http://`The s3fs API or IAM API endpoint has the wrong format, or the s3fs API endpoint could not be retrieved based on your cluster location. See [PVC creation fails due to wrong s3fs API endpoint](#cos_api_endpoint_failure). `object-path cannot be set when auto-create is enabled` You specified an existing subdirectory in your bucket that you want to mount to your PVC by using the `` annotation. If you set a subdirectory, you must disable the bucket auto-create feature. In your PVC, set ` "false"` and provide the name of the existing bucket in ``. `bucket auto-create must be enabled when bucket auto-delete is enabled` In your PVC, you set ` true` to automatically delete your data, the bucket, and the PV when you remove the PVC. This option requires `` to be set to true, and `` to be set to `""` at the same time. In your PVC, set ` true` and ` ""` so that your bucket is automatically created with a name with the format `tmp-s3fs-xxxx`. `bucket cannot be set when auto-delete is enabled` In your PVC, you set ` true` to automatically delete your data, the bucket, and the PV when you remove the PVC. This option requires `` to be set to true, and `` to be set to `""` at the same time. In your PVC, set ` true` and ` ""` so that your bucket is automatically created with a name with the format `tmp-s3fs-xxxx`. `cannot create bucket using API key without service-instance-id` If you want to use IAM API keys to access your {{}} service instance, you must store the API key and the ID of the {{}} service instance in a Kubernetes secret. See [Creating a secret for the object storage service credentials](/docs/containers?topic=containers-object_storage#create_cos_secret). `object-path “” not found inside bucket ` You specified an existing subdirectory in your bucket that you want to mount to your PVC by using the `` annotation. This subdirectory could not be found in the bucket that you specified. Verify that the subdirectory that you specified in `` exists in the bucket that you specified in ``. `BucketAlreadyExists: The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.` You set ` true` and specified a bucket name at the same time, or you specified a bucket name that already exists in {{}}. Bucket names must be unique across all service instances and regions in {{}}. Make sure that you set ` false` and that you provide a bucket name that is unique in {{}}. If you want to use the {{}} plug-in to automatically create a bucket name for you, set ` true` and ` ""`. Your bucket is created with a unique name in the format `tmp-s3fs-xxxx`. `cannot access bucket : NotFound: Not Found` You tried to access a bucket that you did not create, or the storage class and s3fs API endpoint that you specified do not match the storage class and s3fs API endpoint that were used when the bucket was created. See [Cannot access an existing bucket](#cos_access_bucket_fails). `Put net/http: invalid header field value "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=1234a12a123a123a1a123aa1a123a123\n\n/20190412/us-standard/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=12aa1abc123456aabb12aas12aa123456sb123456abc" for key Authorization` The values in your Kubernetes secret are not correctly encoded to base64. Review the values in your Kubernetes secret and encode every value to base64. You can also use the [`kubectl create secret`](/docs/containers?topic=containers-object_storage#create_cos_secret) command to create a new secret and let Kubernetes automatically encode your values to base64. `cannot access bucket : Forbidden: Forbidden` You specified ` false` and tried to access a bucket that you did not create or the service access key or access key ID of your {{}} HMAC credentials are incorrect. You cannot access a bucket that you did not create. Create a bucket instead by setting ` true` and ` ""`. If you are the owner of the bucket, see [PVC creation fails due to wrong credentials or access denied](#cred_failure) to check your credentials. `cannot create bucket : AccessDenied: Access Denied` You specified ` true` to automatically create a bucket in {{}}, but the credentials that you provided in the Kubernetes secret are assigned the **Reader** IAM service access role. This role does not allow bucket creation in {{}}. See [PVC creation fails due to wrong credentials or access denied](#cred_failure). `cannot create bucket : AccessForbidden: Access Forbidden` You specified ` true` and provided a name of an existing bucket in ``. In addition the credentials that you provided in the Kubernetes secret are assigned the **Reader** IAM service access role. This role does not allow bucket creation in {{}}. To use an existing bucket, set ` false` and provide the name of your existing bucket in ``. To automatically create a bucket by using your existing Kubernetes secret, set ` ""` and follow [PVC creation fails due to wrong credentials or access denied](#cred_failure) to verify the credentials in your Kubernetes secret. `cannot create bucket : SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. For more information, see REST Authentication and SOAP Authentication for details` The {{}} secret access key of your HMAC credentials that you provided in your Kubernetes secret is not correct. See [PVC creation fails due to wrong credentials or access denied](#cred_failure). `cannot create bucket : InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records` The {{}} access key ID or the secret access key of your HMAC credentials that you provided in your Kubernetes secret is not correct. See [PVC creation fails due to wrong credentials or access denied](#cred_failure). `cannot create bucket : CredentialsEndpointError: failed to load credentials`
`cannot access bucket : CredentialsEndpointError: failed to load credentials`The {{}} API key of your IAM credentials and the GUID of your {{}} service instance are not correct. See [PVC creation fails due to wrong credentials or access denied](#cred_failure). {: #cos_secret_access_fails}
{: tsSymptoms} When you create your PVC or deploy a pod that mounts the PVC, the creation or deployment fails.
Example error message for a PVC creation failure:
cannot get credentials: cannot get secret tsecret-key: secrets "secret-key" not found
{: screen}
Example error message for a pod creation failure:
persistentvolumeclaim "pvc-3" not found (repeated 3 times)
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} The Kubernetes secret where you store your {{}} service credentials, the PVC, and the pod are not all in the same Kubernetes namespace. When the secret is deployed to a different namespace than your PVC or pod, the secret cannot be accessed.
{: tsResolve} This task requires Writer or Manager {{}} IAM service role for all namespaces.
List the secrets in your cluster and review the Kubernetes namespace where the Kubernetes secret for your {{}} service instance is created. The secret must show
as the Type.kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces
{: pre}
Check your YAML configuration file for your PVC and pod to verify that you used the same namespace. If you want to deploy a pod in a different namespace than the one where your secret exists, create another secret in that namespace.
Create the PVC or deploy the pod in the appropriate namespace.
{: #cred_failure}
{: tsSymptoms} When you create the PVC, you see an error message similar to one of the following:
SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. For more information, see REST Authentication and SOAP Authentication for details.
{: screen}
AccessDenied: Access Denied status code: 403
{: screen}
CredentialsEndpointError: failed to load credentials
{: screen}
InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records`
{: screen}
cannot access bucket <bucket_name>: Forbidden: Forbidden
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} The {{}} service credentials that you use to access the service instance might be wrong, or allow only read access to your bucket.
{: tsResolve}
- In the navigation on the service details page, click Service Credentials.
- Find your credentials, then click View credentials.
- In the iam_role_crn section, verify that you have the
role. If you do not have the correct role, you must create new {{}} service credentials with the correct permission. - If the role is correct, verify that you use the correct access_key_id and secret_access_key in your Kubernetes secret.
- Create a new secret with the updated access_key_id and secret_access_key.
{: #cos_api_endpoint_failure}
{: tsSymptoms} When you create the PVC, the PVC remains in a pending state. After you run the
kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name>
command, you see one of the following error messages:Bad value for XXXX: scheme is missing. Must be of the form http://<hostname> or https://<hostname>
{: screen}
Bad value for XXXX: scheme is missing. Must be of the form http://<hostname> or https://<hostname>
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} The s3fs API endpoint for the bucket that you want to use might have the wrong format, or your cluster is deployed in a location that is supported in {{}} but is not yet supported by the {{}} plug-in.
{: tsResolve}
Check the s3fs API endpoint that was automatically assigned by the
Helm plug-in to your storage classes during the {{}} plug-in installation. The endpoint is based on the location that your cluster is deployed to.kubectl get sc ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional -o yaml | grep object-store-endpoint
{: pre}
If the command returns NA
, your cluster is deployed in a location that is supported in {{}} but is not yet supported by the {{}} plug-in. To add the location to the {{}}, post a question in our public Slack or open an {{}} support case. For more information, see Getting help and support. -
If you manually added the s3fs API endpoint with the
annotation or the IAM API endpoint with
annotation in your PVC, make sure that you added the endpoints in the formathttps://<s3fs_api_endpoint>
. The annotation overwrites the API endpoints that are automatically set by theibmc
plug-in in the {{}} storage classes.kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name>
{: pre}
{: #cos_access_bucket_fails}
{: tsSymptoms} When you create the PVC, the bucket in {{}} cannot be accessed. You see an error message similar to the following:
Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional": pvc:1b2345678b69175abc98y873e2:cannot access bucket <bucket_name>: NotFound: Not Found
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} You might have used the wrong storage class to access your existing bucket, or you tried to access a bucket that you did not create. You cannot access a bucket that you did not create.
{: tsResolve}
- From the {{}} dashboard
, select your {{}} service instance.
- Select Buckets.
- Review the Class and Location information for your existing bucket.
- Choose the appropriate storage class.
- Make sure that you set false
and that you provide the correct name of your existing bucket.
{: #cos_mountpath_error}
{: tsSymptoms} You created a deployment that mounts an {{}} bucket to your app. During the deployment, you try to change the ownership of the volume mount path, but this action fails. You see error messages similar to the following:
chown: changing ownership of '<volume_mount_path>': Input/output error chown: changing ownership of '<volume_mount_path>': Operation not permitted
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} When you create a bucket in {{}}, the bucket is managed by
. The UID and GID that own the volume mount path are automatically set by Fuse when you mount the bucket to your app and cannot be changed.{: tsResolve} You cannot change the ownership of the volume mount path. However, you can change the UID and GID for a file or a directory that is stored under your volume mount path. For more information, see Object storage: Accessing files with a non-root user fails.
{: #cos_nonroot_access}
{: tsSymptoms} You uploaded files to your {{}} service instance by using the console or the REST API. When you try to access these files with a non-root user that you defined with
in your app deployment, access to the files is denied.{: tsCauses} In Linux, a file or a directory has three access groups:
, andOther
. When you upload a file to {{}} by using the console or the REST API, the permissions for theOwner
, andOther
are removed. The permission of each file looks as follows:d--------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 <file_name>
{: screen}
When you upload a file by using the {{}} plug-in, the permissions for the file are preserved and not changed.
{: tsResolve} To access the file with a non-root user, the non-root user must have read and write permissions for the file. Changing the permission on a file as part of your pod deployment requires a write operation. {{}} is not designed for write workloads. Updating permissions during the pod deployment might prevent your pod from getting into a
state.To resolve this issue, before you mount the PVC to your app pod, create another pod to set the correct permission for the non-root user.
Check the permissions of your files in your bucket.
Create a configuration file for your
pod and name the filetest-permission.yaml
.apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test-permission spec: containers: - name: test-permission image: nginx volumeMounts: - name: cos-vol mountPath: /test volumes: - name: cos-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: <pvc_name>
{: codeblock}
Create the
pod.kubectl apply -f test-permission.yaml
{: pre}
Log in to your pod.
kubectl exec test-permission -it bash
{: pre}
Navigate to your mount path and list the permissions for your files.
cd test && ls -al
{: pre}
Example output:
d--------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 <file_name>
{: screen}
Delete the pod.
kubectl delete pod test-permission
{: pre}
Create a configuration file for the pod that you use to correct the permissions of your files and name it
.apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: fix-permission namespace: <namespace> spec: containers: - name: fix-permission image: busybox command: ['sh', '-c'] args: ['chown -R <nonroot_userID> <mount_path>/*; find <mount_path>/ -type d -print -exec chmod u=+rwx,g=+rx {} \;'] volumeMounts: - mountPath: "<mount_path>" name: cos-volume volumes: - name: cos-volume persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: <pvc_name>
{: codeblock}
Create the
pod.kubectl apply -f fix-permission.yaml
{: pre}
Wait for the pod to go into a
state.kubectl get pod fix-permission
{: pre}
Delete the
pod.kubectl delete pod fix-permission
{: pre}
Re-create the
pod that you used earlier to check the permissions.kubectl apply -f test-permission.yaml
{: pre}
Verify that the permissions for your files are updated.
Log in to your pod.
kubectl exec test-permission -it bash
{: pre}
Navigate to your mount path and list the permissions for your files.
cd test && ls -al
{: pre}
Example output:
-rwxrwx--- 1 <nonroot_userID> root 6193 Aug 21 17:06 <file_name>
{: screen}
Delete the
pod.kubectl delete pod test-permission
{: pre}
Mount the PVC to the app with the non-root user.
Define the non-root user as
without settingfsGroup
in your deployment YAML at the same time. SettingfsGroup
triggers the {{}} plug-in to update the group permissions for all files in a bucket when the pod is deployed. Updating the permissions is a write operation and might prevent your pod from getting into aRunning
state. {: important}
After you set the correct file permissions in your {{}} service instance, do not upload files by using the console or the REST API. Use the {{}} plug-in to add files to your service instance. {: tip}
{: #missing_permissions}
{: tsSymptoms} When you create a PVC, the PVC remains pending. When you run
kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name>
, you see an error message similar to the following:User doesn't have permissions to create or manage Storage
{: screen}
{: tsCauses} The IAM API key or the IBM Cloud infrastructure API key that is stored in the
Kubernetes secret of your cluster does not have all the required permissions to provision persistent storage.{: tsResolve}
Retrieve the IAM key or IBM Cloud infrastructure API key that is stored in the
Kubernetes secret of your cluster and verify that the correct API key is used.kubectl get secret storage-secret-store -n kube-system -o yaml | grep slclient.toml: | awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode
{: pre}
Example output:
[Bluemix] iam_url = "" iam_client_id = "bx" iam_client_secret = "bx" iam_api_key = "<iam_api_key>" refresh_token = "" pay_tier = "paid" containers_api_route = "" [Softlayer] encryption = true softlayer_username = "" softlayer_api_key = "" softlayer_endpoint_url = "" softlayer_iam_endpoint_url = "" softlayer_datacenter = "dal10"
{: screen}
The IAM API key is listed in the
section of your CLI output. If theSoftlayer.softlayer_api_key
is empty at the same time, then the IAM API key is used to determine your infrastructure permissions. The IAM API key is automatically set by the user who runs the first action that requires the IAM Administrator platform role in a resource group and region. If a different API key is set inSoftlayer.softlayer_api_key
, then this key takes precedence over the IAM API key. TheSoftlayer.softlayer_api_key
is set when a cluster admin runs theibmcloud ks credentials-set
command. -
If you want to change the credentials, update the API key that is used.
- To update the IAM API key, use the
ibmcloud ks api-key reset
command. To update the IBM Cloud infrastructure key, use theibmcloud ks credential set
command. - Wait about 10 - 15 minutes for the
Kubernetes secret to update, then verify that the key is updated.{: pre}kubectl get secret storage-secret-store -n kube-system -o yaml | grep slclient.toml: | awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode
- To update the IAM API key, use the
If the API key is correct, verify that the key has the correct permission to provision persistent storage.
- Contact the account owner to verify the permission of the API key.
- As the account owner, select Manage > Access (IAM) from the navigation in the {{}} console.
- Select Users and find the user whose API key you want to use.
- From the actions menu, select Manage user details.
- Go to the Classic infrastructure tab.
- Expand the Account category and verify that the Add/ Upgrade Storage (StorageLayer) permission is assigned.
- Expand the Services category and verify that the Storage Manage permission is assigned.
Remove the PVC that failed.
kubectl delete pvc <pvc_name>
{: pre}
Re-create the PVC.
kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
{: pre}
{: #storage_getting_help}
Still having issues with your cluster? {: shortdesc}
- In the terminal, you are notified when updates to the
CLI and plug-ins are available. Be sure to keep your CLI up-to-date so that you can use all available commands and flags. - To see whether {{}} is available, check the {{}} status page
- Post a question in the {{}} Slack
. If you are not using an IBM ID for your {{}} account, request an invitation to this Slack. {: tip}
- Review the forums to see whether other users ran into the same issue. When you use the forums to ask a question, tag your question so that it is seen by the {{}} development teams.
- If you have technical questions about developing or deploying clusters or apps with {{}}, post your question on Stack Overflow
and tag your question with
, andcontainers
. - For questions about the service and getting started instructions, use the IBM Developer Answers
forum. Include the
tags. See Getting help for more details about using the forums.
- If you have technical questions about developing or deploying clusters or apps with {{}}, post your question on Stack Overflow
- Contact IBM Support by opening a case. To learn about opening an IBM support case, or about support levels and case severities, see Contacting support.
When you report an issue, include your cluster ID. To get your cluster ID, run
ibmcloud ks cluster ls
. You can also use the {{}} Diagnostics and Debug Tool to gather and export pertinent information from your cluster to share with IBM Support. {: tip}
- When you run
- When you run