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  • Update description of smecc presentation

    @keryell keryell committed May 3, 2013
  • Add smecc presentation at ENS Paris PARKAS seminar on 2013/04/24

    @keryell keryell committed May 3, 2013
  • Add the user manual and fix the links. There is a current bug in the GitHub wiki: in preview mode the local links are relative to the wiki root but in normal mode they are relative to the project root instead. The project root is more expressive because we can link to files in the git.

    @keryell keryell committed Dec 10, 2012
  • Add a small presentation page with links to the SMECY project and the local documentation

    @keryell keryell committed Dec 10, 2012
  • Initial Commit

    @keryell keryell committed Jul 20, 2012