Use this area to provide additional information.
diff --git a/PowerHouseFitness/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml b/PowerHouseFitness/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a11a186 --- /dev/null +++ b/PowerHouseFitness/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +@{ + ViewData["Title"] = "Contact"; +} +Hora | +Lunes | +Martes | +Miercoles | +Jueves | +Viernes | +Sabado | +Domingo | +
08:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
09:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
10:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
11:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
12:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
13:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
14:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
15:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
16:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
17:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
18:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
19:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
20:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
21:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
22:00 | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +free | +
+ Request ID: @Model.RequestId
+ Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred. +
++ Development environment should not be enabled in deployed applications, as it can result in sensitive information from exceptions being displayed to end users. For local debugging, development environment can be enabled by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development, and restarting the application. +
diff --git a/PowerHouseFitness/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml b/PowerHouseFitness/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c6be82 --- /dev/null +++ b/PowerHouseFitness/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + + + + + +`s get reset. However, we also reset the\n// bottom margin to use `rem` units instead of `em`.\np {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;\n}\n\n// Abbreviations\n//\n// 1. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-.\n// 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.\n// 3. Add explicit cursor to indicate changed behavior.\n// 4. Duplicate behavior to the data-* attribute for our tooltip plugin\n\nabbr[title],\nabbr[data-original-title] { // 4\n text-decoration: underline; // 2\n text-decoration: underline dotted; // 2\n cursor: help; // 3\n border-bottom: 0; // 1\n}\n\naddress {\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n font-style: normal;\n line-height: inherit;\n}\n\nol,\nul,\ndl {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n}\n\nol ol,\nul ul,\nol ul,\nul ol {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\ndt {\n font-weight: $dt-font-weight;\n}\n\ndd {\n margin-bottom: .5rem;\n margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default\n}\n\nblockquote {\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\n}\n\ndfn {\n font-style: italic; // Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-\n}\n\n// stylelint-disable font-weight-notation\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bolder; // Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari\n}\n// stylelint-enable font-weight-notation\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%; // Add the correct font size in all browsers\n}\n\n//\n// Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in\n// all browsers.\n//\n\nsub,\nsup {\n position: relative;\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsub { bottom: -.25em; }\nsup { top: -.5em; }\n\n\n//\n// Links\n//\n\na {\n color: $link-color;\n text-decoration: $link-decoration;\n background-color: transparent; // Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.\n -webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; // Remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+.\n\n @include hover {\n color: $link-hover-color;\n text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;\n }\n}\n\n// And undo these styles for placeholder links/named anchors (without href)\n// which have not been made explicitly keyboard-focusable (without tabindex).\n// It would be more straightforward to just use a[href] in previous block, but that\n// causes specificity issues in many other styles that are too complex to fix.\n// See\n\na:not([href]):not([tabindex]) {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n\n @include hover-focus {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n &:focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n//\n// Code\n//\n\n// stylelint-disable font-family-no-duplicate-names\npre,\ncode,\nkbd,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace; // Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.\n font-size: 1em; // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.\n}\n// stylelint-enable font-family-no-duplicate-names\n\npre {\n // Remove browser default top margin\n margin-top: 0;\n // Reset browser default of `1em` to use `rem`s\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n // Don't allow content to break outside\n overflow: auto;\n // We have @viewport set which causes scrollbars to overlap content in IE11 and Edge, so\n // we force a non-overlapping, non-auto-hiding scrollbar to counteract.\n -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Figures\n//\n\nfigure {\n // Apply a consistent margin strategy (matches our type styles).\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Images and content\n//\n\nimg {\n vertical-align: middle;\n border-style: none; // Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.\n}\n\nsvg:not(:root) {\n overflow: hidden; // Hide the overflow in IE\n}\n\n\n//\n// Tables\n//\n\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse; // Prevent double borders\n}\n\ncaption {\n padding-top: $table-cell-padding;\n padding-bottom: $table-cell-padding;\n color: $text-muted;\n text-align: left;\n caption-side: bottom;\n}\n\nth {\n // Matches default `
`s get reset. However, we also reset the\n// bottom margin to use `rem` units instead of `em`.\np {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;\n}\n\n// Abbreviations\n//\n// 1. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-.\n// 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.\n// 3. Add explicit cursor to indicate changed behavior.\n// 4. Duplicate behavior to the data-* attribute for our tooltip plugin\n\nabbr[title],\nabbr[data-original-title] { // 4\n text-decoration: underline; // 2\n text-decoration: underline dotted; // 2\n cursor: help; // 3\n border-bottom: 0; // 1\n}\n\naddress {\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n font-style: normal;\n line-height: inherit;\n}\n\nol,\nul,\ndl {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n}\n\nol ol,\nul ul,\nol ul,\nul ol {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\ndt {\n font-weight: $dt-font-weight;\n}\n\ndd {\n margin-bottom: .5rem;\n margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default\n}\n\nblockquote {\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\n}\n\ndfn {\n font-style: italic; // Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-\n}\n\n// stylelint-disable font-weight-notation\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bolder; // Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari\n}\n// stylelint-enable font-weight-notation\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%; // Add the correct font size in all browsers\n}\n\n//\n// Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in\n// all browsers.\n//\n\nsub,\nsup {\n position: relative;\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsub { bottom: -.25em; }\nsup { top: -.5em; }\n\n\n//\n// Links\n//\n\na {\n color: $link-color;\n text-decoration: $link-decoration;\n background-color: transparent; // Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.\n -webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; // Remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+.\n\n @include hover {\n color: $link-hover-color;\n text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;\n }\n}\n\n// And undo these styles for placeholder links/named anchors (without href)\n// which have not been made explicitly keyboard-focusable (without tabindex).\n// It would be more straightforward to just use a[href] in previous block, but that\n// causes specificity issues in many other styles that are too complex to fix.\n// See\n\na:not([href]):not([tabindex]) {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n\n @include hover-focus {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n &:focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n//\n// Code\n//\n\n// stylelint-disable font-family-no-duplicate-names\npre,\ncode,\nkbd,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace; // Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.\n font-size: 1em; // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.\n}\n// stylelint-enable font-family-no-duplicate-names\n\npre {\n // Remove browser default top margin\n margin-top: 0;\n // Reset browser default of `1em` to use `rem`s\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n // Don't allow content to break outside\n overflow: auto;\n // We have @viewport set which causes scrollbars to overlap content in IE11 and Edge, so\n // we force a non-overlapping, non-auto-hiding scrollbar to counteract.\n -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Figures\n//\n\nfigure {\n // Apply a consistent margin strategy (matches our type styles).\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Images and content\n//\n\nimg {\n vertical-align: middle;\n border-style: none; // Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.\n}\n\nsvg:not(:root) {\n overflow: hidden; // Hide the overflow in IE\n}\n\n\n//\n// Tables\n//\n\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse; // Prevent double borders\n}\n\ncaption {\n padding-top: $table-cell-padding;\n padding-bottom: $table-cell-padding;\n color: $text-muted;\n text-align: left;\n caption-side: bottom;\n}\n\nth {\n // Matches default `
`s get reset. However, we also reset the\n// bottom margin to use `rem` units instead of `em`.\np {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;\n}\n\n// Abbreviations\n//\n// 1. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-.\n// 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.\n// 3. Add explicit cursor to indicate changed behavior.\n// 4. Duplicate behavior to the data-* attribute for our tooltip plugin\n\nabbr[title],\nabbr[data-original-title] { // 4\n text-decoration: underline; // 2\n text-decoration: underline dotted; // 2\n cursor: help; // 3\n border-bottom: 0; // 1\n}\n\naddress {\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n font-style: normal;\n line-height: inherit;\n}\n\nol,\nul,\ndl {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n}\n\nol ol,\nul ul,\nol ul,\nul ol {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\ndt {\n font-weight: $dt-font-weight;\n}\n\ndd {\n margin-bottom: .5rem;\n margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default\n}\n\nblockquote {\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\n}\n\ndfn {\n font-style: italic; // Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-\n}\n\n// stylelint-disable font-weight-notation\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bolder; // Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari\n}\n// stylelint-enable font-weight-notation\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%; // Add the correct font size in all browsers\n}\n\n//\n// Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in\n// all browsers.\n//\n\nsub,\nsup {\n position: relative;\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsub { bottom: -.25em; }\nsup { top: -.5em; }\n\n\n//\n// Links\n//\n\na {\n color: $link-color;\n text-decoration: $link-decoration;\n background-color: transparent; // Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.\n -webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; // Remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+.\n\n @include hover {\n color: $link-hover-color;\n text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;\n }\n}\n\n// And undo these styles for placeholder links/named anchors (without href)\n// which have not been made explicitly keyboard-focusable (without tabindex).\n// It would be more straightforward to just use a[href] in previous block, but that\n// causes specificity issues in many other styles that are too complex to fix.\n// See\n\na:not([href]):not([tabindex]) {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n\n @include hover-focus {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n &:focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n//\n// Code\n//\n\n// stylelint-disable font-family-no-duplicate-names\npre,\ncode,\nkbd,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace; // Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.\n font-size: 1em; // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.\n}\n// stylelint-enable font-family-no-duplicate-names\n\npre {\n // Remove browser default top margin\n margin-top: 0;\n // Reset browser default of `1em` to use `rem`s\n margin-bottom: 1rem;\n // Don't allow content to break outside\n overflow: auto;\n // We have @viewport set which causes scrollbars to overlap content in IE11 and Edge, so\n // we force a non-overlapping, non-auto-hiding scrollbar to counteract.\n -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Figures\n//\n\nfigure {\n // Apply a consistent margin strategy (matches our type styles).\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Images and content\n//\n\nimg {\n vertical-align: middle;\n border-style: none; // Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.\n}\n\nsvg:not(:root) {\n overflow: hidden; // Hide the overflow in IE\n}\n\n\n//\n// Tables\n//\n\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse; // Prevent double borders\n}\n\ncaption {\n padding-top: $table-cell-padding;\n padding-bottom: $table-cell-padding;\n color: $text-muted;\n text-align: left;\n caption-side: bottom;\n}\n\nth {\n // Matches default `