Pre steps: Step 1 - Task Grammar Step 2 - Pronunciation Dictionnary Step 3 - Recording the data Step 4 - Creating the Transcription Files Step 5 - Coding the (Audio) Data
- Make folder tree for HTK: ruby main.rb --mkdir
- Make dictionary: ruby main.rb -d
(if errors related to not found in dict blah blah, please insert NEW WORD to dict/vndict.txt then remake dict)
- This source is containing vietnamese dict and its telex definition, if you use another language
- Get your dictionary:
- Save your dictionary under: xxx.txt to folder dict
- Replace vndict.txt in htk.rb by your xxx.txt (and output also to xxx.dic)
- Use your knowledge to define charmap & cosonant in your language in string_helper.rb (need brain cells)
- This source is containing vietnamese dict and its telex definition, if you use another language
- Make training label file: ruby main.rb --labelfiles
- Convert from .txt to .lab which would compatiable to dictionary
- Make gram-momoword.txt: ruby main.rb -g
- Make wdnet: HParse grammar/gram-monoword.txt wdnet/wdnet.txt
- Make prompt: HSGen -l -n 10 wdnet/wdnet.txt dict/vndict.dic > prompts (can increase 10 up to 300 depending on your training)
- Make wlist: ruby main.rb -w
- Make monophone:
- Step 1: make initial monophone ruby main.rb -im
- Step 2: make 2 monophones with sp and sil ruby main.rb --monophones
- Move recording data to train_wav (*Including *.txt and *.wav files)
(because you won't input test data to train, you have to do this first)
- make testing_suggestion (if you need detail - word with file storing it - to get confidence) ruby main.rb --what-to-train=100 -f
Make prompt_file for training: ruby main.rb -p --path='train_wav'
- prompt_file.train is out
Make words.mlf (master label file): ruby main.rb --mlf
Make phone0.mlf (phonetic): HLEd -d dict/vndict.dic -i mlf/phones0.mlf ins/mkphones0.led mlf/words.mlf
Make phone1.mlf (phonetic): HLEd -d dict/vndict.dic -i mlf/phones1.mlf ins/mkphones1.led mlf/words.mlf
Prepare list conversion from wav to mfcc: ruby main.rb -s --path="train_wav" --act='MakeWavMfc4Train'
- train.scp is auto generated in scp_files folder as well
- Because HERest is suck, mfc file and wav file should be stored in the same folder
Make mfcc_files base on list conversion: HCopy -T 1 -C cfg/HCopy.cfg -S scp_files/mfcc_train.scp
- HMM for enhance training
- make hmm0, hmm1, hmm2, ... under hmm folder
- make proto + vfloor file: HCompV -C cfg/HCompV.cfg -f 0.01 -m -S scp_files/train.scp -M hmm/hmm0 hmm/proto.template
- make macro file + hmmdefs: ruby main.rb -macro --path="hmm/hmm0"
- Re-estimate mean and variance in hmm0 to hmm1: HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm0/macros -H hmm/hmm0/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm1 phones/monophones0
- then in hmm1 and hmm2: HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm1/macros -H hmm/hmm1/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm2 phones/monophones0 HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm2/macros -H hmm/hmm2/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm3 phones/monophones0
- Add sp to hmmdefs and cp macros from another hmm (should be from hmm3 after all): ruby main.rb --sp2hmmdef=hmm/hmm3,hmm/hmm4 (TODO FIX)
- Transform sil in hmm5 - append sp to sil: HHEd -H hmm/hmm4/macros -H hmm/hmm4/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm5 ins/sil.hed phones/monophones1
- then form hmm6 and hmm7 - remember from this time we use phones1 and monophones1 because we are training words with sp: HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/phones1.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm5/macros -H hmm/hmm5/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm6 phones/monophones1 HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/phones1.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm6/macros -H hmm/hmm6/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm7 phones/monophones1
- Realigning the traning data:
- copy phone1.mlf to aligned.mlf cp mlf/phones1.mlf mlf/aligned.mlf
- form hmm7 (you have to make .lab file in prequisite step): HVite -o SWT -b silence -a -H hmm/hmm7/macros -H hmm/hmm7/hmmdefs -i mlf/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 -y lab -I mlf/words.mlf -S scp_files/train.scp dict/vndict.dic phones/monophones1
- re-assign aligned (because aligned.mlf is suck - words are missing from aligned when compare to words.mlf): cp mlf/phones1.mlf mlf/aligned.mlf
- then form hmm8 and hmm9: HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm7/macros -H hmm/hmm7/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm8 phones/monophones1 HERest -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm8/macros -H hmm/hmm8/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm9 phones/monophones1
- Create Tied-state triphones:
- Make triphone from monophone: HLEd -n phones/triphones1 -l '*' -i mlf/wintri.mlf ins/mktri.led mlf/aligned.mlf
- Because of the path result in wintri.mlf is */xxxx.lab may be wrong, we have to correct em: ruby main.rb --correct-wintri
- Make ins/mktri.hed: ruby main.rb --make-mktri-hed
- Replicate hmm9 monophones to triphone in hmm10: HHEd -B -H hmm/hmm9/macros -H hmm/hmm9/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm10 ins/mktri.hed phones/monophones1
- then form hmm11 and hmm12 based on hmm10: HERest -B -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/wintri.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -s stats -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm10/macros -H hmm/hmm10/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm11 phones/triphones1 HERest -B -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/wintri.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -s stats -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm11/macros -H hmm/hmm11/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm12 phones/triphones1
- Create tied-state triphones:
Create FULLLIST: perl pl/ phones/monophones0 phones/fulllist
Create TREE.HED with threshold by 40: ruby main.rb --make-tree-hed=40
Tied: HHEd -B -H hmm/hmm12/macros -H hmm/hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm13 ins/tree.hed phones/triphones1 > log.txt
(attention: ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto for OW-GH+AR in hSet) => Mean that you have to remove OW-GH+AR from fulllist by hand - same for the others triphone)
- If you are experiencing many [2662] errors, the below command is for removing unused triphones in unlist.
Do remember to RE-RUN last HHEd to re-tied:
ruby main.rb --clean-full-list (my BAD/HHEd_LINUX is in 32bit, you should install some libraries if your machine is in 64bit - tell google-sama)
- Source file modded HHEd to rebuild is here:
Create HMM14, HMM15: HERest -B -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/wintri.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -s stats -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm13/macros -H hmm/hmm13/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm14 tiedlist HERest -B -C cfg/HERest.cfg -I mlf/wintri.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -s stats -S scp_files/train.scp -H hmm/hmm14/macros -H hmm/hmm14/hmmdefs -M hmm/hmm15 tiedlist
- HMM for enhance training
(remember you've cut wav files into word.wav in step prepare test data)
- Make scp_files for test_wav files: ruby main.rb -s --path="test_wav" --act='MakeWavMfc4Test'
- Make testwords.mlf file for a same scenario when training with words.mlf - use for evaluating: ruby main.rb --make-testwords-mlf
- Make mfcc files for test_wav files: HCopy -T 1 -C cfg/HCopy.cfg -S scp_files/mfcc_test.scp
- Recogniting: HVite -C cfg/Hvite.cfg -H hmm/hmm15/macros -H hmm/hmm15/hmmdefs -S scp_files/test.scp -i recout.mlf -w wdnet/wdnet.txt dict/vndict.dic tiedlist
- Format result: HResults -I mlf/testwords.mlf tiedlist recout.mlf > result.txt