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Arrays & ArrayLists

  1. Intro
  2. Internal Working of Arrays in Java
  3. Array Input
  4. Multidimentional Arrays
  5. Dynamic Arrays
  6. Array Functions, ArrayLists

1. Intro


Collection of datatypes (premitives/objects/complex datatype)


dataType[] variableName = new type[size]; e.g.

// declaring and initializing a one dimentional integer type array of size 5, named "rollNo"
int [] rollNo = new int[5]; // The object being created in the heap memory

int[] rollNo = {23,25,24,65,67};
// Another way to declare and intialize the same array.
  • All the elements of array must be of same type.

Internal working of arrays in Java

  • in Java, there's no concept of pointers
  • In Java, arrays may not be continueous.
    Because: 1. Array objects are in heap 2. Heap objects are not contineous 3. Dynamic memory allocation Therefore we can say, it depends on Java.
  • Initially, if only declared not initialized, array of size n has 0 as default int value, null as default string value.
  • null : Special literal. Not a datatype. Like none in python. Any reference variable has default value null.
  • Each element of array is also an object pointing towards some different location.

Array Input

  1. literal way:
String[] example = new String[2];
example[0] = "this ways is";
example[1] = "not used frequently";
  1. Using for loop / for-each loop
for (int num : arr) {
    sout(num + " ");

Array of objects

Internal working of arrays of non-primitives

Multidimentional Arrays

2D arrays:


int[][] arr = new int[row][col]; // mentioning column size is not mandatory.

int[][] matrix = {

matrix[0] // is [1,2,3]
matrix[1][1] // is 5 i.e. [4,5,-3][1] which is 5
  • Array of arrays


  • When the size of arrays is not known, we use arrayList.
  • Similar to in vectors in c++
  • Part of Collections framework
  • It's in the java.util.ArrayList
  • Syntax:
import java.util.ArrayList;
ArrayList<DataTypeWrapperClasses> yourName = new ArrayList<>(initialCapacity);
// Example
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(10);
// Adding elements to arraylist

ArrayList methods

.contains(), .set(index, newValue), .remove(), .get()

Internal Working of ArrayList

  1. Size is fixed internally
  2. When the array fills to a certain amount (e.g. 50% etc.) it creates a new arrayList of size 2X

Strings and StringBuilder


  1. Intro
  2. PrintStream class
  3. toString method
  4. Pretty printing in Java
  5. String concatanation operator
  6. String performance
  7. StringBuilder
  8. StringBuilder methods


  • A string is a collection of characters.
  • Most commonly used class in Java
  • Every string we create is an object of class String

Internal working of strings

internal working of strings

Here, two reference variables (name and b) are pointing towards the same string object stored in a special part of the heap memory called pool.

  • String pool is a separate memory structure in the heap.
  • All the similar values are not re-created
    • More optimization
    • Security
  • == checks if ref vars are pointing to same objects
  • Creating different objects of same value
String a = new String("Kunal"); // Created objects outside of pool but in heap
  • When you only need to check values, use .equals() method. (.equals() => values only)

  • IMP : To get character from string, use .charAt() method

String name = "Ajinkya";
sout(name.charAt(1)); // prints "j"

Pretty printing in Java

  1. use .printf() instead of .println()
  2. Use placeholders like
    1. %i for integers
    2. %.2f for floats (.2 is for printing only two decimal points)
    3. %s for strings
  3. Put the placeholders in the string you want to print.
  4. After the string, put the value after comma in order
System.out.printf("Pi is %.3f, which is my favourite number!", Math.PI);
// Prints:
// Pi is 3.142, which my favourite number.

String concatenation operator

  • When an integer is concatenated, (Added with a string), it is converted to it's wrapper type (i.e. Integer class) that will call toString() of it's own.
System.out.println("a" + 1); // prints "a1"
// The integer 1 is converted to Integer object which then calls `.toString()` method of it's own.
// Therefore the number 1 is converted to the string "1" and then concatenated with the string "a" to form a new object of value "a1" which is then printed.
  • It gets concatenated with every object which has and calls toString() method of their own.
System.out.println("a" + new ArrayList<>()); // prints a[]
// Calls the toString() of ArrayList and then returns [] as a string which then is concatenated with a
  • IMP : The operator + in java is only defined from primitives and when any one the value is a string. There must be at least one sting otherwise you can not cancatenate.

working of the plus operator in java

sout(new Integer(54) + new ArrayList<>()); // Error
// Although there are two objects that have toString methods of their own, but since there's no string in the expression, java can not concatenate.

sout(new Integer(54) + " " + new ArrayList<>()); // prints 54[]
  • Operator Overloading :
    When an operator also performs different operation with different operants, we call this as "operator overloading"
    e.g. For strings, the operator + performs concatenation.

  • Operator overloading is not supported in Java (for good s/w engineering practices)

  • Concatenation is the only exception where + operator is overloaded.

  • Concatenation results in creating a new String object in the pool.

  • Performance: String performance is poor, as it takes more space as it creates new objects everytime a concatenation is performed.

public class Performance {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        String series = "";
        for (int i = 26; i < 26; i++) {
            char ch = (char)('a' + i);
            series += ch;

This code successfully produces the string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" but it's space complexity is O(n2) which is very poor.


public class SB { // Since there's already a class named StringBuilder that we are going to use, we are not using the same name.
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 26; i < 26; i++) {
            char ch = (char)('a' + i);

This will also return the same string, with space complexity O(n).

String methods