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mi study group

We will improve our programming skills by meeting weekly and working on programming stuff.


  • ruby
  • ruby on rails
  • rspec, cucumber
  • coffeescript
  • git: forking on github
  • unix/linux command line
  • development tools / IDEs: RubyMine, vim, sublime text
  • managing / setting up a webserver


week 2

Who: Stephen
Where: DevCave
What: Ruby and RTanque: Battle day
Prep: ::: Bookmark it!
If you didn't do the quick start (below) before, do it for this time.
Fork steptan's RTanque github repo so you can share your bot via pull request
[email protected]:steptan/RTanque.git
come ready to battle

week 1

Who: Stephen
When: Tue Mar 5 6:30 AM 2013
Where: DevCave
What: Ruby and RTanque

Quick Start: (run from the command line)

mkdir rtanque; cd rtanque  
echo '1.9.3' > .ruby-version  
bundle init  
echo "gem 'rtanque'" >> Gemfile  
bundle exec rtanque new\_bot my\_bot  
bundle exec rtanque start bots/my\_bot sample\_bots/keyboard sample\_bots/camper:x2  

Drive the Keyboard bot with asdf. Aim/fire with the arrow keys

Challenge questions

  • Why doesn't 'git status' complain about the rtanque subfolder?
    • ANSWER: You have the folder "/rtanque/*" listed in the .gitignore file. first:Miles
  • Who has forked this git repo on github?

What we've learned so far:

week 1 (20130305)

Ruby basics

  • everything in Ruby is an Object
  • Object are created from Classes
  • every Class extends another class, all the way back to Object
    For example, numbers are objects, too
    arithmetic operators are just method calls
    so + is a method on the Number class
3 + 3 #(is the same as) 


  • Class-wide values accessed by appending :: to class name
    • Static constants: Math::PI
  • Classes can be "instantiated" to create "instances" which are Object
  • Variables point to Object
  • Instance variables persist across method calls and have a @ prepended @lives = @lives - 1
  • ruby constructor: initialize
  • each time a Class is instantiated
    • a new Object is born
    • its initialize method is called
    • initialize method takes 1 argument
    def initialize(blah)
      @radar = 0.0
  • every Class inherits from the Object class
  • ruby returns the last thing in your method
  • duck typing
  • + is actually a method (same for *, -, / etc)
  • every method returns the last thing
  • irb is a great way to quickly test stuff and learn Ruby from the command line __ Try this in irb:__
    you can concatenate Strings in Ruby
    "Hi," + " there"

you cannot do this:

    5 + " little monkeys"

why not? duck typing. Ruby finds 5, wants to do arithmetic

    5 + 5

this works:

    5.to_s + " little monkeys"

because now Ruby can concatinate 2 Strings: "5" and " little monkeys"

week 0

markdown cheat sheet

  • to force a line break, end a line with two spaces
  • to make a link,
    • put the text of the link in square braces
    • put the link inside parenthesis