This was our Academic Project for Database Systems course during 6th semster at IITBBS.
K. Jayakar Reddy and K. Kishorereddy
A Database Mangement System to manage the sales and customer cards of a food chain (inspired from Starbucks). Different GUIs are made for Admin, Outlets and Customers each implementing corresponding functionalities mentioned in the Database Design Document.pdf.
Design Info / Database Design Document.pdf :
Design document consisting of the Entities, ER Diagram, Relational Database Tables, Functionalities and Assumptions of this Project. -
main.sql :
The SQL code for database initialization, PL/SQL Procedures called from JDBC and the Triggers defined on the database. -
Admin_SCMS :
Source code of the NetBeans Project for the Java GUI for Admin. -
Outlet_SCMS :
Source code of the NetBeans Project for the Java GUI for Outlets. -
Customer_SCMS :
Source code of the NetBeans Project for the Java GUI for Customers.
Techstack used and other things required to run the project on your local machine:
- Database: Oracle Database 11.2
- Editor: Apache Netbeans IDE 12.0 (Java With Ant)
- Libraries and Drivers: JDK 1.8, ojdbc6_g.jar
- Password for Admin_SCMS login: 'admin_scms' without quotes
- Before running the any of the GUI on yor machine
- Create the database with all Tables, Procedures and Triggers defined in main.sql
- Update the connection URL, user and password in the getConnection() call in, and in the respective Project's source code.
- Customer_SCMS GUI is unfinished and shows unexpexted behaviour